
Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 30, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:

I thank the entire Unification Family for their tremendous offering of Jeong Seong with a fervent heart centering on True Mother and the True Children for the common cause of True Father's recovery and continued health. Like the old saying, "Sincerity moves Heaven," I believe that our Jeong Seong reaches Heaven, and that God will create miracles, making the impossible possible, and that True Father's health will miraculously improve.

This morning, True Father's condition has not greatly changed compared to yesterday, and he is being supplied with the maximum amount of oxygen.

Despite being 93 years old, True Father repeatedly pushed his physical limitations to harsh levels at the forefront of providence. With a life-or-death resolution, completely investing himself, and with the indomitable spirit of getting up each time after collapsing seven times, he overcame all hardships beginning with his physical limitations, all for the sake of bringing liberation to God, salvation to humankind and creating a world of peace. Even during this arduous time of fighting each moment against his illness, I believe True Father will pull through like he has always done.

However, it is still a very difficult battle. Thus, I sincerely pray for your continuous and greater Jeong Seong so that our devotion can add to True Father's strength and that he can miraculously rise again.

Thank you.

7.13 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 30, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 29, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:

I thank you for your tremendous offering of Jeong Seong night and day with a fervent heart for True Father's recovery and continued health. I pray that our Jeong Seong can reach the Heaven so that True Father can recover even one day sooner.

This morning, True Father's capacity to take in oxygen decreased and thus they have increased the amount of oxygen being injected into his blood.

Currently, the entire Unification Family and many from around the world are offering Jeong Seong for True Father's recovery and health. Members of the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), for example, have sent messages and letters praying for the recovery of True Father who went beyond religions, nations and race to live his entire life for the sake of God and humankind. Bishop Carolyn Arnett sent a letter wishing for True Father's recovery and also her prayers for the health of True Mother and the True Children who are staying by True Father twenty-four hours a day. Rev. Lal Singh of Jamaica wrote how he felt excruciating pain in his chest when he first heard that True Father was in critical condition, saying that he wished that he could be sick in True Father's place if only it were possible. He conveyed his fervent prayers so that True Father can recover quickly.

Many others have sent messages and letters praying for True Father's recovery while showing how they were sharing the pain of True Father's illness. This I believe shows how they sincerely respect and love True Father who has lived his life while sacrificing everything for the sake of God and humankind.

Let us pray so that True Father's physical body can quickly recover and continue to offer greater Jeong Seong.

Thank you.

7.12 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 29, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Sharing Today’s News About True Father

7.4 by the heavenly calendar;
August 21, 2012

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide, I offer my heartfelt appreciation to you for doing your utmost in offering Jeong Seong day and night in our common desire for True Father’s recovery and health.

True Father’s blood pressure has stabilized after rising slightly yesterday. I am sure this is the result of the very serious Jeong Seong and nursing True Mother and the True Children are offering, and the special Jeong Seong the entire Unification Family is offering night and day for True Father’s recovery.

Currently, not only the Unification Family but many people in the Republic of Korea and around the world are showing keen interest in True Father’s health. I believe it is because they are aware of the tearful life True Father has dedicated for the sake of Heaven.

At Sunday Service on 7.2 by the heavenly calendar (August 19), international president Rev. Hyung-jin Moon spoke about True Father’s health situation. On that day he explained that this week will be critical. Therefore, I sincerely ask all members to continue offering their special Jeong Seong so that True Father can quickly recover his health.

Thank you. 7.4 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 21, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church