hyung jin moon

The Cross of True Father

Hyung Jin Moon
August 26, 2012


Hello, everyone. First, I'd like to express my gratitude to the many members throughout the world who have been offering Jeong Seong last week and this week. Those prayers have given Father a lot of energy and also have given a lot of power and energy to True Mother, who is protecting and being with True Father day after day. The True Children are with Father around the clock, 24 hours, taking turns; the staff members are with True Parents as well; and the CARP [Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles] students are also taking turns to be with Father at the hospital. We're very grateful for everyone's Jeong Seong.

Last week, as you know, Father had to struggle against many circumstances. This is not an easy fight. I will go into detail a little bit more a little later, but last week there was an infection in his blood, so we were concerned about that. Fortunately after the week was over, that was caught and resolved. We could eliminate that infection, so we're very grateful about that.

Also last week, as you have heard, the oxygen saturation level in Father's blood was similar to the previous week, and he's still attached to many machines. Right now he is fighting, investing himself fully in a struggle of life and death. This is not an easy thing, not a simple thing at all. Please understand that.

Spiritual and Physical Salvation

Let's begin with Father's words. Let's read these together, on page 685 of Cheon Seong Gyeong.

"The Messiah goes from the bottom of hell to the top of the most glorious place in the world of humankind. This means that there is no place that he would not go, even at the risk of his life, to save humankind."


Now when I look at this, I'm reminded of John 3:16,

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."


We've learned from the Principle that Jesus came to offer not only spiritual salvation but physical salvation as well. However, because of the insufficiencies of humanity, Jesus died earlier than he should have, and he was able to give only spiritual salvation to humanity. When God had to send Jesus the way of the cross, this was a very painful thing for God. Also, this was not the path that God originally desired for Jesus. If only humanity had received Jesus and accepted him as Messiah, he would not have gone that course!

Jesus went that way, however, in the end. Even though this was not God's first choice, God was able to use that course to give humanity spiritual salvation. In other words, the crucifixion and resurrection course of Jesus made it possible for humanity's mind to go to God, and humanity could receive salvation in the world of the heart and the mind.

When the Lord of the Second Advent comes, however, we have the opportunity to go to the world and to the place that God desires us to go. That is the mission of the returning Lord. So Father came, and True Parents came, to provide to humanity not only spiritual salvation but also physical salvation.

The Government as the Archangel

Father and Mother have gained victory through an incredible struggle. But still when we look at our world, we see that in humanity's history we've had tyrants and dictators, and until now we've been living in the realm of Satan. We see that the government, which is in the position of the archangel, has dominated human beings. That is the world we have lived in.

We know through the Principle that by taking advantage of Adam and Eve's freedom of choice the archangel took away Adam and Eve's position as lords of creation. Now we need to return to that position and to restore the three great blessings. In the past, no matter how much we may have tried, humanity was always in the position of slaves. The kingdoms that should have allowed humanity to go to God instead oppressed humanity. As we analyze any and all countries, we know that although government is necessary, the position of the government should be to assist humanity to develop and grow toward God. But not only in the modern age but also throughout history we see that all the nations that have existed have always pushed down humanity.

If we look at the current world as well -- as we saw in the news last week and as we see what's going on in the world -- we can see that the world we live in is very unstable. It's not just the weather. I know, the weather was poor last week. It seemed like heaven was crying. It's been raining in Korea for the past two weeks. But also we see instability in the countries around the world.

The Weakening of the United States

Father spent 33 years in the United States, investing himself in order to save America, but America has fallen a long way. It is becoming weaker and weaker. The government is growing larger, and as it does the freedom of its citizens is lessening. In the last four years the president of the United States has increased the debt about $5 trillion. There's an election going on now.

Father always challenged America. He challenged its president and always tried to meet the president of the United States. The United States needs to go on the correct course in order for the world to be able to go on the correct course. Now America and the world are going in the direction of socialism. The position that America occupied in the world is going down. You've all heard the Strong Korea lecture, so you see that another force is growing stronger. This is a force that does not pursue freedom. Instead it pursues strength and power -- not power that tries to give freedom to other countries, but power that has the character to try to take away the freedom of other countries and other peoples.

We see that the force of China is different from the force of the United States. China is not a country that will sacrifice itself in order to give freedom to other countries. If the 21st century were to be dominated by that kind of a force, then this will be a very dark century. It would be a world that is under an oppressive force, very different from the United States. Until now the United States has protected Korea and Japan. Father was always telling America that it had to fulfill that responsibility, and America did that.

In the current situation the United States is drowning in debt. The government is growing larger, and America itself is becoming smaller and weaker. It has a lot of debt and it is wasting a lot of money. As a result, America is becoming weaker, and as a result the world is becoming more and more dangerous.

The Growing Power of China

We saw last week already that what Father prophesied in 2005 is coming true: The island countries are now facing a problem in the Pacific. You remember Father's words of 2005, don't you, about the Pacific realm? He said that the island nations must be careful and must quickly come together, otherwise, large countries such as China and Russia may be able to take over such countries in just a day and make them their own. This is what Father prophesied in 2005. From 2005, Father was concerned about this kind of thing. We were not aware; we heard those words, and we couldn't understand what he was talking about.

If you saw the news last week, I'm sure you know what kind of thing is going on. We've prepared a number of slides. This one shows Chinese activists landing on the Senkaku Islands, saying, "Oh, this belongs to China." And Japanese activists have landed there saying, "This belongs to Japan." These are very small islands. This was last week. Because of these activities, the atmosphere within China is changing very much.

Let's go to the next slide. Now there are demonstrations going on in China as anti-Japanese feeling is growing. People are saying, "Let's fight Japan." They're turning Japanese cars upside down. This photo was taken in Guangdong last week. Something needs to be changed.

Religion Must Give Truth to Politicians

We are a religion, but we cannot just look at religion. This is what Father has always said. We don't just speak about spiritual things. In the ideal world, religion, politics, and economics must move together. Religion cannot just sit still. Religion is not just prayer and meditation. That is not all religion does in the ideal world. If politics goes bad, then in the ideal world religion in the Abel position needs to take care of that. If the world goes too much in the wrong direction, then religion must stand up and oppose that. That has not been done by religion until now because religion was under the government or was under a certain dictator. But in the ideal world it cannot be like that.

That is why Father has always told religious leaders that religion must challenge political leaders to say the right things, to give truth to the political leaders. This is how the world must go.

Last week we saw problems in the Middle East. You're aware of this, aren't you? Peace is not coming to the Middle East. Last week Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu said that by September 25th the United States must make a decision; otherwise, because Iran is developing nuclear weapons and Israel is worried about this, there's a high possibility that Israel may attack Iran.

What kind of world are we living in? Are the citizens of Korea thinking about this, or are they just living comfortably? In the Middle East, there is a high possibility of war. It's not just fooling around. And if there's war in the Middle East, the United States will have to become involved. If the U.S. becomes involved, then probably Russia also will become involved because it has a lot of interest in the Middle East. If the United States becomes involved, other countries will not be able to stay still.

The First World War began with a very small conflict, and it developed into a world war. Why is it that modern people think erroneously that war cannot occur in our generation? We are going into a very dangerous and fearful time. It is not fooling around.

In the Principle, there is the prediction, the prophecy, that the third world war must come. It may be an ideological war, or it may be a hot war. But the direction that the world is going now is not the direction of an ideological war. This is a situation that is deteriorating very quickly.

Some religion, some faith has to stand up and fight for the freedom of the world. It has to shout out for the safety and security of the world. Some religion must stand up -- not simply standstill, but stand up -- and shout out for the ideal world of freedom. It must let people know how precious freedom is, how precious is the gift that God has given us. Until now humanity has lived like slaves under tyrants and dictators and we must not repeat that kind of history.


Father Is On The Cross

In this ominous age Father suddenly became ill. I was with Father for a year and a half, as you know. He would have colds and he would become ill, but I saw that he would recover very quickly. For maybe a few days, he might feel some difficulty, but a few days later he would come back to Hoon Dok Hae and be as strong as ever. I saw that continuously.

Whether he's in Las Vegas or wherever he might be, I often heard him say, "I'm going to live until 117," and I believe that. But why, suddenly, is Father suffering this excruciating pain now? As I said last week, 10 years ago in the United States Father had a serious operation, and the day he went into the hospital was the day on which the Iraq war began.

Who is the Lord of the Second Advent? He's the most precious existence to God. He's more precious than the entire cosmos put together. Now, when the world is going into an immensely dangerous time, why is it that Father again must take up the cross? This week, Father's pulse and oxygen saturation rate were stabilized, and we're grateful to God for this. People say, "Oh, I heard Father's improved a lot," but Father is still fighting.

The doctor said it this way. He said generally people might recover at a speed of 55 kilometers an hour, for example. Comparatively, Father might improve a little bit but the speed of his improvement is like five kilometers an hour compared with a normal person's recovery. So, Father is fighting day in and day out.

When the world is standing on the cliff and appears about to head into war, Father is experiencing this kind of pain. This week as we watched Father -- and if you've seen older people in the hospital, maybe you can understand -- in order to help Father's oxygen saturation and his breathing, a tube must go through his mouth. If that remains in the throat for too long, then it causes problems, so the tube had to be changed this week. Otherwise bacteria might get in.

In the past when we would go to see Father, we would see the tube in Father's mouth and there was a plastic part that covered the mouth. We had to change that, and it was extremely uncomfortable for Father. It was so painful for him that he bit down on the tube so hard that one of his teeth fell out. We took out that plastic part. It was very difficult for us to go to Father.

We've always seen Father being so strong, but now he is lying down, and the part covering his mouth is not there, so he has to keep his mouth open. Of course, he must be kept in a state of sleep because his situation is so painful.

This week the doctor will make a decision whether to keep the tube in Father's throat or to open a passage into his throat. Think about it. Throughout Father's life, he has given us God's word; he's always been active, always moving around. For almost two weeks now, he's been restrained because there are so many tubes in him. To keep them from coming out, his arms have to be restrained. Also, he cannot express himself in words. This is more difficult than the cross, greater suffering.

This past week as I have seen Father, I really feel that Father is on the cross. It is as if he's been nailed to a cross. Even Jesus was in that situation only for a few hours. But Father is in this situation day after day. This is not just our father. This is your father. He's the father of the world. You offered a lot of Jeong Seong last week, and I'm very grateful to those who did that. Members around the world are offering a lot of Jeong Seong. I'm receiving e-mails and other messages.

Really, we don't know what is going to happen. We need to offer Jeong Seong with greater effort. What's most painful for me is that I'm not able to do anything for Father. I'm not able to bring him water; I'm not able to talk with him in a relaxed way. I cannot talk with him about anything. There's nothing I can do for him, and that for me is the most difficult.

Jesus' disciples, as they saw him on the cross, felt helpless because they couldn't do anything for him. They wanted to do something for him, but they couldn't. In that situation the disciples denied Jesus. If Jesus had been on the cross for a long time, then the disciples may have said, "It's difficult for me; I'm in difficulty; why do I have to continue to withstand this situation?" But I'm sure the members of the Unification Church are not that kind of sons and daughters.

Yesterday, for example, we were able to see a photograph of Father's lungs. The right lung was not recovering, so we were concerned. But when we compared the photograph with one taken two days before that, the doctor showed us that the right lung had not been recovering, but yesterday there was some oxygen getting in through the right lung. But he's still in the ICU, and it's still very painful for him.

Truly we must give more power and strength to Father. We must offer Jeong Seong together for that.

(End of audio) 

A Report on True Father's Health to Members Worldwide

Hyung Jin Moon
August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Good morning, everyone. First, I would like to give thanks to God and True Parents. We also have to give thanks to those who have come from a long way across the seas. To the True Children I would like to give thanks because they have come such a long way. Please give a round of applause.

My older sister Ye Jin Moon and her family are here. Please recognize them. And my sister In Jin Moon. My younger sister, Jeung Jin Moon are here, and Yeon Jin Moon just left for the Britain. Please applaud for my two younger sisters. And Sun Jin Moon's family is here. And also Kwon Jin Moon's family is here. Right now in the hospital surrounding True Mother, there is Kook Jin Moon's couple, and the daughters-in-law are there. They are staying with True Mother during this time.

Kook Jin Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, Yeon Jin Moon, Sun Jin Moon,Ye Jin Moon and other family members in happier times – May 21, 2012

Kook Jin Moon, Hyung Jin Moon, Yeon Jin Moon, Sun Jin Moon,Ye Jin Moon and other family members in happier times – May 21, 2012

I would like to give thanks to all of our brothers and sisters across the world. Many, many brothers and sisters from all countries, whether it's Brazil or Russia or any other country, are offering Jeong Seong and prayers -- an incredible amount of prayers for the sake of True Parents. And so today my words are not just addressed to the Cheon Bok Gung but to all members around the world. So let's give a round of applause to all members around the world.

Bodies Connected to the Providence

We need to remember that Father is not just a normal person. Father's body is not just a normal body. About 10 years ago in America, Father went through a very difficult situation with his health. I think many members already know about this, but at that time Father had to have heart surgery because water [blood] kept coming in. On the day that he went into the hospital, the Iraq war began. [Rev. Moon probably had heart valve surgery.]

[Hyung Jin Moon's emotion overcomes him.]

My older brother is telling me to take deep breaths.

True Parents' minds and bodies are always connected to the providence. If we look at the world today, there are many dangerous situations. In 2005, Father predicted the pan-Pacific age, and he said that particularly the island nations are in danger. He said that Russia and China may use their overwhelming strength to take over the island countries, that this kind of a time may come. Seven years ago he predicted this. And now we are witnessing that reality. We see that Chinese citizens landed on Senkaku Island, and the Japanese police took them into custody. That is a situation where there's a great possibility for conflict.

You have seen the statistics that Kook Jin Moon gives in his lecture "Strong Korea." Even now Korea and Japan are having conflict because of various issues, whether it's the Dokdo [Island] issue or other issues. Actually these free countries need to unite as one to stand up against the countries of communist dictatorships: They need to defend themselves against this challenge. This is a very important period in that sense. But instead we are fighting over a small island, and that's what the world is witnessing. The United States, economically now, is just standing by quietly.

In the Divine Principle words we see in Part II the prophecy about the third world war. Depending on the human portion of responsibility that war may be an actual war, or it may be a conflict of ideologies. But the Divine Principle says that a third world war must come, one way or another.

In this incredibly important time, Father, who is responsible to save the world, pushed himself way beyond his limits. He went back and forth between Korea and the United States. And as soon as he would arrive, he would have assemblies, and he would speak for three hours, four hours, and he would have Hoon Dok Hae for 13 hours, 14 hours, 15 hours. I've been attending True Parents for the last year and a half, and this is how it has been continuously.

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – July 10, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – July 10, 2012

It may be confusing, so I will make references according to the solar calendar. On July 16th, Father returned from Las Vegas to Korea. When he was still in the plane, he contacted Korea and told all the members to gather in the Cheongshim World Center. I'm sure you remember, and you all attended there. Then at that event he sweated as he spoke for three or four hours, giving us his words. And then the next morning he spoke again at Hoon Dok Hae. The workshop for the Original Divine Principle was going on at that time, so he received the participants in that workshop.

Lungs of a Coal Miner

Then from that time his health seemed to be a little bit strange. As I was attending Father for a year and a half, when Father would catch cold, or when he would have a slight fever, or when he would be feeling bad, I would see him recover many times, dozens of times. When it was difficult, then he would take a rest; after that, the next day, he would come to Hoon Dok Hae again and would be very active and animated. I saw that many times.

But this time Father continued to cough. He was coughing a lot. We did not think that it was such a serious thing. Who could have predicted it would have become like this? He was just coughing a little bit. But he continued to push himself, 10 hours' Hoon Dok Hae, meeting the Itinerary Workers for 13 hours and then at Geomundo Island. He would push himself beyond his limits constantly. He was so active that it was difficult for even a young person to keep up with him.

As he went on like that, the cough became more serious, and gradually the people around him started to become concerned. On August 2nd of the solar calendar, he visited the Osan School. Do you know the Osan School? In our history this is a middle- and a high school. He suddenly said he had to come to Seoul and visit the Osan School, which is located hear Hannamdong. That was a weekend, so there was no staff or teachers there. But he just sat there in the lobby, called all the leaders of our church, and told us to speak about the history of the Osan School. He had the leaders of our church report on that.

On that day, the cough was very serious. Every time he started speaking, he would start to cough and he couldn't begin speaking without also beginning to cough. People were saying, "Mother, I think that cough is becoming very serious." People were very concerned on that day. Then Father went to the Cheon Jeong Gung, and he continued to cough. And Mother said, "This is too serious. Let's go to the hospital." She said to Father, "Let's go to the hospital."

But you know about him! You know how his personality is, what an incredible personality he has. He doesn't listen to anyone. Mother continuously was saying, "Please, please, Father, let's go to the hospital; you need to go to the hospital." In any case on August 3rd, without anyone knowing, Father was admitted to the Holy Mother Hospital [Gangnam] in Seoul. No one knew about this, just the people who immediately attend Father. The hope was that he would be cured of his cough very quickly. [Soon Ae Hong – Dae Mo Nim – was treated at Holy Mother Hospital in September 1979.]

He was admitted to the hospital on that day, and the doctor did a number of tests. What was found in one part of the body was that Father's lungs are different from a normal person's lungs. Coal miner's lungs [Emphysema]. The doctor asked, "How is it that so many particles have entered into his lungs?" The explanation was that when Father was in Hungnam Prison, he breathed in ammonia as he was moving the materials [burlap bags of ammonium sulfate fertilizer] there. When we told the doctor about the Hungnam Prison experience, the doctor said, yes, that's possible that he was affected by that.

But as you know, the lungs' function is to provide oxygen to our bodies. If there are a lot of particles in the lungs, then what do you think? Can oxygen go to the body easily, or would it be difficult for oxygen to get into the body? It would be more difficult than a normal person for the oxygen to be absorbed. So in that situation, when the lungs' function was weakened, there was pneumonia, which made it difficult for Father.

When he first was admitted, three or four times a day he would breathe through an oxygen mask. The nurses would apply the mask to him so that he could breathe in better oxygen. Of course, he was taking medicine as well, and he was on an IV at that time; he was also being given nutrients and medicine through the IV.

At that time when he was in the hospital, the Olympics were going on. We watched Father and saw him watching the Olympics, and we thought he seemed weaker than usual. When he would take our hands and walk, it was more difficult for him to walk at that point.

In any case, he was there for 10 days. You know how urgent he is: All our members know about Father. His character is always very urgent. He wants to go someplace. He gets angry if he wants to go someplace and he can't. In any case, he said, "It's like being in a prison here. I feel like I'm in a prison." He was scolding people around him, "I feel like I'm in a prison." He needed to stay there until he was completely cured, but his character is so incredible. Even the doctor finally approved, and after 10 days Father returned to the Cheon Jeong Gung.

Pushing Beyond Physical Limits

But he promised Mother that he would rest. He made that promise, that he would not go back and forth, and Mother made sure that he promised that before she took him to the Cheon Jeong Gung. I remember that day. But as soon as he got into the car -- he was still connected to his IVs -- he said, "Where's the helicopter? I want to go to Geomundo." The moment that he got into the car!

We said to him, "Father, you can't take the helicopter now. You need to rest." So he returned to the Cheon Jeong Gung on August 12th and he rested for a while. Then at 10:00 p.m. that evening, he started coughing. He got out of bed and received a lot of revelations at that point. He did a special ceremony then, covering North, South, East, and West. He spoke a lot of words. It was important that he not speak because his lung function was very weak, so he needed to stop talking, but he kept speaking through the night.

He rested a little while, and then he got up in the morning. It was difficult for him to walk normally, so he was in a wheelchair, still connected to the IVs. He said, "Go over there." The people attending him together with True Mother took him to all the corners of the Cheon Jeong Gung, to the east, west, south, and north. He went outside the Cheon Jeong Gung, to all the major points of the Cheon Jeong Gung. Not only a person who is 93 but also a person in a very weakened state, he did this for hours and hours; he pushed himself far beyond his limits. He feels the urgent responsibility to save the world.

A Man Protected by Heaven

I remember that day that even when he was lying down, he was not comfortable because it became more and more difficult for him to breathe. He could not lie down normally. He had to sit because when he would lie down, it would put pressure on his lungs. So he would prefer to sit, to breathe that way. But it was very uncomfortable for him. You could see that he was uncomfortable.

Cheongshim Hospital

Cheongshim Hospital

That night Father could not sleep. Every 30 minutes or hour, he would get up and try to change the way he was lying down. Mother would see that, and she said, "Father, I don't think your body is very healthy." In any case, we did our best, and Mother convinced him to go to the Cheongshim Hospital. Very suddenly he went to the Cheongshim Hospital. He went out even before we could join him.

At that time there was an oxygen tank, and he needed to breathe through the oxygen mask. When we got there, the doctors and nurses were doing their best to help him, but it was becoming more and more difficult. The doctors felt that it was more and more difficult for them to care for him. So that day when Kook Jin Moon returned from the United States, we had a meeting at the Cheongshim Hospital. They were giving him an oxygen saturation test to see whether enough oxygen is getting into the blood. The doctors confirmed that the body was not absorbing oxygen as much as it should.

Many people felt that Father would be comfortable at Cheongshim, but Mother said "No, we need to go to the Holy Mother Hospital. They have an intensive care unit, so he needs to go there. If this gets any worse, then we need to move him to Seoul." Mother made that decision. In that situation Father was very weakened, and at that time he was eating rice gruel, very soft rice soup. Because his lung function was weak and he could not breathe normally, doctors were trying to feed him the rice gruel in order to give him more energy. But on the way to Seoul the gruel that he had eaten went down the wrong pipe, and it went into the trachea. Because he had pneumonia, this was a very dangerous situation. As soon as he arrived at the intensive care unit, they immediately gave him artificial respiration with their hands.

Then Mother said, "You should all go to Hannamdong because Father is going to be here." But as soon as we arrived at Hannamdong, we got a call saying, "Quickly come back." So we returned to the hospital very quickly from Hannamdong. We arrived in the ICU; Mother was waiting, and we waited for about an hour there. Then the doctors said that if Mother had made that decision to come to Seoul even half an hour later, then Father would have gone to spirit world that day. That is how serious it was. But Heaven protected him, and just at the right time he was moved to Seoul.

Stabilizing Oxygen Saturation

We had a small opportunity then to stabilize Father's situation. Oxygen was not being absorbed as it should, so an oxygen tank was placed next to his bed, and he was given an oxygen mask. But even that was not enough. He had less than 80 percent saturation of oxygen in his blood. In other words, more than 20 percent of oxygen was not being absorbed by the body, so it was a very dangerous situation. The oxygen mask was not enough, so they had to go to the next stage.

The next stage was to pump Father's lungs with a machine to move the lungs to their maximum extent. This is an artificial respirator. So Father used an artificial respirator, and the oxygen saturation began to rise to a stable level. So we were a little bit encouraged by that. [Father had to be intubated to use the resperator – a tube was put in his mouth and down his throat to get air into his lungs. The intubation tube makes it impossible to talk.]

I'm sure our older members have experienced something like this: When you go to the hospital and you are connected to a respirator, you know that a tube is inserted and a device is placed to keep the mouth from closing. That is what Father needed from the first day. He had a tube in his mouth, and he could not speak because he needed to recover. Of course he was receiving medicine by IV.

We feel a gagging reflex when something goes down our throat, so when you have a tube in there, think how uncomfortable it is. It's difficult for old people to endure this. When they are connected to a machine, the breathing is not natural because the machine is forcing the breathing. The throat is very painful. So from the first day Father was given medicine [anesthesia] to put him to sleep so he would not feel the pain.

Undergoing Additional Operations

I have seen how Father has overcome all difficulties, whether it's a cold or anything in our church, so I felt that he would probably get out of bed in two days and say, "Everyone, gather together and have Hoon Dok Hae." This is what I expected. But for people who are old, I could see that their health can deteriorate very suddenly. As Father went to the second stage and was breathing through the respirator, the doctor called True Mother and us to the conference room and said to us, "He's been on the machine for a day or two. Now the pneumonia bacteria is in the bloodstream and has gotten into the kidneys. Now the kidneys are not able to function normally [renal failure]. He is not able to create urine, so in that situation the blood itself becomes acidic and itself becomes a poison." So Father needed to be put on a dialysis machine.

I'm sure you know that when dialysis is done, a large tube has to be placed into the body, which requires an operation, and then it takes out the urine so that other organs can recover. Approval and a signature were given for that, and the doctor was told to quickly do that. We went to see Father after that. Now Father had a tube in his throat, and he had IVs in his body for nutrients. He could not eat, so he was being given nutrition and fluid through the IV. Then they had to cut into his body again to place the dialysis tubes. So when we saw Father, we were very concerned. For an older person, even one dialysis operation is difficult.

The respirator had to force Father to breathe so enough oxygen would get into his body. But the next day, the doctor then told us that even though the machine was using maximum force, Father's oxygen saturation rate was still falling. He said that there was a final stage remaining. Modern medicine only allows for one more stage, and that would be to go into an artery in the leg, take blood from there, put oxygen into the blood, and then put the blood back into the body. Tubes needed to be placed in two arteries, one to take blood out of the body and saturate it with oxygen outside the body, and then another to put the blood back into the body. So more and more machines were placed around Father. He could not move. Sometimes the patient tries to take out the tubes, so he was placed in a deep sleep, and his body was made so it would not move. The situation kept getting worse like this, and he was deteriorating very quickly. It was shocking to us to see how quickly he was deteriorating.

Receiving Jeong Seong from Members Worldwide

In any case, in that situation by now all members around the world were offering Jeong Seong and offering prayers for Father's quick recovery. What I'm very grateful for is that in this situation all members around the world are concerned. Mother made a very wise decision to put out official statements so everyone could offer Jeong Seong when Father was in the ICU: "Let's all pray and offer Jeong Seong." This was the content of the first statement.

Even when that memo was going out, already the True Children were coming to Korea from around the world. Mother met them, and, of course, she would take them by the hand.

She would also massage Father's feet and say to Father, "Father, I love you. Father, I love you. Please be strong. Please get up and slap me on the cheek. Please get up fighting. Please rise up." Every day Mother would go down to the ICU. She went so often that the doctor said, "Now you need to let him alone. If he becomes too excited, then for a person of that age in that situation to become excited, it would be more difficult if his heart rate rises." Mother's visits were reduced to twice a day by the doctor's order.

What I was very grateful for is that the members acted very quickly to offer Jeong Seong and gave the "Chambumonim, eog mansei." We received many tweets and e-mails from members around the world.

Of course, still Father is in a very dangerous situation. He's still in the ICU. He needs to remain there. The next week is really very important. He needs to be there for at least a week. Some people say, "Oh, he got up and ate some gruel," but they don't know what's going on. Father needs to remain in his sleep. He has tubes in his arteries; really, he has so many tubes in him that you cannot put any more into him. He's in that kind of situation.

Two days ago Father was able to have a bowel movement. Now he's lying down, and so his bowels need to move.

Something is being put in through his nose. Just two days ago the respirator was at the maximum, of course, as well as the machine to oxygenate the blood before putting it back in, and now it is down to 50 percent. Now Father's oxygenation rate is at 97, 98 percent. That means that he is receiving enough oxygen.

From the moment that people started offering Jeong Seong, we were very encouraged. We saw that Father's infection was going down, that the swelling was going down. We saw that the respirator could be reduced to 40 percent of maximum, and he could still receive enough oxygen, even at that level.

Yesterday the True Family visited Father in the morning and again in the evening. We're really very grateful to see the work of Heaven, to see that Father has really improved a lot from the prayers being offered. We visited him last evening. The respirator was reduced to 30 percent, and Father was able to receive enough oxygen even at that level.

Now this morning Yeon Ah Moon and others visited him with Mother, and the situation is the same this morning as last evening. Father continues to sleep. There are still about 13 various machines attached to him. It's still very serious. Of course if we see him improve a little bit, we feel hope, but for a person of this age, the situation can change in a single moment. If a little bacteria goes in, things can deteriorate very quickly.

At least the next week is extremely important. That is the situation Father is in now. It is important for us to offer Jeong Seong. We should offer Jeong Seong, shouldn't we? 

Hyung Jin Moon's Account of Sun Myung Moon's Medical Situation

Tim Elder
August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Nim gave a detailed account of True Father's medical situation during his sermon at Cheon Bok Gung this morning. It was enough information to put an end to any discussion of Father having communicated verbally with anyone, or of his taking any nourishment through his mouth, during the past several days.

What follows here is just a summary. Please refer to the full text of Hyung Jin Nim...'s sermon when it is published.

Hyung Jin Nim's description of events began on July 16, when True Father returned from Las Vegas and gathered Korean members at the Cheongshim World Center. Father developed a slight cough that became progressive worse, until True Mother insisted that he go to a hospital.

He was admitted once to Seoul St. Mary's Hospital (Korean name Gangnam Holy Mother Hospital), but was discharged after ten days based on his strong desire to leave the hospital.

On returning to Cheon Jeong Gung, he performed many ceremonies and gave many revelations. Then, his situation deteriorated once again, and he had to be taken back to the hospital.

On arrival at the hospital, his breathing was so weak that nurses had to administer artificial respiration, using their hands to apply pressure to his lungs.

His lungs were so weak that even the application of an oxygen mask was not enough to bring his blood oxygen level up. So he was put on a mechanical respirator. This involved placing a tube down his throat. To withstand the pain, he was put into a deep sleep.

Even this was not enough. the mechanical respirator operating at full capacity still could not get enough oxygen into his blood. So the hospital used a procedure to bring blood out of his body, force oxygen into, and place back into his body.

Fortunately, this worked. As of this morning, he is able to get enough oxygen with the mechanical respirator working at just 30 percent capacity. This means the tube is still in his throat, and he is still in a deep sleep. He cannot yet breathe on his own.

He is being fed rice water through his nose.

The doctor says Father will need to remain in the Intensive Care Unit for at least another week. Because of his age, sudden and dramatic deterioration is possible at any time.

The Cheon Bok Gung congregation today offered 120 gyeongbae (half bows) for True Father's recovery. Let's continue our strong prayers and Jeong Seong throughout the world. 

International President’s Letter to the Unification Family Worldwide about Father Undergoing Treatment att an Intensive Care Unit

To : Regional Presidents, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From : Unification Church World Mission Headquarters
Date : 6.28 by the Heavenly Calendar (August 15, 2012)
Re. : International President’s Letter to the Unification Family Worldwide

To all brothers and sisters of the Unification family worldwide:

Brothers and sisters and leaders who are working hard on the frontline!

True Father is currently undergoing treatment at an intensive care unit due to complications that arose from an untimely cold and pneumonia. Though he is 93 years old and advanced in age, True Father was pushing his limits in carrying out his schedule at this time. He is being treated at one of the top medical institutions in Korea and is under the care of its medical team who are doing their best for True Father’s speedy recovery. Furthermore, True Mother, the True Children and other members of the True Family are at True Father’s side 24 hours a day at the hospital room and are offering prayer and jeongseong for True Father’s recovery. Brothers and sisters of the world! I ask that you join us in offering jeongseong and prayer for True Father’s speedy recovery and victory of Foundation Day together with the True Family and do your best wherever you are located. I pray that the grace and blessing of God and True Parents be with you and your family and once again ask for you to offer special jeongseong at this important time.

Thank you.