Yong Cheong Song

Day 2 of the Special Seonghwa Period

Yong Cheon Song
September 4, 2012

Unification Church Europe
18.07.03 (4th September 2012)
Sent to all Nations and Communities/Cities


Dear National and Community Leaders,

President Song is continuously keeping us closely informed regarding True Mother's guidance and an internal understanding as events unfold during this Special Seonghwa Period. There follows an account of the latest news.

Mr. Peter Kim spoke to the Continental Directors today and gave an intimate insight into True Family's attendance of True Father. The True Family are offering three meals to True Father from amongst his favorite food. They gathered around his Holy Body and each greeted him. True Mother is sharing precious education with all the True Family, explaining that we must all make a new start and 'never stop', rather speed up development and determine to achieve greater miracles, more than ever before. Together they sang 'Danny Boy' and Korean folk songs for True Father, individual True Children and Grandchildren also offering songs. True Mother led this beautiful attendance to create a very high and joyful atmosphere.

True Mother has agreed that all who wish to offer their respect directly to True Father's Holy Body at the Cheon Jeong Gung may do so (during the period from 6th to 13th September between 10am and 6pm each day), with the heart that all can have an unforgettable memory directly connecting with True Father's heart and spirit.

In Korea there is huge media coverage with some 460 individual items appearing yesterday. There is great public curiosity about possible high level representation from North Korea. This is a very important time for the Government and people of Korea to recognize the incredible international influence and impact of our True Father's life and work and his status as the Savior and greatest patriot in Korean history.

The level of international VIPs attending from Europe will directly contribute to and affect the level of formal participation from the Korean Government at the Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. Confirmation of Heads of State and Government and V VIPs from Europe will be very influential. True Mother has instructed that international VIPs should be treated with the greatest warmth and hospitality, beautiful hotel accommodation is already reserved. Every day we should connect our hearts to True Mother who wishes to honour True Father in the most glorious way possible and to dramatically lift up the way in which True Father is recognized in God's Homeland, Korea.

True Father spent just one day in Cheon Jeong Gung between his two periods of hospitalization. During that brief time he held True Mother's hands and offered a beautiful prayer in which he already revealed his awareness that 'All is completed and it is time to depart'. This prayer was filmed and is now available for Brothers and Sisters to view vimeo.com/48796028 Please view this very moving video as a part of your Jeong Seong devotions during this Special 13 day Seonghwa Period. (An English and Japanese version will be available soon)

Already several current and many former Heads of State and Government from around the world are confirming their desire to attend the Universal Seonghwa Ceremony on 15th September – please work and pray to secure the highest level participation from Europe.

True Mother regards those who hold public missions in the providence and our Blessed Central Families as so precious – she is calling you to offer your respects in person to your very own True Father at this most special moment of attendance. Please let us make this Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Reverend Sun Myung Moon the most glorious tribute to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

From President Yong Cheon Song,

Yours sincerely,

Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
European Office 

Meeting with True Mother about True Father

Yong Cheon Song
September 3, 2012


Dear European Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you so much for your constant heart and Jeong Seong in support of True Parents at this momentous time in God's providence.

As you know our Beloved True Father ascended into the spirit world at 1:54 am on 7.17 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (September 3rd 2012) in the loving company of True Mother and True Children. From today we enter a thirteen day Seonghwa period culminating in True Father's Seonghwa Ceremony.

It is my great privilege to represent you all at this time and I therefore want to share with you that I could accompany Kook Jin Nim to True Father's room on the 8th floor of the Cheongshim International Medical Center yesterday during the last few hours of his earthly life. There I could offer a prayer and tell True Father: `I am here with all Blessed Central Families from Europe to offer you our deep heart and honour'.

Yesterday morning True Mother called the Continental Directors together for a meeting and I could feel how much True Mother's heart and spirit is in total oneness with True Father. She delivered a message that all True Children, all Blessed Central Families and Church members should be one and completely united with True Parents in offering glory and honour for (what was at that time) True Father's expected ascension.

True Mother was already aware that True Father's passing was close at hand. She asked us to prepare to send him to Heaven and to feel gratitude in deep understanding of the meaning and significance of the Seonghwa Ceremony. She advised that we should think of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind who are alive and deeply reflect upon True Father's life of total investment.

True Mother emphasized that the thirteen day Seonghwa period, which begins from today, should prepare for the most glorious and dignified Ceremony for our True Father as the one and only victorious Savior and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This should be attended by our worldwide membership, but also we should bring representative Heads of State and Government and the highest level VIPs to join with us in offering deep respect as participants in the Ceremony.

The Seonghwa Ceremony should also be held worldwide so that all members and Ambassadors for Peace who are not able to attend in Korea can offer their heart and respect to True Father.

Let all the Korean people and all the world join!

(We will pass further guidance and information as soon as it becomes available)

Very early this morning the announcement was made that True Father had ascended to the spirit world. True Mother had mentioned that the spiritual and physical worlds are absolutely united and showed her strong determination that the Unification Church and Movement will make ten times greater accomplishment than ever before.

True Mother encourages as many as possible of our precious Family Members to come to Korea to join the Seonghwa Ceremony. We are all the precious children of our True Parents and naturally feel the heart to attend our True Parents in this most significant and historical moment.

More information will be officially confirmed shortly, but we expect that arrivals in Korea should be on 13th or 14th September, for an expected Seonghwa Ceremony on 15th September and a public address by True Mother on the 17th September (departures on 18th).

Please immediately inform your National Headquarters of your attendance at the Seonghwa Ceremony in Korea so that your HQ can inform the European Office and we can report an estimation of numbers attending from Europe to World Mission Headquarters.

Yong Cheon Song

President Unification Church, Europe
Continental Director of Europe