I finally perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Special Declaration
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas 3.24 HC


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon # 48, titled "the Perfection of Offering" and Hoon Dok Hae was concluded when she read Father's prayer at 6:35 a.m. Then Father told Mrs. McDevitt to sing a song, and after her song Rev. Yang read the report from Rev. Heung Tae Kim, the National Messiah for Brazil. Then Father watched with the participants the video (Peace Magazine) provided by Pyong Il (평일기획) which contains the activities in March centering on True Parents this year. During 1 hour and 30 minutes of the video, Father, with his eyes closed, listened as if he was praying. After the video clip, Father stood up and held the ceremony.

The following are excerpts of Father's words during the ceremony.

(Katsumi: Since Father's words and prayer during the ceremony are difficult to be understood and translated, I attached for your reference the Korean texts posted on the web page 통일교.)

"In a place where the Internal God and External God are perfectly united, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who are able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the fall, return to the position where God said 'When you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.' True Parents, educate about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, making them one and then establishing the unified realm of the unified family and welcoming with pleasure the heavenly victory of the sovereignty and the Kingdom of Heaven. Starting from Mother centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam's families are united.

The history of Korean tradition found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and General Sun Shin Lee is able to attend to the Original Creator, the God of Night and the God of Day, and through this opportunity when we can commemorate that such fidelity and loyalty can be perfected, I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements. I also thank what Mother and Father have done centering on God's will, and so please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment with pleasure when we can offer a bow to Heaven."

"Mother, thank you for your hard work! Offer a bow to Father."

(내 적인 하나님, 외적인 하나님이 갈라진 증언을 완전히 하나된 자리에서 이제 참 부모님이 될 수 있는 문선명, 한학자 두 사람은 타락이 없는 에덴동산에 있어서 '선악과를 따먹으면 죽으리라!'하던 그 전 자리에 돌아와 가지고 한 쌍이 아니라, 만만쌍이 원수 되었던 아들딸을 숫 교육을 해서 하나로 만들어 가지고 통일적인 가정에 일중심 일체권을 이루어 하늘의 승리의 패권적 주권과천국을 완성한 이 모든 전부를< /span> 기쁨으로 환영하면서 어머님을 기점으로 시작하고, 부모님을 중심으로 시작하고, 시작하는 두 아담가정의 부모로서의 자손 만대로 하나되어 가지고, 밤에하나님, 낮에 하나님 갈라진 본연의 창조주를 모실 수 있는 한국의 전통의 역사인 심청과 춘향과 이순신 장군의 국가의 모든 충효지도에 완전, 완성, 완패를 기념할 수 있는 이 자리를 내가 빌어서모든 전부가 아버지께서 수고해서 이루어진 것을 감사하는 의미에서 여기에 어머니와 아버님이 이 뜻을 따라서 수고한 것을 감사하면서 모든 절차를 하늘 앞에 이 시간 깨끗이 정리해 바치는 기념시간을 받아들이고 하늘에 봉헌 경배할 수 있는 이 시간을 가졌사오니, 아버지, 기쁨으로 이 시간을 받아 주시옵소서! 어머니 수고했어요! 아버지 앞에 인사하고…)

(Mother offered a half bow to Father)

"I now received a bow in which she pledges to perfect the ordinance of True Parents' tradition, which is absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one body of one person in one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the heavenly pillar in upper, below, front, back, and left and right. Please accept in the heavenly throne the bow by two of us who, hand in hand, pledge to attend to the Absolute Parent of the Original Creator with the gratitude for the God of Night and the God of Day having raised her to the position of perfection."

(절대신앙, 절대사랑, 절대복종인 참부모의 전통적 조례를 완성할 것을 맹세하는 경배를 받고, 이제 두 사람은 한 핏줄의 모체인 한 사람으로서, 아래 위, 전후 좌우에 하늘의 기둥을 받들어 세우는 기초가 되고 받든 환경에 대해서 천지의 참부모 완성에 축복을 창조이상인 밤의 하나님, 낮의 하나님이 이를 양육해 완성한 자리에 길러주신 은사를 감사하는 이 시간을 부모님이 본연의 창조절대부모의 시봉[侍奉]하는 맹세하는 마음으로 둘이 손잡고 경배하오니 하늘 보좌에 받아 주시옵소서!)

(True Parents offered a half bow to God)

"Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience of God Who restored the authority of the Creator, I will report in front of Heavenly Father that I finally perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God, and please accept it! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the Blessing of God as the Absolute Owner will be always with us, which can eternally and safely lead the owner of the ideal of the family that hold one tradition and blood lineage and resemblance centering on the original homeland going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while concluding the Kingdom of Heaven, the heavenly ideal of love and unification, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical "noon-time" alignment (that casts no shadow) at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth!

Mansei for God. Mansei for True Parents. Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon Il Guk and the world of unification. Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you."

(창조주의 권한을 다시 회복하신 하나님의 절대신앙, 절대사랑, 절대복종의 기준을 중심삼고 천지인 참부모 정착말씀선포와 천주대회에 최종적 완성 완결을 이루는 것을 아버지 앞에 봉헌하오니받아 주시옵소서! 이제 참부모는 에덴동산을 넘어선 본연의 고향땅 중심해서 하나의 전통을 따라 하나의 핏줄과 하나의 닮음의 영원불변의 일족의 이상 패권의 주인을 영원히 안전히 지휘할 수있는 절대주의 하나님의 축복이 같이 할 것을 맹세선언하옵니다. 영원한 승리의 패권적 하늘의 통일의 사랑완결의 이상 천국을 완결해 같이 가주기를 비나이다. 아버지 받아주시옵소서! 당신이허락하신 것을 알고 저희들도 받고 절대정상에 정오정착에 자리를 지켜 나아가 같이 할 수 있도록 비나이다. 천지부모여~! 하나님 만세! 참부모님 만세! 천일국 통일 세계에 영원히 승리의 패권을 완성할 지어다. 아주! 아주! 아주! 감사합니다!)

(All the participants offered a bow to True Parents.)

Sixth Summit of the Americas

Sixth Summit of the Americas

(Katsumi: That day is the day when "The sixth Summit of the Americas" was held at Cartagena, Colombia, and I think Father's silence and Jeong Seong of fishing for the past several days and this ceremony are related to this international conference in South America.)  

Father Released a Captured Carp

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 22 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

The night before Father went out fishing and on the boat he constantly spoke to the leaders who accompanied him. After Father released a captured carp at the dock at around 2:00 a.m., they went back to the Cheon Hwa Gung. They arrived there at 3:20 a.m. and then Father held Hoon Dok Hae that day.

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #48, titled "Only Love is the Ultimate Goal."

After the reading, she sang for Shin Pyeon Nim, who was sitting on the coffee table in front of Mother "곰세마리" (Same Roof Daddy) and "작은 별 (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)." Then Father and all sang "할미 꽃" (Grandma Flower Song) for him. 

Here is Sedona

Sun Myung Moon
April 11, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Sedona AZ on 3. 21 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

After Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech, Father spoke. The following are some of his words.

"It is the moment that the fountain rises in a world made of desert, which will open the door of the realm of the final victory. Here is Sedona, which means In the world, centering on God's truth, this place has been established for me only. (세도나. 세상 하나님의 도를 중심삼은 세도나가 나 하나를 위해서 이루어졌다.) The Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This means everything has been done. No people are necessary, and centering on Adam, Eve and the archangel, all tangled things sowed by the evil blood lineage must be burned and everything must be clearly put in order. This (can be done) at Sedona. Sedona means '(The place) that establishes me in the middle of the truth in this world (이 세상에 도 가운데 나를 세우는 이 세도나).'"

"When the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind is realized, there is nothing unaccomplished. Then it is not the world centering on truth (말씀), but the proclamation of the Substantial Word of God (실체말씀선포). The principle and the truth have been completed on page 74 (of the speech file). Who did it? The Internal God became the Corporeal God accomplishing page 74 and Sedona put me on the top of it all."

Without Father (himself), you couldn't hold Hoon Dok Hae this morning. The contents of the reading today is the offering itself. You should listen without omitting any words an d correctly understand with your ears and eyes the history of the offering.

Sedona AZ

Sedona AZ

After Hoon Dok Hae today, in order for you to be able to go to South America, train yourself here for a couple of days or even for a week. When you are confident with yourself, leave here. This is my direction today. If you are not confident, you shouldn't leave here.

(Calling Yeon Ah Nim) "Yeon Ah (연아). You are a lotus flower (연꽃)."

"Have you clearly understood or not that the Blessed families must inherit the achievement that parents have done intact, and complete it? If you understood it, raise and clap your hands. There is only one tradition with which one can attend to True Parents as the King of Kings. 

What, Do you Need to Believe in Jesus?

Sun Myung Moon
April 10, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 20 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt continued to read Father's speech "The Base for the Kingdom of Heaven." She read "Centering on what, do you need to believe in Jesus? You shouldn't believe in him centering on yourself. You should do so centering on his heart, thought and tradition. Then what is the purpose of believing? In order for you to be united with him. First of all, you should believe but need to do so centering on the subject partner in order to be united with him."

Everybody except Father stood up and sang "Glory Hallelujah" (Battle Hymn of the Republic) in Korean, and Father, putting his head down, earnestly listened to the song. True Parents and all participants sang "산유화."

Sedona AZ

Sedona AZ

After the meeting True Parents left for Sedona at 5:45 a.m, which is a 4-hour drive from the Cheon Hwa Gung. Sedona is the place where they say the strongest Ki (energy) of the earth lies. 

In Jin Moon's Great Efforts Educating the Second Generation

Sun Myung Moon
April 9, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 19 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #47, titled "Base for the Kingdom of Heaven."

After the reading, she sang "소양강 처녀," (Soyang Virgin) and the all brothers sang "진짜 사나이." (Real Man) Father continued to close his eyes listening earnestly to the songs.

Mr. Gyeong Jin Yun from the US headquarters made a report regarding Rev. In Jin Moon's great efforts in educating 2nd gens. He was especially focused on her "Generation Peace Academy," which was newly developed from STF. (See gpafamily.com)

Mt. Charleston, near Las Vegas NV

Mt. Charleston, near Las Vegas NV

(On Easter Sunday, True Parents, Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim, Shin Pyeon Nim, Rev. Yang and others had visited Mt. Charleston.) 

True Parents Sang

Sun Myung Moon
April 8, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.18 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #47, titled "Tasks that the Lord, who will come again, must do."

After the reading, Mrs. McDevitt sang "사랑이 메아리 칠 때," (When Love Is Echoed) Rev. Yang Hur sang "한 많은 대동강," (Taedonggang) and all the participants sang together "Glory Hallelujah" in Korean. Then Rev. Jeong Sun Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공". (Virgin Voyeur) Father, who sometimes cradled Shin Pyeon Nim, listened to the songs earnestly putting his head down with his eyes closed.

True Parents sang "농군의 노래" (Farmers of the song) and everybody joined them in singing. After the song Father asked Mother to kiss his chin and the meeting was over ending in applause for them. 

Father Earnestly Sang with Her with His Eyes Closed

Sun Myung Moon and Yeong-seop Song
April 7, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.17 H.C.


Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #47, "The Path Our Families Take."

After the reading, she sang "천년바위" (Rock of Ages) and Father earnestly sang with her with his eyes closed.

The following are excerpts of the report of Rev. Yeong-seop Song from Japan.

"When I came to Las Vegas this time and saw True Parents, I felt that they seemed very happy (Father said, '아이고' [ouch] then laughed) and healthy. I heard the mood of Hoon Dok Hae has also been great. All Japanese members are always missing the place where True Parents stay. When I was assigned for the mission in Japan and went there four years ago, I saw 70 policemen at our headquarters. The atmosphere was as if that would be the beginning of the end of the Japanese Unification Church, and the members' spirit was going down. Father had sent Kook Jin Nim two days prior to my arrival and I felt that I must raise their faith up with Kook Jin Nim.

What I have realized in Japan was even though I did things I did only 5% and nothing could be possible without True Parents' pressing forward. It has been said that the earthquake would hit Japan between the end of January and early 2012, however Father sent Mother to Japan. Her 3-day stay for the meeting of FFWPU and WFWPU in Japan would have been a great worry for me but I heard from Mrs. McDevitt that Mother was to stay in Japan for eight days. I was happy to receive Mother but was worried so much about her. As you know for an earthquake, 5 minutes are enough to destroy Japan. God told me 'Don't worry,' but I know there is still human responsibility.

It's been 5 years since Mother last visited Japan. At the welcome party for her, she pulled out and showed Father's wallet to us. (Father said '지갑이야. / It's a wallet') ' She said when she was leaving, Father gave it to her. His wallet contains 3,000,000 Won and Father's ID card and as such, if he doesn't have it with him he can't go anywhere. When we saw the wallet all the participants including me cried feeling 'Father loves us and Japan so much.' When you visit our previous HQ in Korea located at Cheong Pa Dong, you find on Father's desk the models of 거북선 (Geo Buk Seon: the Turtle Ship) of Korea and 金閣寺 (Kinkakuji: the Golden Pavilion) of Japan. So when Japanese members visit there and see it, they were all moved feeling how much Father was concerned about Japan in his early days.

I later heard that Father had said in Las Vegas '나도 가고 싶다 / I want to go too.' Father gave me a specific purpose and I couldn't fulfill it yet and I have been so sorry. I was determined not to shed tears but when I saw her this time in Japan I couldn't stop my tears. I later heard that many members had the same experience.

The bill of 50,000 Won has the portrait of 신사임당 (Shin Sa Im Dang: Mother of Scholar Yul Gok Lee), and when she gave the money from the wallet, she explained the story of the mother. I think her messages are always simple and clear as well as very deep.

Through her visit, I can say that the members could feel the love of True Parents and could revive their faith. We tried to do our best to attend to Mother but we made some mistakes. For example, when she asked us to prepare her some Korean instant noodles, they brought her coffee, and when she asked for coffee, they brought her something else because they don't understand her in Korean. I was deeply ashamed. (True Parents smiled at his comments) So I told the regional leaders, 'When True Parents come to your region, you should choose the members who know Korean to attend to them,' and I started the campaign of studying Korean in the Japanese church.

After Mother left Japan, the earthquake started again, which had a magnitude of 5 to 6. The recent one had a magnitude of 6.9. I heard from Dae Mo Nim that after Mother's departure from japan, Japan would shake again. This time about 10 locations including Sendai had light earthquakes that had a magnitude between 2 to 3.

On April 1 (of the solar calendar), I prayed to God 'Thank you Heavenly Father, I can pray in front of you without dying.' I live every single day that way. According to the prediction of the Mayan culture, Dec. 21 of this year is the turning point of human history, as such, if Japan can survive that day, I will offer Og mansei to Heaven. Mother would say again that I speak too much so I will stop myself here. Thank you."

After the report, Rev. Song sang "내 마음 별과 같이," (My Heart is like the Stars) and Father listened to the song with eyes closed. 

Have You Been Filled with Emotion Listening to My Prayer?

Sun Myung Moon
April 6, 2012
Celebration of the 52nd anniversary of True Parents' Holy Wedding and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas on 3.16 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Many Japanese members participated that day. The following are some of Father's words during the celebration.

"As of now, you have lived as you like thinking 'I don't relate to Father's prayer and I don't understand it.' At what occasion have you been filled with emotion (by listening to my prayer)? The person sitting here (Father himself) has been living as if he was choked with the prayers. I have lived that way. The words 'True Parents' are not easy for me.

Three years ago in Las Vegas, I wrote '天地人참父母 定着 (천지인참부모 정착 / Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind).' (Then indicating his calligraphy which later became the motto of 2011) Nobody knows what it means. No one can interpret it even if they know Chinese characters well. Without me, these words would have been dead.

When I see all of you through (spiritual) rock crystal, everyone is different. Are you united with each other or not? Do you have your ladders that bring you to Heaven? If the highest building in Japan has 70 floors, to go to Heaven is like going through 7 million, 7 trillion floors or more. 천지인참부모 정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 (Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Substantial Word of God). You just came here today with pleasure, but in order for me to receive 3.16 H.C., I have been so restless."

"Do you know when I encountered Jesus? It was in February when I was 17 years old by Korean count. It is not that the Second Messiah can come to appear when he wants."

"In Japan it is Shizuoka province that has the most complicated current in the ocean centering on Mt. Fuji. How high is it? ('It is 3,776 meters high.') How many islands does Japan consist of? ('There are four major islands.') Three thousand years ago, was there the name Hokkaido (北海道) (which is one of the four)? ('There wasn't')

(Katsumi: In Japan administratively there are 43 provinces and the Chinese character for 'province' is 県 / Ken. Then there are three other regions in Japan: Tokyo, Kyoto and Hokkaido. Tokyo is called Tokyoto with 都, Kyoto is called Kyotowho with 府, and Hokkaido with 道. In Korea the world 'province' is 道 / do, and therefore, what Father implied here is that the area of Hokkaido had belonged to Korea.)

Do you know Kojiki (古事記:A Record of Ancient Matters, a record of Japanese ancient myths and history)? I know it very well. When I was at high school, I had read textbooks of a graduate school in Japan."

"Do you know the song of the Second Messiah? It is '동산의 노래 (Song of the Garden)'."

"I am different from ordinary people. I can hear the absolute sound (절대음 / 絶對音). Even while I am sitting here, I can say (to anyone who is dozing) 'You are dozing, aren't you?' How can I know it?"

Mrs. McDevitt sang "칠갑산" (Chilgapsan) and Father sang together with her. The Japanese male choir team from Kyoto sang "Space Warship Yamato," and when they were singing their next song "上を向いて歩こう" (which is known in the Western world as 'The Sukiyaki Song'), Father said "(Sing in) Korean!" and then said "Stop." (Father stopped Japanese choir's singing)

Mother sang "산유화" and Father joined her in singing. After her song, she told all the Korean brothers to stand up and sing "진짜 사나이." (Real Man) After their song, Father sang "마음의 자유천지." (Freedom of the mind of heaven and earth) Rev. Then Rev. Yang conducted Eog Mansei, which concluded the meeting. 

Represent the Whole, Not Only The Present but also The Past and the Future

Sun Myung Moon
April 5, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.15 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #47, titled "Value of True Unification Church Members (참된 식구의 가치)." She read "True person means someone who represents the whole, not only the present but also the past and the future." She also read "Religions teach the way to control one's body and strengthen their mind. Then they can get connected with the spirit world, which gives strong power to their mind. So it is a false religion that doesn't limit physical desire and doesn't encourage to offer Jeong Seong."

After the reading, Mrs. McDevitt sang "야망" (Ambitions) and "꽃이 되고 싶어라" (Feel like flowers) and Father sang together with his eyes closed. Then the Participants (who were all male) sang "광야의 사나이." (Man of the wilderness)

Rev. Chang Shik Yang made a report regarding Kook Jin Nim's speech "Strong Korea" at the first "Asia Security Initiative Conference" held by the Washington Times Foundation, which took place at the US Capitol in Washington D.C. approximately one month ago. According to Rev. Yang, from Korea, Japan, and the US, about 100 experts of security issues in the North and East Asia participated. He was one of the participants of the 5-hour conference and later received interviews by Korean media such as the Weekly Chosun, the Weekly Kyung Hyang, etc.

Hyung Jin Nim sang "If I can Dream" in Korean. 

Mother Gracefully Sang

Sun Myung Moon
April 3, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung on 3.13 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 28, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #46.

After the reading, she sang "천년바위" (Rock of Ages) and Father, occasionally singing together with her, earnestly listened to the song putting his head down with his eyes closed. Rev. Park sang with Mrs. McDevitt "소양강 처녀" (Soyang Virgin) and Father whistled to the song. Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang '돌아와요 부산항에," (Come Back to Busan) and Rev. Jeong Sun Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공" (Virgin Voyeur) while Father, again, listened to them earnestly with his eyes closed.

True Mother gracefully sang "봄처녀." (Bomcheonyeo) Father joined her in singing and at the end of the song Father said "엄마야 (Mother),,." Then all the participants stood and sang "광야의 사나이." (Man of the Wilderness) After the song, Mother said, 'There is another song of man, isn't there?" and they sang "진짜 사나이." (Real Man) 

I Wanted to Make an Educational Center, Which Would be Better than the Garden of Eden

Sun Myung Moon
April 2, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 12 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"I had planned to make a training center at Mt. Geumgang, but North Korea wouldn't listen to it. I wanted to make an educational center, which would be better than the Garden of Eden."

"Today is the day of the opening of the era of omnipotence (오늘은 전능시대의 개문이야). That's why I came here. Before coming here from Hawaii, I called Sun Jo Hwang twice."

"In the fallen world, there are fights for lands, all creatures, humans and God. In the world of God's creation, everybody can be the owner (주인) and equal with each other. There is no concept such as discrimination or conflict."

Rev. Yang read the report from Rev. Chung Shik Yong, Asia Continental Director, regarding the Mindanao Interfaith Festival held on 3.10 HC in Mindanao, the Philippines where 12,000 couples joined the Blessing. The following are some of the photos of the events held there.

(After the report)

"That is the place which can be developing more. There is nothing more I hope there. (Heavenly fortune) has already passed even Hawaii. / 이개 더 발전할 장소, 바랄 것이 없네. 하와이도 다 지나갔네." Then Father told all the participants to give a big hand to the Philippines.

(Katsumi: According to Father's speech given on Oct. 21, 1975, heavenly fortune / 천운 / 天運 moved from Israel to Rome, then to England and later to the US through history. In the light of the Pacific Rim Era, Father needs to connect and move the heavenly fortune from the US, where he spent his prime time for more than 30 years, to Korea, God's fatherland, through Japan which ls located between the two countries. But according to Rev. Yu, since Japan couldn't fulfill her responsibility on that regard, Father put Hawaii in place of Japan and has worked hard moving back and forth between Korea, Hawaii and Las Vegas. From that viewpoint, I think his comments above regarding the victory of the Mindanao Interfaith Festival which took place in the Philippines in Asia are providentially significant.)

True Parents with all the participants sang "Glory Hallelujah" in Korean, which concluded the meeting that day. 

Singing Freedom of the Mind of Heaven and Earth

Sun Myung Moon
April 1, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 3. 11 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 28, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 28, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #46, titled "Standard of the Perfection in the Light of the Providence."

After the reading, Mrs. McDevitt sang Rock of Ages ("천년바위"), Rev. Yang Hur sang The Road to Sampo ("삼포로 가는 길"), Rev. Jeong Su Jo sang Virgin Voyeur ("처녀 뱃사공"), Rev. Chang Shik Yang sang Heartless Home ("고향 무정"), and Hyung Jin Nim sang "If I can Dream" in Korean. Father, while cradling Shin Pyeon Nim who was on Mother's knees, sang together with the singers occasionally changing the lyrics of the songs.

Then Father and Mother sang together "동무 생각" (Comrades Think) and ("모내기 노래" The Planting Song). Finally, Father sang "마음의 자유천지" (Freedom of the Mind of Heaven and Earth) and everybody, standing and clapping hands, joined him. 

How Many of You I Can Bring With Me To Heaven?

Sun Myung Moon
March 29, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
King Garden Hawaii on 3.8 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #46, titled "Joyful Workshop."

After the reading, Mrs. McDevitt sang Rock of Ages (천년바위), Rev. Yang Hur sang Vandal (반달), Mother sang GaGoPa (가고파), True Parents sang Planting song, (모내기 노래,) 산유화, and Santa Lucia, Hyung Jin Nim sang If I can Dream, Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang Come Back to Busan (돌아와요 부산항에).

Father, again, earnestly listened to them with his eyes closed. Rev. Man Eung Jo gave his testimony, and Rev. Jeong Ok Yu prayed with tears, which concluded the meeting that day.

Recently Father said:.

"When I see you, I am really worried about you. Thinking of Foundation Day, I can't sleep at night, but you are just thinking and worried about what to eat, what to dress, and your family matters. I can't sleep thinking how many of you I can bring with me to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world." 

Singing at Hoon Dok Hae

Sun Myung Moon
March 27, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
King Garden HI on 3.6 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #46, titled "The Center of the World Stems in God."

After the reading Father asked people to sing. Mrs. McDevitt sang Rock of Ages (천년바위), Rev. Yang Hur sang Ulsan Arirang (울산아리랑), Sun Jin Nim sang Amazing Grace, Hyung Jin Nim sang If I can Dream, and Korean participants sang Man of the wilderness (광야의 사나이).

Father, holding Mother's hand, earnestly listened to them with his eyes closed. True Parents sang 모내기노래 (The Planting song) which concluded Hoon Dok Hae that day. 

Declaration of the Perfect and Complete Unity and Oneness of True Parents and the Era of the Unity of the Cain and Abel Worlds

Sun Myung Moon
March 26, 2012
King Garden, Hawaii (HC 3.5)


True Mother flew to Hawaii as soon as she had completed the initial Global Women's Peace Network Assembly in Korea on 3.5 (March 26, 2012). (For more on the GWPN, see page 26.) Father met her at the airport in Hawaii. Because of the time difference between Korea and Hawaii, Mother left Korea in the evening and True Parents arrived at King Garden at 11:30 in the morning of the same day. As soon as they had alighted from the car, True Father called the international president, Hyung Jin Moon, and his son Shin-joon nim to come to them and asked Rev. Gi Boon Kim to offer three cheers of Eog Mansei there.

Once in the King Garden house, True Parents stood hand-in-hand, and Hyung Jin nim, Shin Loon nim (Hyung Jin nim's fourth child) and Yeon Ah nim stood in a line, hand-in-hand, facing True Parents. Shin Deuk nim, Hyung Jin nim's fifth child, stood behind True Parents. Father then declared the following:

In that this is the time to proclaim the unification of the divided Cain and Abel worlds by uniting and perfecting Adam and Eve on the foundation of the unified heaven and earth....

1. Mansei for the unity of the Cain and Abel worlds centering on the True Parents and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

2. Mansei for the victorious True Parents and True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

3. Mansei for the unified oneness of heaven and earth that Eve can attain after accomplishing the ideal oneness between heaven and earth blessed by God.

4. True Parents will be established and firmly settled eternally. Mansei for the liberation of God, the liberation of the God of Night, and for the perfect and complete unity and oneness of True Parents. 

The Abel UN Hasn't Been Announced Yet

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon
March 26, 2012
Special Proclamation and Hoon Dok Hae
King Garden on 3. 5 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

True Parents arrived at the King Garden after Father welcomed Mother at the airport. Right after Father got off from the car, he had Rev. Ki Hun [Peter] Kim to do 'Eog Mansei for the Abel UN.' Then in the King garden, True Parents stood hand-in-hand, Shin Deuk Nim stood behind them, and Hyung Jin Nim, Shin Jun Nim, and Yeon Ah Nim also stood hand-in-hand in front of True Parents. Then Father said,

"We will do Mansei for the Cain and Abel UNs, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei for Hawaii and the assembly in Washington D.C. Do you understand? This is being recorded. (Father checked the recording machine.) As of now, the Abel UN hasn't been announced yet. We have to say Mansei for the Abel UN, Mansei for True Parents, Mansei for the Cain and Abel UNs, Mansei for the East. West and True Parents, and Mansei for the Blessed families in heaven and on earth. (Then Father initiated Mansei as follows).

천지통일기반 위에 서 가지고 아담해와가 하나 완전히 일체 완성됨으로 말미암아 가인 아벨 세계가 갈라진 것을 통일선포하는 시간이 되어서 천지인 참부모가 중심이 되어가지고 가인 아벨 세계통일 만세('Mansei.') 승리한 천지인참부모 만세 ('Mansei.') 하늘 땅을 통일한 하늘 땅의 일체이상 모든것을 해와가 되가지고 종결을 지을 수 있는 모든 천지의 통일적 통일 만세 ('Mansei.') 참부모 정착 안착 영원할지어다. 하나님 해방, 밤의 하나님 해방, 참부모 일체권 완전통일 일체완성 만세 ('Mansei.') Sit down. 모든 전부를 참부모 해방, 가인ㆍ아벨 해방 유엔 발표한 그 위에서 보고하나이다. 완성으로 받아 주시옵소서! 박수."

(Katsumi: What Father basically proclaimed through Mansei was "It is time to be able to proclaim the unification of the Cain and Abel worlds that have been separate, thanks to the unity and perfection of Adam and Eve. Mansei for the unification of the Cain and Abel worlds centering on True Parents, Mansei for victorious True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, Mansei for the unification of heaven and earth that can conclude everything through Eve, Mansei for the liberation of the God of Night and for the perfected unification and the realm of the unity of True Parents.")


Hyung Jin Nim made a report in Korean and the following are excerpts.

"While Father was offering Jeong Seong in Hawaii, Mother went to Moo Chang Po (무창포) where my elder brother Kook Jin had made a hotel, called Beache Palace (www.beachepalace.co.kr). He started to make condominiums there two years ago, and this time 1,500 WFWPU leaders from the world got together there to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Mother gave her address at the opening ceremony, which was a condensed version of Father's speech 천지인 참부모 정착 실체 말씀 선포 천주대회. Before her speech, my elder brother Kook Jin gave welcome remarks, in which he emphasized that women must be strong enough to join the peace police and peace army for world peace.

When we had the Blessing ceremony and other events, world leaders came to Korea (for Nuclear Security Summit which top leaders from 57 nations and international organizations joined) which symbolized the Cain world joined the Abel world.

Within 5 years, they say China will have the biggest army in the world. They are not only making weapons, but also aggressively going to the Pacific Ocean. 5 years ago in 2007, True Father, through his world tour, had spoken about the settlement of the Abel UN and the necessity of banding together all islands in the region such as Taiwan, Japan, etc. He also mentioned the danger of Russia and China. Elder brother Kook Jin is now promoting the national campaign called 'Strong Korea.' Centering on Korea, Japan, US and all islands in the region must be together against the danger and establish the Abel UN, which will open the era of the Pacific Rim Era."

The following are some of Father's words at Hoon Dok Hae.

"All things must get together and become even (smooth). 平泰太平主王 (평태태평주왕)

(Katsumi: Father suddenly said these Chinese characters and wrote them with his right hand in the air).

Today we are going over the number 6. After the fall, God doesn't have 어머니 (means 'wife'). 平泰太平主王 (평태태평주왕).

(Katsumi: Father seems to say the new title of God. While writing, Father explained the meaning of each Character as follows: 平 (even, smooth), 泰 (big) 太 (big), 平 (even, smooth), 主 (owner), 王 (King)) (Then he said again)平泰太平主王 (평태태평주왕)."

"Your body and my body are fundamentally different. Mine is so sensitive. You need 8 hours of sleep but I am OK without sleeping or eating."

(Showing his agenda book) "This is my personal agenda book. I recorded here things I had thought about 50 years ago."

"God wasn't finished with His creation. Individual perfection of the creation (개인창조완성) wasn't done yet. The Perfection of a couple wasn't done yet. These must be done."

(Katsumi: According to Prof. Tek Yong Oh posted on the web page 통일교, the proclamation above could be realized due to Mother's victory on establishing Women's UN through the 20th anniversary of WFWPU, which strengthened the foundation of the Abel UN. This proclamation is also meaningful in relation to D-Day when God's Blessing ceremony will take place.) 

Europeans are Proud of Themselves

Sun Myung Moon
March 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 3.4 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(This meeting was been held by True Parents before they left Korea, who are now in Hawaii.)

Mrs. Yang read Father's speech, titled "Pioneer."

"How do you go over the 고개 (hill or summit) of 2013? No one has been able to do so in human history. Europeans for example, are proud of themselves but what do they have in order to be so? Vikings? They were the people who shouldn't have existed in human society. Were the Vikings men or women? Where did it originate? They couldn't find good things on the land or in the air. There was no 천지인 (天地人: heaven, earth and humankind). Even if there was 천지인, there were no True Parents. Even if there were True Parents, there was no true love. Even if there was true love, you still should know the standard and model family for that."

"What is the title of today's speech? ('Pioneer.') Pioneer for one time? In this world of time and space, there are, not only eight stages, but limitless stages with no end."

"Hyung Jin's couple, a brother and sister being united with each other, makes happen 천지인 참부모 정착 (天地人참父母定着: Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.). (우리 형진이, 형진이부부, 두 형제가 합해가지고 천지인 참부모 정착이 돼요.) [Our two Hyung, two siblings have a combined settlement of True Parents do heaven and earth.]"

"There are many people in heaven and earth but how many are the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind? Can you say 'From today, let's change the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind'? Did the term just come out without doing anything? Can you do anything you want with parents? You don't have them yet."

"We have Shin Jun (Hyung Jin Nim's son) and Shin Pyeon (Kook Jin Nim's son) and there will be Shin Ju. Kook Jin is the fourth son and another son is on the way. I already named the baby in the womb as Shin Ju and the parents don't know it. If Shin Ju won't resemble (True Parents), united with the same blood lineage centering on the tradition of the Garden of Eden, he will be false. Even if you work hard in order to resemble (True Parents), you would become brothers and sisters (of True Children) at best. There is no true person. I didn't decide. (나도 결정 안했습니다) Even if I decide one representative in front of me who is necessary for a certain period, I don't need them! (결정한다고 한데 필요할 수 있는 대표 내앞에 세워가지고 그것 나 필요없어!)"

"천지인 참부모 정착 (天地人참父母定着: Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.). Where is the firm settlement? Is the term 조국 광복 (祖國光復: restoration of fatherland) true or false? Why does it say 광복 (光復: restoration)? We have to restore (God's) blood lineage."

"You don't know how much I troubled myself wondering about the title we would read this morning. It was 'Pioneer.' Yong Myung Moon couldn't fulfill his responsibility as a pioneer, and he's gone. Did Yong Myung accomplish 천지인 참부모 정착 (天地人참父母定着: Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind)? He couldn't. (Looking at his calligraphy) How could Sun Myung know and write such words?"

"Which comes first, life or love? Even if you have life you don't have love. There is the history where the elder killed the younger in Adam's family."

"Hyung Jin liked martial arts so much. When he was in high school, I allowed him to do it and said, 'Do it but don't be beaten and cry.' Later I asked him, 'Where will you go?' He said, 'I will go where father and mother go.'"

"I didn't know with which part of the body the fall occurred.(나도 타락을 어디서 했는지 몰랐어.) I came to know it through Jesus. (예수때문에 알았어)"

(Holding Shin Pyeon Nim) "This is Shin Pyeon. Kook Jin's third son, and the fourth one will be Shin Ju, who will be born in May. Pyeon (편 / 便) of Shin Pyeon consists of 人 (human) and 更(again), and therefore, it corresponds to 조국광복 (祖國光復: restoration of the fatherland)."

"God has not accomplished the feat of His creation (창조의 위업 / 創造의偉業) yet. (Holding his speech file and reading the title) '천지인참부모정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 (Cosmic Assembly to Proclaim the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, and the Substantial Word of God).' 천주 means God's house. From 정주/ 定州 / Jeong Ju (where Father's hometown is), '안착 / 安着 / safe settlement' starts. (Katsumi: Father implies here that 定 of '정주/ 定州 / Jeong Ju' and 着 of '안착 / 安着 / safe settlement' makes 定着 /정착 / Firm Settlement.)"

"Anyone who still uses the solar calendar won't be forgiven. After the fall, it was India who made addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (가감승제)." 

Blessing Benediction

Sun Myung Moon
March 24, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center HC 03.03.03
Blessing Ceremony in the Era to Open the Gates to the Victory, Liberation and Completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

Sun Myung Moon March 26, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 26, 2012

Heavenly Father, who is the great Lord of all the cosmos, we give sincere thanks that you have permitted us, this day, to hold this ceremony, as Heaven has specially permitted us today to perform acts of goodness in the midst of such a wonderful environment.

We beseech that you will grant your blessings on these brides and grooms who stand here in holiness with the justification of having become children of the parents of Heaven as representative men and women of representing the 6.5 billion people of the world. And we now attend heaven in this splendid environment with hearts of joy and jubilation. We give sincere thanks, Father, that you have allowed the grace of being able to inherit the lineage of the Holy Blessing, whereby we are born again in accordance with a relationship of flesh and blood with the True Parents in 194 Able-type countries and 193 Cain-type countries, centering on the 6.5 billion people of the world.

We are truly grateful that you have permitted us to have this day to commemorate this solemn occasion in the presence of all nations, all creation and the entire cosmos where True Parents, the substantial embodiments of the fruits representing the King of the Kings of all nations and the numerous kings in history, have become one with God in the name of True Parents.

After the time of the creation, our Heavenly Father, you dreamed of the model parents of all peoples, and waited for the day of the Blessing. Yet, you could not bless Adam and Eve, and instead you lost them. Since then, you have had to endure for tens of thousands of years, until this day on which are present tens of thousands of couples who have been called here, after undergoing suffering and difficulty to inherit the realm of heart under your lineage. So, Father please welcome these brides and grooms into your heart with open arms.

In the presence of your heart, which as yearned for Adam and Eve to reach their twenties, have come tens of thousands of children to be blessed after thousands of years have passed. So please embrace them with a wide heart and deep and noble affection. Please allow the children blessed in the spirit world and the physical world, centering on True Love, to inherit the bloodline of true love through the love of God and True Parents and receive blessings as husband and wife. Brothers and sisters who have received the Blessing in the past, and the billions of couples in the spirit world and many blessed brothers and sisters in the physical world are all here in this venue to congratulate the couples. So, please look upon them with favor, and let your heart, which was closed, and which has yearned for this for generations, open in joy.

It was the wish of Heaven to form the one family of Adam's family, but this could not be fulfilled and it was lost in Eden. It's on this day on which we can go beyond that and bless these sons and daughters brought together in tens of thousands of couples as the flowers of high, wide and deep true love. So, Father, we hope and pray, that you will bless this day more than any day ever before. Thanks to the joint efforts of parents, brothers and sisters, teachers in the schools of many nations, and religious leaders on the foundation of religion who have nurtured and raised these children that they have been able to be here, to be brought together as brothers and sister and to be dedicated before you as citizens of the one nation. We are truly grateful to you for permitting us to have this opportunity.

These new couples, the good men and women called here by Heaven blessed together, are the new fruits representing billions of blessed couples. They are the newly harvested seeds in front of the brothers and sisters who have received the blessing before them. So, please receive them as the proud brides and grooms of heaven and earth.

Heavenly Father, please look down upon this joyous arena with pleasure, as the spiritual and physical worlds of people who attend God, come together here, to attend the True Parents, the substantial representatives of the one God whom they have served from the time that they were in their mothers' womb, through the times of puberty, youth, middle age and old age.

We, also, hope and pray in the name of the True Parents, that our innumerable fellow members... in this place, will support these model couples who have been newly blessed will deeper and loftier and more joyous hearts. We thank you, Aju. 

Prayer: Prayer at the Dedication of the Cheongshim Peace World Center

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012

Prayer: Prayer at the Dedication of the Cheongshim Peace World Center

Loving Father, heaven and earth have solemnly erected the banner of one heart to blossom by focusing their heart on this place. In this hour, we must achieve oneness with You, the Creator of the universe in both essence and heart centered on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. In order to recover the state of mind when You told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden that they would die for eternity if they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, True Parents have prepared for this moment while offering devotion in order to see the standard of one mind, one ideology and one purity blossom.

Ninety three years have passed, and on this fifty third True Parents' Day, we have brought complete fruition in this grand place. You, the Heavenly Parent, cherished the ideal garden that was to be Eden's standard and ideal of creation centering on You, the absolute God before mind and body were divided. However, even before You could embark on the path toward this ideal, division occurred due to an unforeseen, impure and wrongful idea. The realm of a single generation has been completed through one heart. The great plaza that was originally planned together with the name of True Parents has been established in the original place where there was no false parent. Countless citizens of heaven and earth have come here where the flowers of their hearts have blossomed, and now we offer a full bow before You, who bears the authority of the supreme Creator together with the guardian of that authority, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

You have desired the one land of miracle that would serve as the symbol of victorious sovereignty. However, due to Eve's mistake, an unforeseen night of sadness and sorrow resulted. From that day on, You withdrew the realm of day, and, like the new light of a firefly, You brightened the dark path in the realm of night, engulfed in darkness. True Parents completed and perfected the Will in the very place where the false parents posed as parents until the original light could shine as the central light in this vast world. You have stepped through and gone beyond the time of sorrowful heart, the thousands of years during which You yearned for and long dreamed of the original Eden but were unable to bequeath a single day of blessing. You now stand in the highest position of focusing on the mark of new victory, where Your blueprint, the Creator's original blueprint can now be realized. Now we stand on a new mark of victory, on the focal point, at the highest position after having walked through and overcome the hours of bitter sorrow during which time You could not bequeath that blessed day of jubilation in the original Garden of Eden that You gazed upon, the dream of history that spanned thousands of years.

In this place where the entire universe is watching, we have prepared and completed the formation of the dutiful son's realm of oneness by erecting the model standard, allowing all our descendants to stay within that standard. This is the steppingstone upon which we can commemorate the day of True Parents' victory budding like a flower rooted in the single-mindedness of hope. As we march toward the world of freedom and liberation, a liberated heaven and earth free from restraints, so all humankind can offer You praise of joy and happiness in front of this palace You designed at this new plaza today, we present to You today the Cheongshim Peace World Center as a plaza of joy and glory. We are gathered here today as people who will never forget the singular focal point of commemorating this completion and conclusion.

Let the sunlight shine on this bright, liberated central position of freedom and this bright heaven and earth where the numerous blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth have the unified focus of serving their parents. Please let this place be loved by all people as the new plaza of education through which You can directly educate this world of darkness by the authority of light -- from east, west, south and north, everywhere You go. We are now preparing for the days to celebrate completing the liberation of the Blessing and holy love while tying together our once divided mind and body. We are engrafted onto the beginning of the history that True Parents initiated. On this straight path that we take in accordance with this time, we should attend and unite toward the center of all four directions with one heart and one essence in the mind and body of our couple.

If we are to welcome within one year the day when the third Holy Wedding of True Parents will be completed, and then spend time with faithful children who can be raised in such a position, there must be one nation, one people and one king. We will have a liberated heart with which we can receive the cause of children while in the embrace of the absolute authority of the Creator and with which we can stand with the heart of a lofty warrior modeled after True Parents, even though we are lacking. With this, we will forget about all the sorrowful history that unfolded in front of You, Father. It is our earnest hope and prayer that the Holy Wedding that will be held in the future may be the period when we can light the incense inside the burner of Your ideal family, and sing songs of praise and glory, thankfully embraced in a single clan.

Father, please overlook the inadequacy of the devotions that were offered to bring us to this point, as we yearned for the name of True Parents. Father, the fruit of Heaven's blood red heart shall never fall to the earth but shall be remembered as ineradicable footprints. We are preparing to receive the Blessing on the glorious throne in the substantial realm, the throne of unity, completion and perfection where all our descendants can be united with Your heart by following these footprints. Father, please protect, guide and lead us until that day.

Gathered here are Your blessed children. Please shed the bright sunlight of peace on their hearts that long for the original homeland of their desire, the homeland that will come in the future. On that privileged day of victory, all living beings without exception can enter the fourth, original homeland of freedom and happiness in the heavenly world. We ask You that You harvest that day as the fruit of the flowers that blossom upon the substantial harmonization of hearts. Please protect and guide us until that day. We believe that You will accept us as we eternally align with that ideal.

I pray that the wish of the child who believes in You, the great Father, will be fulfilled. Please allow sunlight to shine on the bright heaven and earth of glory and protection, which is our final destination. Allow one pillar to rise from the center to eternity, so nothing is lacking in the perfection and completion of the educational ideology achieved through all existing things in the world and through the heart of a parent who loves heaven and loves people and loves all things. With this request, we offer this solemn occasion in front of You, the Father with the heart of True Parents. Please accept all this with a joyful heart.

Please let this become the eternal, unchanging occasion of protection when the Parents, like You, the Father, can hear the shouts of joy ring in their heart together with the sound of joyful cries from heaven and earth. Beloved Father, as we sincerely and honestly report and offer our wish for this place to become the holy kingdom of peace through the name of True Parents, please accept this. Thank You. Aju!

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center Dedication
Chung Pyung, Korea

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and stea…

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and steady rain, busloads of the faithful travelled from all parts of the country to fill the large auditorium

Excerpt from Father's prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father!

All of heaven and earth, with a united heart, mind and body, have worked to achieve this end and bring this hour into fruition. The Creator of the universe told Adam and Eve at the time of the Creation that when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely perish. Centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, we have endeavored to return to their position before the Fall. True Parents have devoted themselves with one heart, one purpose and one love to return to this position, and they were born, raised and made to work to bring this moment into flower. Ninety-three years after the birth of True Parents, on the fifty-third anniversary of True Parents' Day, we have completed and perfected this grand enterprise in Heaven's presence. Before the body and mind were divided, the absolute God planned to realize the ideal of creation in Eden, and began to create the Garden of Eden with the ideal for the future in His heart. Before it could be completed, however, wrong thinking and disobedience led to failure....

In True Parents' names, we should have stood in the original position without the false parents, and the citizens of heaven and earth who were to be raised up on such a broad basis (in a program like a church) should have made the flowers in their hearts blossom and then harvested them. They should have respected the authority of the sole Creator of the entire cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth and offered them more than 3,000, or even 30,000, full bows in gratitude. This land should have become the home of the miracle of their victorious sovereignty. But because of the mistake committed by Adam and Eve, grief and sorrow that had never even been imagined came to us. From that day on, the world of day was taken away from us, and the sky remained dark in a world of night. God, however, shone forth a new light in that darkness, like the light of a firefly, and to light up this vast world with the original light, the True Parents, in place of the false parents, need to complete and fulfill their

The original blueprint was designed by the Creator for the new expression of His triumph, which is this very place closely watched by all heaven and earth, and here our cherished hopes have blossomed into flowers....

After completing and fulfilling the realm of the unity of devoted sons and daughters, we are now in a world of freedom and liberation, and on this day we are all standing before this palace, which You designed. All peoples of the world are praising You in joy, and we are all delighted and glorifying the completion of this Cheongshim Peace World Center. Many blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth are united in celebrating the completion of this center....

We are now preparing for the day on which we can mark the completion of the blessings of liberation and prosperity, and we pray that as we endeavor to finish our work by the set date, we can work together with one heart and one purpose....

For us to prepare our hearts for the day of the fulfillment of True Parents' third Holy Wedding, which is less than a year away, we should remember that we all have the same nationality, and that we are united under the one God.... Before our Heavenly Father, we should forget all our past grief and sorrow and focus on the joyous completion of this central point....

We are making preparations for the day on which You can receive the blessing on the glorious throne of the substantial realm of unity, completion and perfection, so please watch over us, guide us and protect us until that day.

Gathered here are Your blessed children, who are all yearning for the homeland of our hopes, so please shine on us the bright light of the sun of peace, so that we can all enter the fourth homeland of freedom and happiness. On that privileged and triumphant day, please harvest the flowers and fruits that are blossoming based on united hearts throughout all of heaven and earth. This we ask. Please watch over us and guide us until that day....

As we work with the heart of the parents that love God, humankind and all creation, please shine on us the light of glory and protection forevermore until we reach our final destination of completion and perfection. We dedicate this center to You with the heart of True Parents, so please receive it with a joyful heart....

We hope and pray with all our hearts that this place will become the eternal and unchanging place of protection and the royal domain of sacred peace. So Heavenly Father, please receive this. We dedicate it to You in the name of True Parents. Thank you. [Aju.]

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

Father's Speech

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day in the position of the God of Night and Day and the king of kings, and now we have ushered in the era of the final conclusion in which True Parents can be perfected and in which their work must be completed.

Therefore, you should respond with "100 percent okay!" to all my teachings. If you say that they're not okay, you won't have any choice but to go to the bottommost pits of hell.

When you say "okay," the glory of God will be with you in the kingdom of heaven for generations to come. Saint Paul came to know Jesus halfway through his life and suffered all kinds of hardships for over fourteen years. Yet, in the end, he died, before he could finish his witnessing work. What he came to know after fourteen years of devoted work, traveling across the seas and mountain ranges was what the fourth dimensional world, the kingdom of heaven, looked like -- and that was all.

The realm of the fourth dimension does not require registration, taxes or nations. Why are there so many nations? There are 387 Cain and Abel nations in the world when just one nation would suffice. Of the 387 nations, they have no military secrets or any other secrets about paying taxes and whatnot. They have piles of money as high as Mount Paekdu that they have collected for thousands of years, which are enough to feed and clothe all the poor people in the world, and to share with everyone else in the same class. All such resources, however, are used up and made into trash by Satan and his minions. We have to stop them from doing that. That's all you need to know....

Even if I leave late, I will conclude in no more than an hour and a half, so should you welcome what I say or not? If you welcome it, stand up and clap your hands. [Cheers and applause] No one's sitting down. If you were to sit down, God would not be with you. I've looked on you as families of heaven and earth, the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit, and I see that there is no one sitting down, so I am truly grateful to you. Now that I have received your greeting, please sit down and make yourselves comfortable....

What are our educational objectives? What are they? What are the three education objectives? [Love God, love humankind and love your country.] What do they say about God? They say to love God, to love people, and to love nature. I've loved nature.

There is not one place on earth that I have not visited. I have had many experiences and have endured more hardships than any of you. I've also been imprisoned and come back from the point of death seven or eight times, but I survived and have come so far in my work, even though I was hounded and hunted like an animal. If you cannot tell if this man standing before you is the Father -- whether he is the True Father or the false Father -- you should repent with all your heart. You have overturned your nations and the world and will inevitably become newly registered citizens of the kingdom of heaven. I have permitted you to begin now, so start from the beginning.

Mother! Come out here, Mother! Mother! [Applause] We should read this together. Mother will read from page seven to fifty, and I will read from page fifty-one to seventy-four. You cannot hear anything like this in the secular world, and you can learn a lot from what I say.

The title is "The Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self." You should study this diligently. You need to know this; if you don't, you cannot go to the heavenly kingdom. There is Buddhism and there is Confucianism, but they are my disciples. You should check to see if they are, or not. Now then, bearing this in mind, let us begin.

This man is named Sun Myung Moon, and he used to be Yong Myung Moon. I have appeared as a mysterious and puzzling man with some name value who has expanded the ground for the kingdom of dreams, so I hope you will not blush but instead listen to what I say with humility, rediscover your value and reestablish yourselves today.

Everyone! [Yes.] Do you understand? [Yes.) Pay close attention. [Yes.] Then let us begin. The Declaration of the era of True Parents on earth... There have not been any True Parents on earth....


I am conveying the following instructions to the 387 ambassadors of the 194 Abel UN member nations and 193 Cain-type UN member nations, to boonbongwangs and Ambassadors for Peace, to the presidents and national leaders of each nation who are present in Washington DC/New York, and to all of heaven and earth.

This is something the True Parents are conveying for the first time. A new heaven and earth, new followers will emerge. Become well-accomplished disciples. More than that, this is the age for welcoming new, godly disciples. I am speaking of an era without religious, political or economic strife, a new age.

Korea is God's homeland and hometown; because it is True Parents' nation, we should have all the people of Korea take part in these ceremonies [of the Blessing]....

You should not be left out. You may leave if you wish, but this man speaking to you cannot leave, because God is watching over me.

...this proclamation rally being held on the seventeenth day of the tenth month of the heavenly calendar [November 22], in the first year of Cheon-gi [2010], is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given in heaven and on earth up until the True Parents' D-day proclamation....

This is the end of things. You may not know it, but the point has already passed. Foundation Day will be upon us in less than a year. You need to accomplish what needs to be done during this period. God does not need 387 nations. We all of one nation, one race, one bloodline and one tradition. We need to resemble the one bloodline. Those who don't will fall away. What the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have said are not lies

Centered on President Myung-bak Lee, who represents the governments of Korea (South and North), which is God's homeland and hometown, former U.S. President George Bush and U.S. President Obama, whose positions correspond to the presidents of the Cain-type UN and Abel-type UN, and all the presidents and citizens who participated in the G20 meetings must unite to bring about the success of these rallies and perfect, complete, conclude and offer them according to True Parents' heavenly decree.

Korea did not accomplish this by itself. God helped it to do so. [Applause] If there is anyone who cannot participate, True Parents will choose their representatives and complete their work.

It wasn't the Korean churches that made Myung-bak Lee president of Korea. He is a public figure that believes in a religion that is of both heaven and earth. If he does not know that it is because of this that he became the representative president of the world, and if he fails to form a direct connection to True Parents -- who are the king of kings and True Parents of the religious world -- both parties will be in difficulty and Korea will fail to become God's fatherland; and the hometown of Yong Myung Moon, that is, Sun Myung Moon, will move to another nation, because it can be changed. Do you understand? [Yes.] [Applause] The owner will be changed. I can go to live anywhere.

Not long ago, Prime Minister Philip of the Solomon Islands personally visited True Parents. He was deeply moved by God's word, and before he left, he pledged and promised that his nation would become an ally of True Parents.

I don't have a nation or allies. Even though I don't have a nation, I have still followed this path and overcome everything.

The people from these nations will also take part in the cross-cultural marriage blessing on a nationwide scale in order to eradicate the fallen lineage received from Lucifer and inherit the new heavenly lineage.

I cannot bless in marriage those people who do not repent. This is being done in heaven and on earth; why aren't they following that? I don't know why. I will bring them to repentance....

The declaration I am making here in the main palace of Cheon Jeong Peace Palace, positioned at the center of this district, is not a lie. Should I make it, or not? [Make it!] The people who are here, all 27,500 people here, will you cooperate, or not? [We will.] [Applause] If you are going to cooperate, stand up and clap. [Cheers and applause]....

If I give the go-ahead today, I have the power to make people and companies begin to do whatever I want them to do tomorrow. Look at this palace we've built. It was built in Hyundai's name, but we did the actual work. That's all you need to know....

The ongoing project to build undersea tunnels between Korea and Japan and across the Bering Strait, which I have proclaimed to the entire world, will be spearheaded by religious leaders on a worldwide scale and completed in attendance to our liberated God.

Even if the world does not help me, I will do it. Has anyone in the world ever helped me? Raise your hand if you have. I have come so far on my own. I've never stolen anything.

In the world, atheism and communism, which deny the existence of God, will be discarded, paving the way to building the world that God originally envisioned, where all people can freely communicate in harmony...

This is not just communication! We will build a world of harmonious understanding. We will begin right away, work all together and finish the work in a few years. Don't think to yourselves that you are the only ones who can finish what you're doing in your individual sectors. When God steps forward, anyone and everyone can do it. We will build a world of harmonious understanding.

A world where all people are equal and all nations become like brother nations to create one family under God is being created right before your eyes.

If you want to participate, participate; if not, don't. I have fulfilled my responsibility. Why are you sitting still? Demonstrate your resolve. [Aju!] Is that "Aju" your resolve? [Applause] Saying "Aju" will suffice!