True Father

Preparing For Our True Father's Seonghwa

Joshua Cotter
September 4, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from Korea. We are now preparing for our True Father's Seonghwa, under the personal direction of our True Mother in order to honor our True Father on the world stage. In all of history, and for all time, there is no greater title than True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This is the crowning glory of True Father's victorious life.

Many of us have followed our True Parents for years, or even decades, and are honored to attend him at the time of his ascension. It is only now that we are beginning to realize the value of his life. We want to show the world through his Universal Seonghwa Ceremony his absolute greatness, so that they too may awaken to who he is and what he has given to the world.

Our True Mother invites each and every brother or sister to please come to Korea. She wants everyone who loves our True Father to be able to offer devotion to him in person. This is an incredible blessing and priceless opportunity. Each family is asked to make a $1,200 offering to express their gratitude.

We hope that at least one person from each family can attend True Father's Universal Seonghwa Ceremony on September 15th. You may arrive between September 12th to 14th to pray and offer devotion. We ask that all brothers and sisters stay for our True Mother's historic address to our worldwide membership on September 17th. It's crucial that we come together at this time and express our unity and commitment centering on True Mother's leadership, representing True Parents.

We are responsible for our own airfare. National Headquarters is currently researching flight options to facilitate such a large pilgrimage. Accommodations will be provided for all participants.

Let us join together in supporting our eternal True Parents. As In Jin Nim reminded us in her speech to the Chicago congregation, "None of us would be here without True Parents. We would not have our spouse or our eternal and unique, precious children." Let's show our love and gratitude to True Parents.


Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

True Father’s Seonghwa

To : Regional Presidents, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From : Unification Church World Mission Headquarters
Date : 7.17 by the Heavenly Calendar (September 3, 2012)
Re. : True Father’s Seonghwa

I pray that the grace and love of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will overflow upon all blessed families in each region, mission nation, and providential organization, and throughout the world.

Our beloved True Father who came to this earth as the Savior of humankind, the Messiah, the True Parent and the King of Kings and lived a holy life of true love throughout his 93 years, shedding blood, sweat and tears for God’s liberation, the salvation of humankind and world peace, having concluded, completed and perfected his providential mission, ascended into the spirit world at 1:54 AM, 7.17 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (September 3, 2012) at the Cheongshim International Medical Center. He was surrounded by True Mother and the True Children.

I offer my most sincere thanks to all our members worldwide who have offered jeongseong for the sake of our True Father’s recovery. Details and the full schedule of True Father’s Seonghwa Ceremony will be announced later.

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Our Dear True Father Ascended

Ki Hoon Kim
September 3, 2012


Dear Canadian family members,

Good morning.

This morning 1:54 am Korea time our dear True Father ascended to the spirit world at the cheongshim hospital.

True Father's holy boday return to the Cheon Cheong Place at 3:30 am.

We will have 13 days Sunghwa ceremonial service at cheonshim world peace center and on 13th day officiate the Cosmic Sunghwa ceremony for True Father.

HQ will request all world family members come to Korea and participate in the ceremony. More in detail will come very soon to you.

Let us offer continued our utmost effort for the sake of our beloved True Father.

OEG MANSEI True Father,

Oeg Mansei True Father

Oeg Masei True Father.


Ki Hoon Kim 

Announcing Plans for True Father's Seonghwa Ceremony

Joshua Cotter
September 3, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the love of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents be with you and your families.

We have now received initial information from the World Mission Headquarters regarding the schedule for the "Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind" as follows:

1. Personal Jeon Seong period (three days) -- September 3-5, 2012 (7.17-19 by the Heavenly calendar)

2. Special period for paying respect at the Cheongshim Peace World Center (eight-day period) -- September 6-13, 2012 (7.20-27 by the Heavenly calendar)

3. Casket ceremony at the Cheon Jeong Gung -- September 14, 2012 (7.28 by the Heavenly calendar)

4. Heaven and Earth Seonghwa Ceremony at the Cheongshim Peace World Center -- September 15, 2012, 10:00 AM (7.28 by the Heavenly calendar)

5. Special Launch Ceremony for Members of the World at the Cheongshim Peace World Center -- September 17, 2012 (8.2 by the Heavenly calendar)

The dress code for the Seonghwa Ceremony is black or dark-colored suit with a white necktie for men, and white or cream-colored suit or dress for women (the dress should be of a length that covers the knees).

Participation from the USA

All members throughout the world are encouraged to attend the Seonghwa Ceremony and, if possible, the Special Launch Ceremony. Ambassadors for Peace, clergy and outreach contacts are also invited to attend the Seonghwa Ceremony. Arrangements are being made in Korea for thousands of attendees. We recommend that participants arrive in Korea on September 12, 13 or 14 to pay their respect, participate in the Seonghwa Ceremony on September 15 and Special Launch Ceremony on September 17 and depart Korea on the evening of September 17 or September 18.

Participants are responsible for all expenses related to travel and accommodations while in Korea. Our national headquarters will assist with information about available lodging, ground transportation and possible flight options. Information will be sent during the next few days.

All participants (Unificationists and contacts) planning to attend the events in Korea are required to register through their local Unification Church leader. Assistance should be given to the church leaders by leaders of ACLC, UPF, WFWP and other organizations in registering their respective contacts.

Information will be complied and shared through an online Google Docs spreadsheet.

Ongoing Conditions

Conditions of prayer and Jeon Seong should continue according to prior plans and schedules, including the 24-hour rotating prayer condition shared by all Districts and special conditions related to Foundation Day.

Local Memorial Alters

A memorial alter will be set up in each local church location throughout the nation during the period of September 4-13, 2012 (7.20-27 by the Heavenly calendar) . Please watch for information from your local leader regarding the alter plan.

The official photograph of True Father for alters and home use is available here:

Announcing Plans for True Father's Seonghwa Ceremony

Thank you, Brothers and Sisters, for your tremendous faith and investment in God's Providence and our True Parents. Please continue to offer sincere prayer and Jeon Seong for our True Father's ascension, and unite with your local church leader during this important time.

Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

Meeting with True Mother about True Father

Yong Cheon Song
September 3, 2012


Dear European Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you so much for your constant heart and Jeong Seong in support of True Parents at this momentous time in God's providence.

As you know our Beloved True Father ascended into the spirit world at 1:54 am on 7.17 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (September 3rd 2012) in the loving company of True Mother and True Children. From today we enter a thirteen day Seonghwa period culminating in True Father's Seonghwa Ceremony.

It is my great privilege to represent you all at this time and I therefore want to share with you that I could accompany Kook Jin Nim to True Father's room on the 8th floor of the Cheongshim International Medical Center yesterday during the last few hours of his earthly life. There I could offer a prayer and tell True Father: `I am here with all Blessed Central Families from Europe to offer you our deep heart and honour'.

Yesterday morning True Mother called the Continental Directors together for a meeting and I could feel how much True Mother's heart and spirit is in total oneness with True Father. She delivered a message that all True Children, all Blessed Central Families and Church members should be one and completely united with True Parents in offering glory and honour for (what was at that time) True Father's expected ascension.

True Mother was already aware that True Father's passing was close at hand. She asked us to prepare to send him to Heaven and to feel gratitude in deep understanding of the meaning and significance of the Seonghwa Ceremony. She advised that we should think of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who are alive and deeply reflect upon True Father's life of total investment.

True Mother emphasized that the thirteen day Seonghwa period, which begins from today, should prepare for the most glorious and dignified Ceremony for our True Father as the one and only victorious Savior and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This should be attended by our worldwide membership, but also we should bring representative Heads of State and Government and the highest level VIPs to join with us in offering deep respect as participants in the Ceremony.

The Seonghwa Ceremony should also be held worldwide so that all members and Ambassadors for Peace who are not able to attend in Korea can offer their heart and respect to True Father.

Let all the Korean people and all the world join!

(We will pass further guidance and information as soon as it becomes available)

Very early this morning the announcement was made that True Father had ascended to the spirit world. True Mother had mentioned that the spiritual and physical worlds are absolutely united and showed her strong determination that the Unification Church and Movement will make ten times greater accomplishment than ever before.

True Mother encourages as many as possible of our precious Family Members to come to Korea to join the Seonghwa Ceremony. We are all the precious children of our True Parents and naturally feel the heart to attend our True Parents in this most significant and historical moment.

More information will be officially confirmed shortly, but we expect that arrivals in Korea should be on 13th or 14th September, for an expected Seonghwa Ceremony on 15th September and a public address by True Mother on the 17th September (departures on 18th).

Please immediately inform your National Headquarters of your attendance at the Seonghwa Ceremony in Korea so that your HQ can inform the European Office and we can report an estimation of numbers attending from Europe to World Mission Headquarters.

Yong Cheon Song

President Unification Church, Europe
Continental Director of Europe 

True Father's Seonghwa Ceremony

Robert Williamson
September 3, 2012


A few days ago the continental leader of Africa, Rev Katsumi Ohtsuka called Kathy Rigney in South Africa expressing his hope that all the 1975 missionaries would come to Korea for True Father's Seonghwa Ceremony. Those who in 1975 sent out by True Father began through their sacrifice the world wide expansion of the Church. Also below is part of a message which came in from President Song the continental leader of Europe who is in Korea.

"True Mother emphasized that the thirteen day Seonghwa period, which begins from today, should prepare for the most glorious and dignified Ceremony for our True Father as the one and only victorious Savior and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This should be attended by our worldwide membership, but also we should bring representative Heads of State and Government and the highest level VIPs to join with us in offering deep respect as participants in the Ceremony."

Hope to see many of you in Korea! 

True Father’s Seonghwa

I pray that the grace and love of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will overflow upon all blessed families in each region, mission nation, and providential organization, and throughout the world.

Our beloved True Father who came to this earth as the Savior of humankind, the Messiah, the True Parent and the King of Kings and lived a holy life of true love throughout his 93 years, shedding blood, sweat and tears for God’s liberation, the salvation of humankind and world peace, having concluded, completed and perfected his providential mission, ascended into the spirit world at 1:54 AM, 7.17 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (September 3, 2012) at the Cheongshim International Medical Center. He was surrounded by True Mother and the True Children.

I offer my most sincere thanks to all our members worldwide who have offered jeongseong for the sake of our True Father’s recovery.

Details and the full schedule of True Father’s Seonghwa Ceremony will be announced later.

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Significant Words from True Father 36 Years Ago - A 'Must-Read'

Joshua Cotter
September 2, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Following is an incredible speech from True Father delivered thirty-six years ago with contents that are especially relevant at this time. Please share it with your families.

Let us continue to offer our sincere prayers for our True Father and prepare for the important days ahead.


Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1976 -- Tarrytown, New York

"I would like to share something important with you. I have had many experiences in which I was misunderstood, yet I remained absolutely silent without protesting and stood quietly on the side of God, giving Him my utmost loyalty and knowing that He was on my side. There is no death anymore, and if I were to suddenly die I would continue to work in the same way in the spirit world. That is why I don't protest, even though the world curses and criticizes me and is scornful to me. After my death millions of people in the spirit world and here on earth will testify to my deeds, and to what I have done in history. This may not come in my own lifetime, but in eternity I know that my deeds will shine.

Moreover, I will have opened the way to help those who suffer most, after I go to spirit world. I can be in a position to assist those who are suffering here on earth, because by my suffering I will have set the condition. You see, in the spirit world those in history who suffered the most in the name of God occupy the central positions, so I intend to outdo or surpass the suffering of all the past saints, so as to not only dwell among them but rise up above them, so that together we can more quickly liberate the suffering souls of the world. Do you understand? It's all a part of heavenly strategy. Even though I have suffered, and will suffer still more, and I will be misunderstood and accused even more, by taking this treatment without protest I continuously nurture this tradition, and eventually our way of life and our truth will prevail. I know it. The work will never stop, whether I am here on earth or up in heaven.

Thus it is immaterial whether or not I can unify the world within my lifetime, for this work will go on and on, and I will continue to lead it, whether I am here on earth or in the spirit world. This ideology, this philosophy, this tradition and this heart will inevitably unify the world. Even after my death, as a spirit man I will constantly appear and lead you into the same tradition, the same way of life, until we have achieved the complete kingdom of God here on earth. This is the principle under which I am operating. I do not expect this to happen in ten years or even in my lifetime, but in eternity.

I know the spirit world so well. I know its system and organization inside out. At present that world is invisible to you, but the assault of the spirit world upon the physical world is almost like a hurricane or a typhoon. Soon the new heaven and earth will open up in front of you. I know that timetable so clearly. It is coming, and it will bring a new world and a new way of life. When an extreme high pressure point and an extreme low pressure point confront, the impact is great and the result is new form. We might say that an historical typhoon has come to blow in front of the Unification Church, and the high and low pressures will clash and explode, opening up the way for us. That time is not very far away. The spirit world and the physical world are getting closer and closer, and I must lead you and this movement in the right direction."

Entire speech:

News About True Father -- September 2, 2012, 2:00 PM EST

Joshua Cotter
September 2, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I just received word form our Senior Pastor, Rev. In Jin Moon, in Korea that our True Father passed into the spiritual world at 1:54 AM Monday, September 3rd, Korea time.

Once again, thank you for all of your prayers and let us now continue to pray for our True Father and True Mother.

At this time, it is important that we are absolutely united with our True Mother's direction as we prepare worldwide for True Father's Sung Hwa. Please stay in close touch with your District Pastor as we receive official direction from Korea from this moment forward.

Thank you and God Bless you,

Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

Since True Father Arrived at Chung Pyung

Tim Elder
September 1, 2012


September 1, 2012

It has been 24 hours since True Father arrived at the Cheongshim International Medical Center in Gapyeong.

Unfortunately, I am being told his condition has not improved during that time. In fact, it is moving in the opposite direction.

I will continue to update with any information that I am able to obtain.

September 2, 2012

I have no new information today on True Father's condition. It seems clear he is still not showing signs of significant improvement.

There is concern we may be drawing closer to the time when Father's physical body can no longer be sustained and he will transition to the spirit world. Even if that happens, the complete unity of True Parents means there will be no interruption in the work of the Providence. 

The Latest News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
September 1, 2012


Beloved brothers and sisters of the Unification Family throughout the world, I would like to inform all our brothers and sisters who are on the alert for updates on True Father, concerned and worried even at this moment while offering intense Jeong Seong, that True Father has safely arrived at the Cheongshim International Medical Center in Chung Pyung.

Yesterday (7.14 by the heavenly calendar / August 31, 2012) True Father departed the Seoul St. Mary's Hospital at 6:40 PM and safely arrived at the Cheongshim International Medical Center at around 7:40 PM. As I had earlier informed our members, True Father's doctor, Dr. Chun, and Dr. Kim, who is in overall charge of patients with respiratory disorders at the intensive care unit of the St. Mary's Hospital, accompanied True Father in the ambulance and oversaw the entire process of the transfer. Two veteran nurses who were exclusively in charge of True Father at the intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital and Chairman Kook Jin Moon, representing the True Family, were also in the ambulance and, while offering Jeong Seong, stayed at True Father's side all the way to Cheongshim Hospital.

After arriving, True Father was brought to the special room (a private room for True Father's use) at Cheongshim International Medical Center. The doctors and nurses who accompanied Father from St. Mary's Hospital and the doctors and nurses at Cheongshim International Medical Center were of one heart and mind in safely preparing True Father's room, bringing in the machines that were used at St. Mary's Hospital and setting them up alongside the facilities at Cheongshim Hospital, which had been prepared to perfection.

Brothers and sisters, True Mother earlier (on 7.1 by the heavenly calendar) clarified that what is important to us at this time, and what we should be doing more than anything else, is offering Jeong Seong for True Father, rather than simply focusing on the details of Father's health condition. Let us therefore continue to offer prayer and special Jeong Seong without interruption so that our Jeong Seong can reach Heaven and True Father's physical body can miraculously recover.

With this message, the daily updates on True Father's condition which I have been sharing with you will be tentatively suspended. I will immediately convey updates to you in the event of any special occurrences in the course of True Father's treatment.

Thank you.

7.15 by the heavenly calendar (September 1, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 31, 2012


Sent to all regional headquarters and mission nations

This is to inform you that True Father was safely transferred from the Seoul St. Mary's Hospital to the Cheongshim International Medical Center in Chung Pyung this evening, August 31 (Korea time).

More details will be provided soon.

Thank you for all your prayers, fasting conditions and Jeong Seong until now, and let us all continue with these spiritual offerings for True Father's recovery.

7.14 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 31, 2012)


Unification Church
World Mission Headquarters

True Father’s Providential Course of Fighting His Illness

To : Regional Presidents, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From : Unification Church World Mission Headquarters
Date : 7.13 by the Heavenly Calendar (August 30, 2012)
Re. : Message from the International Vice-President

May God and True Parents’ blessings and love be with all regions, mission nations and providential organizations.

Below is a message from Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, the International Vice-President. Please share this with your members in the regions and mission nations.

True Father’s providential course of fighting his illness

Beloved members throughout the world! Let us eternally praise and congratulate Heaven’s glory and True Parents’ victory. True Parents appeared for the first and last time in human history and governs as the True Parents for eternity. They are our messiah, savior and king of peace.

Brothers and sisters,
True Father has been in an intense fight with an illness since August 3, 2012. After returning from the United States on July 16, he had a persistent cough stemming from a serious cold. Yet without concerning himself with his ailment, True Father visited the mission field, personally leading and directing providence beginning with early morning hoondokhae each day. In the course of pushing himself beyond his limits without attending to his physical body, True Father fell ill with pneumonia.

True Father is in his advanced years, and is 93 years old by Korean counting. Despite his aging body, True Father drove his body hard without evening resting for a single day. How could his physical body that reached its limits not be vulnerable to such illness? True Father is unwavering with his principles of living life in a way so that he would never need to make use of the services of a hospital. This has been his guiding principle, thus he was not overly eager to go to the hospital this time. However, he finally resolved to go after True Mother’s fervent appeal. Beginning with a house call by Dr. Hoo Geun Chun, the Director of the Cancer Institute of Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, whom True Father trusted and requested treatment since his time in the United States, True Father was finally admitted into the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital.

In this way True Father was admitted into the St. Mary’s Hospital on August 3. For the next ten days he received all the necessary inspections including X-rays, MRI and other examinations. In the end, it was determined that he had pneumonia. His condition was quite serious, and it was discovered that there was water in his lungs due to blood poisoning and respiratory failure. The doctor warned that True Father had to be kept ‘absolutely at rest.’ However, True Father strongly instructed that he had to go to Cheon Jeong Gung and so on August 12, he returned to Cheon Jeong Gung. After returning, he went around each and every place of Cheon Jeong Gung, caressing the things there as if he were saying goodbye. True Father also gave a serious prayer with True Mother as if it were his last prayer. True Father was seen putting things in their place and saying “I have completed everything!” four times during the day. During this time True Father was saying “thank you” to True Mother whenever he had the chance while clasping her hand.

In this way, True Father spent the entire night without any sleep at Cheon Jeong Gung at times in prayer and at times giving guidance. On August 13 the next day, he said that he wanted to take a car to go around the Cheongpyeong complex. The staff drove him to the front of the Cheongshim Middle and High School. Yet, his condition remained serious; an ordinary person in his state would not have even been able to stand up. The mental strength he showed that day was beyond imagination. However, in the afternoon, True Father’s strength started to decline rapidly. True Mother was the first to sense this change. In tears, True Mother begged Father to go to the hospital with her. In ordinary times, Father would have flatly refused but on this day he willingly accepted True Mother’s advice saying “Yes, mother. Thank you” and headed for the Cheongshim International Medical Center.

During the few hours that True Father stayed at the Cheongshim International Medical Center while undergoing treatment, his conditioned worsened. Seeing True Father cough severely and struggling in pain, True Mother immediately obtained True Father’s approval and instructed to have him transferred to the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, a general hospital in Seoul. Given the urgency of the circumstances, they seated True Father in the SUV that he usually rode, and with two nurses from the Cheongshim Hospital at his side and two tanks of oxygen, they continued to supply True Father with oxygen on the way. What usually was an hour’s drive, must have felt like a thousand years in a dreadful and desperate battle. With twenty minutes left to the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, True Father’s respiration became extremely rough and it seemed that he could not hold out anymore. At that point, everybody in the car, from the driver and to the nurses, felt that the world was about to end. Overcome with emotion, they sped with their life and were able to safely bring True Father to the hospital.

True Father was admitted into room 207 at the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, and immediately began receiving emergency treatment. Though it was nighttime, there were five to six doctors and seven to eight nurses who were paged at short notice, and all types of equipment for emergency treatment were brought in.

It was an hour-long battle reminiscent of a war field. We were praying and beseeching to heaven; we were trembling in fear and anxiety, unable to shed tears or even breathe easily even when we closed our eyes. Finally, the emergency measures came to an end, and it was only after midnight that True Father could be moved to the intensive care unit on the fifth floor. It was the longest day of my life. It was way past one in the morning when Dr. Chun emerged from the intensive care unit after completing the setup. He said “If you were even thirty minutes later in bringing Father from the Cheongshim Hospital to this hospital, something serious might have happened today,” expressing his amazement in True Mother’s wise and prompt decision and action.

This is how True Father began his fight against his illness in the intensive care unit. Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital is one of the five largest hospitals in the Republic of Korea. The medical technology of Korea is not in any way inferior to that of any other nation of the world. The top medical team and most advanced medical care in the world were mobilized and they are investing themselves completely for True Father’s recovery, which I am confirming each day. I also have unending appreciation to Dr. Chun, the main doctor, for his dedication and hard work. True Father’s condition is being monitored without error twenty-four hours a day. All the necessary equipment and injections for treatment are being flawlessly employed.

Dear beloved members!
According to the principle of creation, human beings are born with a physical body, and everyone without exception will conclude their earthly life and move on to the spirit world which is the world of eternal life. Through True Father’s teachings, we are more than aware of this principle. At the same time, it is what makes us human that prevents us from neglecting or leaving an ill person unattended. It is the duty and proper way of being human to do our best in taking care of our parents, family members, or relatives around us if they fall ill and then fight their illness. This is because we live in the same era and environment as they live, and we build all manner of bonds and relationships as we go about our earthly life.

If that is so, what do you think True Mother and True Children are going through as they watch over and nurse True Father who is battling his illness each day? It is not that they do not understand the principle that human beings with physical bodies go through three stages of life. Indeed with True Mother, we are grasping Heaven and fervently praying for a miracle. True Father is the one and only messiah in human history. He is the one and only savior who will be recorded and attended to eternally as the True Parent. No couple other than the True Parents would ever become the True Parents of Humankind. The seven billion people of this world should stay up a ll night in prayer wishing for the recovery of True Father, who is so precious and dear to all of us, as he fights against his illness in the intensive care unit. We should appeal to Heaven for True Father to remain with us for at least another day before he departs if not for the sake of the pitiable souls on earth.

Beloved brothers and sisters!
However, it seems that Heaven’s providence does not always move according to human will. For a while it appeared that True Father’s condition was improving; however, during the last few days, the doctors reported that he has entered an irreversible stage of his condition. With a grieved and sorrowful heart, True Mother and the rest of us who looked after True Father at the hospital, conferred with the doctors at the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital and the Seoul National University Hospital.

However, like a bolt of lightning from a blue sky, we unexpectedly received the following warning. The top doctors in the field of respiratory systems at the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital and Seoul National University Hospital reached the conclusion that given the level of modern medical practice, they could no longer promise the recovery of True Father’s pulmonary function. I wept bitterly in the face of this shocking reality that the probability of True Father recovering his pulmonary function was virtually nonexistent. This was August 28. Seeing True Mother enter her room alone and endlessly crying, my heart was torn and I wailed in sorrow. In that we have reached the point at which this stark reality cannot be reversed, we have to take steps towards the next stage in providence.

In accordance with True Mother’s instructions, we held an emergency meeting in the afternoon of August 28. A solemn meeting was held with True Mother and eight participants—Rev. Young Hwi Kim, Dr. Bo Hi Pak, Rev. Jae Seok Lee, Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, Hoon-Mo Nim, Rev. Hyo Yul Kim, and Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim representing the True Family. In light of the serious reality that we faced, all of us seriously contemplated and discussed what we could do to have True Father remain on the earth a little bit more and how to keep him comfortable before his eventual departure. True Mother’s will was stronger than ever. She stated “No matter what happens, we must protect True Father’s sacred body.”

Medically speaking, there is no mistake that the intensive care unit of a general hospital is strictly protected and under tight management. However, the spiritual atmosphere and environment was very inadequate and unclean. Several people die each day and during visiting hours, the ward is bustling with people like a stop at a train station. Being in a critical condition, True Father’s level of immunity had fallen to being close to zero. He is placed in a situation where there is no knowing when a stray bacteria or virus could invade True Father’s system. It is also deeply regrettable that True Father’s condition requires that he be kept ‘absolutely at rest.’ Thus, True Mother and the True Children were limited to two visits a day, allowing for only two people to enter for twenty minutes at a time. As a result, there were even some members of the True Family who were unable to see True Father for some days at a time.

In these unfortunate circumstances, the decision that was reached by True Mother and all the participants of the emergency meeting was to transfer True Father from the intensive care unit at the St. Mary’s Hospital to a special room (reserved for True Parents’ exclusive use) at the Cheongshim International Medical Center in Cheongpyeong where he can continue to receive treatment. All the medical equipment and treatment that True Father received at the intensive care unit at St. Mary’s Hospital will be transferred as well so that True Father’s treatment can continue uninterrupted. The process of transferring True Father from the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital to the Cheongshim International Medical Center will be carried out under the responsibility of Dr. Chun, Father’s main doctor, and Dr. Kim who is the supervising doctor of patients with respiratory disorders at the intensive care unit of the St. Mary’s Hospital. Both doctors will be with True Father in the ambulance that will take True Father to the Cheongshim International Medical Center. These doctors will continue to visit True Father frequently and do their utmost for True Father’s treatment. Furthermore, we invited a doctor from Japan who specializes in dealing with the respiratory systems to be exclusively responsible for watching over True Father and overseeing his treatment twenty-four hours a day. The veteran nurses who were placed in exclusive charge over True Father at the intensive care unit at St. Mary’s Hospital will also accompany True Father when he is relocated to the Cheongshim Hospital and will remain there to nurse him. An intensive care unit will be fully prepared, placing True Father in a spacious room without having to share it with other patients. There he will be under the care of True Mother and other members of the True Family twenty-four hours a day. It is my wish that a miracle from Heaven occurs in relation to True Father’s condition amid the prayers and holy songs of our many members.

Although True Father is in the intensive care unit at a general hospital, in reality he is currently sustaining his life with the assistance of various machines. More than fifteen days have passed since he was admitted into an intensive care unit for pneumonia. Symptoms of complications have continued to arise. True Father’s kidneys have ceased to function, and the function of his liver is deteriorating rapidly. Furthermore, True Father’s circulation has reached the point where he can no longer sustain his life without the supply of oxygen artificially produced by a machine. In these circumstances, the officials at Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital informed us that “There is no longer any way to improve True Father’s condition through modern medical technology.” Thus, True Mother, the True Children and all those who participated in the emergency meeting, reached the conclusion that having True Father receive professional treatment at the Cheongshim International Medical Center established by True Parents within the estate of Cheongpyeong, a location designated as a holy ground for all people, would have greater providential significance. Soon True Father will be transferred, while receiving care by the doctors from the Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, to the Cheongpyeong area where True Parents’ Cheon Jeong Palace is located.

Beloved brothers and sisters!
We should ask Heaven for a miracle through our continuous prayers and jeongseong. Let us pray with a fervent heart for True Father to completely restore his health by Foundation Day so that he can personally preside and oversee the historic and providential Foundation Day celebrations. I believe that miracles will occur if our prayers and jeongseong reach Heaven.

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 30, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:

I thank the entire Unification Family for their tremendous offering of Jeong Seong with a fervent heart centering on True Mother and the True Children for the common cause of True Father's recovery and continued health. Like the old saying, "Sincerity moves Heaven," I believe that our Jeong Seong reaches Heaven, and that God will create miracles, making the impossible possible, and that True Father's health will miraculously improve.

This morning, True Father's condition has not greatly changed compared to yesterday, and he is being supplied with the maximum amount of oxygen.

Despite being 93 years old, True Father repeatedly pushed his physical limitations to harsh levels at the forefront of providence. With a life-or-death resolution, completely investing himself, and with the indomitable spirit of getting up each time after collapsing seven times, he overcame all hardships beginning with his physical limitations, all for the sake of bringing liberation to God, salvation to humankind and creating a world of peace. Even during this arduous time of fighting each moment against his illness, I believe True Father will pull through like he has always done.

However, it is still a very difficult battle. Thus, I sincerely pray for your continuous and greater Jeong Seong so that our devotion can add to True Father's strength and that he can miraculously rise again.

Thank you.

7.13 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 30, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 29, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:

I thank you for your tremendous offering of Jeong Seong night and day with a fervent heart for True Father's recovery and continued health. I pray that our Jeong Seong can reach the Heaven so that True Father can recover even one day sooner.

This morning, True Father's capacity to take in oxygen decreased and thus they have increased the amount of oxygen being injected into his blood.

Currently, the entire Unification Family and many from around the world are offering Jeong Seong for True Father's recovery and health. Members of the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), for example, have sent messages and letters praying for the recovery of True Father who went beyond religions, nations and race to live his entire life for the sake of God and humankind. Bishop Carolyn Arnett sent a letter wishing for True Father's recovery and also her prayers for the health of True Mother and the True Children who are staying by True Father twenty-four hours a day. Rev. Lal Singh of Jamaica wrote how he felt excruciating pain in his chest when he first heard that True Father was in critical condition, saying that he wished that he could be sick in True Father's place if only it were possible. He conveyed his fervent prayers so that True Father can recover quickly.

Many others have sent messages and letters praying for True Father's recovery while showing how they were sharing the pain of True Father's illness. This I believe shows how they sincerely respect and love True Father who has lived his life while sacrificing everything for the sake of God and humankind.

Let us pray so that True Father's physical body can quickly recover and continue to offer greater Jeong Seong.

Thank you.

7.12 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 29, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 28, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:

I thank you for your tremendous offering of Jeong Seong for True Father's recovery and continued health.

This morning, True Father's condition has not changed much since yesterday.

Currently, many members around the world are praying for True Father's recovery and are offering Jeong Seong in various ways. There are members who are offering vigil night prayers as well as 120-day gyeongbae bow while doing a three-day and even forty-day fast. There are also congregations that have made thirty-thousand paper cranes, offering Jeong Seong for each crane they make with the single desire for True Father's recovery. Furthermore, we have been flooded with messages and letters wishing for True Father's recovery from many Christian ministers who are members of the clergy association in the United States. I think this is because they remember True Father's tearful life that he has lived for the sake of Heaven and all of humankind.

I am convinced that your precious Jeong Seong will gather and accumulate and aid True Father in recovering his health. I pray that you continue with this special Jeong Seong.

Thank you.

7.11 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 28, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Jeong Seong at True Father's Intensive Care Unit

Tim Elder
August 27, 2012


I spent a few hours this evening with a group offering Jeong Seong outside the entrance to True Father's intensive care unit. The atmosphere was hopeful but tense. We felt that if we could protect Father a little while longer -- a few days, a few weeks, a few months -- perhaps he will return to us and let us hear his voice again.

He is still attached to many machines that are sustaining his life. There is no word on when he might be able to remove these machines and come out of intensive care. 

Updates About True Father's Health Situation

Joon Ho Seuk
August 27, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:

I thank you all for offering intense Jeong Seong during the past week for True Father's recovery and continued health. Like the old saying, "Sincerity moves Heaven," I believe that our Jeong Seong offered sincerely for the sake of True Father's recovery has reached Heaven and as a result True Father's condition has been showing slow but steady signs of improvement.

This morning, True Father continues to show slight improvement. His lung functions are slowly improving and through his lungs, the oxygen supplied through the tubes is enhancing the oxygen saturation in the blood. True Father's dependency on artificial oxygen is slightly declining.

However, True Father still remains in sleep and under treatment at the intensive care unit, and continues to battle his illness each moment. During the Sunday Service at Cheon Bok Gung yesterday (7.9 by the heavenly calendar), the International President, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, mentioned how True Father's health had deteriorated at a time when the entire world, especially in northeast Asia, is teetering into chaos, and conveyed to the members that True Father is fighting seriously with life-or-death resolve while investing himself completely in order to rise again for the sake of providence. Once again I ask for our brothers and sisters to continue with this special Jeong Seong so that True Father can recover even one day sooner; no matter how insignificant it may be it can provide strength to True Father who is in an intense battle.

Furthermore, during yesterday's Sunday service at Cheon Bok Gung, the International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon has explained in detail about True Father's present condition. A video of this service will be available at the Korean Headquarters homepage (

Thank you.

7.10 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 27, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church