katsumi kambashi

Last Visit to the Osan School in Seoul

Sun Myung Moon
August 2, 2012
Translation by Katsumi Kambashi
Compiled by Taekon Lee

The photos were taken the day before True Father was admitted to hospital on August 3.

The photos were taken the day before True Father was admitted to hospital on August 3.

True Father visited Osan school on HC 6. 15 (Aug. 2, 2012). That day, True Father suddenly decided to visit the school and moved to Seoul. He seemed to miss his school years. In the car, he asked to call Chang Yeol Lee who is his cousin on mother's side (Ex-president of Il Seong construction company), President Seon Jo Hwang, President Nan Young Moon, Vice-president of UBC Ro Hee Park, President Jeong Ro Yoon, Ex-director of Yook-Young Foundation Keun Young Park.

Last Visit to the Osan School in Seoul 1

Osan school was found by True Father's great grandfather Yoon Kook Moon and Teacher Sung Hoon Lee in Jeong Ju, North Korea. It was reopened in Busan after the Korean war and re-established in November 26, 1955 in Bo Kwang Dong, Yong San Ku, Seoul.

Last Visit to the Osan School in Seoul 2

True Father was admitted to Osan school in 1934, at the age of 15 to learn modern science. He had received patriotic education based on Christianity at this school until he was transferred to Jeong Joo school one year later.

True Father visited the school at around 5 pm and there was a scorching heat on that day. True Father listened to the testimony by Chang Yeol Lee, his cousin on mother's side and is an Ex-president of Il Seong construction company. True Father recalled his past while listening to the testimony and spoke for 3 hours and returned to Chung Pyung.

Last Visit to the Osan School in Seoul 3

While speaking that day, he coughed quite often but it didn't seem to bother him. He kept on speaking to the people who were attending him and they all felt sorry for his condition.

Photos of True Father taken on 6-15 HC (August 2, 2012)

Our Goal is the Salvation of the People Who Have Hardships

Sun Myung Moon
May 23, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas (4. 3 HC)
Translation: Katsumi Kambashi


Rev. Yang read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Era of Activities on World Stage," given in November, 1972.

"One can't know about the Unification Church just by seeing its activities. Our goal in life lies in the salvation of the nation, the world and the people who have hardships and are poor."

"You have to pray more than the time when I am in Korea. When I leave Korea, you feel empty, don't you? So do I. during this period, you should pray centering on my family and the church. -- - You need to understand that the time has come when our mission can reach a maximum level (우리의 사명이 절정에 긍할 수 있는 때).

When you joined the church in 60's, you didn't know anything staying in the object position of being educated. But now in the position of being responsible, holding a more serious heart than you had when you happily joined the church, you must represent the nation and always think of how you can give an advantage to heavenly path you take even by risking your life (사생결단을 내서라도).

You must know that this is the issue that each individual needs to think of. In that sense, you should pray a lot and offer Jeong Seong. During this time, you should double our membership until I come back."

(Katsumi: I think Father spoke to the Korean leaders such as Rev. Yang Hur and Rev. Man Oong Jo who had come from Korea with True Parents this time, and of course these words are meant for all of us too.) 

My First Encounter with Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
Compiled by Katsumi Kambashi
May 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – May 21, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – May 21, 2012

In the past, we have learned that Father had met Jesus on April 17, 1936 during Easter week, who asked Father to succeed to his mission. However, since last year Father differently explained his first encounter with Jesus, and I would like to organize and share those words.

Father met Jesus on his 17th birthday. Jesus came to Father to take him to the Blessing Marriage, and Father didn't know by that time the "Blessing" means the "marriage." Father said,

"In February when I was 17 years old, Jesus came to me saying 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon. Let's go to the Blessing.' I didn't know the term Blessing meant marriage at the time." (Cheon Jeong Gung on 3. 18 HC / May. 8, 2012)

In the beginning Father couldn't figure out if it was Jesus. Father's main concern then was the separation of the God of Night and the God of Day, which he mentions every time he talks about his encounter with Jesus. Father said,

"When I was 17 years old, Jesus came to me calling 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon. Let's go to receive the Blessing.' I said (raising his voice) '너 누구야 이 자식아! / Who are you, bastard! You are talking about the Blessing without knowing anything. Do you know the God of Night and the God of Day, you bastard?' He replied 'I don't care what you know, but I appear to you because the time has come. If I can't (take you), I can't help but continue until I find (someone else).'" (Cheon Jeong Gung on 11.10 HC / Dec. 4, 2011)

Jesus knew Father's name, and had in his mind a person as the bride for Father. Father said,

"When I was 17 years old in February, Jesus, without solving the problem of the God of Night and the God of Day, came to me and said 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon.' He knew my name.' (Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 25 HC / Mar. 17, 2012)

"The God of Night and the God of Day couldn't have the wedding ceremony yet. Jesus' spirit appeared to a boy called Yong Myung Moon when he was 17 years old. He knew my name. Jesus said to me, 'Let's go receive the Blessing.' It was in February that we met each other for the first time, but those were his first words to me. (Raising his voice) '이 자식, 너 누구야! (You bastard! Who are you?) Do you know the God of Night and the God of Day have been separate? How dare you come to me saying such a thing?' (Jesus said) 'I have been preparing this and there has been a person in my mind as your wife.' I was 17 years old, and didn't decide that time (나 결정 안했어)" (Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 12 HC / Mar. 4, 2012)

As I said above, the main issue Father entertained at that time was the separation of the God of Day and the God of Night. Father challenged Jesus on this issue when they met each other for the first time as follows:

"When I was 17 years old, a guy who called himself Jesus came to me saying, 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon!' I said, 'What?' He continued to say, 'Now we need to go to the marriage ceremony. Let's go to the Blessing.' I said, 'With whom? How can it happen?' He said, 'If you want, God might give you a spouse. Let's go.' Then I asked (raising his voice), 'Do you know that the God of Night and the God of Day have been separated?' If there is only one Absolute God, this world shouldn't have been like this. There shouldn't have been the judgment by the flood at Noah's time and there shouldn't have been the words that there will be the judgment by fire in the Last Days. The God of Night and the God of Day have been separated, and they aren't united. Since I had known that, I said, 'The Bible says whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name, but why can't you do that by being united with each other, having the authority of the Creator, and standing in the position of the owner?'" "(At "Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind," held in Korea on Jan. 8, 2012)

It seems Jesus didn't have an answer to Father's question and so Father went even to the spirit world to talk more with Jesus about it. Father said,

"On my 17th birthday, Jesus came to me saying "Be my substitute." I said 'Who are you? I am a person who knows the God of Night and the God of Day have been in conflict against each other. Who are you? Identify yourself.' Then he ran away from me. So I went to the spirit world to find and meet him, and said "If I need to be so, why don't you tell me that you had been trained to be able to unify the God of Night and the God of Day! What is this?' And why couldn't he do that? It is because nobody can teach the foundation and the will of True Parents." (Cheong Ah Camp at Chung Pyung on 8.17 HC / Sept. 14, 2011)

Why then did Jesus appear to Father when he was 17 years old? It is because Adam and Eve fell when they were 17 years old and to indemnify their failure Jesus was to be Blessed at that age (Father mentioned this before in his official speech). Therefore, he was 17 years old when Father was contacted with Jesus. Father said,

"The fall took place in February when Adam was 17 years old." (Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (3. 25 HC / Apr. 15, 2012)

"How did God's younger brother, which is Adam's younger brother, fall? It was February when (Eve) was 17 years old just before marriage." (At "Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind," held in Korea on Jan. 8, 2012)

That's why it was not by accident when Father met Jesus at the age of 17.

"Do you know when I encountered Jesus? It was in February when I was 17 years old by Korean count. It is not that the Second Messiah can come to appear when he wanted." (Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.16 HC / April 6, 2012)

Why then is it 2010 that Father has started to talk his Blessing Marriage initiated by Jesus at that time together with strong emphasis of the unsolved issue of the separation of the God of Night and the God of Day which he had held in his mind even before he met Jesus?

For us to fully understand it, I think we need more words from Father, but I believe this is directly related with the Foundation Day when True Parents have the Blessing Marriage (of the completion stage). I would like to share the following Father's words for reference:

"When did the God of Night and the God of Day become separate? It was in February when Adam and Eve were 17 years old." (Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 25 HC / Apr. 15, 2012)

"As of now people didn't know Heavenly Mother." (Cheon Jeong Gung on 3. 23 HC / May. 13, 2012)

"God has not accomplished the feat of His creation (창조의 위업 / 創造의偉業) yet." (Cheon Jeong Gung on 3.4 H.C. / Mar. 25, 2012)

"God wasn't finished with His creation. The individual perfection of the creation (개인창조완성) wasn't done yet. The Perfection of a couple wasn't done yet. These must be done." (King Garden on 3. 5 H.C. / Mar. 26, 2012)