Memoir Contest to Mark Anniversary of Sun Myung Moon's Seonghwa

May 10, 2013
Translated by Lymhwa Kim

Memoir Contest to Mark Anniversary of Sun Myung Moon's Seonghwa

One year after Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Seonghwa (Ascension), the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in Korea and the Peace Ambassadors Council will memorialize his life-time devotion and dedication toward a peace movement with a literary contest composed of memoirs or poems from leaders and church members commemorating his life. Submissions in any language may be entered in the contest. The following are specifications for entries in the contest.

Contest theme:

The Man – Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the man I personally knew (personal interactions or conversations, connections)

Peace – Rev. Sun Myung Moon as a global peace activist

Religion – Rev. Sun Myung Moon as an interfaith religious leader

Culture – Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the man I saw through volunteers, art, sports and multi-cultural families

Submission period:

May 1, 2013 to June 29, 2013 (60 days)


Peace ambassadors from any country and any church members

Contest sections:

Memoirs and/or poems

Format of Submissions:

Memoir: Hangeul word document (Hwp) file or Microsoft word Document (2 pages of A4 or 2 pages of Letter-sized [8.5 in. x 11 in.] paper, 13 font size)

Poem: Hangeul word document (Hwp) file or Microsoft word Document (300~400 words, 13 font size)

How to submit:

Online: Homepage ( and email

Mail: Contest director, Dowon Bldg. 5th floor, Dohwa-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, SEOUL 121-728 Rep. of KOREA


Grand prize (1 person) 1,000,000 won (about $910)
Gold Prize (1 person) 700,000 won (about $640)
Silver prize (1 person) 500,000 won (about $450)
Bronze Prize (3 person) 300,000 won (about $275)
Participation Prize (10 people) Value of 100,000 won gift certificate (about $91)

Contest Organizer:

Universal Peace Federation Peace
Ambassadors Council

For questions contact UPF assistant manager Yeon Su Kang

All the submitted compositions will belong to UPF and will not be returned.

Sun Myung Moon - Dedicated to the Reunification of Korea

Yong Su Seol
May 2013
Political and Economic News Magazine

The late Rev. Sun Myung Moon's lessons on Godism are a shortcut to the unification of North Korea and South Korea

The late Rev. Sun Myung Moon's lessons on Godism are a shortcut to the unification of North Korea and South Korea

The Unification of Korea Federation, which celebrated its twenty-seventh anniversary this year, was formerly the International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVOC), which was founded by the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1968 and played a leading role in the reunification movement in the 1970s and 1980s.

With a commitment to prepare for reunification, the Unification of Korea Federation has been working toward increasing the unification consciousness among people and improving the welfare of North Koreans. Mr. Yong Su Seol, who was elected the president of the Unification of Korea Federation last December 27, is speeding up all activities to prepare the Unification of Korea Federation for a new leap in becoming a leading organization in the reunification movement.

Dr. Yong Su Seol, chairman, Unification of Korea Federation

Dr. Yong Su Seol, chairman, Unification of Korea Federation

Godism's Role in Reunification

The International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVOC) was a civic group founded by Rev. Moon of the Unification Church. As part of the reunification efforts conducted when the two Koreas were still locked in a frigid relationship, the IFVOC conducted academic research into the communist system and ideology, critiqued them and earnestly carried out educational activities to instill anti-communist awareness in people. In this way, the IFVOC became a leading civic group in the reunification movement of the 1970s and 1980s.

IFVOC was established at a time when North Korean military attacks on South Korea had reached their peak with the Shin Jo Kim incident,' a major North Korean armed provocation. It was then that Rev. Moon opened the Central Training Institute in Sutaekri, in the city of Gun, in Gyeonggi Province, which has a seating capacity of five hundred. The aim was that South Koreans be equipped with an ideology that can thoroughly stop communism. After the opening of this training center, IFVOC played a significant role in imparting anti-communist ideology by holding three-day seminars, which included lectures and training on victory over communism for the Korean people.

In the 1970s, the cold relationship between North Korea and South Korea thawed completely as a result of the July 4 North -- South Joint Statement signed by President Chung Hee Park's government and the North Korean government under Kim Il-sung in 1972. Given the reconciliation between the two Koreas, Rev. Moon thought that a physical threat no longer existed and that it was time to prepare for a new era of unification. Thus, he established the Unification of Korea Federation on May 15, 1987 as a development of IFVOC.

After its establishment, the Unification of Korea Federation was in the vanguard of the reunification movement centered on Rev. Moon's unification ideology, which he dubbed Godism. Godism emphasizes that true peace for humankind cannot be realized by the left wing or the right wing but only through the head or the central ideology of mutual existence, mutual prosperity and mutual righteousness; only within Godism can the values of North Korea and South Korea become one and can actual unification occur.

Rev. Moon, who had proclaimed the "end of communism" in August 1985, met the Soviet Union's General Secretary of the Communist Party Mikhail Gorbachev in April 1990 and met General Secretary of the Workers Party of North Korea Kim Il-sung during a ten-day visit to North Korea in November 1991. During this meeting, Rev. Moon persuaded Kim Il-sung to agree to five clauses that were then broken down into the fifteen clauses that were accepted for the June 15 North -- South Joint Declaration. This was all possible because the clauses were based on the Unificationist ideology.

The Unification of Korea Federation then experienced twelve years of stagnation in its unification endeavors starting from 2000. Fortunately, Mr. Yong Su Seol, the newly elected eighth president, is leading the organization in preparing for a new leap. Expressing his personal beliefs, President Seol said, "With all my zeal and conviction, I will cultivate the capacity to lead this unification era, band together with many other organizations working for unification and realize the unification that is desired by South Koreans and the unification desired by God."

Sun Myung Moon - Dedicated to the Reunification of Korea 3

An Expert Lecturer

As a unification-education movement activist, Mr. Seol has given around twenty thousand lectures in that field alone. The maximum number of lectures he gave in a year was 899.

Though he turned seventy this year, his passion transcends his age. In his house is a framed epigraph that reads, "I'll go anywhere I'm called."

Yong Su Seol's father, Jin Hong Seol, had been an activist in the anti-trusteeship-campaigns. Following his father's example, Yong Su Seol has dedicated his entire life to the campaign to educate the people on the issue of Korean reunification starting in his late twenties. Mr. Seol's decision to dedicate his life completely to the unification movement has its origins in the Korean War when he was ten years old.

Mr. Jin Hong Seol earned a fortune in Japan. He was an anti-communist activist who greatly supported President Syngman Rhee's government. Because he was the president of a Korean youth group, a patriotic organization, Mr. Seol conducted activities in Sun-chang County. It was during this period that the Korean War broke out and most of the land down to Jeolla Province except for Busan rapidly fell into the hands of the North Korean People's Army. The North Korean's control of South Korea continued for three months, during which Mr. Seol was incarcerated in a village government office that had been converted into a temporary jail.

Yong Su Seol was ten years old at that time. He had to walk for two kilometers to his father's cell, packing his book bag with a lunch box to give his father every day. One summer day, in addition to the lunch box he took with him a ripe watermelon from the family garden for his father. When a prison guard saw what he had brought, he said, "Hey reactionary! You were told to bring only rice, what is this?" The guard blocked him from entering the jail.

Young Yong Su Seol replied, "I grew this watermelon with all my heart and have brought it as a present for my father." Snatching the watermelon away, the guard said, "Reactionaries cannot eat this!" and threw the watermelon onto the ground, smashing it.

Yong Su Seol crumpled to the ground and cried for about an hour. Ever since, the question "What is communism, really?" has plagued his thoughts. It followed him through courses he took in high school and in college. In 1961, when he was twenty-one, he met Rev. Moon and studied the communist dialectic, the materialistic conception of history and other communist ideological concepts.

After this, Yong Su Seol carried out activities for the anticommunist education movement as the Gun-ok District leader. He was later chosen by Rev. Moon to become a lecturer for IFVOC. He completely dedicated himself to this educational field and taught a million people through numerous lectures before he was made the director of the Central Training Institute after undergoing management training.

While working as the president of the Segye Times from 2001 to 2003, he visited North Korea and discussed unification with the late Mr. Yong Sun Kim, an authoritative figure in North Korea. Even after that, he met other influential figures such as Mrs. Jang Jae Yeon in North Korea on several occasions. He looked for ways to promote cooperation and reconciliation between North Korea and South Korea. He was also one of the representatives on the South Korean committee in relation to the June 15 North -- South Joint Declaration.

A National Debate on Korea's Reunification took place in Gyeonggi Province on April 26. These debates will continue in various locations to help foster a true understanding of how to deal with unification and how people living on the Korean Peninsul…

A National Debate on Korea's Reunification took place in Gyeonggi Province on April 26. These debates will continue in various locations to help foster a true understanding of how to deal with unification and how people living on the Korean Peninsula can contribute to it.

Hosting a National Debate

On January 22, forty-two days after North Korea launched the Unlia-3 rocket, the UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution to expand and strengthen sanctions against North Korea for launching it. According to the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the UN Security Council condemned North Korea's long-range launch on December 12, 2012, and issued Security Council Resolution 2087 to strengthen and expand earlier sanctions on North Korea. This was unanimously accepted by the fifteen Security Council member nations. They warned North Korea that significant steps would be taken if it undertook another nuclear test or launched another missile.

On the same day the UN Security Council issued the resolution to strengthen sanctions against North Korea, President Seol invited civic groups to the National Assembly Memorial Hall and opened a national debate under the title "The Rapidly Changing Northeast Asian Situation and the Direction in which Unification of the Korean Peninsula should be pursued." It received a great deal of attention.

With President Geun Hye Park's inauguration just around the corner, this national debate was a significant and timely event that brought together both government figures and average citizens in the common search for the right direction for the reunification campaign to take. It provided an opportunity for the incoming government administration and civic groups to assess how they can resolve inter-Korean relations in the rapidly changing situation in Northeast Asia.

During his welcoming remarks, President Seol said, "On February 22, influential leaders from around the world and leaders from all walks of life will visit Korea to wish peace to the Korean Peninsula." He went on to say, "The Unification of Korea will become a stepping stone that connects Korean leaders of the unification campaign, who have various approaches, to worldwide peace-seeking activists and will guide the North -- South unification campaign as a global unification movement."

Next, Segye Times President Byeong Su Kim said, "Everyone is paying keen attention to how the government of President-elect Genii Bye Park, who will be inaugurated next month, will resolve the tense relationship with North Korea that has been aggravated over a long period." He also emphasized that "being in the midst of the unstable Northeast Asian situation, the Korean Peninsula needs to first strengthen its internal security and build up strength that can firmly protect Korea from any provocation or invasion." He went on to say, "At the same time, we must steadily make preparations so that the hope of our people, the unification of North Korea and South Korea, can be realized as soon as possible."

Additionally, Mr. Hi Tack Hyun, the special presidential assistant on unification affairs, National Assemblyman Myeong Choel Jo representing the New Frontier Party,'" and Minister Seung Chun Park of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs emphasized their hope for unification through their congratulatory remarks.

Mr. Seong Jang Jeong, senior researcher of the Sejong Institute, gave a presentation on the Reshuffling of North Korean and South Korean Leadership and the Direction of the Unification Movement for Government and Civic Groups. Mr. Seong Ryeol Jo, a senior researcher of the Institute for National Security Strategy gave a presentation on Changes in Northeast Asia Following the Reshuffling of Power in Neighboring Countries.

The actual debate propositions were given by Ms. Lee Mi Kyung Lee, who is a professor at the Institute of Unification Education of the government's Unification Ministry, Professor Yoo Hwan Ko of Dongguk University, Professor Hak Song Kim of the Peace Security Graduate School in Chungnam University, Professor Yoon Hwang of Sun Moon University and other experts. Around four hundred people were invited, including around a hundred FFWPU-related groups, people involved in civic organizations and well-known figures in academic circles.

Sun Myung Moon- Dedicated to the Reunification of Korea 5

Questions and Answers

Question: What might we change to improve the image that people have of unification?

Unification means two becoming one," which involves narrowing the differences and widening the common interests between each other. To be more detailed, the practices the two Koreas shared for 1,300 years can be regarded as their common interests. We can regard our perceptions and worldviews as differences. For example, the North Korean people move "all for the sake of one" under the instructions of the leader based on Kim Il Sung's juche ideology. When South Korean students are asked which historical figures they respect most, King Sejong or General Sun Shin Lee usually ranks at the top. North Koreans, however, choose Stupid On-da North Koreans who are thoroughly class-conscious, prefer General On-dal who was originally of a low, or proletariat, class.

Then the question is, How can we overcome our differences with North Korea? Unification does not mean completely becoming one; it means integrating in a mosaic form and living among a mix of different colors like a rainbow. It is important that we get rid of the notion that unification may put everyone in economically difficult circumstances.

Question: Many people are concerned about the cost of unification.

The unification method should be changed from the prevailing expectation of a sudden and complete unification to that of a gradual unification. In the early phase, the two Koreas may maintain their respective systems. South Korea should invest 50 trillion Won on a yearly basis to equip North Korea with basic infrastructure. This will improve the North Koreans' lives, raising their GDP, and naturally enabling them to cultivate their own capacity.

In addition, North Korea possesses abundant resources. If our technology and capital combines with North Korea's resources and her labor force, high profits will be generated. By importing resources from Siberia, a repository of raw materials, using the railway, it will also be possible to build a transportation hub connecting the continent and seas with our technology. Such concerns arise because most people only think of the cost of unification but forget to consider the economic benefits to be obtained through unification.

Sun Myung Moon- Dedicated to the Reunification of Korea 5

Question: Please compare the unification policies of Myung Bak Lee's government (2008-2013) and Geun Hye Park's government (2013-2018).

From the very beginning, President-elect Park set up a rule: "Resolve problems through exchange." The previous administration under President Lee had set a rule that apologizing should come before any exchange. President-elect Park goes for exchange first and apologies later. This is a great change indeed. The North -- South relationship is a problem that we must resolve within ourselves; support from neighboring countries is surely needed, but we must not depend on them. Therefore, I believe that President Park's rule in resolving the North -- South problem to be proper for the present relationship between the two countries.

I am not saying that what was done in the past was wrong or that the present is right. The circumstances in the past brought about the past results. Though it is a bit late, if we can quickly improve the North -- South relationship, build up trust again between each other, meet the North Korean policy leaders and have dialog, the North -- South relationship will quickly improve. 

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections

Sun Myung Moon
May 2013
Excerpts from the multi-volume "The Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon"

True Mother asked members to read these excerpts during Hoon Dok Hae as preparation in the days leading up to the May 5, 2013 Joint Sunday Service.

True Mother asked members to read these excerpts during Hoon Dok Hae as preparation in the days leading up to the May 5, 2013 Joint Sunday Service.

Inheriting True Parents' Victorious Authority

If the True Parents had not appeared on earth, God could never have his children in the spirit world. For the first time, sons and daughters of the original nature can be born through me. Through me, God's royal family will come into being. You should have that pride. It is up to us to link all nations to the original Eden. That is why I laid a victorious foundation reaching beyond heaven and earth. True Parents built such a foundation. And True Parents' achievements must be bequeathed to the True Children. (218-200, 1991.7.28)

True Parents' Victorious Authority

The victorious authority of the True Parents refers to their victory in battle against Satan. It means that True Parents gained complete victory- on the individual level, on the family level and on the levels of the tribe, people, nation and world. It was always a harsh, challenging course. However, we overcame all the difficulties and gained victory. We offered the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God, thus even bringing about the miracle of God's liberation. The True Parents are forgiving even the collapsed communist nations again with true love and embracing them as we move forward. (421-17, 2003.10.15)

The victorious authority of the True Parents means recovering the individuals that have been lost and whom Satan has taken away. The individual level was lost. Because of Eve, even Adam was lost. Since Adam has been found, he must recover the women of the world. Therefore, on April 10, 1992, I put Mother forward and am recovering women through a movement for their liberation. We are entering the age of the Mother. This is the age of the Mother. (266-247, 1995.1.1)

When we say that True Parents have been victorious, we mean that all things which were lost due to the false parent have been recovered. There is now a true son, a true daughter, and a true husband and wife. The True Parents are the root through whom a clan can be established in which, through a true husband and wife, thousands and tens of thousands of generations of descendants will be composed entirely of good people. (266-252, 1995.1.1)

The victorious authority of the True Parents is not limited to individuals. It leaves a mark on the history of the universe. In order to inherit this, you have to settle accounts over what Adam and Eve lost, over staining their lineage, over their failure to have absolute faith or to become one through absolute love. Since, for this purpose, I have already achieved supremacy based on victory, what you need to do is ascend and descend beginning at the individual level, according to the original orbit. You have to come and go freely. When we look at God and human beings from a two-dimensional viewpoint, God has been separated from human beings and banished to the far ends of the world. That is why Parents went there and brought God back to our family. It required eight stages vertically. We overcame everything both vertically and horizontally and escaped the realm of Satan's accusation, so we are now in a time when we can freely attend God in our family and in our nation. (266-284, 1995.1.1)

Based on what can I take pride in the name "True Parent"? It is on account of the fact that the internal realm of Shim Jung, which can bring down barriers blocking the way and open the gates through all horizontal and vertical stages and spheres in history centering on love, has been laid down. Not only I, but also heaven and earth, history, and this age should rejoice over such a victorious foundation. It is only at that level that we can rejoice; we should not rejoice while denying history and the past. We should keep this as something in which to find joy in the past, present and future alike. (174-190, 1988.2.28)

A model of Cain and Abel should be made centering on the family that practices absolute faith, love, and obedience after hanging its lineage, changing its ownership and entrusting its realm of Shim Jung to True Parents. Through the victory of the family that achieved triumphant supremacy, "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age" and "The Safe Settlement of the True Parents and the Completed Testament Age" came to pass. Because everything reached settlement on the family level, we were recognized as complementary subject partners in front of the families of the world and thus True Parents' victorious authority could be inherited. In that way, the formal foundation of the realm of the four-position foundation of Adam and Eve will expand through the levels of individual, family, tribe, people and nation. This expansion does not occur all at once. The nation centers on the world. The nation's destination is the world. The nation is the starting point of being able to reach to the world. (270-152, 1995.5.29)

You must be proud of and love the True Parents. It is True Parents and the Completed Testament Age -- the safe settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. The True Parents settle and bequeath to us the True Parents and the victorious authority of the True Parents. Since they have settled, they can give us the Blessing. This is a global settlement. They bequeathed it to us. Because of this bequeathal, fallen people should be grateful. They must praise the True Parents and love the True Parents. In giving you the blessing, Heaven's Parents were proud of you and pledged to love you. In return, therefore, you must praise and be proud of those Heavenly Parents. That is the way to alleviate the sadness of the Heavenly Family. (281-282, 1997.3.9)

Adam's family was lost but that lost family grew to global proportions. Thus, the True Parents must bring it together and turn it back to how it should have been. Since things became as they are due to the love, life and lineage of the false parents, the True Parents must take every individual, family, tribe, people, nation and the entire world to return them back to God's side. Everything has been completely turned upside down in this way through the false parents, and the family is not the only thing True Parents will restore. All the perfected realms of heaven and earth have to be restored through indemnity, reorganized centering on the family, and all the eight stages including tribe and people, and so on, all need to be dealt with. The family was lost due to the false parents, but what was dealt with in this family cannot be returned back to God. It can only be dealt with when all the victorious realms in heaven and earth have been attained. (439-27, 2004.2.19)

I am presently making many proclamations, such as the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the founding of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and the Declaration of the Resolution of Indemnity. This is inevitable as the path to liberation must be paved, leveling mountains to build it according to the standard of the original world. Were I someone without such past accomplishments, I could not be the True Parent, I could not be the Messiah: nor could I be the returning Lord. (289-64, 1997.12.30)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 1

The Way to Inherit the Victorious Authority

The settlement of the Completed Testament Age means that centering on True Parents' family we have become one great family, like a positive charge. All of humankind is a negative charge. All the families will become the counterpart families to the family with a positive charge. If, in the position of perfect negative charges, they just become one with the Parents' family, then they will all rise to the same position. This is the formula of the universe. In order for that to happen, three important conditions are needed. First, the lineage must be changed. Second, ownership must be changed. Next, the realm of Shim Jung must be changed. The realm of Shim Jung is on three levels: individual, family and tribe. This forms one category. It cannot be divided. Therefore, the tribal messiah must connect these three stages to one single category. You can therefore go to the national level when you rise above this. (268-80, 1995.3.5)

Purity, pure lineage, and then pure love will be positioned where true love and true life are perfect centering on unique, unchanging, and eternal love, which is the mainstream of God's love based on his ideal for the creation. You have to receive your inheritance after establishing a family from the position of the family of dutiful children, loyal patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters, from the position where everything under heaven is unified to form an equilibrium, and from the position that can represent all supremacy based on victory, a position in which one can smell the fragrance of flowers. (410-55, 2003.6.30)

In order to become the first son, and in order to inherit the right of the first son, you must be better than Satan. You have to be God's representative in all areas, and say that you will stand in the position of taking responsibility in accordance with God's laws and principles. This means that the person who loves God more will receive the prize. Because this is true, God can carry out the providence of restoration. You are to receive your inheritance centering on love so it is in accord with this principle that you can seize the birthright of the first son. The sons and daughters on I leaven' side must be more dutiful to their parents than are the sons and daughters of Satan's world. The people on Heaven's side must love their families, their nations, the world and all humankind more than the people of Satan's world do. They must be superior in all aspects. This must be done voluntarily rather than by force. (102-182, 1978.12.24)

Inheriting True Parents' Tradition

Because the seeds for these things were sown in the Garden of Eden through the Fall, such phenomena will arise across the world and the time will come to reap the fruits of the Fall. Such a time is now. Since this world cannot be allowed to go on as it is, the time for harvest has now come, we have reached the time to reap the fruit. The world has become the way it is through receiving a tradition that deviates from God due to its relationship with the fallen parents. Thus, True Parents must come and establish a new ideology. What kind of ideology should that be? Should it be an ideology based on the world or on the cosmos? It is the ideology based on the true family. Without its appearance, a world-centered ideology cannot emerge. The representative of the ideology based on the true family must be God's true son. He should be the internal heir who inherits everything related to God's heart. He should also be his external heir, the heir of the ownership of all things. In other words, he has to be someone who can inherit God's heart, inherit God's body and inherit all things. Only such a son can stand on God's behalf. God's kingdom will finally be realized only when that son comes. (21-49, 1968.9.1)

True Parents' Tradition

How will history unfold from now? When True Parents' tradition appears, then the lifestyle centering on the True Parents will remain as the standard of actual traditions throughout the rest of history for all eternity. If we walk on for a thousand more years, people will not be looking to the future for hope but in the opposite way, they will model things on this present time, which will be a thousand years in their past. Up until now, fallen people have been seeking for a unified world, but if the True Parents, who can be determined as the center of the world, appear, then all people will perfectly emulate the tradition of the True Parents and uphold them as the center. Therefore, as time goes, the domain that has that center will continue to expand. Therefore, True Parents family is the foundation that can represent the tradition of the future and the entirety of the history that people hope to see. It is also the foundation that represents the entire central history of the future era. True Parents' family is the foundation that can represent the central history in the future. The six thousand years of God's history was to create True Parents' family. Why are people going through struggles in the present time? It is so they can meet True Parents' family. (44-134, 1971.5.6)

What is the love of the True Parents? We did not have true ancestors who could do this, so at some point the Messiah must come to stand as the True Parent and establish such a tradition of love from the level of the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation and world. Only when that is realized on the level that transcends one people can heaven and God's museum be established on earth. I am saying that we should establish the tradition of love that we can share with him while rebinding with him in the present time centering on all individuals and families, rebinding everything that was disconnected centering on families. To prepare such an amazing foundation is the mission of the True Parents, and to uphold and actualize that purpose is the mission of the Unification Church. (107-161, 1980.4.20)

You become an owner only when you act with the Shim Jung (heart) of a parent and the body of a servant. This is God's unfinished work. You can only attain that if, with the Shim Jung of the Father, you shed tears and sweat and shed your boiling blood. In order to become a true leader, you have to receive true leadership. You must inherit the tears, sweat and blood of the True Parents, who are going the way of Heaven. You have to shed tears, sweat and blood and that is what you will leave behind as your tradition. (11-155, 1961.5.18)

What is the tradition of God and True Parents? First, it is to live for the sake of others. Second, it is to invest, invest and forget. Third, it is to pray and offer Jong Song on the path to perfection. You cannot do this alone. Why do you need to pray? It is because you have to receive the help of Heaven, which is in the subject position, and because Heaven needs to be aligned with you. Then, why do you need to offer Jong Song? It is because you need to carve out the path that will allow you to accept your circumstances. Prayer is to create a bond with Heaven as the subject partner, and Jong Song is to expand horizontal relationships. (219-216, 1991.8.29)

What kind of family is the family of True Parents? The family of True Parents is the fruit of history, the center of this age, and the starting point of the future. Hence, in the future, when the world we live in becomes the heavenly kingdom we have hoped for. True Parents' whole lives will be the tradition there. This tradition is the mother of a national ideology. Also, this is the original point from which to construct that world. Based on the relationship that makes you children of True Parents, you should always establish the three-generation realm together with True Parents. The three generations are God, the Parents and you. Horizontally, there are also three generations: I, my own children, and you. Heaven and earth will not be unified until these three generations have been completed. (44-169, 1971.5.6)

Tradition, education and practice are education in the tradition and the teachings centered on True Parents. You are to inherit everything that True Parents won through battle. True Parents must bind all things, all sons and daughters, everything that is of the Old, New, and Completed Testament by the love of Parents, without any discrimination, and which Satan cannot accuse, and then offer them to God. True Parents will offer God the entire world that has unified based on the UN and then inherit it back. In so doing, True Parents' right of ownership will begin. (417-124, 2003.9.5)

The six thousand years of God's history was to establish True Parents' family. Why is humankind is going through difficulties today? It is in order to meet True Parents' family. Our descendants in the future will be there so that True Parents will have descendants. It is not so that there will be True Parents' nation or True Parents' world; when True Parents appear, True Parents' nation and True Parents' world will naturally appear. It is so that there will be descendants of the True Parents. The nation is not what is needed. The time of our ideal is the time when we need to live centering on Parents. At that time, heaven and earth will already be governed under the authority of the Parents. At that time, you will not just be ordinary citizens. The tradition that has been wrought centering on the True Parents will therefore remain forever as a historical tradition. There is no greater tradition than this. (44-134• 1971.5.6)

Originally, had Adam and Eve not fallen, human history would have begun from the Parents. The Parents' words would have become their descendants' words, the Parents' way of life would have become their descendants' way of life, and the environmental reality felt by the Parents would have been felt by their descendants. History starts from the Parents. (26-280, 1969.11.10)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 2

Receiving True Parents' Tradition

Fathers and mothers want to bequeath everything they have to their beloved sons and daughters. Inheriting the universe can be fully achieved with ease of mind when those who are involved find the position of equal value in love according to the tradition of love. This is why parents want children of filial piety. Who are these children of filial piety? They are those who, as co-participants in their parents' eternal love, will continue the tradition of bequeathing love. (140-235, 1986.2.12)

Who do you want as the head of your family? What kind of person would the father, the grandmother, or the whole family want as their heir? It is the one who loves the most. If the grandfather is the one who loves the whole family the most, the family members will report to him rather than to the father. This is inevitable. Therefore, the one who can be the head of a household is the one who serves others with the most loving heart. The one who serves others more, with a heart of love, will inherit the tradition of love and of family. You should know that only such people will participate in the line of inheritance that will continue for eternity. (141-292, 1986.3.2)

In order to inherit the providence of God in its entirety, we have to be loyal to that tradition. Remaining loyal to the tradition, we must take responsibility. After taking responsibility, we must carry out a revolution. If the social environment is not according to the tradition in the eyes of the Father, and, if we are to allow that tradition to be passed on to everyone, we must fight to eliminate all that is wrong within the social environment. Otherwise, there will be no improvement. (152-197, 1963.5.10)

In order to inherit the ties with providential history and fulfill the responsibilities of a pioneer in this age, you must inherit the historically pure tradition of God's providence of restoration, take responsibility for that in the current environment of daily life, and struggle to build the foundation for a new ideal in the future. (152-198, 1963.5.10)

The kingdom of heaven is where people who live for the sake of others can go. Those who have communicated with and embraced the world while investing themselves in it, and who have wandered about seeking the place of the global ideal and the love with which to serve God, will be the owners of the heavenly kingdom. You should take pride in such things. You should take pride in your mother and father, your wife or husband, your sons and daughters, and your siblings. You must expand such a tradition and apply it to the nation. You must apply that formula to the world and to heaven and earth. Such people can have the right of equal participation, the right of equal position, and the right of inheritance wherever they go. (175-139, 1988.4.10)

What I will bequeath to you is the family-level realm of victory. What kind of family am I talking about? A family that represents the world. The family that fulfills a messianic mission is a family that represents the world. As such, it is the family that, representing all the peoples of the world, can embrace and manage all things and allow all people to come and go. I want you to become such families. When all five races want to find their way into that family, when they try to make relationships with that family, the family should not block them or say that only some people may come in. Just as all force and action must go through this point without exception, the principle is that the Shim Jung of all people expands in all four directions through that central point of Shim Jung. The family is the center. Therefore, even the kingdom of heaven can never be realized unless there is a core true family. (100-309, 1978.10.22)

The family is the base through which we can seek out the homeland and hometown and settle there. How should you live in such a family? You must meet the Father, become enraptured in tears, then live with him. This is for the sake of your nations and for your families. You need to find your families, and hold on tightly to the tradition of tears, the tradition of blood, the tradition of sweat, the tradition of water running from the nose, the tradition of the whole body, and thus leave behind purity, pure blood, pure love and pure nature that will not change in the second or third generations, nor change over the countless generations of your bloodline. The upper and lower, front and back, left and right must be clean. Only then can you have the pure blood and pure love of a clean lineage. You have to plant pure seeds through the gate of pure nature centering on the pure love that consists of true love, true life and true lineage. (484-84, 2005.1.20)

You must suffer more than others for the sake of the Will. When you do so, everyone will follow you. Who has suffered for the sake of the church? Who has sacrificed his own family for the sake of the church? Who is suffering more and is closer to the Shim Jung tradition? When someone of the lowest rank prays night and day for the sake of the Will, sheds his blood and sweat in striving to realize the spirit of love, then whether that person is a woman or a man, Heaven will continue a new history through that person. The Unification Church has already established that kind of tradition. Who among my sons and daughters will become my heir depends on who suffers more for the sake of the Will and who fulfills their filial duty. It is the same for each of them. It is the same in the family and the same in the church. Everyone must follow such a tradition. (113-47, 1981.5.1)

Inheriting the Teachings of Our True Parents Your mind and body are split apart and fighting every day within your individual self. It is something that you must resolve with God's word. You have to handle this problem through God's character and Shim Jung. You must reach the point where God likes it when you love yourselves, where God recognizes you when you establish yourselves. You must get to the point where God recognizes the things you say as true. The following are the issues most urgent to address in order to become such substantial beings: how to create a unified self within your realm of life, and how to construct a unified front within yourself. In order to know whether you can become such a substantial being or not, you must go out and spread the word with utmost devotion. When you do so, you will realize that God is always with you through your connection to the word. God will always be with you when you are connected to the word. (27-337, 1970.1.1)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 3

The value of the Principle and of the word

We are connected to God through the word. Without the word, we cannot be connected to God. Without the word, we cannot find a connection to God. Without a substantial being that will proclaim the word, nothing works out. God's purpose in connecting to human beings is so that they will connect to his love. The one who proclaims the word that can connect human beings to God is a person living on earth. However, the words conveyed by that person are God's words. It is through those words that people are made anew. (27-337, 1970.1.1)

The Fall was brought about through the failure to uphold God's word. Therefore, on this path that we seek out centering on the word, we are the body of people saying that we will absolutely establish God's word. Then, what kind of people rely on God's word? They are the people who are the most public, the people who serve the world and humankind and the people who serve God. From God's viewpoint, this is not saying that we will stand in the position God is currently in, but that we will stand in the position of God's ideal; it is not saying that we will stand in humankind's current position but that we will go beyond the current position of humankind and stand in the ideal position that is being sought by humankind. It is being a person that lives within the ideal of God, lives in God's tomorrow and lives in the tomorrow of all humankind. So imagine how difficult this may be! I'm saying that we should become the group that speaks out about building the world of the future. When we are that kind of group, then whenever God thinks of the future, he will think of me and of the Unification Church, and whenever people think of tomorrow, they will think of the Unification Church and think about me. That is the conclusion we arrive at. (88-304, 1976.10.3)

God is calling us with his words. Therefore, we must go in response to his words. Through what route can genuine parents and genuine children meet each other? It is through genuine words. Those words are the words of the Father. You cannot become children unless you know the Father's words. If it is true that the Father's words are absolute and genuine, it means that you won't feel tired even if you listen to those same words for a thousand or ten thousand years. The Father's teachings have no end. You have to search for them. It's not enough to find words that tit the constraints you impose with your own logic. The Father's words are such that they not only express the greatest principles but they can give life to the listener no matter how many times he hears them, even if it is for all eternity. (10-131, 1960.9.18)

The words of loving parents are eternal; they transcend time and space. Therefore, God's words transcend history, eras, principles, and ideologies. They are more precious than the words of others. These words, whether you listen to them at night or during the day, or read them at night or during the day, endlessly flow into your heart. (10-132, 1960.9.18)

The words that Jesus said to the Jewish people and all the things he showed them were not based on his own will. They were from Heaven's will. Jesus embodied the will of God's providence. However, a clash arose between the people within the realm of the Fall who were meant to relate with God's Will through Jesus, and Jesus himself. The Jewish people did not know that when God's word appears in the fallen world, it can revolutionize an individual when it appears to an individual, that it can revolutionize a people when it appears before a people, and that it can revolutionize the world when it appears before the world. Moreover, it will appear as the word that can revolutionize heaven and earth anew. (1-230, 1956.11.11)

I am the owner of the word. I have lived according to the word so I became the owner of the word. Someone who could not become the owner of the word could not become the True Parent. I became the True Parent, therefore, becoming a substantial being of the word and offering those fruits to God in order that there could be advancement to a time of liberation and complete freedom for the ideal of God's purpose of creation. (524-252, 2006.4.15)

No one will erase my words. When I hear the words I spoke fifty years ago, I myself bow down to those words. When I spoke in those days, I did so from such a serious position, speaking with the urgency of determining to leave behind for others Heaven's valuable words. Actually, those words are those that would allow me to rule the world even if I died. When you read the volumes of my sermons you have to be moved to the degree that you come to that realization. You need to have spiritual experiences. Of course it can be precious to play and dance and so forth, but getting enraptured in my words and growing spiritually is precious -- a blessing among blessings -- both for the heavenly world and for your earthly descendants. (309-190, 1999.5.1)

You can read many newspapers' worth of content after a thousand or even ten thousand years if it is saved on a computer. Even though I have spoken about many things, those words can be used on computers in countless worlds if we put them on a CD. That is the kind of time that we are in. Therefore, you cannot hide falsehoods. There is nowhere to hide them. The words of Heaven, the words of Heaven's love are shining brightly throughout the world, such that the dark forces will self-destruct. They will be forced to flee farther and farther away. When the light begins to shine, darkness cannot rule within the realm that is touched by that light. (342-22, 2001.1.9)

Will the words of the teacher of the Unification Church disappear within a thousand years, or not? When you think about it you realize this is a major question. My words must not only remain within your bosom, they must flow and become healing waters -- not spring water -- so that everyone can drink those waters a thousand years from now and be proud that the words are medicine that can cure any disease. I am offering my Jong Song hoping that my words will remain such words of life. (340-64, 2000.12.23)

The truth in the Unification Church is not truth that was revealed due to the course of battle within the history of the Unification Church. It is the truth that was within God's ideal of creation. his ideal to establish a true family, a true tribe, a true people, a true nation and a true world centering on the coming of the True Parents destined from before the Creation. It is truth that also includes within it the ideal of God's providence of restoration. (30-318, 1970.4.6)

The True Parents are the ancestors of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute wisdom. Since the words of the Principle were discovered through absolute belief, absolute love and absolute wisdom, they are a shield that permits you to take a dominant position, a shield that will allow others -- whether you are relating with Heaven, Satan or history -- to affirm and not deny those principles.(277-152, 1996.4.7)

Things that are explained in the Unification Principle are connected by the laws of nature. That is why it is called the Principle. It is heavenly principle. It is eternally unchanging principle. The Principle is not a doctrine. It is not the doctrine of the Unification Church. True Parents are not teaching a doctrine. Doctrine is something by which fallen people seek out Heaven, but what is doctrine to people who live with God? It is heavenly law. (301-34, 1999.4.16)

My words are such that you will not understand them right away. However, if you read the books that contain my words many times, without fail you will come to understand them. I have a mind that can distinguish, compare and contrast the entirety of this wide world and arrange it so that I can handle this world's entire sphere of knowledge and perfect a theoretical system centering on a traditional standard known as the Principle. It will require thousands or even tens of thousands of scholars to recognize the value of the Principle. The Unification Church has such a formidable weapon. (228-149, 1992.3.27)

My teachings represent an ideology that will forever remain at the highest point as the mainstream ideology, even if the Unification Church disappears in the course of history. Even if you fail to make this happen, it will still be done at some point. A time will come when many nations will compete to accomplish this. When that happens, you will be turned upside down. The one who was first will be last and the one who was last will be first. It will be flipped over. The person who loses that opportunity will not remain in the archives of history. (390-314, 2002.8.16)

True Parents' teachings are the true words that allow you to connect with eternal value. In the course of seeking the True Parents, have you felt the value of those words? if you have never felt that value, you would not recognize a father who came to give you true words of value. You must pray in order to deeply understand the value of these true words. People on earth must seek the teachings of the True Father, the true words. Those are the words that move Jesus' Shim Jung and words that move the Shim Jung of God, who has carried out his providence for six thousand years. Moreover, when those words appear on the earth, they will reveal the history of six thousand years of ups and downs, and they will reveal God's fury, victimization and bitterness. Thus, God's heart is always moved by my words. (10-133, 1960.9.18)

God's word does not establish some sort of rules; its purpose is to create his life and ideology. There are many religious doctrines and ideologies on the earth today that advocate truth but there are no teachings that put our mind and body at ease when we practice them; no teachings in which we can dwell for eternity. If the love of God, who is the source of life in the universe, moves our minds and bodies, we can fundamentally resolve all ideologies and claims with God's true word. (3-327, 1958.2.2)

You must establish the tradition related with the word. And you need the character that will allow you to attain oneness with the word. In the judgment of the Last Days, there are three great judgments. The first is the judgment by the word, the second is judgment by character and the third is judgment by Shim Jung. This is already an absolute standard. The Fall occurred when people could not unite with God's word. Adam and Eve should have treated God's commandment to not eat the fruit as absolute and thus established the right tradition. But Adam and Eve did not do that, but instead fell, so the people who walk the course of restoration have to establish a tradition of becoming one with the unique words of truth that will appear in the end. In heaven, such a tradition has already been established, but it has not yet been established for people on earth. if this tradition is not established, there is a possibility that, like Christianity, the Unification Church will split into numerous denominations. (21-326, 1969.1.1)

The question of how we will establish a tradition of becoming one with the word is an absolute issue. We should not allow the word to be separate from our reality. You must become people who can raise yourselves and move forward centering on the word. You have to establish the tradition by centering on the word which is the absolute standard. You must understand the standard I had in my mind when I established the word. Even if you learn the word, it is so that you can have faith at the standard of your learning; your understanding is not yet perfect. There is a time-honored standard hiding behind those words, so you have to experience that standard through your own body. Therefore, you must continue to work hard to establish the tradition of the word. (21-327, 1969.1.1)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 4

The Sermon Books Are a Treasure Store

How numerous are the volumes of my speeches! Up until now, you have not been interested in the books of my sermons. No matter how many books you may find in a library, they are of no use from God's viewpoint. Think about the remarkable books of my sermons. The content of those books is for the purpose of saving the sons and daughters of this world. The books of my sermons are original works. If you buy them, they will become your pride for generations. If you think about this from God's viewpoint, you will realize that the books of my sermons are the most precious things. There will never be a second set of True Parents. The True Parents are eternally only one; they are absolutely one. You must learn what kind of person the Father is. I don't think you know how deep, high and broad he is. You can know the Father's character through the books of sermons. Those books are like lamps on a dark night. (309-167, 1999.5.1)

Many books of my sermons have been published. I read them every morning. From now on, I have no need of big meetings and the like. I have already taught everything. I have even spoken to you in detail about tribal messiahship. These are not ideas 1 came up with as I developed the church. I made a detailed program in advance and have been teaching you on that basis. That is a great thing. I have said many things that sounded like idle fancies, but those were all things that I had already made real in my own life. Once you own books of my sermons, preparing sermons and similar talks will be no problem. Those books are a vast treasure. You cannot buy that with money. (192-110, 1989.7.3)

I usually rise at 3:30 in the morning. When I get up, I read words I have spoken in the past. It is wonderful content. Since it was I that spoke those words in the first place, I know all of the content; yet when I read it, somehow I start crying. People who hear such precious words and then, just float away will have no way to be forgiven. These words are more precious than your homes and more precious than your land. (269-318, 1995.5.1)

About how many of my sermon books have you read so far?

This is a serious question. The more you read, the more you will shine and the greater your value becomes. You have to know everything I have taught. Suppose there is a king who makes his nation great, understands the world and knows the truth; to such a man the books of my sermons are a treasure. Even now, I am reading my words for the purpose of learning. I have to organize them all before I die. If there are any mistakes, I must fix them. It will be a problem if there are any errors. (228-148, 1992.3.27)

How many books of my sermons have been published so far? If we go somewhere and give these moving speeches, there will be many scenes of people shedding tears. Even nowadays, I read my speeches for two hours a day. While I read them. I find that the realization of the Completed Testament Age in the present day is expressed in my prayers of many decades ago -- to the point that they resonate to my bones. There is no way to express how wonderful these prayers are. This is not to boast. When I think back on those days, these prayers are full of stimulating impressions. That is a great treasure chest. (260-220, 1994.5.19)

Now there is no need for sermons. Don't preach. Instead, find a sermon title from among my sermons that is appropriate to the present time and use it in an appropriate way for your circumstances. Create an independent volume made up of speech titles and three-line summaries of each speech. Then, after you have determined what you will give your sermon on, all you will need to do is find a portion of my speech that matches the sermon you want to give. When you feel that you should speak about some specific topic, based on that idea, you should read from the collection of my sermons and then give your sermon. Also, for the prayer, you should pray using the content that I prayed. There is nothing Heaven likes more than that. This is how you should always give sermons. (212-119, 1991.1.2)

Disseminate My Teachings and Practice Them

My teachings must last for eternity. They are teachings that transcend our living environment. The evil living environment cannot swallow true teachings. True teachings cannot be restrained by anything in the evil world. You must use the word to induce within yourself the heart to repeatedly overcome your evil surroundings. It is because Christianity throughout the world cannot do this that it is in confusion. Then there must be a place where the Father that is coming with a loving heart will be able to give his beloved children his genuine teachings. You must find that place. If you can Lind such a place and listen to those words, you will hear those teachings anew even when you listen to them for the thousandth time. They will be the teachings that can last for eternity, reflecting true values of goodness. If you cannot find such teachings, you cannot become true children. (10-132, 1960.9.18)

The flavor of what Father says will never become bland, even if you hear it repeatedly for a thousand years. The same words will comfort you when you are sad and congratulate you when you are joyful. Depending on the state of your mind and the emotions experienced in your life, my teachings function with the value of being your wonderful object partners. (10-141, 1960.9.18)

The number of church members increases in proportion to how much you have conveyed what is written in Divine Principle. The question is how devoted you are to the Divine Principle. There is no other way. Human beings were created through the word. They lost the word and so they must be re-created through the word. The word of God's love, the word of God's life and the word of God's lineage are the three main elements of the word -- love, life and lineage. Love, life and lineage must convulse in excitement. Only upon breaking out of the three layers of formation, growth and completion does the mature person emerge. (198-30, 1990.1.20)

The whole world must learn the things I have said. That is why, with the coming of the Completed Testament Age, I am conveying my teachings. I gave to the entire world my words, the holy scripture of the Completed Testament with the proclamation of the new Completed Testament Age. That is I why I am telling you to read and study them. You must also unite centering on the word. Before you become one with me, you must become one based on the word. (291-217, 1998.3.13)

A person who cannot understand the word as it should be understood will receive judgment by the word. Even though our earthly life will end, we must leave these teachings behind for the unending line of our descendants. As long as the fortune of restoration remains and God's providence remains unfinished, we must work through these teachings. We must take care of these valuable teachings. God had been anticipating the day when all the people of the world will kneel before these teachings. God has been enduring a history of great suffering and hardship until now in order to bring the world's people to their knees in front of these words of truth. (64-256, 1972.11.12)

God gives his words of love to Satan's world. From within Satan's world, someone must appear who has absolute faith in God's word. This means there is need of a body of people that believes in God's word more absolutely than Adam did. They must do work through which they gain greater trust from God than he had in the angel who caused the loss of faith in God's word. You have to listen to God's word and then snatch your body out of Satan's realm. You have to recover your body and then come to God. (53-40, 1972.2.6)

It is not enough to merely know in your head the words of truth that you learned from Divine Principle after meeting the Unification Church. At the same time that you know those teachings intellectually, you must also know them in your heart. In this way, when you come to know the teachings with both your mind and your heart, you will have no option but to go to fulfill the purpose of those teachings. And you will have no choice but to fight with Satan. Moreover, you will never be able to open your mouth and speak poorly of the Father or turn your thoughts around and stand in a position to betray Heaven. (3-99, 1957.10.4)

Food tastes good even though you eat it every day. Food that connects you to the truth tastes good even if you eat it every day. Words of life tastes good even if you eat them every day. People who enjoy hearing the words of the Principle until

the day they die will absolutely not go to Hell. You may say, We know all these things! but you only know them in your heads; this has nothing to do with the realm of Shim Jung. The more you hear these words, the more the heavenly realm of life will come to you. (239-145, 1992.11.24)

The substance that nurtures life is the word. It is a grave error to think that someone has become a member of the Unification Church just because he has received a twenty-one day workshop and a forty-day workshop. You have to study centering on the Divine Principle book. What you feel and see when you treasure the Divine Principle book in your heart can always take the place of your personal testimony. You will be conveying the grace you received from the Divine Principle book. (261-257, 1994.6.20)

All of you now living in the Last Days have to become the ancestors of the third Israel and understand that the final teaching will be God's words of love. Therefore, you should not let God's word remain as God's word and yourselves as yourselves, having nothing to do with one another. Instead, you must become the visible, substantial embodiments of God's word. God's innermost heart must become your innermost heart. In other words, you must become the embodiment of the original heart. All of you must carry out the mission of a second creator that can disseminate the word of God. That is to say, you must become propagators of the word, propagators of life, and propagators of its substance. Only when you become one in love can you attend God eternally. Such is the standard of the third Israel. Only in this manner can you plant the word, the substance, and the life. (3-331, 1958.2.2)

You should not become people who follow the word blindly. First, through the word, you should become its substance with the character of a subject partner; that is, you must become a subject partner of the word and have the character through which you can create. However, when I look at people in the Unification Church that are studying the Divine Principle, I can see many that cannot find the standard of Shim Jung or the standard of character, but only work and move according to the word. This will not do. If you learn the word, then you must be able to express the word as your own words. You must speak about the Principle, but not as some principle taught to you by some teacher; you must speak from the perspective of having a bond of life with the Principle in your own hones and flesh. Unless you become a person who can speak with that kind of original subject nature, the people who connect through that word will have nothing to do with you. Thus, you must perfect a substantial character based on the word. (19-133, 1968.1.1)

Hak Ja Han's Hoon Dok Hae selections 5

Father's Prayer, March 15, 1959
Please Let Us Move Only As Yours

Please do not allow us to become people who think that we belong to ourselves. Our minds are not ours, and our lives, which are in motion, are not ours; and as the desires we are longing for are not ours, please do not allow us to relate to heaven with minds that consider things centered on ourselves. Since we began as yours, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to become a time when we are able to move only as yours.

Since we know that our minds must become yours, and our bodies also must become yours, and our ideologies and opinions must become yours, please do not tolerate anything that is not yours. If there are elements of evil which you do not want in our minds and bodies, please eliminate them, and we earnestly hope and desire, O Father, that you will allow this to become a time that moves as yours alone through your having eliminated all the ideologies and opinions that are not yours.

We know that uncountable satans are stalking our minds and our bodies. If the bitter root of sin, which you cannot tolerate, remains, 0 Father, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will bring about heavenly acts that will give us the ability to subjugate our minds before you, and that you will appear and bring about heavenly acts of re-creation through the authority of your power.

We know the fact that when heaven moves, the earth cannot help but move, and when the earth faces heaven and requests something, heaven cannot help but accomplish it for the earth. Today are there sons and daughters of heaven who are struggling with sincere minds and true hearts in order to grasp heaven as their own? Is there any person who has lived his or her entire life thinking of all of heaven's situations as his or her own situations, thinking of heaven's work as his or her own work, thinking of the ideas of heaven as his or her own ideas, and struggled while seeking to grasp this, been treated contemptuously while seeking to grasp this and been driven out while seeking to grasp this? If we have not been in that kind of position, please allow us to be able to report truthfully that we are criminals who cannot be tolerated by heaven.

Now we have realized that heaven exists, and we have realized who our heavenly Father is. Since we know that there remains the necessary condition that we must form a certain kind of destined relationship between you and us, Father, today please allow us to form a destined relationship with you, our heavenly Father, through this kind of heart, and to feel your anguish as our anguish and your deep regret and sorrow as our deep regret and sorrow. Please allow there to appear before this people and please allow there to appear in this land a heavenly march which goes forth to fight a fierce battle against Satan.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to drive out from the earth the enemy satans who have faced heaven and accused it for six thousand years, in order to resolve your grief and to build as soon as possible the ideal garden you have sought.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. 

Sun Myung Moon's Spiritual Title

Lymhwa Kim
March 18, 2013
Edited by Krista Moon

Sun Myung Moon's Spiritual Title Lymhwa Kim March 18, 2013 Edited by Krista Moon During the Foundation Day ceremony, True Mother exclaimed “All of humankind in Heaven an on Earth will praise JInseongdeok Hwangje and attend [True Parents] as the parents of eternity.” JInseongdeok Hwangje is one of two titles that True Father had chosen and explained the meaning of June 06, 2006 at the Cheon Jeong Gung in Gapyeong, Korea.

Inscribed on True Father’s coffin during his Seonghwa (Ascension) ceremony were the two titles he had previously written in calligraphy in 2006: First, Cheon Il Guk Jinseondeok Hwange Okjochangsaen (天一 國眞聖德皇帝億兆蒼生 or 천일국 진성덕황제 억조창생) and Second, Man Seung Goon Hwang Taepyungseongdae Mansahyeongtong (萬勝君皇太平聖代萬事亨通 or 만승군황 태평성대 만사형통).

Father often used existing words in unique ways and coined his own terms. Dr. Joon Ho Seuk offered a rough translation of the two titles.

Cheon Il Guk Jinseondeok Hwange Okjochangsaen roughly translates to “True Holy Emperor of a Trillion Common People” or "True Emperor of Cheon Il Guk with Holiness and Virtue." (천일국: Cheon Il Guk, 진 Jin: true, 성 Seong: holy, 덕 Deuk: virtue, 황제 Hwangje: emperor).

Seong represents the holiness of Cheon Il Guk. Deok means “becoming one heart based on a four position foundation.” It is through Deokjang (general virtue) wherein two people have one heart and can then embrace the whole universe centered on the four position foundation. The Chinese character of deok (virtue) reflects this meaning. In the Chinese character deuk (德), Sip (十 ten) means the great universe. So the word deuk means “two people who embrace the four position foundation,” which refers to the great universe. These two people, who have embraced the great universe with the same heart that is centered on the four position foundation, then become one. This title has every main point about the ideal of the creation.

Cheon Il Guk Jinseondeok Hwange is the titleand it means “True Emperor of Cheon Il Guk with Holiness and Virtue” which refers to Okjochangsaen Man Seung Goon Hwang that means “Emperor of Absolute Victory Over the Whole” which brings Taepyungseongdae Mansahyeongtong or the “Holy Reign of Peace and Prosperity in Everything.” So, titled bestowed on True Father, Cheon Il Guk Jinseongdeok Hwange, is the one who won everything and achieved absolute victory over the whole, which brings holy reign of peace and prosperity.

Emperor of Absolute Victory over the whole" (억조창생) Okjochangsaeng may be broken down as follows: myriads of people, 만 Man: ten thousand, absolute, 승 Seung: victory, 군 Goon: lord, 황 Hwang: lord).

Then a combined word from the translation of these two titles creates: Taepyungseongdae Mansahyeongtong (太平聖代萬事亨通 or 태평성대만사형통), the “Holy Reign of Peace and Prosperity in Everything."

Sun Myung Moon's Lost Eco-Utopia

Monte Reel
February 20, 2013
From Outside Magazine

Photo: Riccardo Vecchio

Photo: Riccardo Vecchio

A decade before his death, Sun Myung Moon—multimillionaire founder of the controversial Unification Church—sent a band of followers deep into the wilds of Paraguay, with orders to build the ultimate utopian community and eco-resort. So how’s that working out? Monte Reel machetes his way toward heaven on Earth.

Day three aboard this muggy cargo boat and I’m still incapable of turning around without bumping into a hanging bag of oranges, or a sack of wheat flour, or a jug of cooking oil. Crammed to the rafters with rapidly perishing produce, the Aquidaban is as colorful and claustrophobic as an Arabian souk. An unwritten rule confines pigs, chickens, and goats to the foredeck, but two plus-size rats, Carlos and Pepe, as named by the cook who ladles out the stew, have the run of the ship. The rawboned cats prowling around are wise not to pick fights.

For roughly six dollars a day, anyone can hitch a ride aboard this floating market, a 128-footer that runs a weekly route on the Paraguay River from the center of the country to its northern border. Dozens of locals have wedged themselves into the second deck. They include women and children, but most are bushwhackers: men who scrape out a living clearing trees and brush for small-scale livestock farmers along the upper stretches of the river. Some travel with their own chainsaws. Others carry machetes wrapped in newspaper. They huddle shoulder to shoulder, dulling their discomfort with cans of Ouro Fino, Paraguay’s cheapest beer. Most speak the indigenous language of Guarani first, Spanish second.

I’m with Toni Greaves, an Australian photographer. With my notebooks, her cameras, and our English, we’re conspicuous outsiders. Occasionally, I catch the men staring at us and speaking in lowered voices, as if taking bets on what exactly we’re up to. They’ll never guess. We’re looking for paradise. I’ve heard it’s under construction just upriver.

According to my GPS, we’ve crept into the southern edge of the Pantanal, a tropical wetland that’s about 30 times larger than Everglades National Park. The clear divide between the river and its banks has begun to dissolve. Floating islands of rubbery-stemmed water hyacinths grow big enough to be mistaken for solid land. Water encircles the trunks of riverside wax palms, and dark stains mark how much higher on the trees it can rise. The red-dirt roads in this part of the country are washed out for months at a time, and when temperatures as hot as 120 degrees bake them dry, they become dangerously rutted. This boat is the only reliable mode of transport serving the riverside villages.

A couple of times a day, we stop at a predetermined location, which can be as simple as a single shack with nothing else in sight but water and scrubland. A crewman shoves a long wooden gangplank out to the bank. Mattresses, motorcycles, chocolate cookies, oxcart wheels—there’s no predicting what might pass over those splintered boards to the families pacing with anticipation at the river’s edge.

One of the Guarani-speaking bushwhackers standing next to me on the foredeck can’t contain his curiosity. “Which stop are you getting off at?” he asks in rusty Spanish. Five or six of his friends—all, like him, in their twenties, with baseball caps pulled low over their brows—stop chatting and pretend not to eavesdrop. “Puerto Leda,” I answer.

He tilts back a can of Ouro Fino. I ask him if he’s heard of it. Of course, he says. He rides this boat once a month, and it always stops at Puerto Leda. But, like everyone else I’ve quizzed on board, he’s never walked ashore to look around.

“I know that some Japanese men live there,” he tells me. “They’re with the Moon sect.” He drains the can, eyeing me. “Are you?”

“No,” I say. An orange sun abruptly sinks under the tree line on the river’s west bank, and within 15 minutes an orange moon pops up over the opposite horizon, paling as it rises. I duck inside the pilothouse. The captain predicts we’ll reach Puerto Leda in the dark hours of early morning.

THE REVEREND SUN MYUNG Moon, who died in September 2012 at age 92, about a year after my trip to Puerto Leda, founded the Unification Church in South Korea in 1954. In addition to overseeing the church, which he said aimed to fulfill Jesus’ unfinished mission by establishing a new “kingdom of heaven on Earth,” Moon managed vast commercial interests and called himself a messiah. He was frequently accused of cult practices, in part because some of his hundreds of thousands of followers turned over very personal decisions—including the choice of marriage partner—to him. More than a decade ago, Moon told some members of his church that he wanted them to lay the foundation for a new Garden of Eden in one of the least hospitable landscapes on the planet—northern Paraguay.

Moon was notorious for attention-grabbing gestures: conducting mass weddings in Madison Square Garden, taking out full-page ads in major American newspapers to support Richard Nixon during Watergate, spending 13 months in federal prison for tax fraud and conspiracy in the early '80s. But during the final years of his life, his Eden-building project kept chugging along well out of the public eye, germinating largely unseen in this remote wilderness of mud.

In 2000, Moon paid an undisclosed amount for roughly 1.5 million acres of land fronting the Paraguay River. Most of that property was in a town called Puerto Casado, about 100 miles downriver from Puerto Leda. Moon’s subsidiaries wanted the land to open commercial enterprises ranging from logging to fish farming. But a group of Puerto Casado residents launched a bitter legal battle to nullify the deal. While that controversy continued to divide Paraguayans, the Puerto Leda project proceeded under the radar. Moon turned the land over to 14 Japanese men—“national messiahs,” according to church documents, who were instructed to build an “ideal city” where people could live in harmony with nature, as God intended it. Moon declared that the territory represented “the least developed place on earth, and, hence, closest to original creation.”

Moon wasn’t the first utopian to favor Paraguay. Examine many European maps drawn between 1600 and 1775 and you’ll find something labeled Lago Xarayes at the head of the Paraguay River. Conquistadores journeying up the river confronted the inundated plains and confused them for a massive inland sea. Tribes spoke about a Land Without Evil on the far side of Xarayes, and the Spaniards believed that the same area hid a gateway to El Dorado, the lost city of gold. By the 1800s, most mapmakers correctly recognized the Xarayes as a mirage and relabeled it as part of the Pantanal.

Still, the dream lived on for some. In 1886, a German anti-Semite named Bernhard Förster and his wife, Elisabeth Nietzsche—Frederich’s sister—founded Nueva Germania, a colony located about 115 miles southeast of Concepción that was designed to spawn generations of Aryan Übermensch. After three years of feverish struggle in the jungle heat, Förster mixed himself a cocktail of morphine and strychnine, drank deeply, died, and left the place in a state of irreversible decline. The next century brought utopian colonies of Australian socialists, Finnish vegetarians, English pacifists, and German Nazis. They all failed.

So how are Moon’s followers—or Moonies, as they don’t like to be called—holding up? Hard to say. I’m aware of two other journalists who’ve seen Puerto Leda. One, a British Catholic missionary, visited after the first colonists arrived and was unable to fathom their motives. Maybe they were smuggling drugs, she insinuated in a church magazine. The other, a Paraguayan newspaper reporter, visited in 2008 and published a few articles praising the Unification Church’s philanthropic work, which includes building schools in rural areas. The reporter championed the ecotourism potential around Puerto Leda but included no details about the people living there.

A few weeks before my trip, I got in touch with a Unification Church office in Asunción. The initial response was warm: I’d be welcome to visit, a representative said. But by the time I arrived in the capital, things had gotten complicated.

For much of the past decade, Moon’s surviving children (he fathered 15 from two marriages) have been fighting for control of the empire. The bickering has extended to Paraguay, where the Unification Church has established several corporations or foundations that oversee agribusiness interests. In 2010, Moon’s eldest living son from his second marriage, Hyun Jin Moon, organized a Global Peace Festival in Asunción, but the Unification Church’s regional director refused to recognize the event. He claimed that Hyun Jin Moon had fallen out of favor with his father. Moon’s eldest daughter, Ye Jin, later backed the director. Now the church’s various offices in Paraguay were pledging allegiance to different sides.

Just days before Greaves and I arrived in Asunción, one of Moon’s local subsidiaries announced that it planned to sue the office I had contacted. My calls and messages went unanswered. By the time I boarded the Aquidaban, I’d begun to suspect that the National Messiahs in Puerto Leda might have no clue we were coming.

Around 5 a.m., the boat begins to veer to port. We inch along the west bank, and I see nothing resembling the gates of Eden. It’s dark. My mind drifts to the British missionary’s 2000 account of Puerto Leda, which described her arriving “in the blackness of night on the crocodile-ridden bank,” where she was accosted by an attack dog “with a jawful of long white teeth.”

“Think positive thoughts,” Greaves tells me.

Greaves believes that positive conceptualization makes good things happen. During our first two days on the boat, we kept joking about the “friendly little lizard” that ate her bananas and scattered droppings all over the crime scene. There are no lizards on this boat, just Carlos and Pepe.

I succumb to negative thinking. My imagination fills the darkness with visions: the curled lip of a snarling dog, the slow, patient blink of a crocodile’s eyelid.

NO CROCODILES, NO DOGS. Just one man, a portly Paraguayan navy guard in military fatigues, awaits us at the end of the gangplank. He smiles without joy. “This isn’t where you want to get off,” he says.

“This is Puerto Leda, and the people here are expecting us,” I say. I drop some names: the man I had been leaving messages with in Asunción, his secretary. The guard has never heard of them. But the fact that we know where the hell we are seems good enough for him. He abandons the role of brick wall and welcomes us into this humid kingdom. Beyond the small wooden cabin where he sleeps, I see a string of lights farther inland—the heart of Puerto Leda.

“Do you have repellent?” he asks.

My skin is lacquered in a stiff coat of stale sweat and deet. “Lots.”

“Good,” he says. “You’ll see at night. We can’t even talk to each other because of the mosquitoes that fly into our mouths.”

Another man has arrived in a truck to siphon fuel from a tank on the Aquidaban.He introduces himself as Wilson, a site administrator. He’s not a National Messiah but rather a 44-year-old Chilean with a youthful, friendly face, a polo shirt, and rubber boots, a Moon follower who moved here two years ago. His wife and children are still in Chile.

“I didn’t know anyone was supposed to be coming,” he says. Walking to his truck, he fishes out a phone and executes a minor miracle: he pulls a signal from the air and places a call, trying to figure out if anyone in the colony knows anything about our visit. He comes up empty but still helps us with our bags, tossing them in the back of his truck.

“Let’s go,” he says.

The Aquidaban drifts away, and we bounce along a dirt road, leaving the guard behind at his cabin. “It’s a naval station,” Wilson explains, a gift from the Messiahs to the Paraguayan government. In exchange for a permanent security presence, he says, the navy now has a base to patrol the upper stretches of the river.

Within a minute, the headlights reveal an indistinct cluster of buildings. I can make out what appear to be several two-story houses, a water tower, a couple of large communal buildings, and a cell-phone tower.

Wilson kills the engine in front of a structure that looks nothing like the humble river-side casitas found throughout this region, a district the size of South Carolina in which about 80 percent of the 11,000 residents lack running water. The building in front of us has a peaked terra-cotta roof, brick-and-stucco walls, expansive glass windows, and no fewer than five remote-controlled Carrier air-conditioning units. At the front door, a dozen pairs of leather slippers wait for us. “Very Japanese,” Greaves observes. We remove our dirty shoes and take our first steps into Reverend Moon’s Victorious Holy Place.

All is silent. Wilson flips a switch, throwing light on what appears to be a dining hall. The large wooden tables, each covered with a plastic tablecloth, could accommodate about 100 people. They are vacant.

“There aren’t many people around right now,” Wilson explains. “But sometimes we have 100 working here at once.”

I spot just one, a Paraguayan cook who emerges from a kitchen. With disconcerting efficiency, a buffet breakfast materializes on a table: fresh coffee, tea, miso soup, fried eggs, cereal, cheese, ham, fruit, bread, and marmalade.

“Wow,” I say, the word bubbling up from some primitive part of my brain as I attempt to take in everything at once: the kingly buffet, the decorative carvings on the high-back chairs, the FISH OF THE PANTANAL poster, the Ping-Pong table in a far corner, the neatly stacked Spanish-language copies of Reverend Moon’s autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, near the wall. An ascetically thin Japanese man in a polo shirt and jeans walks toward us, smiling behind wire-rimmed glasses.

“Good morning,” he says in English.

He pads across the glazed tiles with a hurried shuffle, as if he’s been waiting for us for years. He’s 62, and his name is Katsumi Date (pronounced dah-tay), or just Mister Date, as Wilson addresses him. He’s a National Messiah.

“Please enjoy your breakfast,” he tells us. “Would you like a hot shower?”

Actually, we would. On the Aquidaban, a rubber hose dangling into a stricken toilet doubled as a handheld showerhead. Here we’ll discover that individually wrapped soaps and shampoos are freely available in the tiled showers, as are clean towels. Indulging our physical comfort appears to be Mister Date’s only priority. He’s already made beds for us, he says, in case we need a nap after such a long journey. He apologizes repeatedly for not being better prepared. “We weren’t expecting visitors,” he reiterates.

“So,” he asks, “what is it you would like to see?”

Well, we’d like to see what 12 years of dedicated labor in pursuit of earthly perfection looks like. The Aquidaban is scheduled to hit the end of its weeklong route this afternoon, turn around, and stop here again sometime in the evening. We’ve got 15 hours, maximum, to find out. “Everything,” I answer.

The place, Mister Date says, is all ours.

A FEW HUNDRED YARDS from the guard station, I spot a sportfishing boat docked at the riverside. It’s big—about 30 feet long, fiberglass, with a prominent cockpit. I ask Mister Date about it.

“Ah yes,” he says. “Reverend Moon designed that boat himself. It was brought here from New Jersey.”

Does the Reverend fish? I ask.

“Oh yes,” says Mister Date. “He is a world-champion tuna fisherman.”

The statement, technically speaking, is not false. In 1980, in Gloucester, Massachusetts, Moon’s boat was declared the winner of an international tuna-fishing tournament organized by the Unification Church. “I don’t want to be second even in catching tuna,” he said in a speech delivered a few months after the competition. “In every field and competition, I have been second to none.”

Apparently, the True Father’s fishing jones was a deciding factor in the placement of Puerto Leda. Moon first visited the Paraguay River on fishing trips in the 1990s, and by decade’s end he was cruising down it and ordering church members to wade along the muddy banks to plant 63 signposts demarcating the land he had decided to buy.

In 1999, Moon called his most devoted Japanese followers to join him on a 40-day spiritual retreat outside Fuerte Olimpo, about 25 miles south of Puerto Leda. I’d read a brief description of those days on a church website. One Messiah had written: “It was very hot and we wanted to bathe in the water. But we could not because piranhas would come. It’s a big problem! Also there are problems with ants. One National Messiah became very sick from an ant bite. It’s a dangerous place. There are all these problems, but Father just says, ‘Ah, the purity of nature!’”

Clarity was never the True Father’s specialty. Even Moon’s followers had trouble understanding him at times. In addition to calling for a return to Original Creation here, he told his devotees, in 2000, that “we need to build the best underwater palace in the world.” In 2011, he declared, “It is time to establish God’s throne at the top of the Grand Canyon.” Once, he held up his fourth finger and told some followers, “I was ready for today’s meeting before 1 a.m. Today is the seventh day of the tenth month. Today is the seventh day but there isn’t an eighth day. Who decided that? It was me, but I am in a position where I can’t do what I decided, because 10 fingers are related.”

A Moon website that publishes the English transcripts of his speeches warns that they’re based on notes and “may bear no similarity to what was originally said in Korean.” Deciphering Moonspeak is even more daunting when your task is building a new Eden. Back in 1999, when Moon called on the Messiahs to assemble in Paraguay for the 40-day retreat, he spent most of that time fishing. Near the end of their time together, he instructed them to build an ecologically sustainable city that could serve as a model for the whole world. The plan, such as it was, lacked specifics; not all of the founders agreed on what the city should look like. Yet they forged ahead, determined to create something extraordinary in a place where wilderness reigned.

Now, as I glance at the scene, I see huge dormitory buildings, guesthouses, and sheds for mechanical repairs. I count seven freshwater fish farms, fully stocked with pacu, a toothy species that looks like an overgrown piranha. I see no other people.

“Normally, there are about 10 of us who live here,” Mister Date tells me. “But this week six are away in Asunción. So there are just four now.”

WE WALK THROUGH EARLY-morning light on smooth sidewalks, past manicured gardens of hibiscus and bougainvillea, beside an Olympic-size swimming pool. A young man hired from a nearby village slowly sweeps a filtering net through the deep end. Nothing—not a single foreign particle—seems to mar the clean blue rectangle of water. We enter a two-story communal building that resembles an office complex. I see Wilson in a small room, tapping away at a computer. We climb a stone staircase to the second floor, following Mister Date into what appears to be a rec room. There’s a television hooked up to a satellite system, and Mister Date pops a disc into a DVD player. The DVD, Mister Date tells us, explains everything.

The footage that flashes across the screen dates from 1999. We see the founding Messiahs walk across untamed wastes—the grounds where we now sit. They lay bricks in wet mud. They sand metal frames. They wash dishes in the river. They wear heavy clothing, light fires to keep the mosquitoes away, and sweat in the wavy heat. They stagger through gale-force winds.

Then, in a clip from 2000, we see Moon himself, touring the partially cleared grounds, wiping sweat from his brow, eating lunch, leaving in a private plane. The footage segues into scenes of the men working feverishly to build a luxury house for Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, who visited for a second and final time in late 2001. The rest of the DVD covers more recent developments, and the highlights—set to swelling orchestral music—unfold like a training montage from Rocky. Messiahs erect the water tower. Man-made fishponds materialize on the grounds. A landing strip is planed flat by tractors. The Messiahs unload saplings from the Aquidaban, then plant them in sprawling groves. A group of about a dozen visiting Japanese students—the children of Unification Church members—help the Messiahs build a school in a nearby village. When the DVD ends and the lights come up, I’m exhausted just from watching all that drudgery. I look at Mister Date’s corded forearms, his gaunt face, his waspy waist. Every aspect of his being seems molded by toil. Even with the help of the local hires, the Messiahs labor all day, usually outside.

“It’s a lot of work just to maintain,” he admits.

The fact that only 10 men live here comes rushing back to me. The colony has actually lost population since its inception, despite all the construction. Four of the original Messiahs have returned to Japan. Only the hardest of the hardcore have stuck it out.

And this raises a couple of questions: Who are these guys? And why have they put themselves through this?

MISTER AUKI WALKS ACROSS the dining hall carrying a basket filled with whole fish freshly yanked from the river. He’s a short, balding Messiah whose task this morning, as on most days, is to catch something for the grill.

“I caught lots of piranha today,” he tells the men, his face splitting into a smile. “And also a five-kilogram pacu.”

The pacu is now part of the lunch buffet, which the four Messiahs plus Wilson, Greaves, and I spoon onto plates. It’s noon, the midpoint in an unchanging daily regimen: up at 4:30 a.m. for a half-hour of silent worship, breakfast at five, then back to their bedrooms to prepare for work at 6:30. Each is assigned a separate job: one fishes, another tills crops, another feeds the fish in the ponds. Someone tinkers with the water-purification system and checks the pH level in the pool, though no one swims. (“We don’t take much time for recreation,” one Messiah tells me.) They generally work in 1.5-hour bursts, taking halfhour breaks in between. Lunch always runs from noon to 1:30. They’ll work until 5 p.m. and round out the evening with dinner and a short prayer meeting. That leaves them about two hours until the lights go out at nine. Most use that time to read, pray, or watch satellite TV.

Greaves and I tuck into our food and strike up a conversation with Norio Owada, whom I recognize from the DVD. Mister Owada is 64, and manual labor and a good diet of homegrown vegetables have pared him down to a taut, leathery minimum.

“Nice to meet you,” he says, bowing his head quickly. He speaks English well enough to feel selfconscious when it’s not quite right. Before he joined Moon in Fuerte Olimpo for the retreat, he worked as an English translator in greater Tokyo. He disliked the work and wanted out. Urban life felt meaningless.

“I needed a special challenge, and I couldn’t find one in Japan,” he tells me. “I had lost my motivation. When I came here I recovered it.”

Mister Owada is a good example of your average founding Messiah: a city dweller with very little experience in construction and even less in wilderness survival. His wife was selected for him by Moon, who was said to possess the ability to intuit good matches, and Owada left her in Japan with their children when he came here. He gets a church salary, which helps keep the colony solvent. His family and other members of the Japanese congregation provide more money, though no one can tell me how much has been poured into the place. Once every 11 months, Mister Owada gets four weeks of vacation, which he can use to go to Japan. His wife has visited him twice since 1999.

In the beginning, the colonists hoped they would be joined by their wives (as well as many, many more followers). Every August, they invite children of Japanese church members to visit for a couple of weeks, but so far none have chosen to stay on. “My wife thinks that it is not realistic for her to move here yet,” Mister Owada says, “because we still have to raise the standard of living more.” When I press him on how tough and lonely this must get, Mister Owada says it doesn’t bother him. Moon sanctified his personal sacrifices, promising the men that spiritual rewards would make up for their suffering. “Even if you die, what regret will you leave behind?” Moon asked the founders in 1999.

“We’re risking our lives for this cause,” Mister Owada says, his left eye twitching convulsively. “I like to risk my life,” he continues. “That is doing something worthwhile. We have continued to stick with this.”

Months later, after Moon’s death from complications from pneumonia, I will once again reach out to Mister Date to see if the True Father’s passing affects the Messiahs’ dedication. It doesn’t. They have the blessing of his widow, Mister Date says, and the ongoing feuds among the Moon children won’t affect them. They plan to work on Puerto Leda for at least another decade.

“OF COURSE THERE IS ecotourism potential here,” says Mister Date. We’re standing outside an unfinished three-story brick building near a shed that protects three car-size generators. Mister Date refers to the brick building as “the hotel,” but for the moment its only occupant is a stick-legged baby goat nosing around the food pellets being stored on the ground floor. Mister Date begins running down the potential pluses of opening the place up to travelers: tourism would allow people to see examples of sustainable living and take the lessons home with them. This Eden is intended to be an environmental paradise, he says. He tells me the Messiahs are also considering building an insect museum.

“Why did you stop work on the hotel?” I ask.

He pauses and smiles politely. “In a small place, you can have disagreements easily,” he says. “They’re expecting us to be financially independent, but that’s not easy here.” The Messiahs, it seems, don’t always see eye-to-eye on the best way to reduce their dependence on member donations. Some want to concentrate on agribusiness and scrap the ecotourism idea. The hotel is unfinished because they aren’t sure whether opening the place to outsiders is a good idea.

We walk on, past planted fields of lemongrass, oranges, mangoes, grapefruit, asparagus, sugarcane. The crops are struggling. If agriculture alone is expected to support the colony, there are some kinks to work out. The men have planted thousands of jatropha trees, which can be used to make biodiesel fuel, but hundreds of parrots zeroed in on them and ate all the fruit. During the most recent wet season, rising waters flooded many of the thousands of neem trees.

“It’s been a hard year,” Mister Date admits.

“A lot of things have died because they were three months underwater.”

It’s clear that these guys have faith in miracles, and that’s exactly what’s needed here in Puerto Leda. Without one, the Victorious Holy Place seems destined to be another curious monument to human ambition and folly. But watching how hard the Messiahs work, I can’t help but admire their tenacity. The fanaticism that underlies their devotion to this cause must burn hot, but they hide it well. They’re not evangelical. They’re friendly and welcoming to those who don’t share their beliefs. They’re reflexively humble and generous and—whatever I might think of their motives—admirably tough. They’re underdogs. The kind of guys you root for.

During the last hours of my visit, Mister Date shows me something that might actually work out. “Japanese yams,” he announces, staring down at a plot of tilled soil. “They grow very large underground, up to 10 kilograms. They do well here.”

My immediate impulse is to celebrate this victory with hearty congratulations. I’m thrilled for his indefatigable yams. Maybe all the sweat that Mister Date has sunk into this plot will bear a little fruit. Maybe little victories like this can help other people in the Pantanal live richer lives. Maybe that’s enough.

Mister Date stares down at the dirt. “Unfortunately,” he says, “they taste very bad.”

AT THE END OF the day, I’m alone in the dining hall. We have a couple of hours before the Aquidaban is due to arrive and take us back downriver. In the kitchen, a cook is slicing piranha into sashimi strips. I’m standing at the Ping-Pong table, absently bouncing a ball up and down. The hollow plock echoes around the high rafters. No one wanders in for a game, so I head out toward the pool.

He’s still there, the man with the net, sweeping as if he hasn’t let up since dawn. A shame: I didn’t bring any trunks. But I do have a pair of heavy cotton cargo shorts in my backpack. I walk to the dormitory and return wearing them. I ask the sweeper, “Does anyone ever use this pool?”

“Only the tourists,” he says.

The tourists? Based on a guest book I flipped through earlier, he must be referring to those Japanese students who visit every August, the occasional Paraguayan government official, and Greaves and me.

I resist the urge to plunge, mainly because it’s so quiet around here, and step down the foam-padded ladder. Floating on my back toward the deep end, struggling against the weight of my shorts, I look to the west and see a pink disc of sun teed atop the crown of a palm tree. A gentle wind rustles the fronds, stirring nesting parakeets. They erupt in flight. Above them, against a backdrop of high cirrus, I spot what I think is a hawk climbing out of view.

I wonder: from those elevations, do the straight lines and Windex blue waters of this pool appear to be jarring aberrations? Or do these man-made forms resemble natural elements of the landscape, considering that chasing impossible fantasies is something humans always seem to do around here? Could this colony appear, from such lofty heights, to be as organic and as transient as a parakeet’s nest?

I have no idea. All I know for sure is that the sun is starting to slide behind the palm tree. Darkness will fall within minutes, and the mosquitoes will follow. Right now this water feels perfect.