Mother — Moon Talks — SunHak Institute of History USA


Mother Invites Everyone to the Cheon Jeong Gung

Tim Elder
September 5, 2012


I am writing from a conference room in the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace, where staff are in full emergency mode.

The original plan drafted by staff was to have most guests pay their respects at an altar to be set up in the Cheongshim World Peace Center. Only VIPs would come up the hill to the Palace to view Father directly.

True Mother, though, vetoed that. She is allowing EVERYONE to come up the hill to the Cheon Jeong Gung, starting tomorrow. Can you imagine the logistical headaches involved in getting tens of thousands of people up and down this hill?

To help deal with the logistics, some days will be reserved for VIPs, others for general members and public. Journalists will be given full access to some events. With others, Peace TV will provide pool footage.

Some people are expressing concerning there may not be enough time before the 15th to accommodate everyone. If you're coming, don't wait until the last moment!

Members of the True Family are scheduled to take turns greeting guests.

Mother's Visit to the ICU

Tim Elder
August 28, 2012


I spent most of the day today offering Jeong Seong at the hospital where True Father is being treated. A major typhoon was blowing through the Korean peninsula, closing schools and slowing life in general.

In the afternoon, I saw True Mother enter the ICU to visit Father. She was accompanied by Kook Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim, Ye Jin Nim and Hoon Mo Nim. When Father first arrived at the hospital Mother was visiting him many times a day. Now, the doctor limits her visits to two a day. Between visits, she stays in another room in the hospital.

The typhoon did less damage than was expected. Let's hope it was a "good" typhoon that blew away all the evil spirits on the peninsula. 

Transfer the Ideal that I Have Fought for to Mother as her Dream

Sun Myung Moon
June 15, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo (4.26 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

After cradling Shin Pyeon Nim, Father said to Hyung Jin Nim, "Why don't you sing your elder brother Hyo Jin's favorite song in Korean?"

Hyung Jin Nim started to sing "If I can Dream[1]" in Korean. Father said "Loudly," and while listening to the song, Father said, "Lyrics are full of heart."

"The reason why I let Mother read this speech was to transfer the ideal that I have fought for and lived, to Mother as her dream. I haven't interpreted that yet. If a dream remains as an ideal, the society can't become even half-perfect. If you, being responsible for the world, can't practice the dream and ideal of Mother and Father thinking them as yours, and can't enlarge the victorious foundation, (that dream) will disappear.

This book (his speech binder) has been an enemy until now. Everyone has disliked it. You have to realize your dream. I have realized mine and the place I will go to now is the four dimensional heavenly nation (제4차원의 하늘 나라). The ideal which any religion or literature couldn't hold will have to be realized as your dream from now on. Do you understand? ('Yes.') You must feel sad that this (speech) hasn't been yours, and be able to digest it as yours.

It is meaningless to talk about the dream many times if you can't even practice it. When you practice the dream (of parents) as yours, you will become the one who victoriously holds supremacy. There is no other way. Do you understand? ('Yes.')

I introduced to you the four dimensional world (제4차원세계), and in order to be registered, I will let you receive the Blessing together with True Parents and have 옥새 (玉璽 / Ok Sae: royal seal). Is there anybody who initiated to mobilize all 387 nations to make and offer 옥새 (玉璽 / Ok Sae: royal seal)? By practicing the dream, you should overcome the difficulties but if you turn back saying 'I don't like it', you will disappear."


1.If I Can Dream
Lyrics by Walter Earl Brown
Sung by Elvis Presley

There must be lights burning brighter somewhere 
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue 
If I can dream of a better land 
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand 
Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true 
Oh why

There must be peace and understanding sometime 
Strong winds of promise that will blow away 
All the doubt and fear 
If I can dream of a warmer sun 
Where hope keeps shining on everyone 
Tell me why, oh why, oh why won't that sun appear

Were lost in a cloud 
With too much rain 
Were trapped in a world 
That's troubled with pain 
But as long as a man 
Has the strength to dream 
He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart there's a tremblin question 
Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow 
Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle, yeah 
And while I can think, while I can talk 
While I can stand, while I can walk 
While I can dream, please let my dream 
Come true, ohhhhh, right now 
Let it come true right now 
Oh yeah 

Rest Together With God, Father and Mother

Sun Myung Moon
May 7, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 17 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – April 25, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – April 25, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 50, titled "In Order to Form the True World." The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"This is the palace where one can rest together with God, father and mother. Take a look around this palace at day time, at night time and before dawn, and then you will understand there is no other palace like this. This is the only one palace. Yesterday evening, I was on the third floor and prayed. Until now, I've never breathed freely living here.

Now, there is no spirit world. Everything is together in one point and there is no God. Who can save the current situation? Not the God of Night nor the God of Day. Mother can't go beyond by herself. It is centered on Father who goes with nothing else but this speech book. (영계도 없어졌어요 이제는. 한점에 모여, 한점에. 하나님도 없어졌고 밤의 하나님 낮의 하나님 누가 일을 구해줘야되느냐면 밤의 하나님도 안되고 낮의 하나님도. 어머니도 어머니 자신이 못 넘어갑니다. 아버님중심삼고. 딴것 아니라 이 책하나 들고)

(Katsumi: What Father meant here is, I think, with the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, not the spirit world nor even God, but True Parents, especially True Father is the center.)

(Father held his speech file) No other thing is necessary. This can't be exchanged with national treasures nor even with sons and daughters. This can't be exchanged with mother and father either. I am also going beyond centering on this. (선생님도 이것 중심으로 넘어갈려고 그래).

To whom does the cosmos belong? That is not yours but parents'. This (a notebook Father took out from his speech file, which Father had received in a hotel in Las Vegas) is the notebook of Las Vegas, and this (his speech file) is the notebook of the restoration of God's fatherland. The course of restoration is only one path and you can't go at it as you like."

"Not the word, but the mathematical principle comes first. There hasn't been a heavenly family since there hasn't been the number 7."

(Indicating the date in his calligraphy on the wall, which is 5.27 HC, 2010) "How on that day, can Father and Mother become united and record it (which is 'Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the Truth Body')?"

(Having talked the date when Father gave the speech in the past) "Have you ever thought what time the speech is to be given? It shouldn't be in the morning. (It is to be) between 3:00 pm and 4:00 p.m."

(Showing his pocket notebook, which has been used since 2001) 'I'm not playing with this. If I lose this, I lose everything. (Father showed two photo cards of True Parents from the notebook). This is the photo of parents sitting with crowns. (Then he showed another photo of True Parents who are standing)"

"I don't know the Creator and the God of Night Who had been in the Garden of Eden. In this era, it is the Second Messiah that works where God has been kicked out. I know God has been kicked out. (에덴 동산에서 뭐 창조주가 어떤 놈이고 밤의 하나님이 어떤 놈인지 나 모릅니다. 난 지금 시대에, 재림주가 뭐냐하면, 에덴동산에서 하나님이 쫓겨났어. 그?겨난 모르는 자리에서 일하는 것이 하나님이?겨난 것은 나 알아.)" 

True Father’s Prayer: Mother, Thank You For Your Hard Work!

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung Special Declaration Ceremony
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas, NV

True Father’s Prayer: Mother, thank you for your hard work!

At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven’s victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam’s families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soon- shin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious.

I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God’s will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure.

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father.

[Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents’ traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation.

[True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You, Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical “noontime” alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you.

[All present bow to True Parents.]

Mother, Thank You For Your Hard Work!

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung Declaration
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas 3.24 (HC)


At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven's victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam's families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soon- shin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious.

I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God's will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure.

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father. [Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents' traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation. [True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You,

Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical "noontime" alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you. [All present bow to True Parents.] 

Mother Gracefully Sang

Sun Myung Moon
April 3, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.13 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 28, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #46.

After the reading, she sang "천년바위" (Rock of Ages) and Father, occasionally singing together with her, earnestly listened to the song putting his head down with his eyes closed. Rev. Park sang with Mrs. McDevitt "소양강 처녀" (Soyang Virgin) and Father whistled to the song. Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang '돌아와요 부산항에," (Come Back to Busan) and Rev. Jeong Sun Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공" (Virgin Voyeur) while Father, again, listened to them earnestly with his eyes closed.

True Mother gracefully sang "봄처녀." (Bomcheonyeo) Father joined her in singing and at the end of the song Father said "엄마야 (Mother),,." Then all the participants stood and sang "광야의 사나이." (Man of the Wilderness) After the song, Mother said, 'There is another song of man, isn't there?" and they sang "진짜 사나이." (Real Man) 

Mother the Chairperson of Sun Moon Educational Institute

Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 24 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Opportunity for Encounter" given on June 20, 1971.

(Holding up Mother's right hand with his left hand) "Those who participated at the inaugural ceremony of Mother as the chairperson of the board of 선문학원 (Sun Moon Educational Institute, an educational foundation), give applause to her. Now, her position has been changed. She is not 어머님, but 어머니. Hyo Yul (Dr. Peter Kim), what do you think of 어머니? Whose mother is she? What is she doing? Each of you (need to be able to say) what mother she is for you."

The following are the excerpts of Dr. Peter Kim's report.

"I didn't notice this but according to Rev. Hwang, this year is the 40th year since Father started in the education business. Father said, 'yesterday's ceremony is the launching ceremony to make Sun Moon University as the only university in the world which has the vertical value. There are around 10,000 veterans in the world of education in Korea, more than 30 of which participated yesterday.

One of them later called Rev. Hwang, who told him that he usually doesn't drink alcohol but he did this time since he was so happy after having participated at the ceremony. He expressed his great hope for True Parents who gave through the speech a clear vision and the purpose of education centering on God.

When we hear such a testimony from those who know the ins and outs of the educational field in Korea, I believe the ceremony we held yesterday was providentially truly important. (Showing copies of the newspapers) All major newspapers covered the ceremony, in which they expected one of the founders (Mother), becoming the chairperson of the board, would directly run eight schools and universities under 선문학원 (Sun Moon Educational Institute). Quite frankly, I didn't expect such a huge response inside Korea. Yesterday, Father offered his Jeong Seong for the ceremony on the ocean, and right after the ceremony, he came back to the Cheon Jeong Gung by helicopter to welcome her. Father said UPF must also be fully focused on education."

"Did you know that male penguins raise their young, while female penguins leave them looking for food? If they don't come back, the male penguins must do both roles and that's why there is the term 황제 팽귄 (Emperor Penguin)."

"Mothers must educate their children through Hoon Dok Hae, and they must be responsible for their babies in the wombs who can also participate at it."