true God's day

Sun Myung Moon's True God's Day

January 29, 2012
Unofficial notes: Angelika Selle

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Hyung Jin Moon and religious leaders, January 24, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Hyung Jin Moon and religious leaders, January 24, 2012

Unleashing the Dragon Spirit in 2012!

2012 Motto: The Era of the Victory, Liberation and Perfection of the True Parents of heaven, Earth, and Humankind

The following is based on unofficial notes taken by Angelika Selle (WFWP USA) who just returned from Korea where she and a small USA team and delegation had attended the many historic and providential celebrations with our True Parents as well as a national leadership conference. They were prepared for a gathering with brothers and sisters in Greenbelt, MD on Jan 29, 2012, not only for the sake of sharing the breaking news, but also personal insights, and experiences (some are only audio-taped) to help all to tune in this watershed year of 2012.

  1. National leaders World Assembly 2012. Jan. 20
    Opening ceremony with President Hyung Jin Nim
    Reports from various regions. Jan. 22
    International Leadership Conference (ILC) opening plenary session. Jan. 22.
    Lighting ceremony.
    Presentations. Jan. 21-22.

  2. Midnight prayer and True God’s Day, True Holy Wedding of the Parents of Heaven and Earth and Humankind. Jan. 23.

  3. True Parents holy birth and Gohui celebration luncheon

  4. Day of Victory of Love. Jan. 24.
    Father’s speech and ceremony.
    Parade Cheon Bok ceremony – Holy Salt

  5. Opening of art exhibition. Jan. 25

    World CARP assembly. Jan. 25 “Proving the Existence of God”
    Holy Spirit healing session

  6. End of Leadership Conference and celebrations continue in Seoul with other festivities such as food festival, choir competition, cultural competition, etc.

I. Opening session of National Leaders World Assembly 2012 at the Youth Center in Chung Pyung with Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim

Around 200 national and regional leaders from around the world were assembled

Hyung Jin Nim: Shared about his daily experiences living with Father

Christ is very active, revolutionary, not fitting in, flamboyant.

Being with True Father, I have no idea what I will do tomorrow or the next moment. He himself is completely with God’s presence and time table and follows that

Christ lives constantly in the presence of the Providence.

Talks about grueling schedule of endless hours of Hoon Dok Hae. Yet transcending that reality, in spite of physical pain, being in the presence of True Father, I experience a feeling of fundamental peace, joy, grace, and love!

From now on, church holidays will be celebrated publicly. Explained about upcoming 7-day celebrations in honor of True Parents

The birth of Christ is not only historical, but a divine occasion.

Theology: Who is Christ? What is the nature of Christ? Is he divine or man?

Unification Church’s mysterious teaching: God of the Night and God of the Day. Two Gods?

New light was shed on this question by True Father recently:

True Father shares in a recent speech that “I’m fundamentally different from you. I’m managed by the God of the Night. You’re all managed by the God of the Day.” This is a huge theological statement that is the messianic identity.

Question is, was the Messiah sent by God, or is he God?

My interpretation: God of the Night = the Godhead, or the essential being of God, his makeup, the God who exists before creation, the unseen face of God, hidden in the darkness of creation [God’s Sung Sung. AS]

God of the Day is the God that creates the existence of time and space, the God we came from which is hugely different [God’s Hyung Sung. AS]

Christ comes from the God head, the Seed, the Logos. (John 1:1) from the logos comes the seed which is Adam, Christ and now Father, This is HUGE!

Christ does not come from God’s hands. If he came from the creation or fallen lineage, then he cannot purify our lineage. The Blessing is the transference to True Lineage

The God of Day creates in time and space,

Through the perfection of True Mother, who came from the God of Day, the seed can now come into its fullest (This teaching is phenomenal and illuminates theology.)

We need to understand our relationship to Christ and God

This is like Christ revealing himself, meaning he knows that he is Christ

Therefore my interpretation whether Christ is God or man is:

Christ is 100% man and 100% God. Most lay members do not have an understanding of True Father and what he is teaching now

This is progressive revelation, messianic revelation, it is huge, and will change history. All conditions are being reformulated and bring us closer to Christianity – [in the context of the concept of Christ’s origin]

If you have a nuanced view of True Father when you are in his presence you will have a different experience, using all of your intellect emotion and will to engage with this being!

Shared about True Mother, her course. True Mother comes from God of Day and is perfected through trials and tribulations and is perfected as God’s wife, we have a cosmic victory

Being with the Lord is of the greatest importance right now.

Need to deal with today’s aggressive atheism. Necessity for training and understanding in the battle with theism.

The world needs hope and a Savior. Celebrate the Savior and share True Parents with the world.

Transform yourself!!

Spirit world is mobilized; even small things will conceive great things.

Hyung Jin Nim gives 30 computers to Africa.

Presentation by Dr. Seuk

Shared some of the most recent points Father has been talking about:

Unification Movement needs to get into the spirit of total mobilization of all Blessed Families in 2012. Investing ourselves completely to restore our clan by Foundation Day.

Complete unity between God and True Parents has been accomplished for the first time, and proclaimed a new heaven in which we live together with God and True Parents.

Unity between Cain and Abel is now possible, and living for the sake of others through a lifestyle of attendance and service. Our mission is to be registered and educated in substance, and to fulfill Tribal Messiah ship.

What is a Tribal Messiah? It is one who brings salvation to members of the tribe as a mentor and teacher, who observes and preserves the absolute sex tradition, Hoon Dok Hae tradition, brings Cain and Abel into harmony, and raises them spiritually.

To-do list:

Distribute 430 autobiographies,

Liberate 210 generation of ancestors,

Witness and bless 12 couples,

Bring 3 to Blessing ceremony,

Wear new clothes (cleanse yourself)

Settle all accounts of the past, cast away old habits and thinking, discard all of it, acquire new paradigm and customs, new clothes of true love

Our internal focus at this time:

Inherit God’s tradition and love,

Preserve the purity of lineage and pass it on,

Resemble the True Parents in heart and model your life after them,

Live for the sake of each other

Shared about how our True Father recently visited Sun Moon University and stood up for 4 hours speaking to the audience with a cast on his leg based on an injury

All Unificationists are undergoing great trials and tribulations at this time. Let us turn the crisis into an opportunity to further God’s Providence.

True Parents are greatly suffering because of Kwak group. Need to overcome these challenges and unite in order to contribute to Foundation Day

It is a miracle indeed to be alive at the time of True Parents, receiving many blessings because of the merit of our ancestors.

After we die, we receive the blessing of Sung Hwa. Always be grateful. The Holy Wedding of God is the final level of True Parents’s Blessing.

On Foundation Day, we will all receive the Royal Seal. Be registered and born as direct children of the God of the Night and Day

Write a diary of each day to move the hearts of people in history. Make a life and death determination to attend True Parents with filial piety.

Completion of Restoration and Foundation Day: Professor Oh. (see workbook on pp. 115-131)

“To revitalize our movement is to uplift the value of True Parents and the Messiah.”

Reminder of Kook Jin Nim’s 5 core values of leadership:

Result before position;

Responsibility before popularity;

Transparency before certainty;

Constructive criticism rather than harmony;

Mutual trust before individual perfection.

Reports from various regions

Best practices.

Asia (Rev Yong): “Doing exactly what True Parents ask us.”

Nepal: Divine Principle TV channel reaching 30 million viewers twice a day, 3 hours each time. The return of Avatar who are the True Parents!

Philippines: “The Asian Contagion of Hoon Dok Culture” and Hoon Dok virus centering on the 8 great textbooks.

Their National Jung Sung condition:

Read Divine Principle 1 hour a day out loud;

Read 1-hour lecture 100 times; 1,835 people have done that.

Read all textbooks 100 times in your lifetime.

The Hoon Dok virus is the antibiotic to remove fallen nature and is a spiritual vitamin.


Character changes;

More positive outlook on life;

Emotionally stable;

More joyful and grateful;

Dreams about true parents;

Get less provoked and angry;

Desire for witnessing;

Career improved;

Getting more organized;

Every day resurrection and growth;

Won the lottery 4 times and paid all ancestor liberation fees;

Spiritual experiences with god;

Looking at wife with new eyes

All 2nd Gen participate in this condition and read wherever they are anytime during the day.

USA: Josh Cotter and Heather talk about Lovin Life. Great presentation and shift of paradigm in that a woman leader (Heather) co-presented. Also WFWP was recognized as part of the national team since In Jin Nim, our national pastor, has been encouraging us to work together. As a result I as approached by several national leaders to connect with their WFWP chapters and help facilitate co-operation in their countries. It is a new day, a new paradigm!

ILC opening ceremony at Chung Bok Gung (Temple in Seoul)

International President Hyung Jin Nim speaks, and special prayers of reps of all religions on stage

Beautiful ceremony of interfaith prayers, speech by Hyung Jin Nim and gifts presented by Hyung Jin Nim’s favorite Chinese painter

Lighting ceremony

Lighting of Cheon Bok lanterns in icy air outside of temple in front of the 4 religious founders

II. Showing of powerful video on Father’s life; Midnight Prayer; True Father writes the calligraphy of the new motto for 2012; Some members of True Family are in attendance

True God’s Day at Cheon Jeong Gung

Viewing of video on True Mother’s Life – very stirring!!

Dr. Seuk:

Our hard work from now on will be recorded for ourselves.

We will get the fruit of our hard work that we invest for the sake of God and True Parents.

This is the time to offer our full devotion and honor our True Parents in front of the world. (There was a deep and tearful emotion in the room….) Dr. Seuk read from True Father’s speech about 40 years ago pointing out that the content applies so very much today and is yet to be fulfilled

Therefore we need to give it our all in this year of 2012 to reap the fruits and win the toward victory. Take the offensive!

Father said, “Everything is prepared now, all obstacles are removed. You need to do what I always wanted to do. Bring joy and victory to God. Love the enemy on all levels to build the ideal homeland and the Kingdom of God on earth. Have life and death commitment to bring resounding victory and advance as the army and children of God. Korea’s urgent situation depends on you.”

III. True Parents Holy Birth and Gohui celebration luncheon

Was watching the event on live screen. Beautiful ceremony with True Father and True Mother in their wedding attire, served by the True Children who looked like princess and princesses

Gifts were given by all nations and regions from around the world

Entertainment followed. Was personally touched by the joyful dance and song of True Parents’ daughters in law who sang: “Pangapsumnida, Pangapsumnida” in praise of True Parents. Their husbands were mesmerized, taking photos and video coverage with their cell phones. It was beautiful to behold!

IV. Day of Victory of Love

Read from personal and other notes, yet to be typed up.

Parade: It was such a joy to participate in this procession through Seoul, standing up for our True Parents. The weather had mercy on us instead of minus 17 degrees Celsius we had the sun warm things up to above freezing level.

Cheon Bok ceremony – Blessing of the Holy Salt (special support from 4 major saints and the earth of True Father’s home town)

Profound ceremony which True Father took over. He spoke strongly to the religions representatives in front of him to no longer persecute him or the Unification Movement, or else there will be consequences, the ancestors might call them to the spirit world.

He then instructed President Hyung Jin together with each religions leader to light the candles, indicating that from now on, all leaders need to go through the True Children. It was quite moving. Then he asked that the candle sticks which were heavy and golden, be given to the closest disciples of the religions leader. The candles should be burning in each home until 2013.

Archbishop Milingo, Taj Hamad and 2 other religious leaders came forward to open the huge cauldron of holy salt, turning the lid, which was a golden Unification Church symbol on each ray of the symbol, True Father then asked them to bless it, giving instructions from his throne…

Then True Father called up Rev. Hwang and Dr. Yang and in a special ceremony of trading places and spraying the newly blessed holy salt facilitated the unity between Cain and Abel.

Personally I felt history was in the making, and True Parents set conditions in place as well as giving us protection and tools so we may be able to fulfill our responsibility in this year of 2012, going forward with conviction and confidence

Each family acquired Holy Salt, which needs to be renewed each year. Get special candle for protection in our homes. Never extinguish candle till 2013.

Dinner in a Korean restaurant

V. Kook Jin Nim speaks. “A Strong Korea?” PowerPoint presentation. Read personal notes.

Opening of art exhibition by Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim. Jan. 25

World CARP assembly. Jan. 25. “Proving the Existence of God”

One-hour walking on the spot with Hyung Jin Nim while he was speaking

There are no human rights without God.

We need to be equipped spiritually, mentally, and physically for upcoming battles.

Need for training on all levels.

Be ready to shed tears, sweat, and blood for the sake of CIG.

21st century is determined in its teens.

No atheistic tyrants shall rule.

Defend God.

Stand strong.

I was so glad to see that our International President is addressing this fundamental question for our second generation (and some of us), to equip them for the spiritual and ideological battle ahead. Indeed I believe all of our second gen needs to discuss that question in our homes. After all, if we don’t know why we believe in God, why He exists, and decide to live a life with Him and within His principles, nothing else makes sense, no DP, Blessing, moral principles, etc. I was thrilled to pieces, since the atheistic arguments so much reminded me of my youth and the struggles I faced with atheists not having any plausible answers.

Also as we were walking with Hyung Jin Nim, I realized it is time for our training, getting back in shape physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually for this year of 2012 so we may unleash the dragon within, I do believe that there is a dragon (untapped potential, passion, energy and capacity in all of us that we have not tapped into yet. Now is the time to do so!!

Debate for testifying to the existence of God: Theism vs. atheism Training the next generation. – Please get the recording of this and share with our second generation!!

Holy Spirit healing session. My personal testimony with God

VI. Conclusion in reflection

2012 is a watershed year, the outcome of which depends entirely on the Unification Movement and each of us, meaning the BCFs’ fulfilling their responsibility and doing exactly what True Father said.

a. Complete distributing the 430 autobiographies

b. Liberate 210 generations

c. Tribal Messiahship: Restore 12 families and bring 3 couples to Blessing in 2013

d. Shed your old self, lose consciousness of self

e. Read the 8 textbooks in daily Hoon Dok Hae

f. Educate the next generation about the meaning of the Day of Victory of Love, about the existence of God, meaning of the Blessing, etc.

g. Settle all accounts of the past

h. Put on new clothes of true love.

i. Be confident, courageous and love the enemy.

j. Speak up and proclaim True Parents.

k. Through the above, prepare for Foundation Day 2013, and be registered in Korea as part of Father’s lineage.

This is the time to dig deep within and unleash our true passion for God and True Parents with the dragon spirit, moving forward, putting all our effort, giving it our all toward victory on all levels. God bless!


Making a Life or Death Determination

Sun Myung Moon
January 23, 2012
True God's Day


Throwing the ball with all your might! Making a life or death determination! Throwing the ball with all your strength! You should know that mothers in labor arc putting their lives on the line and are throwing the ball with all their might. Such parents love their children and they maintain the hope, even now, that their children will become greater than they are no matter what kind of difficulties their children face.

It is the same in the animal world, for the fish in their realm under the sea, for the birds in the air and for the beasts in the mountains. They make effort to leave behind descendants and put their lives on the line to take great care of their sons and daughters who come after them. In observing this, we must understand that we need to make our most extreme effort in order to become the lords and masters of creation. This means we must already have put our lives on the line.

Our homeland is not in front of us; it follows behind us. Even God, the God of Night and God of Day, cannot lie down. He is waiting urgently for the day of True Parents' victory. Each day for God is like a thousand years. Each day for God is truly more difficult than that of a mother in labor. Young women! If you've had the experience of childbirth, putting your life on the line is nothing by comparison.

Just as a baseball pitcher must throw the ball with all his might, a mother giving birth must make her utmost effort to make it over the hill of labor. The newborn baby cries out that it was born as a new son or daughter of heaven, as the first grandchild of its nation's patron saint. Whenever I hear that sound, I ask for the child's forgiveness thousands and tens of thousands of times. As I do so, I welcome this day with tears, wishing to not be ashamed in front of you, wishing that we can become your parents, and wishing for your encouragement. I will not forget that I marked this day.

You are celebrating my birthday, and what was it, an all-out what? [Advance.]1 You should throw the ball with all your might and rally your life-or-death determinations in order to welcome this holy day each year with that kind of determination and resolve to continue advancing and advancing more. Moreover, with the fieriness of your pledge, you should make a more fearsome, victorious advance than if you were to push the buttons to simultaneously detonate both a hydrogen bomb and an atomic bomb. That is the kind of determination I ask you to make now. [Aju! Applause]

If you will make this determination, raise both hands, remember this day in front of God and become soldiers of heaven that are like dragons who will march forward. I pray that you will not be sons and daughters that are ashamed of yourselves when you remember this hour in the future. Do not lose the memory of this first day of the twelfth year. Determine that the tense situation of the Republic of Korea can be swayed by your resolve. In the hope, in my heart, that you will resolve to make a new beginning, I oversee God's protection and blessings on this New Year in the name of the True Parents. [Aju! Applause]


1 Father's speech on the first God's Day, January 1, 1968, entitled "All Out Advance" was the Hoon Dok reading before Father gave this speech. 

The True Family Photo on True Gods Day, Cheon-Gi Year 3

Sun Myung Moon
January 23, 2012


Center: Father and Mother; Standing, left to right: Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's wife), Hwa Yun Nim (Kwon Jin Nim's wife), Kwon Jin Nim, Ji Yea Nim (Kook Jin Nim's wife) holding second son Shin Cheon Nim, Kook Jin Nim, Yeon Ah Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's wife), Hyung Jin Nim, Sun Jin Nim, In Sup Nim Sun Jin Nim's husband), Hoon Sook Nim (Heung Jin Nim's wife), Jin Sung Nim (In Jin Nim's husband), Un Jin Nim, Ye Jin Nim, Jeong Jin Nim; Kneeling, middle, left to right: Lee Hyung Jin Nim (Shin Mi Nim's husband) with Soon Nam Nim and Shin Mi Nim holding Soon Ok Nim (Their children are True Parents' great-grandchildren), Hirotaka Nim (Shin Sook Nim's husband) and Shin Sook Nim (Sung Jin Nim's second daughter) holding her daughter Soon Mi Nim, Shin Ji Nim (Un Jin Nim's second daughter), Shin Yeon Nim (Un Jin Nim's first daughter), Shin Yuh Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's first daughter), Shin Man Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's second son), Shin Pal Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's first son), Ariana Shin Sun Nim (In Jin Nim's daughter), Preston Shin Pyung Nim (In Jin Nim's first son), Krista Un Jeung Nim (Shin Pyung Nim's wife); Sitting, front, left to right: Shin Soo Nim (Kook Jin Nim's third daughter), Shin Nae Nim (Kook Jin Nim's second daughter), Shin Soon Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's second daughter), Shin Whul Nim (Heung Jin Nim's daughter), Shin Goong Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's daughter), Shin Joon Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's third son), Shin Jin Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's third son), Shin Deuk Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's fourth son), Shin Ah Nim (Kook Jin Nim's first daughter) holding Shin Pyun Nim (Kook Jin Nim's third son), Shin Kook Nim (Kook Jin Nim's first son), Shin Heung Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's second son), Shin Chul Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's first son) (Hyo Jin Nim's children here are all with Choi Yeon Ah Nim.) 

True Father’s Words on True God’s Day

January 23, 2012
Translated by Tossa Cromwell

True Father's Words

Throwing the ball with all your strength! Making a life or death determination! Throwing the ball with all your strength! You should know that mothers in labor are putting their lives on the line and throwing the ball with all their strength. Such parents love their children, and they keep the desire, even now, that their children will become greater than they no matter what types of difficulties their children may face.

It is the same for animals: for fish underwater, for birds in the air and for beasts in the mountains. They put their lives on the line in order to leave behind descendants and to take utmost care of their remaining sons and daughters. When we see how animals act, we have to realize that there is no question that we need to make our utmost effort and put our lives on the line in order to become the lords of creation

Our homeland is not ahead of us; it follows behind us. Even God, even the God of Night and God of Day, cannot lie down. They are waiting for the day of True Parents’ victory. For God, each day is tougher than that of a mother in labor; for God, each day is like a thousand years. Young maidens! If you’ve given birth, then putting your life on the line is nothing in comparison.

Just as baseball pitchers must throw the ball with all their strength, a mother giving birth must make her utmost effort to make it over the hill of labor. When a baby is born, it cries out that it was born as a new son or daughter of heaven, as the eldest grandchild of this nation’s patron saint. Whenever I hear that sound, I ask for the child’s forgiveness thousands and tens of thousands of times. I am welcoming this day with tears, wishing that I will not be ashamed in front of you, wishing that we will become your parents, and wishing for your encouragement. So I will not forget this day.

You are celebrating my birthday, and what was the title of my speech that we read today? We are making an all-out advance. You should throw the ball with all your strength and make a life-or-death determination in order to welcome these holy days with that kind of determination and resolution to continue advancing and advancing more. Moreover, with the flame of your pledge, you should have a scarier victorious advance than if you were to push the buttons to detonate both a hydrogen bomb and an atomic bomb at once. That is the kind of determination that I want you to make now. (Audience: Aju! [Applause])

If you will make this determination, raise both hands, remember this day in front of God and become soldiers of heaven who are like dragons who will move forward. I pray that you will not be sons and daughters that are ashamed of yourselves when you remember this hour in the future. Do not forget this first day of the twelfth year. Determine that the tense situation of the Republic of Korea can be swayed by your resolve. With the hopes that you will resolve to make a new beginning, I hereby oversee God’s protection and blessings on this New Year in the name of the True Parents. (Audience: “Aju!” [Applause])

God's Day 2012 Midnight Prayer

Sun Myung Moon
January 23, 2012
Translated by Tossa Cromwell

The following is True Father’s 2012 midnight prayer offered at the Cheon Jeong Gung (Palace of Heavenly Righteousness) in Cheongpyeong, Korea on 1.1 by the heavenly calendar in 2012 (Jan. 23, 2012 by the Gregorian calendar).

Midnight Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I hereby offer this prayer to you at midnight on the first day of the first month of the twelfth year of the heavenly calendar.

Heavenly Father, as the Creator who appeared in the Garden of Eden, you have worked to accomplish your purpose through three successive attempts, according to the attitude of “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” You warned us that eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge would bring eternal ruin. If your will had been fulfilled in the Garden of Eden, then everything would have become perfect, complete and finalized from that first hour. This earthly world would have been blessed with a kingdom of heaven of victory, liberation and perfection centering on the nation of true love.

Heaven and earth would have become perfect and complete, attaining oneness with your true love and connecting to your tradition and lineage. Through the blessing of the realm of the eldest son and the realm of the eldest daughter – a son and daughter who both resemble you – a time of complete victory, liberation and perfection would have begun, and an eternal and immortal autonomous world of your ideal of creation would be conceived. That victorious world, which could have been completed, perfected and finalized, has even now not been perfected.

Representing the third attempt referred to in the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again,” we have gone beyond the age of the soul onto the energy of the spirit self. On this first day of the twelfth year of the Heavenly Foundation of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, I proclaim in the name of the True Parents a new beginning from when it is possible for the nation of victorious dominance, which has inherited the spirit self of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, to enter a new time of liberation, perfection and royal authority, an autonomous time of our Heavenly Father’s full authority. The victorious dominant royal authority, based on the realm of liberation of 210 blessed generations in the physical and spirit worlds, will continue for eternity. Aju! Aju! Aju!

True God's Day Midnight Prayer

Sun Myung Moon
January 23, 2012


I offer this prayer to you at midnight on the first day of the first month of the twelfth year, the New Year, according to the heavenly calendar.

God of the Garden of Eden, our Creator, accomplishing through three successive attempts according to the saying "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," You stated that eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would bring eternal ruin. If Your will had been fulfilled, everything in the Garden of Eden would have become perfect, complete and finalized from that first hour. This earthly world would have been blessed as the heavenly kingdom of victory, liberation and perfection, centering on the kingdom of true love.

Heaven and earth would have become perfect and complete, becoming one with Your true love and connecting to Your tradition and lineage. Through the blessing of the right of the eldest son and the right of the eldest daughter -- a son and daughter who both resemble you -- a time of complete victory, liberation and perfection would have begun and an eternal and immortal autonomous world of your ideal of creation would be conceived. That victorious world, which could have been completed, perfected and finalized between that time and now has not yet been perfected.


Representing the third attempt referred to in the saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," we have reached the age of the soul, the power of the spirit self. On this first day of this twelfth year, on the Heavenly Foundation of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, I proclaim, in the name of the True Parents, a new beginning where we can enter the kingdom of victorious supremacy that has inherited the spirit self of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in a new age of liberation, perfection and royal authority, the era of our sovereign Heavenly Father's full authority. The victorious and supreme kingship, based on the authority of the liberation of 210 blessed generations in the physical and spiritual worlds, will continue for eternity.

Aju! Aju! Aju! 

Everything in the Garden of Eden Would Have Become Perfect and Finalized

Sun Myung Moon
January 1, 2012
2012 True God's Day Midnight Prayer

Everything in the Garden of Eden Would Have Become Perfect and Finalized

I offer this prayer to you at midnight on the first day of the first month of the twelfth year, the New Year, according to the heavenly calendar.

God of the Garden of Eden, our Creator, accomplishing through three successive attempts according to the saying "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again,'' You stated that eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would bring eternal ruin. If Your will had been fulfilled, everything in the Garden of Eden would have become perfect, complete and finalized from that first hour. This earthly world would have been blessed as the heavenly kingdom of victory, liberation and perfection, centering on the kingdom of true love.

Heaven and earth would have become perfect and complete, becoming one with Your true love and connecting to Your tradition and lineage. Through the blessing of the right of the eldest son and the right of the eldest daughter -- a son and daughter who both resemble you -- a time of complete victory, liberation and perfection would have begun and an eternal and immortal autonomous world of your ideal of creation would be conceived. That victorious world, which could have been completed, perfected and finalized between that time and now has not yet been perfected.

Representing the third attempt referred to in the saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," we have reached the age of the soul, the power of the spirit self. On this first day of this twelfth year, on the Heavenly Foundation of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, I proclaim, in the name of the True Parents, a new beginning where we can enter the kingdom of victorious supremacy that has inherited the spirit self of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in a new age of liberation, perfection and royal authority, the era of our sovereign Heavenly Father's full authority.

The victorious and supreme kingship, based on the authority of the liberation of 210 blessed generations in the physical and spiritual worlds, will continue for eternity.

Aju! Aju! Aju!