Our Goal is the Salvation of the People Who Have Hardships

Sun Myung Moon
May 23, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 3 HC)
Translation: Katsumi Kambashi


Rev. Yang read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Era of Activities on World Stage," given in November, 1972.

"One can't know about the Unification Church just by seeing its activities. Our goal in life lies in the salvation of the nation, the world and the people who have hardships and are poor."

"You have to pray more than the time when I am in Korea. When I leave Korea, you feel empty, don't you? So do I. during this period, you should pray centering on my family and the church. -- - You need to understand that the time has come when our mission can reach a maximum level (우리의 사명이 절정에 긍할 수 있는 때).

When you joined the church in 60's, you didn't know anything staying in the object position of being educated. But now in the position of being responsible, holding a more serious heart than you had when you happily joined the church, you must represent the nation and always think of how you can give an advantage to heavenly path you take even by risking your life (사생결단을 내서라도).

You must know that this is the issue that each individual needs to think of. In that sense, you should pray a lot and offer Jeong Seong. During this time, you should double our membership until I come back."

(Katsumi: I think Father spoke to the Korean leaders such as Rev. Yang Hur and Rev. Man Oong Jo who had come from Korea with True Parents this time, and of course these words are meant for all of us too.) 

My First Encounter with Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
Compiled by Katsumi Kambashi
May 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – May 21, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – May 21, 2012

In the past, we have learned that Father had met Jesus on April 17, 1936 during Easter week, who asked Father to succeed to his mission. However, since last year Father differently explained his first encounter with Jesus, and I would like to organize and share those words.

Father met Jesus on his 17th birthday. Jesus came to Father to take him to the Blessing Marriage, and Father didn't know by that time the "Blessing" means the "marriage." Father said,

"In February when I was 17 years old, Jesus came to me saying 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon. Let's go to the Blessing.' I didn't know the term Blessing meant marriage at the time." (Cheon Jeong Gung on 3. 18 HC / May. 8, 2012)

In the beginning Father couldn't figure out if it was Jesus. Father's main concern then was the separation of the God of Night and the God of Day, which he mentions every time he talks about his encounter with Jesus. Father said,

"When I was 17 years old, Jesus came to me calling 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon. Let's go to receive the Blessing.' I said (raising his voice) '너 누구야 이 자식아! / Who are you, bastard! You are talking about the Blessing without knowing anything. Do you know the God of Night and the God of Day, you bastard?' He replied 'I don't care what you know, but I appear to you because the time has come. If I can't (take you), I can't help but continue until I find (someone else).'" (Cheon Jeong Gung on 11.10 HC / Dec. 4, 2011)

Jesus knew Father's name, and had in his mind a person as the bride for Father. Father said,

"When I was 17 years old in February, Jesus, without solving the problem of the God of Night and the God of Day, came to me and said 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon.' He knew my name.' (Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 25 HC / Mar. 17, 2012)

"The God of Night and the God of Day couldn't have the wedding ceremony yet. Jesus' spirit appeared to a boy called Yong Myung Moon when he was 17 years old. He knew my name. Jesus said to me, 'Let's go receive the Blessing.' It was in February that we met each other for the first time, but those were his first words to me. (Raising his voice) '이 자식, 너 누구야! (You bastard! Who are you?) Do you know the God of Night and the God of Day have been separate? How dare you come to me saying such a thing?' (Jesus said) 'I have been preparing this and there has been a person in my mind as your wife.' I was 17 years old, and didn't decide that time (나 결정 안했어)" (Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 12 HC / Mar. 4, 2012)

As I said above, the main issue Father entertained at that time was the separation of the God of Day and the God of Night. Father challenged Jesus on this issue when they met each other for the first time as follows:

"When I was 17 years old, a guy who called himself Jesus came to me saying, 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon!' I said, 'What?' He continued to say, 'Now we need to go to the marriage ceremony. Let's go to the Blessing.' I said, 'With whom? How can it happen?' He said, 'If you want, God might give you a spouse. Let's go.' Then I asked (raising his voice), 'Do you know that the God of Night and the God of Day have been separated?' If there is only one Absolute God, this world shouldn't have been like this. There shouldn't have been the judgment by the flood at Noah's time and there shouldn't have been the words that there will be the judgment by fire in the Last Days. The God of Night and the God of Day have been separated, and they aren't united. Since I had known that, I said, 'The Bible says whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name, but why can't you do that by being united with each other, having the authority of the Creator, and standing in the position of the owner?'" "(At "Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind," held in Korea on Jan. 8, 2012)

It seems Jesus didn't have an answer to Father's question and so Father went even to the spirit world to talk more with Jesus about it. Father said,

"On my 17th birthday, Jesus came to me saying "Be my substitute." I said 'Who are you? I am a person who knows the God of Night and the God of Day have been in conflict against each other. Who are you? Identify yourself.' Then he ran away from me. So I went to the spirit world to find and meet him, and said "If I need to be so, why don't you tell me that you had been trained to be able to unify the God of Night and the God of Day! What is this?' And why couldn't he do that? It is because nobody can teach the foundation and the will of True Parents." (Cheong Ah Camp at Chung Pyung on 8.17 HC / Sept. 14, 2011)

Why then did Jesus appear to Father when he was 17 years old? It is because Adam and Eve fell when they were 17 years old and to indemnify their failure Jesus was to be Blessed at that age (Father mentioned this before in his official speech). Therefore, he was 17 years old when Father was contacted with Jesus. Father said,

"The fall took place in February when Adam was 17 years old." (Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (3. 25 HC / Apr. 15, 2012)

"How did God's younger brother, which is Adam's younger brother, fall? It was February when (Eve) was 17 years old just before marriage." (At "Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind," held in Korea on Jan. 8, 2012)

That's why it was not by accident when Father met Jesus at the age of 17.

"Do you know when I encountered Jesus? It was in February when I was 17 years old by Korean count. It is not that the Second Messiah can come to appear when he wanted." (Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.16 HC / April 6, 2012)

Why then is it 2010 that Father has started to talk his Blessing Marriage initiated by Jesus at that time together with strong emphasis of the unsolved issue of the separation of the God of Night and the God of Day which he had held in his mind even before he met Jesus?

For us to fully understand it, I think we need more words from Father, but I believe this is directly related with the Foundation Day when True Parents have the Blessing Marriage (of the completion stage). I would like to share the following Father's words for reference:

"When did the God of Night and the God of Day become separate? It was in February when Adam and Eve were 17 years old." (Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 25 HC / Apr. 15, 2012)

"As of now people didn't know Heavenly Mother." (Cheon Jeong Gung on 3. 23 HC / May. 13, 2012)

"God has not accomplished the feat of His creation (창조의 위업 / 創造의偉業) yet." (Cheon Jeong Gung on 3.4 H.C. / Mar. 25, 2012)

"God wasn't finished with His creation. The individual perfection of the creation (개인창조완성) wasn't done yet. The Perfection of a couple wasn't done yet. These must be done." (King Garden on 3. 5 H.C. / Mar. 26, 2012) 

The Material Base for Becoming Harmonious

Sun Myung Moon
May 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (3. 29 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Rev. Yang read Father's speech, and after the reading he sang "고향무정." (Heartless Home) Rev. Yang Hur sang " 대한지리가" (Geographical Song of Korea), which was written by Father's granduncle Rev. Yun Gook Moon. The following are the lyrics of the song:

"동방구에 돌출한 대한반도는 동양3국 요지에 자리를 잡고 북으로는 광활한 만주평야요 동으로는 깊고 푸른 동해로다 남으로는 다도해 댛한바다요 서로는 깊고 누런 황해로다 3면바다 수중에 쌓인 해산물어류조개 수만 종 우리 보배일세 북국단에 종립한 주종 백두산 압록 두만 2대 강의 수원이 되고 동서 분류 양해의 주입을 하여 지나 소련 경계가 완연하도다 반도 중안 강원도에 빛난 금강산 세계공원 그이름은 대한의 자랑 남방창해 우뚝 솟은 재주 한라산 왕래하는 고깃배의 목표 아닌가 대동 한강 금강 전주 4대 평야는 삼천만민 동포의 의식보고요 운산 순안 개천 재령 4대 광산은 우리 대한 광체 있는 지중보물일세 경성 평양 대구 4대 도시는 우리 대한 광채 있는 지중도시일세 부산 원산 목포 인천 4대 항구는 내외국 무역선의 집중지일세 대경선을 심중으로 뻗친 철도선 경의 경부 2대 간선 연락이 되고 경원 호남양지선 남북에 뻗쳐 삼천리강산 주유 넉넉하도다 역조의 변천을 말하는 고적 단군기자 2천 년의< span> 건도지 평양 고려시조 태조 왕건 송도 개성과 이조조선 5백 년의 시왕지 경성 2천년의 문명을 빛낸신라 박혁거세 시조천 명읍지 경주 산수풍경 절승한 충청 부여는 백제 초왕온조의 창조 고적지 미래를 개척할 대한 남아야 문명의 파도는 3해를 친다 한촌산읍 평민의 머리를 씻어 미래의 세계로 맹진을 하세"

Rev. Jeong Sun Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공," (Virgin Voyeur) and then everybody sang "악어떼" (This Old Man) and "곰세마리" (The Same Roof Daddy) for Shin Pyeon Nim.

Father said, "If we didn't have Shin Pyeon at home, the material base for becoming harmonious would all be gone (화동하는 그 원료가 다 날라가요)." Mother said, "Shin Pyeon is extraordinary. (신편이는 참 신통해)" (Laughter) (Katsumi: 'Shin Pyeon' and 'Shintong' rhyme in 'Shin')

Father's boat captain made a report regarding a book which was recently published and contains the photos and data of good fishing spots around the Yeosu area as well as Father's efforts for the preparation of Expo 2012 Yeosu. Father then explained when, where, how and under what conditions one can effectively fish there and said the book contains all such information. Father emphasized one must leave such data as an encyclopedia for other people. 

30-Day Special Education of 3,600 New Tribal Messiahs

Sun Myung Moon
May 18, 2012
Cheon Shim Peace World Center on 3.18 HC


Opening ceremony of the "30-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for 3,600 New Tribal Messiahs"

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"From here we will make a new start. With the proclamation of the establishment of the Abel UN, there are 387 countries including those of the Cain UN. (We need to make) a new structure of countries centering on England, USA, France, Japan, Germany and Italy, and those (seven) countries should be centered on Korea."

"The central position that represents the whole hasn't been proclaimed on a worldwide level yet. That will be done on Foundation Day. That is the day when all Blessed families including those in the spirit world will participate with True Parents. Has God held Foundation Day before? Don't even remember the foundation days in the satanic world. They will be all gone. The era of the coming before heaven and the era of the coming after heaven have all passed."

"Each of you must practice 사생결단 전력투구 (死生決斷 全力投球: Give one's all risking one's life). With whom will you do it?"

"Foundation Day is the first day of the first year, the day when parents are born, and the day when parents are married. It is 104, or 117 years old that I go to the spirit world. Until then I have to put all in order."

"'True Parents' are thankful words."

"You have been Blessed but there hasn't been God's 옥새 (玉璽: Royal seal) yet. 옥새 is 열쇠 (key)."

True Mother read Father's speech and Father made comments during the speech.

"Nobody knew what the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is. It is Yong Myung Moon, who is standing here, that clarified its origin, its contents, and its history of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure."

True Parents left for the US later that day. 

The Closing-Door Education

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 27 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. Yang read Father’s speech from the Sermons of Rev. Moon volume 51, titled "Children’s Day and Its Mission."

"From tomorrow, the worldwide workshop will start, which is the closing -- door education. This is different from the education for opening the door. In my life, this will be the last education I have to provide. Say 387 (nations). (‘387.’) If we mobilize 100 people from each, there will be 38,700 participants. There will be no problem in mobilizing people to the workshop. If the regional church leader can’t do the mobilization to such a degree, it will be a shameful fact. No country has a political party that can give such an education to people. There hasn’t been a president of the nation that left such an idea. We at least, centering on Heaven, must do this task.

I prepared this education as the last opportunity. This is not only for Korea, but in the east, west, south, and north and fives seas and six continents. Who else can do this education? If each educates 120 this year, you can become representatives that can save the nation, substituting God, True Parents and your families. Those who are in charge of education are here today, aren’t they? From how many countries, do they participate at this meeting? Especially women must be in charge of education."

"What we have to do from now on is to establish the realm of the Tribal Messiahs and Seonghwa ceremony." *

"We need to educate the people of this nation so that they can completely enter the heavenly nation, that is, the fourth kingdom (제4차천국). Do you have your nation? I’ve lived without a nation. I haven’t been able to love my own country. A nation that you can love with father. 12 years and 13 years (after 2000?) (12년, 13년입니다.). If I still stand at the podium even I become 95 years old, I’ll be a person who isn’t streetwise. So within two years from now, I need to do 사생결단 전력투구 (死生決斷 全力投球: Give one’s all risking one’s life)."

"Jeong Ok Yu? We have only 2,600 participants this time? (‘We will have 3,600 registrations by today.’) Through education, it is not that we will make Unification Church members."

True Parents came to the opening ceremony of the "Special Workshop of OSDP" held at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center. (above)


* Father’s words at the special assembly (3.1 HC) "This is important. (Then he read a subhead in the speech) ‘Seunghwa Ceremony of the New World and the Establishment of the World Federation of New Tribal Messiah.’"

* Rev. Jeong Ok Yu’s report (3.24 HC

"Also we must be clear on how to realize God’s fatherland. From page 61 of his speech, Father talks about what we have to do fr om now on. The subhead in that page is ‘Seonghwa Ceremony of the New World and the Establishment of the World Federation of the New Tribal Messiah’ (신세계 성화예식과 신종족적 메시아 세계연합 창립)." 

Following the Subject Partner

Sun Myung Moon
May 16, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 26 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father’s speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 51, titled "Let’s Be Aware of Securing the Unified Foundation."

"When you pinch your thumb with other fingers, the thumb doesn’t move and others, which are object partners, move towards it. When you spread your hand, the thumb is the shortest, but yet still it is the subject partner. Without following the subject partner, one, as the object partner, can’t become the subject partner later."

"Whenever I go, I attend to God (하나님). Even God doesn’t like it, He can’t help but be with me. When you are asked ‘Where is God?’, there will be answers in thousands of directions, (but I will say,) ‘God represents me,’ ‘ which is ‘한 나님’ (Han Na Nim; Father’s coined word, which consists of ‘한 / Han: one,’ ‘나 / Na: I or myself,’ and 님 / Nim, a honorific title.) Everything will become ‘한 나님.’ You’ve just heard such an explanation for the first time, haven’t you? God has been ambiguous, but it is only the Korean people (한민족 / Han Min Jok:) that found God Which represents ‘I’. 

Offer Jeong Seong in Order to Receive Something New

Sun Myung Moon and Jeong Ok Yu
May 14, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 24 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – April 25, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – April 25, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"When you have offered Jeong Seong beforehand in order to receive something new, you come to understand the meaning of my words. Even if you didn’t know there were new contents, your mind knows them. Your mind knows well the path you need to take. It is the blood lineage of Lucifer that blocks the path your mind wants to take, but for anyone who offered Jeong Seong, centering on the standard of their conscience, the power of such a blood lineage goes down."

(Asking Rev. Jeong Ok Yu regarding the special workshop of 원리본체론 / Original Substance of the Divine Principle) "Who will give the lecture? Will you do all by yourself? (‘I will do the first two sessions of the five in total. We’ve already made a plan.’)"

The following are the excerpts of the report by Rev. Jeong Ok Yu on the special workshop of OSDP:

"Father always gives his words from a position where he is united with God in heart, and that’s why his words are unchanging. Those who didn’t join our church 40, 50 years ago can learn through his words how he loves God and all humankind, and that’s why Father’s words are always important. On 3.15 HC, Father called 358 leaders who have public missions in Korea to the Cheon Jeong Gung, and firstly asked for three times if we are OK to succeed to the mission of the Second Messiah as tribal Messiahs. Then he explained the necessity of holding the 30 -- day special workshop of OSDP for new 3600 tribal Messiahs. Father said this would be the last education and told me to be in charge.

Father said that the participants need to receive 6-day workshops five times, which makes 30 days. Actually, Father had said before all the Blessed families must receive the OSDP five times. Father said these five stages represent the individual era, familial era, tribal era, racial era and national era. I directly heard from those who had participated at the OSDP five times that they always learned something new at every workshop and all must participate at it five times.

Father said the most important thing of the workshop is the ‘Original Substance of the Divine Principle and the education of the absolute sexual morality’ (원리본체와 절대성교육). 원리본체 means ‘God incarnate’ (실체하나님). Father said ‘Only those who meet God, can teach clearly about Him. Only those who meet Jesus can teach clearly about him.’

How many of Christians do you think have met Jesus? Of course some have spiritually experienced Jesus but who knows Jesus’ heart and his mission viewed from God’s providence? Only there is one person, True Father. More importantly, how can we know God, Who is 원리의 본체? (The Substance of the Principle) How much do you know God? We know Him through True Parents. So when we learn from and follow True Parents, we know God. By doing so, God will be with us like He has been with True Parents. We, as the representatives of the Second Messiah, must become the tribal Messiahs.

We must know the meaning of our Foundation Day (기원절). Also we must be clear on how to realize God’s fatherland. From page 61 of his speech, Father talks about what we have to do from now on. The subhead in that page is ‘Seonghwa Ceremony of the New World and the Establishment of the World Federation of the New Tribal Messiah’ (신세계 성화예식과 신종족적 메시아 세계연합 창립).

Father told me this time prior to the workshop ‘Take off all the clothes,’ which means we need to throw away all the old customs we have. Secondly, we need to live, centering on, not ourselves, but the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. In other words, we need to have the new center of our daily lives.

Why do we have to observe absolute sexual morality? It is because that the way it is inside God. So we need to live that way resembling Him.

How can we educate 30 million people by Foundation Day? We will start with those have public missions and the Blessed families in Korea, and then they will educate and Bless their tribes.

Foundation Day is the day when Adam and Eve get married as 하나님의 실체, (The reality of God) which means the ‘perfection of God.’ From there God’s father land and the kingdom of heaven on earth will start. God’s son is His body and His daughter is His bride. In order to perfect 실체하나님, God said not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

From now on, what we have to do is to live like True Parents by resembling them.

Father said, ‘If you know True Parents up to 85%, you wouldn’t be able to live as you please.’ We have been living without knowing True Parents and God. That’s why we need the workshop of the OSDP.

In order to have many participants, the training center has been renovated and all the chairs and desks have been removed. It is not easy to participate for 30 days sitting on the floor but we need to think how serious we must be to receive Father’s words through the workshop." 

The Firm Settlement of the True Parents

Sun Myung Moon
May 13, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 23 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

‘I am attending to this speech. ‘Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind" is everything. If not for the fall, the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (could have been realized). Why is 실체말씀선포 (Proclamation of the Word of the Truth Body) necessary? This is the assembly of the cosmos, not the individual, centering on God. Look at my photo (on the speech binder),"

"East, west, south and north makes four. Five seas and six continents makes 11. So all together makes 15. When a man becomes 15 years old, his sexual organ, all organs, and the seeds are over 97% completed... (97% 넘어서요)."

(Talking about his calligraphy for Rev. Do Soon Im who had passed away recently) "You would say, ‘Why didn’t Father write 土 of 基 (Base)clearly? Why does 달 of 윤달 (Intercalation) seem to be mistakenly written?’ Only I know the reason why. When I wrote it for Sang Chul (Rev. Sang Chul Kim, ex -- president of UTS), I wrote 大表者 (대표자, Representatives) but this time I wrote 代表者 (대표자: Representative). I wrote it correctly this time. (Katsumi: Usually 대표자 is written as 代表者 and I think 大表者 is Father’s coined word, which probably has the same meaning of ‘representative’) Then I wrote big the upper part of 入 (입: to enter) of 入國 (입국: to enter the nation). Why? This means ‘Reveal in front of your children and tribe!’"

‘The reason why I need this speech is because this is the final proof document of mine (선생님의 최후의 증거문서)."

"As of now people didn’t know Heavenly Mother."

"1,000 years before the Mongol Empire, there was a kingdom in Korea, which was Goguryeo."

"누 (Nu) of 누시엘 (Nushiel: Lucifer) symbolizes 류 (Lu) of 인류 (Illu: humankind). 시 (shi) is 씨 (‘shi: seed), and 엘 (el) symbolizes 열매 (Yeol mae: fruit). Lucifer is the Archangel, which is the ‘seeds of humankind.’" 

The Emperor Meiji, Emperor Taisho, and Emperor Showa are Enemies

Sun Myung Moon
May 12, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 22 HC)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – May 10, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – May 10, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

'Providential countries centering on 조국광복 (restoration of God's fatherland) are England, USA, France, Japan, Germany, Italy, and Korea. The issue here is that 84% of the people in the world have Mongolian birthmarks. It is only me in the world that bands them all together (through 몽고반점동족연합 /蒙古斑点同族連合 / Federation of Mongolian-Marked Kin), I was finished with the fifth convention as of now. To unite them is the quickest way and how can God's will be realized without it?"

"What I want to propose here is that the Emperor Meiji, Emperor Taisho, and Emperor Showa (in Japan) are enemies with each other. The investigation has been going on. With what grounds do I say this? I can't say it here but Hyoyul (Dr. Peter Kim) knows all."

"A variety of people joined the Unification Church but they don't know what absolute sexual morality (절대성 / 絶對性) is. Absolute sexual morality must be the pillar of the education for the people in the nation. There hasn't been such a tradition. In the Garden of Eden, there shouldn't have been two ancestors. What the fall means is that two ancestors appeared. People don't know the terms such as the God of Night and the God of Day, which are true. It is only Rev. Moon that clarified such difficult problems. Since there were two ancestors, your mind and body fight against each other. Is Rev. Moon promoting or not the issues such as absolute sexual morality, unity of the Mongolian-marked races, and the international and intercultural marriage?"

(Showing his speech binder) "How does this photo of me look like? To which direction am I facing in the photo? Since I hadn't explained the significance of the photo, nobody knew it including Seon Jo Hwang."

"I say in my speech that the restoration of God's fatherland is realized in Korea."

"When God created Adam and Eve, He received the support from Lucifer, who was supposed to follow God' absolute direction. How did God and Lucifer become enemies against each other and why was Lucifer kicked out?"

"실체말씀선포 (Proclamation of the Word of the Truth Body). If Adam and Eve didn't take the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the proclamation of the "Word of the True Body" is unnecessary." 

Proclamation of the True Body

Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 21 HC)

Sun Myung Moon - May 4, 2012

Sun Myung Moon - May 4, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Look at my picture (on his speech binder). This is a historical photo. The title is 천지인참부모정착 실체말씀선포 천주대회 (Proclamation of the Word of the True Body through the Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). When the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is firmly settled, everything has been done. What is the Word of the Truth Body (실체말씀)? It is the proclamation of the words of the True Parents. For what purpose did True Parent come? For the sake of the proclamation of the Word of the Truth Body (실체말씀). For whom? For the sake of the cosmic family, one family in heaven and on earth. This title hasn't been realized yet.

Tomorrow, the Expo 2012 will be opening at Yeosu. Two days ago, the city invited me together with around 20 people to the venue as the representative of the participants to the opening ceremony. The theme of the Expo is 'the Ocean'. For whom does the water in the ocean exist? For the sake of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. One must be united through the blood lineage with True Parents' family and tradition. It is the blood lineage of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who are firmly settled. I was surprised with the theme which is to awaken the people to the tradition of True Parents.

Seven years ago, Yeosu failed to win the right to host the Expo. (This time the city won it because) 조국광복 (the Restoration of God's fatherland) has been announced. (Korea is) God's father land, which illuminates the world like the sun shines light onto the earth."

"What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? God called Adam, Eve and Archangel and said that. Were there True Parents at that time, who are man and woman representing heaven and earth?"

(Taking out his two notebooks from his speech binder) "These are my notebooks. This (bigger one) is the famous notebook from Las Vegas. This one (smaller one that Father has used since 2001) is black. This (bigger one) is not red nor green, but shiny as if it embraced the whole, and this is heavy. The size of the smaller one is 3/5th of the bigger one, which doesn't just happen."

"Why is it 동서남북 (east, west, south and north), not 서동북남 (west, east, north and south)? It was east that was the darkest. The darkest place in the cosmos can be the brightest place. Centering on the sun, the order of east, west, south and north was decided."

"I provided this notebook (the smaller one) when the Cheon Il Guk started. I have used half of it."

"Before seeing a man (Adam) at the age of 17 years, a woman (Eve) of 16 years old rode on Lucifer who is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생인 누시엘). So Lucifer is also (in the position of) younger brother of Adam and Eve (아담해와의 동생)."

(Katsumi: Adam and Eve were to be '실체하나님 / God incarnate.' So in that sense, Lucifer's position could be considered as the younger brother. I think what Father emphasizes here is, like he had done before many times, that the human fall had happened with Lucifer of their kin, which is a totally unprincipled relationship.)

"How old is the Second Messiah? (Nobody dared to answer). How old was the Second Messiah when he was married for the first time and how old was the bride? (Nobody answered either.) “I was 24 years old when I was married in April to a woman who was 19 years old."

(To Shin Jun Nim who came to greet True Father) "You like father (which means True Father), don't you? Do you like also your aunts? (To all participants) You are aunts for him. Who is Lucifer? It is God's younger brother. Therefore God created Adam and Eve together with His brother (동생과 더불어 아담해와를 창조했어). Lucifer existed before Adam was created, did he? You didn't know this."

(Katsumi: Father says Lucifer is God's brother even it was created by God. Also, though Lucifer had existed before Adam was created, Father calls Lucifer as 'Adam's younger cousin' or sometimes 'Adam's younger brother.' Likewise, there were male participants that day but Father didn't call them as Shin Jun Nim's uncles: instead Father called all as Shin Jun Nim's aunts. As such, Father's clarification on 'who is who, in the context of the blood lineage is unprecedented and complex, which, I think, aims at establishing a original and heavenly order from the heartistic viewpoint.)

(To Dr. Peter Kim) "Hyoyul! ('Yes.') What are the three great principles of food? ('They are fat, proteins, and carbohydrates.') Which comes first? ('I'm not sure.') There must be an order." 

Visit to the Expo 2012

Sun Myung Moon
May 10, 2012
Yeosu (3.20 HC)


Note: The following information is posted on the web page 통일교. These notes cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

True Parents visited the venue of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea, which will be held later this year.

The following is the official site of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea: www.worldexpo2012.com/

(Katsumi: Any international event especially held in Korea, God's fatherland, is 'Messianic" or providentially important and has True Father always in great concern. Yeosu, together with Geomundo, where Father has been greatly investing himself even before Yeosu city was awarded the right to host the expo, are the doors to Korea in the Pacific Rim) 

The Fatherland Sees The Light Again

Sun Myung Moon
May 8, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 18 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 4, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 4, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

May 8, 2012 falls on 어버이날 (Parents' Day) in Korea, and prior to the meeting True Parents cut the cake, Hun Suk Nim and Yeon Ah Nim offered flowers, and Kook Jin Nim holding Shin Pyeon Nim and Hyung Jin Nim offered gifts for them.

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "International Circumstances and Our Responsibility," given on Nov 7, 1971.

"It is 동서남북 (east, west, south and north), not 서동북남 (west, east, north and south). Also it is 오대양육대주 (the five seas and six continents), not 육대주오대양 (six continents and five seas). The seas must come first. (Our first training center is located at) 수택리 (水澤里 Sutaekri).

(Katsumi: '수' means 'water.' Father often says we must spiritually wash ourselves there.)"

"조국광복 (祖國光復 / restoration of fatherland). It means the fatherland sees the light again. Where did this word come from? When and where did we have the fatherland? It is Oct. 3 when we proclaimed our fatherland that represents heaven and earth. (Showing his notebook) This is the only notebook which records things regarding Oct. 3. (Then Father took out from the notebook two photo cards of True Parents). If you don't have them, you can't be a heavenly citizen. Who has them here? Anyone who has these knows where their hometown is. (Showing the photo card which has True Parents in holy robes with crowns) This is the photo of our wedding when we became kings. (Putting the two cards together) Do you have these or not? Japanese and Koreans held the 6516 Couples Blessing (in 1988). "

"Which comes first, man or woman? Answer to me. Did a woman start to resemble a man or a man start to resemble a woman? ('It is the woman that starts to resemble the man.') Is it true? Night symbolizes woman. Then why do they say 밤낮 (Night and day), not 낮밤 (Day and night)? Why 동서남북 (east, west, south and north), not 서동북남 (west, east, north and south)? The west symbolizes a woman and the east symbolizes a man. Why is the eastern culture the subject partner?"

"Do you know this? In the Unification Church, I am to educate the Blessed families, and I can't educate those who don't know the Blessing. (통일교회에서는 축복한 사람들을 선생님이 가르치게 되어있지, 축복을 몰랐으면 가르쳐줄수 없습니다). Did you come here with the full understanding of the Blessing?"

"What are 'words'? It is words that can be the mother of the cosmos. (우주의 어머니될 수 있는 것이 말입니다.)"

"Absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Why does love come after faith? Who said to have the absolute obedience? There is no King in Korea. Say 은진미륵 (恩津彌勒/ Eun Jin Mi Reuk; a stone statue of Buddha in Eun Jin, Korea, made in 967 AD). It is 은 (Eun) and so it isn't gold. (Katsumi: Father thinks of the Chinese Character 銀 instead of 恩 for 은 / Eun, which means 'silver') Also it is 미륵, not 왕륵. (Katsumi: Father thinks of the Chinese Character 未 instead of 彌, which means 'not yet.' '왕 / Wang' means 'King' and so Father means 'King Buddha' by '왕륵'.) So 은진미륵 (Eun Jin Mi Reuk) is a false king. It should be 금진왕륵 (Katsumi: '금 / 金 / Geum' means 'gold.') King is the substitute of God."

(Reading the speech title) "천지인 참부모정착 실체말씀선포 천주대회. These are actually reversed in order. After the proclamation of the word of the Truth Body at the cosmic assembly, the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is realized. Did you know they are reversed?"

(Katsumi: With this important explanation of Father, the English title of his speech would be 'Cosmic Assembly of the Proclamation of the Word of the Truth Body for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind')

"In February when I was 17 years old, Jesus came to me saying 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon. Let's go to the Blessing.' I didn't know the term Blessing yet at that time, which means the marriage."

All sang "저 높은 곳을 향하여" (Higher Ground). 

Rest Together With God, Father and Mother

Sun Myung Moon
May 7, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 17 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – April 25, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – April 25, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 50, titled "In Order to Form the True World." The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"This is the palace where one can rest together with God, father and mother. Take a look around this palace at day time, at night time and before dawn, and then you will understand there is no other palace like this. This is the only one palace. Yesterday evening, I was on the third floor and prayed. Until now, I've never breathed freely living here.

Now, there is no spirit world. Everything is together in one point and there is no God. Who can save the current situation? Not the God of Night nor the God of Day. Mother can't go beyond by herself. It is centered on Father who goes with nothing else but this speech book. (영계도 없어졌어요 이제는. 한점에 모여, 한점에. 하나님도 없어졌고 밤의 하나님 낮의 하나님 누가 일을 구해줘야되느냐면 밤의 하나님도 안되고 낮의 하나님도. 어머니도 어머니 자신이 못 넘어갑니다. 아버님중심삼고. 딴것 아니라 이 책하나 들고)

(Katsumi: What Father meant here is, I think, with the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, not the spirit world nor even God, but True Parents, especially True Father is the center.)

(Father held his speech file) No other thing is necessary. This can't be exchanged with national treasures nor even with sons and daughters. This can't be exchanged with mother and father either. I am also going beyond centering on this. (선생님도 이것 중심으로 넘어갈려고 그래).

To whom does the cosmos belong? That is not yours but parents'. This (a notebook Father took out from his speech file, which Father had received in a hotel in Las Vegas) is the notebook of Las Vegas, and this (his speech file) is the notebook of the restoration of God's fatherland. The course of restoration is only one path and you can't go at it as you like."

"Not the word, but the mathematical principle comes first. There hasn't been a heavenly family since there hasn't been the number 7."

(Indicating the date in his calligraphy on the wall, which is 5.27 HC, 2010) "How on that day, can Father and Mother become united and record it (which is 'Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the Truth Body')?"

(Having talked the date when Father gave the speech in the past) "Have you ever thought what time the speech is to be given? It shouldn't be in the morning. (It is to be) between 3:00 pm and 4:00 p.m."

(Showing his pocket notebook, which has been used since 2001) 'I'm not playing with this. If I lose this, I lose everything. (Father showed two photo cards of True Parents from the notebook). This is the photo of parents sitting with crowns. (Then he showed another photo of True Parents who are standing)"

"I don't know the Creator and the God of Night Who had been in the Garden of Eden. In this era, it is the Second Messiah that works where God has been kicked out. I know God has been kicked out. (에덴 동산에서 뭐 창조주가 어떤 놈이고 밤의 하나님이 어떤 놈인지 나 모릅니다. 난 지금 시대에, 재림주가 뭐냐하면, 에덴동산에서 하나님이 쫓겨났어. 그?겨난 모르는 자리에서 일하는 것이 하나님이?겨난 것은 나 알아.)" 

My Family is the Center of Heaven and Earth

Sun Myung Moon
May 6, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 16 HC)

Sun Myung Moon - May 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon - May 5, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 50 from the page 186. After the reading, Father said,

"Do you think, 'My family is our family, our family is the family of the world, and the center of heaven and earth'?" 

2012 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune Commemorative Service

Sun Myung Moon
May 5, 2012

True Parents speaking at the CheongShim Peace World Center

True Parents speaking at the CheongShim Peace World Center

On the 2nd day of the '2012 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune' (Purification Azalea Festival) (May 5) at the CheongShim Peace World Center, we welcomed True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, to hold the '2012 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune Commemorative Service' (Commemorative Service).

Members from around the world already filled up the stands from an hour before the actual start of the Commemorative Service. True Parents, who arrived 20 minutes before the original time at 5:40 pm, sat in their special seats in Sky Box. Members welcomed True Parents with great applause and offered a bow to True Parents towards the Sky Box.

After the opening address by the MC, Rev. Jun-ho Seuk, President of Unification Church-Korea, everybody sang the Cheon Il Guk anthem then prayed to the representative prayer offered by President Rev. Jeong-og Yu. Then multiple art performances were performed by Little Angels Children's Folk Ballet of Korea.

After the commemorative performance, True Parents moved from the Sky Box to the stage. While True Parents were moving, all the members sang the 'Grace of the Holy Garden' lead by Rev. Myeong-gwan Lee, General Director of Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center.

True Parents were then welcomed by a greater applause to the stage and after receiving the bouquet from MR. and Mrs. Hong-ju Kim, Parish Leader, True Parents went to the podium to begin his speech.

True Father first read the title of the pamphlet, "'2012 Purification Azalea Festival for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune Commemorative Service' True Parents' Words" then a great applause roared from all the members. He said, "How should Unification Church be from now on?" and began his speech.

"The problem that came about after the Fall was, 'Does the true come first or does the substantial body come first?' Because we lost the substantial body we have to complete the providence of salvation in other words the providence of restoration.

Providence of restoration or in other words, what is the restoration of the homeland? It means that we are able to see the light again.

Until now the realm of universal settlement was not established. To establish such realm of settlement, what I have emphasized was the Words. The most precious in the midst of words is heaven, earth and humankind.

So what is the problem? It is the time when the creator who becomes owner of the great universe and the owner who can become the center arrives.

At the Garden of Eden, God called Adam and Eve and the arch angel and said, 'When the day that you eat the fruit of good and evil is the day that you will die'. So what is this fruit of good and evil?

You have to think about what comes first; the fruit of good and evil, religion, or heaven. What does? You must rethink about this. Does the fruit of good and evil come first or does religion come first or is it this world? The day that you commit the crime of eating the fruit of good and evil is the day that this world disappears.

Because of this fruit of good and evil, God came about and True Parents and the fake parents as well as the Garden of Eden.

You must have that mindset of restoring the homeland and send a bright light upon this homeland once again.

All the people who are here heard, 'Were you born from a sperm and ovum that met together before the eating of the fruit of good and evil, in other words, were you born from the connection from God the father and God the mother? Are you the fallen generation that appeared after eating the fruit of good and evil?' and are people who appeared before eating the fruit of good and evil and received the marriage blessing after the meeting of the sperm of heavenly father and ovum of heavenly father.

If you eat the fruit of good and evil you will die. The fruit of good and evil comes first. We were unable to create a world without eating the fruit of good and evil. That is the truth.

That fallen lineage, blood and flesh mixed up together and overflowed from that vase and flowed into the family. That family of Adam created the Adam tribe. The 8 stages of Adam, era of individual, era of family, era of race, era of tribe, era of nation, era of world and era of universe. Before overcoming such 8 stages of peaks, the wish of not eating the fruit of good and evil, that world of the Garden of Eden, never appeared even in our dream in this history of man.

So who is the person who could show this place and open the gates to this place? It's not the family. It's only one person. Who is this person? It is 'Moon!' say it with me, it is 'Moon Sun Myung'. If I start talking about this then it will be very long. (applause) Ladies and gentlemen, there are no other person other than me who can reveal the secrets of the history."

Father spoke for around 2 hours and emphasized the practice of the Words. All members listened carefully to the precious words of True Father.

Then True Father concluded his speech by connecting the 4 representative flowers of Korea, forsythia, Korean rhododendron, royal azalea and hibiscus.

"Since its flower festival (Purification Azalea Festival) let's talk about flowers. Forsythia, the color of forsythia is yellow, pink or red? The yellow flower is the color. In January, lilies bloom on the river bed. Lilies are mysterious. The sky's 'heaven', earth's 'earth', black 'gen', yellow 'hwang'. Heaven is black and earth is yellow. Our ancestors are geniuses. Why did they call it forsythia? They lived through winter by being buried under water. Forsythia flowers bloom a lot. Everyone else died away after a thunder strike but only forsythia lived beautifully in yellow.

What is next? Korean rhododendron. (Korean pronunciation 'Jindarle') Comfort me (Jincha darle). The flower that comes to me and grabs hold me is the Korean rhododendron. I truly love it. As a special authority as a parent, the mother can always go and meet with her son and daughter who went to hell.

That Korean rhododendron is a symbol of peace and a flower of love. It is the flower of love of the father and mother. It is a pink flower. Is it white? It's not red right? Did you know that we eat the flowers of the Korean rhododendron? Because it is sweet. The mother doesn't just have love but has a bitter taste, sweet taste and so on. There are five tastes in the Korean rhododendron.

What comes next? The azalea flower. It's also called the pillar of azalea. It is the center of all flowers. It soars victory. Among the forsythia and Korean rhododendron, the azalea (cholchuk) thwacking (chol-sok). It is the garden that becomes the center of the victorious supremacy.

Then last come the hibiscus. There are yellow lights, pink lights, red lights, blue lights, and purple lights. There are 5 different colors that shine from that flower. It is so beautiful.

I made this garden, 12,000 km (Korean peninsula) cover in the flowers of forsythia, Korean rhododendron, azalea and hibiscus. The scent of hibiscus is a joyful smell that praises the sky which Satan dislikes. Satan will run away as soon as he smells something nice. At such joyful house of the restoration of the homeland, the beloved families of 7.2 billion people, if they are not my sons and daughters or descendants, then what are they? I am truly happy.

Eog-eog-man-mansei. Our homeland is eternal. Let's live in love with God. It is very good. Applause! (applause) spring, summer, autumn and winter, the heavenly fortune and happiness of prince and royalties who became victory of all four seasons will be there! Aju! (applause) let's offer our gratitude, and remember that we are in an era where we can love God. Aju! Let's live happily! Applause! Let's welcome!"

Then, True Father requested True Mother to sing a song, 'On-ma-ya, Nu-na-ya' (Mother, elder sister) which was sang beautifully. Then at the end, True Mother changed the last lyrics (On-ma-ya, Nu-na-ya Let's live in Chung Pyung'.

True Mother then said, 'We are living in an era of the wives so the 3 wives should come out and sing a song then the sons will come next'. Choe Yo Na Nim, Jae Nim and Lee Yo Na Nim came to the stage and sang 'Cheon Il Guk song' (the original song is called 'seoul song' but they changed the Seoul to Cheon Il Guk).

Then, Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim came to the stage and said, 'Thank you True Parents. Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to sing a song that Hyo Jin brother always used to like to sing to father' and sang 'If I can dream'.

'Somewhere, the brightest light of all lights

Magpie that flies high above the blue sky

New World, if we are going to dream it then brothers and sisters will hold hands and believe


We will grant that dream

Someday, this peaceful world will grant such promise, chasing suspicion and fear away

Believing that all people will be shined with warm light of fire


We will grant that dream

Lost in the dark wilderness, caught in a world of temptation and pain

But, if we can dream, soul will soar high above the heavens

The candle light that moves in the dark shadow

If you think about it, standing, walking or even dreaming about it then your dreams will come true'

After Mr. Won-ju Peter singing the 'Daughter of the Soyang river' True Father sang 'The Free land of heart', the members of the True Family and all members attending sang the song together with True Parents.

At around 9 pm, True Father left the stage saying, 'annyeong! Sayonara (Japanese of saying goodbye) and the 3 cheers of eog-manse by Rev. and President Yong-seop Song of UPF-Japan. Everybody offered their bows and said, 'True Parents Thank you very much' for 3 times. 

Lucifer is a Younger Cousin of Adam and Eve

Sun Myung Moon
May 5, 2012
Azalea Festival (3.15 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

The following are additional notes of his speech that day.

"The Creator who created the whole cosmos couldn’t explain either what the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is. Did Adam and Eve, who were there listening to God, understand what God meant by saying the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? How about Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel? None of them knew about it. From the beginning of history until now, there has been only one person who clarified what it is. It is Rev. Moon."

"Lucifer, a younger cousin of Adam and Eve, occupied Eve and Adam. There is no such principle." 

At the Chung Pyung Azalea Festival

Sun Myung Moon
May 5, 2012
(3.15 HC)


Note: The following information is posted on the web page 통일교. These notes cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Father started his speech at the festival as follows:

"The issue after the fall is 'Which comes first, truth or substance?' Since substance was lost, God conducted through the truth, the providence of salvation, which is the providence of restoration." "What is the providence of restoration? That means, what is 조국광복 (restoration of God's fatherland)? It is 'to see the light again.'"

"Until now, the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath (천주 안식권) hasn't been realized. For me to realize it, it has been 말씀 (truth) that I put emphasis on. What is precious among the truth is 천지인(Heaven, Earth, and Humankind)."

"The important thing is the time when the Creator Who can become the Owner of the cosmos and the owner who can become the center appear."

"In the Garden of Eden, God called Adam, Eve, and the Archangel, and said, 'When you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die.' What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Which comes first, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, religion or the kingdom of heaven? Which comes first? You must think about it again. Which comes first, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, religion or the world? When one eats the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and ruin themselves, the world will be gone."

"Because of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God came to appear, True Parents came to appear, false parents came to appear and the Garden of Eden appeared." (선악과 때문에하나님도 나오기 시작했고, 참부모도 나오기 시작했고, 거짓부모도 나오기 시작했고, 에덴동산이라는 것이 나왔습니다.)

"You must keep in mind 'God's fatherland on earth' and hope to see the light on it again." (이 땅 위에 조국광복이라는 것을 마음에 둬가지고 조국 위에 다시 빛을 바래야 됩니다.)

"Those who are here are the descendants who were born from the sperm and egg, which existed before the fall, through the unity of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother? Or are you the descendants of the fall who were born after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? When you are asked such questions, your answer must be that you are from the Marriage Blessing of the sperm of the Heavenly Father and the egg of the Heavenly Mother which existed before Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.'"

"When you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die. The fruit comes in the first place, and the world where people practice that fundamental principle and don't eat it should have been realized."

"The blood and flesh of the blood lineage and tradition of the fall has been tangled and boiled, and spread from Adam's family like water that overflowed from an exploded jar. Before going over all the eight stages such as individual, familial, tribal, racial, national, worldwide, or cosmic levels, the world of the Garden of Eden where God didn't want them to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has never appeared in the process of history. Where is the person that can make it happen and explain it by opening the door and changing the names? Not in a family. It is one individual, Rev. Moon, a man that is standing here. It is Yong Myung Moon. There is nobody who can reveal the fundamentals of history more than I do."

Then Father spoke for about two hours putting an emphasis on the practice of the truth. Father concluded his speech talking about forsythia, azalea, royal azalea, and rose of Sharon.

Mother sang '엄마야 누나야." (Mother, Sister) Yeon Ah Choi Nim, Jiye Nim, Yeon Ah Lee Nim sang "천일국 찬가." (Cheon Il Guk Anthem) Hyung Jin Nim sang one of Hyo Jin Nim's songs. Mrs. McDevitt sang "소양강 처녀," (Soyang Virgin) and True Father sang "마음의 자유천지" (Freedom of the Mind of Heaven and Earth) to which all True Children and participants joined. 

True Parents Sang

Sun Myung Moon
May 5, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3.15 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 50, titled "Person Who Puts the Unification Thought into Practice."

After the reading, she sang "천년바위," (Rock of Ages) Mother sang "봄이 오면," (Spring) and Father sang together with them. All sang together '대한의 노래." (The Song) All brothers sang "광야의사나이." (Man of the wilderness) Father sang "할미꽃" (Pasque Flower) and then Mother led to sing the song again changing "할미꽃" (Pasque Flower) to "할아버지 꽃." (Grandpa Flower) True Parents together with all sang "대한팔경" (The 80,000,000,000,000,000) and "엄마야 누나야." (Mother, Sister.) At the end of singing, Shin Pyeon Nim was brought to True Parent, he offered a bow, and Father kissed him. When Mother told him to do Mansei, he offered a bow again. All sang "동산의 노래" (Song of the Garden) while True Parents were cradling Shin Pyeon Nim. 

You Don't Know The Resurrection

Sun Myung Moon
May 4, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 14 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Course Jesus must Take." After the reading Father said the following.

"(Do you sing) a song of the resurrection which means one dies and then resurrects, or a song of looking for the path of death on the cross? You don't know the resurrection, do you? What was the conclusion of the speech today? It is that the era of God's full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence (하나님의 전체·전반·전권·전능시대) is coming. What do you think would happen to the false people when the world, where there are no false things, is realized? Jesus before the cross and after the cross is the same person, however, since people opposed him, he appeared different in the resurrection. God's full authority isn't somewhere else to be found: if you always live together with the Messiah, you have experienced the era of God's full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence before dying, and as such in the spirit world where you go after you die will be a place you can dominate. Mull over the meaning of what I've just said if you think you understand it. (To Mrs. McDevitt) Sing a song."

True Mother and Mrs. McDevitt sang "천년바위" (Rock of Ages) and Father joined them in singing. Father sang "농군의 노래." (Farmers of the Song) True Parents together sang "산유화," which lyrics Father constantly changed while singing. Then True Parents sang together with all "희망의 나라로," "오빠생각," (Into the Kingdom of Hope, Thinking about My Brother) "뒷동산의 할미꽃" (The Pulsatilla Dwitdongsan) and "봄처녀." (Bomcheonyeo) At the end of singing "고향무정," (Heartless Home) Father said as if he were delivering his lines,

"'My parents have gone somewhere to offer the altar. 
I am alone and want to find them. 
Mother, Father please save me.'

(Father laughed) When you sing a song, associate the words with other things as I did now. Then singing songs is more tasteful and you will shed tears by doing so." 

Everyone Must Breathe

Sun Myung Moon
May 3, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung, Geomundo (3. 13 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - May 4, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - May 4, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. Yang read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 49, titled "Our Position of the Times." There were about 10 participants including Hyung Jin Nim.

While she was reading, Father suddenly started to speak.

"Everyone must breathe in and breathe out banding everything together into a new direction. Otherwise, everyone will (continue to) have a maximum problem. (Indicating each person) You were caught in Geomundo (너는 거문도에 걸렸고), you were caught in the sea yesterday morning (너는 어제 아침에 바다에 걸렸고), you were caught in the position to become the owner by building the 277th boat (277회의 선박을 지어가지고 주인될수 있는 그 자리에 걸려있고) and all were caught (다 걸려 있어). Rev. Moon (can go to) any nation and any place. We must throw away everything we have here. It will be the new place where all will be put in order as one, like a small round steel, which must be swallowed, circulated in the whole body, and be delivered in the original position where there is no 'I.' (그것이 하나로 수습돼가지고 동그란 조그마한 강철ƒˆ이 되어 삼켜볼때 그 삼켜본 강철보다 작은 것이 어느 손에 다 돌아가지고 본연의 모습에 나눠줄 수 있는 내가 없어진 그 자리가 새로이 있어진 자리다). Then where will we go?

Going through 수태 (Sutae Impregnation) and 영태 (Yeongtae), one must realize they are the origin of the invisible center. But they must go up again and shouldn't go down. After they go up while revolving, they go down vertically and must newly appear. Coming here with me doesn't mean that everything is fine. This is the most scary place."

(Katsumi: "수태/ Sutae" is '受胎" in Chinese Character, which usually means 'conception.' But Father often uses the Chinese characters "水胎" for this term, which has the same Korean pronunciation with the meaning of "conception in the water." Father sometimes uses this coined term to mean "ocean" or "ocean providence" too. I think the Chinese character of 영태(Yeongtae) is 靈胎, which means "conception or birth in the spirit world.")

"Yesterday and this morning too, I was called 'Sun Myung!' Is it Sul Myung (설명: explanation) or Sun Myung? One who isn't able to explain things can't become Sun Myung. 어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) appears at the crossroad. When I appear big, it appears small, and when I appear small, it appears big. When it becomes bright in the east, 어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) goes to the dark place. I named it as Oh Duk Shin. Its Chinese Characters are 御得神." (*See at the end of this email for Father's words given last year regarding this unique existence)

"What do you do after you've caught a fish? One must know how to cook them for humankind. Fish must be cooked tastefully."

"천지인 참부모 정착 실체 말씀 선포 천주대회 (Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the Truth Body) It has all been finished. Everything has been contained in the title such as the era before the coming of heaven, era after the coming of heaven, Abel UN, Cain UN, and even the solar system."


* The following are Father's words regarding 어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) given on 10.2 HC /Oct. 28, 2011

"어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) called me 'Yong Myung! (Father's original name)' (Then a participant asked Father what the Chinese Characters are for that term, and Father explained writing with his finger) It is 御(어/ Oh) and 得(득 / Deuk). This term can't be found in the Principle book. This is the term only Rev. Moon uses. Who is the King of 어둑신? (It is me because) I named it calling 'You are 어둑신.' I told it 'When I am at the crossroad, you have the responsibility to teach me where to go.' Then it said 'OK, OK.' 어둑신 talked roughly to me in the beginning but later said to me in a polite manner 'Let's meet together again.' When we met for the first time, it called me 'Yong Myung!' but later it said 'Mr. Moon.' The Chinese character for 신 (shin) is 申 not 辛. Centering on the south, it must attend to me, and so I named it as 어둑신."

(Katsumi: "어둑신 / Oh Duk Shin" or "어둑서니 / Oh Duk Seo Ni" is a North Korean dialect term which means 'something which actually doesn't exist but seems to exist in the dark.' But Father often uses this term as 'a spiritual existence that stays at the crossroad in the dark.' I remember Father said that this is not the God of Night but I also heard from Rev. Yoo who said that Father had said that this is the God of Night. Father says 어둑 but when he explained the Chinese Characters he says 어득 as 御得 since 得 is 득. There is no Chinese character for 둑)