
Connecting the Five Seas and the Six Continents Centering on Las Vegas

Sun Myung Moon
July 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo (HC 6.7)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs.Yang read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "Proud of the Disciples of Christ in the Completed Testament Age." The following are excerpts of her reading:

"In Asia, they believe, not 'rebirth,' but 'doctrine of reincarnation (윤회설),' which comes from Buddhism, which without knowing the whole picture, see the resurrection of the spirit self through earthly people. The spirit self in the spirit world wants to receive benefits through people on earth. That is their demand.

Originally, perfected human beings are a valuable existence which can dominate the angelic world and the whole cosmos. But due to the fall, they fell down by several ranks, and so they must go up to their original state. In that course, they can't make it at once: they should go up step by step through the course of restoration starting from the individual level to the familial, tribal, racial, national, and the worldwide levels.

In order to go up to a higher level, an indemnity condition must be paid. It can't be achieved within a couple of days: a certain time period based on the principle number is necessary such as 7 years, 40 years, 70 years or even several centuries. So some spirits, who had helped earthly people, go back to the spirit world on the way without being able to continue to a higher level.

For example, if a spirit self named Paul helped person A but this person couldn't pay indemnity conditions and make a foundation within a requested period and died, Paul chooses person B and wants to resurrect through that person, in order for him to go up to a higher level. So Paul who resurrects through person B is the same spirit self that could have resurrected through person A. There must be a certain period without fail and the periods are always principle numbers, and if the person B can't make it, Paul chooses person C for resurrection. Under such circumstances, person A, B or C could say 'I am Paul,' and people, by seeing such external phenomena without knowing the whole picture, come to believe the doctrine of reincarnation.

If one believed in Christ individually without forming a family and went to the spirit world, they must resurrect to go to the familial, tribal, national, and worldwide levels. It would take millions of years to accomplish such a course. This applies to Jesus too who has been in paradise. When Jesus resurrected through a certain person, they would say 'I am Jesus.' You must know the principle when you see spiritual phenomena.

'Resurrection' argued in the Divine Principle exactly fits the reality in the spirit world and it teaches you the formal course in the spirit world. Throughout history, many religious people experienced the spirit world without comprehending how the spirit world works. When you study the principle, don't learn it just thinking of the logic. You must understand and practice the principle, and make a victorious foundation. For example, after having understood the fact about Noah's family, Abraham's family, Moses' course, and the history of Jesus and the John the Baptist, you need to make indemnity conditions for all of them and restore victorious foundations.

Without standing in the position of winning against Satan by restoring all the failures, we can't establish God's will. In the past, central figures in the history of restoration such as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, or Moses didn't know it. The Second Messiah must restore the failures on individual, familial, tribal,racial and national levels that have occurred in the past.

When you meet and come to believe and follow Christ, what would happen? When he goes through all those levels and reaches perfection, you will receive the benefits on the individual, familial, and tribal levels and go up higher centering on the national level.

When a person on the individual level meets Christ and wants to go up to the familial level, they must pay an indemnity condition on earth. Likewise, those who are on the familial level and want to go up to the tribal level must go through an indemnity course. Consequently, I can say the longer one has been with the Unification church, the more they have paid indemnity conditions. This means the longer you have been with the church, the closer you are to me. Until reaching the national level, we go up vertically, and then we must establish a national structure. But until we reach such a level, we could experience falling down again and again. It is important how we can go beyond the national level and be settled.

Since the Messiah knows how to indemnify history, even if people can't make indemnity conditions, if they are united with him, the indemnity period could be shortened. When a heavenly nation is settled together with the Messiah, you can imagine how fast the restoration of the whole world can take place. By only having a nation, we can go beyond the paradise level, which is like a waiting room prior to going to the kingdom of heaven. You must understand how important it is to have a nation.

If you don't have a nation and go to the spirit world, through resurrection, you will be able to save individuals and families and can't receive aid from solid authority. In other words, you can't become a qualified person who can fight against Satan. When there is a nation, you can be registered. Have you been registered? You have been registered to the Unification Church but couldn't do so to a nation yet. Without having a nation, one can't become a citizen of the nation.

Therefore, the wish of the people in the spirit world is to be able to help the people of the heavenly nation. Once we have such a nation, resurrection of the people of the spirit world can take place horizontally. That means when you make efforts, they will substantially remain eternally. However in the course of finding such a nation, even if one has made great efforts, everything will be gone when they make mistakes. That has actually been repeated in history. In the course of indemnity, everything has been gone, but after having a nation, all the effort people make will remain eternally as their results.

Once we have a nation, we can have our ambassadors in all countries in the world. Once the Unification Church and Christianity are united, we will have the ambassadors, missionary centers, and our church members. Our ambassadors are in Abel's position and presidents and prime ministers in the countries are in Cain's position. When Abel's realm and Cain's realm become one, they form together one Abel realm. It is God that always helps the Abel realm, and we will be able to invite all the volunteers from the world to develop our nation."

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

After the reading Father said,

"I am now connecting the five seas and the six continents centering on Las Vegas." 

Transfer the Ideal that I Have Fought for to Mother as her Dream

Sun Myung Moon
June 15, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo (4.26 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

After cradling Shin Pyeon Nim, Father said to Hyung Jin Nim, "Why don't you sing your elder brother Hyo Jin's favorite song in Korean?"

Hyung Jin Nim started to sing "If I can Dream[1]" in Korean. Father said "Loudly," and while listening to the song, Father said, "Lyrics are full of heart."

"The reason why I let Mother read this speech was to transfer the ideal that I have fought for and lived, to Mother as her dream. I haven't interpreted that yet. If a dream remains as an ideal, the society can't become even half-perfect. If you, being responsible for the world, can't practice the dream and ideal of Mother and Father thinking them as yours, and can't enlarge the victorious foundation, (that dream) will disappear.

This book (his speech binder) has been an enemy until now. Everyone has disliked it. You have to realize your dream. I have realized mine and the place I will go to now is the four dimensional heavenly nation (제4차원의 하늘 나라). The ideal which any religion or literature couldn't hold will have to be realized as your dream from now on. Do you understand? ('Yes.') You must feel sad that this (speech) hasn't been yours, and be able to digest it as yours.

It is meaningless to talk about the dream many times if you can't even practice it. When you practice the dream (of parents) as yours, you will become the one who victoriously holds supremacy. There is no other way. Do you understand? ('Yes.')

I introduced to you the four dimensional world (제4차원세계), and in order to be registered, I will let you receive the Blessing together with True Parents and have 옥새 (玉璽 / Ok Sae: royal seal). Is there anybody who initiated to mobilize all 387 nations to make and offer 옥새 (玉璽 / Ok Sae: royal seal)? By practicing the dream, you should overcome the difficulties but if you turn back saying 'I don't like it', you will disappear."


1.If I Can Dream
Lyrics by Walter Earl Brown
Sung by Elvis Presley

There must be lights burning brighter somewhere 
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue 
If I can dream of a better land 
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand 
Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true 
Oh why

There must be peace and understanding sometime 
Strong winds of promise that will blow away 
All the doubt and fear 
If I can dream of a warmer sun 
Where hope keeps shining on everyone 
Tell me why, oh why, oh why won't that sun appear

Were lost in a cloud 
With too much rain 
Were trapped in a world 
That's troubled with pain 
But as long as a man 
Has the strength to dream 
He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart there's a tremblin question 
Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow 
Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle, yeah 
And while I can think, while I can talk 
While I can stand, while I can walk 
While I can dream, please let my dream 
Come true, ohhhhh, right now 
Let it come true right now 
Oh yeah 

The Term Oh Dook Shin

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo (4. 25 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 13, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 13, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"What is the name of the hotel in Las Vegas? ('Caesars Palace.') What is Caesar? It means a 'son who become a seed.'"

(Katsumi: In Korean, 'Caesar' is pronounced as 'Shija' like '씨자.' '씨' means a 'seed'' and '자' means a 'man or person.')

Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo - June 13, 2012

Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo - June 13, 2012

"어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin)* appeared to me without fail at the crossroads, calling me 'Elder brother Yong Myung.' I said, 'Why are you sure enough to appear to me every time I am at the crossroads? What is your responsibility?' I utilize 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) and what I know about it is that the path 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) takes to escape after having opposing me is the path for me to go catch. 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) disappears (어둑신이 없어집니다).

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 13, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 13, 2012

Even if I spend all night by myself at any graveyard, spirits can't appear to me. Those floating spirits can't appear and say to me, 'Why did you come here?' If they dare appear, they greet me from a far distance, saying, 'Please offer more 정성 (Jeong Seong) so that I can come closer.' Then such a big 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) becomes smaller. I know this guy (어둑신) (Oh Dook Shin) will escape in the end. You will see the consequence to the lies you made after you joined the church. 어둑신(Oh Dook Shin) appears to catch and kill me, but when it fails to do so it escapes and tries to block my path in advance. I say, 'You can't block it. There is no such thing in the principle of creation. I can erase you.' I am confident in front of 어둑신. (Oh Dook Shin) I haven't surrendered to it even once.

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 13, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 13, 2012

The term 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) has been recently released for the first time in my speech. Do you know that? It tries to obstruct the way of attendance, but the pillar of heaven and earth becomes smaller and I conquer it all."


* The following are Father's previous words regarding 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin).

Hoon Dok Hae at the Cheon Jeong Gung at Chung Pyung on 10.2 by the H.C. (Oct. 28, 2011)

어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) called me 'Yong Myung! (Father's original name)' (Then a participant asked Father what the Chinese Characters are for that term, and Father explained writing with his finger) It is 御 (어/ Oh) and 得(득 / Deuk). (Katsumi: Father says '어둑 / Oh Dook' but when he explained the Chinese Characters he said '어득 / 御得 / Oh Deuk.' There is no Chinese character for '둑 / Dook'). This term can't be found in the Principle book. This is the term only Rev. Moon uses. Who is the King to 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin)? (It is me because) I named it calling 'You are 어둑신. (Oh Dook Shin)' I told it 'When I am at the crossroads, you have the responsibility to teach me where to go.' and it said 'OK, OK.' 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) talked roughly to me in the beginning but later said in a polite way 'Let's meet together again.' When we met for the fist time, it called me 'Yong Myung!' but later it said 'Mr. Moon.' The Chinese character for 신 (shin) is 申 not 辛 which means 'bitter.(Katsumi: In general 辛 means 'spicy' or 'hot,' but Father says 'bitter' here.) Centering on the south, it must attend to me, and so I named it 어둑신. (Oh Dook Shin)"

Hoon Dok Hae at the Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung, Geomundo (3. 12 HC / May. 2, 2012)

"Yesterday and this morning too, I was called 'Sun Myung!' Is it Sul Myung (설명: explanation) or Sun Myung? One who isn't able to explain things can't become Sun Myung. 어둑신(Oh Dook Shin) appears at the crossroad. When I appear big, it appears small, and when I appear small, it appears big. When it becomes bright in the east, 어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) goes to the dark place. I named it as Oh Dook Shin. Its Chinese Characters are 御得申."

Hoon Dok Hae at the Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 20 HC / June. 9, 2012)

"어둑신 (Oh Dook Shin) is the errand of the Creator, the God of Mind and the God of Body." 

Everyone Must Breathe

Sun Myung Moon
May 3, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung, Geomundo (3. 13 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - May 4, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - May 4, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. Yang read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 49, titled "Our Position of the Times." There were about 10 participants including Hyung Jin Nim.

While she was reading, Father suddenly started to speak.

"Everyone must breathe in and breathe out banding everything together into a new direction. Otherwise, everyone will (continue to) have a maximum problem. (Indicating each person) You were caught in Geomundo (너는 거문도에 걸렸고), you were caught in the sea yesterday morning (너는 어제 아침에 바다에 걸렸고), you were caught in the position to become the owner by building the 277th boat (277회의 선박을 지어가지고 주인될수 있는 그 자리에 걸려있고) and all were caught (다 걸려 있어). Rev. Moon (can go to) any nation and any place. We must throw away everything we have here. It will be the new place where all will be put in order as one, like a small round steel, which must be swallowed, circulated in the whole body, and be delivered in the original position where there is no 'I.' (그것이 하나로 수습돼가지고 동그란 조그마한 강철ƒˆ이 되어 삼켜볼때 그 삼켜본 강철보다 작은 것이 어느 손에 다 돌아가지고 본연의 모습에 나눠줄 수 있는 내가 없어진 그 자리가 새로이 있어진 자리다). Then where will we go?

Going through 수태 (Sutae Impregnation) and 영태 (Yeongtae), one must realize they are the origin of the invisible center. But they must go up again and shouldn't go down. After they go up while revolving, they go down vertically and must newly appear. Coming here with me doesn't mean that everything is fine. This is the most scary place."

(Katsumi: "수태/ Sutae" is '受胎" in Chinese Character, which usually means 'conception.' But Father often uses the Chinese characters "水胎" for this term, which has the same Korean pronunciation with the meaning of "conception in the water." Father sometimes uses this coined term to mean "ocean" or "ocean providence" too. I think the Chinese character of 영태(Yeongtae) is 靈胎, which means "conception or birth in the spirit world.")

"Yesterday and this morning too, I was called 'Sun Myung!' Is it Sul Myung (설명: explanation) or Sun Myung? One who isn't able to explain things can't become Sun Myung. 어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) appears at the crossroad. When I appear big, it appears small, and when I appear small, it appears big. When it becomes bright in the east, 어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) goes to the dark place. I named it as Oh Duk Shin. Its Chinese Characters are 御得神." (*See at the end of this email for Father's words given last year regarding this unique existence)

"What do you do after you've caught a fish? One must know how to cook them for humankind. Fish must be cooked tastefully."

"천지인 참부모 정착 실체 말씀 선포 천주대회 (Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the Truth Body) It has all been finished. Everything has been contained in the title such as the era before the coming of heaven, era after the coming of heaven, Abel UN, Cain UN, and even the solar system."


* The following are Father's words regarding 어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) given on 10.2 HC /Oct. 28, 2011

"어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin) called me 'Yong Myung! (Father's original name)' (Then a participant asked Father what the Chinese Characters are for that term, and Father explained writing with his finger) It is 御(어/ Oh) and 得(득 / Deuk). This term can't be found in the Principle book. This is the term only Rev. Moon uses. Who is the King of 어둑신? (It is me because) I named it calling 'You are 어둑신.' I told it 'When I am at the crossroad, you have the responsibility to teach me where to go.' Then it said 'OK, OK.' 어둑신 talked roughly to me in the beginning but later said to me in a polite manner 'Let's meet together again.' When we met for the first time, it called me 'Yong Myung!' but later it said 'Mr. Moon.' The Chinese character for 신 (shin) is 申 not 辛. Centering on the south, it must attend to me, and so I named it as 어둑신."

(Katsumi: "어둑신 / Oh Duk Shin" or "어둑서니 / Oh Duk Seo Ni" is a North Korean dialect term which means 'something which actually doesn't exist but seems to exist in the dark.' But Father often uses this term as 'a spiritual existence that stays at the crossroad in the dark.' I remember Father said that this is not the God of Night but I also heard from Rev. Yoo who said that Father had said that this is the God of Night. Father says 어둑 but when he explained the Chinese Characters he says 어득 as 御得 since 得 is 득. There is no Chinese character for 둑) 

Become the Pillar of the Ideal of Cosmos of the True Parents

Sun Myung Moon
March 11, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo on 2. 19 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(Talking about his speech 친지인참부모정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 / Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God) "Heaven, earth and humankind must be united and become the pillar of the ideal of cosmos of the True Parents. Then (the title of the speech says) 정착 (firm settlement). There has been no 실체말씀 (Substantial Word of God) in the world. Does this speech hold the all truth? It does. It says (on page 74) '섭리의 최종목적 되다 (The ultimate purpose of the providence is done),' and so it means everything has been finished. It's that simple. The speech is not talking about 피조물 (creatures) but 본체론 (Original Substance of the Principle)"

"4 X 4 makes 16, and there are the upper side and lower side and therefore, 16 X 2 makes 32. (Katsumi: I think Father implies here the number of teeth) (Indicating his eyes and ears) Everything is covered by the number 32. Men must learn what they have to know by the age of 32."

Father spoke of the necessity of studying Korean in English to a Brazilian brother of martial arts, but he seemed not to understand it. So Father told Hyung Jin Nim to translate it in Portuguese and Hyung Jin Nim did so.

Hyung Jin Nim reported to Father that (according to the weather report) they wouldn't be able to sail the boat that day. Then Father said "You don't have to check it. When we go out with the boat, we will know it. They are just thinking that the storm is coming minutes or hours later. With that mindset, soldiers on the front line of the battle would perish 100%. Do we sail out to die? I want to say 'Look forward over the typhoon. At least I will survive.' I made the boat with which one never dies. It will never sink."

"I won't lie. Keep watching if I am doing so. They will be realized with the cycle of 50 years or 100 years, but nobody knows the length. I had talked 50, 60 years ago about the date of D-Day we are talking about now. When you find it in my speech book, you will be surprised saying, 'Wow, 50, 60 years have already passed!' I was considered a crazy person back then."

Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang '가고파' [GaGoPa] and Father joined him in singing. [small] Yeon Ah Nim (작은 연아님, Hyung Jin Nim's wife) sang "임진강" [Imjin] in Korean and Japanese. Then Father sang a song that he improvised featuring "Geomundo." 

Home is Where One Wants to Live Eternally

Sun Myung Moon
March 10, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo on 2. 18 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"It is 집 (Jip; house or home) where one wants to live eternally with their mother and father, and sons and daughters don't want to leave. The word 집 means the place where everybody bands and moves together.

(Katsumi: Here Father interprets 집 as the Chinese character 集, which means to 'band together)

Which do you prefer; 사랑의 집 (house / home of love) or 사랑의 동산 (garden of love)? 집 is like solid ingredients rather than soup itself, and therefore it is 사랑의 집 that one's grandfather, mother and all generations go crazy about. You must realize that inside the 집, I am 집 too. When you pray, (looking at Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon) you say 'With the name Pyeong Rae Moon, the Blessed Central family, I report (보고하다 / 報告하다).' It is not that 'I pray.'"

"Ki (기 / 氣: chi or vital energy) is a wave in myriad forms. Did you sleep well last night? ('Yes.') This morning I don't see anyone dozing. Have you eaten something delicious or good 기?"

"I know Korean, Japanese and English, but Korean is the most beautiful language which can spread to all four directions. It is 계시적이다 (啓示的이다: metaphoric or revelatory) and one word can cover many things without lacking anything. "

"Am I the founder, master or father of the Unification Church?"

"Since a grandfather like me talks like this, you seem to become serious."

"Keep watching to see if D-Day will come in one year (일년이면 디데이가 오는지 두고 보라구). Are you confident?"

"When you are married and live in your husband's house, you must know how to love and how to be loved. You will be kicked out and your position will be gone otherwise. Don't forget when to give and when to receive." 

You Should Be Happy in Giving

Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung, Geomundo on 2. 17 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"When you have food and you can't digest it all, you need to give it to others without leaving them. You shouldn't give it while crying. You should be happy in giving, so that others will be able to be happier than yourself. The food would be gone but the more you give, the more you go up. The receiver must put the giver to the upper position.'

"I like to pioneer."

"Here is the person named Yong Myung Moon, who became Sun Myung Moon. He has been working hard. When I reached my 70's, I felt my legs become heavier."

"When I came back home, I found Hoon Mo Nim (Father's mother) singing 'Higher Ground.' She didn't know Jesus."

A Japanese sister sang "幸せって何だろう (What is Happiness?)" and Father sang it together and interpreted the lyrics as well.

When Rev. Kamiyama was called for singing, Father asked him in Japanese "Are you over 70? Are you 80 now?" He replied "I am 71 years old," and sang "엄마야 누나야 (Mother, sister)."

"The most important thing (in singing) is to correct wrong pronunciations (of the lyrics) and ill-fitted feelings to the songs you like to sing. When you are ready to sing a suitable song, tears flow with a runny nose, and you can't continue to sing because you are so moved. Reaching the stage where you are moved enough to go crazy, you can put the environment in order and give a great influence to it."

After Rev. Man Oong Jo sang a song, he asked Father if he can talk about Father's granduncle Rev. Yun Guk Moon. Father said him to do so and the following are excerpts of his report and Father's words.

"Father has two granduncles. One of them Rev. Yun Guk Moon worked to win Korean independence from Japan, and Father has dedicated himself and his whole life to restore God's fatherland. When Father talks about his family, he often hesitates to do so (since it seems that he just boasts of it), and so when we found the articles of Rev. Yun Guk Moon, we thought we ourselves must testify Father's family. When I saw Father speaking about his childhood missing his family and hometown, I thought that it was our mission to release his 한 (han) and all emotions. It was really fortunate that Rev. Yun Guk Moon left a record of his life, which he made when he was 78 years old. (Showing the record by his handwriting) As Father said, this was well written by excellent handwriting. This can be a testimony to what Father has told us about his granduncle until now."

"Among my ancestors, there are many people who held the title of 스승 (master or teacher)."

"In 1910, Rev. Yun Guk Moon joined the Presbyterian Church in Korea. He taught Chinese literature, and then from the ages of 35 to 36 for two years, he taught at private elementary schools in Jeong Ju."

"He made all those schools and gathered children of beggars who hadn't studied before."

"From 37 to 41 for five years, he studied at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pyeong Yang, which is the most famous institute in Korean Christian history. Famous Christian leaders in Korea are all alumni of this seminary. I believe that Rev. Yun Guk Moon, by absorbing new knowledge and Christian theology at the institute, became determined to win the independence of Korea. He then worked as a pastor at three churches in Jeong Ju. According to Father, it was seven, not three."

"I (as a child) visited them all in order to know what kind of person my granduncle was. I investigated them."

"In 1919, Rev. Yun Gok Moon joined the Samil Independence Movement(March 1st -- 3.1.), where he mobilized around 10,000 people who respected and trusted him and his words, such as the people in the region and the teachers and students of Osan Private High School in Jeong Ju (정주 오산 사립 고등학교) he had founded with others. He was one of the people who signed the document which was later sent to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. During the Samil Independence Movement, he was surrounded and captured by 120 policemen. He was sent to Seoul and tortured there. We can imagine how hard it was by recalling the torture given to Father. He was sentenced to be in jail for two years but later he was released due to the special pardon for royal marriage. From his age of 44 to 50 for six years, he served as the pastor for three churches in his hometown.

Two years after the Samil Independence Movement, he sent 70,000 Won to the Korean interim government in Shanghai through Rev. Suk Che Kim who was in Manchuria at the time. 70,000 Won in those days is roughly 7 million Won now. According to Father, Rev. Yun Guk Moon didn't only give the money, but also provided 8000 Won for Rev. Kim for his expenses. We need to understand that he donated so much money as the representative of the Moon family. Father says that his mother always sang 'Higher Ground' and his whole family were Christians.

Though he was released from the jail, he was always followed by the police who considered him as the person at the first rank on the blacklist. After realizing the date and the place of his alleged re-arrest, he escaped to Chungcheongbuk-do and hid for three years there. Later he moved to Kangwong-do.

Right after Korea gained her independence on Aug. 15, 1945, he went back to his hometown where he found the communists' strong control. He told his wife, children and relatives that he couldn't work as a pastor there, and left his hometown on Jan. 17, 1946. Like Father, who put one leg on the north side and the other on the south side and pledged to unify the South and North Korea, Rev. Yun Guk Moon pledged in front of Heaven 'I am heading for the South now but in my lifetime I will definitely defeat communism and raise the people.'

His handwriting is full of vigor and it doesn't seem to be written by a person of 78, through which we can imagine his high-spirited final life." 

True Love Starts When One Lives for the World

Sun Myung Moon
January 18, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo on 12.25 by the H.C.

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of …

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. Yang read Father's speech titled "Saving the Nation."

"What is true love? It starts when one lives for the world. It's so simple."

"My parents got married in the 1890's and when they were in their 30's, I was born. This year, I am 93 years old, and mother will be 70. Mother must be completed by being perfectly united with me and going over 70."

"It is Lucifer that is God's brother as well as Adam's brother. 누시엘 (Lucifer) means the seed, represented by 시 (seed is 씨) and the fruit, represented by 엘 (열매 is fruit) of humankind, represented by 누 (인류 is humankind). The principle of tradition, blood lineage and resemblance applies to this case too. Humankind was born receiving a false seed. Eve, who was to be God's wife, made a mistake. The God of Night and the God of Day must have been united, but instead, have been separate. After Eve fell, Adam had a relationship with Eve as she wished. She received the seed of 시동생 (husband's younger brother) and 시아버지 (father-in-law). There is no such principle of creation."

"If one knows the tradition, receives the same blood lineage, they must resemble their parents. A simple principle."

"'성 / 聖 / to be holy' means to become the king of ears and mouth. (Katsumi:耳 of 聖 means ear, 口 of 聖 means mouth, and 王 of 聖 means king.) The nose is not included here."

"The amazing fact that the God of Night and the God of Day have been separate was firstly stated by Rev. Moon."

"Dokdo (독도) looks exactly like my face, which seems to appear and disappear repeatedly by the high tide. 독도 means lonely Unification Church members. (Katsumi: 독 means lonely)."

"Why does 9 X 9 make 81? It should be 91 or 102."

"'천지인참부모정착 /The Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.' This means everything has been done. Before this title, it was 천지부모 천주안식권 /the Cosmic Sphere of Sabbath of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, which didn't have 인 (Humankind). 실체말씀 (Substantial Word of God) is something you must be able to enjoy more than your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Have you been intoxicated with it even if you didn't eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and couldn't sleep at night?"

"In prison, I slept with my eyes open."

"Without having three sons, one can't know the heart of Mother."

"When you have helicopter accident, you should escape within 17 minutes, and you will die otherwise. That is 13 plus 4."