Ahn Shi Il

We are Entering the Era of Alliance-ism

Sun Myung Moon
July 30, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.12)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - July 30, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han - July 30, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon, and the following are some of his words she read.

"What is the ultimate purpose of God's providence? People think the purpose of religion is to sacrifice and be beneficial for the society. So do the religious people. But when we think of it centering on God, to give good influences to the society is secondary, and the primary purpose is to establish True Parents on earth. If not for True Parents, nothing can be further achieved. To indemnify the birth from evil parents and win victory totally depends on establishing good parents. This is a crucial issue that can be solved only by God."

Below are some of Father's words after the reading.

"It is 통일신령협회 (Association of the Unification by God's spirit). Individualism doesn't work and we are entering the era of 연합시대 (Alliance-ism)"

"You have made lots of mistakes and I have forgiven you so many times, and I have to take whole responsibility. There is nothing you have achieved by yourself.'

"We have to go beyond 13 generations."

"The path of restoration is the path that one must find. The path of the principle is the path that one must step on."

"The Messiah must find or recreate a woman, entering the position of Internal God (내적인 하나님의 자리). How difficult it is. The God of Night and the God of Day have been separate. You would say 'What is the God of Night? What is the God of Day?' When you find the origin (근본), you will realize the separation of the Two, which is against the principle of creation. In the principle of creation, the left side is always problem."

"In Korea, who are supposed to lead the most miserable life? Families of widows and widowers. You are in the same situation."

(Katsumi: I think Father is talking about our providential status before the Foundation Day when True Parents have the wedding ceremony and we need to be Blessed.)

"We live together with water and air, and then what? Sunshine, which is the center of the whole. Water and air exist in accordance with the sunshine changing their temperatures such as hot, warm and cold preparing the source of life for all the creatures." 

The Providence of Restoration Must be Concluded in My Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
July 22, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 6.4)

Sun Myung Moon – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 3, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"The age of the earth is 4.54 billion years, and the providence of restoration must be all concluded in my life course, which is the generation that must be able to take all the responsibility for heaven and earth."

"(Father read his speech title) 'Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word from Substance' In the speech it says 'This assembly of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle. (근본 본체론 대회).' I added this and nobody knew it was necessary. (Then Father read a part of the speech)

"All the blessed children in the heavenly and earthly worlds, who are related to the True Parents by blood, should keep this comprehensive and final proclamation in mind. This proclamation is being given in order to fully establish the ideal nation that comes from the incorporeal God and corporeal God, the God of Night and the God of Day, and from the ancestors of Jesus and of the True Parents." This is the most important part regarding 본체론 (The Original Substance of the Divine Principle). (Then Father looked around the faces of the participants for a while as if he wanted to know the participants understood it.)"

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012

"Why do you need the education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle (본체론 교육)? It is because you didn't know that in Adam's family, Adam, Eve, and their children had different portions of responsibilities. Adam and Eve should have been united and their responsibilities were different. The former must become a husband and the latter must become a wife."

"(Mentioning the speech title) When the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are married, they become settled. Then True Parents become the center, not Heaven. (참부모가 중심이 되는거야. 하늘이 아니야). Such a settled substance as a couple proclaims the truth. (정착된 실체가 둘이 말씀을 선포하게 돼.) Which is the center, the truth or the unified substance of spirit and body (말씀이중심이냐, 영육이 하나된 실체가 중심이냐?)"

"I found the reality and the term of 'spirit self (영인체)' which is different from 'soul (혼)."'*

"One must resemble their parents on the base of being connected to the parents' tradition through blood lineage. These are the three great principles. When one is connected to their parents through a blood lineage, do they resemble their parents or not? If they want to have the same tradition as their parents, they must have the same blood lineage, and if they have the same tradition and blood lineage, they can resemble their parents. One tradition must have one blood lineage."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han – June 3, 2012


* Katsumi: In the education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle, Rev. Yu says that only with the term of 'spirit self (영인체),' it become possible to explain the relationship of the God of Night and the God of Day. The following are the quotations from Hyung Jin Moon's speech titled "The Secret of Immanuel" given on HC 4. 7 (May 27, 2012) at the Cheon Bok Gung (as a video message). This will give you an explanation to what Rev. Yu means.

Hyung Jin Nim:

"Father often says when we are in the spirit world, we will see God in the form of True Parents, and the messages from the spirit also stated that. How can we understand this?

Like all human beings, Father has the spirit self and the physical self, both of which consist of 'mind' and 'body' respectively: The spirit self has a spirit mind and spirit body, and the physical self has a physical mind and physical body. When we see people on earth, we only see their physical self, not their spirit self. By the same token, when we see people in the spirit world where we exist as a spirit self, we only see their spirit body, not their spirit mind.

We must remember here that God has no body of the spirit self, that is, the spirit body, which means God exists as spirit mind. That's why we can't see God like we can't see people's spirit selves on earth.

The spirit self's spirit mind and spirit body, which are its "mind" and "body", are inseparable. Therefore, God, who is united with Father in the spirit mind, comes to use Father's spirit body, and consequently, when we see Father in the spirit world, it means we see God. That's why Jesus was called "Immanuel," which means "God with us."

(Katsumi: Father said the key for oneness with God is "resonance / 공명 / 共鳴.") 

Going Beyond 13 Summits

Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 2012
Ahn Shi Il Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 6.1)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 19, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 19, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Going beyond 13 summits through the unification of the Abel UN and Cain UN, the Abel Women UN must open the door and women, leading their tribes, should be able to settle. Representatives of each nation of the Abel Women UN must be well prepared so that they won't be beaten by the Cain world. From now on, you need to have the first, second, third and fourth assemblies to train yourselves, and I will be involved from the third and fourth ones putting things in order.

We don't have the seal of state (국새 / 國璽) as well as a national flag yet. We don't have the seal of state yet. The seals of the three states, that is the seal of the state of the Adam nation, that of the Eve nation, and that of the Archangel nation. In order to go beyond the summits, you can use your family's seal in place of such seals of the state. You should realize there is a huge providential responsibility on you who are heading the Foundation Day."

"Since Eve crossed the line when the fall happened, the leaders of WFWP, taking the whole responsibility and following True children who went beyond centering on Mother, must return to the world prior to the fall."

Mrs. McDevitt said she would read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "Restoration," given in Germany on March 24, 1972. (When Father heard from her, he said "Volume 54, "Restoration," and then he continued before reading.)

"You should know the fact that you, the Blessed families, stepped on and erased my children while saying 'My children have received the Blessing.' In order to establish the Abel UN, my family has been stepped on. Nobody, who stole from the church to raise their children, can go to heaven."

"Spiritual and physical parents work in my mind."

"When I was a child and went to the crossroad from where I didn't know where to go, 어둑신 (Eoduksin) appeared. In 원리해설 (Explanation of the Principle), the term 어둑신 (Eoduksin) appears three times."

"Where I came from is different where you come from. I am fundamentally different from you. After I found the secrets of heaven and earth, I have lived accordingly."

"The God of Night sleeps holding me in the chest. When His chest becomes warm holding me, He falls asleep."

"The person who is called Yong Myung Moon grew without knowing father. Until when? He grew without knowing father until he became 4 and half years old. One can understand Korean by that age, and I could know all the secrets between them." 

In Love, There Are Reciprocal Relationships

Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 5.9)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"In love, there are reciprocal relationships of front and rear, right and left, higher and lower. But due to the fall, they were lost, and in order for heaven and earth to be completed as one, though heaven was always higher, there must be a time when it is dragged around by earth. But heaven mustn't be dragged down below the horizon. What is the fall? It is the fall that father, for example, can't be in the position of father, and that the son becomes a betrayer. Such a thing can happen, not only at the time of Adam and Eve, but even now. People are fighting but they don't know if they are on God's side or Satan's."

"Who is Rev. Moon? It is Rev. Moon that says, 'Let's unify all. Let's unify Cain and Abel.' How can it be done? First of all, one should know what is necessary in the Cain world and the Abel world."

"Have you seriously thought 'I stand on the right side'? Everything has a balance. When you eat something which your right eye likes, your right eye goes up. When you eat something which your left eye likes, your left eye goes up."

"The difference in temperature (온도). Then the difference in speed (속도). Then comes what? The difference of the level (or dimension) (차원의 차이), which is related to weight (무게). So (we judge by thinking) which is warmer, faster and heavier."

(Katsumi: Father said before "temperature / 온도, speed / 속도, and order / 질서.")

"What is the membership of the Unification Church now? If there are 1,000 Unificationists and 1 million non-Unificationists in the world, we lose. Even if we are advanced in knowledge, we lose."

"Rev. Moon is now 94 years old, a grandfather. In the twinkle of an eye, I will be 100 years old. How many people are over 100? Who is the best among them? A person who has no disease and no fault, and is always needed anywhere, will be the central figure and the representative. Then regarding the temperature, everyone must follow his temperature which is the standard."

(Katsumi: For example, between a human and a cat, body temperatures, moving speeds, and order (or weight) are different. I think this concept is related to Father's recent teaching of "tradition, blood lineage and resemblance.")

"If I have a 10-hour Hoon Dok Hae, would you be able to tune yourself to me for at least an hour? I guess you felt good when you came here this morning but (some) are dosing now.


True Parents left for the US that day. The photo is taken at Incheon Airport.

The closing ceremony of the "5-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for New Tribal Messiahs" was held at the Central Training Center in Guri city on HC 5. 7 (June 26, 2012).

The closing ceremony of the "5-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for New Tribal Messiahs" was held at the Central Training Center in Guri city on HC 5. 7 (June 26, 2012).

It Will Be A Problem If I Am A Position Inferior To When I Was a Child

Sun Myung Moon
June 12, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (4. 23 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Listen to my words. I feel it will be a big problem if what I, who is becoming 94 years old and doesn't have many days left in the future, is in a position inferior to that of what I was in when I was a child. If one knows only themselves and their relationship with their parents and live only in that environment thinking 'this is my life and path,' that's a wrong way to take. Though one lives in a small atmosphere with their families, if they don't realize that they are living in a worldwide environment of God's love, they are destined to disappear in that environment.

You are here, but the states of your mind are all different. Your living environments have been different. There are all kinds of differences, but if Jesus thinks that he is the true son of God, there will be no way for those who don't know him to go the path of true son of God. Those who don't know him have no relation with such a position. How can one obtain the qualification that enables them to join Jesus in such a status? You should know clearly that it is the responsibility of the fallen people, not of God or the son of God.

If a man and a woman don't become associated with each other centering on God and Jesus, you should know that their relationship has no meaning and totally isolated since they don't have parent-child relationship with God and True Parents. There will be no way for them to pioneer from there.

(Katsumi: I think Father occasionally uses the word "Jesus" meaning a "Perfected Adam," and / or "True Father.")

The messiah is not the father of the restaurant business.

(Katsumi: "Messiah" in Japanese is "メシヤ (meshiya)," which has the same pronunciation as 飯屋 (meshiya) that means "restaurant.")

The fallen people couldn't have the life, motive, and root of life, and therefore, they must live again with the Messiah and connect themselves to the root of life."

"It is Jesus that started to call God 'Heavenly Father.' Not by the people in the Old Testament, nor by a chief priest. People believed the Messiah would come, but none of them thought that the Messiah would come to make them sons and daughters who are related to the true lineage of father and mother and resemble their parents. Jesus said he came to engraft them to him. Wow. Where else can you find such a precious person? People must obtain such a position even if they have to pay. It is against common sense if one says 'I am a son or daughter of God' without making an effort or even without thinking of it.

So one should have the contents that prove that they are sons or daughters of God. That is the tradition that God and His son live. (Raising his voice) Do you know it?"

"Do you know God? Do you know Heavenly Father? Do you know His son Jesus? Those who think know them, tell me!"

"Who is Yong Myung Moon? Those who have (different family) names here must resemble the Moon family. Why? Why do they have to resemble it? The parent-child relationship is through the blood lineage. Which comes first, the blood lineage or love? Love comes first but without the blood lineage love will disappear. There is only one path to become united with tradition. Eternally there is only one path. When you realize 'I am for heaven and earth, and they are for me. They have been for me,' there is a question: Are you united with heaven and earth?"

"There was nothing I needed. After I realized the position of God's son, I found myself resembling Heavenly Father, and noticed that there is the root of tradition in myself." (Then Father whistled.)

"In tradition, the blood lineage is connected, and the sons and daughters who come from there can't help but resemble their parents. Do you resemble (True) parents?"

"Why have there been human races of five colors? There should be a one-color human race."

"I have my notebook. (Father took it out from his speech binder). Even if one does a variety of things in order to establish the ideal of Cheon Il Guk, Nov. 10, 2007 and Dec. 17, 2007 are different. How different are they? They are different in their starting points, process and centers. Nov. 10, 2007 was the 48th True Children's Day. (Reading his notebook) 'Education for establishing Abel UN.' 'Dec. 17, 2007, preparation for the conference.'" 

Proclamation of the True Body

Sun Myung Moon
May 11, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 21 HC)

Sun Myung Moon - May 4, 2012

Sun Myung Moon - May 4, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Look at my picture (on his speech binder). This is a historical photo. The title is 천지인참부모정착 실체말씀선포 천주대회 (Proclamation of the Word of the True Body through the Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). When the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is firmly settled, everything has been done. What is the Word of the Truth Body (실체말씀)? It is the proclamation of the words of the True Parents. For what purpose did True Parent come? For the sake of the proclamation of the Word of the Truth Body (실체말씀). For whom? For the sake of the cosmic family, one family in heaven and on earth. This title hasn't been realized yet.

Tomorrow, the Expo 2012 will be opening at Yeosu. Two days ago, the city invited me together with around 20 people to the venue as the representative of the participants to the opening ceremony. The theme of the Expo is 'the Ocean'. For whom does the water in the ocean exist? For the sake of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. One must be united through the blood lineage with True Parents' family and tradition. It is the blood lineage of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who are firmly settled. I was surprised with the theme which is to awaken the people to the tradition of True Parents.

Seven years ago, Yeosu failed to win the right to host the Expo. (This time the city won it because) 조국광복 (the Restoration of God's fatherland) has been announced. (Korea is) God's father land, which illuminates the world like the sun shines light onto the earth."

"What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? God called Adam, Eve and Archangel and said that. Were there True Parents at that time, who are man and woman representing heaven and earth?"

(Taking out his two notebooks from his speech binder) "These are my notebooks. This (bigger one) is the famous notebook from Las Vegas. This one (smaller one that Father has used since 2001) is black. This (bigger one) is not red nor green, but shiny as if it embraced the whole, and this is heavy. The size of the smaller one is 3/5th of the bigger one, which doesn't just happen."

"Why is it 동서남북 (east, west, south and north), not 서동북남 (west, east, north and south)? It was east that was the darkest. The darkest place in the cosmos can be the brightest place. Centering on the sun, the order of east, west, south and north was decided."

"I provided this notebook (the smaller one) when the Cheon Il Guk started. I have used half of it."

"Before seeing a man (Adam) at the age of 17 years, a woman (Eve) of 16 years old rode on Lucifer who is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생인 누시엘). So Lucifer is also (in the position of) younger brother of Adam and Eve (아담해와의 동생)."

(Katsumi: Adam and Eve were to be '실체하나님 / God incarnate.' So in that sense, Lucifer's position could be considered as the younger brother. I think what Father emphasizes here is, like he had done before many times, that the human fall had happened with Lucifer of their kin, which is a totally unprincipled relationship.)

"How old is the Second Messiah? (Nobody dared to answer). How old was the Second Messiah when he was married for the first time and how old was the bride? (Nobody answered either.) “I was 24 years old when I was married in April to a woman who was 19 years old."

(To Shin Jun Nim who came to greet True Father) "You like father (which means True Father), don't you? Do you like also your aunts? (To all participants) You are aunts for him. Who is Lucifer? It is God's younger brother. Therefore God created Adam and Eve together with His brother (동생과 더불어 아담해와를 창조했어). Lucifer existed before Adam was created, did he? You didn't know this."

(Katsumi: Father says Lucifer is God's brother even it was created by God. Also, though Lucifer had existed before Adam was created, Father calls Lucifer as 'Adam's younger cousin' or sometimes 'Adam's younger brother.' Likewise, there were male participants that day but Father didn't call them as Shin Jun Nim's uncles: instead Father called all as Shin Jun Nim's aunts. As such, Father's clarification on 'who is who, in the context of the blood lineage is unprecedented and complex, which, I think, aims at establishing a original and heavenly order from the heartistic viewpoint.)

(To Dr. Peter Kim) "Hyoyul! ('Yes.') What are the three great principles of food? ('They are fat, proteins, and carbohydrates.') Which comes first? ('I'm not sure.') There must be an order." 

Mother the Chairperson of Sun Moon Educational Institute

Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 24 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Opportunity for Encounter" given on June 20, 1971.

(Holding up Mother's right hand with his left hand) "Those who participated at the inaugural ceremony of Mother as the chairperson of the board of 선문학원 (Sun Moon Educational Institute, an educational foundation), give applause to her. Now, her position has been changed. She is not 어머님, but 어머니. Hyo Yul (Dr. Peter Kim), what do you think of 어머니? Whose mother is she? What is she doing? Each of you (need to be able to say) what mother she is for you."

The following are the excerpts of Dr. Peter Kim's report.

"I didn't notice this but according to Rev. Hwang, this year is the 40th year since Father started in the education business. Father said, 'yesterday's ceremony is the launching ceremony to make Sun Moon University as the only university in the world which has the vertical value. There are around 10,000 veterans in the world of education in Korea, more than 30 of which participated yesterday.

One of them later called Rev. Hwang, who told him that he usually doesn't drink alcohol but he did this time since he was so happy after having participated at the ceremony. He expressed his great hope for True Parents who gave through the speech a clear vision and the purpose of education centering on God.

When we hear such a testimony from those who know the ins and outs of the educational field in Korea, I believe the ceremony we held yesterday was providentially truly important. (Showing copies of the newspapers) All major newspapers covered the ceremony, in which they expected one of the founders (Mother), becoming the chairperson of the board, would directly run eight schools and universities under 선문학원 (Sun Moon Educational Institute). Quite frankly, I didn't expect such a huge response inside Korea. Yesterday, Father offered his Jeong Seong for the ceremony on the ocean, and right after the ceremony, he came back to the Cheon Jeong Gung by helicopter to welcome her. Father said UPF must also be fully focused on education."

"Did you know that male penguins raise their young, while female penguins leave them looking for food? If they don't come back, the male penguins must do both roles and that's why there is the term 황제 팽귄 (Emperor Penguin)."

"Mothers must educate their children through Hoon Dok Hae, and they must be responsible for their babies in the wombs who can also participate at it."

The Amazing Thing is that Satan is God's Younger Brother

Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2.16 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #43

"The amazing thing is that Satan is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생), and Adam's younger cousin (아담의 사촌동생), who lived together with them. For God no enemy exists, and the world of the principle isn't 'correspondence and conflict (상응상치).' It should be 'correspondence and accordance (상응일치). In the world of 'correspondence and conflict (상응상치)', one can't answer the questions like 'Where is God?' and 'Who is Satan?''

"Adam and Eve, becoming True Parents, should have passed the process of 21 years to form the ideal family of Adam (아담이상가정), Adam-ism (아담주의) and Adam's tradition of life (아담의 생활전통)."

"The Chinese character 敎 (교 / gyo: teaching) means 'Fidelity (孝) to Father (父).' Likewise, the Chinese characters were made by following the forms in reality, not by abstract thinking."

"The logo of the Unification church contains everything in the universe."

"The kingdom of heaven and hell float in the air, and the cosmos floats in the air."a 

From Now On, We Go Beyond the Realm of Absolute Sex

Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 12. 11 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon January 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon January 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Ms. McDevitt read Father's speech. When she read, "The human fall took place not by breaking any promises but through the blood lineage. Therefore, the fall, which happened through the blood lineage, must be corrected through the blood lineage. One can't return to the realm of God's love otherwise." Father said,

"Right, that is the conclusion. From now on, we go beyond 절대성권 (the realm or authority of absolute sex). Do you understand? I put everything in order in Las Vegas this time, such as the era before the coming of heaven, the era after the coming of heaven, and the realm of the third Israel. The reason I came back here is to make a new start in 2012 with the first page of the new program to return to the Garden of Eden. Before D-Day, we must completely realize the unaccomplished program. Since all the tribes and nations are of Satan's blood lineage, we must register (입적 입국 / 入籍 入國) to a new nation. Your family register (호적) must be changed. Do you understand?

What do you have to do in order to receive the Blessing together with True Parents by D-Day? Together with members of the Mongolian-spot race, the Unification church, which has no Satanic stained blood lineage, must form a new nation and make a new start. What did I say you have to receive? ('The Royal seal.') The Royal seal. After I completely make it, I must put in order within my life time thousands of enemies' blood lineages that have branched off.

This speech (of 'Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and Substantial Word of God') is the model program for that purpose. From the very page one, the speech clearly describes who Rev. Moon is."

"When I was 17 years old, Jesus came to me saying, "Mr. Yong Myung Moon, let's go to the Blessing together." (Raising his voice) (I said) 'Who are you? The date and officiator for the marriage aren't decided yet and where do you go? You fool! Do you know the God of Night and the God of Day have been separated?' Today I am teaching you everything."

"The title of the speech is 'the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.' True Parents must be completely settled (정착), not safely settled (안착). When the settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is achieved, this means everything is concluded. You think little of this speech, but this contains the fundamental issues with the Messiah of the Second Coming and his whole life. The page number of this speech corresponds to my age in my life course."

"Since there is the settlement of the True Parents, the substantial word of God appears. Then comes the 'Cosmic Assembly.' So there are three parts (in the title of the speech). It is not God's words but the substance that can be the center. The conclusion on page 74 is 섭리적 최종목적되다 (The ultimate purpose of the providence is done). If not the fall in the Garden of Eden, the first thing God and True Parents would achieve is perfection. When God is perfected through Adam, that means everything is done. (Raising his voice) Do you know who Adam is? You, without knowing the meaning of the speech title, come to and leave this place."

"You must be able to listen to the sounds of Substantial Word of God that He said in the process of creation. In order to become a citizen of the heavenly nation, what did I say you have to do? You must be able to listen to absolute sound (절대음 / 絶對音)."