cheongshim peace world center

Inauguration of the Abel Women's UN

Sun Myung Moon
July 16, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center

True Father speaks at the Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly at Cheongshim Peace World Center

True Father speaks at the Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly at Cheongshim Peace World Center

I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the woman leaders, the peace leaders, and the members of WFWP from 194 nations, who have come to the Cheongshim Peace World Center in Korea to take part in the historic Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly.

From our early days, my wife and I have upheld Heaven's will and proclaimed the vision of the peaceful world originally envisioned at the time of the Creation. We have come here today, having returned from America after completing our busy providential schedule there, in order to establish the Abel Women UN.

The Abel Women UN has the mission of realizing the providential goal of creating, on earth, a world of lasting peace, without conflict or war.

As my wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, and I have already proclaimed, Korea is God's homeland. Therefore, the inaugural assembly for the Abel Women UN, which will play the providential role of leading the establishment of a new world of peace, must take place here in Korea in accordance with God's will.

True Father gives the keynote speech at the launch of the Abel Women UN

True Father gives the keynote speech at the launch of the Abel Women UN

Beloved woman leaders from around the world! As you are well aware, representatives of all the world's peoples, which had been suffering from the aftermath of World War II, founded the United Nations according to God's will and with a yearning for peace. In June 1945, representatives from forty-five nations met in San Francisco in the United States to sign the United Nations Charter. Today, with 193 member nations, the UN has developed into a unique organization in the world with the purpose of maintaining global peace.

Respected peace-seeking leaders from around the world! What is the reality today? In the sixty years of the United Nations' existence, it has been unable to prevent wars breaking out, including the Korean War. Even though the cold war has ended, the world is not free from outbreaks of war, whether big or small, that stem from conflicts between rich and poor, between races, and between people of different faiths. Hasn't the UN seen repeated breakdown of its work to fulfill its original mission to maintain global peace, according to the purpose of its founding?

At the time of its inauguration, the UN was the result of a compromise effected between the U. S. and the then Soviet Union under the confrontational structure of the cold war. From the outset, therefore, it was limited in its ability to bring about lasting world peace transcending the interests of individual nations. This is why I have proclaimed that from the standpoint of God's will, the UN has been unable to emerge from the position of Cain. This is why we emphasize that the renewal of the UN is absolutely critical to building a world of lasting peace as originally envisioned at the time of the Creation.

To carry this out in more concrete form, I maintain that an Abel-type inter-religious and international peace council should be organized within the UN. The UN should be reorganized into a bicameral system, with the present UN General Assembly -- the arena of individual nations competing over their own interests -- serving as the lower house, and the inter-religious and international peace council consisting of global religious leaders serving as the upper house. I have already presented this proposal of renewal to the UN, and the Philippines, as a representative nation, has also done so.

Respected peace leaders!

The United Nations has struck a brick wall, being unable to move beyond the level of balancing the various interests of individual nations. Isn't that the case? In history up to now, we have depended on government organizations centered on men to bring about global peace. Now, however, to surmount the limitations they have demonstrated, I believe that a women's peace movement centered on a nongovernmental organizations (NGO) should take root as the new system resolving problems that arise in the field. And this women's peace movement cannot be carried out by an individual or an NGO; rather, it can only be made possible through a global organization with solidarity, and that is why today's inauguration of the Abel Women UN is absolutely necessary.

Women had come from all parts of the globe to participate in the inauguration of the Abel Women UN and many of them remained in Korea for the ten-day OSDP workshop True Parents held in support of the new organization.

Women had come from all parts of the globe to participate in the inauguration of the Abel Women UN and many of them remained in Korea for the ten-day OSDP workshop True Parents held in support of the new organization.

The fact is that the historic inaugural assembly of the Abel Women UN held today has been made possible through the declaration of the advent of the global era of women. Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon and I declared that twenty years ago when we founded the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in April 1992 as a central organization of the women's peace movement, in accordance with Heaven's decree. The event, held at the Olympic Stadium in Jamshil, Seoul, was attended by woman representatives from some seventy nations and 150,000 Korean woman leaders. Since then, WFWP, which this year celebrates its twentieth anniversary, has established local chapters and a foundation for its activities in more than 160 nations and has continuously engaged in the global peace movement through creating networks for peace efforts.

Furthermore, the goal of the Women's Federation was not to be another ordinary women's organization. It does not aim to be an external, political and combative women's rights movement mainly targeting men, which advocates expansion of women's rights, gender equality and the women's labor movement. Rather, it is a global peace movement on a whole new level with the providential significance of realizing the ideal world as God envisaged it at the Creation.

Inaugurated against a background of such providential significance, during the past twenty years, WFWP has carried out service projects and education programs based on true motherly love, in all parts of the global village for the firm establishment of families embodying true love and the elevation of women's status. It has achieved amazing growth and development throughout the world.

From the moment of its inauguration, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon and I have worked together as cofounders to prepare the ground for the global organization and foundation for WFWP activities. Moreover, WFWP members, including the 1,600 Japanese members who were sent out to 160 nations as volunteer workers in its early days, have carried out a peace movement around the world.

At the WFWP inaugural assembly, my wife said in her inaugural message that now, under True Mother who has been victorious as the representative of women in the world, women should establish the model of a true mother and true wife and form ideal families through the true love movement. Furthermore, women should carry out an exemplary campaign of practicing true love by living for the sake of others in all walks of life, including politics, economics, culture and society.

Accordingly, we have carried out a variety of volunteer projects and educational programs, as well as campaigns to bring about the resolution of international conflicts and reconciliation, transcending the barriers of race, religion, language and nationality.

The inaugural event included UPF international president Dr. Thomas Walsh's congratulatory remarks and Carolyn Handschin's report on WFWP's work in relation to the UN; As MC for the evening, Women's Federation international president Mrs. Lan Young …

The inaugural event included UPF international president Dr. Thomas Walsh's congratulatory remarks and Carolyn Handschin's report on WFWP's work in relation to the UN; As MC for the evening, Women's Federation international president Mrs. Lan Young Moon warmly welcomed the international representatives and all others present.

In addition, after the special address my wife gave at the UN headquarters in New York, in September 1993, and based on three years of hard work, the Women's Federation for World Peace was approved by the United Nations Economic and Social Council as an NGO in general consultative status, which is the highest status given to an NGO. Since then, our status has been reapproved continuously at the reevaluations held every four years. These entail strict assessment of activities and achievements. I believe it is safe to say that they recognize our true value, because among the more than 3,400 NGOs affiliated with the UN, only 140 have received this highest status.

Our WFWP Women's Conference for Peace in the Middle East, which has been held every year since 1997, has attracted much interest and participation from woman leaders of the twenty or so nations of the Middle East. Now it has expanded and given birth to more concrete activities in the field, about which I am glad to be able to report. At the end of June this year, WFWP sponsored the sixteenth annual Middle East conference, which was held as a session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations Office at Geneva, on the subject of Children Affected by Conflict and Disaster: Prevention, Protection, Healing and Empowerment. It was attended by woman leaders from eighteen nations in the Middle East, diplomatic officials including ambassadors to the UN in Geneva from nations around the world, and representatives from UN agencies and global NGOs. These 180 or so participants came together to seriously discuss current problems.

I am informed that they resolved to apply the results of their discussions in the field.

Furthermore, each WFWP chapter is also actively conducting relief aid work to address problems caused by natural calamities and poverty in various parts of the global village. In particular, under the slogan, "Let us share a little of what we have," they are carrying out the 1% Love Share Project to help children and women in North Korea, and I am very happy to tell you that they have achieved wonderful results.

As can be seen, from the founding of WFWP to reaching the highest status as an NGO in consultative status under the UN, our members have never lost their founding spirit and have quietly pioneered the path of a woman's peace movement with an unwavering heart. Therefore, I would like to offer a big round of applause to express my infinite gratitude to them, and also to the woman leaders who have never held back in their encouragement or in their participation.

However, the work for world peace WFWP has carried out until now should not remain at its current stage. It should be expanded and developed to the next stage, so that it can work together in solidarity and cooperation with woman leaders and NGOs from all parts of the world and strive to follow the path of the establishment of the ultimate world of peace.

When the region that included the nations these women represented was announced, they stood as the audience applauded.

When the region that included the nations these women represented was announced, they stood as the audience applauded.

In order to do that, WFWP should go beyond the level of a women's NGO, bring together the governments, organizations and individuals across the world and march forward. The establishment of a great organization under the name, Abel Women UN, is absolutely necessary to bring this about. It is, in fact, the absolute decree of God's providence.

As we usher in such a cosmically historic and revolutionary era of changes, my wife and I solemnly declare the inauguration of the Abel Women UN. We urge all women in the world, who make up half of its population, to recognize their historic mission as stated above and to expand their work to all parts of the globe.

Beloved woman leaders who seek peace!

What is the path that humankind should take today? In the end, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of one family under God, which is the ideology based on true love that my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives, because these ideals alone represent the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness.

We are now living in a historic time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or delay it. Heaven has already proclaimed that the thirteenth day of the first month in 2013 will be Foundation Day.

Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven's decree. I hope you will bear in mind that a fateful time is today approaching, and that we need to devote ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for the remaining time under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial selves of God, the king of peace.

Beloved woman leaders!

Father and Mother took turns sounding a gong to launch the Abel Women UN.

Father and Mother took turns sounding a gong to launch the Abel Women UN.

The course for humanity is set. Now that we have D-day, which Heaven has given us through True Parents, what reason is there to hesitate? We now have less than a year. Heaven will bless your endeavors to establish a world of peace based on the Abel Women UN.

However, I would like to emphasize again that the priority of the Abel Women UN should be creating a true family movement that emphasizes living for the sake of others based on true love, and carried out in conjunction with education in proper values. War and conflict arise from selfish motives -- desiring to take others' land, others' possessions or the like, by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for the sake of others -- that is, giving based on true love.

Those leaders who turn their faces away from the new realities of the world, or who fail to see them, will be cast aside by the changes coming upon us like a tsunami. I believe the time has now come for us to step forward boldly and receive new opportunities and values.

Beloved woman leaders!

Women are not here merely to help or to be protected by men; rather, they are independent individuals who as representatives of the feminine aspect of God's nature are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centering on true love, women are men's precious love partners. Men and women are absolutely equal in terms of value.

Men and women who unite through the true love inherent in the original ideal share the same position. Also, they attain the right to be with each other wherever they may be. Furthermore, they attain the ideal right of inheritance, where all their property belongs to each equally.

Thus, men and women, who are brought into oneness through the original love in God's ideal of true love, have been created to become completely equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with one another.

Therefore, men and women do not need to confront or contend with each other, because they do not need to imitate the characteristics, dispositions or roles of the other or to covet those things and take them by force. Instead, by giving what they have to the other with true love and completing the other, they can become united as a greater whole and share in a relationship of joint ownership.

In the twenty-first century, women should play a major role in world history by serving, together with men, as one of the wheels of the engine pulling forward the construction of a peaceful world. Going beyond a century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building a century characterized by its loving, peaceful culture, and their role will be more important than ever before.

I sincerely ask you to choose True Mother's path, the path of a true wife, the path of true daughter, and the path of a true woman leader who will build a unified world where freedom, peace, and happiness in its truest sense, overflow.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have listened closely right to the end of my speech. I pray that God's blessing will be with you, with your families and with your work.

Thank you. 

Blessing Benediction

Sun Myung Moon
March 24, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center HC 03.03.03
Blessing Ceremony in the Era to Open the Gates to the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

Sun Myung Moon March 26, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 26, 2012

Heavenly Father, who is the great Lord of all the cosmos, we give sincere thanks that you have permitted us, this day, to hold this ceremony, as Heaven has specially permitted us today to perform acts of goodness in the midst of such a wonderful environment.

We beseech that you will grant your blessings on these brides and grooms who stand here in holiness with the justification of having become children of the parents of Heaven as representative men and women of representing the 6.5 billion people of the world. And we now attend heaven in this splendid environment with hearts of joy and jubilation. We give sincere thanks, Father, that you have allowed the grace of being able to inherit the lineage of the Holy Blessing, whereby we are born again in accordance with a relationship of flesh and blood with the True Parents in 194 Able-type countries and 193 Cain-type countries, centering on the 6.5 billion people of the world.

We are truly grateful that you have permitted us to have this day to commemorate this solemn occasion in the presence of all nations, all creation and the entire cosmos where True Parents, the substantial embodiments of the fruits representing the King of the Kings of all nations and the numerous kings in history, have become one with God in the name of True Parents.

After the time of the creation, our Heavenly Father, you dreamed of the model parents of all peoples, and waited for the day of the Blessing. Yet, you could not bless Adam and Eve, and instead you lost them. Since then, you have had to endure for tens of thousands of years, until this day on which are present tens of thousands of couples who have been called here, after undergoing suffering and difficulty to inherit the realm of heart under your lineage. So, Father please welcome these brides and grooms into your heart with open arms.

In the presence of your heart, which as yearned for Adam and Eve to reach their twenties, have come tens of thousands of children to be blessed after thousands of years have passed. So please embrace them with a wide heart and deep and noble affection. Please allow the children blessed in the spirit world and the physical world, centering on True Love, to inherit the bloodline of true love through the love of God and True Parents and receive blessings as husband and wife. Brothers and sisters who have received the Blessing in the past, and the billions of couples in the spirit world and many blessed brothers and sisters in the physical world are all here in this venue to congratulate the couples. So, please look upon them with favor, and let your heart, which was closed, and which has yearned for this for generations, open in joy.

It was the wish of Heaven to form the one family of Adam's family, but this could not be fulfilled and it was lost in Eden. It's on this day on which we can go beyond that and bless these sons and daughters brought together in tens of thousands of couples as the flowers of high, wide and deep true love. So, Father, we hope and pray, that you will bless this day more than any day ever before. Thanks to the joint efforts of parents, brothers and sisters, teachers in the schools of many nations, and religious leaders on the foundation of religion who have nurtured and raised these children that they have been able to be here, to be brought together as brothers and sister and to be dedicated before you as citizens of the one nation. We are truly grateful to you for permitting us to have this opportunity.

These new couples, the good men and women called here by Heaven blessed together, are the new fruits representing billions of blessed couples. They are the newly harvested seeds in front of the brothers and sisters who have received the blessing before them. So, please receive them as the proud brides and grooms of heaven and earth.

Heavenly Father, please look down upon this joyous arena with pleasure, as the spiritual and physical worlds of people who attend God, come together here, to attend the True Parents, the substantial representatives of the one God whom they have served from the time that they were in their mothers' womb, through the times of puberty, youth, middle age and old age.

We, also, hope and pray in the name of the True Parents, that our innumerable fellow members... in this place, will support these model couples who have been newly blessed will deeper and loftier and more joyous hearts. We thank you, Aju. 

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center Dedication
Chung Pyung, Korea

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and stea…

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and steady rain, busloads of the faithful travelled from all parts of the country to fill the large auditorium

Excerpt from Father's prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father!

All of heaven and earth, with a united heart, mind and body, have worked to achieve this end and bring this hour into fruition. The Creator of the universe told Adam and Eve at the time of the Creation that when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely perish. Centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, we have endeavored to return to their position before the Fall. True Parents have devoted themselves with one heart, one purpose and one love to return to this position, and they were born, raised and made to work to bring this moment into flower. Ninety-three years after the birth of True Parents, on the fifty-third anniversary of True Parents' Day, we have completed and perfected this grand enterprise in Heaven's presence. Before the body and mind were divided, the absolute God planned to realize the ideal of creation in Eden, and began to create the Garden of Eden with the ideal for the future in His heart. Before it could be completed, however, wrong thinking and disobedience led to failure....

In True Parents' names, we should have stood in the original position without the false parents, and the citizens of heaven and earth who were to be raised up on such a broad basis (in a program like a church) should have made the flowers in their hearts blossom and then harvested them. They should have respected the authority of the sole Creator of the entire cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth and offered them more than 3,000, or even 30,000, full bows in gratitude. This land should have become the home of the miracle of their victorious sovereignty. But because of the mistake committed by Adam and Eve, grief and sorrow that had never even been imagined came to us. From that day on, the world of day was taken away from us, and the sky remained dark in a world of night. God, however, shone forth a new light in that darkness, like the light of a firefly, and to light up this vast world with the original light, the True Parents, in place of the false parents, need to complete and fulfill their

The original blueprint was designed by the Creator for the new expression of His triumph, which is this very place closely watched by all heaven and earth, and here our cherished hopes have blossomed into flowers....

After completing and fulfilling the realm of the unity of devoted sons and daughters, we are now in a world of freedom and liberation, and on this day we are all standing before this palace, which You designed. All peoples of the world are praising You in joy, and we are all delighted and glorifying the completion of this Cheongshim Peace World Center. Many blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth are united in celebrating the completion of this center....

We are now preparing for the day on which we can mark the completion of the blessings of liberation and prosperity, and we pray that as we endeavor to finish our work by the set date, we can work together with one heart and one purpose....

For us to prepare our hearts for the day of the fulfillment of True Parents' third Holy Wedding, which is less than a year away, we should remember that we all have the same nationality, and that we are united under the one God.... Before our Heavenly Father, we should forget all our past grief and sorrow and focus on the joyous completion of this central point....

We are making preparations for the day on which You can receive the blessing on the glorious throne of the substantial realm of unity, completion and perfection, so please watch over us, guide us and protect us until that day.

Gathered here are Your blessed children, who are all yearning for the homeland of our hopes, so please shine on us the bright light of the sun of peace, so that we can all enter the fourth homeland of freedom and happiness. On that privileged and triumphant day, please harvest the flowers and fruits that are blossoming based on united hearts throughout all of heaven and earth. This we ask. Please watch over us and guide us until that day....

As we work with the heart of the parents that love God, humankind and all creation, please shine on us the light of glory and protection forevermore until we reach our final destination of completion and perfection. We dedicate this center to You with the heart of True Parents, so please receive it with a joyful heart....

We hope and pray with all our hearts that this place will become the eternal and unchanging place of protection and the royal domain of sacred peace. So Heavenly Father, please receive this. We dedicate it to You in the name of True Parents. Thank you. [Aju.]

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

Father's Speech

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day in the position of the God of Night and Day and the king of kings, and now we have ushered in the era of the final conclusion in which True Parents can be perfected and in which their work must be completed.

Therefore, you should respond with "100 percent okay!" to all my teachings. If you say that they're not okay, you won't have any choice but to go to the bottommost pits of hell.

When you say "okay," the glory of God will be with you in the kingdom of heaven for generations to come. Saint Paul came to know Jesus halfway through his life and suffered all kinds of hardships for over fourteen years. Yet, in the end, he died, before he could finish his witnessing work. What he came to know after fourteen years of devoted work, traveling across the seas and mountain ranges was what the fourth dimensional world, the kingdom of heaven, looked like -- and that was all.

The realm of the fourth dimension does not require registration, taxes or nations. Why are there so many nations? There are 387 Cain and Abel nations in the world when just one nation would suffice. Of the 387 nations, they have no military secrets or any other secrets about paying taxes and whatnot. They have piles of money as high as Mount Paekdu that they have collected for thousands of years, which are enough to feed and clothe all the poor people in the world, and to share with everyone else in the same class. All such resources, however, are used up and made into trash by Satan and his minions. We have to stop them from doing that. That's all you need to know....

Even if I leave late, I will conclude in no more than an hour and a half, so should you welcome what I say or not? If you welcome it, stand up and clap your hands. [Cheers and applause] No one's sitting down. If you were to sit down, God would not be with you. I've looked on you as families of heaven and earth, the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit, and I see that there is no one sitting down, so I am truly grateful to you. Now that I have received your greeting, please sit down and make yourselves comfortable....

What are our educational objectives? What are they? What are the three education objectives? [Love God, love humankind and love your country.] What do they say about God? They say to love God, to love people, and to love nature. I've loved nature.

There is not one place on earth that I have not visited. I have had many experiences and have endured more hardships than any of you. I've also been imprisoned and come back from the point of death seven or eight times, but I survived and have come so far in my work, even though I was hounded and hunted like an animal. If you cannot tell if this man standing before you is the Father -- whether he is the True Father or the false Father -- you should repent with all your heart. You have overturned your nations and the world and will inevitably become newly registered citizens of the kingdom of heaven. I have permitted you to begin now, so start from the beginning.

Mother! Come out here, Mother! Mother! [Applause] We should read this together. Mother will read from page seven to fifty, and I will read from page fifty-one to seventy-four. You cannot hear anything like this in the secular world, and you can learn a lot from what I say.

The title is "The Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self." You should study this diligently. You need to know this; if you don't, you cannot go to the heavenly kingdom. There is Buddhism and there is Confucianism, but they are my disciples. You should check to see if they are, or not. Now then, bearing this in mind, let us begin.

This man is named Sun Myung Moon, and he used to be Yong Myung Moon. I have appeared as a mysterious and puzzling man with some name value who has expanded the ground for the kingdom of dreams, so I hope you will not blush but instead listen to what I say with humility, rediscover your value and reestablish yourselves today.

Everyone! [Yes.] Do you understand? [Yes.) Pay close attention. [Yes.] Then let us begin. The Declaration of the era of True Parents on earth... There have not been any True Parents on earth....


I am conveying the following instructions to the 387 ambassadors of the 194 Abel UN member nations and 193 Cain-type UN member nations, to boonbongwangs and Ambassadors for Peace, to the presidents and national leaders of each nation who are present in Washington DC/New York, and to all of heaven and earth.

This is something the True Parents are conveying for the first time. A new heaven and earth, new followers will emerge. Become well-accomplished disciples. More than that, this is the age for welcoming new, godly disciples. I am speaking of an era without religious, political or economic strife, a new age.

Korea is God's homeland and hometown; because it is True Parents' nation, we should have all the people of Korea take part in these ceremonies [of the Blessing]....

You should not be left out. You may leave if you wish, but this man speaking to you cannot leave, because God is watching over me.

...this proclamation rally being held on the seventeenth day of the tenth month of the heavenly calendar [November 22], in the first year of Cheon-gi [2010], is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given in heaven and on earth up until the True Parents' D-day proclamation....

This is the end of things. You may not know it, but the point has already passed. Foundation Day will be upon us in less than a year. You need to accomplish what needs to be done during this period. God does not need 387 nations. We all of one nation, one race, one bloodline and one tradition. We need to resemble the one bloodline. Those who don't will fall away. What the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have said are not lies

Centered on President Myung-bak Lee, who represents the governments of Korea (South and North), which is God's homeland and hometown, former U.S. President George Bush and U.S. President Obama, whose positions correspond to the presidents of the Cain-type UN and Abel-type UN, and all the presidents and citizens who participated in the G20 meetings must unite to bring about the success of these rallies and perfect, complete, conclude and offer them according to True Parents' heavenly decree.

Korea did not accomplish this by itself. God helped it to do so. [Applause] If there is anyone who cannot participate, True Parents will choose their representatives and complete their work.

It wasn't the Korean churches that made Myung-bak Lee president of Korea. He is a public figure that believes in a religion that is of both heaven and earth. If he does not know that it is because of this that he became the representative president of the world, and if he fails to form a direct connection to True Parents -- who are the king of kings and True Parents of the religious world -- both parties will be in difficulty and Korea will fail to become God's fatherland; and the hometown of Yong Myung Moon, that is, Sun Myung Moon, will move to another nation, because it can be changed. Do you understand? [Yes.] [Applause] The owner will be changed. I can go to live anywhere.

Not long ago, Prime Minister Philip of the Solomon Islands personally visited True Parents. He was deeply moved by God's word, and before he left, he pledged and promised that his nation would become an ally of True Parents.

I don't have a nation or allies. Even though I don't have a nation, I have still followed this path and overcome everything.

The people from these nations will also take part in the cross-cultural marriage blessing on a nationwide scale in order to eradicate the fallen lineage received from Lucifer and inherit the new heavenly lineage.

I cannot bless in marriage those people who do not repent. This is being done in heaven and on earth; why aren't they following that? I don't know why. I will bring them to repentance....

The declaration I am making here in the main palace of Cheon Jeong Peace Palace, positioned at the center of this district, is not a lie. Should I make it, or not? [Make it!] The people who are here, all 27,500 people here, will you cooperate, or not? [We will.] [Applause] If you are going to cooperate, stand up and clap. [Cheers and applause]....

If I give the go-ahead today, I have the power to make people and companies begin to do whatever I want them to do tomorrow. Look at this palace we've built. It was built in Hyundai's name, but we did the actual work. That's all you need to know....

The ongoing project to build undersea tunnels between Korea and Japan and across the Bering Strait, which I have proclaimed to the entire world, will be spearheaded by religious leaders on a worldwide scale and completed in attendance to our liberated God.

Even if the world does not help me, I will do it. Has anyone in the world ever helped me? Raise your hand if you have. I have come so far on my own. I've never stolen anything.

In the world, atheism and communism, which deny the existence of God, will be discarded, paving the way to building the world that God originally envisioned, where all people can freely communicate in harmony...

This is not just communication! We will build a world of harmonious understanding. We will begin right away, work all together and finish the work in a few years. Don't think to yourselves that you are the only ones who can finish what you're doing in your individual sectors. When God steps forward, anyone and everyone can do it. We will build a world of harmonious understanding.

A world where all people are equal and all nations become like brother nations to create one family under God is being created right before your eyes.

If you want to participate, participate; if not, don't. I have fulfilled my responsibility. Why are you sitting still? Demonstrate your resolve. [Aju!] Is that "Aju" your resolve? [Applause] Saying "Aju" will suffice! 

CheongShim Peace World Center Dedication Ceremony

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012


Note: On Cheon -- gi 3rd year, March 1 by the heavenly calendar (solar: March 22, 2012) from 1:00 pm, the 2nd part of the Dedication Ceremony took place inside the CheongShim Peace World Center at the main stage. As True Parents took the podium the stadium roared with cheers as all the people filling the stands stood up and cheered for True Parents. True Parents spoke the following words with great wishes for the development of Cheon Il Guk; (These are True Parents’ original words)

Today’s words are not going to be spoken by my wife and I.

From the past, through the present and until the future, heaven and earth will establish God’s one sovereign nation; when man and woman is completed on the foundation of individual perfection, husband and wife is established and then after building a family, within the family, through the connection of the blessing the sperm and ovum which is the seed of a child that centers on God; the father who is the embodiment of sperm and mother who is the embodiment of ovum, love springs out. As water and tree is heated with fire, water and oil starts to boil, the DANJI (small unglazed pottery) breaks suddenly, and the sperm and ovum that was planted as the first love becomes one; as we move forward, front, back, left and fight, all up and down, all 4 directions, 5 pacific oceans and 6 continents completes a united realm and that DANJI must be broken.

For 10 months, it must be united and must be grown. A sperm is given and an ovum is given, the mother will take care of it for 10 months and grow it. That is the 10 month era in the stomach.

Then we must be born. We must be born. We will be born and then live 100 years of our life. There, our body and mind unites as one where the sperm and ovum never separates as it centers on love and from the gates of eternal promises it completes the departure of presentational family, an ideal for an individual, an ideal for a family and in the room of a house that has 8 stages of an ideals, those children’s time that will be raised in such atmosphere…

Ladies and gentlemen, these words are not words that hover in the air. True Parents will complete this; a family will be completed from husband and wife and will start for 1st year old, 2nd year old, 3rd year old, 4th year old, 5th year old, 6th year old, 7th year old, 8th year old, 9th year old, 10th year old, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and become 20 years old. It becomes 20 years old and then moves to 40 years old. They become 40 year old and then until 50 years old. Parents of the children should do their best as a father and a mother must do their best and pour all energy. The life of giving birth must be done with their best and pouring all of their energy. Offering all of one’s energy and after 10 months, must give birth to a child.

When you give birth to a child; in this world; they are born on this earth with the promise of living 100 years on earth. Through love, the 100 years will be lived; create a nation on earth; after finishing all sorts of things to complete the life of a nation; aging until 100 years old, then follows a 1000 year old era, the eternal world, millions of years; and change to the eternal world. That 100 years that is changing cannot be separated. When they become 100 years old as they unite their heart and body; for the first time they must be registered in the position of son and daughter to the 3rd world; that time is the unchanging and eternal years. That you don’t understand.

Because they fell at the Garden of Eden; after Adam gave birth to a son and daughter the creator could not hold a marriage ceremony. What is marriage? What is love? A family is where the True Parents comes to the center and after growing to the age 20 to 23 and 24 years old; together from 24, 25 and then 28 years old, it arrives at the ‘28 Youth’ (One’s youth around 16 years old) a time of blessing in the family. When that time comes; originally, until 12 years old, 13 years old, and 14 years old; until 13 years old; the man grows into the eldest position but when it turns to 14 and 15 years old, the woman starts to grow faster on the heart side; centering on love.

So what does that lead to; for a child to be born the man and woman’s sperm and ovum must meet; and once it becomes 13 and 14 years old; March and April. If it is the hand then 7 and 3, 2x7 is 14, 3, and 40. From the position to overcome the peak of 12 we are able to give birth to a son and daughter. Then until 23, 24 and 27 years old if you can’t give birth to any child but you only need a year and a half, so if you have 3 years you can give birth to 2 children. 4 years and 5 years. If you marry at the age of 23 or 24 then 4 years you become 27 and 28 years old you can have grandsons. That is why there is a Korean saying ‘28 Youth’.

It is stumbling down 7 times but coming back 8 times. To give birth to a child means that the parents must decide the fate and pour all energy into it. This is not a simple thing to do. A mother who gives birth to a child is about death or life. When the baby grows in the womb of the mother it grows together with her but at the time of birth it enters a completely different world. Must come outside after circling once. The father and mother on earth can’t do anything about the child turning around. God will directly build the pillar of love, and at that moment of birth, it is also the time of registered as heavenly people; this you still don’t have any understanding.

Why did this happen, because of the Fall. Which place had broken down because of this Fall? What is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil? It is explained clearly on the principle of the unification church. All the records of the result of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, at what age and what happened to one’s life. The records of the life of True Parents; because Adam’s Fall was remembered; that origin for thousands of years and through many thousands of years.

Adam wasn’t the one who had Fallen. It was the women! Who did the woman had the love relationship; If she had only loved Adam and had done something wrong, she would be simply be cleared and be created again. However, who did she love? The one who is the little brother of God. Where does Lucifer stand? He stands in the little brother position to God. If it was from Adam’s point of view he stands in the position of Adam’s parents’ cousin. God and Lucifer agreed together to create Adam’s family. This is not known in the bible and by any people in this world.

However, who is this man standing in front of you? His name is Yong-myung. Moon Yong-myung. The fallen world is standing like a lion statue in front of the Korean Presidential House. What do we call it? It is called ‘He-ti’(Korean legendary creature that distinguishes good and evil) The ocean’s water bag. What exists above it? It is a dragon. We have to move the dragon’s water bag. We give water and if we drink water and drink the milk and then eats food. It’s Yong-myung-su who eats the food of this world. what do we call it? After? The dragon eats the He-ti and what eats this dragon? It is the Garuda. It is the father of a crane. Being embraced by the love of God and eat the seed of love, and lost the foundation of eternal, unchanging life.

Why do you think I am saying these words that are not even in the Principle, things that I’ve never spoken to anyone until now; These are the basic lines of training the people and citizens centering on the palace. That is why the Unification Church, my wife who also became the General Director of the Sun Moon University, my son became a director and the vice president who works under him caused a confusion because he was supposed to be the president of Kourei University went to the Unification Church. Where does the Korai University goes? Where is Seoul University heading? Seoul is in a emotional position.

What is the name of the castle in Seoul? Is it Seoul? Or is it castle Han? The victory of the eastern nation of castle Han. The eastern nation where Tokyo exists is in deep trouble. It doesn’t have any place to hide. The volcanoes exploded causing tsunami and Japan did its best in investing in the latest technologies to become the best nation but now it has all gone to waste.

I spoke about the history a bit too long. Let’s end it there. Now where do we have to push the people in religion, politics and industry? They don’t know who God is. They don’t know about the true person because of God. True Parents who is the King of Kings of true love of God does not exist. Who developed this? it is Moon Yong Myung. Moon Yong Myung. Moon Yong Myung does not have any connection to the fall of Adam and Eve.

Centering on the truth, God of night and God of day couldn’t marry even if he was the creator of the Garden of Eden. That is why he was unable to know the God of night and God of day. After the fall, the God of night and God of day started to fight each other and now the result is as it appears today; so those humanity who inherited such lineage now has the unwanted position and lineage in their mind and body and those who are born with such body and lineage cannot fight well. Here many different people had come, famous people, presidents and prime ministers but when I ask them ‘Is your heart in trouble or not?’ then no one can answer that they have never had a troubled heart. No one exists but the person who doesn’t have from the beginning was pushed away from this place. He ran away.

The body and mind must absolutely become one and secure the position of an Absolute son and daughter, absolute family and absolute ideal and protect one heaven but however, was pushed away from God and Adam and Eve who were meant to be the True Parents. Adam and Eve couldn’t get married until now. There are no grandchildren in front of teacher moon. This is the mother’s position so that is why we are training the continent that can become the mother. Education. Today’s title, the establishment of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the position of this place couldn’t receive the graduation certificate. From now, when you receive the graduation certificate from True Parents ‘That person’s responsibility is to take everyone’. All the thing that I have done must return to the heavenly nation. What can we do about this? We cannot make it go away. If we could make it go away then it means that the absolute true parents were in that position easily pushed away and it’s impossible for us to look for them again. They were pushed away. The lineage is completely different. The place that they came from is different.

The people who are here, on top of the traditional lineage similar to True Parents, lineage cannot be connected. We were not similar as the mother and father who stands on that tradition. But General Moon is different. There are no people who General Moon likes. In heaven and on earth until now, General Moon. Because of that person we couldn’t live a happy life and even though we are about to be destroyed he wants us to be destroyed. It means to destroy us. We make them live even if it’s a dream and after transcending the blue melody and like throwing a bait into the sea in a position where the food chain does not fall down; food chain is similar to tradition and lineage.

So if you want do blood transfusion to help another fellow patient their lineage must be the same. The lineage cannot differ. This you must understand. Hospitals and sickness that is not sufficient…

The person standing in front of you is 93 years old yet he still can win wrestling against 63 years old and a 23 years old. He also knows magic. Later, people who know magic will come out on earth and do some things and we have to follow them naturally. We must learn from them. We have to put a sign to that level. It is not true that unification church cannot do any activities. Among the people of unification church, there are spies who will destroy the satanic world. So much hatred.

So today’s words, my wife and I will read it together. I will read the first 6 pages and until page 50 my wife will read. Until 50 years old, 7x7=49 and the common grave does not reach. The only people can do this is the Korean people. 7x8 equals to 56. This ideal and from this method a best way…. That is why there are many teachings of True Parents and there is no other way but to follow him.

So today, what is this? That palace that exists on the peak of Seorak-san. That palace is the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. Heaven embraced everything. It put a lid above. Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. About this Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, everyone wants to enter but all can do. It is not their time. Today, in front of the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, this event where marriage creates happiness, nothing will be forgiven in this small Cheon Jeong plaza. However, what is adultery? Homosexuals and Lesbians will go to this place and education will not be held. They would not even appear in shapes. Absolutely.

There it broke down. If you peeled off the external sides of the broken down part then you must make it live or provide with flesh. At this land where you can receive this great seed that is born from the latest medicine and technology, you plant it on earth and wait until it blossoms. At the beginning, honey which attracted butterflies and bees were needed to live one’s life to perfect the ideal family of a god. Every one needs to pay taxes and those who don’t have money will have a hard time.

When you come to understand all of this, one by one, then you can be grateful, and attend at this place and I don’t know if General Moon is a good man or not. Redirect the God of night into God’s position, and then the God of day to the God of day and night’s position; Fall which was the cause of all of this couldn’t become the True Parents and it is completed by the True Parents and is the last result of a human being. That is why the words that True Parents convey is 100 percent okay. If you say no -- K then nothing will remain. You will go to the bottom of hell. If you say okay then you will enter the final glory of God.

The millions of years of heaven was known by Saint Paul where he met with Jesus after 4 years and did his best for 14 years and after dying without doing any witnessing finally understood everything; 14 years of sincere devotion at the sea and mountain; what did he notice after 14 year; he could only visit the 4th dimension of the world.

There is no need to register or pay taxes in the 4th dimension. Why do we have so many nations in the world today? Cain and Abel is distributed among 387 nations; we only need one nation but 387 nations pay their taxes and supply for military activities. These fees are not even relevant. Thousands of years money was accumulated higher the the Baek-du-san. Sad people would eat and drink to live a peaceful life and crush Satan who tries to live with us. We must protect ourselves.

For that we should have a perfected level at True Parents’ position; today’s plaza; I was told to read in a position of the liberated heaven and earth so that is how I’m going to read it; I will read the first part for 6 pages. This will not even take 3 minutes. Mother will be reading the remaining pages until 50th page. It will take 23 minutes and then will take 18 minutes to the end. That is why I ask you even if it takes too long, would like to listen to my words? Would you like to hear it? Then if you agree then stand up and cheer. Wow! There are no people are sitting down. Sitting down. God! No. Heaven, earth, holy father, holy child, and a family of holy ambassadors. I am so grateful.

Alright, then Father who has the sign, Father’s name is Moon Yong Myung. It is Yong. Yong Myung. If you don’t use the name of Yong Myung then you cannot enter the era of an good spiritual realm. But everyone went away. If people were to hear my name then 10 times more people would have come here. Maybe millions or billion of people might have come here. I feel very sad. Our ancestors…. Because I didn’t follow the fallen parents, I will take the responsibility until the end. What is it? The purpose? One thousand? What is this? What are the 3 great purposes? One thousand? What is it? Heaven of sky, love heaven, love humanity, love all things and I love all things. There is not place on earth that I’ve never been.

I had so much more experience than any of you and faced much tribulations. I also came out of the prison so many times but came to this position until now, at times being chased at. This father who stands in front of you, is he the fake father or the true father? If you didn’t know this then you have to repent.

You are the new registered people in heaven who have completely changed this world. I have forgiven such beginning so let us start. From the start! Then, Mother come to the stage now. Mother! Mother!

We have to do this.. Mother stop this and mother you have to speak from page 7 to 50. Don’t come out even at that time, mother will come from here. From page 51 to 74 I will read it. There are no words that can describe this. There are many things to learn. Thank you mother! (True Mother: Yes!)

What is the title? The title is ‘Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self’ Please study these words earnestly. If not then you cannot enter heaven. There is Buddhism and Confucius. They are my disciples. Didn’t I say this? do you understand?

(After this, True Mother started to read the words and after that Father read the rest)