prayer — Moon Talks — SunHak Institute of History USA


We Sincerely Pray for True Father's Recovery

Joon Ho Seuk
August 25, 2012

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk's message from the Korean monthly magazine Tongil Segye

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk's message from the Korean monthly magazine Tongil Segye

Beloved brothers and sisters, warmest greetings! I offer my deepest appreciation to all members who are offering much prayer and Jeong Seong for the sake of True Father's speedy recovery and health.

True Father has put up with everything

I am fully aware that all members of the Unification Family worldwide have been overwhelmed with great shock, concern and inexpressible sorrow due to True Father's illness. With so many members in shock and distressed, the International President, Rev. Hyung-jin Moon, personally took the podium at Cheon Bok Gung last Sunday (7.2 by the heavenly calendar) and gave a detailed explanation on True Father's illness. In addition, he emphasized that we should all become of one heart through offering greater Jeong Seong for True Father's health.

Even at this time (7.5 by the heavenly calendar), True Father is in critical condition. His doctor has said that this week (7.3 ~ 7.9 by the heavenly calendar; August 20-26) will be the most critical. Currently, we, the Unification Family, are in a state of emergency. Even as I am writing this message, the circumstances are such that we cannot relax even for a moment.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Up to this time, despite his advanced age of 93 years, True Father had time and again harshly pushed himself well beyond his physical limitations. While leading the providence, he has been offering deep Jeong Seong constantly with a serious, restless and intense heart, unable to even find sleep at night, all for the sake of victory of Foundation Day.

Though we are unworthy, True Father always turned on the lights in the early morning hours and presided over Hoon Dok Hae for, on average, five to six hours each day in order to establish the Hoon Dok Hae tradition for us. He has immersed himself in the Hoon Dok Hae Jeong Seong while repeatedly pushing himself to his limits, once speaking for twenty-three hours and forty minutes, and once for twenty-two hours and at other times staying up all night without closing his eyes.

Last autumn, while his legs were in a cast, True Father would still stand up from his wheelchair. He once spoke to an audience for more than four hours while remaining standing. Even when he returned to Korea after presiding over many providential initiatives in the United States, he would not indulge in taking the time to adapt to the time difference or take rest due to the fatigue incurred from his journey. As soon as he returned, he would preside over rallies and gatherings to speak and offer Jeong Seong. And this is not something that happened just once or twice.

Notably, unlike most ordinary people, True Father had already gone through much physical tribulation and many difficulties while shouldering the heavy and crucial will of Heaven under the providence of restoration. Thus, it was inevitable that all of this would accumulate within his body.

True Father has been imprisoned six times during his life. Including the helicopter incident, he has overcome more than seven life-or-death situations. During his time at the Hungnam Special Labor Camp he had to suffer, for two years and eight months, the laborious task of filling bags with nitrogenous fertilizer and carrying them. It was a harsh ordeal, where one team of ten people had to fulfill the quota of filling 1,300 bags a day. Even professional laborers would have difficulty filling an average of 700 bags a day. In this light, the forced labor at the Hungnam prison was just one method the communist captors used to mercilessly kill people. Most of the people imprisoned in this labor camp ended up suffering hemoptysis within half a year and tuberculosis due to the toxic ammonia acid, and countless prisoners died within a year and a half to two years. Although Heaven blessed True Father with a healthy body, he was not exempt from the adverse effects on his physical wellbeing. It was truly a victory and nothing less than a miracle that he was able to survive under such circumstances.

During Japanese imperialistic rule and later under communist dictatorship, True Father was whipped and suffered harsh torture that rang his bones and shook his flesh. More than a few times he vomited blood. He suffered countless atrocious and brutal tortures whose descriptions we would not bear to hear. Even after arriving in a free and democratic world, he faced persecution, scorn and contempt countless times, and was again imprisoned.

True Parents shouldered even our burden

True Father said "Even now, if one person were to look into my heart and speak a word of sympathy, I would burst into tears and they would flow like a great waterfall." However, True Father kept all the pain and bitter sorrow of the past years in his heart, sublimated through true love. All these tribulations he overcame with the indomitable spirit of getting up eight times after collapsing seven times, all for the sake of God's liberation and salvation of humankind, and fulfilling God's will for the realization of a world of peace.

In 1997, on the foundation of his tremendous work and Jeong Seong, True Parents at last proclaimed Chil Pal Jeol -- "The Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth." True Parents would find repose because they had laid the foundation to rest completely, from the era of the individual to the era of the cosmic kingship. However, True Parents did not rest at all. Instead, they carried on with even greater urgency than before, marching ahead with eyes unwaveringly on the goal.

Thirteen years later, on 5.27 by the heavenly calendar in the 1st year of Cheon-gi (2010), True Parents held the "Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self." Through this assembly, True Parents proclaimed to the cosmos that they had ultimately perfected, completed, and concluded the providence of restoration. They proclaimed this on the foundation of having perfected, completed and fulfilled all their responsibilities and mission to come to this earth and had accomplished everything. Furthermore, this proclamation was made on the foundation of having completed their firm establishment in heaven and on earth with the stature and authority of the king of kings, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Consequently, it was only natural that True Parents should comfortably rest and enjoy a time of peace.

Yet, what happened? Did True Parents comfortably rest? Are they enjoying a sense of peace? Even after The Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for Parents of Heaven and Earth, or after having achieved everything and attained victory through the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self, True Parents did not rest for a single moment. True Father continued to subject his body to extremely harsh and serious challenges beyond his physical limitations. He further invested himself completely with life-or-death resolve, indeed bringing suffering on himself while walking the path of a pioneer. Regrettably, I think these circumstances might have detrimentally affected the health of our elderly True Father.

This year alone, he has visited the United States four times as he spearheaded the providence by himself. On 3.4 by the heavenly calendar, the day he was departing for the United States a second time, he told the members "Today I am once again going on the path of a pioneer," indicating his resolute determination towards God's will, the deep resolve of a pioneer that he has shown throughout his entire life. What do you think is the reason for this?

It is because we have been unable to fulfill our responsibility and mission as tribal messiahs. True Father has once again taken this on in order to somewhat lessen, if not alleviate, our providential burden and portion of responsibility. He did this in order to guide even one more person towards salvation and the path to the kingdom of heaven.

When we think about for whom True Parents, especially True Father who leads the providence while pushing his aging body at 93, is following this precipitous path, we should repent hundreds and thousands of times and ask for forgiveness. Yet still this would not be enough.

Deeply repenting and resolving to follow the way of loyalty and filial piety

Beloved brothers and sisters,

To this day, not only were we unable to decipher True Parents' heart, we have trampled on their hearts too many times. We have burdened True Parents not only physically but also in their hearts with a heavy weight and deep pain. Our inability to become one as brothers and sisters has caused indescribable concern and pain to True Parents.

I think that it is because of our being unfaithful and undutiful sons and daughters, True Father's heart has been deeply scarred and grieved, which has had the aftereffect of undermining his health. In that sense, we are all undutiful sons and daughters before True Parents. We must clearly confess this transgression and pray in repentance. We should fervently pray to God and True Parents for forgiveness.

Dear members,

At this time all our brothers and sisters worldwide are of one heart and mind in offering Jeong Seong for the sake of True Father's health. Taking this opportunity, the brothers and sisters who have become distant in heart from True Parents should repent for the past days, and be reborn as the new people True Parents would wish them to be. They must come back to True Parents' bosom.

During this state of emergency all members should unite. Furthermore, let us unite with our central Abel figure, the International President, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, whom True Parents have appointed as their successor and heir, and fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that we have failed to accomplish before True Parents. Let us sincerely atone, through our tears, for our disloyalty and faithlessness of the past. Let us pledge and take action to fulfill the dutiful way of loyalty and filial piety.

True Parents have lived in hardship and have offered Jeong Seong throughout their lives, pushing their physical bodies beyond their limits in order to give us even greater blessings and greater love.

We should poignantly feel how much love we have received until now. We should feel, deep in our hearts, that we are fortunate to be people who can experience this happiness.

"For us there is no stopping"

Currently True Mother is devoting her entire being to caring for True Father twenty-four hours a day. And as she has done in the past, True Mother is sharing the tribulation, sorrow and all of the accompanying pain that True Father is going through. Finding no sleep, hardly having time to eat, she is offering deep Jeong Seong solely with the ardent wish for True Father's recovery. In reality, True Mother herself needs to rest in this situation where her heart and body are exhausted from nursing True Father. We should offer our deep consolation to True Mother as well.

Beloved members,

The inexpressibly difficult circumstances continue even now. True Mother is doing her best not to lose her calm. She is doing her best not to show tears and instead is encouraging the members.

As you are aware through the announcement from the World Mission Headquarters on 7.1 by the heavenly calendar (August 18), True Mother conveyed to the regional presidents and a few of the heads of providential organizations who came to visit True Father at the hospital on behalf of all the members worldwide, that "for us there is no stopping" in terms of carrying out Heaven's will and providence. Although True Father is fighting strongly against his illness, True Mother expressed her concern for us, comforting the members in the field, telling us not to be disturbed, but to continue on unwaveringly. She also reminded us that we should have the firm resolve to achieve everything that True Father has been striving to accomplish.

True Mother reminded us that although we have all worked hard until now and done our best, we need to now feel that the standard of having done our best is no longer enough, underscoring that we should "work harder, ten times or even a hundred times more; the harder you work, the more Heaven will remember you." Mother once again emphasized that there is no stopping on the way and asked that we do our utmost in the preparations for victory of Foundation Day.

In keeping with the words of our True Mother, there is no stopping for us on the way. Let us do our best to create the ideal world of one family under God, which is True Parents' desire. Let us become true filial sons and daughters who accomplish without fail the responsibility and mission as tribal messiahs given to blessed families in this era along with privileged grace, so that we can welcome Foundation Day in victory and return glory and praise to True Parents. Let us now truly pledge to God and True Parents that we will walk the path of loyalty and filial piety, and put our firm resolve into action.

Furthermore, our first and foremost priority at this time is offering even more prayer and Jeong Seong for True Father's recovery and health. Throughout the world, members of the Unification Family are even now offering fasting and vigil night prayers. There is the saying, "Sincerity moves Heaven." True Father will surely regain his robust strength and health as he once had. I take this opportunity to offer my deepest appreciation to all members who are offering prayer and Jeong Seong.

Once again, I ask for even greater Jeong Seong from all our brothers and sisters so that True Parents can be restored to a state of peace and joy even one day sooner.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to our brothers and sisters who constantly yearn for True Parents, who think about God's will and who sincerely carry out their work. I pray that you may always be overflowing with Heaven's abundant love and blessings 

Prayer: Prayer at the Dedication of the Cheongshim Peace World Center

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012

Prayer: Prayer at the Dedication of the Cheongshim Peace World Center

Loving Father, heaven and earth have solemnly erected the banner of one heart to blossom by focusing their heart on this place. In this hour, we must achieve oneness with You, the Creator of the universe in both essence and heart centered on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. In order to recover the state of mind when You told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden that they would die for eternity if they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, True Parents have prepared for this moment while offering devotion in order to see the standard of one mind, one ideology and one purity blossom.

Ninety three years have passed, and on this fifty third True Parents' Day, we have brought complete fruition in this grand place. You, the Heavenly Parent, cherished the ideal garden that was to be Eden's standard and ideal of creation centering on You, the absolute God before mind and body were divided. However, even before You could embark on the path toward this ideal, division occurred due to an unforeseen, impure and wrongful idea. The realm of a single generation has been completed through one heart. The great plaza that was originally planned together with the name of True Parents has been established in the original place where there was no false parent. Countless citizens of heaven and earth have come here where the flowers of their hearts have blossomed, and now we offer a full bow before You, who bears the authority of the supreme Creator together with the guardian of that authority, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

You have desired the one land of miracle that would serve as the symbol of victorious sovereignty. However, due to Eve's mistake, an unforeseen night of sadness and sorrow resulted. From that day on, You withdrew the realm of day, and, like the new light of a firefly, You brightened the dark path in the realm of night, engulfed in darkness. True Parents completed and perfected the Will in the very place where the false parents posed as parents until the original light could shine as the central light in this vast world. You have stepped through and gone beyond the time of sorrowful heart, the thousands of years during which You yearned for and long dreamed of the original Eden but were unable to bequeath a single day of blessing. You now stand in the highest position of focusing on the mark of new victory, where Your blueprint, the Creator's original blueprint can now be realized. Now we stand on a new mark of victory, on the focal point, at the highest position after having walked through and overcome the hours of bitter sorrow during which time You could not bequeath that blessed day of jubilation in the original Garden of Eden that You gazed upon, the dream of history that spanned thousands of years.

In this place where the entire universe is watching, we have prepared and completed the formation of the dutiful son's realm of oneness by erecting the model standard, allowing all our descendants to stay within that standard. This is the steppingstone upon which we can commemorate the day of True Parents' victory budding like a flower rooted in the single-mindedness of hope. As we march toward the world of freedom and liberation, a liberated heaven and earth free from restraints, so all humankind can offer You praise of joy and happiness in front of this palace You designed at this new plaza today, we present to You today the Cheongshim Peace World Center as a plaza of joy and glory. We are gathered here today as people who will never forget the singular focal point of commemorating this completion and conclusion.

Let the sunlight shine on this bright, liberated central position of freedom and this bright heaven and earth where the numerous blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth have the unified focus of serving their parents. Please let this place be loved by all people as the new plaza of education through which You can directly educate this world of darkness by the authority of light -- from east, west, south and north, everywhere You go. We are now preparing for the days to celebrate completing the liberation of the Blessing and holy love while tying together our once divided mind and body. We are engrafted onto the beginning of the history that True Parents initiated. On this straight path that we take in accordance with this time, we should attend and unite toward the center of all four directions with one heart and one essence in the mind and body of our couple.

If we are to welcome within one year the day when the third Holy Wedding of True Parents will be completed, and then spend time with faithful children who can be raised in such a position, there must be one nation, one people and one king. We will have a liberated heart with which we can receive the cause of children while in the embrace of the absolute authority of the Creator and with which we can stand with the heart of a lofty warrior modeled after True Parents, even though we are lacking. With this, we will forget about all the sorrowful history that unfolded in front of You, Father. It is our earnest hope and prayer that the Holy Wedding that will be held in the future may be the period when we can light the incense inside the burner of Your ideal family, and sing songs of praise and glory, thankfully embraced in a single clan.

Father, please overlook the inadequacy of the devotions that were offered to bring us to this point, as we yearned for the name of True Parents. Father, the fruit of Heaven's blood red heart shall never fall to the earth but shall be remembered as ineradicable footprints. We are preparing to receive the Blessing on the glorious throne in the substantial realm, the throne of unity, completion and perfection where all our descendants can be united with Your heart by following these footprints. Father, please protect, guide and lead us until that day.

Gathered here are Your blessed children. Please shed the bright sunlight of peace on their hearts that long for the original homeland of their desire, the homeland that will come in the future. On that privileged day of victory, all living beings without exception can enter the fourth, original homeland of freedom and happiness in the heavenly world. We ask You that You harvest that day as the fruit of the flowers that blossom upon the substantial harmonization of hearts. Please protect and guide us until that day. We believe that You will accept us as we eternally align with that ideal.

I pray that the wish of the child who believes in You, the great Father, will be fulfilled. Please allow sunlight to shine on the bright heaven and earth of glory and protection, which is our final destination. Allow one pillar to rise from the center to eternity, so nothing is lacking in the perfection and completion of the educational ideology achieved through all existing things in the world and through the heart of a parent who loves heaven and loves people and loves all things. With this request, we offer this solemn occasion in front of You, the Father with the heart of True Parents. Please accept all this with a joyful heart.

Please let this become the eternal, unchanging occasion of protection when the Parents, like You, the Father, can hear the shouts of joy ring in their heart together with the sound of joyful cries from heaven and earth. Beloved Father, as we sincerely and honestly report and offer our wish for this place to become the holy kingdom of peace through the name of True Parents, please accept this. Thank You. Aju!