garden of eden

I Wanted to Make an Educational Center, Which Would be Better than the Garden of Eden

Sun Myung Moon
April 2, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 12 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"I had planned to make a training center at Mt. Geumgang, but North Korea wouldn't listen to it. I wanted to make an educational center, which would be better than the Garden of Eden."

"Today is the day of the opening of the era of omnipotence (오늘은 전능시대의 개문이야). That's why I came here. Before coming here from Hawaii, I called Sun Jo Hwang twice."

"In the fallen world, there are fights for lands, all creatures, humans and God. In the world of God's creation, everybody can be the owner (주인) and equal with each other. There is no concept such as discrimination or conflict."

Rev. Yang read the report from Rev. Chung Shik Yong, Asia Continental Director, regarding the Mindanao Interfaith Festival held on 3.10 HC in Mindanao, the Philippines where 12,000 couples joined the Blessing. The following are some of the photos of the events held there.

(After the report)

"That is the place which can be developing more. There is nothing more I hope there. (Heavenly fortune) has already passed even Hawaii. / 이개 더 발전할 장소, 바랄 것이 없네. 하와이도 다 지나갔네." Then Father told all the participants to give a big hand to the Philippines.

(Katsumi: According to Father's speech given on Oct. 21, 1975, heavenly fortune / 천운 / 天運 moved from Israel to Rome, then to England and later to the US through history. In the light of the Pacific Rim Era, Father needs to connect and move the heavenly fortune from the US, where he spent his prime time for more than 30 years, to Korea, God's fatherland, through Japan which ls located between the two countries. But according to Rev. Yu, since Japan couldn't fulfill her responsibility on that regard, Father put Hawaii in place of Japan and has worked hard moving back and forth between Korea, Hawaii and Las Vegas. From that viewpoint, I think his comments above regarding the victory of the Mindanao Interfaith Festival which took place in the Philippines in Asia are providentially significant.)

True Parents with all the participants sang "Glory Hallelujah" in Korean, which concluded the meeting that day. 

Everything in the Garden of Eden Would Have Become Perfect and Finalized

Sun Myung Moon
January 1, 2012
2012 True God's Day Midnight Prayer

Everything in the Garden of Eden Would Have Become Perfect and Finalized

I offer this prayer to you at midnight on the first day of the first month of the twelfth year, the New Year, according to the heavenly calendar.

God of the Garden of Eden, our Creator, accomplishing through three successive attempts according to the saying "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again,'' You stated that eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would bring eternal ruin. If Your will had been fulfilled, everything in the Garden of Eden would have become perfect, complete and finalized from that first hour. This earthly world would have been blessed as the heavenly kingdom of victory, liberation and perfection, centering on the kingdom of true love.

Heaven and earth would have become perfect and complete, becoming one with Your true love and connecting to Your tradition and lineage. Through the blessing of the right of the eldest son and the right of the eldest daughter -- a son and daughter who both resemble you -- a time of complete victory, liberation and perfection would have begun and an eternal and immortal autonomous world of your ideal of creation would be conceived. That victorious world, which could have been completed, perfected and finalized between that time and now has not yet been perfected.

Representing the third attempt referred to in the saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," we have reached the age of the soul, the power of the spirit self. On this first day of this twelfth year, on the Heavenly Foundation of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, I proclaim, in the name of the True Parents, a new beginning where we can enter the kingdom of victorious supremacy that has inherited the spirit self of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in a new age of liberation, perfection and royal authority, the era of our sovereign Heavenly Father's full authority.

The victorious and supreme kingship, based on the authority of the liberation of 210 blessed generations in the physical and spiritual worlds, will continue for eternity.

Aju! Aju! Aju!