Father's Health

Joon Ho Seuk and Peter Kim Brief Members on Father's Health Situation

Tim Elder
August 31, 2012


Dr. Joon Ho Seuk and Rev. Peter Kim briefed members on Father's situation this morning at Cheong Bok Gung. The crowd filled both the main sanctuary and an overflow room on the same floor. There must have been about 2,000 people there.

Dr. Seuk did not go beyond what he already said in the letter to members that was released Thursday evening. If you have not seen it, please refer to the copy poste...d on the Tongil Foundation Facebook page.

Rev. Kim gave additional details about the course of events and the decisions that were made along the way. He also told us about the very desperate efforts by True Mother and the True Children at each juncture to find the correct path to follow.

The emotional and physical toll on the True Family has been tremendous. At one point, Hyung Jin Nim collapsed, hit his head on the stone floor and had to be treated in the emergency room for a few hours. He is alright now.

When True Mother was informed of the doctors' opinion that modern medicine could do nothing more for Father, she went into a room where she could be alone and wept out loud.

Rev. Kim quoted her as later telling the people around her, "All we can do now is pray for a miracle. But whether the miracle happens is Heaven's decision, not ours."

Let's all pray and offer Jeong Seong for this miracle.

One person asked me why True Father wasn't taken to Cheongshim Hospital earlier. The answer is that St. Mary's Hospital, one of the best hospitals in Korea, has a higher standard of medical care.

Now, modern medicine cannot help him any further and the only hope we have is for a miracle. So he is being moved back to Chung Pyung, where a miracle is more likely to occur. 

Letter on Father's Health

Joon Ho Seuk
August 18, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, In Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – July 10, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, In Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – July 10, 2012

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide,

Thank you again for offering Jeong Seong through your vigil night prayers and fasting for True Father's recovery and health.

This morning I was informed that True Father's condition remains steady since yesterday's improvement. However, he is still in deep sleep for treatment at the intensive care unit. True Mother and the True Children remain at True Father's side and are offering Jeong Seong for True Father's recovery.

Once again I ask for your ongoing Jeong Seong so that the entire Unification Family can become one centering on the True Family and True Father can recover completely as soon as possible.

Thank you.

7.1 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 18, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church