Tim Elder

Viewing Father's Body

Tim Elder
September 7, 2012


True Father's physical body is being viewed in a large room on the third floor of Cheon Jeong Gung. It is placed in a glass case on top of three decks of red, white and yellow roses. He is dressed in gold and red.

After people pay their respects at the altar set up in Cheongshim Peace World Center, they make their way up the hill to the Cheon Jeong Gung to honor Father directly.

They enter the room in groups of about 50. First, they offer a kyung-bae, and then pray silently for a minute. Then they are invited to take a couple steps forward for a final look. After that, they greet the True Family and exit the room.

Tables and chairs are set up in an anteroom to serve refreshments to senior government officials and other important guests.

Kook Jin Nim sat down with several of those guests. To each of them he said, "We have a beautiful church in Yongsan, called Cheon Bok Gung. I hope you will come see it sometime."

He told them how much Father loves Korea. Father's vision for Korea is that it becomes a country that will lead the way toward freedom and democracy in the world, he said.

When speaking with government officials, he explained that the government's relationship to the people should be similar to that of the Archangel's relationship with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If the government tries to become the master of the people, he told them, it is falls into the position of Satan.

When speaking with members of Korea's National Assembly, he explained it is Father's desire that Korea become militarily stronger and that it form a defense alliance with Japan and strengthen its alliance with the United States. Father makes clear this is the only way peace can be preserved in Northeast Asia, he said.

When speaking with leaders in Korea's financial community, he said the Unification Church theology offers a religious foundation for Korea, or any other country, to become strong and prosperous. 

The First Day of Receiving Well-Wishers at the World Center is Off to a Good Start

Tim Elder
September 6, 2012


It didn't really hit me until this morning, when I walked up the steps to the Cheongshim Peace World Center and saw two giant banners with True Father's portraits hanging on each side of the main entrance.

The first day of receiving well-wishers at the World Center is off to a good start. Members of the True Family are taking turns greeting guests, with the International President's couple taking the first two-hour shift.

People are coming in an orderly fashion. The Korea Unification Church headquarters yesterday sent out a schedule showing each region when they should come. Members of the 36-Couple Blessing and other senior couples were the first to pay their respects starting at 8 am.

A flower arrangement with a ribbon showing the name of President Lee Myung Bak sits stage right. 

Mother Invites Everyone to the Cheon Jeong Gung

Tim Elder
September 5, 2012


I am writing from a conference room in the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace, where staff are in full emergency mode.

The original plan drafted by staff was to have most guests pay their respects at an altar to be set up in the Cheongshim World Peace Center. Only VIPs would come up the hill to the Palace to view Father directly.

True Mother, though, vetoed that. She is allowing EVERYONE to come up the hill to the Cheon Jeong Gung, starting tomorrow. Can you imagine the logistical headaches involved in getting tens of thousands of people up and down this hill?

To help deal with the logistics, some days will be reserved for VIPs, others for general members and public. Journalists will be given full access to some events. With others, Peace TV will provide pool footage.

Some people are expressing concerning there may not be enough time before the 15th to accommodate everyone. If you're coming, don't wait until the last moment!

Members of the True Family are scheduled to take turns greeting guests.

Since True Father Arrived at Chung Pyung

Tim Elder
September 1, 2012


September 1, 2012

It has been 24 hours since True Father arrived at the Cheongshim International Medical Center in Gapyeong.

Unfortunately, I am being told his condition has not improved during that time. In fact, it is moving in the opposite direction.

I will continue to update with any information that I am able to obtain.

September 2, 2012

I have no new information today on True Father's condition. It seems clear he is still not showing signs of significant improvement.

There is concern we may be drawing closer to the time when Father's physical body can no longer be sustained and he will transition to the spirit world. Even if that happens, the complete unity of True Parents means there will be no interruption in the work of the Providence. 

Joon Ho Seuk and Peter Kim Brief Members on Father's Health Situation

Tim Elder
August 31, 2012


Dr. Joon Ho Seuk and Rev. Peter Kim briefed members on Father's situation this morning at Cheong Bok Gung. The crowd filled both the main sanctuary and an overflow room on the same floor. There must have been about 2,000 people there.

Dr. Seuk did not go beyond what he already said in the letter to members that was released Thursday evening. If you have not seen it, please refer to the copy poste...d on the Tongil Foundation Facebook page.

Rev. Kim gave additional details about the course of events and the decisions that were made along the way. He also told us about the very desperate efforts by True Mother and the True Children at each juncture to find the correct path to follow.

The emotional and physical toll on the True Family has been tremendous. At one point, Hyung Jin Nim collapsed, hit his head on the stone floor and had to be treated in the emergency room for a few hours. He is alright now.

When True Mother was informed of the doctors' opinion that modern medicine could do nothing more for Father, she went into a room where she could be alone and wept out loud.

Rev. Kim quoted her as later telling the people around her, "All we can do now is pray for a miracle. But whether the miracle happens is Heaven's decision, not ours."

Let's all pray and offer Jeong Seong for this miracle.

One person asked me why True Father wasn't taken to Cheongshim Hospital earlier. The answer is that St. Mary's Hospital, one of the best hospitals in Korea, has a higher standard of medical care.

Now, modern medicine cannot help him any further and the only hope we have is for a miracle. So he is being moved back to Chung Pyung, where a miracle is more likely to occur. 

Mother's Visit to the ICU

Tim Elder
August 28, 2012


I spent most of the day today offering Jeong Seong at the hospital where True Father is being treated. A major typhoon was blowing through the Korean peninsula, closing schools and slowing life in general.

In the afternoon, I saw True Mother enter the ICU to visit Father. She was accompanied by Kook Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim, Ye Jin Nim and Hoon Mo Nim. When Father first arrived at the hospital Mother was visiting him many times a day. Now, the doctor limits her visits to two a day. Between visits, she stays in another room in the hospital.

The typhoon did less damage than was expected. Let's hope it was a "good" typhoon that blew away all the evil spirits on the peninsula. 

Jeong Seong at True Father's Intensive Care Unit

Tim Elder
August 27, 2012


I spent a few hours this evening with a group offering Jeong Seong outside the entrance to True Father's intensive care unit. The atmosphere was hopeful but tense. We felt that if we could protect Father a little while longer -- a few days, a few weeks, a few months -- perhaps he will return to us and let us hear his voice again.

He is still attached to many machines that are sustaining his life. There is no word on when he might be able to remove these machines and come out of intensive care. 

True Father's Condition

Tim Elder
August 24, 2012

True Father's condition remains stable but critical. He continues to be treated in the intensive care unit. His lungs and kidneys are not functioning well enough to sustain his life, so he is attached to various machines that supplement these functions.

Senior members and leaders are being given opportunities to go to Father a few at a time and see his situation directly.

With True Mother's permission, Kook Jin Nim Thursday kept a scheduled itinerary to travel to visit the Japanese Church. Because of his U.S. tour and other projects, he had not been to Japan in more than a month, an unusually long absence when you consider that he has been to Japan more than 90 times since February 2009.

According to the reports Kook Jin Nim received yesterday, the Japanese Church organization continues to do well. Membership, church attendance and donations all continue to grow.

The "Strong Japan and Korea?" campaign is reconnecting us to many of our conservative friends from the IFVOC days. At the same time, the campaign differentiates us from chauvinistic right wing organizations by setting unity with South Korea and other democratic Asian countries as a major goal. 

How We Are Reacting to True Father's Condition

Tim Elder
August 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon

I heard a person with direct knowledge of True Father's condition say this afternoon that there is no change since yesterday.

This person said: "'No change' means that Father's body has a chance to heal itself, so we want to keep hearing 'no change' for the next week or two."

He also pointed out: "Father is still in the Intensive Care Unit, and his situation is still critical. If his condition starts deteriorating, it could become very bad in a matter of hours. We need to keep praying."

Today is the half-way point in the very important week for Father's recovery. His condition remains critical but relatively stable. True Mother and the True Family are still either in the hospital itself or in the nearby hotel.

The atmosphere is still very serious.

Kook Jin Nim starts each day with a visit to the hospital, and keeps as close to the hospital as possible during the remainder of the day.

He also keeps as much of his scheduled appointments as possible so that the Providence can keep moving forward. On Monday, he traveled to the northern suburb of Uijeongbu to meet the mayor and give the "Strong Korea?" lecture. He spoke to an audience of Ambassadors for Peace and other community leaders. Uijeongbu is close to the North Korean border, and so has the largest number of military bases in the country.

One thing we are grateful for as we go through this difficult period is the treatment of True Father by the Korean media. He is no longer a "cult" leader. Instead, he is being given the proper level of respect for someone who occupies a major position in South Korean society.

Most South Koreans recognize that, when all is said and done, Father has done a lot for the national interests of Korea.... People these days talk about a "Korean wave", but Father was the Korean wave before that term was even invented. He is the original Korean wave.

The initial report of his illness was reported in many television news broadcasts. KBS, the main national television station, has been following up by publishing almost daily updates on Father's condition in their news ticker that runs at the bottom of the screen during news programs. Many newspapers are also publishing regular reports on his progress. The information in these reports is consistent with what Dr. Seuk has been sharing with us on a daily basis.

True Mother has instructed that the work of the Providence must continue. At Tongil Foundation, that is what we are doing. But our work is always mixed with prayer for Father's quick recovery. 

Hyung Jin Moon's Account of Sun Myung Moon's Medical Situation

Tim Elder
August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Nim gave a detailed account of True Father's medical situation during his sermon at Cheon Bok Gung this morning. It was enough information to put an end to any discussion of Father having communicated verbally with anyone, or of his taking any nourishment through his mouth, during the past several days.

What follows here is just a summary. Please refer to the full text of Hyung Jin Nim...'s sermon when it is published.

Hyung Jin Nim's description of events began on July 16, when True Father returned from Las Vegas and gathered Korean members at the Cheongshim World Center. Father developed a slight cough that became progressive worse, until True Mother insisted that he go to a hospital.

He was admitted once to Seoul St. Mary's Hospital (Korean name Gangnam Holy Mother Hospital), but was discharged after ten days based on his strong desire to leave the hospital.

On returning to Cheon Jeong Gung, he performed many ceremonies and gave many revelations. Then, his situation deteriorated once again, and he had to be taken back to the hospital.

On arrival at the hospital, his breathing was so weak that nurses had to administer artificial respiration, using their hands to apply pressure to his lungs.

His lungs were so weak that even the application of an oxygen mask was not enough to bring his blood oxygen level up. So he was put on a mechanical respirator. This involved placing a tube down his throat. To withstand the pain, he was put into a deep sleep.

Even this was not enough. the mechanical respirator operating at full capacity still could not get enough oxygen into his blood. So the hospital used a procedure to bring blood out of his body, force oxygen into, and place back into his body.

Fortunately, this worked. As of this morning, he is able to get enough oxygen with the mechanical respirator working at just 30 percent capacity. This means the tube is still in his throat, and he is still in a deep sleep. He cannot yet breathe on his own.

He is being fed rice water through his nose.

The doctor says Father will need to remain in the Intensive Care Unit for at least another week. Because of his age, sudden and dramatic deterioration is possible at any time.

The Cheon Bok Gung congregation today offered 120 gyeongbae (half bows) for True Father's recovery. Let's continue our strong prayers and Jeong Seong throughout the world. 

True Mother Keeping Vigil in the Hospital with True Father

Tim Elder
August 17, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

True Mother has been keeping a vigil in the same hospital as True Father during this time of difficulty. She has not left the building even once. International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim (Juksajang Nim) have been with her the entire time. Foundation Chairman Kook Jin Nim has been spending the large majority of his time at the hospital, and getting very little sleep, while carrying on...with previously scheduled providential events. Jieh Nim, Kook Jin Nim's wife, has remained at Mother's side. Choi Yeon Ah Nim and Hoon Sook Nim have also remained with True Mother.

True Mother has been receiving regular updates on Father's condition, and has visited him as often as is allowed. If it were possible, I am sure she would want to be by Father's side 24 hours a day. Because of Father's critical condition, however, the doctor does not allow this.

When this critical period began, all members of the True Family, including Hyun Jin Nim, received a request to come to the hospital to support True Father. They have arrived in Seoul and are now based in a nearby hotel.

It has been two days now since the doctor said, "The next 48 hours are critical". We have no news yet, though. Perhaps something will be known a little later in the morning, after the doctor briefs the True Family. For now, the absence of news is the best news.