God's day

Material from God's Day and True Parents' Birthday Celebration

Sun Myung Moon
January 28, 2012
Unification Church Europe
06.01.03 Heavenly Calendar
Sent to all Nations and Cities/Communities

Dear National and City/Community Leaders,

So far the World Mission Headquarters could not share material from the events which have taken place during God's Day and True Parents' Birthday Celebrations. They will do so in the next couple of days.

Below you will find a link where you can download material which our leaders from Europe could record during their stay in Korea.

PowerPoint -- Summary of Events

Thank you to Jean Francois Moulinet

National Leaders' World Assembly 2012


Motto: "Let Us Inherit the Heart and Tradition of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind" On January 21, 2012, the Leaders of the Unification Movement from over 120 countries have met for their annual CIG Assembly. The International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon addressed the participants with an opening speech of profound theological/philosophical content. This was followed by activity reports from the continents.

ILC Opening Plenary and Lighting Ceremony


On January 22, 2012 at the Cheon Bok Gung UPF celebrated the official opening of the International Leadership Assembly. Following that Pastor Hyung Jin Nim held a special ceremony lightening the flame in front of the statues of the 4 great saints. Also the lanterns were lit.

Cheonbok Rally and Ceremony


On January 24, 2012, the Cheonbok Rally was held in the city of Seoul. Several thousand participants showed up and chanted through the streets. The families of Hyung Jin Nim, Kook Jin Nim and Sun Jin Nim were leading the chants together with religious leaders from various denominations. Back at the CBG the Cheonbok ceremony concluded the day.

International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon's talk to the National Leaders' World Assembly 2012

Yours sincerely,

Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
European Office