
A Tribute to My Father


My heart grieves as a son for the passing of my father, but I am comforted in knowing that his indomitable spirit and enduring legacy will live on in the memories of the countless people he has touched through his visionary ministry. He lived a remarkable life, and it is important for us to honor that life in the proper way.

My father was first and foremost a filial son to God, committing his entire life to the substantial realization of His will on earth. And by doing so, he sought to comfort God's agonizing heart. His deep, personal relationship with God fueled his passionate desire to bring God's blessing to all of His children, regardless of the pretensions -- be they racial, ethnic, national, or even religious -- that so often divide and alienate the human family.

He committed himself and his entire foundation to the providential mission of building a world of peace and reconciliation, centered upon the vision of One Family under God. His aspiration was for a global God-centered family rooted in universal principles and the value system of True Love, a selfless love manifested as "living for the sake of others."


My father believed that this vision has been the yearning of mankind throughout our tumultuous history and, most of all, has been the dream of God ever since human creation. It is God's dream, but my father took ownership of it and lived to fulfill it through his ministry and works.

I know that his greatest desire was to set the precedent of devotion and service to that will and, thereby, inspire others to work with the same passionate commitment and sense of ownership to make God's dream into a substantial reality.

Therefore, the most fitting tribute to my father is to create a living monument to the dream which inspired his life. His visionary and pioneering life is like a foundation stone upon which others must now build, continuing the efforts he began with the same passion, commitment and zeal. That is the best way, I believe, to honor his life and consecrate a fitting legacy to a life which has given so much.

As a son, who has taken to heart the meaning of my father's life and teaching, I dedicate myself to continue this work together with all those who have been inspired by the vision of "One Family under God" and the ideals my father lived for. 

Rest Together With God, Father and Mother

Sun Myung Moon
May 7, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 17 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – April 25, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – April 25, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 50, titled "In Order to Form the True World." The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"This is the palace where one can rest together with God, father and mother. Take a look around this palace at day time, at night time and before dawn, and then you will understand there is no other palace like this. This is the only one palace. Yesterday evening, I was on the third floor and prayed. Until now, I've never breathed freely living here.

Now, there is no spirit world. Everything is together in one point and there is no God. Who can save the current situation? Not the God of Night nor the God of Day. Mother can't go beyond by herself. It is centered on Father who goes with nothing else but this speech book. (영계도 없어졌어요 이제는. 한점에 모여, 한점에. 하나님도 없어졌고 밤의 하나님 낮의 하나님 누가 일을 구해줘야되느냐면 밤의 하나님도 안되고 낮의 하나님도. 어머니도 어머니 자신이 못 넘어갑니다. 아버님중심삼고. 딴것 아니라 이 책하나 들고)

(Katsumi: What Father meant here is, I think, with the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, not the spirit world nor even God, but True Parents, especially True Father is the center.)

(Father held his speech file) No other thing is necessary. This can't be exchanged with national treasures nor even with sons and daughters. This can't be exchanged with mother and father either. I am also going beyond centering on this. (선생님도 이것 중심으로 넘어갈려고 그래).

To whom does the cosmos belong? That is not yours but parents'. This (a notebook Father took out from his speech file, which Father had received in a hotel in Las Vegas) is the notebook of Las Vegas, and this (his speech file) is the notebook of the restoration of God's fatherland. The course of restoration is only one path and you can't go at it as you like."

"Not the word, but the mathematical principle comes first. There hasn't been a heavenly family since there hasn't been the number 7."

(Indicating the date in his calligraphy on the wall, which is 5.27 HC, 2010) "How on that day, can Father and Mother become united and record it (which is 'Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the Truth Body')?"

(Having talked the date when Father gave the speech in the past) "Have you ever thought what time the speech is to be given? It shouldn't be in the morning. (It is to be) between 3:00 pm and 4:00 p.m."

(Showing his pocket notebook, which has been used since 2001) 'I'm not playing with this. If I lose this, I lose everything. (Father showed two photo cards of True Parents from the notebook). This is the photo of parents sitting with crowns. (Then he showed another photo of True Parents who are standing)"

"I don't know the Creator and the God of Night Who had been in the Garden of Eden. In this era, it is the Second Messiah that works where God has been kicked out. I know God has been kicked out. (에덴 동산에서 뭐 창조주가 어떤 놈이고 밤의 하나님이 어떤 놈인지 나 모릅니다. 난 지금 시대에, 재림주가 뭐냐하면, 에덴동산에서 하나님이 쫓겨났어. 그?겨난 모르는 자리에서 일하는 것이 하나님이?겨난 것은 나 알아.)" 

The University of Oriental Medicine that Father is Planning to Establish

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (3. 29 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 14, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 14, 2012

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon # 48, titled "Position Where Happiness Starts." After the reading she sang for Shin Pyeon Nim "악어떼" (This Old Man) and "곰 세마리. (Three Bears)" Then she sang "천년바위" (Rock of Ages) and Father listened to it earnestly with his eyes closed.

Rev. Jeong Soon Jo made a report regarding the University of Oriental Medicine that Father is planning to establish in Las Vegas. In his report, he said that yesterday the Board of the Oriental Medical Doctors officially had approved the establishment of the university, which name is the Wongu Peace University. According to Rev. Jo, all four board members consented unanimously and they even asked him when he could open the university. Father, again listened to the report with his eyes closed.

Participants sang "진짜 사나이" (Real Man) and "광야의 사나이". (Man of the Wilderness) Father listened with his eyes closed while tapping the coffee table with his hands.

The following are the excerpts of the interview with Rev. Yang, which is included in the video clip that day.

"This is the place named 평화왕궁 (Peace Palace) by Father, which is 5 minutes away from the Las Vegas International Airport. This has 155,000 square feet and this is the biggest building in the suburbs of Las Vegas. Father bought this property one year ago, and today 3.28 HC, we will tear down one third of the building. We will establish an educational center that can hold 2,000 people, and Father is planning to use this place as the headquarters of the Abel UN. Father visited and blessed here today, and we expect to complete the construction by the end of this year. Please pray for this project. Thank you."

Please see the following photo of the property that was taken last year.


Father Released a Captured Carp

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 22 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

The night before Father went out fishing and on the boat he constantly spoke to the leaders who accompanied him. After Father released a captured carp at the dock at around 2:00 a.m., they went back to the Cheon Hwa Gung. They arrived there at 3:20 a.m. and then Father held Hoon Dok Hae that day.

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #48, titled "Only Love is the Ultimate Goal."

After the reading, she sang for Shin Pyeon Nim, who was sitting on the coffee table in front of Mother "곰세마리" (Same Roof Daddy) and "작은 별 (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)." Then Father and all sang "할미 꽃" (Grandma Flower Song) for him. 

Father Earnestly Sang with Her with His Eyes Closed

Sun Myung Moon and Yeong-seop Song
April 7, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.17 H.C.


Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #47, "The Path Our Families Take."

After the reading, she sang "천년바위" (Rock of Ages) and Father earnestly sang with her with his eyes closed.

The following are excerpts of the report of Rev. Yeong-seop Song from Japan.

"When I came to Las Vegas this time and saw True Parents, I felt that they seemed very happy (Father said, '아이고' [ouch] then laughed) and healthy. I heard the mood of Hoon Dok Hae has also been great. All Japanese members are always missing the place where True Parents stay. When I was assigned for the mission in Japan and went there four years ago, I saw 70 policemen at our headquarters. The atmosphere was as if that would be the beginning of the end of the Japanese Unification Church, and the members' spirit was going down. Father had sent Kook Jin Nim two days prior to my arrival and I felt that I must raise their faith up with Kook Jin Nim.

What I have realized in Japan was even though I did things I did only 5% and nothing could be possible without True Parents' pressing forward. It has been said that the earthquake would hit Japan between the end of January and early 2012, however Father sent Mother to Japan. Her 3-day stay for the meeting of FFWPU and WFWPU in Japan would have been a great worry for me but I heard from Mrs. McDevitt that Mother was to stay in Japan for eight days. I was happy to receive Mother but was worried so much about her. As you know for an earthquake, 5 minutes are enough to destroy Japan. God told me 'Don't worry,' but I know there is still human responsibility.

It's been 5 years since Mother last visited Japan. At the welcome party for her, she pulled out and showed Father's wallet to us. (Father said '지갑이야. / It's a wallet') ' She said when she was leaving, Father gave it to her. His wallet contains 3,000,000 Won and Father's ID card and as such, if he doesn't have it with him he can't go anywhere. When we saw the wallet all the participants including me cried feeling 'Father loves us and Japan so much.' When you visit our previous HQ in Korea located at Cheong Pa Dong, you find on Father's desk the models of 거북선 (Geo Buk Seon: the Turtle Ship) of Korea and 金閣寺 (Kinkakuji: the Golden Pavilion) of Japan. So when Japanese members visit there and see it, they were all moved feeling how much Father was concerned about Japan in his early days.

I later heard that Father had said in Las Vegas '나도 가고 싶다 / I want to go too.' Father gave me a specific purpose and I couldn't fulfill it yet and I have been so sorry. I was determined not to shed tears but when I saw her this time in Japan I couldn't stop my tears. I later heard that many members had the same experience.

The bill of 50,000 Won has the portrait of 신사임당 (Shin Sa Im Dang: Mother of Scholar Yul Gok Lee), and when she gave the money from the wallet, she explained the story of the mother. I think her messages are always simple and clear as well as very deep.

Through her visit, I can say that the members could feel the love of True Parents and could revive their faith. We tried to do our best to attend to Mother but we made some mistakes. For example, when she asked us to prepare her some Korean instant noodles, they brought her coffee, and when she asked for coffee, they brought her something else because they don't understand her in Korean. I was deeply ashamed. (True Parents smiled at his comments) So I told the regional leaders, 'When True Parents come to your region, you should choose the members who know Korean to attend to them,' and I started the campaign of studying Korean in the Japanese church.

After Mother left Japan, the earthquake started again, which had a magnitude of 5 to 6. The recent one had a magnitude of 6.9. I heard from Dae Mo Nim that after Mother's departure from japan, Japan would shake again. This time about 10 locations including Sendai had light earthquakes that had a magnitude between 2 to 3.

On April 1 (of the solar calendar), I prayed to God 'Thank you Heavenly Father, I can pray in front of you without dying.' I live every single day that way. According to the prediction of the Mayan culture, Dec. 21 of this year is the turning point of human history, as such, if Japan can survive that day, I will offer Og mansei to Heaven. Mother would say again that I speak too much so I will stop myself here. Thank you."

After the report, Rev. Song sang "내 마음 별과 같이," (My Heart is like the Stars) and Father listened to the song with eyes closed.