joshua cotter

Everyone Come To Korea

Joshua Cotter
September 4, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I bring greetings from our Senior Pastor, In Jin Nim. She would like to show America's strong support for our True Father by having everyone come to Korea to celebrate his victorious life at his Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. This is an honor and privilege. Please come!

Everyday, there is so much happening here in Korea where we are busy preparing for True Father's Seonghwa. President Song, the Continental Director of Europe, provided some intimate insight into True Family’s attendance of True Father. "The True Family members are offering three meals to True Father from amongst his favorite food. They gathered around his Holy Body and each greeted him. True Mother is sharing precious education with all the True Family, explaining that we must all make a new start and ‘never stop’ -- rather, we should speed up development and determine to achieve greater miracles, more than ever before. Together they sang ‘Danny Boy’ and Korean folk songs for True Father, with individual True Children and Grandchildren also offering songs. True Mother led this beautiful attendance to create a very high and joyful atmosphere."

This reminded me of last Sunday where In Jin Nim picked the songs for the Lovin' Life service that True Father loved. In New York, there was not a dry eye in the congregation, as I am sure was the case in every satellite. We are so blessed to have the leadership of True Children who can help us connect to True Parents in heart.

True Mother wants very much to provide Brothers and Sisters with the opportunity to offer their respect directly to True Father’s Holy Body at the Cheon Jeong Gung, so that all can have an unforgettable memory through directly connecting with True Father’s heart and spirit. True Mother has granted that September 12th and 13th will be the days for American members to pay their respect to Father.

We are now inviting VIP's from around the nation to offer letters of support and attend True Father's Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. Rev Song reported, "This is a very important time for the government and people of Korea to recognize the incredible international influence and impact of our True Father’s life and work and his status as the Savior and greatest patriot in Korean history."

True Mother's desire is that by bringing VIP's as well as our Brothers and Sisters from around the world, True Father will be lifted up in front of the nation of Korea as the true patriot that he is. Already, several current and many former heads of state and government officials from around the world are confirming their desire to attend the Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. Tonight, it was announced that North Korea will send a high government official to honor our True Father's legacy.

Throughout his life, True Father never took a single step without the guidance of our Heavenly Parent. Hours before entering the hospital for treatment in Seoul, True Father took time to say goodbye. Rev Song shared that, "True Father held True Mother’s hands and offered a beautiful prayer in which he already revealed his awareness that all is completed and it is time to depart." This prayer was filmed and is now available for brothers and sisters to view at

Please view this very moving video as a part of your jeongseong devotions during this Special 13 day Seonghwa Period (an English and Japanese version will be available soon)

Last Sunday, In Jin Nim shared profound insights into our True Mother's character and leadership. Through her sermon, we realized how God has really prepared and anointed True Mother for this time. In Jin Nim is grateful to Mother for her loving care of True Father. She shared, "Thanks to our True Mother, Father was able to return home to Cheongshim Hospital and be surrounded by his family in his final hours on earth. In the Korean tradition, the best possible situation is for one to be at home surrounded by one's family at such a time. Transitioning to the spirit world is one the five blessings of life."

We thank God for our True Mother. Let's make every effort to be in Korea


Rev Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

Preparing For Our True Father's Seonghwa

Joshua Cotter
September 4, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from Korea. We are now preparing for our True Father's Seonghwa, under the personal direction of our True Mother in order to honor our True Father on the world stage. In all of history, and for all time, there is no greater title than True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This is the crowning glory of True Father's victorious life.

Many of us have followed our True Parents for years, or even decades, and are honored to attend him at the time of his ascension. It is only now that we are beginning to realize the value of his life. We want to show the world through his Universal Seonghwa Ceremony his absolute greatness, so that they too may awaken to who he is and what he has given to the world.

Our True Mother invites each and every brother or sister to please come to Korea. She wants everyone who loves our True Father to be able to offer devotion to him in person. This is an incredible blessing and priceless opportunity. Each family is asked to make a $1,200 offering to express their gratitude.

We hope that at least one person from each family can attend True Father's Universal Seonghwa Ceremony on September 15th. You may arrive between September 12th to 14th to pray and offer devotion. We ask that all brothers and sisters stay for our True Mother's historic address to our worldwide membership on September 17th. It's crucial that we come together at this time and express our unity and commitment centering on True Mother's leadership, representing True Parents.

We are responsible for our own airfare. National Headquarters is currently researching flight options to facilitate such a large pilgrimage. Accommodations will be provided for all participants.

Let us join together in supporting our eternal True Parents. As In Jin Nim reminded us in her speech to the Chicago congregation, "None of us would be here without True Parents. We would not have our spouse or our eternal and unique, precious children." Let's show our love and gratitude to True Parents.


Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

Official Memo From Our International Vice President About True Father's Passing

Joshua Cotter
September 2, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the love of our Heavenly Parent and our True Parents be with you and your families.

Following is the official announcement from our International Vice President, Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, about True Father's passing to the spiritual world. Please share it with your families.

Please continue to pray for our True Father and True Mother without ceasing during this time.

Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

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Sent to Regional Headquarters and Mission Nations

I pray that the grace and love of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will overflow upon all blessed families in each region, mission nation, and providential organization, and throughout the world.

Our beloved True Father who came to this earth as the Savior of humankind, the Messiah, the True Parent and the King of Kings and lived a holy life of true love throughout his 93 years, shedding blood, sweat and tears for God’s liberation, the salvation of humankind and world peace, having concluded, completed and perfected his providential mission, ascended into the spirit world at 1:54 AM, 7.17 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (September 3, 2012) at the Cheongshim International Medical Center. He was surrounded by True Mother and the True Children.

I offer my most sincere thanks to all our members worldwide who have offered jeongseong for the sake of our True Father’s recovery.

Details and the full schedule of True Father’s Seonghwa Ceremony will be announced later.

7.17 by the Heavenly Calendar (September 3, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

God Bless the Life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Joshua Cotter
September 2, 2012

The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, revered by millions as the Messiah and True Parent, who was born in Korea but who lived more than 40 years in America, and who is loved by families of peace the world over, has ascended. In his last hours he was surrounded by our True Mother, his children and close disciples. If the Divine Spark is an ability to love “the Other,” he had it. That incredible gift was his gift to us, and to the Ages.

We are so fortunate to have lived at the same time as the Messiah, who lived an unparalleled life of devotion to God and to God's will to save humanity. Together with his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, he leaves behind a remarkable legacy, the impact of which will be multiplied in the generations to come. His vision of sacred marriage, of the formation of ideal families and a world of peace has been taken up by millions of people around the world and a second- and third generation of Unificationists.

We are secure in the knowledge that Rev. Moon's vision lives on through the leadership of his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who always has shared in the leadership of the Unification Church International, standing together with her husband as the True Parents. In January 2009, Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon appointed their youngest son, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, as the spiritual heir and International President of the Unification Church. Under the guidance of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and our International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, we have tremendous hope for the future of our church worldwide.

The Unification Church in North America is prospering under the leadership of Rev Moon's daughter, Rev. In Jin Moon. The U.S. ministry of the Unification Church, Lovin' Life Ministries, is attracting young people across the country who share the vision and desire to pursue excellence both personally and professionally. Young Unificationists have great pride in their faith and church, and Lovin' Life Ministries has taken Rev. Moon's vision to the next generation of Americans.

In the Unification tradition, death is not an ending of one's life but rather a new beginning. Rev. Moon always encouraged us to live in harmony with the eternal world, so we understand that Rev. Moon is very much with us.

Rev. Joshua Cotter, Vice President of the Unification Church USA

Significant Words from True Father 36 Years Ago - A 'Must-Read'

Joshua Cotter
September 2, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Following is an incredible speech from True Father delivered thirty-six years ago with contents that are especially relevant at this time. Please share it with your families.

Let us continue to offer our sincere prayers for our True Father and prepare for the important days ahead.


Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

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Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1976 -- Tarrytown, New York

"I would like to share something important with you. I have had many experiences in which I was misunderstood, yet I remained absolutely silent without protesting and stood quietly on the side of God, giving Him my utmost loyalty and knowing that He was on my side. There is no death anymore, and if I were to suddenly die I would continue to work in the same way in the spirit world. That is why I don't protest, even though the world curses and criticizes me and is scornful to me. After my death millions of people in the spirit world and here on earth will testify to my deeds, and to what I have done in history. This may not come in my own lifetime, but in eternity I know that my deeds will shine.

Moreover, I will have opened the way to help those who suffer most, after I go to spirit world. I can be in a position to assist those who are suffering here on earth, because by my suffering I will have set the condition. You see, in the spirit world those in history who suffered the most in the name of God occupy the central positions, so I intend to outdo or surpass the suffering of all the past saints, so as to not only dwell among them but rise up above them, so that together we can more quickly liberate the suffering souls of the world. Do you understand? It's all a part of heavenly strategy. Even though I have suffered, and will suffer still more, and I will be misunderstood and accused even more, by taking this treatment without protest I continuously nurture this tradition, and eventually our way of life and our truth will prevail. I know it. The work will never stop, whether I am here on earth or up in heaven.

Thus it is immaterial whether or not I can unify the world within my lifetime, for this work will go on and on, and I will continue to lead it, whether I am here on earth or in the spirit world. This ideology, this philosophy, this tradition and this heart will inevitably unify the world. Even after my death, as a spirit man I will constantly appear and lead you into the same tradition, the same way of life, until we have achieved the complete kingdom of God here on earth. This is the principle under which I am operating. I do not expect this to happen in ten years or even in my lifetime, but in eternity.

I know the spirit world so well. I know its system and organization inside out. At present that world is invisible to you, but the assault of the spirit world upon the physical world is almost like a hurricane or a typhoon. Soon the new heaven and earth will open up in front of you. I know that timetable so clearly. It is coming, and it will bring a new world and a new way of life. When an extreme high pressure point and an extreme low pressure point confront, the impact is great and the result is new form. We might say that an historical typhoon has come to blow in front of the Unification Church, and the high and low pressures will clash and explode, opening up the way for us. That time is not very far away. The spirit world and the physical world are getting closer and closer, and I must lead you and this movement in the right direction."

Entire speech:

News About True Father -- September 2, 2012, 2:00 PM EST

Joshua Cotter
September 2, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I just received word form our Senior Pastor, Rev. In Jin Moon, in Korea that our True Father passed into the spiritual world at 1:54 AM Monday, September 3rd, Korea time.

Once again, thank you for all of your prayers and let us now continue to pray for our True Father and True Mother.

At this time, it is important that we are absolutely united with our True Mother's direction as we prepare worldwide for True Father's Sung Hwa. Please stay in close touch with your District Pastor as we receive official direction from Korea from this moment forward.

Thank you and God Bless you,

Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA