Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon's Final Prayer

August 13, 2012

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True Father was admitted to St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul on August 3, 2012, due to cold symptoms that worsened into pneumonia. On August 12, after 10 days of tests and treatment, he insisted on returning to the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace. After arriving, True Father went from room to room in a wheelchair, visiting the East, West, North and South of the facility. He touched the table at which he and True Mother sat during Hoon Dok Hae and many other items, now and then saying, "Please be well."

Those things he could not touch with his hands he observed with his eyes, holding True Mother's hand tightly and repeating now and then, "Mother, thank you." The following day, True Father's condition continued to worsen. Nevertheless, he insisted on visiting Cheongshim Middle and High School, Chung Pyung World Peace Center and the Chung Pyung Training Center.

He then came to the sitting room in the Cheon Jeong Gung and asked for a digital recorder. He thought deeply for about ten minutes and then offered his final prayer:

"Today, as I have returned the completion of the final perfection of the Father, I am aware that I have offered my whole life up to this moment to the Father.

According to His Will, I am spending this time to bring my life to a conclusion, using this time to bring it to a close with Jeong Seong. …

Tribal messiahs have established a name that can represent the nation.

I have accomplished all these tasks. I have accomplished everything."

Afterward True Mother took True Father to Cheongshim Medical Center, where his strength appeared to fail, and he was rushed back to St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul. He remained in the Intensive Care Unit there until August 31, when True Mother directed that he be returned to Cheongshim Medical Center. True Father ascended on September 3 (H.C. 7.17).

The True Family Photo on True Gods Day, Cheon-Gi Year 3

Sun Myung Moon
January 23, 2012


Center: Father and Mother; Standing, left to right: Yeon Ah Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's wife), Hwa Yun Nim (Kwon Jin Nim's wife), Kwon Jin Nim, Ji Yea Nim (Kook Jin Nim's wife) holding second son Shin Cheon Nim, Kook Jin Nim, Yeon Ah Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's wife), Hyung Jin Nim, Sun Jin Nim, In Sup Nim Sun Jin Nim's husband), Hoon Sook Nim (Heung Jin Nim's wife), Jin Sung Nim (In Jin Nim's husband), Un Jin Nim, Ye Jin Nim, Jeong Jin Nim; Kneeling, middle, left to right: Lee Hyung Jin Nim (Shin Mi Nim's husband) with Soon Nam Nim and Shin Mi Nim holding Soon Ok Nim (Their children are True Parents' great-grandchildren), Hirotaka Nim (Shin Sook Nim's husband) and Shin Sook Nim (Sung Jin Nim's second daughter) holding her daughter Soon Mi Nim, Shin Ji Nim (Un Jin Nim's second daughter), Shin Yeon Nim (Un Jin Nim's first daughter), Shin Yuh Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's first daughter), Shin Man Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's second son), Shin Pal Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's first son), Ariana Shin Sun Nim (In Jin Nim's daughter), Preston Shin Pyung Nim (In Jin Nim's first son), Krista Un Jeung Nim (Shin Pyung Nim's wife); Sitting, front, left to right: Shin Soo Nim (Kook Jin Nim's third daughter), Shin Nae Nim (Kook Jin Nim's second daughter), Shin Soon Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's second daughter), Shin Whul Nim (Heung Jin Nim's daughter), Shin Goong Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's daughter), Shin Joon Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's third son), Shin Jin Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's third son), Shin Deuk Nim (Hyung Jin Nim's fourth son), Shin Ah Nim (Kook Jin Nim's first daughter) holding Shin Pyun Nim (Kook Jin Nim's third son), Shin Kook Nim (Kook Jin Nim's first son), Shin Heung Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's second son), Shin Chul Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's first son) (Hyo Jin Nim's children here are all with Choi Yeon Ah Nim.)