Moon Talks — SunHak Institute of History USA

True Father

The Cross of True Father

Hyung Jin Moon
August 26, 2012


Hello, everyone. First, I'd like to express my gratitude to the many members throughout the world who have been offering Jeong Seong last week and this week. Those prayers have given Father a lot of energy and also have given a lot of power and energy to True Mother, who is protecting and being with True Father day after day. The True Children are with Father around the clock, 24 hours, taking turns; the staff members are with True Parents as well; and the CARP [Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles] students are also taking turns to be with Father at the hospital. We're very grateful for everyone's Jeong Seong.

Last week, as you know, Father had to struggle against many circumstances. This is not an easy fight. I will go into detail a little bit more a little later, but last week there was an infection in his blood, so we were concerned about that. Fortunately after the week was over, that was caught and resolved. We could eliminate that infection, so we're very grateful about that.

Also last week, as you have heard, the oxygen saturation level in Father's blood was similar to the previous week, and he's still attached to many machines. Right now he is fighting, investing himself fully in a struggle of life and death. This is not an easy thing, not a simple thing at all. Please understand that.

Spiritual and Physical Salvation

Let's begin with Father's words. Let's read these together, on page 685 of Cheon Seong Gyeong.

"The Messiah goes from the bottom of hell to the top of the most glorious place in the world of humankind. This means that there is no place that he would not go, even at the risk of his life, to save humankind."


Now when I look at this, I'm reminded of John 3:16,

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


We've learned from the Principle that Jesus came to offer not only spiritual salvation but physical salvation as well. However, because of the insufficiencies of humanity, Jesus died earlier than he should have, and he was able to give only spiritual salvation to humanity. When God had to send Jesus the way of the cross, this was a very painful thing for God. Also, this was not the path that God originally desired for Jesus. If only humanity had received Jesus and accepted him as Messiah, he would not have gone that course!

Jesus went that way, however, in the end. Even though this was not God's first choice, God was able to use that course to give humanity spiritual salvation. In other words, the crucifixion and resurrection course of Jesus made it possible for humanity's mind to go to God, and humanity could receive salvation in the world of the heart and the mind.

When the Lord of the Second Advent comes, however, we have the opportunity to go to the world and to the place that God desires us to go. That is the mission of the returning Lord. So Father came, and True Parents came, to provide to humanity not only spiritual salvation but also physical salvation.

The Government as the Archangel

Father and Mother have gained victory through an incredible struggle. But still when we look at our world, we see that in humanity's history we've had tyrants and dictators, and until now we've been living in the realm of Satan. We see that the government, which is in the position of the archangel, has dominated human beings. That is the world we have lived in.

We know through the Principle that by taking advantage of Adam and Eve's freedom of choice the archangel took away Adam and Eve's position as lords of creation. Now we need to return to that position and to restore the three great blessings. In the past, no matter how much we may have tried, humanity was always in the position of slaves. The kingdoms that should have allowed humanity to go to God instead oppressed humanity. As we analyze any and all countries, we know that although government is necessary, the position of the government should be to assist humanity to develop and grow toward God. But not only in the modern age but also throughout history we see that all the nations that have existed have always pushed down humanity.

If we look at the current world as well -- as we saw in the news last week and as we see what's going on in the world -- we can see that the world we live in is very unstable. It's not just the weather. I know, the weather was poor last week. It seemed like heaven was crying. It's been raining in Korea for the past two weeks. But also we see instability in the countries around the world.

The Weakening of the United States

Father spent 33 years in the United States, investing himself in order to save America, but America has fallen a long way. It is becoming weaker and weaker. The government is growing larger, and as it does the freedom of its citizens is lessening. In the last four years the president of the United States has increased the debt about $5 trillion. There's an election going on now.

Father always challenged America. He challenged its president and always tried to meet the president of the United States. The United States needs to go on the correct course in order for the world to be able to go on the correct course. Now America and the world are going in the direction of socialism. The position that America occupied in the world is going down. You've all heard the Strong Korea lecture, so you see that another force is growing stronger. This is a force that does not pursue freedom. Instead it pursues strength and power -- not power that tries to give freedom to other countries, but power that has the character to try to take away the freedom of other countries and other peoples.

We see that the force of China is different from the force of the United States. China is not a country that will sacrifice itself in order to give freedom to other countries. If the 21st century were to be dominated by that kind of a force, then this will be a very dark century. It would be a world that is under an oppressive force, very different from the United States. Until now the United States has protected Korea and Japan. Father was always telling America that it had to fulfill that responsibility, and America did that.

In the current situation the United States is drowning in debt. The government is growing larger, and America itself is becoming smaller and weaker. It has a lot of debt and it is wasting a lot of money. As a result, America is becoming weaker, and as a result the world is becoming more and more dangerous.

The Growing Power of China

We saw last week already that what Father prophesied in 2005 is coming true: The island countries are now facing a problem in the Pacific. You remember Father's words of 2005, don't you, about the Pacific realm? He said that the island nations must be careful and must quickly come together, otherwise, large countries such as China and Russia may be able to take over such countries in just a day and make them their own. This is what Father prophesied in 2005. From 2005, Father was concerned about this kind of thing. We were not aware; we heard those words, and we couldn't understand what he was talking about.

If you saw the news last week, I'm sure you know what kind of thing is going on. We've prepared a number of slides. This one shows Chinese activists landing on the Senkaku Islands, saying, "Oh, this belongs to China." And Japanese activists have landed there saying, "This belongs to Japan." These are very small islands. This was last week. Because of these activities, the atmosphere within China is changing very much.

Let's go to the next slide. Now there are demonstrations going on in China as anti-Japanese feeling is growing. People are saying, "Let's fight Japan." They're turning Japanese cars upside down. This photo was taken in Guangdong last week. Something needs to be changed.

Religion Must Give Truth to Politicians

We are a religion, but we cannot just look at religion. This is what Father has always said. We don't just speak about spiritual things. In the ideal world, religion, politics, and economics must move together. Religion cannot just sit still. Religion is not just prayer and meditation. That is not all religion does in the ideal world. If politics goes bad, then in the ideal world religion in the Abel position needs to take care of that. If the world goes too much in the wrong direction, then religion must stand up and oppose that. That has not been done by religion until now because religion was under the government or was under a certain dictator. But in the ideal world it cannot be like that.

That is why Father has always told religious leaders that religion must challenge political leaders to say the right things, to give truth to the political leaders. This is how the world must go.

Last week we saw problems in the Middle East. You're aware of this, aren't you? Peace is not coming to the Middle East. Last week Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu said that by September 25th the United States must make a decision; otherwise, because Iran is developing nuclear weapons and Israel is worried about this, there's a high possibility that Israel may attack Iran.

What kind of world are we living in? Are the citizens of Korea thinking about this, or are they just living comfortably? In the Middle East, there is a high possibility of war. It's not just fooling around. And if there's war in the Middle East, the United States will have to become involved. If the U.S. becomes involved, then probably Russia also will become involved because it has a lot of interest in the Middle East. If the United States becomes involved, other countries will not be able to stay still.

The First World War began with a very small conflict, and it developed into a world war. Why is it that modern people think erroneously that war cannot occur in our generation? We are going into a very dangerous and fearful time. It is not fooling around.

In the Principle, there is the prediction, the prophecy, that the third world war must come. It may be an ideological war, or it may be a hot war. But the direction that the world is going now is not the direction of an ideological war. This is a situation that is deteriorating very quickly.

Some religion, some faith has to stand up and fight for the freedom of the world. It has to shout out for the safety and security of the world. Some religion must stand up -- not simply standstill, but stand up -- and shout out for the ideal world of freedom. It must let people know how precious freedom is, how precious is the gift that God has given us. Until now humanity has lived like slaves under tyrants and dictators and we must not repeat that kind of history.


Father Is On The Cross

In this ominous age Father suddenly became ill. I was with Father for a year and a half, as you know. He would have colds and he would become ill, but I saw that he would recover very quickly. For maybe a few days, he might feel some difficulty, but a few days later he would come back to Hoon Dok Hae and be as strong as ever. I saw that continuously.

Whether he's in Las Vegas or wherever he might be, I often heard him say, "I'm going to live until 117," and I believe that. But why, suddenly, is Father suffering this excruciating pain now? As I said last week, 10 years ago in the United States Father had a serious operation, and the day he went into the hospital was the day on which the Iraq war began.

Who is the Lord of the Second Advent? He's the most precious existence to God. He's more precious than the entire cosmos put together. Now, when the world is going into an immensely dangerous time, why is it that Father again must take up the cross? This week, Father's pulse and oxygen saturation rate were stabilized, and we're grateful to God for this. People say, "Oh, I heard Father's improved a lot," but Father is still fighting.

The doctor said it this way. He said generally people might recover at a speed of 55 kilometers an hour, for example. Comparatively, Father might improve a little bit but the speed of his improvement is like five kilometers an hour compared with a normal person's recovery. So, Father is fighting day in and day out.

When the world is standing on the cliff and appears about to head into war, Father is experiencing this kind of pain. This week as we watched Father -- and if you've seen older people in the hospital, maybe you can understand -- in order to help Father's oxygen saturation and his breathing, a tube must go through his mouth. If that remains in the throat for too long, then it causes problems, so the tube had to be changed this week. Otherwise bacteria might get in.

In the past when we would go to see Father, we would see the tube in Father's mouth and there was a plastic part that covered the mouth. We had to change that, and it was extremely uncomfortable for Father. It was so painful for him that he bit down on the tube so hard that one of his teeth fell out. We took out that plastic part. It was very difficult for us to go to Father.

We've always seen Father being so strong, but now he is lying down, and the part covering his mouth is not there, so he has to keep his mouth open. Of course, he must be kept in a state of sleep because his situation is so painful.

This week the doctor will make a decision whether to keep the tube in Father's throat or to open a passage into his throat. Think about it. Throughout Father's life, he has given us God's word; he's always been active, always moving around. For almost two weeks now, he's been restrained because there are so many tubes in him. To keep them from coming out, his arms have to be restrained. Also, he cannot express himself in words. This is more difficult than the cross, greater suffering.

This past week as I have seen Father, I really feel that Father is on the cross. It is as if he's been nailed to a cross. Even Jesus was in that situation only for a few hours. But Father is in this situation day after day. This is not just our father. This is your father. He's the father of the world. You offered a lot of Jeong Seong last week, and I'm very grateful to those who did that. Members around the world are offering a lot of Jeong Seong. I'm receiving e-mails and other messages.

Really, we don't know what is going to happen. We need to offer Jeong Seong with greater effort. What's most painful for me is that I'm not able to do anything for Father. I'm not able to bring him water; I'm not able to talk with him in a relaxed way. I cannot talk with him about anything. There's nothing I can do for him, and that for me is the most difficult.

Jesus' disciples, as they saw him on the cross, felt helpless because they couldn't do anything for him. They wanted to do something for him, but they couldn't. In that situation the disciples denied Jesus. If Jesus had been on the cross for a long time, then the disciples may have said, "It's difficult for me; I'm in difficulty; why do I have to continue to withstand this situation?" But I'm sure the members of the Unification Church are not that kind of sons and daughters.

Yesterday, for example, we were able to see a photograph of Father's lungs. The right lung was not recovering, so we were concerned. But when we compared the photograph with one taken two days before that, the doctor showed us that the right lung had not been recovering, but yesterday there was some oxygen getting in through the right lung. But he's still in the ICU, and it's still very painful for him.

Truly we must give more power and strength to Father. We must offer Jeong Seong together for that.

(End of audio) 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 26, 2012
From Tongil Kyohe World Headquarters


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide: I offer my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the special Jeong Seong that you are offering day and night for True Father's recovery and continued health.

This morning, True Father's condition has not greatly changed but continues to show slight improvement. True Father still remains in sleep and under treatment at the intensive care unit, and continues to battle his illness each moment.

I ask brothers and sisters to continue with their special Jeong Seong so that True Father can recover even one day sooner.

Thank you.

7.9 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 26, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 25, 2012


Subject: [August 25] Sharing today's news about True Father
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 20:30:28 +0900

Below is a letter from Dr. Joon Ho Seuk, the International Vice-President

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide:

Thank you for the special Jeong Seong that you are offering with the single-minded hope for True Father's recovery and continued health. This morning, True Father's condition this morning has improved slightly compared with yesterday.

His dependence upon the artificially supplied oxygen is diminishing little by little, according to what the doctor said. This, I believe, is a result of True Father's firm will to overcome his illness and recover for the sake of providence while battling his illness each moment, and also because of the members of the True Family beginning with True Mother and True Children who are looking after True Father twenty-four hours a day without leaving his side, and the fervent Jeong Seong being offered by all of the Unification Family with one heart. 

True Father's Condition

Tim Elder
August 24, 2012

True Father's condition remains stable but critical. He continues to be treated in the intensive care unit. His lungs and kidneys are not functioning well enough to sustain his life, so he is attached to various machines that supplement these functions.

Senior members and leaders are being given opportunities to go to Father a few at a time and see his situation directly.

With True Mother's permission, Kook Jin Nim Thursday kept a scheduled itinerary to travel to visit the Japanese Church. Because of his U.S. tour and other projects, he had not been to Japan in more than a month, an unusually long absence when you consider that he has been to Japan more than 90 times since February 2009.

According to the reports Kook Jin Nim received yesterday, the Japanese Church organization continues to do well. Membership, church attendance and donations all continue to grow.

The "Strong Japan and Korea?" campaign is reconnecting us to many of our conservative friends from the IFVOC days. At the same time, the campaign differentiates us from chauvinistic right wing organizations by setting unity with South Korea and other democratic Asian countries as a major goal. 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 24, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide,

Thank you for the special Jeong Seong that you are offering with the single-minded hope for True Father's recovery and continued health.

True Father's condition this morning has not changed greatly but continues to improve gradually. However, True Father still remains in sleep and under treatment at the intensive care unit and continues to fight against his illness every moment.

In her message on 7.1 by the heavenly calendar, True Mother clarified that what is important to us at this time, and what we should be doing more than anything else, is offering Jeong Seong for True Father, rather than simply focusing on the details of Father's health condition.

I remind you again that this week will be most important; thus, I ask for your continuous Jeong Seong so that True Father can recover as soon as possible.

Thank you.

7.7 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 24, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 23, 2012


To all members of the Unification Family worldwide, Thank you for the special Jeong Seong that you offer with all your heart and body for True Father's recovery and health.

True Father's condition this morning has not changed greatly, but is showing signs of slight improvement. We were informed that his blood pressure and pulse are stable.

This, I believe, is a result of True Father's firm will to overcome his illness and recover for the sake of providence even though it is a difficult struggle, and also due to the fervent Jeong Seong being offered day and night by all of the Unification Family centering on True Mother and the True Children.

However, True Father still remains in sleep and under treatment at the intensive care unit. Once again I ask for your continuous Jeong Seong during this important week so that True Father can recover as soon as possible.

Thank you.

7.6 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 23, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

How We Are Reacting to True Father's Condition

Tim Elder
August 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon

I heard a person with direct knowledge of True Father's condition say this afternoon that there is no change since yesterday.

This person said: "'No change' means that Father's body has a chance to heal itself, so we want to keep hearing 'no change' for the next week or two."

He also pointed out: "Father is still in the Intensive Care Unit, and his situation is still critical. If his condition starts deteriorating, it could become very bad in a matter of hours. We need to keep praying."

Today is the half-way point in the very important week for Father's recovery. His condition remains critical but relatively stable. True Mother and the True Family are still either in the hospital itself or in the nearby hotel.

The atmosphere is still very serious.

Kook Jin Nim starts each day with a visit to the hospital, and keeps as close to the hospital as possible during the remainder of the day.

He also keeps as much of his scheduled appointments as possible so that the Providence can keep moving forward. On Monday, he traveled to the northern suburb of Uijeongbu to meet the mayor and give the "Strong Korea?" lecture. He spoke to an audience of Ambassadors for Peace and other community leaders. Uijeongbu is close to the North Korean border, and so has the largest number of military bases in the country.

One thing we are grateful for as we go through this difficult period is the treatment of True Father by the Korean media. He is no longer a "cult" leader. Instead, he is being given the proper level of respect for someone who occupies a major position in South Korean society.

Most South Koreans recognize that, when all is said and done, Father has done a lot for the national interests of Korea.... People these days talk about a "Korean wave", but Father was the Korean wave before that term was even invented. He is the original Korean wave.

The initial report of his illness was reported in many television news broadcasts. KBS, the main national television station, has been following up by publishing almost daily updates on Father's condition in their news ticker that runs at the bottom of the screen during news programs. Many newspapers are also publishing regular reports on his progress. The information in these reports is consistent with what Dr. Seuk has been sharing with us on a daily basis.

True Mother has instructed that the work of the Providence must continue. At Tongil Foundation, that is what we are doing. But our work is always mixed with prayer for Father's quick recovery. 

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide,

Thank you for your ongoing Jeong Seong and ardent wishes for True Father's recovery and health.

True Father's condition this morning is the same as yesterday. At this time he remains in sleep and is still being treated at the intensive care unit.

As this week will be critical, let us continue to offer special Jeong Seong for True Father's speedy recovery.

Thank you.

7. 5 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon -gi (August 22, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Sharing Today’s News About True Father

7.4 by the heavenly calendar;
August 21, 2012

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide, I offer my heartfelt appreciation to you for doing your utmost in offering Jeong Seong day and night in our common desire for True Father’s recovery and health.

True Father’s blood pressure has stabilized after rising slightly yesterday. I am sure this is the result of the very serious Jeong Seong and nursing True Mother and the True Children are offering, and the special Jeong Seong the entire Unification Family is offering night and day for True Father’s recovery.

Currently, not only the Unification Family but many people in the Republic of Korea and around the world are showing keen interest in True Father’s health. I believe it is because they are aware of the tearful life True Father has dedicated for the sake of Heaven.

At Sunday Service on 7.2 by the heavenly calendar (August 19), international president Rev. Hyung-jin Moon spoke about True Father’s health situation. On that day he explained that this week will be critical. Therefore, I sincerely ask all members to continue offering their special Jeong Seong so that True Father can quickly recover his health.

Thank you. 7.4 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 21, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Sharing Today's News About True Father

Joon Ho Seuk
August 20, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 10, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 10, 2012

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide,

I offer my heartfelt appreciation to you for doing your utmost in offering Jeong Seong day and night in our common desire for True Father's recovery and health.

This morning we were informed that True Father's blood pressure had risen slightly compared with yesterday. Currently, they have slightly increased the amount of oxygen being injected into his system. The reason for this increase was that they replaced the tubes supplying the oxygen with new ones and needed to be sure they were supplying sufficient oxygen from the start. Overall, the condition of Father's health has deteriorated slightly since yesterday.

Brothers and sisters, let us all offer even greater Jeong Seong so that True Father can recover completely as soon as possible.

Thank you.

7.3 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 20, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

True Mother Keeping Vigil in the Hospital with True Father

Tim Elder
August 17, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

True Mother has been keeping a vigil in the same hospital as True Father during this time of difficulty. She has not left the building even once. International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim (Juksajang Nim) have been with her the entire time. Foundation Chairman Kook Jin Nim has been spending the large majority of his time at the hospital, and getting very little sleep, while carrying on...with previously scheduled providential events. Jieh Nim, Kook Jin Nim's wife, has remained at Mother's side. Choi Yeon Ah Nim and Hoon Sook Nim have also remained with True Mother.

True Mother has been receiving regular updates on Father's condition, and has visited him as often as is allowed. If it were possible, I am sure she would want to be by Father's side 24 hours a day. Because of Father's critical condition, however, the doctor does not allow this.

When this critical period began, all members of the True Family, including Hyun Jin Nim, received a request to come to the hospital to support True Father. They have arrived in Seoul and are now based in a nearby hotel.

It has been two days now since the doctor said, "The next 48 hours are critical". We have no news yet, though. Perhaps something will be known a little later in the morning, after the doctor briefs the True Family. For now, the absence of news is the best news. 

Updates about True Father

Updates about True Father

6.30 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 17, 2012)

Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering jeongseong with all your heart for the sake of True Father’s return to full health. The entire Unification Family has come together at this time to offer vigil prayer and a three-day fasting condition. We have always been receiving from True Parents; now we pray that our small jeongseong can reach Heaven and be used to bring about True Father’s swift recovery.

This morning I was informed by the hospital that True Father’s respiration is more stable than it was yesterday, and that his lung function is in the midst of gradual recovery. True Father is still in a deep sleep for treatment, but I believe True Father is aware of the fervent jeongseong and prayers of the entire worldwide Unification Family, beginning with those of True Mother and the True Children. I firmly believe True Father will recover.

Currently, True Mother and the True Children (Hyung-jin nim’s family, Kook-jin nim’s family, Hyo-jin nim’s family, Heung-jin nim’s family, In-jin nim’s family, Kwon-jin nim’s family, Sun-jin nim’s family, Yejin nim, Eun-jin nim, Yeon-jin nim, Jeong-jin nim, Dong-sook nim and Shin-mi nim’s family) are by True Father’s side offering prayer and jeongseong. Patients admitted to the intensive care unit must be kept absolutely at rest and it is therefore not possible to touch or embrace the patient. However, after discussing it with the doctor, every hour True Mother and the True Children are giving massage to True Father’s legs, arms and other parts of his body, which have accumulated the toils of ninety-two years of the providence, only to the extent that it assists his treatment. They are fervently praying for True Father to quickly be able to leave his hospital bed, even one day sooner.

Once again I ask that you continue to offer jeongseong so that True Father can quickly recover. Thank you.

6.30 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 17, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Letter on Father's Health Condition

Joon Ho Seuk
August 16, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 5, 2012

Beloved brothers and sisters,

I offer my heartfelt appreciation to all members who are offering Jeong Seong for True Father's speedy recovery.

I know that your greatest concern at this time is True Father's health. Therefore, I would like to share some recent developments regarding True Father.

The doctor's opinion yesterday had indicated that the next forty-eight hours would be critical and that Father's chances were 50:50. We understand that True Father's condition has not greatly changed since yesterday but the doctor mentioned this morning that a lot of the swelling had subsided and that he saw some improvement compared to the previous day. I firmly believe that True Father will pull through.

Early in the morning on 6.28 by the heavenly calendar (August 15), Hyung-jin nim had personally or through his assistants contacted all the True Children.

Beginning with True Mother, Hyung-jin nim's family and Kook-jin nim's family, In-jin nim's family, Yeon-jin nim and Jeong-jin nim who arrived in Korea, are watching over the hospital room 24 hours while offering prayer and Jeong Seong. Today we expect Ye-jin nim, Kwon-jin nim and his wife, Eun-jin nim and Sun-jin nim's family to arrive.

I am sure that many of our brothers and sisters were concerned about Hyun-jin nim, but fortunately he was contacted. He came to the hospital and visited True Father who was in a deep sleep.

Yesterday at 6 pm, the Korean Headquarters invited the elder members, relatives of True Parents, heads of providential organizations and key leaders and briefed them in detail of True Father's circumstances. They resolved to offer prayer and Jeong Seong together with the entire Unification Family for True Father's recovery. We have also heard that many members of the Unification Family throughout the world, after hearing the news about True Father, voluntarily began fasting, offering vigil night prayers and other Jeong Seong.

Like the old saying that sincerity moves Heaven, I believe that our sincerity and Jeong Seong shall reach Heaven and that we will surely see True Father in good health again.

Thank you.

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

International President’s Letter to the Unification Family Worldwide about Father Undergoing Treatment att an Intensive Care Unit

To : Regional Presidents, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From : Unification Church World Mission Headquarters
Date : 6.28 by the Heavenly Calendar (August 15, 2012)
Re. : International President’s Letter to the Unification Family Worldwide

To all brothers and sisters of the Unification family worldwide:

Brothers and sisters and leaders who are working hard on the frontline!

True Father is currently undergoing treatment at an intensive care unit due to complications that arose from an untimely cold and pneumonia. Though he is 93 years old and advanced in age, True Father was pushing his limits in carrying out his schedule at this time. He is being treated at one of the top medical institutions in Korea and is under the care of its medical team who are doing their best for True Father’s speedy recovery. Furthermore, True Mother, the True Children and other members of the True Family are at True Father’s side 24 hours a day at the hospital room and are offering prayer and jeongseong for True Father’s recovery. Brothers and sisters of the world! I ask that you join us in offering jeongseong and prayer for True Father’s speedy recovery and victory of Foundation Day together with the True Family and do your best wherever you are located. I pray that the grace and blessing of God and True Parents be with you and your family and once again ask for you to offer special jeongseong at this important time.

Thank you.

True Father's Final Prayer

Sun Myung Moon
August 13, 2012

Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 6.46.29 PM.png

I have completed everything. Today, as I have returned the conclusion of the final perfection to You, Father, I know that up to this moment, I have offered my whole life to You. I am spending this time now to bring my life to its conclusion, to bring it to a close with utmost devotion, in accordance with Your Will.

In order that we may return to the original Garden of Eden, the garden with no trace of the Fall, and surmount everything that came to be connected to Adam's portion of responsibility following the error committed by his betrothed, I, who have the authority to grant liberation and complete freedom to everything, declare that anyone who follows True Parents, be it someone in the fourth dimension, or be it someone who would otherwise go even to the fourteenth dimension of hell, will be adopted into the kingdom of heaven and registered in the fourth dimension.

I declare that if, centering on the fourteen sons and daughters, the tribal messiahs are able to fulfill the calling of national representatives and restore the 387 nations [of the Abel UN and Cain UN], everything will be brought to a conclusion. I have accomplished everything for this. I have completed everything. Aju!

I Want To Live With You, Become A Youth Again

Sun Myung Moon
July 2012
True Father's Last Speech to 2nd Gen. before Hospitalization

I Want To Live With You, Become A Youth Again

You are young teenagers. How many people like you are there in this world? Who will raise these children? Who will teach them? In this world of Satan…

When I look at you, I want to live with you, become a youth again. I was on fire and crazy for the providence. I want to show you even if just for a short time the Han [sorrow] for the age that was lost. Please don’t forget about that. Boys and girls who have come from Japan! Because you are living in this precious age, you need try even harder than me not to lose this age.

The other adults and I lost it. Now I don’t have it. There is nothing. When you look at it from my point of view...

From now on, you growing teenagers should uphold yourselves and complete your mission, representing God. I’m sad that the responsibilities of this mission need to pass on to you. I want you to understand my position of having to say goodbye to this place with this heart.


I’ll become the light that will never go out and will remain in the next world.

True Father's Words Given By Dr. Suk At The World Assembly

Sun Myung Moon
January 24, 2012


At the National Leaders World Assembly, Dr. Suk, who has been attending Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents almost every day, shared Father's recent words with the participants, and the following are some of the main points:

1. God's marriage and True Parents' marriage will be held on the 13th day of the 1st month, 2013. (Not this year.)

2. This year, at the dedication ceremony of Cheong Shim Word Peace Stadium, the Blessing ceremony will be held on 1st day of the 3rd month by the H.C., which is also True Parents' Day. This Blessing ceremony is an extension of the 1017 Blessing. That day, Wongoo Peace Cup will be kicked off.

3. Our ultimate mission is to become the Tribal Messiah, educating and bringing 13,000 people for True Parents' Blessing next year.

4. For the sake of that mission, there are two graces Father gave us: his autobiography and the liberation and the Blessing of 210 generations. Father emphasized recently again that all the Blessed families must be finished with the distribution of 430 copies and the liberation and the Blessing of the 210 generations by Foundation Day.

5. "When one liberates and Blesses 210 generations of ancestors, they can listen to 절대음 / absolute sound."

6. Write in your diary so that your children and descendants will know what you have been through with True Parents.

7. Blessed families must wear new clothes internally, have new way of thinking, leaving their old habits. 

True Father’s Words on True God’s Day

January 23, 2012
Translated by Tossa Cromwell

True Father's Words

Throwing the ball with all your strength! Making a life or death determination! Throwing the ball with all your strength! You should know that mothers in labor are putting their lives on the line and throwing the ball with all their strength. Such parents love their children, and they keep the desire, even now, that their children will become greater than they no matter what types of difficulties their children may face.

It is the same for animals: for fish underwater, for birds in the air and for beasts in the mountains. They put their lives on the line in order to leave behind descendants and to take utmost care of their remaining sons and daughters. When we see how animals act, we have to realize that there is no question that we need to make our utmost effort and put our lives on the line in order to become the lords of creation

Our homeland is not ahead of us; it follows behind us. Even God, even the God of Night and God of Day, cannot lie down. They are waiting for the day of True Parents’ victory. For God, each day is tougher than that of a mother in labor; for God, each day is like a thousand years. Young maidens! If you’ve given birth, then putting your life on the line is nothing in comparison.

Just as baseball pitchers must throw the ball with all their strength, a mother giving birth must make her utmost effort to make it over the hill of labor. When a baby is born, it cries out that it was born as a new son or daughter of heaven, as the eldest grandchild of this nation’s patron saint. Whenever I hear that sound, I ask for the child’s forgiveness thousands and tens of thousands of times. I am welcoming this day with tears, wishing that I will not be ashamed in front of you, wishing that we will become your parents, and wishing for your encouragement. So I will not forget this day.

You are celebrating my birthday, and what was the title of my speech that we read today? We are making an all-out advance. You should throw the ball with all your strength and make a life-or-death determination in order to welcome these holy days with that kind of determination and resolution to continue advancing and advancing more. Moreover, with the flame of your pledge, you should have a scarier victorious advance than if you were to push the buttons to detonate both a hydrogen bomb and an atomic bomb at once. That is the kind of determination that I want you to make now. (Audience: Aju! [Applause])

If you will make this determination, raise both hands, remember this day in front of God and become soldiers of heaven who are like dragons who will move forward. I pray that you will not be sons and daughters that are ashamed of yourselves when you remember this hour in the future. Do not forget this first day of the twelfth year. Determine that the tense situation of the Republic of Korea can be swayed by your resolve. With the hopes that you will resolve to make a new beginning, I hereby oversee God’s protection and blessings on this New Year in the name of the True Parents. (Audience: “Aju!” [Applause])