True Parents

Schedule for “Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind” and Setting Up Memorial Altars in Each Nation

May God and True Parents’ blessings and love be with all regions, mission nations and providential organizations.

This is to announce the schedule for ‘Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind’ and instructions for setting up memorial altars in each mission country. Please do your utmost in offering jeongseong during this time so that people can pay tribute to True Father’s sacred life and great achievements for the sake of the salvation of humankind and world peace. Details of a special jeongseong period will be announced later.

1. Conducting the “Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind”

1) Personal jeongseong period (three-day period): 7.17~19 by the heavenly calendar (September 3~5, 2012)
2) Special period for paying respects (Eight-day period): 7.20~27 by the heavenly calendar (September 6~13, 2012) at the Cheongshim Peace World Center
3) Casket ceremony: 7.28 by the heavenly calendar (September 14, 2012) at Cheon Jeong Gung
4) Heaven and Earth Seonghwa Ceremony: 7.29 by the heavenly calendar (September 15, 2012), 10 AM at Cheongshim Peace World Center
5) Dress code: Men should wear a black or dark-colored suit with a white necktie; women should wear a white or cream-colored suit or dress ※ The dress should be of a length that covers the knees
6) A Special Launch Ceremony for the Members of the World (tentative title) will be held at the Cheongshim Peace World Center on 8.2 by the heavenly calendar (September 17). Details to be announced later.

2. Setting up memorial altars in each mission nation

1) A memorial altar should be set during the period of 7.20~27 (September 4~13, 2012) at the Sanctuary or Chapel of the Headquarters Church or equivalent at each region or mission nation
2) What to prepare:
(1) Official photo of True Father: Please download the file from the webhard ( / ID: SEONGHWA2012 / PW: SEONGHWA2012), decorate it with flowers and place it on the altar.
(2) Banner: Please refer to the webhard for the sample design of the banner. The size may be adjusted according to the circumstances of the venue in each mission nation.
(3) Seonghwa wreathes, flower baskets, flowers to be used for floral tributes, guest book, special mat to be used when offering full bows, holy candles, etc.
3) Flower decoration of altar: Please decorate the altar with roses, lilies, chrysanthemums and other flowers according to the size of the altar and sanctuary or chapel of the headquarters church in each nation.

Unification Church
World Mission Headquarters

You Can Understand How Difficult True Parents' Course Has Been

Sun Myung Moon
July 16. 2012
The Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly
Chung Pyung (HC 5.27)

Sun Myung Moon - July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon - July 16. 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"There are two speeches, speech A and speech B. A: Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the True Substance. Through speech A, you can understand how difficult True Parents' course has been.

Speech B is the keynote speech of the Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly. There have been many religions which believed in Heavenly Father but don't have a concept of Heavenly Mother. That has been a shameful fact. The speech B is to eradicate such history."

"From the first day when I started to fly like a mosquito, like an ant, and like a bee, my path has never been an easy one. Since I was surrounded by enemies to whom I could not go to greet, it was difficult to reveal the power behind them, I started to learn about in a way the center can expand. In learning it, I realized that I wasn't alone: when I faced some difficulties, I heard the absolute voice (절대음성) in the air that said "Don't move." So I became a person who could live with the absolute voice, which nobody knew. When I was 17 years old while living such life, a person called Jesus came to call me 'Elder brother Yong Myung (용명형님).'

I didn't use my Korean name those days because of the Japanese but he knew it.

(Katsumi: During the Japanese occupation, Koreans were forced to change their names to Japanese names)

I said to him, 'Who are you?' He said, "I came here today to go with you to join the marriage. I know it will be difficult for you but what do you think if you join me in being married?'"

"It was before I became 4 years old. I could understand everything people said in Korean. My grandparents and their daughters-in-law got together once regarding me, whose nick name was 'small-eyed boy of Osan house,' but they couldn't treat me as they liked. I heard the absolute voice, that said 'Yong Myung! You will go with your grandpa and what do you think of it? I know that you have heavenly wisdom which enables you to judge and evaluate fortune tellers and spiritualists, but your grandparents don't know it and so I am sorry they asked you, a child, to do so. I am sorry that you will be asked to do things, and all through your life, I will exchange questions and answers with you. You need to know clearly what kind of life you will lead, but you can guess now you must start your life for something fundamental.' I had heard such absolute voice many times."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han- July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han- July 16. 2012

"Today you are here in this honorable place. Those who like and praise me, raise your hand? (All did) If you were truly so, all Korean people could have been digested by you. When have you praised me in public? Why have you lived shutting up your mouth? You say you have praised and loved me? You are all liars. There hasn't been a president or minister in a country who loves and praises me thinking they must protect me, who can make the country's future bright. How can you repent on such a shameful fact? Without repenting, you say, 'I have been attending Rev. Moon.' When have you attended me?"

"Abel Women UN. We haven't had 'mother.' People have said 'Heavenly Father,' but who can fix the problems among religions and restore the authority of the country? We don't have a woman yet who can represent the Abel Women UN. Since Adam couldn't fulfill his responsibility, he lost Eve. Eve kicked out Father, heaven and earth, and I have found and educated Mother preparing her to attend. With the strong determination that I will put Mother in the position of the wife of Adam who represents the Creator, I have been recreating Mother throughout my life so that I can present her in front of the whole world with such a status, even if they strongly oppose it."

"When I was 17 years old, Jesus suddenly appeared to me in February, he called me 'Elder brother Yong Myung.' He said to me 'Let's go to the Blessing ceremony.' Did he know that the God of Night and the God of Day were separated and fighting each other? I, in order to find his identity, asked 'Who are you?' Then he, smiling, said, 'Why did you ask when you already know it? When the time has come again, I will come back to you, and if you don't listen to me, I will just take you or I will be taken out. We have to choose one of them.'"

"'Distinguished guests from 193 and 194 nations.'

(Katsumi: in the printed speech, it says only '193')

Why did they take 193 out here? This is important: it should be '193 and 194 nations.'

(Reading his speech) "I'm not sure when I can speak to you again in such detail like today."

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - July 16. 2012

The following are some quotations from the speech Father read:

All of this is being undertaken in accordance with the message Rev. Moon revealed in his speech at the establishment of Women's Federation: "We must define what it is to be True Mother and True Wife through attending True Mother who is the victorious representative of all women around the world. We must realize the ideal families through True Love movement. Then, we must wage the movement to realize the True Love of 'living for the sake of others' in every part of the society so that we may realize world peace."

'Women's Federation' must advance even further now. It must go beyond the next step, to walk the path of the creation of a peaceful world through joining the forces together with other NGOs and women leaders of the world. The establishment of the 'Abel Women UN', which will go beyond the level of women NGO and bring the governments around the world together, is absolutely necessary, and it is also the command of God which must be obeyed.

I would like to emphasize once again that the priority of 'Abel Women UN' should be the true family movement of living for the sake of others, based on true love, carried out in conjunction with proper values education. War and conflict arises from selfish motives of desiring to take others' land, possessions or the like by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for the sake of others, that is, giving based on true love.

Women are not there to help or to be protected by men; rather, they are independent individuals who, as representatives of the feminine aspect of God's nature, are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centering on True Love, women are the precious partners of love to men. In terms of value, men and women are absolutely equal beings. Men and women who unite through the True Love of original ideal share the same position. Also, they attain the right to be with each other wherever they may be. Furthermore, they attain the ideal right of inheritance, where each other's properties will belong to each other equally. Thus, men and women, who are brought into oneness through original love under God's ideal of true love, have been created to become completely equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with one another.

I sincerely ask you to walk the path of True Mother, the path of True Wife, the path of True Daughter, and the path of True Women Leaders who will build the unified world where freedom, peace, and happiness in its truest sense overflow. 

True Parents Saw Shin Joo Nim for the First Time

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 2012
Han Nam Dong (4.24 HC)

The following photos were taken at the Han Nam Dong official residence on 4.14 HC (June 3, 2012).

That day, True Parents saw Shin Joo Nim (son of Kook Jin Nim and Jiye Nim) for the first time.


Rev. Jeong Shik Yong made a report to True Parents stating the Nepalese national leader became the minister of the government.


The Firm Settlement of the True Parents

Sun Myung Moon
May 13, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 23 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

‘I am attending to this speech. ‘Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind" is everything. If not for the fall, the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (could have been realized). Why is 실체말씀선포 (Proclamation of the Word of the Truth Body) necessary? This is the assembly of the cosmos, not the individual, centering on God. Look at my photo (on the speech binder),"

"East, west, south and north makes four. Five seas and six continents makes 11. So all together makes 15. When a man becomes 15 years old, his sexual organ, all organs, and the seeds are over 97% completed... (97% 넘어서요)."

(Talking about his calligraphy for Rev. Do Soon Im who had passed away recently) "You would say, ‘Why didn’t Father write 土 of 基 (Base)clearly? Why does 달 of 윤달 (Intercalation) seem to be mistakenly written?’ Only I know the reason why. When I wrote it for Sang Chul (Rev. Sang Chul Kim, ex -- president of UTS), I wrote 大表者 (대표자, Representatives) but this time I wrote 代表者 (대표자: Representative). I wrote it correctly this time. (Katsumi: Usually 대표자 is written as 代表者 and I think 大表者 is Father’s coined word, which probably has the same meaning of ‘representative’) Then I wrote big the upper part of 入 (입: to enter) of 入國 (입국: to enter the nation). Why? This means ‘Reveal in front of your children and tribe!’"

‘The reason why I need this speech is because this is the final proof document of mine (선생님의 최후의 증거문서)."

"As of now people didn’t know Heavenly Mother."

"1,000 years before the Mongol Empire, there was a kingdom in Korea, which was Goguryeo."

"누 (Nu) of 누시엘 (Nushiel: Lucifer) symbolizes 류 (Lu) of 인류 (Illu: humankind). 시 (shi) is 씨 (‘shi: seed), and 엘 (el) symbolizes 열매 (Yeol mae: fruit). Lucifer is the Archangel, which is the ‘seeds of humankind.’" 

True Parents Sang

Sun Myung Moon
May 5, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3.15 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 50, titled "Person Who Puts the Unification Thought into Practice."

After the reading, she sang "천년바위," (Rock of Ages) Mother sang "봄이 오면," (Spring) and Father sang together with them. All sang together '대한의 노래." (The Song) All brothers sang "광야의사나이." (Man of the wilderness) Father sang "할미꽃" (Pasque Flower) and then Mother led to sing the song again changing "할미꽃" (Pasque Flower) to "할아버지 꽃." (Grandpa Flower) True Parents together with all sang "대한팔경" (The 80,000,000,000,000,000) and "엄마야 누나야." (Mother, Sister.) At the end of singing, Shin Pyeon Nim was brought to True Parent, he offered a bow, and Father kissed him. When Mother told him to do Mansei, he offered a bow again. All sang "동산의 노래" (Song of the Garden) while True Parents were cradling Shin Pyeon Nim. 

I Was Born of a Different Seed From Yours

Sun Myung Moon
April 21, 2012
Special Assembly by True Parents
Cheong Shim Peace World Center on 3. 1 HC


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(After having talked about his unique childhood)

"I was born of a different seed from yours. Therefore, I have lived a different life and have come thus far."

"My nickname in my childhood was 오산집의 조그만 눈 (Small-eyed boy of Osan family). I see far like a stopped-down camera does."

"I started to study at Osan School (which Father's granduncle had virtually established) from grade 3 one month before summer vacation, and then skipping grade 4 I went to grade 5. I knew I had to fight the Japanese but my granduncle told me not to study Japanese, ever. But I said 'I must study it for my preparation and open the way for the country, but you can't do it. Don't tell me what I should do as a grandchild.'"

"Heaven took to the spirit world all the people who had loved or hated me."

"Who is Rev. Moon? It is simple to conclude it. It is me that was born from a different seed and blood lineage. You should understand this at least."

"I am the person that Japan hates most. They kidnapped 12,000 Unification Church members for brainwashing but they couldn't be successful."

"There is no famous sea, mountain, or scenic spot in Korea that I didn't visit."

"My granduncle (Yun Guk Moon) said to me 'You are better at calligraphy than anyone who studies for 과거 (The imperial examination in China and Korea, an examination system designed to select the best administrative officials for the state's bureaucracy) even you hold the ink brush with your toes. So study letters.'"

(Regarding his speech) "Don't edit it. If someone changes the words in my letter, I can't sleep that night. Even my grandfather couldn't do that. If you live according to these words in the speech, you will receive fortune in your life."

"Should there be a couple made of a father and mother or many of those? Why are there many kings in the world? There should be only one King of Kings, who is the True Father as the representative and the root of humankind in heaven and on earth. They should be settled and they will be false otherwise. That's why the title of my speech starts with "천지인참부모 정착 (The Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). Do you know True Parents? Have you heard of it? The Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind is everything."

"God took all those who had hated or loved me to the spirit world. My 14 brothers and sisters (Katsumi: Father included his cousins?) were all gone except my youngest sister 호순 (Ho Soon) in North Korea, who had her twin elder brother. Do you know that without having a twin of brother and sister in the family the Second Messiah can't appear? Her twin brother died of chickenpox when he was 7, 8 years old after he had suffered from it for one year and eight months. When he was dying, he said to me, "Brother Yong Myung, I am going first (to the spirit world.) This is for the sake of you but also for our youngest sister to survive to the end in my family.' For the sake of my younger sister, my two elder brothers died too, and nobody knows where their graves are. After I accomplish the restoration of God's Fatherland, I need to make my family graveyard."

"When I was in prison, I said to people 'You came to prison because you stole this and that,' 'You don't have your father and mother,' or ''During the past 20 years of your stay in the prison, nobody has visited you.' They were surprised, saying 'How did you know that?' I know those things because the spirit world informs me. I said to them, 'If you follow me without dying, you will be saved.'"

"In Las Vegas, which has a population of 1,700,000, 170,000 copies of my autobiography have been distributed."

"How many days are left before D-Day? ('307 days') Too long."

"Is the President Park (assassinated President of Korea) just a human or a patriot? There must be family members of Jeong Hee Park here tonight, listen to me. There was an educational institute of Mr. Chang Ho An which was 320 km away from Pyongyang. There was a place close to the border with Soviet Union where people from the seven defeated countries got together to be trained as spies. It was Yong Myung Moon, not Chang Ho An nor Seung Man Lee that was the representative of Korea there.

"When I was 7 or 8 years old, I came to know what the world is like. You should remember that I, who could find the secrets of the people, am the person who had been trained to find out the secret of Heaven."

"A Blessed couple who went to the spirit world came to know those who had opposed the Unification Church on earth were doing the servant work."

(Indicating his latest speech) "This is the record of my life from the year one to my age of 73. I numbered 74 on the sheet by myself which has the conclusion. It says 'page 156 of the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 35, 11.7 by the heavenly calendar, Change the blood lineage. Aju. Og Mansei.' The title of this page is '섭리적 최종목적 되다 (Final purpose of the providence is accomplished).' It says '1. Perfection.' Adam's family must have been perfected. Adam ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and became a false parent instead of becoming a True Parent. Then it says '2. Conclusion,' and '3. Completion.'"

(Showing his handkerchief) "What is this? Sun Jo Hwang, come to the front. I must teach him this well. (Father called Hyung Jin Nim too) Hyung Jin! I now realize that this man (Hyung Jin Nim) went beyond the level of martial arts without my notice. When we went to Geomundo, I asked him, 'Have you learned from me or not how to fish?' He replied, 'I don't know how to fish and I know you are the best. So I just follow the best person.'

(Katsumi: I remember Hyung Jin Nim once said at Hoon Dok Hae he didn't like fishing) His wife, Yeon Ah, always gets sick on the boat and then he is always with her, not with me, taking care of her. He has a dog and he loves it more than his sons. Wow, an unexpected change happened in the Unification Church and he is more strange than I am. (Laughter) He said, 'If I am the number one in martial arts and love it to the end, good people will like that and bad ones will recognize me. I believe that is the practice of true love.' I said, 'How did you learn that? You are right.' What's the name of the martial art? ('Brazilian jiu-jitsu')

(Hyung Jin Nim and Rev. Sun Jo Hwang continued to stand on the stage beside Father.)

"A man can't become a woman, and a woman can't become a man."

"Can one become the Second Messiah as they like? Can Adam become perfect as he likes? I am the person that revealed the God of Night and the God of Day. I am the person that clearly taught the difference between 혼 (soul) and 영인체 / 靈人體 (spirit self). All those secrets are included in this speech, which contains 74 pages. This has the contents of all about the formula and public course in God's providence. Anyone who doesn't know this will fail."

"Who is the father of 박혁거세 (Park Heok Keo Sei, BC 69 -- AD 4: the founder of the Shilla dynasty)?"

"Do you know when they play drums and blow the horns at the feast, they can call their ancestors? (Then he whistled.) From 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. the whistle with a secret code can call the spirits, and then good and bad spirits in the village will come. Then they discuss about who is better or older, their blood lineage, good words or bad words they said, etc., and then good and evil spirits are distinguished."

(Father talked about the handkerchief again and at that time Rev. Hwang was already back in his seat) "I don't fold my handkerchief as I like. Sun Jo Hwang! Why aren't you here? (Laughter) (He came back to the podium) I will teach you secrets." (After he spread his handkerchief on the podium he explained the number 4, 13, 9, 36,16, east, west, south and north, Korean saying 초부득삼, heaven and earth, and man and woman, while indicating points on the handkerchief)

"Mt. Halla in Jeju island is in the position of the wife of Mt. Baekdu in North Korea. There is Bek Rok Dam (a crater lake) on Mt. Halla. 40 years ago I bought Jiguido (a small island close to Jejudo) and wanted to educate people there but I couldn't."

Father sang "뒷동산의 할미꽃 (Grandmother Flower Song)." "This is the song that my great-grandmother taught me when I was four years old."

"It is me that holds the international wedding ceremony. It is me that distinguishes 영인체 (靈人體; spirit self) from 혼 (魂; soul). It is me that says the kingdom of heaven on earth must resemble the kingdom of heaven in heaven. it is me that revealed the secrets in Heaven."

"84% of the world population have the Mongolian birthmark. When they are united, the unification of the world automatically comes."

"Today is 4.1 HC. (Rev. Hwang, who is still standing beside Father, said, 'It is 3.1 HC as an intercalary month.') Don't be bothered with the intercalary month. (Laughter) Today is 4. 1 HC, and this is my birthday."

"Do you know 광개토대왕 (Great King AD 374 -- AD 412, the 19th king of Goguryeo who greatly expanded its territory)?"

"Who is the archangel? God's brother was the archangel, who was a younger cousin of Adam. He fell with Eve and there is no such principle."

Father called Mother to the podium for reading the speech. "Welcome her with a big applause!' (Applause) Father continued to speak and Mother said to him, "2 hours and half passed. Please be seated." Father said with smile 'If I speak 3 hours or more, do you kill or kick me out." Mother said, "If you continue to speak, I can't start." (Laughter) She started to read, stopping Father from speaking. Father urged the audience again to give her big applause. After her reading, Father came back to the podium to read the conclusion of the speech.

"This is important. (Then he read a subhead in the speech) 'Seunghwa Ceremony of the New World and the Establishment of the World Federation of New Tribal Messiah.'"

"Only (True) parents' wedding ceremony on D-Day has remained undone. How many days to go until that day? ('307 days')"

(Father read a subhead in the speech)"'新実體映像時代到来 (신실체 영상시대 도래: The Arrival of the Era of the New Substantial Image). We show now, not only words, but also visualized substantial contents as the fact (영화화된 실체내용을 사실으로 보여주고), which nobody can deny. (Katsumi: I think this "実體映像 / 실체영상: Substantial Image" corresponds to "実體말씀 / 실체말씀: Substantial Word" of his speech title.)

(After having read the activities of WFWPU in the speech) "Here I am secretly saying that the next secretary general of the UN could be a female. Men, don't be proud of yourselves."

"Page 74 has the conclusion of the speech. '섭리적 최종목적되다 (The final purpose of the providence is accomplished.)' Firstly, '完成, 完結, 完了 (완성, 완결, 완료: Perfection, Conclusion, and Completion).' The Creator told Adam and Eve that when they eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die. Who fell? Not Adam, but Eve! Eve, in reverse, rode on a male (해와가 거꾸로 남자를 타버렸어). She rode on Adam's younger cousin, that is, God's younger brother. There is never such a principle. This incident means annihilation and self-destruction, but I am the only person that came to know that, found out how to restore it, and is responsible for that. One can't help but follow such a person."

"The grandmother, mother, one's wife, and wife of one's son are all like young widows and they are waiting for the groom. But the groom has no nation with which he can take possession of the world! Who is the groom? It is Rev. Moon. I had made compromises with Heaven, pledged, and decided the method to be able to handle the providence even without having a nation, and so you can't help but follow my will at all costs. One must resemble by uniting with God's blood lineage and tradition. Children must be born resembling their parents through the same tradition and blood lineage. Anyone who doesn't resemble their parents is false."

"By being Blessed and receiving the blood lineage of Goguryeo, which is crystal clear, one should follow Heaven. There is no son or daughter of the direct lineage of God, which is like a flawless crystal. After receiving such a Blessing, a book will be bequeathed that has the seals of the names of three nations such as Korea and Japan which received the Royal seal (옥새 / 玉璽), and China and Russia as the Archangel nations. Japan will disappear. Goguryeo, China and Russia will do so too. There is only one Royal seal (옥새 / 玉璽). There shouldn't be three. Since everything, which has been split on an individual, familial and tribal era, will become one in True Parents' life time, anyone who isn't united with True Parents' direction will disappear. A scary time is coming. Please work yourself up to completing the registration contract (입적계약 / 入籍契約) as soon as possible. Aju." 

True Parents perform a Special Declaration Ceremony

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
3.14 HC

Sun Myung Moon -- May 18, 2012

Sun Myung Moon -- May 18, 2012

On 3.14 by the Heavenly Calendar (April 14), True Parents performed a special declaration ceremony after Hoon Dok Hae.

"Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You, Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self. Please receive this!

Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden.

Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father.

Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we will be with you in the place of vertical "noontime" alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit.

Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents!

Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju." 

I finally perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Special Declaration
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas 3.24 HC


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon # 48, titled "the Perfection of Offering" and Hoon Dok Hae was concluded when she read Father's prayer at 6:35 a.m. Then Father told Mrs. McDevitt to sing a song, and after her song Rev. Yang read the report from Rev. Heung Tae Kim, the National Messiah for Brazil. Then Father watched with the participants the video (Peace Magazine) provided by Pyong Il (평일기획) which contains the activities in March centering on True Parents this year. During 1 hour and 30 minutes of the video, Father, with his eyes closed, listened as if he was praying. After the video clip, Father stood up and held the ceremony.

The following are excerpts of Father's words during the ceremony.

(Katsumi: Since Father's words and prayer during the ceremony are difficult to be understood and translated, I attached for your reference the Korean texts posted on the web page 통일교.)

"In a place where the Internal God and External God are perfectly united, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who are able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the fall, return to the position where God said 'When you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.' True Parents, educate about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, making them one and then establishing the unified realm of the unified family and welcoming with pleasure the heavenly victory of the sovereignty and the Kingdom of Heaven. Starting from Mother centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam's families are united.

The history of Korean tradition found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and General Sun Shin Lee is able to attend to the Original Creator, the God of Night and the God of Day, and through this opportunity when we can commemorate that such fidelity and loyalty can be perfected, I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements. I also thank what Mother and Father have done centering on God's will, and so please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment with pleasure when we can offer a bow to Heaven."

"Mother, thank you for your hard work! Offer a bow to Father."

(내 적인 하나님, 외적인 하나님이 갈라진 증언을 완전히 하나된 자리에서 이제 참 부모님이 될 수 있는 문선명, 한학자 두 사람은 타락이 없는 에덴동산에 있어서 '선악과를 따먹으면 죽으리라!'하던 그 전 자리에 돌아와 가지고 한 쌍이 아니라, 만만쌍이 원수 되었던 아들딸을 숫 교육을 해서 하나로 만들어 가지고 통일적인 가정에 일중심 일체권을 이루어 하늘의 승리의 패권적 주권과천국을 완성한 이 모든 전부를< /span> 기쁨으로 환영하면서 어머님을 기점으로 시작하고, 부모님을 중심으로 시작하고, 시작하는 두 아담가정의 부모로서의 자손 만대로 하나되어 가지고, 밤에하나님, 낮에 하나님 갈라진 본연의 창조주를 모실 수 있는 한국의 전통의 역사인 심청과 춘향과 이순신 장군의 국가의 모든 충효지도에 완전, 완성, 완패를 기념할 수 있는 이 자리를 내가 빌어서모든 전부가 아버지께서 수고해서 이루어진 것을 감사하는 의미에서 여기에 어머니와 아버님이 이 뜻을 따라서 수고한 것을 감사하면서 모든 절차를 하늘 앞에 이 시간 깨끗이 정리해 바치는 기념시간을 받아들이고 하늘에 봉헌 경배할 수 있는 이 시간을 가졌사오니, 아버지, 기쁨으로 이 시간을 받아 주시옵소서! 어머니 수고했어요! 아버지 앞에 인사하고…)

(Mother offered a half bow to Father)

"I now received a bow in which she pledges to perfect the ordinance of True Parents' tradition, which is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one body of one person in one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the heavenly pillar in upper, below, front, back, and left and right. Please accept in the heavenly throne the bow by two of us who, hand in hand, pledge to attend to the Absolute Parent of the Original Creator with the gratitude for the God of Night and the God of Day having raised her to the position of perfection."

(절대신앙, 절대사랑, 절대복종인 참부모의 전통적 조례를 완성할 것을 맹세하는 경배를 받고, 이제 두 사람은 한 핏줄의 모체인 한 사람으로서, 아래 위, 전후 좌우에 하늘의 기둥을 받들어 세우는 기초가 되고 받든 환경에 대해서 천지의 참부모 완성에 축복을 창조이상인 밤의 하나님, 낮의 하나님이 이를 양육해 완성한 자리에 길러주신 은사를 감사하는 이 시간을 부모님이 본연의 창조절대부모의 시봉[侍奉]하는 맹세하는 마음으로 둘이 손잡고 경배하오니 하늘 보좌에 받아 주시옵소서!)

(True Parents offered a half bow to God)

"Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience of God Who restored the authority of the Creator, I will report in front of Heavenly Father that I finally perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God, and please accept it! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the Blessing of God as the Absolute Owner will be always with us, which can eternally and safely lead the owner of the ideal of the family that hold one tradition and blood lineage and resemblance centering on the original homeland going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while concluding the Kingdom of Heaven, the heavenly ideal of love and unification, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical "noon-time" alignment (that casts no shadow) at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth!

Mansei for God. Mansei for True Parents. Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon Il Guk and the world of unification. Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you."

(창조주의 권한을 다시 회복하신 하나님의 절대신앙, 절대사랑, 절대복종의 기준을 중심삼고 천지인 참부모 정착말씀선포와 천주대회에 최종적 완성 완결을 이루는 것을 아버지 앞에 봉헌하오니받아 주시옵소서! 이제 참부모는 에덴동산을 넘어선 본연의 고향땅 중심해서 하나의 전통을 따라 하나의 핏줄과 하나의 닮음의 영원불변의 일족의 이상 패권의 주인을 영원히 안전히 지휘할 수있는 절대주의 하나님의 축복이 같이 할 것을 맹세선언하옵니다. 영원한 승리의 패권적 하늘의 통일의 사랑완결의 이상 천국을 완결해 같이 가주기를 비나이다. 아버지 받아주시옵소서! 당신이허락하신 것을 알고 저희들도 받고 절대정상에 정오정착에 자리를 지켜 나아가 같이 할 수 있도록 비나이다. 천지부모여~! 하나님 만세! 참부모님 만세! 천일국 통일 세계에 영원히 승리의 패권을 완성할 지어다. 아주! 아주! 아주! 감사합니다!)

(All the participants offered a bow to True Parents.)

Sixth Summit of the Americas

Sixth Summit of the Americas

(Katsumi: That day is the day when "The sixth Summit of the Americas" was held at Cartagena, Colombia, and I think Father's silence and Jeong Seong of fishing for the past several days and this ceremony are related to this international conference in South America.)  

True Parents Sang

Sun Myung Moon
April 8, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.18 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #47, titled "Tasks that the Lord, who will come again, must do."

After the reading, Mrs. McDevitt sang "사랑이 메아리 칠 때," (When Love Is Echoed) Rev. Yang Hur sang "한 많은 대동강," (Taedonggang) and all the participants sang together "Glory Hallelujah" in Korean. Then Rev. Jeong Sun Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공". (Virgin Voyeur) Father, who sometimes cradled Shin Pyeon Nim, listened to the songs earnestly putting his head down with his eyes closed.

True Parents sang "농군의 노래" (Farmers of the song) and everybody joined them in singing. After the song Father asked Mother to kiss his chin and the meeting was over ending in applause for them. 

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center Dedication
Chung Pyung, Korea

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and stea…

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and steady rain, busloads of the faithful travelled from all parts of the country to fill the large auditorium

Excerpt from Father's prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father!

All of heaven and earth, with a united heart, mind and body, have worked to achieve this end and bring this hour into fruition. The Creator of the universe told Adam and Eve at the time of the Creation that when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely perish. Centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, we have endeavored to return to their position before the Fall. True Parents have devoted themselves with one heart, one purpose and one love to return to this position, and they were born, raised and made to work to bring this moment into flower. Ninety-three years after the birth of True Parents, on the fifty-third anniversary of True Parents' Day, we have completed and perfected this grand enterprise in Heaven's presence. Before the body and mind were divided, the absolute God planned to realize the ideal of creation in Eden, and began to create the Garden of Eden with the ideal for the future in His heart. Before it could be completed, however, wrong thinking and disobedience led to failure....

In True Parents' names, we should have stood in the original position without the false parents, and the citizens of heaven and earth who were to be raised up on such a broad basis (in a program like a church) should have made the flowers in their hearts blossom and then harvested them. They should have respected the authority of the sole Creator of the entire cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth and offered them more than 3,000, or even 30,000, full bows in gratitude. This land should have become the home of the miracle of their victorious sovereignty. But because of the mistake committed by Adam and Eve, grief and sorrow that had never even been imagined came to us. From that day on, the world of day was taken away from us, and the sky remained dark in a world of night. God, however, shone forth a new light in that darkness, like the light of a firefly, and to light up this vast world with the original light, the True Parents, in place of the false parents, need to complete and fulfill their

The original blueprint was designed by the Creator for the new expression of His triumph, which is this very place closely watched by all heaven and earth, and here our cherished hopes have blossomed into flowers....

After completing and fulfilling the realm of the unity of devoted sons and daughters, we are now in a world of freedom and liberation, and on this day we are all standing before this palace, which You designed. All peoples of the world are praising You in joy, and we are all delighted and glorifying the completion of this Cheongshim Peace World Center. Many blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth are united in celebrating the completion of this center....

We are now preparing for the day on which we can mark the completion of the blessings of liberation and prosperity, and we pray that as we endeavor to finish our work by the set date, we can work together with one heart and one purpose....

For us to prepare our hearts for the day of the fulfillment of True Parents' third Holy Wedding, which is less than a year away, we should remember that we all have the same nationality, and that we are united under the one God.... Before our Heavenly Father, we should forget all our past grief and sorrow and focus on the joyous completion of this central point....

We are making preparations for the day on which You can receive the blessing on the glorious throne of the substantial realm of unity, completion and perfection, so please watch over us, guide us and protect us until that day.

Gathered here are Your blessed children, who are all yearning for the homeland of our hopes, so please shine on us the bright light of the sun of peace, so that we can all enter the fourth homeland of freedom and happiness. On that privileged and triumphant day, please harvest the flowers and fruits that are blossoming based on united hearts throughout all of heaven and earth. This we ask. Please watch over us and guide us until that day....

As we work with the heart of the parents that love God, humankind and all creation, please shine on us the light of glory and protection forevermore until we reach our final destination of completion and perfection. We dedicate this center to You with the heart of True Parents, so please receive it with a joyful heart....

We hope and pray with all our hearts that this place will become the eternal and unchanging place of protection and the royal domain of sacred peace. So Heavenly Father, please receive this. We dedicate it to You in the name of True Parents. Thank you. [Aju.]

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

Father's Speech

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day in the position of the God of Night and Day and the king of kings, and now we have ushered in the era of the final conclusion in which True Parents can be perfected and in which their work must be completed.

Therefore, you should respond with "100 percent okay!" to all my teachings. If you say that they're not okay, you won't have any choice but to go to the bottommost pits of hell.

When you say "okay," the glory of God will be with you in the kingdom of heaven for generations to come. Saint Paul came to know Jesus halfway through his life and suffered all kinds of hardships for over fourteen years. Yet, in the end, he died, before he could finish his witnessing work. What he came to know after fourteen years of devoted work, traveling across the seas and mountain ranges was what the fourth dimensional world, the kingdom of heaven, looked like -- and that was all.

The realm of the fourth dimension does not require registration, taxes or nations. Why are there so many nations? There are 387 Cain and Abel nations in the world when just one nation would suffice. Of the 387 nations, they have no military secrets or any other secrets about paying taxes and whatnot. They have piles of money as high as Mount Paekdu that they have collected for thousands of years, which are enough to feed and clothe all the poor people in the world, and to share with everyone else in the same class. All such resources, however, are used up and made into trash by Satan and his minions. We have to stop them from doing that. That's all you need to know....

Even if I leave late, I will conclude in no more than an hour and a half, so should you welcome what I say or not? If you welcome it, stand up and clap your hands. [Cheers and applause] No one's sitting down. If you were to sit down, God would not be with you. I've looked on you as families of heaven and earth, the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit, and I see that there is no one sitting down, so I am truly grateful to you. Now that I have received your greeting, please sit down and make yourselves comfortable....

What are our educational objectives? What are they? What are the three education objectives? [Love God, love humankind and love your country.] What do they say about God? They say to love God, to love people, and to love nature. I've loved nature.

There is not one place on earth that I have not visited. I have had many experiences and have endured more hardships than any of you. I've also been imprisoned and come back from the point of death seven or eight times, but I survived and have come so far in my work, even though I was hounded and hunted like an animal. If you cannot tell if this man standing before you is the Father -- whether he is the True Father or the false Father -- you should repent with all your heart. You have overturned your nations and the world and will inevitably become newly registered citizens of the kingdom of heaven. I have permitted you to begin now, so start from the beginning.

Mother! Come out here, Mother! Mother! [Applause] We should read this together. Mother will read from page seven to fifty, and I will read from page fifty-one to seventy-four. You cannot hear anything like this in the secular world, and you can learn a lot from what I say.

The title is "The Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self." You should study this diligently. You need to know this; if you don't, you cannot go to the heavenly kingdom. There is Buddhism and there is Confucianism, but they are my disciples. You should check to see if they are, or not. Now then, bearing this in mind, let us begin.

This man is named Sun Myung Moon, and he used to be Yong Myung Moon. I have appeared as a mysterious and puzzling man with some name value who has expanded the ground for the kingdom of dreams, so I hope you will not blush but instead listen to what I say with humility, rediscover your value and reestablish yourselves today.

Everyone! [Yes.] Do you understand? [Yes.) Pay close attention. [Yes.] Then let us begin. The Declaration of the era of True Parents on earth... There have not been any True Parents on earth....


I am conveying the following instructions to the 387 ambassadors of the 194 Abel UN member nations and 193 Cain-type UN member nations, to boonbongwangs and Ambassadors for Peace, to the presidents and national leaders of each nation who are present in Washington DC/New York, and to all of heaven and earth.

This is something the True Parents are conveying for the first time. A new heaven and earth, new followers will emerge. Become well-accomplished disciples. More than that, this is the age for welcoming new, godly disciples. I am speaking of an era without religious, political or economic strife, a new age.

Korea is God's homeland and hometown; because it is True Parents' nation, we should have all the people of Korea take part in these ceremonies [of the Blessing]....

You should not be left out. You may leave if you wish, but this man speaking to you cannot leave, because God is watching over me.

...this proclamation rally being held on the seventeenth day of the tenth month of the heavenly calendar [November 22], in the first year of Cheon-gi [2010], is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given in heaven and on earth up until the True Parents' D-day proclamation....

This is the end of things. You may not know it, but the point has already passed. Foundation Day will be upon us in less than a year. You need to accomplish what needs to be done during this period. God does not need 387 nations. We all of one nation, one race, one bloodline and one tradition. We need to resemble the one bloodline. Those who don't will fall away. What the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have said are not lies

Centered on President Myung-bak Lee, who represents the governments of Korea (South and North), which is God's homeland and hometown, former U.S. President George Bush and U.S. President Obama, whose positions correspond to the presidents of the Cain-type UN and Abel-type UN, and all the presidents and citizens who participated in the G20 meetings must unite to bring about the success of these rallies and perfect, complete, conclude and offer them according to True Parents' heavenly decree.

Korea did not accomplish this by itself. God helped it to do so. [Applause] If there is anyone who cannot participate, True Parents will choose their representatives and complete their work.

It wasn't the Korean churches that made Myung-bak Lee president of Korea. He is a public figure that believes in a religion that is of both heaven and earth. If he does not know that it is because of this that he became the representative president of the world, and if he fails to form a direct connection to True Parents -- who are the king of kings and True Parents of the religious world -- both parties will be in difficulty and Korea will fail to become God's fatherland; and the hometown of Yong Myung Moon, that is, Sun Myung Moon, will move to another nation, because it can be changed. Do you understand? [Yes.] [Applause] The owner will be changed. I can go to live anywhere.

Not long ago, Prime Minister Philip of the Solomon Islands personally visited True Parents. He was deeply moved by God's word, and before he left, he pledged and promised that his nation would become an ally of True Parents.

I don't have a nation or allies. Even though I don't have a nation, I have still followed this path and overcome everything.

The people from these nations will also take part in the cross-cultural marriage blessing on a nationwide scale in order to eradicate the fallen lineage received from Lucifer and inherit the new heavenly lineage.

I cannot bless in marriage those people who do not repent. This is being done in heaven and on earth; why aren't they following that? I don't know why. I will bring them to repentance....

The declaration I am making here in the main palace of Cheon Jeong Peace Palace, positioned at the center of this district, is not a lie. Should I make it, or not? [Make it!] The people who are here, all 27,500 people here, will you cooperate, or not? [We will.] [Applause] If you are going to cooperate, stand up and clap. [Cheers and applause]....

If I give the go-ahead today, I have the power to make people and companies begin to do whatever I want them to do tomorrow. Look at this palace we've built. It was built in Hyundai's name, but we did the actual work. That's all you need to know....

The ongoing project to build undersea tunnels between Korea and Japan and across the Bering Strait, which I have proclaimed to the entire world, will be spearheaded by religious leaders on a worldwide scale and completed in attendance to our liberated God.

Even if the world does not help me, I will do it. Has anyone in the world ever helped me? Raise your hand if you have. I have come so far on my own. I've never stolen anything.

In the world, atheism and communism, which deny the existence of God, will be discarded, paving the way to building the world that God originally envisioned, where all people can freely communicate in harmony...

This is not just communication! We will build a world of harmonious understanding. We will begin right away, work all together and finish the work in a few years. Don't think to yourselves that you are the only ones who can finish what you're doing in your individual sectors. When God steps forward, anyone and everyone can do it. We will build a world of harmonious understanding.

A world where all people are equal and all nations become like brother nations to create one family under God is being created right before your eyes.

If you want to participate, participate; if not, don't. I have fulfilled my responsibility. Why are you sitting still? Demonstrate your resolve. [Aju!] Is that "Aju" your resolve? [Applause] Saying "Aju" will suffice! 

Make True Parents' Day 'My Day'

Sun Myung Moon
March 18, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 26 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #45, titled "Standard of Faith."

"These are such precious words. (To Mother) What kind of day will we have soon? ('참부모의 날 / True Parents' Day.') (To the participants) That day shouldn't just come. You must be able to make the day as 'my day.' You have to find and 'sharpen' that day by yourself. There is no such thing as automatic perfection, and you must make efforts for that."

'How old do you think Adam and Eve were when they encountered God in the Garden of Eden?" (There was a long silence and nobody answered.)

"Temperature, speed and order. In one's life, they must be able to adjust their temperature and speed, and then the order comes. In family. the positions of father, mother, and sons are all different."

"Why do they say 동서남북 (east, west, south and north), instead of 동서북남 (east, west, NORTH and SOUTH)?"

"No O can enter X, but limitless X can enter O."

"The Chinese character 文 (문 / Moon: Father's family name) has been upside down. X has been sitting down on ㅗ, which should be reversed. I won't be welcome to the end of my life."

(Indicating his speech file '천지인 참부모 정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 / Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God") "For the sake of this speech, I've had to go through hardships for more than 10 years. Nobody knows there are three kinds of 고개 (hills) for this." 

Become the Pillar of the Ideal of Cosmos of the True Parents

Sun Myung Moon
March 11, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo on 2. 19 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(Talking about his speech 친지인참부모정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 / Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God) "Heaven, earth and humankind must be united and become the pillar of the ideal of cosmos of the True Parents. Then (the title of the speech says) 정착 (firm settlement). There has been no 실체말씀 (Substantial Word of God) in the world. Does this speech hold the all truth? It does. It says (on page 74) '섭리의 최종목적 되다 (The ultimate purpose of the providence is done),' and so it means everything has been finished. It's that simple. The speech is not talking about 피조물 (creatures) but 본체론 (Original Substance of the Principle)"

"4 X 4 makes 16, and there are the upper side and lower side and therefore, 16 X 2 makes 32. (Katsumi: I think Father implies here the number of teeth) (Indicating his eyes and ears) Everything is covered by the number 32. Men must learn what they have to know by the age of 32."

Father spoke of the necessity of studying Korean in English to a Brazilian brother of martial arts, but he seemed not to understand it. So Father told Hyung Jin Nim to translate it in Portuguese and Hyung Jin Nim did so.

Hyung Jin Nim reported to Father that (according to the weather report) they wouldn't be able to sail the boat that day. Then Father said "You don't have to check it. When we go out with the boat, we will know it. They are just thinking that the storm is coming minutes or hours later. With that mindset, soldiers on the front line of the battle would perish 100%. Do we sail out to die? I want to say 'Look forward over the typhoon. At least I will survive.' I made the boat with which one never dies. It will never sink."

"I won't lie. Keep watching if I am doing so. They will be realized with the cycle of 50 years or 100 years, but nobody knows the length. I had talked 50, 60 years ago about the date of D-Day we are talking about now. When you find it in my speech book, you will be surprised saying, 'Wow, 50, 60 years have already passed!' I was considered a crazy person back then."

Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang '가고파' [GaGoPa] and Father joined him in singing. [small] Yeon Ah Nim (작은 연아님, Hyung Jin Nim's wife) sang "임진강" [Imjin] in Korean and Japanese. Then Father sang a song that he improvised featuring "Geomundo." 

Material from God's Day and True Parents' Birthday Celebration

Sun Myung Moon
January 28, 2012
Unification Church Europe
06.01.03 Heavenly Calendar
Sent to all Nations and Cities/Communities

Dear National and City/Community Leaders,

So far the World Mission Headquarters could not share material from the events which have taken place during God's Day and True Parents' Birthday Celebrations. They will do so in the next couple of days.

Below you will find a link where you can download material which our leaders from Europe could record during their stay in Korea.

PowerPoint -- Summary of Events

Thank you to Jean Francois Moulinet

National Leaders' World Assembly 2012


Motto: "Let Us Inherit the Heart and Tradition of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind" On January 21, 2012, the Leaders of the Unification Movement from over 120 countries have met for their annual CIG Assembly. The International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon addressed the participants with an opening speech of profound theological/philosophical content. This was followed by activity reports from the continents.

ILC Opening Plenary and Lighting Ceremony


On January 22, 2012 at the Cheon Bok Gung UPF celebrated the official opening of the International Leadership Assembly. Following that Pastor Hyung Jin Nim held a special ceremony lightening the flame in front of the statues of the 4 great saints. Also the lanterns were lit.

Cheonbok Rally and Ceremony


On January 24, 2012, the Cheonbok Rally was held in the city of Seoul. Several thousand participants showed up and chanted through the streets. The families of Hyung Jin Nim, Kook Jin Nim and Sun Jin Nim were leading the chants together with religious leaders from various denominations. Back at the CBG the Cheonbok ceremony concluded the day.

International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon's talk to the National Leaders' World Assembly 2012

Yours sincerely,

Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
European Office 

Korean People’s Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind for the Sake of Korean Unification and World Peace

Sun Myung Moon
January 14, 2012

Rally to Support the True Parents

On Sunday, Jan. 8, 2012 True Parents began a nation-wide tour in Korea. More than 7,500 people from throughout the Gyeonggi Province attended the kick-off rally held at Kintex, in Seoul’s suburb of Goyang. During the rally, True Father said, “This year will be a huge watershed for the Korean peninsula and other major countries. The Korean people, as God’s descendants, have the mission of saving humankind. We must overcome this crisis and make a huge change in the history of civilization by fulfilling the ideal of One Family under God.” The day’s event was hosted by the Ambassador for Peace Association in Seoul, which was represented jointly by Dr. Minha Kim and Rev. Sun Jo Hwang.

Rally to Support the True Parents 1

This tour, which is being covered by Korea’s Segye Times, is called (unofficial translation): “Korean People’s Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind for the Sake of Korean Unification and World Peace.” Segye Times reports that the meaning of the tour is to encourage peace leaders to begin the year 2012 with a determination to push forward in the New Year through efforts for the sake of Korean unification and world peace.

Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven 1

Another event was held Jan. 9, 2012 in Cheongju (North Chungcheong Province), at the Ramada Plaza Grand Hall. On Jan. 10, 2012, True Father will speak in the Expo Convention Hall in Daegu (North Gyeongsang Province). On Wednesday, True Parents will travel to the Hoban Indoor Auditorium in Gangwon Province. On Thursday, the tour will go to the Yeomju Gymnasium in Gwangju (South Jeolla Province), where 12,000 people are expected to attend. Hongseong Gymnasium in Daejeon (South Chungcheong Province) will be the site for Friday’s event and the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO), representing South Gyeongsang Province, will host Saturday’s event. The grand finale of the tour will return to Kintex on Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, this time with the guests invited from Seoul and Incheon rather than from Gyeonggi Province. Preparations are being made for 10,000 people to attend the final event.

Rally to Support the True Parents 2

According to Rev. and Mrs. Hyung Jin Moon’s Twitter account, at today’s rally, “True Father, before beginning his prepared speech, said: ‘I am not standing here today to tell you about rebirth and resurrection. I stand here to tell you that this land is God's fatherland.’” Rev. and Mrs. Moon also twitted a quote from today’s Hoon Dok Hae meeting with True Parents: “The final destination of our lives, the position where the heart of Heaven meets the moral principles of humanity, is none other than God.”

Rally to Support the True Parents 3

Also, according to Rev. and Mrs. Moon’s twitter account, early during his speech at yesterday’s rally, True Father said, “Many people in the world have put labels on me to make me look like a bad person. However, even though I have been unjustly labeled, I have not paid any mind to such labels and instead said, ‘Time, go by!’ I have had to bear unimaginable pain on this course.”

Rally to Support the True Parents 5

How Many True Parents are there?

Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 2012
Hoban Indoor Auditorium in Gangwon Province

How many True Parents are there?

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Father's comments during his speech

"There are lots of false parents but have you seen True Parents? How many True Parents are there?"

(Reading his speech title:) "'실체말씀선포 (Proclamation of Substantial Word of God).' People thought the truth is the first thing and humans are insignificant. Which comes first, the word of God or the substance?"

"In human history, there have been no rallies held by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."

(After having read:) "On April 18 we celebrated our 52nd year of marriage. On that occasion, I brought to a close the era before the coming of heaven, which was marked by sin and indemnity [atonement], and proclaimed the era after the coming of heaven through which a new heaven and new earth will be realized by returning to true love."

"This is not 복귀하여 (restoring) or 탕감복귀하여 (restoration through indemnity), but 회기하여 (回期하여(returning)."

(Katsumi: I think '회기하다 / 回期하다' is a coined word by Father. There is a term '회귀하다 (回歸하다),' which means 'to return or to go back,' and I just translated 회기하여 (回期하여) as the official English version says: 'returning'. Every time Father reads it, he emphasizes 'this is not 'restoring or restoring through indemnity,' but 'returning.')

(After having read:) "All the blessed children in the heavenly and earthly worlds, who are related to the True Parents by blood,") "What is my business? To give the Blessing."

"You know '훈민정음 / 訓民正音 / Hunminjeongeum' (Korean script), don't you? ('Yes.') The sound that teaches heavenly citizens should be the right one. It should be the absolute sound. The word that the Creator says is the right sound. Have you heard it? Any creature as the second existence, which was created and related by the right sound of God, the First Existence, must be able to interact with God. We as the second existence, are to live with the sound of the First Existence and exchange the words with Him. So when you live a life listening to the '절대음 / 絶對音 / absolute sound,' and then you can be citizens of the absolute peaceful world. I think that's why it was named as 훈민정음 / 訓民正音 / Hunminjeongeum'."

(Katsumi: the Chinese characters of the term mean 'The right sound that teaches people.)

"I wrote page 74 which is the last page of this speech file. It says '섭리적 최종목적되다 (The final providential purpose is done)' This means everything has been done. The title of the speech is '천지인참부모정차 실세말씀선포 천주대회 (Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the Substantial Word of God) and this has been done too."

"God doesn't have His fatherland and homeland yet. But you say you already have your homeland? This is a 사고 / 事故 / accident. Rev. Moon has been fighting to correct this until now. I knew I would be able to have done 60% to 70% of my path, and before I die I need to solve the rest -- I don't know how many times I can hold the rallies until then --, and that's why I have provided you my text books and teaching materials and I tell you that you must live accordingly to them."

"It is a lie that believers go up to the sky when the Messiah comes and live with him having the feast for a thousand years while non-believers go to hell."

"Until now there is nobody was really married because God has not been married yet. You have heard 'Heavenly Father,' but have you heard 'Heavenly Mother'? Without heavenly father and mother, there can't be sons and daughters."

"There are many people in the spirit world who want me to go there. But it is not that anybody can meet me."

"God's responses through the absolute sound to my questions have become the contents of my textbooks and teaching materials. They are not my words. I, entering 공명권(sphere of resonance) with God, stand in a solid position even in front of the judges and persecutors (in the spirit world). Without being able to listen to the absolute sound that the Owner of heaven and earth gives, one can't be the leader of their family, province, nation and the world. More than 80% of my speech are not my words. I ask by myself and listen to the absolute sound that people can't hear, and I published thousands of my speech books as of now."

"Why does 9 x 9 make 81, not 102, being reduced by 21? (Raising his voice) Who made this? The history of the fall made this."

"What I say will take place. If I say, 'If you go there, you will die,' they actually die. When I say they shouldn't go but they go, an accident will happen. This applies to me too. Before I come here (for example) I discuss with God if it is better to take an airplane. If God tells me to provide a new car and come here by that and I don't listen to Him, there will be an accident in which a ghost works. I know how to avoid such a thing."

"The (Existence of) odd numbers will disappear. Homosexuals and lesbians will disappear. You have to remember there comes the scientific era of leaving true sperm and eggs while killing false sperms and eggs. Women can give birth until they become 47, but after 51 they can't. Ask medical doctors about this. I knew it when I was four years old."

"I became Sun Myung Moon from Yong Myung Moon. I had lots of friends who knew me as Yong Myung."

(After having read:) "Throughout my life, I have offered myself for the liberation of God, the one and only True Parent of heaven and earth, to restore to Him His rightful position as Parent, to save all human beings who suffer in the realm of death, and to return them to God's bosom. For this purpose I have persevered and triumphed over countless tribulations while leading the people of the world, who are living like lost and unaware orphans searching for their heavenly parent, toward the goal of global salvation."

"Who can deny this? I'm not lying."

(After having read:) "Ladies and gentlemen, God created us as His children. As the original, absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created human beings by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul. If not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves, including our spiritual self, as God is perfect, fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and attain eternal life."

"There is no exception because this is the formula course."

(After having read:) "In order to live a perfect life, all people without exception must receive new life through the blessing from True Parents and pass through the three stages of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life."

"This means one should absolutely be related to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."

"From birth I am different from you."

(After having read:) "At the moment of death, our spirits should feel more excited and thrilled than a newlywed bride feels when she goes to her groom's home for the first time."

"Don't become the people who try to escape in sadness from that moment. I wanted to go over there but my endowed lifespan is 117 years. When I go to the spirit world, I need to put things in order. I don't need your prayer for me to live longer. I am a person who even knows what time I will go. Having gone over several moments of death, I prolonged my life course."

(After having read:) "However altruistic and philanthropic people's lives may be, none of them can be guaranteed entry into the world of eternal life without receiving the Marriage Blessing and the Seonghwa Blessing of the True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moon. This is because the parent-child relationship between God and humankind was severed due to the Fall of the first ancestors. Please take this point seriously."

"Even if you forget all the other parts, please remember this point."

(After having read:) "All the good spirits in the spirit world are mobilized and are already moving forward a step ahead of you."

"You don't know this but they in the spirit world are making their utmost efforts to save you. So in your mind can't help but getting better."

(After having read:) "Ladies and gentlemen, God quietly raised and prepared the Korean people over a period of thousands of years."

"If a rumor was abroad that God is raising the Koreans, they would have been killed by... I myself also have been (through my course) without a word though I know all the secrets of heaven and earth. I recently talked about the God of Night and the God of Day. Also I said God has a younger brother, and therefore Adam has a younger brother, which is Lucifer. It is recently that I taught this. (Raising his voice) Why didn't I teach this before? I would have been killed on the street."

(After having read:) "The leaders of Judaism and the people of Israel were supposed to receive Jesus as the Messiah and follow him with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. They should never have allowed Jesus' crucifixion to take place."

"Did Jesus volunteer to die? He was caught and killed!"

"There are the God of Night and the God of Day and the God of Night has made no mistake. The God of Day as the God of the Body fell. If the God of Night is a man, the God of Day is a woman, and she fell. Eve rode on God's younger brother, and Adam's younger cousin turned things upside down. There is no such principle, which can't be found in the program of the creation. The God of Day is a woman. Woman rode on God's brother's belly and made him fall.

In the process, she went below putting God's brother on her and she received the seed, but their children are those of the crazy. They can't go to Heaven. Nobody knows how to reverse things, and only Rev. Moon knows it. By the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, the God of Night and the God of Day are liberated. How can the creature liberate the Creator? How can such a thing happen?"

(Katsumi: I heard for the first time that the God of Day is a woman and we need to listen more to clarify what Father means by this. Father said two days ago that the Archangel also has sperm.)

(After having read:) "Ladies and gentlemen, last year in Las Vegas, there was a special proclamation centered on God that was given by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on two separate days -- one part at 2:20 AM on the 8th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 19, 2010) and the other at 3:25 AM, on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 26, 2010.)"

"There was a special meeting. Nobody knows it and only I know it." 

Those Who Are Confident that You Were Born from True Parents, Raise your Hand

Sun Myung Moon
January 9, 2012
Ramada Plaza Grand Hall in Cheongju (North Chungcheong Province)

Sun Myung Moon

Fathers comments during his public speech

(Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi)

"Those who are confident that you were born from True Parents, raise your hand. Nobody."

"Since you don't know if the person who is standing here has become the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, or trying to be so, I will read my speech for you to find it out. What is the title of my speech? '천지인참부모정착 (Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind).' Settlement of the True Parents who are the only couple in heaven and on earth. Then 실체말씀선포 (Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God),' and 천주대회 (Cosmic Assembly). The Cosmic Assembly means the assembly in God's home."

"The conclusion of this speech is on the page 74. It says '섭리적 최종목적이 되다 (The ultimate purpose of the providence is done.)' It also says 완성, 완결, 완료 (Perfection, conclusion, and completion.)' Those who will participate at True Parents' wedding ceremony and so have a parent-child relationship, will be given the same speech file that I have here."

When Father read the following part of his speech (holding back his tears) "Please join me in giving a round of applause to our Heavenly Father and to True Parents for their benevolence, through which we can receive the grace of precious life without being asked for anything in return," all the participants applauded.

Then Father said, raising his voice, "Do as you want. If you applaud, do it loudly! If you miss the opportunity of giving an applause of pledge and promise, you will have a big problem. You will die and disappear. I am now too emotional to speak. (Then he read the next sub-header "One Family under God," and said holding back his tears) There isn't one family under God. (Humankind) hasn't been able to make it. One family under God...

Then he continued to read, shaking with emotion, 'Ladies and gentlemen, what is the path that humankind should take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, from the individual to the collective level -- whether religion, politics, education, culture or ideology -- people are deeply mired in the swamp of self-centered egoism, raising walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.

Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of One Family under God, in other words, the ideology based on true love, which my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. This is the only way for humankind to find the path toward peace and happiness. Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a historic time of great cosmic transition. It is a time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or prolong the fulfillment of His wish. I have already proclaimed that January 13, 2013 will be.' I am sorry. I am old now."

(Reading the following part with tears) "Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea how much pain God suffered the moment our first ancestors, into whom God had invested His complete and unreserved devotion since time immemorial, fell and disappeared into darkness, becoming part of Satan's lineage? Are you even remotely aware that our Heavenly Father -- who endured tens of thousands of years of excruciating heartache so great that His bones shed tears and His flesh quivered -- had to go through the long, dark tunnel of indemnifying the human Fall in order to save His lost children? How many of you have spent days and nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?' I am sorry. (Then there was a long pause before he started to read again.)"

(After having read the following part of the speech "혼을 넘은 영인체 / spirit-self which is beyond the level of the soul")

"It is Rev. Moon that found the term 영인체 / spirit self."

"From birth I was different from you. I heard '절대음 / 絶對音/ absolute sound' from my birth. Are you able to listen to that? In my family, when I was praying all through the night Hyo Jin (when he was a child) got up saying, 'Dad! I am scared!' I said 'What happened?' He said 'I am hearing orchestral music from the sky!' I said, 'Don't worry. It is for the two of us. It is not scary and so sit down and listen to it. You could dance to the music with your hands and body.' He started to dance to the music when he was three or four years old. He was born from sperm different from others. Shin Jun (True Parents' grandson who always accompanies them) called our couple 왕아빠 왕엄머 / King father King mother. Did he come here? ('Yes.') Bring him here. (He is now downstairs) Even when he is eating, when he sees our couple, he stops eating, greets us and gives us applause. He resembles me even if I didn't teach him."

"You can't listen to God's words but I can. The words I heard are the contents of my speech books which become textbooks and teaching materials for Hoon Dok Hae."

(After reading:) "Ladies and gentlemen, last year in Las Vegas, there was a special proclamation centered on God that was given by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on two separate days -- one part at 2:20 AM on the 8th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 19, 2010) and the other at 3:25 AM, on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 26, 2010)"

"There was a special proclamation. There was a special meeting nobody knows."

"I will have my third marriage ceremony, which is the last one. When I have it on D-Day, I will ask all the Blessed families and the second gens, and all Mongolian-birth mark people to come to join us to the last man. What kind of day is it? By fulfilling God's will through becoming the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, (I will have) a seal of heavenly nation. What is called the seal of heavenly nation? It is '국새 / 國璽 / seal of nation'. (Katsumi: Father said before it is '옥새 / 玉璽 / Royal seal')"

"The Happy Health machine can cure even AIDS."

"Who liberated the Creator? It is the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind."

"Without receiving the Blessing there is no way to live. One can't go to Heaven. Those who are not of God's lineage can't be God's children. There should be the tradition, blood lineage and resemblance."

"You should practice Hoon Dok Hae every day."

"(After the Blessing) If one falls again, there will be no forgiveness for them. If there are such persons here, you should repent, repent, and repent before D-Day, put the thing in order as soon as possible, proclaim it in front of Heaven and all nations, and return to God. Their families and descendants will disappear otherwise. Heaven would take all of them to the spirit world." 

My Final Words for Humankind

Sun Myung Moon
January 8 -- 15, 2012
Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self Public Rallies in Korea
Excerpt by Taekon Lee

My Final Words for Humankind

True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.

They are The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture], The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of Peace], True Families—Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and World Scripture. These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.

My Final Words for Humankind 2

You should now set up the Hoon Dok Hae study tradition in your families using the books I have mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven’s word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let’s create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.

My Final Words for Humankind 3

Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in to infest your lineage, once he encounters the Hoon Dok Hae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast and still does not receive God’s blessings, who then could ever be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of one family under God.

My Final Words for Humankind 4

Ladies and gentlemen, last year, my memoirs, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, an honest and candid account of my life, were published. Through this book I share how I discovered God’s will for humankind and the path that we, as God’s children, should follow. My life has been a typical model of the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again.” I have as much faith in this book as in the Hoondok textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned. For this reason, I recommend it to you, believing that it will show you how to lead your lives according to true principles. It does not subtract or add anything to the ninety years of my life, which I have led under Heaven’s decree. I pray you will carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration.

I have already mentioned that a life of vertical “noon-time” alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.

My Final Words for Humankind 5
My Final Words for Humankind 6

Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self

Sun Myung Moon
January 8 -- 15, 2012
Public Rallies in Korea

Sun Myung Moon January 12, 2012

Sun Myung Moon January 12, 2012

Distinguished guests participating in today's event, I am truly happy and grateful to see you at this new assembly.

What I am about to proclaim to you today is part of the course of True Parents' tour that is to proclaim the ultimate conclusion and fulfillment of all aspects of the providence of restoration during the lifetime of the True Parents. The path taken by the True Parents shall serve as a tradition and historic example; thus, I am proclaiming that all of you should model your life course on this path, become families that pledge to inherit and fulfill the will of God that True Parents have already accomplished, and be true to this pledge.

On April 18, (2011) we celebrated our 52nd year of marriage. On that occasion, I brought to a close the era before the coming of heaven, which was marked by sin and indemnity [atonement], and proclaimed the era after the coming of heaven through which a new heaven and new earth will be realized by returning to true love.

Through this tour, I am leading a lifestyle befitting the era after the coming of heaven. Please engrave this point in your hearts.

All the blessed children in the heavenly and earthly worlds, who are related to the True Parents by blood, should keep this comprehensive and final proclamation in mind. This proclamation is being given in order to fully establish the ideal nation that comes from the incorporeal God and corporeal God, the God of Night and the God of Day, and from the ancestors of Jesus and of the True Parents.

The details of True Parents' life course have already been disclosed and conveyed to you through my autobiography. I pray that you will all become the representatives and heirs of True Parents before the conclusion of the Cosmic Assemblies for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self. Please take heed of my autobiography, which is a record of my life's work to enable the True Parents to succeed in their mission during their time on this earth, and build on my achievements. Please also inherit the teachings I have bestowed upon this world. In doing so, I pray that you will surely be triumphant in your course of life.

Like the True Parents have done, you too should become heavenly bridges for all your relatives and the members of your clan that are around you, and also a God-centered leader that can guide your clan to God's kingdom.

I ask that you take this proclamation of True Parents to heart and pledge to put it into practice.


I will now quote from content read at the 44th True God's Day and the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God. This represents the content in the textbooks and teaching materials that summarize all the content I have taught throughout my life course.

Respected leaders from around the world, distinguished guests from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen!

On behalf of True Parents, True Family, the Republic of Korea, and Unification Church members who are blessed throughout the cosmos (i.e., spiritual world and physical world), I sincerely welcome and express my deepest appreciation to you for coming to participate in this Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self.

In the past year, thousands of representatives and top leaders from 120 nations of the world have honored us with their presence on several occasions, including our Golden Wedding Anniversary and Coronation; the Legacy-of-Peace Memorial Festivals held at the United Nations headquarters building and in cities around the United States and the world; and many other significant events.

Once again, I would like to express my appreciation on behalf of all the people of the Republic of Korea and all of humankind.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very eventful time in God's providence. Last year I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life. I have been blessed with a long life, beyond the average human lifespan. Last year my wife and I were also able to commemorate our fiftieth wedding anniversary. From a providential point of view, last year was not simply the year of our golden anniversary; it was also a Jubilee year.

We have fourteen children. Five have graduated from Harvard University, and among our forty-plus grandchildren several are already studying there. Moreover, a great number of good men and women from 194 nations have come to recognize and follow us as the King and Queen of Peace and the True Parents.

Throughout our lives, we have established many international organizations and institutions to promote world peace. We have invested unreservedly in many fields including inter-religious cooperation, humanitarian projects to benefit society, intercultural activities, sports, education and the media. We founded all these initiatives with the aim of promoting peace and bringing salvation to humanity. After working to succeed in all these things, some people would commend us and say that we deserve to look back and comfortably enjoy the rest of our lives. They encourage us to forget about the world situation and sit back and enjoy the successes achieved during the past ninety years!

However, my wife and I cannot look at the lives we have led in such a worldly way. We have had to complete the mission of the actual True Parents, given to us by God, who is Himself the vertical True Parent of all humankind. Now, with less than two years remaining in this mission to make God's kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a reality, we are leading each day of our lives with more seriousness than ever before.

Throughout my life, I have offered myself for the liberation of God, the one and only True Parent of heaven and earth, to restore to Him His rightful position as Parent, to save all human beings who suffer in the realm of death, and to return them to God's bosom.

For this purpose I have persevered and triumphed over countless tribulations while leading the people of the world, who are living like lost and unaware orphans searching for their heavenly parent, toward the goal of global salvation. Due to the Fall, brought about by our first ancestors, people are born into the false lineage. Every one without exception wanders in darkness even now, unable to break free of Satan's bondage. Under such circumstances, how could we be anything less than completely serious in our lives as we guide the 6.5 billion people of the world along the path toward the building of God's kingdom on earth?

The Three Stages of Life

Ladies and gentlemen, God created us as His children. As the original, absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created human beings by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul. If not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves, including our spiritual self, as God is perfect, fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and attain eternal life.

But unfortunately, human beings are living as descendants of the Fall. In order to live a perfect life, all people without exception must receive new life through the blessing from True Parents and pass through the three stages of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. Rebirth, in this context, refers to an individual attaining new life. Resurrection is when a family and nation attain new life, and eternal life refers to all of humankind attaining perfection and living forever in God's homeland after establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth and in the spirit world by attending True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace.

Your ancestors who are in the spirit world shall now return to this earth at this time of the True Parents, who directly govern all life and all things as the substantial entity of God who exists without form. They will go through the three-stage blessings of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life and complete the Original Divine Principle education -- the education on absolute marital fidelity -- organized by True Parents. Only then can they take part in the original authority granted by the Sunghwa -- ascension and liberation -- and attain the qualifications to become citizens of Cheon Il Guk while on earth.

We can clearly see that each person's life goes through three stages. Everyone is conceived as a new being through the grace of God and the love of True Parents through a blessed family. The first stage of life is the nine months spent in the mother's womb. No one is exempt from this! Whether or not we are conscious of it at the time, all of us without exception do spend nine months in our mother's womb. Even though a woman's womb is smaller than some rice cookers, from the perspective of a fetus, it is larger than the entire universe.

What about our birth into the second stage of our lives, which occurs on earth? How could we find words adequate to describe the struggle of a newborn baby as it is faced with a completely unfamiliar, new world? The first lonely cry of a newborn as it experiences the large and wide world that it finds upon exiting the womb also represents the promise of a one-hundred-year future, the blessing and celebration of entering a new time and space.

We have all received the blessing of birth that enabled us to live in the second stage of our lives. Although a hundred years is much longer than the nine months we spend in the womb, please do not forget that there is still a course we must follow to a higher end. Although we have all forgotten the standard of consciousness that we possessed in our mother's womb, and though you may think that we are now enjoying our lives fully in this big, wide world with a higher standard of consciousness, there is yet one final stage of our lives, which is the way toward eternal life.

This third stage occurs in the world of eternal life, the spirit world, which we enter upon ending our life on this earth. We were originally meant to enter the spirit world having first perfected our spirits during our life on earth. It is a world that cannot be imagined by people descended from the Fall. It is a world in which we transcend time and space. Just as the fetus in his or her mother's womb cannot imagine life on earth, we, as people living and breathing air in this earthly world, cannot easily understand the spirit world, where we will be reborn in our spiritual bodies, living and breathing true love.

Ladies and gentlemen, as people face death, they may tremble in fear and terror if they do not understand the true meaning of passing on. Although human history has continued for more than six thousand years, no one, unfortunately, has clearly taught the truth regarding death. Now, in the Last Days of history, I, as the True Parent of humankind, have been able to reveal this truth, this heavenly secret.

The Sunghwa Ascension Ceremony

Ladies and gentlemen, the word death is sacred. It is not a synonym for sadness and suffering. True Parents have created the term Sunghwa [ascension] to explain the true significance of death. The moment we enter the spirit world should be a time that we enter a world of joy and victory with the fruits born of our lives on earth. It is a time for those of us remaining on earth to send off the departed with joy. It should be a time for great celebration. We should be shedding tears of joy instead of tears of sadness. That is the way of the sacred and noble Sunghwa Ceremony, the first step the spirit of the departed takes toward enjoying eternal life in attendance to God, within His embrace. At the moment of death, our spirits should feel more excited and thrilled than a newlywed bride feels when she goes to her groom's home for the first time.

In order to open the door for all people to experience this kind of precious eternal life, I held a Sunghwa Ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York on March 18, (2010) last year in honor of world leaders who had recently passed into the next world.

The following are the names of those commemorated on that occasion:

General Alexander Haig, a former U.S. secretary of state, who with the UN forces saved my life, through the bombing that liberated the North Korean Hungnam Special Labor Camp where I was imprisoned during the Korean War;

Mr. Kim Dae-jung, our former South Korean president, who won the Nobel Peace Prize;

Mr. Hédi Annabi, a Tunisian diplomat and head of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, who died in the 2010 Haitian earthquake; the one hundred UN workers who died alongside Mr. Annabi;

Mr. Rodrigo Carazo Odio, a former president of Costa Rica, who is known internationally as the Peace President;

Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid, a former president of Indonesia, who gave his entire life for the sake of his great nation;

Mr. Steingrimur Hermannsson, a former prime minister of Iceland, who helped host the meeting of then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and United States President Ronald Reagan, which accelerated the end of the Cold War;

Shaykh Hassan Cissé of Senegal, who is respected as a great scholar of Islamic authority; and

Mr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi of India, who is remembered as the Ambassador of Reconciliation and Peace by India's 1.1 billion people.

There are other people whom we also remembered through this ceremony and sent to the spirit world with the Sunghwa Blessing. I'm sure you have heard about the sinking of the ship Cheonan in Korea where 46 sailors suddenly lost their lives in the course of duty. During my four-city speaking tour in Korea in April last year, my wife and I bestowed the grace of the Sunghwa Blessing on these unfortunate seamen who died.

Later, during another event at Las Vegas, I bestowed the Sunghwa Blessing on one Dr. Reiko Kawasaki, a 17th-generation descendant of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the last shogun in Japanese history, who united the Japanese archipelago in the 17th century. She was a medical doctor from Las Vegas, and recently passed away after living a life of continuous service to others. Before her passing, she played an important role for the sake of the realization of world peace by setting a foundation for the future resolution of various issues in Korea, Japan and the United States, including political and economic issues. Thus, I have included her in the list of those who received this sacred Sunghwa Blessing.

However altruistic and philanthropic people's lives may be, none of them can be guaranteed entry into the world of eternal life without receiving the Marriage Blessing and the Sunghwa Blessing of the True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moon. This is because the parent-child relationship between God and humankind was severed due to the Fall of the first ancestors. Please take this point seriously.

Ladies and gentlemen, this era, when God has introduced the heavenly calendar, is a serious one. It is now the time in which all 6.5 billion of the world's people must understand the teachings I received from heaven, which I bequeath as the True Parent who is responsible to give eternal life to all of humankind. Now is a time that you can share the good news of the coming of the True Parents throughout the entire world.

The time has come to honor and inherit the tradition and spirit of the Korean people, from which the True Parents emerged, establish the heavenly tradition, and bring about world peace by uniting all 6.5 billion people of the world with the United Nations. With the start of the heavenly calendar, please do not forget that the Sunghwa Blessing Ceremony is a sacred rite in which anyone can inherit the worldview of a holy citizen of the kingdom of heaven and celebrate God's liberation and all humankind's liberation.

In this way, the ideal of a family based on true love can be completed, and God and all people, the heavenly spirit world and the earthly physical world, can be completely united to usher in a reign of peace over the world. Please take this time to express your gratitude to God and True Parents for giving the keys of the Blessing Ceremony and Sunghwa Ceremony to all the world's nations, allowing for the establishment of the traditions of God's kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, through True Parents.

Please join me in giving a round of applause to our Heavenly Father and to True Parents for their benevolence, through which we can receive the grace of precious life without being asked for anything in return.

One Family Under God

Ladies and gentlemen, what is the path that humankind should take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, from the individual to the collective level -- whether religion, politics, education, culture or ideology -- people are deeply mired in the swamp of self-centered egoism, raising walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.

Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of One Family under God, in other words, the ideology based on true love, which my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. This is the only way for humankind to find the path toward peace and happiness.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a historic time of great cosmic transition. It is a time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or prolong the fulfillment of His wish. I have already proclaimed that January 13, 2013 will be Foundation Day. That day will be the actual beginning of God's Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. That day will be the origin. Yet, less than two years remain until then.

Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven's decree. An unavoidable time is upon us today when we must invest ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for these remaining two years under the guidance of the True Parents who carry out the providence on earth as the substantial representatives of God, the King of Kings. All the good spirits in the spirit world are mobilized and are already moving forward a step ahead of you.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea how much pain God suffered the moment our first ancestors, into whom God had invested His complete and unreserved devotion since time immemorial, fell and disappeared into darkness, becoming part of Satan's lineage? Are you even remotely aware that our Heavenly Father -- who endured tens of thousands of years of excruciating heartache so great that His bones shed tears and His flesh quivered -- had to go through the long, dark tunnel of indemnifying the human Fall in order to save His lost children? How many of you have spent days and nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?

The Mission of the Korean People

All people of the Christian faith recognize that God sent His true son Jesus Christ to earth two thousand years ago to save humankind. However, Jesus suffered a miserable fate. The leaders of Judaism and the people of Israel were supposed to receive Jesus as the Messiah and follow him with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. They should never have allowed Jesus' crucifixion to take place. He suddenly left this world, leaving behind the words, It is finished. Yet these words apply to spiritual salvation only, and he promised to return.

Ladies and gentlemen, God quietly raised and prepared the Korean people over a period of thousands of years. After two thousand years of preparation, His labor has finally borne fruit with the Second Coming of Christ on the far distant Korean Peninsula. The Korean people have, from long ago, served God with the sense that He is their original ancestor and that they are descended from Heaven. They have referred to Him as The Honored One, that is, Hana-nim, and attended Him as the Lord (Creator of night and day). Thus it is, that the origin of all numbers lay in one and two. Because Koreans attend such a God as their original ancestor, the spirit of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values is alive in the soul and tradition of the Korean people. They have maintained themselves over five thousand years of history, yet not once have they invaded or plundered another nation or people. The spirit of benefiting all mankind still flows in the veins of the Korean people. The spirit of filial piety, fidelity, and loyalty, which are the fundamental virtues of human life, are still alive and breathing in Korean history. These values can be found in the men and women of Korea and reflect the pride and spirit of the Korean people.

I have inherited such traditional values as the true filial piety exemplified in the folk tale Shimcheong, about a devoted daughter who offered her life so that her blind father could see; the profound love and fidelity displayed by Choonhyang, who overcame the fear of death in order to keep the promise she had made to her husband; and the unbreakable loyalty exhibited by Admiral Yi Soon-shin, who gave his life to save his nation and people despite being abandoned by his king and other leaders. These lofty Korean values and traditions are not just matters of historical chance. Based on these values, Heaven has prepared this people; this was all part of the providence of creating a foundation to send the returning Messiah. On the foundation of such preparation, and riding on the energy of this peninsula, I finally came, having received Heaven's seal as the True Parent of humankind and the king of kings.

The Path Humankind Should Take

Distinguished Guests, your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen:

The path that humanity must now take is clear. What would give you cause to hesitate in the face of the D-Day that Heaven has revealed through us, the True Parents? There are now only six hundred days remaining. Heaven's blessings will be with you on your ambitious and busy course.

If you view the flow of history through eyes that focus on God's providence, you can see that the changes of the times can be broadly classified into three stages. First was the nature-centered era, a time when instinctual feelings, materialism and a closeness to animals and the things of creation were prevalent. Next came a human-centered era when people's knowledge, feelings and emotions took precedence and dominated the world.

However, these eras were transitional. They were courses of preparation necessary in order to enter the era in which people could rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves and live as one united family where they attend God as their father. When that happens we will enter a God-centered era, the final stage in which human beings who know and feel God's Heart and Will follow the path of living for the sake of others. They will do this through establishing an absolute standard on the foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony. This is the time of opening up the era of God's kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the heart of the one true God. Please engrave this point on your hearts.

Once the actual era of Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the Union of the Spiritual and Physical World's Association, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried out according to heavenly law and the heavenly way. Elections conducted in a purely secular fashion will disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing; and we will enjoy tranquility and true love in happiness during the sacred reign of peace. Let me say it again: this day is drawing near.

As part of preparing for that time, on February 14, (2010) last year I proclaimed to all of heaven and earth the start of the new heavenly calendar. The Gregorian calendar and Lunar calendar shall now stand in the positions of Cain and Abel and serve the role of supporting the Heavenly calendar, by which we will record and indicate the progress of God's providence.

You must all now engrave True Parents' teachings onto your bones and practice them in your life. We have no choice. If we do not prepare now, we will surely be left behind. We should learn from the courage and fortitude of the white-necked cranes that fly across the Himalayas -- which are more than seven thousand meters high -- in preparation for winter.

My Final Words for Humankind

True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.

They are:

The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon,
Exposition of the Divine Principle,
Cheon Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture],
The Family Pledge,
Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of Peace],
True Families -- Gateway to Heaven,
Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and
World Scripture.

These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.

You should now set up the Hoon Dok Hae study tradition in your families using the books I have mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven's word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let's create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.

Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in, to infest your lineage, once he encounters the Hoon Dok Hae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast and still does not receive God's blessings, who then could ever be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of One Family Under God.

Ladies and gentlemen, two years ago, my memoirs, "As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen," an honest and candid account of my life, was published. Through this book I share how I discovered God's will for humankind and the path that we, as God's children, should follow. My life has been a typical model of the saying, If at first you don't succeed, try, try, and try again. I have as much faith in this book as in the Hoon Dok textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned. For this reason, I recommend it to you, believing that it will show you how to lead your lives according to true principles. It does not subtract or add anything to the ninety years of my life, which I have led under Heaven's decree. I pray you will carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration.

I have already mentioned that a life of vertical noon-time alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.

Proclamation of the Era of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

Ladies and gentlemen, last year in Las Vegas, there was a special proclamation centered on God that was given by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on two separate days -- one part at 2:20 AM on the 8th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 19, 2010) and the other at 3:25 AM, on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 26, 2010).

The number 3 from 3:25 AM represents the three eras from the saying Success comes at the third attempt. It also symbolizes the Old, New and Completed Testament ages. Twenty-five minutes, or the number 25, is a quarter of one hundred. The True Parents have achieved ultimate unity and offered and proclaimed the era of God's full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence upon the standard of perfection, completion and conclusion.

Furthermore, with the Sunghwa Ceremony for former United States Secretary of State General Alexander Haig, I proclaimed that the ceremony for the victory of the first, second, and third Israels, which completed the ceremonies for rebirth, resurrection and Sunghwa during my lifetime, was transferred to Korea.

Korea will now become God's homeland and hometown. Declaring that Korea is God's homeland, the World Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self was completed in Korea on July 8, and again in ceremonies in the United States, representing Christianity, the second Israel, and in Jerusalem. Through these proclamation ceremonies, all the borderlines in the entire cosmos have been abolished. Consequently, centering on God, heaven and earth shall exist eternally, night and day, under God's reign and with the support of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

Distinguished guests, at this serious and important time, a revolutionary and cosmic change must now take place in your lives. In light of this let us summarize the message Heaven has given to us today.

First, all blessed families should attend God at the center of their families and every day carry out Hoon Dok education, which can completely unite parents and children. In other words, you should thoroughly teach the Divine Principle, the textbooks and teaching materials True Parents have bequeathed, True Father's autobiography, and absolute marital fidelity taught through the 'Original Divine Principle.'

Second, Heaven has permitted the grace of the authority of Sunghwa for rebirth and resurrection to be bestowed on the family unit. Here, a requisite condition is the complete unity between parents and children. In other words, you must establish the standard for absolute parents and absolute children, and establish an absolute family in the normal course of events.

Third, humankind has moved out of the authority of the era of restoration through indemnity, thanks to the grace of True Parents who have suffered hardships through which they sweat blood. Therefore, do not forget the fact that during True Parents' lifetime we all have the responsibility to liberate families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world in which God can dwell, from the authority of hell. Now that the era of restoration through indemnity has ended, what kind of era is dawning? The reign of tranquility and prosperity in the victorious authority centered on God and True Parents shall be eternal.

Fourth, we are now entering the era of the authority of God's direct dominion. Ladies and gentlemen, I have said that less than two years remain until the D-day proclaimed by Heaven. I beg that you inscribe in your hearts the fact that we have entered the era of the authority of the cosmic Sabbath in which your direct family members in the spirit world shall return to the earth to receive the Original Divine Principle education, and where eight generations will live together in a single family. Aju!

Ladies and gentlemen, these concluding remarks explain the broad outline of all my endeavors. They bring to a close this rally that is being held for the religious circles, the earth, the spirit world, physical world, and Cain and Abel-type world, in order to finalize what I, the Rev. Moon, have achieved through the course of my entire life with God, the master of the spirit world and physical world. This is not something that could have appeared in history before now.

We have come to today's assembly through the starting point of the Seoul Assembly that represented both Korea that will become God's homeland; and the central nation of America, through the Washington DC-New York Assembly. These have been held in order to establish the realm of victory, and to make headlines that summarize my life course, which decisively brings to a conclusion the realm of victory, creating a world in which God, completely victorious in the providence, is liberated and completely freed through the life course of the True Parents; and in order to bring perfection, completion and conclusion to the era after the coming of heaven.

True Parents' Special Instructions:

(I am conveying the following instructions to the 387 ambassadors of the 194 Abel UN member nations and 193 Cain-type UN member nations, to boon-bong-wangs and Ambassadors for Peace, to the presidents and national leaders of each nation who are present in Washington DC/New York, and to all of heaven and earth.)

Establishment of the New Tribal Messiah Global Federation for Peace in the New World:

1. Centering on Hwang Sun-jo, the President of UPF-Korea, the Sunghwa Ceremonies for the realm of the tribal messiah and for the first, second and third Israels were to be completed between October and December 31, 2010. The three-day ceremony and indemnity stick ceremony (of the Blessing) are also to be completed. Korea is God's homeland and hometown; because it is True Parents' nation, we should have all the people of Korea take part in these ceremonies.

2. Those who have accepted the responsibility of boon-bong-wang or Ambassador for Peace should hold and complete spiritual–physical world Blessing Ceremonies at the same time throughout the world, by D-day.

3. The ancestors from the realm of the original lineage and people belonging to the heavenly realm who received the Blessing centering on True Parents -- including Adam and Eve, the Moon clan, boon-bong-wangs and Ambassadors for Peace, each nation's president and leader of the national assembly -- should realize the realm of oneness embodying all of God's all-transcendent, all-pervading, all-capable and omnipotent qualities.

4. With October 14 sixty years ago as the beginning point, now, after sixty-years of restoration through indemnity, and in relation to the three days of the 14th, 15th and 16th day of the 10th month, by the heavenly calendar, in the 10th year of Cheon Il Guk, this proclamation rally being held on the 17th day of the 10th month by the heavenly calendar [November 22], in the first year of Cheon-gi (2010), is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given in heaven and on earth up until the D-day proclamation of True Parents, and which correspond with the documented record of proclamations True Parents have made.

5. True Parents' proclamation at the Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word and the Era of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind -- the Washington DC-New York Assembly, the Hoover Dam Assembly in Las Vegas and the Seoul Assembly in Korea, which is becoming God's homeland and hometown -- signifies the ultimate perfection, completion and finalization of the providence. This mission must be completed within the next one year and eight months, by the D-day designated by True Parents.

6. In this way, Korea, which gave birth to the True Parents, will be perfected, completed and finalized as God's homeland and hometown. Centered on President Lee Myung-bak, who represents the governments of Korea (south and north), which is God's homeland and hometown, former US President George Bush and US President Obama, whose positions correspond to the presidents of the Cain-type UN and Abel-type UN, and all the presidents and citizens who participated in the G20 meetings must unite to bring about the success of these rallies and perfect, complete, conclude and offer them according to True Parents' heavenly decree. If any among these are unable to participate, True Parents will select others and bring them to perfect that work in their place.

Advent of the Era of the New Substantial Image

Ladies and gentlemen,

As I believe you have seen in the video today, we are now in a time where God is concluding the providence and harvesting its fruits in the final stages. Not long ago, Prime Minister Danny Philip of the Solomon Islands personally visited True Parents. He was deeply moved by God's Word, and before he left, pledged and promised that his nation would become an ally nation of True Parents. He showed his resolve to become God's laborer and a soldier who stands in the frontline of the providence. In Nepal at this very hour, Original Divine Principle lectures received from True Parents are being broadcast by a national television station in Nepal, to educate all its people.

Activities centered on the United Nations are now on track and gaining speed. The Women's Federation for World Peace, which my wife and I founded, has been recognized for initiating activities that are in line with the UN's founding purpose and goals. Thus, it is becoming recognized as one of the top tier organizations among the 3,400 plus NGOs registered with the UN. Furthermore, WFWP has achieved outstanding results in its activities promoting women's rights, and solving problems of poverty and education for children. WFWP has already been awarded for its work on a number of occasions.

Recently, control of The Washington Times, which had been taken from my hands by trickery, has now been taken back. If this isn't a miracle, I don't know what is.

Top officials from the Cain-type realm, from the black and white races, will unite to create a federation centering on The Washington Times board of directors in order to promote the truth of God's will for His homeland and hometown and to protect the nation of God's sovereignty.

Ladies and gentlemen, the world is now revolving centering on True Parents. Historically, Korea and Japan, Japan and the United States, the United States and Russia and other such nations have been enemy nations. The people from these nations will also take part in the cross-cultural marriage blessing on a nationwide scale in order to eradicate the fallen lineage received from Lucifer and inherit the new heavenly lineage.

The ongoing project to build undersea tunnels between Korea and Japan and across the Bering Strait, which I have proclaimed to all the world, will be spearheaded by religious leaders on a worldwide scale and completed in attendance to our liberated God.

In this world, atheism and communism, which deny the existence of God, will be discarded, paving the way to building the world that God originally envisioned, where all people can freely communicate in harmony.

The historical conflict and strife experienced by the four great representative kings -- that is to say, the God of Night, the God of Day, the King of Kings, and True Parents -- and which arose because the first ancestors fell, has finally been completely resolved by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. A world where all people are equal and all nations become like brother nations to create one family under God is being created right before your eyes.

I pray that all of you will become victors who are part of this historic and providential revolution. May the heavenly fortune that flows through the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind be with you all.

I pray in the name of True Parents that God's blessings be with you, your family and your nation.

Thank you.