chung pyung

I Don't Have My Nation

Sun Myung Moon
July 17, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Chung Pyung training center (HC 5.28)

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

At Hoon Dok Hae, True Parents cut the cake to celebrate the successful inauguration assembly of the Abel Women UN held the day before. The meeting lasted for 9 hours and half the day, and the following are Father's words in a video clip from Peace TV.

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 16, 2012

"Without liberating all your ancestors of 210 generations in the spirit world and standing as descendants on the successful foundation of restoration through indemnity, you have nowhere to go. I would be the same. I don't have my nation, and I don't have my hometown. I should have been born in the position that the whole world recognizes."

(Mentioning the date of his birthday) "We only use the heavenly calendar (uni-solar calendar)."

"Who made the multiplication table? It's not me or the US. It was the East Indian people." 

You Can Understand How Difficult True Parents' Course Has Been

Sun Myung Moon
July 16. 2012
The Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly
Chung Pyung (HC 5.27)

Sun Myung Moon - July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon - July 16. 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"There are two speeches, speech A and speech B. A: Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the True Substance. Through speech A, you can understand how difficult True Parents' course has been.

Speech B is the keynote speech of the Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly. There have been many religions which believed in Heavenly Father but don't have a concept of Heavenly Mother. That has been a shameful fact. The speech B is to eradicate such history."

"From the first day when I started to fly like a mosquito, like an ant, and like a bee, my path has never been an easy one. Since I was surrounded by enemies to whom I could not go to greet, it was difficult to reveal the power behind them, I started to learn about in a way the center can expand. In learning it, I realized that I wasn't alone: when I faced some difficulties, I heard the absolute voice (절대음성) in the air that said "Don't move." So I became a person who could live with the absolute voice, which nobody knew. When I was 17 years old while living such life, a person called Jesus came to call me 'Elder brother Yong Myung (용명형님).'

I didn't use my Korean name those days because of the Japanese but he knew it.

(Katsumi: During the Japanese occupation, Koreans were forced to change their names to Japanese names)

I said to him, 'Who are you?' He said, "I came here today to go with you to join the marriage. I know it will be difficult for you but what do you think if you join me in being married?'"

"It was before I became 4 years old. I could understand everything people said in Korean. My grandparents and their daughters-in-law got together once regarding me, whose nick name was 'small-eyed boy of Osan house,' but they couldn't treat me as they liked. I heard the absolute voice, that said 'Yong Myung! You will go with your grandpa and what do you think of it? I know that you have heavenly wisdom which enables you to judge and evaluate fortune tellers and spiritualists, but your grandparents don't know it and so I am sorry they asked you, a child, to do so. I am sorry that you will be asked to do things, and all through your life, I will exchange questions and answers with you. You need to know clearly what kind of life you will lead, but you can guess now you must start your life for something fundamental.' I had heard such absolute voice many times."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han- July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han- July 16. 2012

"Today you are here in this honorable place. Those who like and praise me, raise your hand? (All did) If you were truly so, all Korean people could have been digested by you. When have you praised me in public? Why have you lived shutting up your mouth? You say you have praised and loved me? You are all liars. There hasn't been a president or minister in a country who loves and praises me thinking they must protect me, who can make the country's future bright. How can you repent on such a shameful fact? Without repenting, you say, 'I have been attending Rev. Moon.' When have you attended me?"

"Abel Women UN. We haven't had 'mother.' People have said 'Heavenly Father,' but who can fix the problems among religions and restore the authority of the country? We don't have a woman yet who can represent the Abel Women UN. Since Adam couldn't fulfill his responsibility, he lost Eve. Eve kicked out Father, heaven and earth, and I have found and educated Mother preparing her to attend. With the strong determination that I will put Mother in the position of the wife of Adam who represents the Creator, I have been recreating Mother throughout my life so that I can present her in front of the whole world with such a status, even if they strongly oppose it."

"When I was 17 years old, Jesus suddenly appeared to me in February, he called me 'Elder brother Yong Myung.' He said to me 'Let's go to the Blessing ceremony.' Did he know that the God of Night and the God of Day were separated and fighting each other? I, in order to find his identity, asked 'Who are you?' Then he, smiling, said, 'Why did you ask when you already know it? When the time has come again, I will come back to you, and if you don't listen to me, I will just take you or I will be taken out. We have to choose one of them.'"

"'Distinguished guests from 193 and 194 nations.'

(Katsumi: in the printed speech, it says only '193')

Why did they take 193 out here? This is important: it should be '193 and 194 nations.'

(Reading his speech) "I'm not sure when I can speak to you again in such detail like today."

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - July 16. 2012

The following are some quotations from the speech Father read:

All of this is being undertaken in accordance with the message Rev. Moon revealed in his speech at the establishment of Women's Federation: "We must define what it is to be True Mother and True Wife through attending True Mother who is the victorious representative of all women around the world. We must realize the ideal families through True Love movement. Then, we must wage the movement to realize the True Love of 'living for the sake of others' in every part of the society so that we may realize world peace."

'Women's Federation' must advance even further now. It must go beyond the next step, to walk the path of the creation of a peaceful world through joining the forces together with other NGOs and women leaders of the world. The establishment of the 'Abel Women UN', which will go beyond the level of women NGO and bring the governments around the world together, is absolutely necessary, and it is also the command of God which must be obeyed.

I would like to emphasize once again that the priority of 'Abel Women UN' should be the true family movement of living for the sake of others, based on true love, carried out in conjunction with proper values education. War and conflict arises from selfish motives of desiring to take others' land, possessions or the like by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for the sake of others, that is, giving based on true love.

Women are not there to help or to be protected by men; rather, they are independent individuals who, as representatives of the feminine aspect of God's nature, are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centering on True Love, women are the precious partners of love to men. In terms of value, men and women are absolutely equal beings. Men and women who unite through the True Love of original ideal share the same position. Also, they attain the right to be with each other wherever they may be. Furthermore, they attain the ideal right of inheritance, where each other's properties will belong to each other equally. Thus, men and women, who are brought into oneness through original love under God's ideal of true love, have been created to become completely equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with one another.

I sincerely ask you to walk the path of True Mother, the path of True Wife, the path of True Daughter, and the path of True Women Leaders who will build the unified world where freedom, peace, and happiness in its truest sense overflow. 

At the Chung Pyung Azalea Festival

Sun Myung Moon
May 5, 2012
(3.15 HC)


Note: The following information is posted on the web page 통일교. These notes cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Father started his speech at the festival as follows:

"The issue after the fall is 'Which comes first, truth or substance?' Since substance was lost, God conducted through the truth, the providence of salvation, which is the providence of restoration." "What is the providence of restoration? That means, what is 조국광복 (restoration of God's fatherland)? It is 'to see the light again.'"

"Until now, the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath (천주 안식권) hasn't been realized. For me to realize it, it has been 말씀 (truth) that I put emphasis on. What is precious among the truth is 천지인(Heaven, Earth, and Humankind)."

"The important thing is the time when the Creator Who can become the Owner of the cosmos and the owner who can become the center appear."

"In the Garden of Eden, God called Adam, Eve, and the Archangel, and said, 'When you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die.' What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Which comes first, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, religion or the kingdom of heaven? Which comes first? You must think about it again. Which comes first, the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, religion or the world? When one eats the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and ruin themselves, the world will be gone."

"Because of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God came to appear, True Parents came to appear, false parents came to appear and the Garden of Eden appeared." (선악과 때문에하나님도 나오기 시작했고, 참부모도 나오기 시작했고, 거짓부모도 나오기 시작했고, 에덴동산이라는 것이 나왔습니다.)

"You must keep in mind 'God's fatherland on earth' and hope to see the light on it again." (이 땅 위에 조국광복이라는 것을 마음에 둬가지고 조국 위에 다시 빛을 바래야 됩니다.)

"Those who are here are the descendants who were born from the sperm and egg, which existed before the fall, through the unity of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother? Or are you the descendants of the fall who were born after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? When you are asked such questions, your answer must be that you are from the Marriage Blessing of the sperm of the Heavenly Father and the egg of the Heavenly Mother which existed before Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.'"

"When you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die. The fruit comes in the first place, and the world where people practice that fundamental principle and don't eat it should have been realized."

"The blood and flesh of the blood lineage and tradition of the fall has been tangled and boiled, and spread from Adam's family like water that overflowed from an exploded jar. Before going over all the eight stages such as individual, familial, tribal, racial, national, worldwide, or cosmic levels, the world of the Garden of Eden where God didn't want them to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has never appeared in the process of history. Where is the person that can make it happen and explain it by opening the door and changing the names? Not in a family. It is one individual, Rev. Moon, a man that is standing here. It is Yong Myung Moon. There is nobody who can reveal the fundamentals of history more than I do."

Then Father spoke for about two hours putting an emphasis on the practice of the truth. Father concluded his speech talking about forsythia, azalea, royal azalea, and rose of Sharon.

Mother sang '엄마야 누나야." (Mother, Sister) Yeon Ah Choi Nim, Jiye Nim, Yeon Ah Lee Nim sang "천일국 찬가." (Cheon Il Guk Anthem) Hyung Jin Nim sang one of Hyo Jin Nim's songs. Mrs. McDevitt sang "소양강 처녀," (Soyang Virgin) and True Father sang "마음의 자유천지" (Freedom of the Mind of Heaven and Earth) to which all True Children and participants joined. 

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center Dedication
Chung Pyung, Korea

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and stea…

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and steady rain, busloads of the faithful travelled from all parts of the country to fill the large auditorium

Excerpt from Father's prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father!

All of heaven and earth, with a united heart, mind and body, have worked to achieve this end and bring this hour into fruition. The Creator of the universe told Adam and Eve at the time of the Creation that when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely perish. Centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, we have endeavored to return to their position before the Fall. True Parents have devoted themselves with one heart, one purpose and one love to return to this position, and they were born, raised and made to work to bring this moment into flower. Ninety-three years after the birth of True Parents, on the fifty-third anniversary of True Parents' Day, we have completed and perfected this grand enterprise in Heaven's presence. Before the body and mind were divided, the absolute God planned to realize the ideal of creation in Eden, and began to create the Garden of Eden with the ideal for the future in His heart. Before it could be completed, however, wrong thinking and disobedience led to failure....

In True Parents' names, we should have stood in the original position without the false parents, and the citizens of heaven and earth who were to be raised up on such a broad basis (in a program like a church) should have made the flowers in their hearts blossom and then harvested them. They should have respected the authority of the sole Creator of the entire cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth and offered them more than 3,000, or even 30,000, full bows in gratitude. This land should have become the home of the miracle of their victorious sovereignty. But because of the mistake committed by Adam and Eve, grief and sorrow that had never even been imagined came to us. From that day on, the world of day was taken away from us, and the sky remained dark in a world of night. God, however, shone forth a new light in that darkness, like the light of a firefly, and to light up this vast world with the original light, the True Parents, in place of the false parents, need to complete and fulfill their

The original blueprint was designed by the Creator for the new expression of His triumph, which is this very place closely watched by all heaven and earth, and here our cherished hopes have blossomed into flowers....

After completing and fulfilling the realm of the unity of devoted sons and daughters, we are now in a world of freedom and liberation, and on this day we are all standing before this palace, which You designed. All peoples of the world are praising You in joy, and we are all delighted and glorifying the completion of this Cheongshim Peace World Center. Many blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth are united in celebrating the completion of this center....

We are now preparing for the day on which we can mark the completion of the blessings of liberation and prosperity, and we pray that as we endeavor to finish our work by the set date, we can work together with one heart and one purpose....

For us to prepare our hearts for the day of the fulfillment of True Parents' third Holy Wedding, which is less than a year away, we should remember that we all have the same nationality, and that we are united under the one God.... Before our Heavenly Father, we should forget all our past grief and sorrow and focus on the joyous completion of this central point....

We are making preparations for the day on which You can receive the blessing on the glorious throne of the substantial realm of unity, completion and perfection, so please watch over us, guide us and protect us until that day.

Gathered here are Your blessed children, who are all yearning for the homeland of our hopes, so please shine on us the bright light of the sun of peace, so that we can all enter the fourth homeland of freedom and happiness. On that privileged and triumphant day, please harvest the flowers and fruits that are blossoming based on united hearts throughout all of heaven and earth. This we ask. Please watch over us and guide us until that day....

As we work with the heart of the parents that love God, humankind and all creation, please shine on us the light of glory and protection forevermore until we reach our final destination of completion and perfection. We dedicate this center to You with the heart of True Parents, so please receive it with a joyful heart....

We hope and pray with all our hearts that this place will become the eternal and unchanging place of protection and the royal domain of sacred peace. So Heavenly Father, please receive this. We dedicate it to You in the name of True Parents. Thank you. [Aju.]

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

Father's Speech

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day in the position of the God of Night and Day and the king of kings, and now we have ushered in the era of the final conclusion in which True Parents can be perfected and in which their work must be completed.

Therefore, you should respond with "100 percent okay!" to all my teachings. If you say that they're not okay, you won't have any choice but to go to the bottommost pits of hell.

When you say "okay," the glory of God will be with you in the kingdom of heaven for generations to come. Saint Paul came to know Jesus halfway through his life and suffered all kinds of hardships for over fourteen years. Yet, in the end, he died, before he could finish his witnessing work. What he came to know after fourteen years of devoted work, traveling across the seas and mountain ranges was what the fourth dimensional world, the kingdom of heaven, looked like -- and that was all.

The realm of the fourth dimension does not require registration, taxes or nations. Why are there so many nations? There are 387 Cain and Abel nations in the world when just one nation would suffice. Of the 387 nations, they have no military secrets or any other secrets about paying taxes and whatnot. They have piles of money as high as Mount Paekdu that they have collected for thousands of years, which are enough to feed and clothe all the poor people in the world, and to share with everyone else in the same class. All such resources, however, are used up and made into trash by Satan and his minions. We have to stop them from doing that. That's all you need to know....

Even if I leave late, I will conclude in no more than an hour and a half, so should you welcome what I say or not? If you welcome it, stand up and clap your hands. [Cheers and applause] No one's sitting down. If you were to sit down, God would not be with you. I've looked on you as families of heaven and earth, the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit, and I see that there is no one sitting down, so I am truly grateful to you. Now that I have received your greeting, please sit down and make yourselves comfortable....

What are our educational objectives? What are they? What are the three education objectives? [Love God, love humankind and love your country.] What do they say about God? They say to love God, to love people, and to love nature. I've loved nature.

There is not one place on earth that I have not visited. I have had many experiences and have endured more hardships than any of you. I've also been imprisoned and come back from the point of death seven or eight times, but I survived and have come so far in my work, even though I was hounded and hunted like an animal. If you cannot tell if this man standing before you is the Father -- whether he is the True Father or the false Father -- you should repent with all your heart. You have overturned your nations and the world and will inevitably become newly registered citizens of the kingdom of heaven. I have permitted you to begin now, so start from the beginning.

Mother! Come out here, Mother! Mother! [Applause] We should read this together. Mother will read from page seven to fifty, and I will read from page fifty-one to seventy-four. You cannot hear anything like this in the secular world, and you can learn a lot from what I say.

The title is "The Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self." You should study this diligently. You need to know this; if you don't, you cannot go to the heavenly kingdom. There is Buddhism and there is Confucianism, but they are my disciples. You should check to see if they are, or not. Now then, bearing this in mind, let us begin.

This man is named Sun Myung Moon, and he used to be Yong Myung Moon. I have appeared as a mysterious and puzzling man with some name value who has expanded the ground for the kingdom of dreams, so I hope you will not blush but instead listen to what I say with humility, rediscover your value and reestablish yourselves today.

Everyone! [Yes.] Do you understand? [Yes.) Pay close attention. [Yes.] Then let us begin. The Declaration of the era of True Parents on earth... There have not been any True Parents on earth....


I am conveying the following instructions to the 387 ambassadors of the 194 Abel UN member nations and 193 Cain-type UN member nations, to boonbongwangs and Ambassadors for Peace, to the presidents and national leaders of each nation who are present in Washington DC/New York, and to all of heaven and earth.

This is something the True Parents are conveying for the first time. A new heaven and earth, new followers will emerge. Become well-accomplished disciples. More than that, this is the age for welcoming new, godly disciples. I am speaking of an era without religious, political or economic strife, a new age.

Korea is God's homeland and hometown; because it is True Parents' nation, we should have all the people of Korea take part in these ceremonies [of the Blessing]....

You should not be left out. You may leave if you wish, but this man speaking to you cannot leave, because God is watching over me.

...this proclamation rally being held on the seventeenth day of the tenth month of the heavenly calendar [November 22], in the first year of Cheon-gi [2010], is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given in heaven and on earth up until the True Parents' D-day proclamation....

This is the end of things. You may not know it, but the point has already passed. Foundation Day will be upon us in less than a year. You need to accomplish what needs to be done during this period. God does not need 387 nations. We all of one nation, one race, one bloodline and one tradition. We need to resemble the one bloodline. Those who don't will fall away. What the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have said are not lies

Centered on President Myung-bak Lee, who represents the governments of Korea (South and North), which is God's homeland and hometown, former U.S. President George Bush and U.S. President Obama, whose positions correspond to the presidents of the Cain-type UN and Abel-type UN, and all the presidents and citizens who participated in the G20 meetings must unite to bring about the success of these rallies and perfect, complete, conclude and offer them according to True Parents' heavenly decree.

Korea did not accomplish this by itself. God helped it to do so. [Applause] If there is anyone who cannot participate, True Parents will choose their representatives and complete their work.

It wasn't the Korean churches that made Myung-bak Lee president of Korea. He is a public figure that believes in a religion that is of both heaven and earth. If he does not know that it is because of this that he became the representative president of the world, and if he fails to form a direct connection to True Parents -- who are the king of kings and True Parents of the religious world -- both parties will be in difficulty and Korea will fail to become God's fatherland; and the hometown of Yong Myung Moon, that is, Sun Myung Moon, will move to another nation, because it can be changed. Do you understand? [Yes.] [Applause] The owner will be changed. I can go to live anywhere.

Not long ago, Prime Minister Philip of the Solomon Islands personally visited True Parents. He was deeply moved by God's word, and before he left, he pledged and promised that his nation would become an ally of True Parents.

I don't have a nation or allies. Even though I don't have a nation, I have still followed this path and overcome everything.

The people from these nations will also take part in the cross-cultural marriage blessing on a nationwide scale in order to eradicate the fallen lineage received from Lucifer and inherit the new heavenly lineage.

I cannot bless in marriage those people who do not repent. This is being done in heaven and on earth; why aren't they following that? I don't know why. I will bring them to repentance....

The declaration I am making here in the main palace of Cheon Jeong Peace Palace, positioned at the center of this district, is not a lie. Should I make it, or not? [Make it!] The people who are here, all 27,500 people here, will you cooperate, or not? [We will.] [Applause] If you are going to cooperate, stand up and clap. [Cheers and applause]....

If I give the go-ahead today, I have the power to make people and companies begin to do whatever I want them to do tomorrow. Look at this palace we've built. It was built in Hyundai's name, but we did the actual work. That's all you need to know....

The ongoing project to build undersea tunnels between Korea and Japan and across the Bering Strait, which I have proclaimed to the entire world, will be spearheaded by religious leaders on a worldwide scale and completed in attendance to our liberated God.

Even if the world does not help me, I will do it. Has anyone in the world ever helped me? Raise your hand if you have. I have come so far on my own. I've never stolen anything.

In the world, atheism and communism, which deny the existence of God, will be discarded, paving the way to building the world that God originally envisioned, where all people can freely communicate in harmony...

This is not just communication! We will build a world of harmonious understanding. We will begin right away, work all together and finish the work in a few years. Don't think to yourselves that you are the only ones who can finish what you're doing in your individual sectors. When God steps forward, anyone and everyone can do it. We will build a world of harmonious understanding.

A world where all people are equal and all nations become like brother nations to create one family under God is being created right before your eyes.

If you want to participate, participate; if not, don't. I have fulfilled my responsibility. Why are you sitting still? Demonstrate your resolve. [Aju!] Is that "Aju" your resolve? [Applause] Saying "Aju" will suffice! 

Benediction at the CheongShim Peace World Center Dedication Ceremony

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012
Cheon-gi 3rd year, March 1 by the Heavenly Calendar
Edited: Department of Education and Planning
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center)


Note: At 12:15 pm, True Parents who were welcomed by the attending members as they arrived at the plaza in front of the main entrance of the CheongShim Peace World Center offered a benediction. True Parents were overcome in deep emotion over the CheongShim Peace World Center as they offered sincere devotion since the late 1960s here at Chung Pyung Holy Ground.

Beloved Heavenly Father!

Heaven and Earth has established this solemn title of Shim Jeong; uniting the body and mind towards this; here at this time where you are trying to bloom the first flower; centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind; the universe creator of creativity will have one body and one mind; as it says in your words at the time of creation of the original Adam and Eve; on the day when eat the fruit of good and evil; like an indication that we will eternally be in ruin; returning to the heart position before that.

True Parents have had gathered sincere devotion; to blossom the flower that centers on the standard of one mind, oneness and one heart; to be born; to even do works; to even grow; lived for 93 years and bringing the 53rd Day of True Parents together; bringing this great scenery to a completion and fulfillment; welcoming one to the heavens; before the body separates centering on God the absolute being.

As we live in this project that plans for the ideal of the Garden of Eden; imagining the ideal of the future in our hearts; after completing one realm of generation with one heart; in the name of True Parents returning to the original position where the false parents do not exist; with that name and the church like a program; being built on top of an arbitrary plaza; where the people of heaven and earth; would blossom their hearts; harvesting the crops; to the whole universe with True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

Looking at the great authority of the creator who was alone in the world and universe; offering 30,030,000 bows of gratitude; the things that are wished here on this land of miracle which is a symbol of supremacy of victory; in the unexpected sorrow through Adam and Eve, the failure of a wife; from the day that the heavenly crane of resentment; heaven accepted the noon time world; the heaven in the world of night is showering the new light like a firefly inside the dark light; until the light of the center of this big wide world will light brightly as the original light.

The true parents who were put into the position of the fallen parents; completing and concluding the Will of True Parents; looking at the dream of more than 3,000 years of history at the original Eden; the time of resentment that couldn’t experience a day of blessing of joy; stepping over the wrongful day of the path of the false parent; overcoming it; putting the original design that the original creator had created; this position of concentration that marks the new victory; standing in the position of sincere devotion; at this place where all heaven and earth brings their attention; in the one mind of wish; establishing the beginning of heaven of True Parents’ victory from the bud.

Making sure that the standard which thousands of descendants will look at; standing the specimen at the title; completing the preparation of the realm of filial sons; positioning the liberation and freedom; going towards the world of freedom; in front of all the palaces that you have planned for; in front of the new residence; when all the clans and tribes could welcome it with joy and happiness; remembering as the scenery of glory of delight; today.

Offering this CheongShim Peace World Center in front of our heavenly father; commemorating the completion and conclusion; to not forget this one concentration by all the families who received the blessing in heaven and on earth; the successors on earth will unite focus of firewood; on this bright heaven and on earth; in this liberation of freedom of heaven’s victory where the sun’s light that is shown in the center position will transcend the darkness; freely in this golden heaven and earth; with the authority of light to all directions; this new religious group that can foster this world of darkness.

In the garden of this church; as one plaza where all people can memorize; polishing one’s body and heart that was separate in the past; coming together here; marking the path of history that True Parents had established; rolling it; we are still remaining with the preparations towards the Ceremony of Holy Love of perfection with the great liberation of blessing.

Meeting with that time; the one heart and ones of gladness that comes before the path of pursuit will grow straightforward; welcoming the center of north, east, south and west to our husband and wife’s body and heart; so that we could present the children who could foster true children; within the period of below one year; to welcome the day of conclusion of True Parents’ 3rd stage Holy Marriage; the nationality must be one; the clan should also be one; the nation should only be one; in the authority of creation must absolutely; embracing on the knee.

To be able to inheriting the moral justification of the child; from the insufficient true parents; with the heart of a hero; to be able to stand at this time of hour; with a free heart; forgetting all the sorrow truth of the past history of True Parents; at this construction of happiness; at this focal point; centering on the holy marriage ceremony that will be held from now on, God himself could start the bright red fire of the ideal of a family; please forgive that this hour could be a precious time where we could call upon the heavenly king of glory with gratitude and embrace one lineage.

Appearing here after selling the name of true parents; forgetting all the insufficient doings of your beloveds; the key of heart soaked in one red blood; seed falling on the land; footsteps that will never disappear; father, we will remember; following your footsteps; thousands of generations will match with your body; substantial realm of one body, conclusion and perfection; on the altar stone of glory we have prepared one person to receive the blessing; until that day comes, please protect, lead and defend.

When we look around here; in the future of all the children who received the blessing; in the position of heart who yearns for the original land of hope; in this wide light of peace in the flow of sun; dividing the light and distributing it; without a discard of even one life; together enter the original land of 4th freedom and happiness; that day of special victory; the flower that will blossom on the harmony of heaven and earth; please harvest all your fruits.

Please protect until that day; lead; just like that world where all heaven could eternally accept; the heart of believing the great father; wishing that all wishes are granted according to the hearts of children; to all imperial thrones; loving heaven by all existing thrones; loving a person; with an attitude of a parent to love all things; to make sure there are no insufficiency to this completion and conclusion; the light of the heaven and earth of the glory of protection for the last final ground; from the memories aligning with the pillars; please forgive so that it will eternally be shining brightly; make this place to be presented in front of father; I will offer it gathering all the hearts of true parents; please receive it with the heart of joy with the cheers of heaven and earth; with the cheers and the cheers of parents; praise like our father; may it be a place of eternal unchanging place to be accepted by you; in the name of true parents may it be the king of holy peace; sincerely, sincerely pray and report; I offer this in front of you so heavenly father please receive this.

Gamsahamnida. (Aju) 

As Couples You Are Good Matches for Each Other

Sun Myung Moon
March 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Chung Pyung, Korea 2.27 H.C

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

If there are any of you men who came with your wives, or women who came with your husbands, then please come forward.

[Those who came as husband and wife went to stand at the front of the room.]

Did you marry each other (of your own accord), or did Teacher (match you and) give you the Blessing?

[They respond that Teacher (Father) gave them the Blessing.]

As couples you are good matches for each other.

If you've been in the Unification Church for 30 years or 40 years, then you must have done a lot of witnessing. You would have a lot of experiences from witnessing.

Now, with all the witnessing you have done, you have enough experience to write your own autobiographies, as couples.

I'm saying that we should try to make it so that each of you writes on the topic that you are most comfortable with.

(It's an opportunity to) ask each other who did a better job. You should compare yourselves to each other at least once… once every ten years.

Instead of always living the same way as before, you need to change your mode of living from time to time.

If you were living in the East, try living in the West, try living in the South, try living in the North and try living in the center.

In cases where you live in a certain neighborhood, think about how you rank in your neighborhood.

Are you an integral part of your neighborhood, or not?

And you have to decide which families in your neighborhood bring hope for the future and can become good examples.

Therefore, did you marry off all of your children?

[The brother in the front responds that only his two sons have received the Blessing.]

Your two sons. Did you marry them off?

[He responds that he did marry off his sons but not his daughter(s).]

So you did marry off your sons.

In the future, I would like it if we only gather with Blessed Families.

We should make a place for public debate where the families gather with however many children they have. There, we should tell everyone else why we are proud of our fathers, our mothers, our sons...

Parents who have sons and daughters they can be proud of are happy parents.

It is truly difficult to raise even one person well.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your life of faith was difficult, right?

Our lives of faith do not simply occur as we would like them to.

When you walk forward, if your way is blocked by a mountain, then you [cannot simply tell the mountain to go away.] Each mountain has its own personality.

In the same way, since your sons and daughters each have their own personality, you have to take special care of each child's personality. You have to think about which trees, what kinds of vegetation and what kind of water you will use to build your garden. Everyone needs to do this kind of work to decorate [his or her] village.

So... Have you gone out as couples to witness?

[One sister responded, "Yes, we witnessed together for two years in our mission area. After receiving the Blessing, we witnessed in our mission area."]

You probably all have experiences of going out and witnessing.

No matter where a person goes, the person will either become a follower or a leader. [So you have to ask yourself whether you will be a follower or a leader.]

If you are going to be a follower, then the question is, "who will you follow?"

You may have elder siblings, younger siblings, uncles (and aunts), so which of those families should you follow?

You should always be thinking about these things. The question is, "what do you need to do in order to follow?"

What have you done, and what have you left behind?

If you leave your sons and daughters behind, then the question is, "what have you left behind for your sons and daughters?"

You all need to know how to write autobiographies... once every ten years.

[Mother sings Skylark and Father joins in for some parts of the song.]

[After the song is over, Father says,] Men's voices and women's voices are different, you know. Rather than [always] singing together, [a husband and wife] should sometimes take turns, singing different verses or different parts of each verse. While they do so, they should smile at each other and be able to say, "Wow, you sing like that but I can sing like this." Sometimes they should laugh as they look at each other's faces, and in such times they should hold each other's hands, kiss the other on the lips... You need to create many similar situations.

You never know when you might be separated from one another even though you are together right now. If you do separate, you may not know whether the Unification Church was real or just a dream.

When we gather like this, what are we trying to leave behind?

What are we trying to leave behind through this?

You have to leave something behind.

With whatever talents or skills you have... you should all write songs and do similar things, OK?

So, now those members who went out and suffered for 10 years or suffered for 20 years should each write a song and it should be included among the Holy Songs.

[Father and Mother sing one of their favorite songs together. It's a song about one's hometown and Father refers to his hometown as the "northern area" and says that it has now been 70 years since he was in his hometown.]

[Shin Jun Nim gives Father a kiss.]

Are you going to school?

[Shin Jun Nim responds, "Yes, I am."]

You have to go?

[Shin Jun Nim responds, "Yes."]

Let Mommy walk you out. Mommy, you should walk him out. [To Shin Jun Nim] Bye. See you when you get home!

[Shin Jun Nim responds, "Yes."]

Surely, you sometimes fight among husband and wife, but you need to sometimes sing together as well.

Sometimes you do fight one another, right?

Do you know the right way for a husband and wife to fight?

Sometimes you have to fight.

In order to understand what kind of person your husband is, you need to sometimes fight with him, sometimes make love with him, and sometimes travel with him.

You can go somewhere [with your spouse] and say, "Honey, you go and get something from that store. I will go to this store and get something. Let's see who gets the better item!" [Or you can just say,] "Lady, I'm going to this store. Please wait a second." "Sir, I'm going to get something. Please wait for me."

And in that way, go to the store, get the best item... I'm not saying to steal it! You're just saying that you will be right back.

And moreover, you can tell the store owner that your husband asked you to get the item because he likes it. The owner may even let you just take it out of joy! Or you can say to the owner, "Your family is a good family and since you own this store, I will buy the most precious items from this store." When you create situations like that, you can even make friends, right?

Five items. Five cheap items and five expensive items. Ten [altogether.] "OK, I'll pick the expensive items and you pick the cheap items." Then you swap items, check the prices and you can go out and sell the items for more. If you make some money as a result, then wouldn't you be able to buy lunch if you weren't able to buy lunch before?

You have to know how to live like that as well.

You have to know how to be fed by others. You also need to be able to treat others. You have to know the right way to greet others. That kind of thing.