Hoon Dok Hae

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections

Sun Myung Moon
May 2013
Excerpts from the multi-volume "The Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon"

True Mother asked members to read these excerpts during Hoon Dok Hae as preparation in the days leading up to the May 5, 2013 Joint Sunday Service.

True Mother asked members to read these excerpts during Hoon Dok Hae as preparation in the days leading up to the May 5, 2013 Joint Sunday Service.

Inheriting True Parents' Victorious Authority

If the True Parents had not appeared on earth, God could never have his children in the spirit world. For the first time, sons and daughters of the original nature can be born through me. Through me, God's royal family will come into being. You should have that pride. It is up to us to link all nations to the original Eden. That is why I laid a victorious foundation reaching beyond heaven and earth. True Parents built such a foundation. And True Parents' achievements must be bequeathed to the True Children. (218-200, 1991.7.28)

True Parents' Victorious Authority

The victorious authority of the True Parents refers to their victory in battle against Satan. It means that True Parents gained complete victory- on the individual level, on the family level and on the levels of the tribe, people, nation and world. It was always a harsh, challenging course. However, we overcame all the difficulties and gained victory. We offered the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God, thus even bringing about the miracle of God's liberation. The True Parents are forgiving even the collapsed communist nations again with true love and embracing them as we move forward. (421-17, 2003.10.15)

The victorious authority of the True Parents means recovering the individuals that have been lost and whom Satan has taken away. The individual level was lost. Because of Eve, even Adam was lost. Since Adam has been found, he must recover the women of the world. Therefore, on April 10, 1992, I put Mother forward and am recovering women through a movement for their liberation. We are entering the age of the Mother. This is the age of the Mother. (266-247, 1995.1.1)

When we say that True Parents have been victorious, we mean that all things which were lost due to the false parent have been recovered. There is now a true son, a true daughter, and a true husband and wife. The True Parents are the root through whom a clan can be established in which, through a true husband and wife, thousands and tens of thousands of generations of descendants will be composed entirely of good people. (266-252, 1995.1.1)

The victorious authority of the True Parents is not limited to individuals. It leaves a mark on the history of the universe. In order to inherit this, you have to settle accounts over what Adam and Eve lost, over staining their lineage, over their failure to have absolute faith or to become one through absolute love. Since, for this purpose, I have already achieved supremacy based on victory, what you need to do is ascend and descend beginning at the individual level, according to the original orbit. You have to come and go freely. When we look at God and human beings from a two-dimensional viewpoint, God has been separated from human beings and banished to the far ends of the world. That is why Parents went there and brought God back to our family. It required eight stages vertically. We overcame everything both vertically and horizontally and escaped the realm of Satan's accusation, so we are now in a time when we can freely attend God in our family and in our nation. (266-284, 1995.1.1)

Based on what can I take pride in the name "True Parent"? It is on account of the fact that the internal realm of Shim Jung, which can bring down barriers blocking the way and open the gates through all horizontal and vertical stages and spheres in history centering on love, has been laid down. Not only I, but also heaven and earth, history, and this age should rejoice over such a victorious foundation. It is only at that level that we can rejoice; we should not rejoice while denying history and the past. We should keep this as something in which to find joy in the past, present and future alike. (174-190, 1988.2.28)

A model of Cain and Abel should be made centering on the family that practices absolute faith, love, and obedience after hanging its lineage, changing its ownership and entrusting its realm of Shim Jung to True Parents. Through the victory of the family that achieved triumphant supremacy, "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age" and "The Safe Settlement of the True Parents and the Completed Testament Age" came to pass. Because everything reached settlement on the family level, we were recognized as complementary subject partners in front of the families of the world and thus True Parents' victorious authority could be inherited. In that way, the formal foundation of the realm of the four-position foundation of Adam and Eve will expand through the levels of individual, family, tribe, people and nation. This expansion does not occur all at once. The nation centers on the world. The nation's destination is the world. The nation is the starting point of being able to reach to the world. (270-152, 1995.5.29)

You must be proud of and love the True Parents. It is True Parents and the Completed Testament Age -- the safe settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. The True Parents settle and bequeath to us the True Parents and the victorious authority of the True Parents. Since they have settled, they can give us the Blessing. This is a global settlement. They bequeathed it to us. Because of this bequeathal, fallen people should be grateful. They must praise the True Parents and love the True Parents. In giving you the blessing, Heaven's Parents were proud of you and pledged to love you. In return, therefore, you must praise and be proud of those Heavenly Parents. That is the way to alleviate the sadness of the Heavenly Family. (281-282, 1997.3.9)

Adam's family was lost but that lost family grew to global proportions. Thus, the True Parents must bring it together and turn it back to how it should have been. Since things became as they are due to the love, life and lineage of the false parents, the True Parents must take every individual, family, tribe, people, nation and the entire world to return them back to God's side. Everything has been completely turned upside down in this way through the false parents, and the family is not the only thing True Parents will restore. All the perfected realms of heaven and earth have to be restored through indemnity, reorganized centering on the family, and all the eight stages including tribe and people, and so on, all need to be dealt with. The family was lost due to the false parents, but what was dealt with in this family cannot be returned back to God. It can only be dealt with when all the victorious realms in heaven and earth have been attained. (439-27, 2004.2.19)

I am presently making many proclamations, such as the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the founding of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and the Declaration of the Resolution of Indemnity. This is inevitable as the path to liberation must be paved, leveling mountains to build it according to the standard of the original world. Were I someone without such past accomplishments, I could not be the True Parent, I could not be the Messiah: nor could I be the returning Lord. (289-64, 1997.12.30)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 1

The Way to Inherit the Victorious Authority

The settlement of the Completed Testament Age means that centering on True Parents' family we have become one great family, like a positive charge. All of humankind is a negative charge. All the families will become the counterpart families to the family with a positive charge. If, in the position of perfect negative charges, they just become one with the Parents' family, then they will all rise to the same position. This is the formula of the universe. In order for that to happen, three important conditions are needed. First, the lineage must be changed. Second, ownership must be changed. Next, the realm of Shim Jung must be changed. The realm of Shim Jung is on three levels: individual, family and tribe. This forms one category. It cannot be divided. Therefore, the tribal messiah must connect these three stages to one single category. You can therefore go to the national level when you rise above this. (268-80, 1995.3.5)

Purity, pure lineage, and then pure love will be positioned where true love and true life are perfect centering on unique, unchanging, and eternal love, which is the mainstream of God's love based on his ideal for the creation. You have to receive your inheritance after establishing a family from the position of the family of dutiful children, loyal patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters, from the position where everything under heaven is unified to form an equilibrium, and from the position that can represent all supremacy based on victory, a position in which one can smell the fragrance of flowers. (410-55, 2003.6.30)

In order to become the first son, and in order to inherit the right of the first son, you must be better than Satan. You have to be God's representative in all areas, and say that you will stand in the position of taking responsibility in accordance with God's laws and principles. This means that the person who loves God more will receive the prize. Because this is true, God can carry out the providence of restoration. You are to receive your inheritance centering on love so it is in accord with this principle that you can seize the birthright of the first son. The sons and daughters on I leaven' side must be more dutiful to their parents than are the sons and daughters of Satan's world. The people on Heaven's side must love their families, their nations, the world and all humankind more than the people of Satan's world do. They must be superior in all aspects. This must be done voluntarily rather than by force. (102-182, 1978.12.24)

Inheriting True Parents' Tradition

Because the seeds for these things were sown in the Garden of Eden through the Fall, such phenomena will arise across the world and the time will come to reap the fruits of the Fall. Such a time is now. Since this world cannot be allowed to go on as it is, the time for harvest has now come, we have reached the time to reap the fruit. The world has become the way it is through receiving a tradition that deviates from God due to its relationship with the fallen parents. Thus, True Parents must come and establish a new ideology. What kind of ideology should that be? Should it be an ideology based on the world or on the cosmos? It is the ideology based on the true family. Without its appearance, a world-centered ideology cannot emerge. The representative of the ideology based on the true family must be God's true son. He should be the internal heir who inherits everything related to God's heart. He should also be his external heir, the heir of the ownership of all things. In other words, he has to be someone who can inherit God's heart, inherit God's body and inherit all things. Only such a son can stand on God's behalf. God's kingdom will finally be realized only when that son comes. (21-49, 1968.9.1)

True Parents' Tradition

How will history unfold from now? When True Parents' tradition appears, then the lifestyle centering on the True Parents will remain as the standard of actual traditions throughout the rest of history for all eternity. If we walk on for a thousand more years, people will not be looking to the future for hope but in the opposite way, they will model things on this present time, which will be a thousand years in their past. Up until now, fallen people have been seeking for a unified world, but if the True Parents, who can be determined as the center of the world, appear, then all people will perfectly emulate the tradition of the True Parents and uphold them as the center. Therefore, as time goes, the domain that has that center will continue to expand. Therefore, True Parents family is the foundation that can represent the tradition of the future and the entirety of the history that people hope to see. It is also the foundation that represents the entire central history of the future era. True Parents' family is the foundation that can represent the central history in the future. The six thousand years of God's history was to create True Parents' family. Why are people going through struggles in the present time? It is so they can meet True Parents' family. (44-134, 1971.5.6)

What is the love of the True Parents? We did not have true ancestors who could do this, so at some point the Messiah must come to stand as the True Parent and establish such a tradition of love from the level of the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation and world. Only when that is realized on the level that transcends one people can heaven and God's museum be established on earth. I am saying that we should establish the tradition of love that we can share with him while rebinding with him in the present time centering on all individuals and families, rebinding everything that was disconnected centering on families. To prepare such an amazing foundation is the mission of the True Parents, and to uphold and actualize that purpose is the mission of the Unification Church. (107-161, 1980.4.20)

You become an owner only when you act with the Shim Jung (heart) of a parent and the body of a servant. This is God's unfinished work. You can only attain that if, with the Shim Jung of the Father, you shed tears and sweat and shed your boiling blood. In order to become a true leader, you have to receive true leadership. You must inherit the tears, sweat and blood of the True Parents, who are going the way of Heaven. You have to shed tears, sweat and blood and that is what you will leave behind as your tradition. (11-155, 1961.5.18)

What is the tradition of God and True Parents? First, it is to live for the sake of others. Second, it is to invest, invest and forget. Third, it is to pray and offer Jong Song on the path to perfection. You cannot do this alone. Why do you need to pray? It is because you have to receive the help of Heaven, which is in the subject position, and because Heaven needs to be aligned with you. Then, why do you need to offer Jong Song? It is because you need to carve out the path that will allow you to accept your circumstances. Prayer is to create a bond with Heaven as the subject partner, and Jong Song is to expand horizontal relationships. (219-216, 1991.8.29)

What kind of family is the family of True Parents? The family of True Parents is the fruit of history, the center of this age, and the starting point of the future. Hence, in the future, when the world we live in becomes the heavenly kingdom we have hoped for. True Parents' whole lives will be the tradition there. This tradition is the mother of a national ideology. Also, this is the original point from which to construct that world. Based on the relationship that makes you children of True Parents, you should always establish the three-generation realm together with True Parents. The three generations are God, the Parents and you. Horizontally, there are also three generations: I, my own children, and you. Heaven and earth will not be unified until these three generations have been completed. (44-169, 1971.5.6)

Tradition, education and practice are education in the tradition and the teachings centered on True Parents. You are to inherit everything that True Parents won through battle. True Parents must bind all things, all sons and daughters, everything that is of the Old, New, and Completed Testament by the love of Parents, without any discrimination, and which Satan cannot accuse, and then offer them to God. True Parents will offer God the entire world that has unified based on the UN and then inherit it back. In so doing, True Parents' right of ownership will begin. (417-124, 2003.9.5)

The six thousand years of God's history was to establish True Parents' family. Why is humankind is going through difficulties today? It is in order to meet True Parents' family. Our descendants in the future will be there so that True Parents will have descendants. It is not so that there will be True Parents' nation or True Parents' world; when True Parents appear, True Parents' nation and True Parents' world will naturally appear. It is so that there will be descendants of the True Parents. The nation is not what is needed. The time of our ideal is the time when we need to live centering on Parents. At that time, heaven and earth will already be governed under the authority of the Parents. At that time, you will not just be ordinary citizens. The tradition that has been wrought centering on the True Parents will therefore remain forever as a historical tradition. There is no greater tradition than this. (44-134• 1971.5.6)

Originally, had Adam and Eve not fallen, human history would have begun from the Parents. The Parents' words would have become their descendants' words, the Parents' way of life would have become their descendants' way of life, and the environmental reality felt by the Parents would have been felt by their descendants. History starts from the Parents. (26-280, 1969.11.10)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 2

Receiving True Parents' Tradition

Fathers and mothers want to bequeath everything they have to their beloved sons and daughters. Inheriting the universe can be fully achieved with ease of mind when those who are involved find the position of equal value in love according to the tradition of love. This is why parents want children of filial piety. Who are these children of filial piety? They are those who, as co-participants in their parents' eternal love, will continue the tradition of bequeathing love. (140-235, 1986.2.12)

Who do you want as the head of your family? What kind of person would the father, the grandmother, or the whole family want as their heir? It is the one who loves the most. If the grandfather is the one who loves the whole family the most, the family members will report to him rather than to the father. This is inevitable. Therefore, the one who can be the head of a household is the one who serves others with the most loving heart. The one who serves others more, with a heart of love, will inherit the tradition of love and of family. You should know that only such people will participate in the line of inheritance that will continue for eternity. (141-292, 1986.3.2)

In order to inherit the providence of God in its entirety, we have to be loyal to that tradition. Remaining loyal to the tradition, we must take responsibility. After taking responsibility, we must carry out a revolution. If the social environment is not according to the tradition in the eyes of the Father, and, if we are to allow that tradition to be passed on to everyone, we must fight to eliminate all that is wrong within the social environment. Otherwise, there will be no improvement. (152-197, 1963.5.10)

In order to inherit the ties with providential history and fulfill the responsibilities of a pioneer in this age, you must inherit the historically pure tradition of God's providence of restoration, take responsibility for that in the current environment of daily life, and struggle to build the foundation for a new ideal in the future. (152-198, 1963.5.10)

The kingdom of heaven is where people who live for the sake of others can go. Those who have communicated with and embraced the world while investing themselves in it, and who have wandered about seeking the place of the global ideal and the love with which to serve God, will be the owners of the heavenly kingdom. You should take pride in such things. You should take pride in your mother and father, your wife or husband, your sons and daughters, and your siblings. You must expand such a tradition and apply it to the nation. You must apply that formula to the world and to heaven and earth. Such people can have the right of equal participation, the right of equal position, and the right of inheritance wherever they go. (175-139, 1988.4.10)

What I will bequeath to you is the family-level realm of victory. What kind of family am I talking about? A family that represents the world. The family that fulfills a messianic mission is a family that represents the world. As such, it is the family that, representing all the peoples of the world, can embrace and manage all things and allow all people to come and go. I want you to become such families. When all five races want to find their way into that family, when they try to make relationships with that family, the family should not block them or say that only some people may come in. Just as all force and action must go through this point without exception, the principle is that the Shim Jung of all people expands in all four directions through that central point of Shim Jung. The family is the center. Therefore, even the kingdom of heaven can never be realized unless there is a core true family. (100-309, 1978.10.22)

The family is the base through which we can seek out the homeland and hometown and settle there. How should you live in such a family? You must meet the Father, become enraptured in tears, then live with him. This is for the sake of your nations and for your families. You need to find your families, and hold on tightly to the tradition of tears, the tradition of blood, the tradition of sweat, the tradition of water running from the nose, the tradition of the whole body, and thus leave behind purity, pure blood, pure love and pure nature that will not change in the second or third generations, nor change over the countless generations of your bloodline. The upper and lower, front and back, left and right must be clean. Only then can you have the pure blood and pure love of a clean lineage. You have to plant pure seeds through the gate of pure nature centering on the pure love that consists of true love, true life and true lineage. (484-84, 2005.1.20)

You must suffer more than others for the sake of the Will. When you do so, everyone will follow you. Who has suffered for the sake of the church? Who has sacrificed his own family for the sake of the church? Who is suffering more and is closer to the Shim Jung tradition? When someone of the lowest rank prays night and day for the sake of the Will, sheds his blood and sweat in striving to realize the spirit of love, then whether that person is a woman or a man, Heaven will continue a new history through that person. The Unification Church has already established that kind of tradition. Who among my sons and daughters will become my heir depends on who suffers more for the sake of the Will and who fulfills their filial duty. It is the same for each of them. It is the same in the family and the same in the church. Everyone must follow such a tradition. (113-47, 1981.5.1)

Inheriting the Teachings of Our True Parents Your mind and body are split apart and fighting every day within your individual self. It is something that you must resolve with God's word. You have to handle this problem through God's character and Shim Jung. You must reach the point where God likes it when you love yourselves, where God recognizes you when you establish yourselves. You must get to the point where God recognizes the things you say as true. The following are the issues most urgent to address in order to become such substantial beings: how to create a unified self within your realm of life, and how to construct a unified front within yourself. In order to know whether you can become such a substantial being or not, you must go out and spread the word with utmost devotion. When you do so, you will realize that God is always with you through your connection to the word. God will always be with you when you are connected to the word. (27-337, 1970.1.1)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 3

The value of the Principle and of the word

We are connected to God through the word. Without the word, we cannot be connected to God. Without the word, we cannot find a connection to God. Without a substantial being that will proclaim the word, nothing works out. God's purpose in connecting to human beings is so that they will connect to his love. The one who proclaims the word that can connect human beings to God is a person living on earth. However, the words conveyed by that person are God's words. It is through those words that people are made anew. (27-337, 1970.1.1)

The Fall was brought about through the failure to uphold God's word. Therefore, on this path that we seek out centering on the word, we are the body of people saying that we will absolutely establish God's word. Then, what kind of people rely on God's word? They are the people who are the most public, the people who serve the world and humankind and the people who serve God. From God's viewpoint, this is not saying that we will stand in the position God is currently in, but that we will stand in the position of God's ideal; it is not saying that we will stand in humankind's current position but that we will go beyond the current position of humankind and stand in the ideal position that is being sought by humankind. It is being a person that lives within the ideal of God, lives in God's tomorrow and lives in the tomorrow of all humankind. So imagine how difficult this may be! I'm saying that we should become the group that speaks out about building the world of the future. When we are that kind of group, then whenever God thinks of the future, he will think of me and of the Unification Church, and whenever people think of tomorrow, they will think of the Unification Church and think about me. That is the conclusion we arrive at. (88-304, 1976.10.3)

God is calling us with his words. Therefore, we must go in response to his words. Through what route can genuine parents and genuine children meet each other? It is through genuine words. Those words are the words of the Father. You cannot become children unless you know the Father's words. If it is true that the Father's words are absolute and genuine, it means that you won't feel tired even if you listen to those same words for a thousand or ten thousand years. The Father's teachings have no end. You have to search for them. It's not enough to find words that tit the constraints you impose with your own logic. The Father's words are such that they not only express the greatest principles but they can give life to the listener no matter how many times he hears them, even if it is for all eternity. (10-131, 1960.9.18)

The words of loving parents are eternal; they transcend time and space. Therefore, God's words transcend history, eras, principles, and ideologies. They are more precious than the words of others. These words, whether you listen to them at night or during the day, or read them at night or during the day, endlessly flow into your heart. (10-132, 1960.9.18)

The words that Jesus said to the Jewish people and all the things he showed them were not based on his own will. They were from Heaven's will. Jesus embodied the will of God's providence. However, a clash arose between the people within the realm of the Fall who were meant to relate with God's Will through Jesus, and Jesus himself. The Jewish people did not know that when God's word appears in the fallen world, it can revolutionize an individual when it appears to an individual, that it can revolutionize a people when it appears before a people, and that it can revolutionize the world when it appears before the world. Moreover, it will appear as the word that can revolutionize heaven and earth anew. (1-230, 1956.11.11)

I am the owner of the word. I have lived according to the word so I became the owner of the word. Someone who could not become the owner of the word could not become the True Parent. I became the True Parent, therefore, becoming a substantial being of the word and offering those fruits to God in order that there could be advancement to a time of liberation and complete freedom for the ideal of God's purpose of creation. (524-252, 2006.4.15)

No one will erase my words. When I hear the words I spoke fifty years ago, I myself bow down to those words. When I spoke in those days, I did so from such a serious position, speaking with the urgency of determining to leave behind for others Heaven's valuable words. Actually, those words are those that would allow me to rule the world even if I died. When you read the volumes of my sermons you have to be moved to the degree that you come to that realization. You need to have spiritual experiences. Of course it can be precious to play and dance and so forth, but getting enraptured in my words and growing spiritually is precious -- a blessing among blessings -- both for the heavenly world and for your earthly descendants. (309-190, 1999.5.1)

You can read many newspapers' worth of content after a thousand or even ten thousand years if it is saved on a computer. Even though I have spoken about many things, those words can be used on computers in countless worlds if we put them on a CD. That is the kind of time that we are in. Therefore, you cannot hide falsehoods. There is nowhere to hide them. The words of Heaven, the words of Heaven's love are shining brightly throughout the world, such that the dark forces will self-destruct. They will be forced to flee farther and farther away. When the light begins to shine, darkness cannot rule within the realm that is touched by that light. (342-22, 2001.1.9)

Will the words of the teacher of the Unification Church disappear within a thousand years, or not? When you think about it you realize this is a major question. My words must not only remain within your bosom, they must flow and become healing waters -- not spring water -- so that everyone can drink those waters a thousand years from now and be proud that the words are medicine that can cure any disease. I am offering my Jong Song hoping that my words will remain such words of life. (340-64, 2000.12.23)

The truth in the Unification Church is not truth that was revealed due to the course of battle within the history of the Unification Church. It is the truth that was within God's ideal of creation. his ideal to establish a true family, a true tribe, a true people, a true nation and a true world centering on the coming of the True Parents destined from before the Creation. It is truth that also includes within it the ideal of God's providence of restoration. (30-318, 1970.4.6)

The True Parents are the ancestors of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute wisdom. Since the words of the Principle were discovered through absolute belief, absolute love and absolute wisdom, they are a shield that permits you to take a dominant position, a shield that will allow others -- whether you are relating with Heaven, Satan or history -- to affirm and not deny those principles.(277-152, 1996.4.7)

Things that are explained in the Unification Principle are connected by the laws of nature. That is why it is called the Principle. It is heavenly principle. It is eternally unchanging principle. The Principle is not a doctrine. It is not the doctrine of the Unification Church. True Parents are not teaching a doctrine. Doctrine is something by which fallen people seek out Heaven, but what is doctrine to people who live with God? It is heavenly law. (301-34, 1999.4.16)

My words are such that you will not understand them right away. However, if you read the books that contain my words many times, without fail you will come to understand them. I have a mind that can distinguish, compare and contrast the entirety of this wide world and arrange it so that I can handle this world's entire sphere of knowledge and perfect a theoretical system centering on a traditional standard known as the Principle. It will require thousands or even tens of thousands of scholars to recognize the value of the Principle. The Unification Church has such a formidable weapon. (228-149, 1992.3.27)

My teachings represent an ideology that will forever remain at the highest point as the mainstream ideology, even if the Unification Church disappears in the course of history. Even if you fail to make this happen, it will still be done at some point. A time will come when many nations will compete to accomplish this. When that happens, you will be turned upside down. The one who was first will be last and the one who was last will be first. It will be flipped over. The person who loses that opportunity will not remain in the archives of history. (390-314, 2002.8.16)

True Parents' teachings are the true words that allow you to connect with eternal value. In the course of seeking the True Parents, have you felt the value of those words? if you have never felt that value, you would not recognize a father who came to give you true words of value. You must pray in order to deeply understand the value of these true words. People on earth must seek the teachings of the True Father, the true words. Those are the words that move Jesus' Shim Jung and words that move the Shim Jung of God, who has carried out his providence for six thousand years. Moreover, when those words appear on the earth, they will reveal the history of six thousand years of ups and downs, and they will reveal God's fury, victimization and bitterness. Thus, God's heart is always moved by my words. (10-133, 1960.9.18)

God's word does not establish some sort of rules; its purpose is to create his life and ideology. There are many religious doctrines and ideologies on the earth today that advocate truth but there are no teachings that put our mind and body at ease when we practice them; no teachings in which we can dwell for eternity. If the love of God, who is the source of life in the universe, moves our minds and bodies, we can fundamentally resolve all ideologies and claims with God's true word. (3-327, 1958.2.2)

You must establish the tradition related with the word. And you need the character that will allow you to attain oneness with the word. In the judgment of the Last Days, there are three great judgments. The first is the judgment by the word, the second is judgment by character and the third is judgment by Shim Jung. This is already an absolute standard. The Fall occurred when people could not unite with God's word. Adam and Eve should have treated God's commandment to not eat the fruit as absolute and thus established the right tradition. But Adam and Eve did not do that, but instead fell, so the people who walk the course of restoration have to establish a tradition of becoming one with the unique words of truth that will appear in the end. In heaven, such a tradition has already been established, but it has not yet been established for people on earth. if this tradition is not established, there is a possibility that, like Christianity, the Unification Church will split into numerous denominations. (21-326, 1969.1.1)

The question of how we will establish a tradition of becoming one with the word is an absolute issue. We should not allow the word to be separate from our reality. You must become people who can raise yourselves and move forward centering on the word. You have to establish the tradition by centering on the word which is the absolute standard. You must understand the standard I had in my mind when I established the word. Even if you learn the word, it is so that you can have faith at the standard of your learning; your understanding is not yet perfect. There is a time-honored standard hiding behind those words, so you have to experience that standard through your own body. Therefore, you must continue to work hard to establish the tradition of the word. (21-327, 1969.1.1)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 4

The Sermon Books Are a Treasure Store

How numerous are the volumes of my speeches! Up until now, you have not been interested in the books of my sermons. No matter how many books you may find in a library, they are of no use from God's viewpoint. Think about the remarkable books of my sermons. The content of those books is for the purpose of saving the sons and daughters of this world. The books of my sermons are original works. If you buy them, they will become your pride for generations. If you think about this from God's viewpoint, you will realize that the books of my sermons are the most precious things. There will never be a second set of True Parents. The True Parents are eternally only one; they are absolutely one. You must learn what kind of person the Father is. I don't think you know how deep, high and broad he is. You can know the Father's character through the books of sermons. Those books are like lamps on a dark night. (309-167, 1999.5.1)

Many books of my sermons have been published. I read them every morning. From now on, I have no need of big meetings and the like. I have already taught everything. I have even spoken to you in detail about tribal messiahship. These are not ideas 1 came up with as I developed the church. I made a detailed program in advance and have been teaching you on that basis. That is a great thing. I have said many things that sounded like idle fancies, but those were all things that I had already made real in my own life. Once you own books of my sermons, preparing sermons and similar talks will be no problem. Those books are a vast treasure. You cannot buy that with money. (192-110, 1989.7.3)

I usually rise at 3:30 in the morning. When I get up, I read words I have spoken in the past. It is wonderful content. Since it was I that spoke those words in the first place, I know all of the content; yet when I read it, somehow I start crying. People who hear such precious words and then, just float away will have no way to be forgiven. These words are more precious than your homes and more precious than your land. (269-318, 1995.5.1)

About how many of my sermon books have you read so far?

This is a serious question. The more you read, the more you will shine and the greater your value becomes. You have to know everything I have taught. Suppose there is a king who makes his nation great, understands the world and knows the truth; to such a man the books of my sermons are a treasure. Even now, I am reading my words for the purpose of learning. I have to organize them all before I die. If there are any mistakes, I must fix them. It will be a problem if there are any errors. (228-148, 1992.3.27)

How many books of my sermons have been published so far? If we go somewhere and give these moving speeches, there will be many scenes of people shedding tears. Even nowadays, I read my speeches for two hours a day. While I read them. I find that the realization of the Completed Testament Age in the present day is expressed in my prayers of many decades ago -- to the point that they resonate to my bones. There is no way to express how wonderful these prayers are. This is not to boast. When I think back on those days, these prayers are full of stimulating impressions. That is a great treasure chest. (260-220, 1994.5.19)

Now there is no need for sermons. Don't preach. Instead, find a sermon title from among my sermons that is appropriate to the present time and use it in an appropriate way for your circumstances. Create an independent volume made up of speech titles and three-line summaries of each speech. Then, after you have determined what you will give your sermon on, all you will need to do is find a portion of my speech that matches the sermon you want to give. When you feel that you should speak about some specific topic, based on that idea, you should read from the collection of my sermons and then give your sermon. Also, for the prayer, you should pray using the content that I prayed. There is nothing Heaven likes more than that. This is how you should always give sermons. (212-119, 1991.1.2)

Disseminate My Teachings and Practice Them

My teachings must last for eternity. They are teachings that transcend our living environment. The evil living environment cannot swallow true teachings. True teachings cannot be restrained by anything in the evil world. You must use the word to induce within yourself the heart to repeatedly overcome your evil surroundings. It is because Christianity throughout the world cannot do this that it is in confusion. Then there must be a place where the Father that is coming with a loving heart will be able to give his beloved children his genuine teachings. You must find that place. If you can Lind such a place and listen to those words, you will hear those teachings anew even when you listen to them for the thousandth time. They will be the teachings that can last for eternity, reflecting true values of goodness. If you cannot find such teachings, you cannot become true children. (10-132, 1960.9.18)

The flavor of what Father says will never become bland, even if you hear it repeatedly for a thousand years. The same words will comfort you when you are sad and congratulate you when you are joyful. Depending on the state of your mind and the emotions experienced in your life, my teachings function with the value of being your wonderful object partners. (10-141, 1960.9.18)

The number of church members increases in proportion to how much you have conveyed what is written in Divine Principle. The question is how devoted you are to the Divine Principle. There is no other way. Human beings were created through the word. They lost the word and so they must be re-created through the word. The word of God's love, the word of God's life and the word of God's lineage are the three main elements of the word -- love, life and lineage. Love, life and lineage must convulse in excitement. Only upon breaking out of the three layers of formation, growth and completion does the mature person emerge. (198-30, 1990.1.20)

The whole world must learn the things I have said. That is why, with the coming of the Completed Testament Age, I am conveying my teachings. I gave to the entire world my words, the holy scripture of the Completed Testament with the proclamation of the new Completed Testament Age. That is I why I am telling you to read and study them. You must also unite centering on the word. Before you become one with me, you must become one based on the word. (291-217, 1998.3.13)

A person who cannot understand the word as it should be understood will receive judgment by the word. Even though our earthly life will end, we must leave these teachings behind for the unending line of our descendants. As long as the fortune of restoration remains and God's providence remains unfinished, we must work through these teachings. We must take care of these valuable teachings. God had been anticipating the day when all the people of the world will kneel before these teachings. God has been enduring a history of great suffering and hardship until now in order to bring the world's people to their knees in front of these words of truth. (64-256, 1972.11.12)

God gives his words of love to Satan's world. From within Satan's world, someone must appear who has absolute faith in God's word. This means there is need of a body of people that believes in God's word more absolutely than Adam did. They must do work through which they gain greater trust from God than he had in the angel who caused the loss of faith in God's word. You have to listen to God's word and then snatch your body out of Satan's realm. You have to recover your body and then come to God. (53-40, 1972.2.6)

It is not enough to merely know in your head the words of truth that you learned from Divine Principle after meeting the Unification Church. At the same time that you know those teachings intellectually, you must also know them in your heart. In this way, when you come to know the teachings with both your mind and your heart, you will have no option but to go to fulfill the purpose of those teachings. And you will have no choice but to fight with Satan. Moreover, you will never be able to open your mouth and speak poorly of the Father or turn your thoughts around and stand in a position to betray Heaven. (3-99, 1957.10.4)

Food tastes good even though you eat it every day. Food that connects you to the truth tastes good even if you eat it every day. Words of life tastes good even if you eat them every day. People who enjoy hearing the words of the Principle until

the day they die will absolutely not go to Hell. You may say, We know all these things! but you only know them in your heads; this has nothing to do with the realm of Shim Jung. The more you hear these words, the more the heavenly realm of life will come to you. (239-145, 1992.11.24)

The substance that nurtures life is the word. It is a grave error to think that someone has become a member of the Unification Church just because he has received a twenty-one day workshop and a forty-day workshop. You have to study centering on the Divine Principle book. What you feel and see when you treasure the Divine Principle book in your heart can always take the place of your personal testimony. You will be conveying the grace you received from the Divine Principle book. (261-257, 1994.6.20)

All of you now living in the Last Days have to become the ancestors of the third Israel and understand that the final teaching will be God's words of love. Therefore, you should not let God's word remain as God's word and yourselves as yourselves, having nothing to do with one another. Instead, you must become the visible, substantial embodiments of God's word. God's innermost heart must become your innermost heart. In other words, you must become the embodiment of the original heart. All of you must carry out the mission of a second creator that can disseminate the word of God. That is to say, you must become propagators of the word, propagators of life, and propagators of its substance. Only when you become one in love can you attend God eternally. Such is the standard of the third Israel. Only in this manner can you plant the word, the substance, and the life. (3-331, 1958.2.2)

You should not become people who follow the word blindly. First, through the word, you should become its substance with the character of a subject partner; that is, you must become a subject partner of the word and have the character through which you can create. However, when I look at people in the Unification Church that are studying the Divine Principle, I can see many that cannot find the standard of Shim Jung or the standard of character, but only work and move according to the word. This will not do. If you learn the word, then you must be able to express the word as your own words. You must speak about the Principle, but not as some principle taught to you by some teacher; you must speak from the perspective of having a bond of life with the Principle in your own hones and flesh. Unless you become a person who can speak with that kind of original subject nature, the people who connect through that word will have nothing to do with you. Thus, you must perfect a substantial character based on the word. (19-133, 1968.1.1)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 5

Father's Prayer, March 15, 1959
Please Let Us Move Only As Yours

Please do not allow us to become people who think that we belong to ourselves. Our minds are not ours, and our lives, which are in motion, are not ours; and as the desires we are longing for are not ours, please do not allow us to relate to heaven with minds that consider things centered on ourselves. Since we began as yours, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to become a time when we are able to move only as yours.

Since we know that our minds must become yours, and our bodies also must become yours, and our ideologies and opinions must become yours, please do not tolerate anything that is not yours. If there are elements of evil which you do not want in our minds and bodies, please eliminate them, and we earnestly hope and desire, O Father, that you will allow this to become a time that moves as yours alone through your having eliminated all the ideologies and opinions that are not yours.

We know that uncountable satans are stalking our minds and our bodies. If the bitter root of sin, which you cannot tolerate, remains, 0 Father, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will bring about heavenly acts that will give us the ability to subjugate our minds before you, and that you will appear and bring about heavenly acts of re-creation through the authority of your power.

We know the fact that when heaven moves, the earth cannot help but move, and when the earth faces heaven and requests something, heaven cannot help but accomplish it for the earth. Today are there sons and daughters of heaven who are struggling with sincere minds and true hearts in order to grasp heaven as their own? Is there any person who has lived his or her entire life thinking of all of heaven's situations as his or her own situations, thinking of heaven's work as his or her own work, thinking of the ideas of heaven as his or her own ideas, and struggled while seeking to grasp this, been treated contemptuously while seeking to grasp this and been driven out while seeking to grasp this? If we have not been in that kind of position, please allow us to be able to report truthfully that we are criminals who cannot be tolerated by heaven.

Now we have realized that heaven exists, and we have realized who our heavenly Father is. Since we know that there remains the necessary condition that we must form a certain kind of destined relationship between you and us, Father, today please allow us to form a destined relationship with you, our heavenly Father, through this kind of heart, and to feel your anguish as our anguish and your deep regret and sorrow as our deep regret and sorrow. Please allow there to appear before this people and please allow there to appear in this land a heavenly march which goes forth to fight a fierce battle against Satan.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to drive out from the earth the enemy satans who have faced heaven and accused it for six thousand years, in order to resolve your grief and to build as soon as possible the ideal garden you have sought.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. 

One Must Follow The Path That Heaven Takes

Sun Myung Moon
August 2, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.16)

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - August 2, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - August 2, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"True Parents’ prayer is "元亨利貞은 天道之常이니라(원형이정은 천도지상이니라)" One must follow the path that Heaven takes, seeking for the origin of heaven and earth. ‘원형이정 은’ (which has five words) indicates that we need to go beyond the five summits (that are on individual, familial, tribal, racial and national levels). This tells us there is no change in Heaven’s way. Then "仁義禮智은 人性之綱(인의예지은 인성지강)"*

"Young widows and young widowers will disappear. It is because they lack upper and lower partners, nor right and left partners, without knowing the direction of heaven and earth."


*This is the first part of the prayer of True Parents, revealed from 2011 (if I am correct), which Father compares to the "Lord’s Prayer." This is from "Moderation (중용 /中庸), written by Confucius’ grandson 자사 (子思 / Jasa), one of the Seven Chinese Classics (the Four Books and the Three Classics). Which says: 元亨利貞 天道之常(원형이정 천도지상) 仁義禮智 人性之綱(인의예지 인성지강).and This basically means that "spring, summer, autumn and winter, which respectively represent foundation, growth, harvest and conclusion of life, are unchanging heavenly law, and that is also the way humans are who pursue love, righteousness, courtesy and knowledge in order to go along with Heaven."

The second part of the prayer, which he didn’t mention that day, is Father’s providential viewpoint of realizing the ideal word, in which he basically says "uniting England, the US, France, Japan, Germany and Italy centering on True Parents’ family, the world of peace will be established." 

Do You Clearly Understand the Prayer of Jesus?

Sun Myung Moon
August 1, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.15)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon - August 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon - August 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 55, titled "Tasks We should Do from Now on." The following are the excerpts of the reading:

"For the providence of the restoration, an offering is always necessary. If you are church leaders or in charge of our activities, you are the central figures of the providence of restoration. From a principle viewpoint, people in the central position are Abel. We call us the Blessed families among our membership as Abel, we also call ourselves Abel in relation to Christianity, and we call senior members such as the 36 Blessed couples among the Blessed families as Abel in relation to the younger ones. We think in common that the longer one has been with the church, the closer they are to Heaven.

But you must know Abel can exist only with the presence of Cain. Abel is necessary in order to restore parents. Abel is necessary in order to restore fallen Adam and Eve to the original status. Abel came to exist to restore the parents. If not for the fall, neither Abel nor Cain would have been necessary. Due to the fall, through the person called Abel, the parents must be restored. Through the fall, human beings lost all things, substance and love, (만물, 실체, 사랑을 잃어버렸다), which must be restored. To have lost 'love' means false parents came to appear, and we understand the principle that in order to restore relationship with true parents, Abel and Cain must be united and stand in such a position.

By losing the (True) Parents' Day, we lost (True) Children's Day, and the Day of (True) All Things. Due to the fall, human beings lost everything and must restore them step by step. (True) Parents' Day in the Unification Church was decided by eradicating false parents and creating the point where one can have their relationship with True Parents. Not only finding the (True) Parents' Day, the indemnity conditions to restore children must be established, and after finding the (True) Parents' Day, (True) Children's Day must be restored. After restoring parents and children, the Day of (All) True Things can be established, which means the restoration of all creatures. By restoring those days, Adam must go through and reach the completion of the completion stage.

The Blessing you receive takes place at the completion level of the growth stage where Adam and Eve fell, and from that point you must go up. But this task can't be done alone. Since Adam and Eve fell together, husband and wife must go up together in this course of restoration. Restoring the conjugal relationship that fell centering on Satan, they must go up that period centering on God.

That's why it is not that everything has been done when you receive the Blessing. The Blessing means that God and human beings as the people of the heavenly nation can have a horizontal relationship for the first time in which they can cooperate with each other. Only by receiving the Blessing can such a relationship can take place."

The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"Many countries in the world say 'We have our own tradition in our nation.' What kind of tradition do they talk about? Are they talking about the tradition that took place after the fall or that would have existed before the fall? In this speech (of 천지인참부모정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회), I am talking about the tradition before the fall. Why do human beings have man and woman? With what purpose? People have no clue about those questions.

"Do you clearly understand the prayer of Jesus? The founders of Christian denominations have historically been separate. Why? Because they are apart from Heaven's tradition. The tradition of the Soviet Union and that of China had been different. North Korean traditions and those of South Korea have been different. In Christianity, they haven't been able to solve the issue of the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If they continue to believe that a serpent seduced Eve to eating the fruit, they will fail completely. Actually they failed."

"What is the origin of gambling? It is the fall of humankind. (도박의 조상이 무엇이냐? 타락이야 타락.)"

"The relationship between God and humankind is the relationship of a parent and child. But God Himself didn't know it. God is also accomplishing (the creation) again. (하나님과 인간의 관계는 부자지관계인데, 부자지관계를 하나님도 몰랐고 하나님도 재차 이루어나가는 거야.)"[1]

"Before me, there wasn't a Moon tribe."

(Katsumi: Father says "True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is the very origin of all humankind.")

"In order to establish the parent-child relationship with God, one must be connected to the tradition through blood lineage."

"What is the relationship between Jesus and Adam? How can Jesus restore the failures in Adam's time? Jesus' ancestor and the seed of Adam are different (예수의 조상과 아담의 씨는 같지 않습니다.) They have been separate. All such fundamental things must be clarified step by step."[2]

"Do you live following God or letting God follow you?"

"The parent-child relationship can take place only when there is a mother. Without a father, there is no tradition."


1. I think this statement must be considered with Father's recent and amazing statement that "Substance (실체) comes first before the truth (진리)." Before explaining this, I would like to think about the term 실체 (實體 substance). In Unificationism, I think 실체 (實體 substance) is usually used in the following two ways:

A. Something that is invisible but actually exists, for example "무형실체세계 (Incorporeal World)" described in the principle

B. Substantiation of something internal, for example "True Parents are 실체 하나님 (God incarnate)"

However, when Father says "Substance (실체) comes first before the truth (진리)," I think what 실체 (實體) here means is

A. Existence (or more precisely Individual Truth Body / Individual Embodiment of Truth)

A good example of "Substance comes first before the truth" with 실체 (substance) as the concept of "a cake and its recipe." We tend to think that because of the recipe, we can make a cake. In such a context, we think that a cake comes after the recipe. In other words, the recipe (the truth) comes first before the cake (its substantiation). But we need to keep in mind the fact that since someone originally could make a cake, he or she can share its recipe.

Father says that in the restoration, the truth comes first: we, following the truth (recipe), try to substantiate it (making a cake). But in the original world, he says, the substance comes first: since we become the individual truth body (a cake), what we speak is none other than the truth (recipe).

To support this idea, I would like to mention some examples:

a. Adam and Eve only knew that they should observe the absolute sexual morality. As they grew and became perfect, what they taught to their children based on their reality could have been the truth.

b. Divine Principle says "Jesus did not say that his word was the truth, but that he himself was the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). This is because his words were only a means of expressing himself as the truth."

c. 원리본체론 literally indicates the theory of "Original Body from which the principle comes."

Therefore, when Father says "'Which comes first, the substance or the word of God? The substance comes first. No one can deny it." (Apr. 15, 2012), he is talking about the original world before the fall. On the other hand, the Bible, which says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1), talks about the course of restoration. That's why Father says "It is 실체말씀 (Word of Individual Truth Body), not 말씀의 실체 (Substantiation of the word). The Creation by the Word comes only after the fall." (Jan. 8, 2012). In this sense, I think 개성진리체 should be translated as "Individual Truth Body," not "Individual Embodiment of Truth."

The same formula applies to Father's recent statement "tradition, blood lineage and resemblance." We might think that, firstly changing our blood lineage, we learn True Parents' tradition, and resemble them. This is true in our case, however this is the path of the fallen people. Originally, there is the tradition since there are parents. Then, children come from the tradition through their blood lineage, and consequently they can resemble their parents. That's why Father says, "Which comes first, tradition or blood lineage? Did you know it? Tradition comes first before blood lineage. (Oct. 15, 2011). Father again talks about the original world before the fall.

With that understanding, I think we need to carefully think what Father means by saying "The relationship between God and humankind is the relationship of a parent and child. But God Himself didn't know it. God is also accomplishing (the creation) again. (하나님과 인간의 관계는 부자지관계인데, 부자지관계를 하나님도 몰랐고 하나님도 재차 이루어나가는 거야.), I can't explain fully here but what I want to say is that I don't think Father said these mistakenly. Instead of simply judging that way, we, putting ourselves in the original world before the fall, should try to comprehend such statements step by step following further, the words of Father.

2. On HC 6.4 (July 22, 2012) at Ahn Shi Il Hoon Dok Hae at the Cheon Jeong Gung, Father said as follows, which contents I think are related to the statement above.

"In the speech it says 'This assembly of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle. (근본 본체론 대회).' I added these words to the speech and nobody had known they were necessary. (Then Father read a part of the speech) 'All the blessed children in the heavenly and earthly worlds, who are related to the True Parents by blood, should keep this comprehensive and final proclamation in mind. This proclamation is being given in order to fully establish the ideal nation that comes from the incorporeal God and corporeal God, the God of Night and the God of Day, the ancestors of Jesus and of the True Parents.' This is the most important part regarding 본체론 (The Original Substance of the Divine Principle). (Then Father looked around the faces of the participants for a while as if he wanted to know the participants understood it.)" 

One Must Offer their Grandchildren to their Enemies

Sun Myung Moon
August 1, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.14)

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "Tasks We should Do from Now on." The following are the excerpts of the reading:

"Where do you think God wants to send the Messiah? It is not to the fallen individual, family, tribe nor race. God's desire is to send the Messiah to the sovereignty in which a race and a nation are united. In order to subjugate Cain nations on Satan's side, God sends the Messiah to one nation. The Messiah is to come to the national level in order to subjugate the world. He was not to come to make a victory under a national level. Why? Due to the fall, the whole world was conquered by Satan and all the nations became satanic. Among all nations, there is always the number one nation of Satan, and the Roman Empire in Jesus' time was an example.

The purpose of God sending the Messiah is to subjugate Satan and kick him out. Satan, who was originally the servant of human beings, cannot help but surrender to the original Adam. Though there are many nations on earth, there is only one that Satan wants to be proud of the most. God wants to raise one nation to the absolute standard to subjugate the Satanic nation. Centering on one religious thought through the people who offer Jeong Seong towards Heaven, God has been looking for one nation.

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

Race is Cain and religion is Abel in a nation. Without having Cain and Abel, no restoration can occur. You should always keep this in mind. If not for such an understanding, you won't know what and how you fight for. There are many countries but there is only one best country of Satan and the people on the heavenly side, who must restore those countries, must be superior to them.

Even if you can't be superior to them, you should be have differently from them. You do something different from what they do. Even if they do better than you do, God can't give any credit for them since they are on Satan's side. On the other hand, even if you aren't as good as they are, God can give you credit if you are always centered on God. That is the differ ence, which gives you a different direction and purpose from theirs.

On Satan's side, even if they are good, they can't go beyond the national level. That is the limitation of the Satanic world. Satan can't go beyond the national level. It can't have the concept 'for the sake of the world.' Even they say such a thing, they can't go beyond their national interests. For example, the Soviet Union nowadays, which advocates 'Alliance of the communist countries in the world,' can't go beyond its national level. You should know this clearly. Satan can't have a concept 'for the sake of the world,' though they say it, which is a lie."

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

Below are some of Father's words after the reading.

"In the Last Days, one must offer their grandchildren to those of their enemies. If not for such an offering, the providence of indemnity can't be completed. That is the last crucial moment in the providence of changing their blood lineage, and I have been walking such a path. Without being able to love my enemies, they can't be grafted."

"When we say 수리 (數理: mathematics principle), 수 (數: numbers) represent 실체 (實體: substance) and 리 (理: principle) explains how the substance functions."

"삼천갑자동방삭 (三千甲子東方朔)." ('삼천' means 'three thousand,' '갑자' means '60 years' according to Chinese philosophy and '삼천갑자' together means 180,000 years. 동방삭 (Dongbangsak 东方朔) is the name of a Chinese government official who lived from 154 BC to 93 BC, the Han people as is an unlimited time had a crest. This term is used to mean 'a long time period' or 'someone who lives long.')

Dr. Peter Kim read a report regarding Kook Jin Nim's speech tour in the US who made his assembly in Dallas. The title is "Freedom Society" which shows our vision for the future society. These photos taken there.

Dr. Kim then read a report from Dr. Bo Hi Pak in terms of the activities of the Little Angels. One of the teams was officially sent to the US to commemorate the 59 anniversary of the Korean War, and another team recently had performance at Expo 2012 in Yeosu.

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

Kook Jin Moon – August 1, 2012

After the report, Father said,

"I was born as a son of the farmer at 평안북도 정주군 덕언면 상사리 2221. (Pyongan Province Zhengzhou group sangsari deokeonmyeon 221) Having been through the era of the National Messiah, New Tribal Messiahs in the world are now in charge of reviving the nations taking the responsibility of the Savior, which I am grateful and thankful for. Please keep in mind such an amazing fact and I will like to ask you to make your utmost Jeong Seong so that you won't be a dropout. Do you understand? ('Yes.')" 

We are Entering the Era of Alliance-ism

Sun Myung Moon
July 30, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.12)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - July 30, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - July 30, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon, and the following are some of his words she read.

"What is the ultimate purpose of God's providence? People think the purpose of religion is to sacrifice and be beneficial for the society. So do the religious people. But when we think of it centering on God, to give good influences to the society is secondary, and the primary purpose is to establish True Parents on earth. If not for True Parents, nothing can be further achieved. To indemnify the birth from evil parents and win victory totally depends on establishing good parents. This is a crucial issue that can be solved only by God."

Below are some of Father's words after the reading.

"It is 통일신령협회 (Association of the Unification by God's spirit). Individualism doesn't work and we are entering the era of 연합시대 (Alliance-ism)"

"You have made lots of mistakes and I have forgiven you so many times, and I have to take whole responsibility. There is nothing you have achieved by yourself.'

"We have to go beyond 13 generations."

"The path of restoration is the path that one must find. The path of the principle is the path that one must step on."

"The Messiah must find or recreate a woman, entering the position of Internal God (내적인 하나님의 자리). How difficult it is. The God of Night and the God of Day have been separate. You would say 'What is the God of Night? What is the God of Day?' When you find the origin (근본), you will realize the separation of the Two, which is against the principle of creation. In the principle of creation, the left side is always problem."

"In Korea, who are supposed to lead the most miserable life? Families of widows and widowers. You are in the same situation."

(Katsumi: I think Father is talking about our providential status before the Foundation Day when True Parents have the wedding ceremony and we need to be Blessed.)

"We live together with water and air, and then what? Sunshine, which is the center of the whole. Water and air exist in accordance with the sunshine changing their temperatures such as hot, warm and cold preparing the source of life for all the creatures." 

The Spirit World and Even God are Following Us

Sun Myung Moon and No Hee Park
July 29, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.11)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 55. After the reading, Mr. No Hee Park made a report on the Little Angels and UBC (Universal Ballet Company), and the following is a part of his report.

"As you know, June 25 is the anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War (1950), and in 2010 we had the 60th anniversary of the war when we had a performance in 16 combatant nations. But in the US, it is July 27, which is the end of the Korean War (1953), that they commemorate every year, and so the next year they will have the 60th anniversary of the War. This year the US commemorated the 59th anniversary of the war and the Korean government officially sent the Little Angles to the US to express their gratitude towards the US. So one of the Little Angels team has been in the US until July 30th participating in various events representing Korea.

In 2010, Father gave us $10 million for the performance in the 16 nations, but the Korean government didn't pay attention to the Little Angels in the beginning. But during the tour, they saw the great response from the audience in those nations, and a government official came to join us when we were in England. In the past 50 years, the Little Angles have visited 55 nations including the Soviet Union and North Korea, for the performance of 6,000 times in total and with a media coverage of 5,000 times in total. Based on that foundation in which they could show the beauty of the culture of Korea, God's fatherland, the Korean government which had finally came to realize the value of them, officially sent the Litt le Angels to the US for the 59th anniversary there. Another team of the Little Angels will perform today and tomorrow at Yeosu for the World Expo, where the UBC had done their performance five times.

As you know, the Korean wave (한류/韓流), such as K-pop and Korean food, has been sweeping, not only Japan but also many countries in Europe, and I would like to say the establishment of the Little Angels in 1962 is the very origin of it. 1962 was several years after the Korean War and no Korean could dream of traveling the world those days. For example, to make a passport took more than three months. I think the recent Korean wave is in accordance with God's providence in which Father proclaimed that Korea is God's fatherland.

Regarding UBC, we had a wonderful performance of 'Sleeping Beauty' at the Sejong Cultural Center in March this year. The center has 3,000 seats and we had it for five days with almost a full audience every day, which was a great surprise to the people in the ballet field in Korea. From July 7 to 14, they performed 'Romeo and Juliet" of Sir MacMillan version in Korea. In order to do it, the license from the Kenneth MacMillan Foundation is necessary. We negotiated with the foundation for the past two years and because of our standard and quality of performance, they finally gave us the license. This happened in Korea for the first time. 30 years ago, the Royal Ballet of England came to Korea to perform this, and all the ballet-related people in Korea had waited for the performance during the period. This time, there had been media coverage of 200 in total before our performance, which was unprecedented in the 28-year history of UBC, and all the media praised the UBC after the performance."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

Below are some of Father's words given after the report.

"Yesterday, I met 150 ambassadors for peace for 15 minutes, who have been listening to the lectures by Jeong Ok Yu. I thanked them for the fact that they know protocol. They are from Cheolla provinces, aren't they? ('Yes.') They are younger than me by 10 to 15 years and they were so energetic and encouraged me saying 'Let's go forward!' The Unification church won't perish. It will never perish. I made a promise in my teens and walked this path until now, and the time will come when I go to the spirit world. I am preparing myself for that every day."

"The spirit world, and even God, are following behind us. It sounds like a lie but it is true. I Blessed five sages and thousands of their disciples. They don't appear in public but read my sermons every night." 

The Original Status of Human Beings

Sun Myung Moon
July 28, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.10)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 4, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 4, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "Path of Restoration."

"People know the fall of Adam and Eve but don't know the original status of human beings."

"My birthday is Jan. 6 but that must be adjusted to the number 13, adding 7 days."

"Without understanding the portions of responsibility in Adam's family, you can't correctly clarify situations centering on the principle."

"Even when they studied 원리해설 ('Explanation of the Principle' written in 1957), they didn't understand that there are portions of responsibility. Have you thought of the 'portion of responsibility'? Historical, providential and cosmic responsibility."

"I didn't like my name 'Yong Myung.' Who gave such a difficult name?"


Following is an extra note by Katsumi Kambashi concerning the Heavenly Calendar

Regarding the names of the months in the heavenly calendar, it says in Korean

1 월, 2 월, 3 월, 4 월, 5 월, 6 월, 7 월, 8 월, 9 월, 10 월, 11 월, 12 월.

월 (Wol) means 'month' and its Chinese character is 月. If I spell the numbers in Korea, it is 일월, 이월, 삼월, 사월, 오월, 유월(not 육월), 칠월, 팔월, 구월, 시월 (not 십월), 십일월, 십이월

I remember this year we have 13 months and we had the month 3 월 twice. But I don't know the rules regarding which month we have twice when we have 13 months a year.

If it is the ninth day of the sixth month by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheongi, in Korean it is

천기 3년 6월 9일 (Cheongi Samnyeon Yoowol Gooil)

년 (nyeon) means "year." 일 (il) means 'day.'

Our Foundation Day is

천기 4년 1월 13일 (Cheongi Sanyeon Ilwol Shibsamil) 

Connecting the Five Seas and the Six Continents Centering on Las Vegas

Sun Myung Moon
July 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo (HC 6.7)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs.Yang read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "Proud of the Disciples of Christ in the Completed Testament Age." The following are excerpts of her reading:

"In Asia, they believe, not 'rebirth,' but 'doctrine of reincarnation (윤회설),' which comes from Buddhism, which without knowing the whole picture, see the resurrection of the spirit self through earthly people. The spirit self in the spirit world wants to receive benefits through people on earth. That is their demand.

Originally, perfected human beings are a valuable existence which can dominate the angelic world and the whole cosmos. But due to the fall, they fell down by several ranks, and so they must go up to their original state. In that course, they can't make it at once: they should go up step by step through the course of restoration starting from the individual level to the familial, tribal, racial, national, and the worldwide levels.

In order to go up to a higher level, an indemnity condition must be paid. It can't be achieved within a couple of days: a certain time period based on the principle number is necessary such as 7 years, 40 years, 70 years or even several centuries. So some spirits, who had helped earthly people, go back to the spirit world on the way without being able to continue to a higher level.

For example, if a spirit self named Paul helped person A but this person couldn't pay indemnity conditions and make a foundation within a requested period and died, Paul chooses person B and wants to resurrect through that person, in order for him to go up to a higher level. So Paul who resurrects through person B is the same spirit self that could have resurrected through person A. There must be a certain period without fail and the periods are always principle numbers, and if the person B can't make it, Paul chooses person C for resurrection. Under such circumstances, person A, B or C could say 'I am Paul,' and people, by seeing such external phenomena without knowing the whole picture, come to believe the doctrine of reincarnation.

If one believed in Christ individually without forming a family and went to the spirit world, they must resurrect to go to the familial, tribal, national, and worldwide levels. It would take millions of years to accomplish such a course. This applies to Jesus too who has been in paradise. When Jesus resurrected through a certain person, they would say 'I am Jesus.' You must know the principle when you see spiritual phenomena.

'Resurrection' argued in the Divine Principle exactly fits the reality in the spirit world and it teaches you the formal course in the spirit world. Throughout history, many religious people experienced the spirit world without comprehending how the spirit world works. When you study the principle, don't learn it just thinking of the logic. You must understand and practice the principle, and make a victorious foundation. For example, after having understood the fact about Noah's family, Abraham's family, Moses' course, and the history of Jesus and the John the Baptist, you need to make indemnity conditions for all of them and restore victorious foundations.

Without standing in the position of winning against Satan by restoring all the failures, we can't establish God's will. In the past, central figures in the history of restoration such as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, or Moses didn't know it. The Second Messiah must restore the failures on individual, familial, tribal,racial and national levels that have occurred in the past.

When you meet and come to believe and follow Christ, what would happen? When he goes through all those levels and reaches perfection, you will receive the benefits on the individual, familial, and tribal levels and go up higher centering on the national level.

When a person on the individual level meets Christ and wants to go up to the familial level, they must pay an indemnity condition on earth. Likewise, those who are on the familial level and want to go up to the tribal level must go through an indemnity course. Consequently, I can say the longer one has been with the Unification church, the more they have paid indemnity conditions. This means the longer you have been with the church, the closer you are to me. Until reaching the national level, we go up vertically, and then we must establish a national structure. But until we reach such a level, we could experience falling down again and again. It is important how we can go beyond the national level and be settled.

Since the Messiah knows how to indemnify history, even if people can't make indemnity conditions, if they are united with him, the indemnity period could be shortened. When a heavenly nation is settled together with the Messiah, you can imagine how fast the restoration of the whole world can take place. By only having a nation, we can go beyond the paradise level, which is like a waiting room prior to going to the kingdom of heaven. You must understand how important it is to have a nation.

If you don't have a nation and go to the spirit world, through resurrection, you will be able to save individuals and families and can't receive aid from solid authority. In other words, you can't become a qualified person who can fight against Satan. When there is a nation, you can be registered. Have you been registered? You have been registered to the Unification Church but couldn't do so to a nation yet. Without having a nation, one can't become a citizen of the nation.

Therefore, the wish of the people in the spirit world is to be able to help the people of the heavenly nation. Once we have such a nation, resurrection of the people of the spirit world can take place horizontally. That means when you make efforts, they will substantially remain eternally. However in the course of finding such a nation, even if one has made great efforts, everything will be gone when they make mistakes. That has actually been repeated in history. In the course of indemnity, everything has been gone, but after having a nation, all the effort people make will remain eternally as their results.

Once we have a nation, we can have our ambassadors in all countries in the world. Once the Unification Church and Christianity are united, we will have the ambassadors, missionary centers, and our church members. Our ambassadors are in Abel's position and presidents and prime ministers in the countries are in Cain's position. When Abel's realm and Cain's realm become one, they form together one Abel realm. It is God that always helps the Abel realm, and we will be able to invite all the volunteers from the world to develop our nation."

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 28, 2012

After the reading Father said,

"I am now connecting the five seas and the six continents centering on Las Vegas." 

The God of Night and the God of Day Are Still Fighting

Sun Myung Moon
July 24, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.6)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 3. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 3. 2012

Showing two 옥새 (玉璽: royal seals) from the golden box that Hoon Mo Nim had brought, Father said, "As of now, there hasn't been the owner of the royal seals yet. Why? It is because the God of Night and the God of Day are still fighting."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 3. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 3. 2012

The Victory of the Peace Cup

Sun Myung Moon
July 23, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.5)

Sun Myung Moon – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

Prior to Hoon Dok Hae that day, True Parents cut the cake to celebrate the victory of the Peace Cup held from July 19 to 22 in Soowon, Korea

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 23, 2012

The Providence of Restoration Must be Concluded in My Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
July 22, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.4)

Sun Myung Moon – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 3, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"The age of the earth is 4.54 billion years, and the providence of restoration must be all concluded in my life course, which is the generation that must be able to take all the responsibility for heaven and earth."

"(Father read his speech title) 'Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word from Substance' In the speech it says 'This assembly of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle. (근본 본체론 대회).' I added this and nobody knew it was necessary. (Then Father read a part of the speech)

"All the blessed children in the heavenly and earthly worlds, who are related to the True Parents by blood, should keep this comprehensive and final proclamation in mind. This proclamation is being given in order to fully establish the ideal nation that comes from the incorporeal God and corporeal God, the God of Night and the God of Day, and from the ancestors of Jesus and of the True Parents." This is the most important part regarding 본체론 (The Original Substance of the Divine Principle). (Then Father looked around the faces of the participants for a while as if he wanted to know the participants understood it.)"

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012

"Why do you need the education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle (본체론 교육)? It is because you didn't know that in Adam's family, Adam, Eve, and their children had different portions of responsibilities. Adam and Eve should have been united and their responsibilities were different. The former must become a husband and the latter must become a wife."

"(Mentioning the speech title) When the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are married, they become settled. Then True Parents become the center, not Heaven. (참부모가 중심이 되는거야. 하늘이 아니야). Such a settled substance as a couple proclaims the truth. (정착된 실체가 둘이 말씀을 선포하게 돼.) Which is the center, the truth or the unified substance of spirit and body (말씀이중심이냐, 영육이 하나된 실체가 중심이냐?)"

"I found the reality and the term of 'spirit self (영인체)' which is different from 'soul (혼)."'*

"One must resemble their parents on the base of being connected to the parents' tradition through blood lineage. These are the three great principles. When one is connected to their parents through a blood lineage, do they resemble their parents or not? If they want to have the same tradition as their parents, they must have the same blood lineage, and if they have the same tradition and blood lineage, they can resemble their parents. One tradition must have one blood lineage."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012


* Katsumi: In the education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle, Rev. Yu says that only with the term of 'spirit self (영인체),' it become possible to explain the relationship of the God of Night and the God of Day. The following are the quotations from Hyung Jin Moon's speech titled "The Secret of Immanuel" given on HC 4. 7 (May 27, 2012) at the Cheon Bok Gung (as a video message). This will give you an explanation to what Rev. Yu means.

Hyung Jin Nim:

"Father often says when we are in the spirit world, we will see God in the form of True Parents, and the messages from the spirit also stated that. How can we understand this?

Like all human beings, Father has the spirit self and the physical self, both of which consist of 'mind' and 'body' respectively: The spirit self has a spirit mind and spirit body, and the physical self has a physical mind and physical body. When we see people on earth, we only see their physical self, not their spirit self. By the same token, when we see people in the spirit world where we exist as a spirit self, we only see their spirit body, not their spirit mind.

We must remember here that God has no body of the spirit self, that is, the spirit body, which means God exists as spirit mind. That's why we can't see God like we can't see people's spirit selves on earth.

The spirit self's spirit mind and spirit body, which are its "mind" and "body", are inseparable. Therefore, God, who is united with Father in the spirit mind, comes to use Father's spirit body, and consequently, when we see Father in the spirit world, it means we see God. That's why Jesus was called "Immanuel," which means "God with us."

(Katsumi: Father said the key for oneness with God is "resonance / 공명 / 共鳴.") 

I Had to Fight Against the Satanic World

Sun Myung Moon
July 21, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 6.3)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, and the following are its excerpts:

"I had to fight against the satanic world to establish True Parents' Day, True Children's Day, True God's Day, and the Day of True All Things. On that victorious foundation, individuals and families can come to have a base for victory. Then we need to establish a national tradition, and all the Blessed families must live while being responsible for the nation. One should know the hope of each individual lies in their families, and the hope of each family lies in their nation.

In order to establish the nation, one must sacrifice their husbands, wives, and children. Without a nation, families would be invaded by Satanic power, and so all the Blessed families in the world must cover Korea, our fatherland, with their guns. Once we establish the tradition of restoring one nation, other countries will be able to be restored. Once we have a nation, God can exercises His ability, and the providence of restoration will be progressed much rapidly. Also without having a nation, registration can't take place. Therefore, whatever you do, you must think first the restoration of our nation.

All you have to do is to follow me, but I can't teach you in detail. The path of restoration is the path of searching and finding out. So you, trusting me, need to go forward, and on the way I'm not supposed to explain to you in detail."

That day, the meeting lasted 13 hours and finished at 6:00 p.m. 

Korean People are Responsible for England, USA and France

Sun Myung Moon
July 20, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 6.2)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - May 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - May 23, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon. The following are its excerpts:

"Judaism and the Israelite were Abel and Cain respectively. Since there isn't one-race nation that adheres to Christianity in the time of the Second Messiah, Christianity is Abel while the democratic world is in Cain's position. When Christianity in Abel's position kicks out the Second Messiah, he must return and establish one nation instead of going to the spirit world like Jesus did. Once the Second Messiah comes to have a nation, he can protect the heavenly foundation even if the whole world becomes satanic, and in order to achieve that, firstly he needs to establish an Abel type institution (Unificationism) in relation to Christianity in Cain's position, and protect the democratic world from communism."

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and hyung Jin Moon - May 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and hyung Jin Moon - May 23, 2012

The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"England, USA, France, Japan, Germany and Italy have been separated, and Korean people must be responsible for England, USA and France, and Japanese people must be responsible for Japan, Germany, and Italy. That's been my prayer. By uniting those seven countries, we must bring peace to the world."

"Even after I have made the Cheon Jeong Gung, more than half of a year I am out of Korea. Do you know whom I am attending on the second floor of the building?"

(Counting the numbers with his right hand starting the number 4) "4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. We need to go beyond the summit of the number 13." 

Going Beyond 13 Summits

Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 2012
Ahn Shi Il Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 6.1)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 19, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 19, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Going beyond 13 summits through the unification of the Abel UN and Cain UN, the Abel Women UN must open the door and women, leading their tribes, should be able to settle. Representatives of each nation of the Abel Women UN must be well prepared so that they won't be beaten by the Cain world. From now on, you need to have the first, second, third and fourth assemblies to train yourselves, and I will be involved from the third and fourth ones putting things in order.

We don't have the seal of state (국새 / 國璽) as well as a national flag yet. We don't have the seal of state yet. The seals of the three states, that is the seal of the state of the Adam nation, that of the Eve nation, and that of the Archangel nation. In order to go beyond the summits, you can use your family's seal in place of such seals of the state. You should realize there is a huge providential responsibility on you who are heading the Foundation Day."

"Since Eve crossed the line when the fall happened, the leaders of WFWP, taking the whole responsibility and following True children who went beyond centering on Mother, must return to the world prior to the fall."

Mrs. McDevitt said she would read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "Restoration," given in Germany on March 24, 1972. (When Father heard from her, he said "Volume 54, "Restoration," and then he continued before reading.)

"You should know the fact that you, the Blessed families, stepped on and erased my children while saying 'My children have received the Blessing.' In order to establish the Abel UN, my family has been stepped on. Nobody, who stole from the church to raise their children, can go to heaven."

"Spiritual and physical parents work in my mind."

"When I was a child and went to the crossroad from where I didn't know where to go, 어둑신 (Eoduksin) appeared. In 원리해설 (Explanation of the Principle), the term 어둑신 (Eoduksin) appears three times."

"Where I came from is different where you come from. I am fundamentally different from you. After I found the secrets of heaven and earth, I have lived accordingly."

"The God of Night sleeps holding me in the chest. When His chest becomes warm holding me, He falls asleep."

"The person who is called Yong Myung Moon grew without knowing father. Until when? He grew without knowing father until he became 4 and half years old. One can understand Korean by that age, and I could know all the secrets between them." 

The Truth in Unificationism is Great

Sun Myung Moon
July 18, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.29)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 19, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 19, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "In Order to Give Good Divine Principle Lectures" given in Germany on March 24, 1972.

In the speech, Father advised that one should practice their lectures chapter by chapter rather than trying to cover from the beginning the whole contents of the Divine Principle. For example, if one practices their lectures only on the Principle of Creation for one month, they can have a clear understanding of it. He also emphasized that every each person can give lectures without exception. The "Original Copy of the Principle" has 556 pages and if one memorizes two pages per day, they can be finished with the whole book within a year.

Father also advised to have guts in standing in front of the audience and to think that "people have been mobilized here from the world who want to listen to me most." Father said the lecturers need to think "they are my sons and daughters" and then we can feel much closer to and responsible for the listeners.

Father said that by evaluating our audience by checking their responses, we need to rank them intro three categories. The most difficult types are put into the first rank, and the lecturer needs to fight against them. Father said we need to check their faces after 10 minutes to see if they become more stern or become relaxed, without being noticed by them that we are checking it. Also lecturers need to make the audience to be relaxed with laughter: once they laugh, they come to listen to the lecture.

Father also explained how to behave and walk when giving a lecture, and the importance of having adequate facial expressions as a lecturer and the ability to sing songs. Father emphasized "being natural and flexible" at the podium and "to become a necessary person" for the audience. Father talked about the prayer in public, in which he emphasized the poetic sense as being necessary. Father said the necessity of listening to others' lectures as much as possible so that they can learn from there.

Father concluded by saying one needs to practice as much as possible so that they can be relaxed in lecturing and become creative. Father said "First, you need to train yourself. Second, you should be relaxed. Third, you should adjust yourself to the needs of the audience, this is important."

The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"The truth taught in Unificationism is great. You have to know that there are no other teachings in the world which are more organized than ours."

"Those who do not have confidence cannot become successful."

"After the establishment of the Abel Women UN this time, women must advance further than men."

"Originally, I was destined to live up to 117 years. (Father said here "사주팔자를 보게되면" (If you see a horoscope)) I didn't believe it in the beginning but I have already become 93 years old." 

I Don't Have My Nation

Sun Myung Moon
July 17, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Chung Pyung training center (HC 5.28)

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

At Hoon Dok Hae, True Parents cut the cake to celebrate the successful inauguration assembly of the Abel Women UN held the day before. The meeting lasted for 9 hours and half the day, and the following are Father's words in a video clip from Peace TV.

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

"Without liberating all your ancestors of 210 generations in the spirit world and standing as descendants on the successful foundation of restoration through indemnity, you have nowhere to go. I would be the same. I don't have my nation, and I don't have my hometown. I should have been born in the position that the whole world recognizes."

(Mentioning the date of his birthday) "We only use the heavenly calendar (uni-solar calendar)."

"Who made the multiplication table? It's not me or the US. It was the East Indian people." 

My Grandparents Couldn't Treat Me As They Liked

Sun Myung Moon
July 13, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.24)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Mrs.McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "New Messiah and the Official Providential History." She read,

"Due to the evil subject partner, the fall happened. If not for it, which is called "Satan," the restoration of humankind could have been realized in a shorter period. Those who lead a life of prayer know that Satan and evil spirits exist. It has been a serious issue why absolute God can't punish such existences at an instant moment."

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"(To establish the Abel Women UN) is a new and special program which renews the position of woman."

"My grandfathers and grandmothers couldn't treat me as they liked. Seven women that are my mother and my sisters couldn't dominate me. All of my elder sisters liked me the most, and if they hadn't listened to me, they would have been stuck in a dilemma."

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

It Isn't Necessary to Experience Receiving Revelations

Sun Myung Moon
July 10, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.21)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "One God and One World Religion." She read,


"It isn't necessary in living our daily lives to experience the extrasensory world by becoming spiritual or receiving revelations. I would like to say it is more difficult than anything else to systematize the facts behind such experiences and connect them to our daily lives. A spiritual phenomenon is ephemeral, but the truth is eternal."

After the reading, all sang "올챙이와 개구리," (Tadpoles and Frogs) and "곰세마리" (The same roof Daddy) for Shin Pyeon Nim.


In Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim, and Rev. Yang presented True Parents large photos of the celebration of the 30th Blessing anniversary of 2075 Blessed Couples held in front of the Madison Square Garden, news coverage of the event, and their gift for True Parents (a statue of a couple of whale which are tossing their young). Father gave his autographs on the photos.

The sister who takes care of Shin Pyeon Nim sang "진도아리랑," (Jindo Arirang) In Jin Nim sang "Amazing Grace," and all sang "희망의 나라로." (Into the Kingdom of Hope) 

I Will Establish the Women's UN

Sun Myung Moon
July 9, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.20)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt continued to read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "New Messiah and the Official Providential History."

"I always come to Las Vegas tuning in to the providential time, but you have been always indifferent to it. At least I myself greet Heaven with the candle light on, which becomes a condition. The restoration of history is the battle of making conditions. Do you understand?"

"When I go to Korea this time, I will establish the Women's UN."

"The Secretary-General of the UN is 문기반 (Moon Ki Ban: Rev. Moon's base)."

(Katsumi: Current UN Secretary-General is Mr. Ban Ki Moon, and Father interprets his name in a reversed way as "Moon Ki Ban." "Ki Ban" means "base.")

"Even in difficult days, if you light the candle for prayer from 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., Satan can't appear after that, and it will be Heaven's time."

"God comes to and wants to live with us even if we ask Him not to come. I attend Him every day at the Cheon Jeong Gung."

"My lifespan is originally 117 years, and if I live that long, you will go to the spirit world before I do. I was born from a different sperm."

(Father heard the report that they were preparing a 3D video clip to show on the Foundation Day. Putting 3D glasses, he said) "Video viewers couldn't be as excited as the video shooters because they couldn't see things in three dimensions. They would be able to feel reality when they see the 3D video clip. I gave the direction to Kajikuri (Rev. Kajikuri, the president of the Unification Church in Japan) to develop a camera which can take pictures of the spirit world. In the future, we will watch reality in the spirit world through pictures rather than watching 3D movies. Jesus comes to me to greet me, and when you see such a reality, you will stop daydreaming. Then we won't need any lecturers to educate. We need, not 통신 (通信: communications), but 통화 (通畵: visual communications). Furthermore, we need, not 통화 (通畵: visual communications), but something substantial which nobody can deny.

(Katsumi: In Father 's speech of 천지인참부모정착 실체말씀선포 천주대회, he says 新實體 映象時代 到來 / 신실체 영상시대 도래: Advent of the Era of Picture of the New Substance) 

Is There Anybody Who Has Committed No Sin

Sun Myung Moon
July 6, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.17)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "New Messiah and the Official Providential Course."

"Is there anybody who has committed no sin, has a pure blood lineage and resembles (True) parents?"

"Since Eve made a mistake and turned things upside down, there has been no Eve, mother or daughter who can represent perfected Eve."

All participants sang "올챙이와 개구리" (Tadpoles and Frogs) for Shin Pyeon Nim, and "마음의 자유천지." (Freedom of the mind of heaven and earth)

Below are photos taken at the closing ceremony of "5-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for New Tribal Messiahs in Preparation for the Foundation Day and the Restoration of God's Homeland (기원절과 조국광복을 위한 신종족적 메시아 원리 본체론 5일 특별교육)," which took place on HC 5. 16 (July 5, 2012).


The banner, which was made for the 30-Day workshop (HC 5.12 to 6.12), has been used for subsequent workshops.
