las vegas

Connecting the Five Seas and the Six Continents Centering on Las Vegas

Sun Myung Moon
July 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo (HC 6.7)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs.Yang read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "Proud of the Disciples of Christ in the Completed Testament Age." The following are excerpts of her reading:

"In Asia, they believe, not 'rebirth,' but 'doctrine of reincarnation (윤회설),' which comes from Buddhism, which without knowing the whole picture, see the resurrection of the spirit self through earthly people. The spirit self in the spirit world wants to receive benefits through people on earth. That is their demand.

Originally, perfected human beings are a valuable existence which can dominate the angelic world and the whole cosmos. But due to the fall, they fell down by several ranks, and so they must go up to their original state. In that course, they can't make it at once: they should go up step by step through the course of restoration starting from the individual level to the familial, tribal, racial, national, and the worldwide levels.

In order to go up to a higher level, an indemnity condition must be paid. It can't be achieved within a couple of days: a certain time period based on the principle number is necessary such as 7 years, 40 years, 70 years or even several centuries. So some spirits, who had helped earthly people, go back to the spirit world on the way without being able to continue to a higher level.

For example, if a spirit self named Paul helped person A but this person couldn't pay indemnity conditions and make a foundation within a requested period and died, Paul chooses person B and wants to resurrect through that person, in order for him to go up to a higher level. So Paul who resurrects through person B is the same spirit self that could have resurrected through person A. There must be a certain period without fail and the periods are always principle numbers, and if the person B can't make it, Paul chooses person C for resurrection. Under such circumstances, person A, B or C could say 'I am Paul,' and people, by seeing such external phenomena without knowing the whole picture, come to believe the doctrine of reincarnation.

If one believed in Christ individually without forming a family and went to the spirit world, they must resurrect to go to the familial, tribal, national, and worldwide levels. It would take millions of years to accomplish such a course. This applies to Jesus too who has been in paradise. When Jesus resurrected through a certain person, they would say 'I am Jesus.' You must know the principle when you see spiritual phenomena.

'Resurrection' argued in the Divine Principle exactly fits the reality in the spirit world and it teaches you the formal course in the spirit world. Throughout history, many religious people experienced the spirit world without comprehending how the spirit world works. When you study the principle, don't learn it just thinking of the logic. You must understand and practice the principle, and make a victorious foundation. For example, after having understood the fact about Noah's family, Abraham's family, Moses' course, and the history of Jesus and the John the Baptist, you need to make indemnity conditions for all of them and restore victorious foundations.

Without standing in the position of winning against Satan by restoring all the failures, we can't establish God's will. In the past, central figures in the history of restoration such as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, or Moses didn't know it. The Second Messiah must restore the failures on individual, familial, tribal,racial and national levels that have occurred in the past.

When you meet and come to believe and follow Christ, what would happen? When he goes through all those levels and reaches perfection, you will receive the benefits on the individual, familial, and tribal levels and go up higher centering on the national level.

When a person on the individual level meets Christ and wants to go up to the familial level, they must pay an indemnity condition on earth. Likewise, those who are on the familial level and want to go up to the tribal level must go through an indemnity course. Consequently, I can say the longer one has been with the Unification church, the more they have paid indemnity conditions. This means the longer you have been with the church, the closer you are to me. Until reaching the national level, we go up vertically, and then we must establish a national structure. But until we reach such a level, we could experience falling down again and again. It is important how we can go beyond the national level and be settled.

Since the Messiah knows how to indemnify history, even if people can't make indemnity conditions, if they are united with him, the indemnity period could be shortened. When a heavenly nation is settled together with the Messiah, you can imagine how fast the restoration of the whole world can take place. By only having a nation, we can go beyond the paradise level, which is like a waiting room prior to going to the kingdom of heaven. You must understand how important it is to have a nation.

If you don't have a nation and go to the spirit world, through resurrection, you will be able to save individuals and families and can't receive aid from solid authority. In other words, you can't become a qualified person who can fight against Satan. When there is a nation, you can be registered. Have you been registered? You have been registered to the Unification Church but couldn't do so to a nation yet. Without having a nation, one can't become a citizen of the nation.

Therefore, the wish of the people in the spirit world is to be able to help the people of the heavenly nation. Once we have such a nation, resurrection of the people of the spirit world can take place horizontally. That means when you make efforts, they will substantially remain eternally. However in the course of finding such a nation, even if one has made great efforts, everything will be gone when they make mistakes. That has actually been repeated in history. In the course of indemnity, everything has been gone, but after having a nation, all the effort people make will remain eternally as their results.

Once we have a nation, we can have our ambassadors in all countries in the world. Once the Unification Church and Christianity are united, we will have the ambassadors, missionary centers, and our church members. Our ambassadors are in Abel's position and presidents and prime ministers in the countries are in Cain's position. When Abel's realm and Cain's realm become one, they form together one Abel realm. It is God that always helps the Abel realm, and we will be able to invite all the volunteers from the world to develop our nation."

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

After the reading Father said,

"I am now connecting the five seas and the six continents centering on Las Vegas." 

Singing in Las Vegas

Sun Myung Moon
June. 30, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (HC 5.11)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "New Messiah and the Victory as Formula."


Mrs. McDevitt sang for Shin Pyeon Nim "악어떼," (This Old Man) 올챙이와 개구리," (Tadpoles and Frogs) and then Rev. Yang (서울의 창가 -- The window of Seoul), Rev. Park (소양강 처녀 Soyang virgin), Rev. Hyung Jin Moon (Top of the World) sang while shin Pyeon Nim danced to the songs.


Then by Mother's request, Shin Soo Nim (Kook Jin Nim's daughter) sang a song. Yeon Ah Nim sang "터." (Printer) Mother sang with all "할미꽃." (Pasque flower) Rev. Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공." (Virgin voyeur) True Parents and all sang "농부가." (The farmer) After the song, Mother said, "Let's go to the new nation!" 

Why Don't You Register Yourself?

Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 2012
Welcome gathering
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (HC 5.10)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Why don't you register yourself? There are three stages of the registration: one needs to be registered at their birth and marriage, and to their nation when they are settled. Now Sedona here and Korea are one nation, not two, centering on 오산집의 조금한 눈 (Father's nickname in his childhood, 'a small-eyed boy of the house who established the Osan school')"

"After reaching the number 13, Adam's Marriage Blessing ceremony will be finished. Do you know that?" 

Where Will You Go?

Sun Myung Moon
June 9, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 20 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "Unification Church History II."

"I am leaving here tomorrow, but where will you go? To see your wives? To establish a pillar in your house to love your sons and daughters?" Where will you go? You don't have any place to go that you are interested in, but I didn't even start."

(Ye Jin Nim brought her granddaughter to Mother. Mother held the baby, and Father said to Ye Jin Nim) "Do you also think your granddaughter is lovely? ('Yes.') How about your sons and daughters? ("Yes, I do.') How about your brothers and sisters? ('Yes, I do.') How about your parents and relatives? ('Yes, I do to everybody.') 안돼."

"Where will you go? You don't have any place that you are interested in, but I didn't even start to go to my interesting place. I have a dream and am always looking for a better place. It will be the start of the four dimensional world (4차원세계). Do you understand it? I am saying serious words."


"You must follow me without falling out. You must follow me to the end without falling out."

"어둑신[1] is the errand of the Creator, the God of Mind and the God of Body.[2] What are my text books which educate for the sake of unifying the God of Mind and the God of Body? You can find them in 'Divine Principle Original Copy (published in 1952),' then 'Explanation of the Divine Principle (1957),' 'Exposition of the Divine Principle (1966),' and 'Original Substance of the Divine Principle (from 2008).' What are those books saying? It is 'the ideal of remodeling and creation of the cosmos (천지개조 창조이상이야)' On which page? It is page 74 (of his latest speech). Having gone through the era before the coming of heaven and the era after the coming of heaven, I am entering the four dimensional world (4차원세계), but where will you go?"

(Mentioning the address of the mountain) "I realized 묘두산(猫頭山/ Myeo Doo San: Mount. Myeo Doo)[3] was there when I was three or four years old. There was everything before that. (그전에다 있었습니다.) I didn't fall (내가 나오는데 타락도 안했어). There was everything before that. 에덴 동산도 다 지나갔어. How long did it take? 7,000 years. 4,000 years plus 3,000 years."


"What is 'goodness (善 / 선 / Seon[4])'? 'Goodness' is something that connects two points. Our ancestors are amazing. 'Goodness' is something that connects east and west, heaven and earth, and so on. What is 뱃두리?[5] It is our ancestors. It indicates two belly buttons."

"Which comes first, the truth, words or substance?"

"Jesus died in the spring before blooming."

"Who is the Foundation Day? The Foundation Day after the fall is the Second Messiah. (타락한 후의 기원절은 재림주야)."


1. 어둑신 (Oh Duk Shin)

Oh Duk Shin is originally 어둑서니 (Oh Duk Seo Ni) and this is a North Korean term which means 'something which actually doesn't exist but seems to exist in the dark.' But Father often uses this term as 'some spiritual existence that stays at the crossroad in the dark.' I remember Father said that this is not the God of Night.

2.. The God of Mind and the God of Body

Father said the following officially only on the 52nd True Parents' Day "God works as the God of Mind and the God of Body, that is the God of Night, the God of Day, King of Kings and True Parents. When Adam and Eve become perfect observing absolute sexual morality, they become the Substantial True Parents and the God of Day Who is the God of Body. This means they become the Creator, King of Kings and God incarnate. But the human ancestors fell and lost their absolute sexual morality, and so mind and body where separated. As such, human beings couldn't become the substantial holy temple of God, and reach the position of true children who attend to and live with God as True Parents."

3. 묘두산(猫頭山/ Myeo Doo San: Mount. Myeo Doo)

The mountain where Father met Jesus during Easter

4. Seon

Chinese character "線" is also pronounced "선 / Seon," and it means "line." Father has in mind here that "선 / Seon" is "善" which means "goodness" as well as '線" which means "line."

5. 뱃두리

According to the dictionary it means a kind of "jar." But Father seems to interpret 뱃 as 뱃 which means "belly, and 두리 as 둘이 which means two people. 

The Mission of a Woman

Sun Myung Moon
June 7, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 18 HC)

Sun Myung Moon – June 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 5, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "What the Unification Church will solve on Earth Succeeding to the Responsibility of Jesus."

"The mission of a woman is to follow her husband. She must be for the sake of her husband. The ideal of the Garden of Eden will disappear otherwise. Man, woman, family, and heaven and earth, all will disappear."

"My grandfather, Chi Gook Moon (문치국/ 文致國) knew 삼국지 (三國志: History of Three States, Chinese history from 180 AD to 280 AD when three states fought against each other) very well though he didn't know any Chinese character nor Korean alphabets."

"Among my relatives, four people were killed and two were injured by tigers."

"The capital of Goguryeo was 한성 (Hanseong)"

(Katsumi: 한성 (Hanseong) was one of the three major cities of Goguryeo together with Pyongyang and Kook Nae Seong. However, it is usually said Pyongyang was the capital of the country.)

(Looking at Shin Pyeon Nim in Mother's arms) "The time has come when I can love my grandchildren." (Then Father held him tight and kissed him.)


The Sunghwa ceremony and Wonjeon ceremony for Seung Ryong Moon

The following is the information posted on the web page 통일교.

The Sunghwa ceremony and Wonjeon ceremony were held on 4. 18 HC (June 7, 2012) in Korea for the chairman Seung Ryong Moon who had ascended on 4. 15 HC (June 4, 2012.) He was born on April 3, 1921 and was always together with Father during his childhood. He was Blessed as one of the 36 Couples, and served consecutively as the factory chief of the Unification Industry, the president of Korean Titanium, vice-chairman of the Foundation, and so on. In 1996, he was assigned as the National Messiah for Burundi, and recently he was settled in Geomundo following Father's direction.


Her daughter Rev. Seon Hee Moon from Geomundo (in the white robe on the photo at Wonjeon ceremony) said that day "I am truly thankful for my father who absolutely followed True Father's direction that three generations of a Moon family must live in Geomundo. Our family promises with you here that we will inherit the tradition of the faith that my father showed us," and expressed her gratitude to the Korean HQ which prepared the ceremony for her family. Below is the link to the photos taken that day. 

Has Korea Done Her Responsibility?

Sun Myung Moon
June 6, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 17 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "Jesus' Growing-up and Its Background."

"Has Korea done her responsibility? The responsibility that Korea needs to do isn't my responsibility."

"Yesterday, we went fishing and until 4:00 p.m., we couldn't catch anything. For the sake of whom will fish be caught? With my wholehearted sincerity, I wanted to catch one fish at least by 4:00 p.m. and to offer an invocation by prayer, but all those who sat behind and in front of me wanted to go back. So it was discouraging for you to see me who didn't say anything and sit calmly. So you said 'let's go back home.' I said, 'Do you want to do so? OK then.' Because the moments of God's providence are waiting for me, I have no time to sleep or to have fun."

"This is the prayer of True Parents. 元亨利貞 天道之常 (원형이정 천도지상) 仁義禮智 人性之綱 (인의예지 인성지강). Then what kind of path do we need to take? That is to take England, USA, France, Japan, Germany and Italy, and then Mongolian-marked races which makes 84 % of humankind."

The Wonjeon Seunghwa Ceremony was held for Mr. Seung Ryong Moon. He is True Father's cousin, who stood by Father's side his entire life. He took on the difficult tasks. When Father has lonely, he served as his friend. We reverently offer our prayers…

The Wonjeon Seunghwa Ceremony was held for Mr. Seung Ryong Moon. He is True Father's cousin, who stood by Father's side his entire life. He took on the difficult tasks. When Father has lonely, he served as his friend. We reverently offer our prayers for the Seunghwa of the precious and noble President Moon. Aju Aju Aju

"Do you know what I wrote in my calligraphy (for Mr. Seung Ryong Moon, Father's cousin who had ascended on 4.15 HC / June 4, 2012 at the age of 92)? ("祝聖和入國, 天心親弟, 文昇龍理事長 / 축성화입국 천심친제 문승룡이사장: Congratulations on the Sunghwa and entry [into the heavenly nation] of the younger brother of heavenly heart, Chairman Seung Ryong Moon") 天心親弟(천심친제: the younger brother of heavenly heart)! (Father hit the table with his hand) He was my last younger brother. His name was originally 승균 (昇均: Seung Gyoon) and became 승룡 (昇龍: Seung Ryong). I didn't give him that name. What did I write for Do Soon Im (who had ascended on May 8, 2012)? ('祖國光復必勝奉身代表者 / 조국광복 필승 봉신대표자'). There hasn't been a member of the royal family and so I was obliged to write 天心親弟 (천심친제: the younger brother of heavenly heart) this time. Did I write his name or not? ('Yes, Father') What did I write? ('文昇龍理事長: Chairman Seung Ryong Moon') My father's name is 慶裕 (경유: Kyung Yoo) and his father is 慶天 (경천: Kyung Cheon)." 

Declaration Ceremony

Sun Myung Moon
June 5, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 16 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from the web page 통일교. This translation cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt continued to read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 52, titled 'God's Providence and the Turning Point of History."

After the reading, True Parents held a declaration ceremony, which was to establish the original order of creation. This ceremony is related to the previous ceremony that True Parents had held on 3. 5 HC (Mar. 26, 2012) at the King Garden in Hawaii. The previous one was to proclaim the unification of Abel and Cain worlds through the perfection and unification of Adam and Eve. (Katsumi: the following content in italic is the information I sent regarding the previous ceremony held on 3. 5 HC / Mar. 26, 2012)


True Parents' Proclamation on 3. 5 HC (Mar. 26) at the King Garden in Hawaii (from a video clip of Peace TV):

True Parents arrived at the King Garden after Father had welcomed Mother at the airport. Right after Father got off from the car, he had Rev. Ki Hun (Peter) Kim to do 'Og Mansei for the Abel UN.' Then in the King garden, True Parents stood hand-in-hand, Shin Deuk Nim stood behind them, and Hyung Jin Nim, Shin Jun Nim, and Yeon Ah Nim also stood hand-in-hand in front of True Parents. Father said,

"We will do Mansei for the Cain and Abel UNs, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei for Hawaii and the assembly in Washington D.C.. Do you understand? This is being recorded. (Father told to check the recording machine.) As of now, the Abel UN hasn't been announced yet. We have to say Mansei for the Abel UN, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei for the Cain and Abel UNs, Mansei for the East. West and True Parents, and Mansei for the Blessed families in heaven and on earth. (Then Father initiated Mansei as follows).

천지통일기반 위에 서 가지고 아담해와가 하나 완전히 일체 완성됨으로 말미암아 가인 아벨 세계가 갈라진 것을 통일선포하는 시간이 되어서 천지인 참부모가 중심이 되어가지고 가인 아벨 세계통일 만세('Mansei.') 승리한 천지인참부모 만세 ('Mansei.') 하늘 땅을 통일한 하늘 땅의 일체이상 모든것을 해와가 되가지고 종결을 지을 수 있는 모든 천지의 통일적 통일 만세 ('Mansei.') 참부모 정착 안착 영원할지어다. 하나님 해방, 밤의 하나님 해방, 참부모 일체권 완전통일 일체완성 만세 ('Mansei.') Sit down. 모든 전부를 참부모 해방, 가인ㆍ아벨 해방 유엔 발표한 그 위에서 보고하나이다. 완성으로 받아 주시옵소서! 박수."

(Katsumi: What Father basically proclaimed was "It is time to be able to proclaim the unification of the Cain and Abel worlds that have been separate, thanks to the unity and perfection of Adam and Eve. Mansei for the unification of the Cain and Abel worlds centering on True Parents, Mansei for victorious True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, Mansei for the unification of heaven and earth that can conclude everything through Eve, Mansei for the liberation of the God of Night and for the perfected unification and the realm of the unity of True Parents.")


Prior to the ceremony that day (4. 16 HC / June. 5, 2012), Father emphasized the importance of the sub-header in his speech that they read that day, which is "A New History begins from True Parents." Father said, "On the victorious foundation of the 96% accomplished by God and True Parents, only when you fulfill the rest of the 4% in order to make 100% in total, will the liberated kingdom, heavenly nation and the heavenly people who live up to the principle be established. I hope that you do not forget what I said."

Father told the participants to stand up, and then True Parents stood up and held the declaration ceremony:

"In the name of True Parents, we declare that this is the moment when True Parents and the Heavenly True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (참부모와 하늘 천, 천지인참부모) have a ceremony of the perfect and firm settlement. (Aju!) Restoring one, two, three and four, this will be eternally succeeded through the tradition of the Four Position Foundation. (Aju!). True Parents and all the participants who are standing here today know that we, eternally attending Heavenly Father, are entering the four dimensional world (4차원세계) centering on the first, second, third and the fourth ancestors by fulfilling 4% of the portion of responsibility together with True Parents, and so this can't help but take place. Aju! May Heavenly Father be eternal! We shall prosper for millions of generations and eternally. Aju!"


Then Father explained after the declaration ceremony in Hawaii, that Cain and Abel have been united. He said,

"In my family, who is the owner, Sung Jin (Father's son born in 1946) or Hyung Jin? Who gave birth to Sung Jin? True Mother? Sung Jin omma (which means Mrs. Sun Gil Choi)? Somebody else? Kook Jin and Hyung Jin, these two sons have become united as Cain and Able!"

Through the ceremony that day, Father proclaimed the perfect and firm settlement of True Parents and Heavenly True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (참부모님과 하늘 천지인 참부모님 완전 정착식), and also declared the unification of Cain and Abel. We have 260 days to go before D-Day, and that day is an example to see that True Parents have been fully preparing themselves wrapping up one by one according to the heavenly program. 

Declaration of the Perfect, Firm Settlement of True Parents and the Heavenly True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and, at the Same Time, the Oneness of Cain and Abel

Sun Myung Moon
June 5, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (HC 4.16)

Sun Myung Moon -- June 20, 2012

Sun Myung Moon -- June 20, 2012

Before beginning, 5 AM Hoon Dok Hae, Father said:

"Only when you fulfill the remaining 4 percent based on the victorious foundation of the 96 percent accomplished by God and True Parents, a total of 100 percent, will the liberated kingdom, heavenly nation and the heavenly people who uphold the Principle in their lives be established. I hope you will not forget what I have said here."

Father instructed the Hoon Dok Hae participants to stand up, and then True Parents stood up. Father said:

"In the name of True Parents, we declare and proclaim that this is the moment when the True Parents and Heavenly True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind fulfill the ceremony of firm settlement. [Aju!]

Restoring one, two, three and four, this will be eternally passed on through the tradition of the four- position foundation. [Aju!] Please welcome this with applause. True Parents and all members standing here today know that we, who are eternally attending Heavenly Father, are entering the four-dimensional world centering on the first, second, third and fourth ancestors by fulfilling the remaining 4 percent of the portion of responsibility together with True Parents, and so this must inevitably take place. Aju! May You be eternal! We shall eternally prosper through the countless generations. Aju!"

Sun Myung Moon -- June 20, 2012

Sun Myung Moon -- June 20, 2012

Father then explained that after the declaration ceremony in Hawaii, Cain and Abel had become one. He added:

"In my family, who is the owner, Sung Jin [Father's son born in 1946] or Hyung Jin? Who gave birth to Sung Jin? True Mother? Sung Jin's mother [Sung Il Choi, Father's first wife]? Another? Hyung Jin, the father the son... Kook Jin and Hyung Jin, these two sons, became one as Cain and Abel!" 

Jeung Jin Nim's Birthday

Sun Myung Moon
June 3, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 14 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Hyung Jin Nim's couple, Ye Jin Nim, her daughter's couple (Shin Hwa Nim and Yeong Eung Nim) and her granddaughter Shin Mi Nim, Kwon Jin Nim's couple, Jeung Jin Nim, and Hoon Sook Nim attended the meeting that day together with Korean leaders. Prior to the reading, True Parents cut the cake to celebrate the birth (at 5:10 a.m. on 4.13 HC / June 2, 2012) of the daughter of Kook Jin Nim and Ji Hye Nim. Father named her 신주 (信主: Shin Joo). This is Kook Jin Nim family's 7th child.


Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "How does God Conduct the Providence of Restoration?" After the reading, everyone sang "곰세마리" (The same roof Daddy) and "마음의 자유천지" (Freedom of the Mind of Heaven and Earth) for Shin Pyeon Nim. Later they left to have lunch together at the restaurant to celebrate Jeung Jin Nim's birthday. (They were seated as follows -- table 1: Father, Mother, Jeung Jin Nim, and Hoon Sook Nim, table 2: Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim, and Kwon Jin Nim and Hwa Yun Nim, table 3: Ye Jin Nim, Shin Hwa Nim with Shin Mi Nim, and Yeong Eung Nim, and table 4: staff).


Be Born Peacefully and Die Peacefully

Sun Myung Moon
June 1, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 12 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "God's Providence for Humankind."

After the reading, all sang "곰세마리" (The Same Roof Daddy) and "마음의 자유천지" (Freedom of the Mind of Heaven and Earth) for Shin Pyeon Nim.

Rev. Jeong Sun Jo read Father's testimony of the time when he was a student in Tokyo, Japan doing labor jobs helping other people.

"I do here 전력투구 사생결단 (全力投球 死生決斷: Give one's all risking one's life). There is nothing superior to such an attitude that I can leave. I want to share everything I have with you and such a thought will never die."


"Even a plant can't have spring without surviving a cold winter, even it can't be fed in summer after it enjoyed spring, even its stem is slender and its flowers become dry and wilt within a week, the plant shouldn't regret, but instead, adapting itself to nature it should be born peacefully and die peacefully. Wherever you are, (you should be able to) sleep peacefully and work peacefully. Then (the place you remain is) '천지복궁 (天地福宮: a blessed palace of heaven and earth),' which is also '말씀의 동산 (Garden of the Truth). I have lived my whole life that way. Read my speeches to find if it is true.'"

"Is Rev. Moon your father? You didn't hold such a thought in half of your life. You didn't know it since you didn't know where your final destination would be. If you knew it, you could have turned away quickly. I don't do my job exposing what my final destination is. You can't be successful by yourself even you have my foundation, because the spirit world doesn't help you. Why? It is because you still have your own concept and your own identity of your tribe and your nation, You couldn't overcome those yet, and your mind and body have been still separate. I always ask you if your mind and body fight against each other, don't I? What is the origin of the fight? It is because the God of Night and the God of Day have been separate. A pit was dug there, and I revealed it. Without it, one can't interpret why (the mind and body have been separate)."


"When you read my biography, (you will understand) the Rev. Moon you know is different from the Rev. Moon I know."

"I become old reaching the age of 93 while yielding what I have provided. Ancestors in the spirit world have been mobilized because of me, and they will take you (to the spirit world) if you oppose. When you go to the spirit world, you shouldn't have a reflection of your opposition. Your ancestors are now putting things in order." 

Whenever You Go, You Can Find Rev. Moon In There

Sun Myung Moon
May 29, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 8 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – May 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – May 28, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"It is 화합통일, (Harmony and unification / Harmonious unification), not 통일화합 (Unification and harmony). The harmony of east, and west, the harmony of south and north, harmony of front and rear, the harmony of right and left, the harmony of upper and below. The core of harmony is 천지인참부모정착 (Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). When it is realized, that means everything has been done."11

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – May 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – May 28, 2012

"There are five concepts to grasp in time: Heavenly history, heavenly calendar, year, month and day."

"It is not 안착 (Safe arrival or safe landing), but 정착 (firm settlement), and furthermore 실체정착 (firm settlement as the substantial being)."

"You have my words, the truth and so whenever you go, you can find Rev. Moon in there."

Sun Myung Moon – May 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – May 28, 2012

We are Digitizing all of Father's Speeches

Sun Myung Moon
May 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 5 HC)

Sun Myung Moon – May 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – May 23, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Rev. Yang read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Mission and Responsibility of the Headquarters."

After the reading, everyone sang together "서울의 찬가," "할미꽃," and "마음의 자유천지". Shin Pyeon Nim was on the coffee table in front of True Parents, clapping his hands and performing Mansei to the songs.

True Parents, Hyung Jin Nim, and the participants watched the video (Peace Magazine, May issue) made by 평일기획 (Pyong Il Company). Then Mr. Suk Byeong Kim, the representative of the company explained to Father how Kook Jin Nim had helped the company to develop and their future vision on how they would inform our members of True Parents' news. Father said to give a big hand to his report. Mr. Kim also said, "We are starting to digitize all of Father's speeches in the past and it will take three to four years."

Dr. Jo (Happy Health Machine) made a report on his visit to Africa, and Rev. Ki Hun Kim spoke about their activities with the Christian ministers in the US who have accepted True Parents. 

Our Goal is the Salvation of the People Who Have Hardships

Sun Myung Moon
May 23, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 3 HC)
Translation: Katsumi Kambashi


Rev. Yang read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Era of Activities on World Stage," given in November, 1972.

"One can't know about the Unification Church just by seeing its activities. Our goal in life lies in the salvation of the nation, the world and the people who have hardships and are poor."

"You have to pray more than the time when I am in Korea. When I leave Korea, you feel empty, don't you? So do I. during this period, you should pray centering on my family and the church. -- - You need to understand that the time has come when our mission can reach a maximum level (우리의 사명이 절정에 긍할 수 있는 때).

When you joined the church in 60's, you didn't know anything staying in the object position of being educated. But now in the position of being responsible, holding a more serious heart than you had when you happily joined the church, you must represent the nation and always think of how you can give an advantage to heavenly path you take even by risking your life (사생결단을 내서라도).

You must know that this is the issue that each individual needs to think of. In that sense, you should pray a lot and offer Jeong Seong. During this time, you should double our membership until I come back."

(Katsumi: I think Father spoke to the Korean leaders such as Rev. Yang Hur and Rev. Man Oong Jo who had come from Korea with True Parents this time, and of course these words are meant for all of us too.) 

The Material Base for Becoming Harmonious

Sun Myung Moon
May 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (3. 29 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Rev. Yang read Father's speech, and after the reading he sang "고향무정." (Heartless Home) Rev. Yang Hur sang " 대한지리가" (Geographical Song of Korea), which was written by Father's granduncle Rev. Yun Gook Moon. The following are the lyrics of the song:

"동방구에 돌출한 대한반도는 동양3국 요지에 자리를 잡고 북으로는 광활한 만주평야요 동으로는 깊고 푸른 동해로다 남으로는 다도해 댛한바다요 서로는 깊고 누런 황해로다 3면바다 수중에 쌓인 해산물어류조개 수만 종 우리 보배일세 북국단에 종립한 주종 백두산 압록 두만 2대 강의 수원이 되고 동서 분류 양해의 주입을 하여 지나 소련 경계가 완연하도다 반도 중안 강원도에 빛난 금강산 세계공원 그이름은 대한의 자랑 남방창해 우뚝 솟은 재주 한라산 왕래하는 고깃배의 목표 아닌가 대동 한강 금강 전주 4대 평야는 삼천만민 동포의 의식보고요 운산 순안 개천 재령 4대 광산은 우리 대한 광체 있는 지중보물일세 경성 평양 대구 4대 도시는 우리 대한 광채 있는 지중도시일세 부산 원산 목포 인천 4대 항구는 내외국 무역선의 집중지일세 대경선을 심중으로 뻗친 철도선 경의 경부 2대 간선 연락이 되고 경원 호남양지선 남북에 뻗쳐 삼천리강산 주유 넉넉하도다 역조의 변천을 말하는 고적 단군기자 2천 년의< span> 건도지 평양 고려시조 태조 왕건 송도 개성과 이조조선 5백 년의 시왕지 경성 2천년의 문명을 빛낸신라 박혁거세 시조천 명읍지 경주 산수풍경 절승한 충청 부여는 백제 초왕온조의 창조 고적지 미래를 개척할 대한 남아야 문명의 파도는 3해를 친다 한촌산읍 평민의 머리를 씻어 미래의 세계로 맹진을 하세"

Rev. Jeong Sun Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공," (Virgin Voyeur) and then everybody sang "악어떼" (This Old Man) and "곰세마리" (The Same Roof Daddy) for Shin Pyeon Nim.

Father said, "If we didn't have Shin Pyeon at home, the material base for becoming harmonious would all be gone (화동하는 그 원료가 다 날라가요)." Mother said, "Shin Pyeon is extraordinary. (신편이는 참 신통해)" (Laughter) (Katsumi: 'Shin Pyeon' and 'Shintong' rhyme in 'Shin')

Father's boat captain made a report regarding a book which was recently published and contains the photos and data of good fishing spots around the Yeosu area as well as Father's efforts for the preparation of Expo 2012 Yeosu. Father then explained when, where, how and under what conditions one can effectively fish there and said the book contains all such information. Father emphasized one must leave such data as an encyclopedia for other people. 

Sun Myung Moon and God's Providence in Las Vegas

Yang Hur
May 2012

Father is offering conditions through extended fishing excursions that test the mettle of those accompany him.

Father is offering conditions through extended fishing excursions that test the mettle of those accompany him.

True Parents have emphasized that the providence for the land as well as the oceans needs to be brought to fruition in Las Vegas. Through this, the era before the coming of heaven and the era after the coming of heaven will be clearly distinguished. Our True Parents are mapping out a multifaceted strategy to restore this city. The following are some aspects of the approach they are taking:

Father visiting the large property on Bermuda Road, Las Vegas, which began undergoing renovations that day in preparation for its use as a major training facility

Father visiting the large property on Bermuda Road, Las Vegas, which began undergoing renovations that day in preparation for its use as a major training facility

Reconstruction at the New Peace Palace in Las Vegas

A year ago, True Parents acquired a very large property in the vicinity of the Las Vegas Airport. Originally built in 1966, the 135,400-square-foot' building at 6590 S. Bermuda Road is situated or six acres of land. Father calls it the Peace Palace.

On 3.28 [April 18, 2012] demolition began on part of the property in order to prepare the way for a new conference center to be completed by the end of the year. The new educational facility will seat two thousand people. The Board of County Commissioners unanimously gave final approval for "major training facility, convention facility and dormitory" on March 7, 2012.

Father visited the site to witness the demolition. He met the demolition foreman, posed for photographs with everyone and joyfully wished the whole group a nice day as he departed.

True Parents have blessed the city of Las Vegas as the place where not only members and ambassadors for peace but also leaders from every field of life can attend the Original Substance of the Divine Principle workshops. Moreover, the building is expected to play a role in the organization of the Abel UN.

The Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine has acquired this property, which includes a number of buildings.

The Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine has acquired this property, which includes a number of buildings.

Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine

True Parents have long had the vision of establishing a university specializing in Oriental medicine. On 3 8 [April 18], the State of Nevada Board of Oriental Medicine unanimously approved the establishment of the Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine.

A building and the necessary personnel, including the university president, professors and the administrative staff have been secured. The school is scheduled to open its doors for the new school year this autumn. Students will graduate with a Master's degree in Oriental Medicine and will sit for a Nevada state examination if they wish to practice there.

The founding spirit of the university is the same as that of Sun Moon Educational Foundation in Korea: Love God, Love Humankind and Love Your Country.

Lake Mead a Training Ground For the Spirit

True Parents go fishing on Lake Mead in order to offer conditions. It is like an oasis in the desert, a place that Heaven has prepared in advance for the completion of the ocean providence, of which True Parents are the center. True Parents are establishing themselves there; they even know the different types of fish, animals and plants that can be found in the area. While offering devotions through fishing, True Father always teaches the small number of followers who are on the boat with him, pouring out his heart like a waterfall of boundless blessing and love; our parched souls are enriched through what he says.

True Parents own a number of fishing vessels. They are preparing to create facilities for ocean-related training combined with spiritual training.


A billboard advertising True Father's autobiography stands out against the arid Las Vegas landscape

True Father's Autobiography

Members are coming from Japan with the mission to distribute the autobiography on the street and door to door throughout the city. One billboard advertising Father's book is maintained on Highway 15 in Las Vegas, and another on Las Vegas Boulevard near the famous Las Vegas sign. They are visible each day to the occupants of tens of thousands of passing cars.

Dr. Chang Shik Yang speaks on video to explain the development to church members.

Dr. Chang Shik Yang speaks on video to explain the development to church members.

Establishment of a Korean Residents' Church

Two years ago, True Parents appointed then Gangwon Province (Korea) Unification Church leader Rev. Won-geun Park as church leader of the Korean residents' church in Las Vegas. He received a special assignment for the restoration of Las Vegas. Rev. Park is making headway in bringing together the Korean residents based on his decades of experience as a church leader. This church is affiliated with Lovin' Life Ministries and Rev. Park is working under In Jin nim's guidance.

Some people from the Las Vegas' Korean community have attended the Original Substance of Divine Principle workshops and a number are now attending Sunday service. Some among these used to belong to other churches.

After the Sunday Service, Rev. Park spends time with those who come to the church. He said that since the Little Angels' performance in Las Vegas a few months ago, the perception of True Parents and the Unification Church in the Korean community has changed; as a result, an increasing number of Korean residents are coming to meet Rev. Park.

Offering Jeong Seong through fishing allows Father to educate those who accompany him.

Offering Jeong Seong through fishing allows Father to educate those who accompany him.

The True Teacher

As well as the average of seven to eight hours of teaching every day in Hoon Dok Hae, True Father teaches in public and private meetings and even onboard boats, where he also offers all-night fishing conditions. To use every second that passes, he even teaches about the essence of the providence to the few followers that travel with him in his car. Regardless of whether his audience is ten thousand people, ten people or even two or three, he educates those around him at every opportunity.

Sometimes he gives vent to the irritation he feels at having to teach such bat-blind, ignorant people, but he repeatedly attempts to implant the gist of his teachings deep in our hearts. With a serious expression on his face, he tells us that he needs to arrange everything while his body is still moving, because only then can all problems be easily resolved and our future be bright. If we tried to resolve all the problems and lay the foundation without him, he says, we could not finish the work in a thousand years.

Recently, at King Garden in Kona, Hawaii, Father said,

"I have never forgotten the children I blessed. I have never thought differently about taking responsibility for them, even at this moment in time. Even when I go to the spirit world, I will visit them at least three times." He is giving us so much love and showing a deep interest in us, and we should not disappoint him.

As the six-day sojourn in Hawaii at the end of March drew to an end, Father said:

"You need to sleep six hours a day, but can bear up without sleeping for at least three days. You need to become focused in achieving your goal to such an extent that you even forget the taste of delicious food. I have a recon of speaking for seventeen hours and forty-two minutes, standing the entire time. With such a spirit, there is nothing you cannot do."

In the town of Sedona, Arizona, on 3.21 [April 11], at the conclusion of the Hoon Dok Hae reading entitled "Victorious Sacrifice," True Father said that what we had read was in complete accord with the present moment, in which we are making preparations for Foundation Day. He added, "Indemnification must pass through the process of sacrifice. You need to march forward for the completion of the providence with the attitude and the heart of making the final sacrifice. It's as if have restored Shimcheong, Choonhyang and General Lee Soon-shin to their original state before the Fall and given then each a key so that they can freely visit True Parents' residence. You need to model yourselves after their loyalty and filial piety."

A license Father needed for fishing on Lake Mead. Note that he has signed it personally.

A license Father needed for fishing on Lake Mead. Note that he has signed it personally.

The Ocean Providence on Lake Mead

For three days from 3.22 to 3.24 [April 12-14, 2012], True Father went out to Temple Bay on Lake Mead with a small number of church leaders as an all-night fishing condition. The nights on Lake Mead are cold and chilly. To make matters worse, when it is windy and raining, it feels eerie and one cannot help but cower down. We do our best to cover True Father up from head to toe with sleeping bags and tuck him up tightly so no wind can find its way inside, and to block the winds and the rain with umbrellas, but as the night grows long, it becomes colder and colder.

While we are waiting for a fish to be caught on one of the lines cast into the water, True Father speaks to us on the boat or listens to reports. He changes the atmosphere on the boat, and worldly thoughts about the cold and other mundane things vanish in an instant. Mostly, he catches carp, catfish or bass. When a big fish is caught, we take photographs with Father. Sometimes we pose for individual photographs with Father, who says that we should remember that moment for all eternity.

We were returned to Cheon Hwa Gung, where True Parents reside in Las Vegas at around four in the morning. Father never misses a Hoon Dok Hae session and continues to offer other devotions. When you consider his age, it is altogether unimaginable.

Father continues to visit dark, low and vulgar places and voluntarily follows the path of a pioneer and a living offering. Why does he do that? He has to continue with such struggles because he has to complete even the unfulfilled responsibilities of the chosen children for the liberation of God and the salvation of humanity. It seems as if the sounds you hear in the lonely and almost silent surroundings -- the wind blowing, the waves lapping the shore, and an occasional cry made by animals -- reflect True Parents' heart.

True Father with the writer, Rev. Yang Hur, and a large carp hooked on Lake Mead.

True Father with the writer, Rev. Yang Hur, and a large carp hooked on Lake Mead.


It is said that sincerity moves Heaven. I have no doubt that as they give everything they have at the risk of their lives, True Parents' devotions will be brought to fruition. We lead our lives under True Parents' guidance, and what we should value above all else is True Parents' oversight while they are with us, and we need to reestablish our identity in accordance with that. Foundation Day is less than a year away.

Father has said, "I embarked on this path in suffering, and I plan to end it in suffering. This is actually my motto. Even when I am ninety years old and in need of a walking stick to support me, I will follow this path."

With the belief that the person who tied the knot should be the one to untie it, True Parents are following the one and only path before them, devoting all their energies and risking their lives, enduring everything like a phoenix, and marching on and on. I remember Father saying, "Rather than beginning something, you should try to finish something well. I am the person who knows whether the last knot should be tied to the right side or the left."

True Parents are trying to fulfill all the promises they made to God flawlessly while they are still here on earth, so that they can complete their work and thus liberate God and dedicate humankind on the cosmic altar to open the way to the era of peace and prosperity and to eternal life.

The completion of the providence begins with the fulfillment of our own portion of responsibility. True Father said that the history of the providence was prolonged for six thousand years because people failed to bear their burdens. In every Hoon Dok Hae, True Father says that he has fulfilled everything. We should not forget that in saying this he is emphasizing our responsibility.

The gist of True Father's message to us during his recent travels was that we should value, take pride in, and develop our foundation. Rather than putting ourselves forward, we should look down at our feet and know our present situation and identity ourselves as blessed families and church members with a humble attitude based on our devotion.

Only when we work with such an attitude can the spirit world be moved and can we be given the master key that can create something from nothing and make the impossible possible. To continue with my summary of Father's words:

I too, offer devotions as I follow this path. Do you think you can prevail without offering devotions? While following the path of the providence, you can complain or rest when things are too difficult and you can even discuss your problems with older people around you, younger people or your colleagues. But I can never complain or discuss things with anyone because I have to struggle on all by myself to fulfill my one and only goal. When you engage in a fight, you should win. We cannot show Satan the dead bodies of those who have been defeated. Once you taken on your responsibility, you should stake your lives on fulfilling it. You cannot be victorious without fighting. It is only after a fight to the death that you can be declared the winner.

How meaningful and heartfelt this message is! 

You Need to Cooperate With Me

Sun Myung Moon
April 18, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (3. 28 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon # 48, titled "Main Cause and Plan for Unification (통일의 요인과 방안)." The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"I have to go soon (to Korea)."

"You need to cooperate with me in order for you to be useful in my path. But if you can't contribute and yet still appear in public, you will only give damage. Don't wait for me in advance when I didn't call for you. Such a person only wants to use of me."

"When I have something good, I won't talk with, for example, George Bush about it. In the presence of our members, I would talk to my grandchildren, 'I will embrace and love you more than you do.' Only those who are in the same blood lineage can participate and have the right of inheritance. You should know that."

"People whom I loved in my youth were all gone. My father, my mother, my brothers and sisters… There is only one left, my youngest sister in North Korea. She had a twin elder brother, Yong Gwan (용관). Both caught chickenpox at the same time, and she survived but he passed away. He truly loved my youngest sister. He was 7, 8 years old then and said to me '형님, (brother) I think I will have to die soon for my younger sister." I said, 'Don't say such a thing carelessly.' My family went through such a course."

Rev. Yang read Rev. No Hee Park's report on the successful performance of the Universal Ballet which took place in Taiwan in March. 

Which Comes First, The Substance or the Word of God?

Sun Myung Moon
April 15, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas 3. 25 HC

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"It is the 'Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.' Then the 'Proclamation of the Word of God.' Which comes first, the substance or the word of God? The substance comes first. No one can deny it."

"The number 11 is the problem. Five oceans and six continents. Prior to the fall, which took place in February when Adam was 17 years old, they knew (the order of) 동서남북 (east, west, north and south)."

"Why are there the Old Testament and the New Testament? It is because the tradition has been separate, and they didn't know the God of Night and the God of Day."

"When did the God of Night and the God of Day become separate? It was in February when Adam and Eve were 17 years old."

"The amazing thing about the Unification Church is that we have one blood lineage and that makes tradition."

"The 'Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind' is the conclusive essence (결론적 핵심) of my speeches."

"What tradition are we talking about? It is the tradition of the Creator Who created the cosmos with the principle of subject and object partners on the base of true love."

(Holding Shin Pyeon Nim in his arms) "I get crazy with the word 하나님 (God). I don't know anything but that, and I've come this far. Shin Pyeon will do the same."

On April 16, 2012 True Father explored the lower reaches of the Colorado River. 

Cheon Hwa Gung Special Declaration Ceremony

Proclaimed on 3.24 (April 14) at Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas

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At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven’s victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam’s families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soonshin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious. I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God’s will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father. [Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents’ traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation. [True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You, Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical “noontime” alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon Il Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you. [All present bow to True Parents.]

True Father’s Prayer: Mother, Thank You For Your Hard Work!

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung Special Declaration Ceremony
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas, NV

True Father’s Prayer: Mother, thank you for your hard work!

At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven’s victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam’s families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soon- shin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious.

I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God’s will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure.

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father.

[Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents’ traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation.

[True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You, Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical “noontime” alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you.

[All present bow to True Parents.]

Mother, Thank You For Your Hard Work!

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung Declaration
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas 3.24 (HC)


At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven's victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam's families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soon- shin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious.

I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God's will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure.

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father. [Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents' traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation. [True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You,

Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical "noontime" alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you. [All present bow to True Parents.]