True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012
Cheongshim Peace World Center Dedication
Chung Pyung, Korea

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and stea…

Father and Mother at the podium at the Cheongshim Peace World Center, where members assembled on 3.1 (April 21) as Father requested when he called from somewhere over the Pacific Ocean en route to Korea from Alaska. Despite the short notice and steady rain, busloads of the faithful travelled from all parts of the country to fill the large auditorium

Excerpt from Father's prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father!

All of heaven and earth, with a united heart, mind and body, have worked to achieve this end and bring this hour into fruition. The Creator of the universe told Adam and Eve at the time of the Creation that when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely perish. Centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, we have endeavored to return to their position before the Fall. True Parents have devoted themselves with one heart, one purpose and one love to return to this position, and they were born, raised and made to work to bring this moment into flower. Ninety-three years after the birth of True Parents, on the fifty-third anniversary of True Parents' Day, we have completed and perfected this grand enterprise in Heaven's presence. Before the body and mind were divided, the absolute God planned to realize the ideal of creation in Eden, and began to create the Garden of Eden with the ideal for the future in His heart. Before it could be completed, however, wrong thinking and disobedience led to failure....

In True Parents' names, we should have stood in the original position without the false parents, and the citizens of heaven and earth who were to be raised up on such a broad basis (in a program like a church) should have made the flowers in their hearts blossom and then harvested them. They should have respected the authority of the sole Creator of the entire cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth and offered them more than 3,000, or even 30,000, full bows in gratitude. This land should have become the home of the miracle of their victorious sovereignty. But because of the mistake committed by Adam and Eve, grief and sorrow that had never even been imagined came to us. From that day on, the world of day was taken away from us, and the sky remained dark in a world of night. God, however, shone forth a new light in that darkness, like the light of a firefly, and to light up this vast world with the original light, the True Parents, in place of the false parents, need to complete and fulfill their

The original blueprint was designed by the Creator for the new expression of His triumph, which is this very place closely watched by all heaven and earth, and here our cherished hopes have blossomed into flowers....

After completing and fulfilling the realm of the unity of devoted sons and daughters, we are now in a world of freedom and liberation, and on this day we are all standing before this palace, which You designed. All peoples of the world are praising You in joy, and we are all delighted and glorifying the completion of this Cheongshim Peace World Center. Many blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth are united in celebrating the completion of this center....

We are now preparing for the day on which we can mark the completion of the blessings of liberation and prosperity, and we pray that as we endeavor to finish our work by the set date, we can work together with one heart and one purpose....

For us to prepare our hearts for the day of the fulfillment of True Parents' third Holy Wedding, which is less than a year away, we should remember that we all have the same nationality, and that we are united under the one God.... Before our Heavenly Father, we should forget all our past grief and sorrow and focus on the joyous completion of this central point....

We are making preparations for the day on which You can receive the blessing on the glorious throne of the substantial realm of unity, completion and perfection, so please watch over us, guide us and protect us until that day.

Gathered here are Your blessed children, who are all yearning for the homeland of our hopes, so please shine on us the bright light of the sun of peace, so that we can all enter the fourth homeland of freedom and happiness. On that privileged and triumphant day, please harvest the flowers and fruits that are blossoming based on united hearts throughout all of heaven and earth. This we ask. Please watch over us and guide us until that day....

As we work with the heart of the parents that love God, humankind and all creation, please shine on us the light of glory and protection forevermore until we reach our final destination of completion and perfection. We dedicate this center to You with the heart of True Parents, so please receive it with a joyful heart....

We hope and pray with all our hearts that this place will become the eternal and unchanging place of protection and the royal domain of sacred peace. So Heavenly Father, please receive this. We dedicate it to You in the name of True Parents. Thank you. [Aju.]

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

View of the April 21, 2012 event that includes the audience at the Cheongshim Peace World Center,

Father's Speech

True Parents did not fall away but instead enthroned the God of Night and the God of Day in the position of the God of Night and Day and the king of kings, and now we have ushered in the era of the final conclusion in which True Parents can be perfected and in which their work must be completed.

Therefore, you should respond with "100 percent okay!" to all my teachings. If you say that they're not okay, you won't have any choice but to go to the bottommost pits of hell.

When you say "okay," the glory of God will be with you in the kingdom of heaven for generations to come. Saint Paul came to know Jesus halfway through his life and suffered all kinds of hardships for over fourteen years. Yet, in the end, he died, before he could finish his witnessing work. What he came to know after fourteen years of devoted work, traveling across the seas and mountain ranges was what the fourth dimensional world, the kingdom of heaven, looked like -- and that was all.

The realm of the fourth dimension does not require registration, taxes or nations. Why are there so many nations? There are 387 Cain and Abel nations in the world when just one nation would suffice. Of the 387 nations, they have no military secrets or any other secrets about paying taxes and whatnot. They have piles of money as high as Mount Paekdu that they have collected for thousands of years, which are enough to feed and clothe all the poor people in the world, and to share with everyone else in the same class. All such resources, however, are used up and made into trash by Satan and his minions. We have to stop them from doing that. That's all you need to know....

Even if I leave late, I will conclude in no more than an hour and a half, so should you welcome what I say or not? If you welcome it, stand up and clap your hands. [Cheers and applause] No one's sitting down. If you were to sit down, God would not be with you. I've looked on you as families of heaven and earth, the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit, and I see that there is no one sitting down, so I am truly grateful to you. Now that I have received your greeting, please sit down and make yourselves comfortable....

What are our educational objectives? What are they? What are the three education objectives? [Love God, love humankind and love your country.] What do they say about God? They say to love God, to love people, and to love nature. I've loved nature.

There is not one place on earth that I have not visited. I have had many experiences and have endured more hardships than any of you. I've also been imprisoned and come back from the point of death seven or eight times, but I survived and have come so far in my work, even though I was hounded and hunted like an animal. If you cannot tell if this man standing before you is the Father -- whether he is the True Father or the false Father -- you should repent with all your heart. You have overturned your nations and the world and will inevitably become newly registered citizens of the kingdom of heaven. I have permitted you to begin now, so start from the beginning.

Mother! Come out here, Mother! Mother! [Applause] We should read this together. Mother will read from page seven to fifty, and I will read from page fifty-one to seventy-four. You cannot hear anything like this in the secular world, and you can learn a lot from what I say.

The title is "The Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self." You should study this diligently. You need to know this; if you don't, you cannot go to the heavenly kingdom. There is Buddhism and there is Confucianism, but they are my disciples. You should check to see if they are, or not. Now then, bearing this in mind, let us begin.

This man is named Sun Myung Moon, and he used to be Yong Myung Moon. I have appeared as a mysterious and puzzling man with some name value who has expanded the ground for the kingdom of dreams, so I hope you will not blush but instead listen to what I say with humility, rediscover your value and reestablish yourselves today.

Everyone! [Yes.] Do you understand? [Yes.) Pay close attention. [Yes.] Then let us begin. The Declaration of the era of True Parents on earth... There have not been any True Parents on earth....


I am conveying the following instructions to the 387 ambassadors of the 194 Abel UN member nations and 193 Cain-type UN member nations, to boonbongwangs and Ambassadors for Peace, to the presidents and national leaders of each nation who are present in Washington DC/New York, and to all of heaven and earth.

This is something the True Parents are conveying for the first time. A new heaven and earth, new followers will emerge. Become well-accomplished disciples. More than that, this is the age for welcoming new, godly disciples. I am speaking of an era without religious, political or economic strife, a new age.

Korea is God's homeland and hometown; because it is True Parents' nation, we should have all the people of Korea take part in these ceremonies [of the Blessing]....

You should not be left out. You may leave if you wish, but this man speaking to you cannot leave, because God is watching over me.

...this proclamation rally being held on the seventeenth day of the tenth month of the heavenly calendar [November 22], in the first year of Cheon-gi [2010], is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given in heaven and on earth up until the True Parents' D-day proclamation....

This is the end of things. You may not know it, but the point has already passed. Foundation Day will be upon us in less than a year. You need to accomplish what needs to be done during this period. God does not need 387 nations. We all of one nation, one race, one bloodline and one tradition. We need to resemble the one bloodline. Those who don't will fall away. What the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have said are not lies

Centered on President Myung-bak Lee, who represents the governments of Korea (South and North), which is God's homeland and hometown, former U.S. President George Bush and U.S. President Obama, whose positions correspond to the presidents of the Cain-type UN and Abel-type UN, and all the presidents and citizens who participated in the G20 meetings must unite to bring about the success of these rallies and perfect, complete, conclude and offer them according to True Parents' heavenly decree.

Korea did not accomplish this by itself. God helped it to do so. [Applause] If there is anyone who cannot participate, True Parents will choose their representatives and complete their work.

It wasn't the Korean churches that made Myung-bak Lee president of Korea. He is a public figure that believes in a religion that is of both heaven and earth. If he does not know that it is because of this that he became the representative president of the world, and if he fails to form a direct connection to True Parents -- who are the king of kings and True Parents of the religious world -- both parties will be in difficulty and Korea will fail to become God's fatherland; and the hometown of Yong Myung Moon, that is, Sun Myung Moon, will move to another nation, because it can be changed. Do you understand? [Yes.] [Applause] The owner will be changed. I can go to live anywhere.

Not long ago, Prime Minister Philip of the Solomon Islands personally visited True Parents. He was deeply moved by God's word, and before he left, he pledged and promised that his nation would become an ally of True Parents.

I don't have a nation or allies. Even though I don't have a nation, I have still followed this path and overcome everything.

The people from these nations will also take part in the cross-cultural marriage blessing on a nationwide scale in order to eradicate the fallen lineage received from Lucifer and inherit the new heavenly lineage.

I cannot bless in marriage those people who do not repent. This is being done in heaven and on earth; why aren't they following that? I don't know why. I will bring them to repentance....

The declaration I am making here in the main palace of Cheon Jeong Peace Palace, positioned at the center of this district, is not a lie. Should I make it, or not? [Make it!] The people who are here, all 27,500 people here, will you cooperate, or not? [We will.] [Applause] If you are going to cooperate, stand up and clap. [Cheers and applause]....

If I give the go-ahead today, I have the power to make people and companies begin to do whatever I want them to do tomorrow. Look at this palace we've built. It was built in Hyundai's name, but we did the actual work. That's all you need to know....

The ongoing project to build undersea tunnels between Korea and Japan and across the Bering Strait, which I have proclaimed to the entire world, will be spearheaded by religious leaders on a worldwide scale and completed in attendance to our liberated God.

Even if the world does not help me, I will do it. Has anyone in the world ever helped me? Raise your hand if you have. I have come so far on my own. I've never stolen anything.

In the world, atheism and communism, which deny the existence of God, will be discarded, paving the way to building the world that God originally envisioned, where all people can freely communicate in harmony...

This is not just communication! We will build a world of harmonious understanding. We will begin right away, work all together and finish the work in a few years. Don't think to yourselves that you are the only ones who can finish what you're doing in your individual sectors. When God steps forward, anyone and everyone can do it. We will build a world of harmonious understanding.

A world where all people are equal and all nations become like brother nations to create one family under God is being created right before your eyes.

If you want to participate, participate; if not, don't. I have fulfilled my responsibility. Why are you sitting still? Demonstrate your resolve. [Aju!] Is that "Aju" your resolve? [Applause] Saying "Aju" will suffice! 

CheongShim Peace World Center Dedication Ceremony

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012


Note: On Cheon -- gi 3rd year, March 1 by the heavenly calendar (solar: March 22, 2012) from 1:00 pm, the 2nd part of the Dedication Ceremony took place inside the CheongShim Peace World Center at the main stage. As True Parents took the podium the stadium roared with cheers as all the people filling the stands stood up and cheered for True Parents. True Parents spoke the following words with great wishes for the development of Cheon Il Guk; (These are True Parents’ original words)

Today’s words are not going to be spoken by my wife and I.

From the past, through the present and until the future, heaven and earth will establish God’s one sovereign nation; when man and woman is completed on the foundation of individual perfection, husband and wife is established and then after building a family, within the family, through the connection of the blessing the sperm and ovum which is the seed of a child that centers on God; the father who is the embodiment of sperm and mother who is the embodiment of ovum, love springs out. As water and tree is heated with fire, water and oil starts to boil, the DANJI (small unglazed pottery) breaks suddenly, and the sperm and ovum that was planted as the first love becomes one; as we move forward, front, back, left and fight, all up and down, all 4 directions, 5 pacific oceans and 6 continents completes a united realm and that DANJI must be broken.

For 10 months, it must be united and must be grown. A sperm is given and an ovum is given, the mother will take care of it for 10 months and grow it. That is the 10 month era in the stomach.

Then we must be born. We must be born. We will be born and then live 100 years of our life. There, our body and mind unites as one where the sperm and ovum never separates as it centers on love and from the gates of eternal promises it completes the departure of presentational family, an ideal for an individual, an ideal for a family and in the room of a house that has 8 stages of an ideals, those children’s time that will be raised in such atmosphere…

Ladies and gentlemen, these words are not words that hover in the air. True Parents will complete this; a family will be completed from husband and wife and will start for 1st year old, 2nd year old, 3rd year old, 4th year old, 5th year old, 6th year old, 7th year old, 8th year old, 9th year old, 10th year old, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and become 20 years old. It becomes 20 years old and then moves to 40 years old. They become 40 year old and then until 50 years old. Parents of the children should do their best as a father and a mother must do their best and pour all energy. The life of giving birth must be done with their best and pouring all of their energy. Offering all of one’s energy and after 10 months, must give birth to a child.

When you give birth to a child; in this world; they are born on this earth with the promise of living 100 years on earth. Through love, the 100 years will be lived; create a nation on earth; after finishing all sorts of things to complete the life of a nation; aging until 100 years old, then follows a 1000 year old era, the eternal world, millions of years; and change to the eternal world. That 100 years that is changing cannot be separated. When they become 100 years old as they unite their heart and body; for the first time they must be registered in the position of son and daughter to the 3rd world; that time is the unchanging and eternal years. That you don’t understand.

Because they fell at the Garden of Eden; after Adam gave birth to a son and daughter the creator could not hold a marriage ceremony. What is marriage? What is love? A family is where the True Parents comes to the center and after growing to the age 20 to 23 and 24 years old; together from 24, 25 and then 28 years old, it arrives at the ‘28 Youth’ (One’s youth around 16 years old) a time of blessing in the family. When that time comes; originally, until 12 years old, 13 years old, and 14 years old; until 13 years old; the man grows into the eldest position but when it turns to 14 and 15 years old, the woman starts to grow faster on the heart side; centering on love.

So what does that lead to; for a child to be born the man and woman’s sperm and ovum must meet; and once it becomes 13 and 14 years old; March and April. If it is the hand then 7 and 3, 2x7 is 14, 3, and 40. From the position to overcome the peak of 12 we are able to give birth to a son and daughter. Then until 23, 24 and 27 years old if you can’t give birth to any child but you only need a year and a half, so if you have 3 years you can give birth to 2 children. 4 years and 5 years. If you marry at the age of 23 or 24 then 4 years you become 27 and 28 years old you can have grandsons. That is why there is a Korean saying ‘28 Youth’.

It is stumbling down 7 times but coming back 8 times. To give birth to a child means that the parents must decide the fate and pour all energy into it. This is not a simple thing to do. A mother who gives birth to a child is about death or life. When the baby grows in the womb of the mother it grows together with her but at the time of birth it enters a completely different world. Must come outside after circling once. The father and mother on earth can’t do anything about the child turning around. God will directly build the pillar of love, and at that moment of birth, it is also the time of registered as heavenly people; this you still don’t have any understanding.

Why did this happen, because of the Fall. Which place had broken down because of this Fall? What is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil? It is explained clearly on the principle of the unification church. All the records of the result of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, at what age and what happened to one’s life. The records of the life of True Parents; because Adam’s Fall was remembered; that origin for thousands of years and through many thousands of years.

Adam wasn’t the one who had Fallen. It was the women! Who did the woman had the love relationship; If she had only loved Adam and had done something wrong, she would be simply be cleared and be created again. However, who did she love? The one who is the little brother of God. Where does Lucifer stand? He stands in the little brother position to God. If it was from Adam’s point of view he stands in the position of Adam’s parents’ cousin. God and Lucifer agreed together to create Adam’s family. This is not known in the bible and by any people in this world.

However, who is this man standing in front of you? His name is Yong-myung. Moon Yong-myung. The fallen world is standing like a lion statue in front of the Korean Presidential House. What do we call it? It is called ‘He-ti’(Korean legendary creature that distinguishes good and evil) The ocean’s water bag. What exists above it? It is a dragon. We have to move the dragon’s water bag. We give water and if we drink water and drink the milk and then eats food. It’s Yong-myung-su who eats the food of this world. what do we call it? After? The dragon eats the He-ti and what eats this dragon? It is the Garuda. It is the father of a crane. Being embraced by the love of God and eat the seed of love, and lost the foundation of eternal, unchanging life.

Why do you think I am saying these words that are not even in the Principle, things that I’ve never spoken to anyone until now; These are the basic lines of training the people and citizens centering on the palace. That is why the Unification Church, my wife who also became the General Director of the Sun Moon University, my son became a director and the vice president who works under him caused a confusion because he was supposed to be the president of Kourei University went to the Unification Church. Where does the Korai University goes? Where is Seoul University heading? Seoul is in a emotional position.

What is the name of the castle in Seoul? Is it Seoul? Or is it castle Han? The victory of the eastern nation of castle Han. The eastern nation where Tokyo exists is in deep trouble. It doesn’t have any place to hide. The volcanoes exploded causing tsunami and Japan did its best in investing in the latest technologies to become the best nation but now it has all gone to waste.

I spoke about the history a bit too long. Let’s end it there. Now where do we have to push the people in religion, politics and industry? They don’t know who God is. They don’t know about the true person because of God. True Parents who is the King of Kings of true love of God does not exist. Who developed this? it is Moon Yong Myung. Moon Yong Myung. Moon Yong Myung does not have any connection to the fall of Adam and Eve.

Centering on the truth, God of night and God of day couldn’t marry even if he was the creator of the Garden of Eden. That is why he was unable to know the God of night and God of day. After the fall, the God of night and God of day started to fight each other and now the result is as it appears today; so those humanity who inherited such lineage now has the unwanted position and lineage in their mind and body and those who are born with such body and lineage cannot fight well. Here many different people had come, famous people, presidents and prime ministers but when I ask them ‘Is your heart in trouble or not?’ then no one can answer that they have never had a troubled heart. No one exists but the person who doesn’t have from the beginning was pushed away from this place. He ran away.

The body and mind must absolutely become one and secure the position of an Absolute son and daughter, absolute family and absolute ideal and protect one heaven but however, was pushed away from God and Adam and Eve who were meant to be the True Parents. Adam and Eve couldn’t get married until now. There are no grandchildren in front of teacher moon. This is the mother’s position so that is why we are training the continent that can become the mother. Education. Today’s title, the establishment of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the position of this place couldn’t receive the graduation certificate. From now, when you receive the graduation certificate from True Parents ‘That person’s responsibility is to take everyone’. All the thing that I have done must return to the heavenly nation. What can we do about this? We cannot make it go away. If we could make it go away then it means that the absolute true parents were in that position easily pushed away and it’s impossible for us to look for them again. They were pushed away. The lineage is completely different. The place that they came from is different.

The people who are here, on top of the traditional lineage similar to True Parents, lineage cannot be connected. We were not similar as the mother and father who stands on that tradition. But General Moon is different. There are no people who General Moon likes. In heaven and on earth until now, General Moon. Because of that person we couldn’t live a happy life and even though we are about to be destroyed he wants us to be destroyed. It means to destroy us. We make them live even if it’s a dream and after transcending the blue melody and like throwing a bait into the sea in a position where the food chain does not fall down; food chain is similar to tradition and lineage.

So if you want do blood transfusion to help another fellow patient their lineage must be the same. The lineage cannot differ. This you must understand. Hospitals and sickness that is not sufficient…

The person standing in front of you is 93 years old yet he still can win wrestling against 63 years old and a 23 years old. He also knows magic. Later, people who know magic will come out on earth and do some things and we have to follow them naturally. We must learn from them. We have to put a sign to that level. It is not true that unification church cannot do any activities. Among the people of unification church, there are spies who will destroy the satanic world. So much hatred.

So today’s words, my wife and I will read it together. I will read the first 6 pages and until page 50 my wife will read. Until 50 years old, 7x7=49 and the common grave does not reach. The only people can do this is the Korean people. 7x8 equals to 56. This ideal and from this method a best way…. That is why there are many teachings of True Parents and there is no other way but to follow him.

So today, what is this? That palace that exists on the peak of Seorak-san. That palace is the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. Heaven embraced everything. It put a lid above. Cheon Jeong Gung Museum. About this Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, everyone wants to enter but all can do. It is not their time. Today, in front of the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum, this event where marriage creates happiness, nothing will be forgiven in this small Cheon Jeong plaza. However, what is adultery? Homosexuals and Lesbians will go to this place and education will not be held. They would not even appear in shapes. Absolutely.

There it broke down. If you peeled off the external sides of the broken down part then you must make it live or provide with flesh. At this land where you can receive this great seed that is born from the latest medicine and technology, you plant it on earth and wait until it blossoms. At the beginning, honey which attracted butterflies and bees were needed to live one’s life to perfect the ideal family of a god. Every one needs to pay taxes and those who don’t have money will have a hard time.

When you come to understand all of this, one by one, then you can be grateful, and attend at this place and I don’t know if General Moon is a good man or not. Redirect the God of night into God’s position, and then the God of day to the God of day and night’s position; Fall which was the cause of all of this couldn’t become the True Parents and it is completed by the True Parents and is the last result of a human being. That is why the words that True Parents convey is 100 percent okay. If you say no -- K then nothing will remain. You will go to the bottom of hell. If you say okay then you will enter the final glory of God.

The millions of years of heaven was known by Saint Paul where he met with Jesus after 4 years and did his best for 14 years and after dying without doing any witnessing finally understood everything; 14 years of sincere devotion at the sea and mountain; what did he notice after 14 year; he could only visit the 4th dimension of the world.

There is no need to register or pay taxes in the 4th dimension. Why do we have so many nations in the world today? Cain and Abel is distributed among 387 nations; we only need one nation but 387 nations pay their taxes and supply for military activities. These fees are not even relevant. Thousands of years money was accumulated higher the the Baek-du-san. Sad people would eat and drink to live a peaceful life and crush Satan who tries to live with us. We must protect ourselves.

For that we should have a perfected level at True Parents’ position; today’s plaza; I was told to read in a position of the liberated heaven and earth so that is how I’m going to read it; I will read the first part for 6 pages. This will not even take 3 minutes. Mother will be reading the remaining pages until 50th page. It will take 23 minutes and then will take 18 minutes to the end. That is why I ask you even if it takes too long, would like to listen to my words? Would you like to hear it? Then if you agree then stand up and cheer. Wow! There are no people are sitting down. Sitting down. God! No. Heaven, earth, holy father, holy child, and a family of holy ambassadors. I am so grateful.

Alright, then Father who has the sign, Father’s name is Moon Yong Myung. It is Yong. Yong Myung. If you don’t use the name of Yong Myung then you cannot enter the era of an good spiritual realm. But everyone went away. If people were to hear my name then 10 times more people would have come here. Maybe millions or billion of people might have come here. I feel very sad. Our ancestors…. Because I didn’t follow the fallen parents, I will take the responsibility until the end. What is it? The purpose? One thousand? What is this? What are the 3 great purposes? One thousand? What is it? Heaven of sky, love heaven, love humanity, love all things and I love all things. There is not place on earth that I’ve never been.

I had so much more experience than any of you and faced much tribulations. I also came out of the prison so many times but came to this position until now, at times being chased at. This father who stands in front of you, is he the fake father or the true father? If you didn’t know this then you have to repent.

You are the new registered people in heaven who have completely changed this world. I have forgiven such beginning so let us start. From the start! Then, Mother come to the stage now. Mother! Mother!

We have to do this.. Mother stop this and mother you have to speak from page 7 to 50. Don’t come out even at that time, mother will come from here. From page 51 to 74 I will read it. There are no words that can describe this. There are many things to learn. Thank you mother! (True Mother: Yes!)

What is the title? The title is ‘Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self’ Please study these words earnestly. If not then you cannot enter heaven. There is Buddhism and Confucius. They are my disciples. Didn’t I say this? do you understand?

(After this, True Mother started to read the words and after that Father read the rest) 

Benediction at the CheongShim Peace World Center Dedication Ceremony

Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 2012
Cheon-gi 3rd year, March 1 by the Heavenly Calendar
Edited: Department of Education and Planning
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center)


Note: At 12:15 pm, True Parents who were welcomed by the attending members as they arrived at the plaza in front of the main entrance of the CheongShim Peace World Center offered a benediction. True Parents were overcome in deep emotion over the CheongShim Peace World Center as they offered sincere devotion since the late 1960s here at Chung Pyung Holy Ground.

Beloved Heavenly Father!

Heaven and Earth has established this solemn title of Shim Jeong; uniting the body and mind towards this; here at this time where you are trying to bloom the first flower; centering on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind; the universe creator of creativity will have one body and one mind; as it says in your words at the time of creation of the original Adam and Eve; on the day when eat the fruit of good and evil; like an indication that we will eternally be in ruin; returning to the heart position before that.

True Parents have had gathered sincere devotion; to blossom the flower that centers on the standard of one mind, oneness and one heart; to be born; to even do works; to even grow; lived for 93 years and bringing the 53rd Day of True Parents together; bringing this great scenery to a completion and fulfillment; welcoming one to the heavens; before the body separates centering on God the absolute being.

As we live in this project that plans for the ideal of the Garden of Eden; imagining the ideal of the future in our hearts; after completing one realm of generation with one heart; in the name of True Parents returning to the original position where the false parents do not exist; with that name and the church like a program; being built on top of an arbitrary plaza; where the people of heaven and earth; would blossom their hearts; harvesting the crops; to the whole universe with True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

Looking at the great authority of the creator who was alone in the world and universe; offering 30,030,000 bows of gratitude; the things that are wished here on this land of miracle which is a symbol of supremacy of victory; in the unexpected sorrow through Adam and Eve, the failure of a wife; from the day that the heavenly crane of resentment; heaven accepted the noon time world; the heaven in the world of night is showering the new light like a firefly inside the dark light; until the light of the center of this big wide world will light brightly as the original light.

The true parents who were put into the position of the fallen parents; completing and concluding the Will of True Parents; looking at the dream of more than 3,000 years of history at the original Eden; the time of resentment that couldn’t experience a day of blessing of joy; stepping over the wrongful day of the path of the false parent; overcoming it; putting the original design that the original creator had created; this position of concentration that marks the new victory; standing in the position of sincere devotion; at this place where all heaven and earth brings their attention; in the one mind of wish; establishing the beginning of heaven of True Parents’ victory from the bud.

Making sure that the standard which thousands of descendants will look at; standing the specimen at the title; completing the preparation of the realm of filial sons; positioning the liberation and freedom; going towards the world of freedom; in front of all the palaces that you have planned for; in front of the new residence; when all the clans and tribes could welcome it with joy and happiness; remembering as the scenery of glory of delight; today.

Offering this CheongShim Peace World Center in front of our heavenly father; commemorating the completion and conclusion; to not forget this one concentration by all the families who received the blessing in heaven and on earth; the successors on earth will unite focus of firewood; on this bright heaven and on earth; in this liberation of freedom of heaven’s victory where the sun’s light that is shown in the center position will transcend the darkness; freely in this golden heaven and earth; with the authority of light to all directions; this new religious group that can foster this world of darkness.

In the garden of this church; as one plaza where all people can memorize; polishing one’s body and heart that was separate in the past; coming together here; marking the path of history that True Parents had established; rolling it; we are still remaining with the preparations towards the Ceremony of Holy Love of perfection with the great liberation of blessing.

Meeting with that time; the one heart and ones of gladness that comes before the path of pursuit will grow straightforward; welcoming the center of north, east, south and west to our husband and wife’s body and heart; so that we could present the children who could foster true children; within the period of below one year; to welcome the day of conclusion of True Parents’ 3rd stage Holy Marriage; the nationality must be one; the clan should also be one; the nation should only be one; in the authority of creation must absolutely; embracing on the knee.

To be able to inheriting the moral justification of the child; from the insufficient true parents; with the heart of a hero; to be able to stand at this time of hour; with a free heart; forgetting all the sorrow truth of the past history of True Parents; at this construction of happiness; at this focal point; centering on the holy marriage ceremony that will be held from now on, God himself could start the bright red fire of the ideal of a family; please forgive that this hour could be a precious time where we could call upon the heavenly king of glory with gratitude and embrace one lineage.

Appearing here after selling the name of true parents; forgetting all the insufficient doings of your beloveds; the key of heart soaked in one red blood; seed falling on the land; footsteps that will never disappear; father, we will remember; following your footsteps; thousands of generations will match with your body; substantial realm of one body, conclusion and perfection; on the altar stone of glory we have prepared one person to receive the blessing; until that day comes, please protect, lead and defend.

When we look around here; in the future of all the children who received the blessing; in the position of heart who yearns for the original land of hope; in this wide light of peace in the flow of sun; dividing the light and distributing it; without a discard of even one life; together enter the original land of 4th freedom and happiness; that day of special victory; the flower that will blossom on the harmony of heaven and earth; please harvest all your fruits.

Please protect until that day; lead; just like that world where all heaven could eternally accept; the heart of believing the great father; wishing that all wishes are granted according to the hearts of children; to all imperial thrones; loving heaven by all existing thrones; loving a person; with an attitude of a parent to love all things; to make sure there are no insufficiency to this completion and conclusion; the light of the heaven and earth of the glory of protection for the last final ground; from the memories aligning with the pillars; please forgive so that it will eternally be shining brightly; make this place to be presented in front of father; I will offer it gathering all the hearts of true parents; please receive it with the heart of joy with the cheers of heaven and earth; with the cheers and the cheers of parents; praise like our father; may it be a place of eternal unchanging place to be accepted by you; in the name of true parents may it be the king of holy peace; sincerely, sincerely pray and report; I offer this in front of you so heavenly father please receive this.

Gamsahamnida. (Aju) 

The Ultimate Owner

Sun Myung Moon
March 21, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
The celebration of Shin Pyeon Nim's first birthday [Kook Jin Moon's son]
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 29 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Shin Pyeon Nim held by Hyung Jin Nim and other True Children offered a bow to True Parents, and then True Mother prayed. True Parents lit the candle on the cake and cut it for him. Then Shin Pyeon Nim did 돌잡이 (A Korean tradition in the first birthday of a baby. A pencil, a book, money, and others are put on the table and they say the thing that the baby grabs will determine what the baby will do in the future.) He first grabbed the microphone and Rev. Suk, who was the MC, jokingly said "He will become a famous singer, or a speaker." Then he grabbed the pencils and Rev. Suk said "Then he will become a famous scholar." When he grabbed color pencils, Rev. Suk said, "He then will become a famous artist." After having taken photos of True Parents, Shin Pyeon Nim and True Children, the participants offered a bow.

"Everything must be conducted under my command. In the Garden of Eden, the ultimate owner will be Adam and Eve, who didn't eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

"The Sermons of Rev. Moon have been published and the absolute God and True Parents must be united. Man comes first, not woman, and they become parents and then the King of Kings. The thing is Eve made mistakes and the God of Night and the God of Day must be settled in order for her to follow Adam and establish the order. In Adam's family, it was Eve that made mistakes. Adam committed no sin. What she was mistaken in was that she rode on a male who is in the position of her younger brother-in-law and Father. Why? Nature is like a museum and it was educational to Adam and Eve."

"What are the three pillars of the education? ('애천, 애인, 애국 / To love Heaven, to love humans, and to love one's country.') It is the second one that becomes the center."

"What was my previous calligraphy here? (''天地父母天宙安息權 / 천지부모 천주안식권 / The Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth') There was no 인 (humankind). Also It was 안식권 (The Realm of the Sabbath). It means taking a rest for a while, which is not 정착 (定着 / Firm Settlement)."

Later, Dr. Peter Kim made a report regarding Kook Jin Nim's speech on "Strong Korea" at the US Capitol in Washington DC, followed by his address in Germany. According to Dr. Kim, Kook Jin Nim, who received Father's direction on this, said in his speech "Korea must become a small but strong nation (강소국 / 强小國) like Israel."

True Father left for the US on 3.4 HC (March 25, 2012), and the next day True Mother and Hyung Jin Nim will leave there after she speaks at the assembly of WFWPU. 

The Ultimate Conclusion Aspects of the Providence of Restoration

Sun Myung Moon
March 20, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 28 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(Reading his speech) "'Distinguished guests participating in today's Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle' Through the education of OSDP, one must understand God, Jesus and the Second Messiah. Why does it say 'Distinguished guests''? This means the families related to the Second Messiah." (Father read this sentence of the beginning of the speech three times to explain the meaning.)

"'I am truly happy and grateful to see you at this new assembly.' This means the participants are more precious than my parents, family or anybody else." (Father again read the sentence a couple of times.)

"'What I am about to proclaim to you today is part of the course of True Parents' tour that is to proclaim the ultimate conclusion and fulfillment of all aspects of the providence of restoration during the lifetime of the True Parents.' (Father read the above twice.) This clarifies what the course of True Parents' tour is like."

"'The path taken by the True Parents shall serve as a tradition and historic example' There must only be one tradition."

"'Thus, I am proclaiming that all of you should model your life course on this path.' It is not 생활 (daily life) here but 생애 (lifetime)."

"''On April 18 we celebrated our 52nd year of marriage. On that occasion, I brought to a close the era before the coming of heaven, which was marked by sin and indemnity [atonement], and proclaimed again the era after the coming of heaven through which a new heaven and new earth will be realized by returning to true love.' Adam and Eve failed in the Garden of Eden, and so the era after the coming of heaven was proclaimed again."

"''Through this tour, I am leading a lifestyle befitting the era after the coming of heaven. Please engrave this point in your hearts.' You have to live as True Parents do. Have you lived that way? None of you understand this point yet. None of you. Following the tradition centering on the blood lineage, have you given birth and raised your children?"

"''All the blessed children in the heavenly and earthly worlds, who are related to the True Parents by blood, -- This means the Moon family. -- should keep this comprehensive and final proclamation in mind. This proclamation is being given in order to fully establish the ideal nation that comes from the incorporeal God and corporeal God, the God of Night and the God of Day, and from the ancestors of Jesus and of the True Parents.' I am asking you here, and you should do it."

"'I pray that you will all become the representatives and heirs of True Parents before the conclusion of the Cosmic Assemblies for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God. Please take heed of my autobiography, which is a record of my life's work to enable the True Parents to succeed in their mission during their time on this earth, and build on my achievements. Please inherit the teachings I have bestowed upon this world as well. In doing so, I pray that you will surely be triumphant in your course of life.' You do not know this. Have you thought about this? You false people. I, not as Rev. Moon but as a parent, am asking you, treating you as my representative who has the same value as me, and I am promising here to help you and share the heavenly fortune that I have with all of you. I am not joking here. I'm not lying."

"'Like the True Parents have done, you too should become heavenly bridges for all your relatives and the members of your clan that are around you, and also a God-centered leader that can guide your clan to God's kingdom.' You should become ladders and even elevators and provide the position for them where they can register to the kingdom of heaven together with you."

"'I ask that you take (받아서) this proclamation of True Parents to heart and pledge to put it into practice.' Here it is not 배워서 (learn) but 받아서 (receive / take). I directly give it to you. After receiving the proclamation, have you practiced it or not? You should also pledge."

"Blessed couples and families can come to this place. Those who were not Blessed shouldn't come here."

(Opening page 74) "'섭리적 최종 목적 되다 (The ultimate purpose of the providence is done.)' This means True Parents have done their work. (Indicating his speech) You must live this way.

"'Respected leaders from around the world, distinguished guests from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen!' This means we are one family, and there is no discrimination."

"'On behalf of True Parents, True Family, the Republic of Korea, and Unification Church members who are blessed throughout the cosmos (i.e., spiritual world and physical world), I sincerely welcome and express my deepest appreciation to you for coming to participate in this Cosmic Assemblies for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God.' Not only I but all of heaven and earth welcome the participants."

"'Once again, I would like to express my appreciation on behalf of all the people of the Republic of Korea and all of humankind.' As the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind who is the owner, I express my appreciation on behalf of Heaven and earth and nobody is lacking here. 개성진리체 (個性眞理體 / Individual Truth Body or Individual Embodiment of Truth) is all equal."

"Do you know 창조적 3단계 (創造的 3段階 / 'The Three Stages of Life')? You hadn't known such a precious thing before reading this speech. ''Ladies and gentlemen, God created us as His children. As the original, absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created human beings by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul (혼 / 魂).' It is soul (혼 / 魂), not 영인체 (靈人體 / spirit self). It is 영인체 that appears after I get married (영인체란것은 선생님이 결혼하고 영인체가 생기는 것입니다).

(Katsumi: I think the following words are also important but I am not sure what Father exactly means by them. So I just dictated his original words here.)

"혼나서 죽을뻔했다 라고 하죠. 혼을 죽여버려야 영인체가 나와요. 아버지 혼이야 어머니 혼이야? 사랑에 동화된 것이 혼일수가 없어. 아버지 어머니에 닮아야지. 닮은 것이 영인체입니다. 영인체를 개발한 영원한 주인은, 밤의 하나님 낮의 하나님도 모르는 걸, 내가 알아가지고 너희들 데리고 가는 거야." 

As Couples You Are Good Matches for Each Other

Sun Myung Moon
March 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Chung Pyung, Korea 2.27 H.C

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han March 22, 2012

If there are any of you men who came with your wives, or women who came with your husbands, then please come forward.

[Those who came as husband and wife went to stand at the front of the room.]

Did you marry each other (of your own accord), or did Teacher (match you and) give you the Blessing?

[They respond that Teacher (Father) gave them the Blessing.]

As couples you are good matches for each other.

If you've been in the Unification Church for 30 years or 40 years, then you must have done a lot of witnessing. You would have a lot of experiences from witnessing.

Now, with all the witnessing you have done, you have enough experience to write your own autobiographies, as couples.

I'm saying that we should try to make it so that each of you writes on the topic that you are most comfortable with.

(It's an opportunity to) ask each other who did a better job. You should compare yourselves to each other at least once… once every ten years.

Instead of always living the same way as before, you need to change your mode of living from time to time.

If you were living in the East, try living in the West, try living in the South, try living in the North and try living in the center.

In cases where you live in a certain neighborhood, think about how you rank in your neighborhood.

Are you an integral part of your neighborhood, or not?

And you have to decide which families in your neighborhood bring hope for the future and can become good examples.

Therefore, did you marry off all of your children?

[The brother in the front responds that only his two sons have received the Blessing.]

Your two sons. Did you marry them off?

[He responds that he did marry off his sons but not his daughter(s).]

So you did marry off your sons.

In the future, I would like it if we only gather with Blessed Families.

We should make a place for public debate where the families gather with however many children they have. There, we should tell everyone else why we are proud of our fathers, our mothers, our sons...

Parents who have sons and daughters they can be proud of are happy parents.

It is truly difficult to raise even one person well.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your life of faith was difficult, right?

Our lives of faith do not simply occur as we would like them to.

When you walk forward, if your way is blocked by a mountain, then you [cannot simply tell the mountain to go away.] Each mountain has its own personality.

In the same way, since your sons and daughters each have their own personality, you have to take special care of each child's personality. You have to think about which trees, what kinds of vegetation and what kind of water you will use to build your garden. Everyone needs to do this kind of work to decorate [his or her] village.

So... Have you gone out as couples to witness?

[One sister responded, "Yes, we witnessed together for two years in our mission area. After receiving the Blessing, we witnessed in our mission area."]

You probably all have experiences of going out and witnessing.

No matter where a person goes, the person will either become a follower or a leader. [So you have to ask yourself whether you will be a follower or a leader.]

If you are going to be a follower, then the question is, "who will you follow?"

You may have elder siblings, younger siblings, uncles (and aunts), so which of those families should you follow?

You should always be thinking about these things. The question is, "what do you need to do in order to follow?"

What have you done, and what have you left behind?

If you leave your sons and daughters behind, then the question is, "what have you left behind for your sons and daughters?"

You all need to know how to write autobiographies... once every ten years.

[Mother sings Skylark and Father joins in for some parts of the song.]

[After the song is over, Father says,] Men's voices and women's voices are different, you know. Rather than [always] singing together, [a husband and wife] should sometimes take turns, singing different verses or different parts of each verse. While they do so, they should smile at each other and be able to say, "Wow, you sing like that but I can sing like this." Sometimes they should laugh as they look at each other's faces, and in such times they should hold each other's hands, kiss the other on the lips... You need to create many similar situations.

You never know when you might be separated from one another even though you are together right now. If you do separate, you may not know whether the Unification Church was real or just a dream.

When we gather like this, what are we trying to leave behind?

What are we trying to leave behind through this?

You have to leave something behind.

With whatever talents or skills you have... you should all write songs and do similar things, OK?

So, now those members who went out and suffered for 10 years or suffered for 20 years should each write a song and it should be included among the Holy Songs.

[Father and Mother sing one of their favorite songs together. It's a song about one's hometown and Father refers to his hometown as the "northern area" and says that it has now been 70 years since he was in his hometown.]

[Shin Jun Nim gives Father a kiss.]

Are you going to school?

[Shin Jun Nim responds, "Yes, I am."]

You have to go?

[Shin Jun Nim responds, "Yes."]

Let Mommy walk you out. Mommy, you should walk him out. [To Shin Jun Nim] Bye. See you when you get home!

[Shin Jun Nim responds, "Yes."]

Surely, you sometimes fight among husband and wife, but you need to sometimes sing together as well.

Sometimes you do fight one another, right?

Do you know the right way for a husband and wife to fight?

Sometimes you have to fight.

In order to understand what kind of person your husband is, you need to sometimes fight with him, sometimes make love with him, and sometimes travel with him.

You can go somewhere [with your spouse] and say, "Honey, you go and get something from that store. I will go to this store and get something. Let's see who gets the better item!" [Or you can just say,] "Lady, I'm going to this store. Please wait a second." "Sir, I'm going to get something. Please wait for me."

And in that way, go to the store, get the best item... I'm not saying to steal it! You're just saying that you will be right back.

And moreover, you can tell the store owner that your husband asked you to get the item because he likes it. The owner may even let you just take it out of joy! Or you can say to the owner, "Your family is a good family and since you own this store, I will buy the most precious items from this store." When you create situations like that, you can even make friends, right?

Five items. Five cheap items and five expensive items. Ten [altogether.] "OK, I'll pick the expensive items and you pick the cheap items." Then you swap items, check the prices and you can go out and sell the items for more. If you make some money as a result, then wouldn't you be able to buy lunch if you weren't able to buy lunch before?

You have to know how to live like that as well.

You have to know how to be fed by others. You also need to be able to treat others. You have to know the right way to greet others. That kind of thing. 

Write Your Autobiography

Sun Myung Moon
March 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 27 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #45, titled "Let's Establish Tradition," given on July 1st, 1971.

"Those who have spouses with you here, come to the front. (There were four couples). (To them) Did you get married by yourselves or did I Bless you? ('Father gave us the Blessing.') I have brought you well together as husbands and wives. (Laughter) Now you need to be able to write your autobiography together with your spouse, sharing with each other the themes to write. Actually, every ten tears, you should compare yourself with your spouse to decide which one was better during the period. You should be different rather than living the same life. If you lived in the east, you need to have the experience of living in the west, south and north. Also, you should examine if you became the person who is necessary in the village you live in, and if your family became the roll model and hope for the village. (To the four couples) Do you have children and were they already married?

From now on I would like to have gatherings where Blessed families are together and they boast about their fathers, mothers and children with each other. Parents who can be proud of their children are happy parents. It is really difficult to raise a person rightfully. You have had difficulties in your life of faith, haven't you? It is the life of faith that one can't do as they please. If a mountain blocks you in your path, you can't do with the mountain as you want. It is because the mountain has its own character. Likewise, each of your children has their own distinct individuality, and you should be able to polish their characters as if you were making a beautiful garden raising a variety of trees and piping water.

You must become one of the two kinds anywhere you go, either you lead the whole or you follow the leader. Do you follow your elder brother, younger brother, your parents, or your uncles? In deciding to whom you should follow, you need to see what they have done or left behind.

You should be able to write your autobiography every 10 years."

Mother, while standing, sang "모내기 노래," [Planting Song] and Father, sitting and holding her right hand, joined her in singing.

"노고지리 앞서 가자
해가 뜨는 이 벌판
초롱불에 들어가자
해가 지는 이 벌판
강소굴레 풍경 소리
자고 깨는 농부야
새나라 새천지에
어서 가자 어서 가"

[Let's go ahead nogojiri
Two fields of the rising sun
Let's go to the lantern
Two fields of the sunset
Jiangsu confines sworn
Let's break nongbuya
Saecheonjie new country
Let's go, let's go]

Father asked Mother, "Is there a 2nd verse?" and She replied, "No, there isn't" (Laughter / Applause)

"The voices of man and woman are different, and you sing together with your spouse changing tones of harmony, seeing each other, smiling, holding their hands and kissing each other. You should have many of those kinds of moments in your life. (To the four couples) What do you want to leave behind? You should go (to the spirit world) leaving something behind you. Based on your personality and ability, you should be able to write a song, for example. From now on, I would like members who worked for 10 years or 20 years to write holy songs."

Mother sang '가고파,[GaGoPa]" and Father joined her again in singing.

내 고향 남쪽 바다 그 파란 물이 눈에 보이네
꿈엔들 잊으리오 그 잔잔한 고향 바다
지금도 그 물새들 날으리 가고파라 가고파.

어릴 제 같이 놀던 그 동무들 그리워라.
어디 간들 잊으리오 그 뛰놀던 고향 동무
오늘은 다 무얼 하는고 보고파라 보고파.

그 물새 그 동무들 고향에 다 있는데
나는 왜 어이타가 떠나 살게 되었는고
온갖 것 다 뿌리치고 돌아갈까 돌아가.

가서 한데 얼려 옛날같이 살고지고
내마음 색동옷 입혀 웃고 웃고 지내고자
그 날 그 눈물 없던 때를 찾아가자 찾아가.

[My home water is the blue eyes I see the South Seas
Endless dream of that calm ocean home and forget Rio
Of those birds go and fly now GaGoPa para.

As a child I used to play that Comrades geuriwora.
Forget Rio gandeul home where his comrade ttwinoldeon
Today the Savior and to see what it bogopa para.

Comrades at home all those birds, which he
Hey, why am I was living hereof other leave
Will all go back to work to hit the roots.

Once frozen, live together and go together
EF saekdongot do mine dressed smiling smiling
We'll get unexpected tears when he visited that day.]

"The thing is that husbands and wives sometimes fight but they need to have time to sing songs together. You have all fought sometime, haven't you? Do you know how to fight as husbands or wives? (Nobody answered.)" 

Make True Parents' Day 'My Day'

Sun Myung Moon
March 18, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 26 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #45, titled "Standard of Faith."

"These are such precious words. (To Mother) What kind of day will we have soon? ('참부모의 날 / True Parents' Day.') (To the participants) That day shouldn't just come. You must be able to make the day as 'my day.' You have to find and 'sharpen' that day by yourself. There is no such thing as automatic perfection, and you must make efforts for that."

'How old do you think Adam and Eve were when they encountered God in the Garden of Eden?" (There was a long silence and nobody answered.)

"Temperature, speed and order. In one's life, they must be able to adjust their temperature and speed, and then the order comes. In family. the positions of father, mother, and sons are all different."

"Why do they say 동서남북 (east, west, south and north), instead of 동서북남 (east, west, NORTH and SOUTH)?"

"No O can enter X, but limitless X can enter O."

"The Chinese character 文 (문 / Moon: Father's family name) has been upside down. X has been sitting down on ㅗ, which should be reversed. I won't be welcome to the end of my life."

(Indicating his speech file '천지인 참부모 정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 / Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God") "For the sake of this speech, I've had to go through hardships for more than 10 years. Nobody knows there are three kinds of 고개 (hills) for this." 

January 18 is the Saddest Day for Me

Sun Myung Moon
March 17, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 25 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #45, titled "Hometown We Miss." In his speech, Father spoke about his life in the labor camp in North Korea and his journey to the South. The following are some of his words in the speech.

"Before I went to the US, I told you to pray and find out what kind of day January 18 is. Do you recall it? Do you know what kind of day it is? It is the saddest day for me. Not because I did not have money nor people. It is one day that I cannot forget. I had blessed and promised with them (Father's followers in North Korea) in front of Heaven after I had offered Jeong Seong, but all of them betrayed me. However, I wrote a long letter expressing heavenly love and tried to get contact with them three times. But they returned my third letter to me. I left North Korea carrying that letter with me. There is a bridge in Yeong Cheon city in Gyeongsangbuk-Do. On the bridge that day, I tore the letter after having read it. You do not know what I wrote in that letter. Young Cheon is a really significant name, but you do not know such a thing.

I am living with a smile so I seem like a good person. But I tell you, I am not boneless. The time hasn't come for me yet. You must know I am the person who has been looking and waiting for the time. When you substantially indemnify my 한 (han) that I came to have when I was insulted and tortured by communists, you can stand in front of Heavenly Father."

The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"Today, I came to the meeting being embarrassed by thinking 'What can I say at the meeting as someone who is here alone, after losing my hometown and leaving my parents and relatives there?'" I came here with such doubt and hesitation. This morning we heard a very important speech."

"When I was 17 years old in February, Jesus, without solving the problem of the God of Night and the God of Day, came to me and said 'Mr. Yong Myung Moon.' He knew my name.'

"You say 'Heavenly Father!' Then where is Heavenly Mother? What about the marriage of God? What do you think of the blood lineage, tradition and resemblance?" 

Mother the Chairperson of Sun Moon Educational Institute

Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 24 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, titled "Opportunity for Encounter" given on June 20, 1971.

(Holding up Mother's right hand with his left hand) "Those who participated at the inaugural ceremony of Mother as the chairperson of the board of 선문학원 (Sun Moon Educational Institute, an educational foundation), give applause to her. Now, her position has been changed. She is not 어머님, but 어머니. Hyo Yul (Dr. Peter Kim), what do you think of 어머니? Whose mother is she? What is she doing? Each of you (need to be able to say) what mother she is for you."

The following are the excerpts of Dr. Peter Kim's report.

"I didn't notice this but according to Rev. Hwang, this year is the 40th year since Father started in the education business. Father said, 'yesterday's ceremony is the launching ceremony to make Sun Moon University as the only university in the world which has the vertical value. There are around 10,000 veterans in the world of education in Korea, more than 30 of which participated yesterday.

One of them later called Rev. Hwang, who told him that he usually doesn't drink alcohol but he did this time since he was so happy after having participated at the ceremony. He expressed his great hope for True Parents who gave through the speech a clear vision and the purpose of education centering on God.

When we hear such a testimony from those who know the ins and outs of the educational field in Korea, I believe the ceremony we held yesterday was providentially truly important. (Showing copies of the newspapers) All major newspapers covered the ceremony, in which they expected one of the founders (Mother), becoming the chairperson of the board, would directly run eight schools and universities under 선문학원 (Sun Moon Educational Institute). Quite frankly, I didn't expect such a huge response inside Korea. Yesterday, Father offered his Jeong Seong for the ceremony on the ocean, and right after the ceremony, he came back to the Cheon Jeong Gung by helicopter to welcome her. Father said UPF must also be fully focused on education."

"Did you know that male penguins raise their young, while female penguins leave them looking for food? If they don't come back, the male penguins must do both roles and that's why there is the term 황제 팽귄 (Emperor Penguin)."

"Mothers must educate their children through Hoon Dok Hae, and they must be responsible for their babies in the wombs who can also participate at it."

Victory Celebration for True Mother's Speaking

Sun Myung Moon
March 13, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 21 by the H.C


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

The following are the excerpts of Rev. Song's report.

"At a welcoming banquet, Mother showed us Father's wallet. According to her, (holding back his tears) when she was leaving, Father came outside and told her to take it with her to Japan, which contains Father's ID card and 3 million Won (about US$2,600) Father always has to give to the people and members. Japanese members who saw it wept loudly thinking 'Father came to Japan with the wallet Mother brought.'

There are 140,000 couples in Japan and two thirds of them come to the church, and even more come for special occasions. I expect that many people will show up on D-Day. There are 5 million people in Japan who attended the workshop but didn't remain in the church, and we have to find all of them. In South Osaka where we have 55 churches, they have contact with 100,000 people of that kind, and have realized all of them still miss True Parents. They are coming back to the church now only because they miss True Parents. Right after they come to the church, they just shed tears. Some left the church 10 years ago, and others did so 15 years ago. They say that after they left the church, they couldn't find another place like the Unification Church where they experienced love, hope and truth, and couldn't enjoy their life no matter how rich they became. One brother said to me, '15 years ago, I left the church with this and that reasons,' and offered his business and real estate to the church.

Japanese members miss True Father so much. When I go to their church, they treat me as Father, and all of them want to shake hands with me. There are too many members and so I just walk keeping my arms and hands open so that they can touch my hands. I felt that they wanted to experience Father's fragrance.

This time what made me worried most before True Mother came to Japan was the fact that thousands of fish in Chiba province died at the sea shore one week before she came. There has also been the mood in Tokyo that they must move from there. I was happy to receive Mother but on the other hand I had been worried about her who would stay in Japan for eight days. I prayed that we would do the best we can so that nothing would happen during that period. I even prayed to God 'Heavenly Father, you created the land and ocean, and if you are destroying them and we die now, there is something wrong here.'

There was one man, 33 years old in Kumamoto who belongs to a religious organization SNI (生長の家) of 300,000 believers. He had received a revelation on Jan. 1, 2011, in which God told him to make 2,000 origami cranes for world peace and for the salvation of humankind. He started to make 10 cranes every day with the help of one member, but they didn't know to whom they were supposed to offer them. Later this person, Mr. Kimura, received Father's autobiography from his younger twin brother who had read it before.

In the beginning, Mr. Kimura refused to read it, but then his brother said, 'If you read this, you will solve your problem (regarding to whom he needed to offer the origami cranes).' So Mr. Kimura read the book, and was strongly moved by the life of True Parents. He also found Mother's name has 鶴 (학 / Hak: crane), and realized that True Parents were the only people to offer the origami cranes to.

When they made 1999 cranes on the 100th day, he received a further revelation that told him to make two cranes together (연학) as the last one. Mr. Kimura didn't know how to make it but one person, sent by Heaven, came to his place and said to Mr. Kimura that he can teach him how to make it. Mr. Kimura was so surprised and so happy that this person could teach him how to do it.

Mr. Kimura completed making 2,000 cranes including the two tied cranes on the 101st day, which was April 11.

Then he received another revelation that the Unification Church is the model for realizing God's peaceful world and that the Unification Church, which was established by God, is to realize the unification of North and South Korea. But he was not a Unification Church member and had no access to offer his cranes, and so he came to think that he needed to find the person who gave Father's autobiography to his younger twin brother. The person who gave the book was Mrs. Kusakabe, 65 years old. He went to her place only to find that she had gone to the Yeosu workshop for 40 days. Long story short, he heard that Mother would come to Japan, and finally he was able to offer his cranes to her through a church leader.

When Mother received them, she asked if he was at the rally, and was told that only the church members could participate at the rally this time. She told us to specially invite the two men who made the cranes, and they came. After the rally was over, Mother met them briefly when they explained how they came to make the cranes. After she heard from them, she said "축복 받아라. (Receive the Blessing)." Mr. Kimura replied, 'I have a girlfriend.' Then Mother said, 'When you receive the lecture, you will understand. Listen to the lecture.' Yesterday, Mrs. Kusakabe met Mr. Kimura, who had received the lectures, said he would receive the Blessing. (Applause) Members there say Mother witnessed to Mr. Kimura and so he is Mother's spiritual child.

There are many Japanese members but only around 5,000 of them have been able to directly see True Parents. For example, when we have celebrations at the Cheon Jeong Gung, only 500 to 600 members can participate. Only those who have the maximum results can participate. In Kyoto, only 2,500 people could be with Mother in the main room, and another 1,000 were in another room disappointingly watching Mother on the screen. When Mother heard that, she said she would go to the other room to see them before her speech. When she came there, they welcomed her crying so loudly. This surprising visit happened several times during her tour.

It seemed that it was hard for Mother to hold the rally in Kyoto where I think the spirit world is heavy. But it was amazing for me how wonderful 선진님 (Sun Jin Nim) was to keep encouraging Mother. I would say 선진님 was the MVP this time, from whom I have learned lots."


The following are some of Mother's words.

"Japan has a difficult time internally and externally, and that's why I went there. External problems such as if Japan sinks or not is important, but internally Japanese members… It has been more than 50 years since the Unification Church in Japan was established, hasn't it? ('It has been 52 years.') For the sake of the providence in the world as well as following Father, there have been lots of ups and downs. Those who joined the church in the early days and have been on the front line, for example, we have the Japanese president of the Unification Church (Rev. Gentarou Kajikuri) here who is now over 70, and as Rev. Song said he suffers cancer on three locations in his body. Even though he has difficulties in doing activities, he is doing them as if it is a life or death situation. (사생결단). Until the last day, he is determined to work in the front line, and his son grew well and is now a leader there too. It was so beautiful to see his daughter-in-law attend to her father-in-law. Everywhere he went, she carried him in a wheelchair. I truly saw beauty in her.

At every venue, I saw all the members trying to directly see me. Later I heard that it would be great if I could come to Japan every six months, if not a year. (Seeing Father) I said it all depends on Father, not me. I strongly feel that it was really good to visit Japan. Father's speech that I read was great and Heaven gave another opportunity to do the best before D-Day.

I keenly felt this time that our Jeong Seong towards Heaven always remains. (Holding back her tears) Their faith is so beautiful. I have visited 북해도 (北海道: Hokkaido) where there is a couple who practices music. When I saw them five years ago, they seemed young, but this time they seemed much older. The wife sang '가고파' [GaGoPa] at the victory celebration, who had actually been kidnapped before and escaped by the skin of her teeth. There are so many difficulties internally and externally in Japan but when I see them, firmly holding their faith do the best they can in the front line, (holding back her tears) I wanted to do what I can for them. I wish I could have done more for them." 

Completing the Final Stages of All Proclamations

Sun Myung Moon
March 12, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 20 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(To Rev. Sun Jo Hwang, who has been recently assigned by Father as the new president of Sun Moon University) "Sun Jo Hwang, you must establish 세계대학 연명 (World College Federation) as soon as possible. ('Yes.')"

"You said, 'Even Father's sons and daughters die, mine shouldn't do so.' You fool,,, (너희들, '선생님의 아들딸은 죽어도 내 아들딸은 죽어서는 안된다' 고, 이 놈의 자식들,,.)

(On page 74 of his speech)"It says 섭리적 최종목적 되다 (The ultimate purpose of the providence is done) (Showing that page) I left a sign here that you don't understand."

(Reading the speech from the following part) '"October 14th, sixty years ago was the beginning point, now, after sixty-years of restoration through indemnity, and in relation to the three days of the 14th, 15th and 16th days of the 10th month, by the heavenly calendar, in the 10th year of Cheon Il Guk, this proclamation rally being held on the 17th day of the 10th month by the heavenly calendar [November 22] is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given up until the D-day proclamation of True Parents, and which correspond with the documented record of proclamations True Parents have made.' "Everything has been done already. A day after the fair."

"There is no previous president of the Unification Church of Korea here. Everybody withdrew (다 물러갔어). Get lost (꺼져)!"

"What have you done in the Unification Church? You just followed to get something like beggar. I have been like a beggar to give you food." 

Become the Pillar of the Ideal of Cosmos of the True Parents

Sun Myung Moon
March 11, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo on 2. 19 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Sun Myung Moon Kook Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 7, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(Talking about his speech 친지인참부모정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 / Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God) "Heaven, earth and humankind must be united and become the pillar of the ideal of cosmos of the True Parents. Then (the title of the speech says) 정착 (firm settlement). There has been no 실체말씀 (Substantial Word of God) in the world. Does this speech hold the all truth? It does. It says (on page 74) '섭리의 최종목적 되다 (The ultimate purpose of the providence is done),' and so it means everything has been finished. It's that simple. The speech is not talking about 피조물 (creatures) but 본체론 (Original Substance of the Principle)"

"4 X 4 makes 16, and there are the upper side and lower side and therefore, 16 X 2 makes 32. (Katsumi: I think Father implies here the number of teeth) (Indicating his eyes and ears) Everything is covered by the number 32. Men must learn what they have to know by the age of 32."

Father spoke of the necessity of studying Korean in English to a Brazilian brother of martial arts, but he seemed not to understand it. So Father told Hyung Jin Nim to translate it in Portuguese and Hyung Jin Nim did so.

Hyung Jin Nim reported to Father that (according to the weather report) they wouldn't be able to sail the boat that day. Then Father said "You don't have to check it. When we go out with the boat, we will know it. They are just thinking that the storm is coming minutes or hours later. With that mindset, soldiers on the front line of the battle would perish 100%. Do we sail out to die? I want to say 'Look forward over the typhoon. At least I will survive.' I made the boat with which one never dies. It will never sink."

"I won't lie. Keep watching if I am doing so. They will be realized with the cycle of 50 years or 100 years, but nobody knows the length. I had talked 50, 60 years ago about the date of D-Day we are talking about now. When you find it in my speech book, you will be surprised saying, 'Wow, 50, 60 years have already passed!' I was considered a crazy person back then."

Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang '가고파' [GaGoPa] and Father joined him in singing. [small] Yeon Ah Nim (작은 연아님, Hyung Jin Nim's wife) sang "임진강" [Imjin] in Korean and Japanese. Then Father sang a song that he improvised featuring "Geomundo." 

Home is Where One Wants to Live Eternally

Sun Myung Moon
March 10, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Ocean Cheon Jeong Gung at Geomundo on 2. 18 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"It is 집 (Jip; house or home) where one wants to live eternally with their mother and father, and sons and daughters don't want to leave. The word 집 means the place where everybody bands and moves together.

(Katsumi: Here Father interprets 집 as the Chinese character 集, which means to 'band together)

Which do you prefer; 사랑의 집 (house / home of love) or 사랑의 동산 (garden of love)? 집 is like solid ingredients rather than soup itself, and therefore it is 사랑의 집 that one's grandfather, mother and all generations go crazy about. You must realize that inside the 집, I am 집 too. When you pray, (looking at Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon) you say 'With the name Pyeong Rae Moon, the Blessed Central family, I report (보고하다 / 報告하다).' It is not that 'I pray.'"

"Ki (기 / 氣: chi or vital energy) is a wave in myriad forms. Did you sleep well last night? ('Yes.') This morning I don't see anyone dozing. Have you eaten something delicious or good 기?"

"I know Korean, Japanese and English, but Korean is the most beautiful language which can spread to all four directions. It is 계시적이다 (啓示的이다: metaphoric or revelatory) and one word can cover many things without lacking anything. "

"Am I the founder, master or father of the Unification Church?"

"Since a grandfather like me talks like this, you seem to become serious."

"Keep watching to see if D-Day will come in one year (일년이면 디데이가 오는지 두고 보라구). Are you confident?"

"When you are married and live in your husband's house, you must know how to love and how to be loved. You will be kicked out and your position will be gone otherwise. Don't forget when to give and when to receive." 

You Should Be Happy in Giving

Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung, Geomundo on 2. 17 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"When you have food and you can't digest it all, you need to give it to others without leaving them. You shouldn't give it while crying. You should be happy in giving, so that others will be able to be happier than yourself. The food would be gone but the more you give, the more you go up. The receiver must put the giver to the upper position.'

"I like to pioneer."

"Here is the person named Yong Myung Moon, who became Sun Myung Moon. He has been working hard. When I reached my 70's, I felt my legs become heavier."

"When I came back home, I found Hoon Mo Nim (Father's mother) singing 'Higher Ground.' She didn't know Jesus."

A Japanese sister sang "幸せって何だろう (What is Happiness?)" and Father sang it together and interpreted the lyrics as well.

When Rev. Kamiyama was called for singing, Father asked him in Japanese "Are you over 70? Are you 80 now?" He replied "I am 71 years old," and sang "엄마야 누나야 (Mother, sister)."

"The most important thing (in singing) is to correct wrong pronunciations (of the lyrics) and ill-fitted feelings to the songs you like to sing. When you are ready to sing a suitable song, tears flow with a runny nose, and you can't continue to sing because you are so moved. Reaching the stage where you are moved enough to go crazy, you can put the environment in order and give a great influence to it."

After Rev. Man Oong Jo sang a song, he asked Father if he can talk about Father's granduncle Rev. Yun Guk Moon. Father said him to do so and the following are excerpts of his report and Father's words.

"Father has two granduncles. One of them Rev. Yun Guk Moon worked to win Korean independence from Japan, and Father has dedicated himself and his whole life to restore God's fatherland. When Father talks about his family, he often hesitates to do so (since it seems that he just boasts of it), and so when we found the articles of Rev. Yun Guk Moon, we thought we ourselves must testify Father's family. When I saw Father speaking about his childhood missing his family and hometown, I thought that it was our mission to release his 한 (han) and all emotions. It was really fortunate that Rev. Yun Guk Moon left a record of his life, which he made when he was 78 years old. (Showing the record by his handwriting) As Father said, this was well written by excellent handwriting. This can be a testimony to what Father has told us about his granduncle until now."

"Among my ancestors, there are many people who held the title of 스승 (master or teacher)."

"In 1910, Rev. Yun Guk Moon joined the Presbyterian Church in Korea. He taught Chinese literature, and then from the ages of 35 to 36 for two years, he taught at private elementary schools in Jeong Ju."

"He made all those schools and gathered children of beggars who hadn't studied before."

"From 37 to 41 for five years, he studied at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pyeong Yang, which is the most famous institute in Korean Christian history. Famous Christian leaders in Korea are all alumni of this seminary. I believe that Rev. Yun Guk Moon, by absorbing new knowledge and Christian theology at the institute, became determined to win the independence of Korea. He then worked as a pastor at three churches in Jeong Ju. According to Father, it was seven, not three."

"I (as a child) visited them all in order to know what kind of person my granduncle was. I investigated them."

"In 1919, Rev. Yun Gok Moon joined the Samil Independence Movement(March 1st -- 3.1.), where he mobilized around 10,000 people who respected and trusted him and his words, such as the people in the region and the teachers and students of Osan Private High School in Jeong Ju (정주 오산 사립 고등학교) he had founded with others. He was one of the people who signed the document which was later sent to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. During the Samil Independence Movement, he was surrounded and captured by 120 policemen. He was sent to Seoul and tortured there. We can imagine how hard it was by recalling the torture given to Father. He was sentenced to be in jail for two years but later he was released due to the special pardon for royal marriage. From his age of 44 to 50 for six years, he served as the pastor for three churches in his hometown.

Two years after the Samil Independence Movement, he sent 70,000 Won to the Korean interim government in Shanghai through Rev. Suk Che Kim who was in Manchuria at the time. 70,000 Won in those days is roughly 7 million Won now. According to Father, Rev. Yun Guk Moon didn't only give the money, but also provided 8000 Won for Rev. Kim for his expenses. We need to understand that he donated so much money as the representative of the Moon family. Father says that his mother always sang 'Higher Ground' and his whole family were Christians.

Though he was released from the jail, he was always followed by the police who considered him as the person at the first rank on the blacklist. After realizing the date and the place of his alleged re-arrest, he escaped to Chungcheongbuk-do and hid for three years there. Later he moved to Kangwong-do.

Right after Korea gained her independence on Aug. 15, 1945, he went back to his hometown where he found the communists' strong control. He told his wife, children and relatives that he couldn't work as a pastor there, and left his hometown on Jan. 17, 1946. Like Father, who put one leg on the north side and the other on the south side and pledged to unify the South and North Korea, Rev. Yun Guk Moon pledged in front of Heaven 'I am heading for the South now but in my lifetime I will definitely defeat communism and raise the people.'

His handwriting is full of vigor and it doesn't seem to be written by a person of 78, through which we can imagine his high-spirited final life." 

The Amazing Thing is that Satan is God's Younger Brother

Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2.16 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #43

"The amazing thing is that Satan is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생), and Adam's younger cousin (아담의 사촌동생), who lived together with them. For God no enemy exists, and the world of the principle isn't 'correspondence and conflict (상응상치).' It should be 'correspondence and accordance (상응일치). In the world of 'correspondence and conflict (상응상치)', one can't answer the questions like 'Where is God?' and 'Who is Satan?''

"Adam and Eve, becoming True Parents, should have passed the process of 21 years to form the ideal family of Adam (아담이상가정), Adam-ism (아담주의) and Adam's tradition of life (아담의 생활전통)."

"The Chinese character 敎 (교 / gyo: teaching) means 'Fidelity (孝) to Father (父).' Likewise, the Chinese characters were made by following the forms in reality, not by abstract thinking."

"The logo of the Unification church contains everything in the universe."

"The kingdom of heaven and hell float in the air, and the cosmos floats in the air."a 

Holding High the Banner of the Universal Peace Federation

Sun Myung Moon
March 7, 2012


True Father addressed 2,400 people attending the "National Campaign for a Strong Korea Kick Off Rally" Wednesday. Kook Jin Nim gave his "Strong Korea?" lecture first.

Father then came on stage and Father gave an address that concluded: "I hope to see the heroic site of everyone here holding high the banner of the Universal Peace Federation (Abel UN), standing at the forefront of the Peace Kingdom Army and Peace Kingdom Police, and shouting for a "Strong Korea". 

Strong Korea

Sun Myung Moon
March 7, 2012
Convention to Launch the National Campaign for a Strong Korea


True Father spoke for an hour after Tongil Foundation chairman Kook Jin Moon's address on strengthening the nation.

Though my family may be in my hometown, I am not in an environment where I can meet them. In short, you could say that I am a great refugee among refugees. I do not have a nation. I am not a Korean. Military personnel and others who've come here, including those in high positions, may look at me with eyes wide open and think I look like a Korean, speak like a Korean and think like a Korean. Yet my thoughts are deeper than the time-honored ways of Korean history. Based on that, my speech today is entitled "A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will: The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World"...

In recent years, I began talking about Cheon Il Guk, God's new nation, and 1 have also been speaking about the God of Night and the God of Day, all of which no one else could understand. Everyone thought it was just a dream, but they will see that after ten, twenty or thirty years, all those terms will take root as traditions in history and become powerful. The Unification Church, which was buried on earth before, will reach the highest place, next to the sun. If something knows how to go up but not how to come down, it will perish in the end.

I see that many older people are here. We met with sincere hearts when you introduced yourselves. I am now ninety-four years old. My teachings come from seventy years ago and not now. Beginning seventy years ago, or rather, from the age of seventeen, I sat above everything and began my work with the determination that I would fight and either live or die and that I would see if I could win against one or ten.

I am giving a speech here as the True Parent, but even now I am not actually thinking about being the True Parent. You called me the worst possible things in the world, calling me "Jesus Moon," the ringleader of a shadowy cult. And you thought that I would die or disappear. Yet here I am....

Yong Gul Lee, vice-minister in the Ministry of National Defense (left) and Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Sung Choon Park (right) both attended and spoke at the Convention to Launch the National Campaign for a Strong Korea in Seoul on Mar…

Yong Gul Lee, vice-minister in the Ministry of National Defense (left) and Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Sung Choon Park (right) both attended and spoke at the Convention to Launch the National Campaign for a Strong Korea in Seoul on March 7.

It is not about strong Korea. Rather, it should be a strong homeland! Whose homeland is it? It is the homeland of Korea, God's strong homeland! [Applause] When the Korean people talk about God's homeland, they talk about regaining God's homeland. Why regaining? Why didn't it stay liberated from the outset? It is sad to talk about having to regain something. I have held on to that word all my life. What does having to regain something signify? It means everything is in darkness and on the wrong path.

The Republic of Korea may come and go, and all its presidents may come and go, but everything that I said came true in the end. From decades ago, I was persecuted as I went around saying these things, and when I read what I said forty or fifty years ago, now at the age of ninety-four, 1 kneel down before those words and wonder to myself where they came from. I don't believe that they came from me. That is why I may seem like someone from a dream, or a peculiar person.

To get back to "A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will: The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World"... Who knows about this? Who does? Nowadays, Kook Jin and my other sons say that their father is the Returning Lord. Those rascals! I tell them not to say such things.

One thing I hope you will remember is that I first announced the regaining of the homeland more than seventy years ago.... So, what is the topic of today's meeting? Strong what? Korea. Let's make a strong Korea. Actually, it is not "strong Korea;" it should be God's strong homeland. Otherwise, we will perish thousands of times over. The well-known people here with names on their chairs may say our sons and daughters will live on and influence the history of another thousand years. But now, as I stand here today, how can I possibly know what will happen fifty years from now? Or a hundred years?

The 63 Building Convention Center hosted a crowd of 2,300 for the launch of the National Campaign for a Strong Korea.

The 63 Building Convention Center hosted a crowd of 2,300 for the launch of the National Campaign for a Strong Korea.

You are all adults, so I believe you will pity this man who does not have anything, who has neither a nation nor a father or mother, for he was separated from them fifty-eight years ago. At the time of our separation, we were devout believers in Christianity. I was a devout Christian, as were my parents. My great uncle was a famous independence activist. Recently documents testifying to this fact have come to light, and what I had said about him, which had previously been thought of as fabrications, was proven to be the truth.

This is the second month of the third year of Cheon-gi by the heavenly calendar. What you are hearing today cannot be found even in encyclopedias. The people of this nation do not know about this; it will be the backbone and the mirror of the world of a new culture, and I worry about where they will end up. That is why I formed an organization in 2007 and made a declaration to open the gates of the world, which I could not have done before then. That declaration is right here before us, and I have instructed that it should not be changed by anyone and that nothing should be added to or subtracted from it.

A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will: The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World. We need the United States as well as Korea, China and all the nations. This is True Parents' message. Do you call me the True Parent? Who went and gave me that name?

It is not just the era in which the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind safely appear, but the era of their firm establishment. After that, as we passed the year 2000, I created textbooks and teaching materials with which to build Cheon Il Guk. I have been using them for more than ten years now. There were no textbooks before then. How much these texts are standing in the forefront! They record what I said before it actually came true. If you do not have these books, you will not know Korea's future prospects or where the country is headed.

United voices of mansei for God's strong homeland

United voices of mansei for God's strong homeland

Father's Prepared Text

Respected Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am delighted to meet you all today. I would like to welcome you, on behalf of my family.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I am well aware that this rally today is a launch ceremony paving the way for the Strong Korea movement to actively carry out its campaign throughout Korea. Therefore, on this occasion I will explain something of the profound providential plan God has had for the Korean peninsula throughout history. I will also speak about some aspects of God's providence dealing with the Pacific Rim Era that I have announced.

Distinguished guests, at the beginning of the seventh year of Cheon II Guk, I declared the beginning of a jubilee period in God's providence. God has greatly blessed us from that year. It is a time of jubilee the likes of which God and humankind have never experienced in thousands of years of history.

God's heart has been in pain throughout history because humanity has been confined under Satan's dominion. Humanity had endured oppression under the sovereignty of evil throughout the "era before the coming of heaven." That time has finally come to an end! 2007 was the zenith at which time it became possible for the gates to open wide to the revolutionary era after the coming of heaven, ushering in the time of a new sovereignty of goodness in which humanity could serve and attend God as the central being.

Without your being aware of it, Heaven's providence has been expanding in extraordinary ways. Now ambassadors for peace in 185 nations, numbering in the tens of thousands, have received my teachings and are working day and night in response to a special decree from God. Hence, today I would like to convey to you Heaven's message, which is entitled, "A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will: The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World." It is a declaration of God's plan for His dispensation and the direction humankind should take.

Ladies and Gentlemen: If you carefully examine the progress of history, you will undoubtedly discover God's plan and sense His presence as He tirelessly worked behind the scenes. Consider the history of civilization, which began centering on four of the world's great rivers. We are familiar with the Egyptian civilization that flourished along the Nile River, the Mesopotamian civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the Harappan civilization on the Indus River, and early Chinese civilization around the Yellow River. The center of civilization shifted over time to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea where the Mediterranean peninsular civilizations flourished in Greece and Rome. History continued to progress and the European continental civilization emerged. This continental civilization in turn gave birth to an island civilization, Great Britain, which flourished in the Atlantic sphere. The British Empire, which dominated the seven seas and wielded its might as "the empire on which the sun never sets," passed its splendid culture on to North America. We know these facts from history.

Civilization on the North American continent raised the banner of democracy, which was rooted in Christianity. It bequeathed to the world the principles of freedom of religion and respect for equal human rights as it led the struggle against fascism and communism, which had established atheistic, evil sovereignties. Through the victories of the First and Second World Wars, and the third -- the cold war -- it won victory over totalitarianism and communism.

On March 19, Kook Jin nim was one of several speakers at a Washington Times Foundation sponsored conference, "Asia Security Initiative: Peace through Strength and Cooperation," in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, attended by about seventy United Sta…

On March 19, Kook Jin nim was one of several speakers at a Washington Times Foundation sponsored conference, "Asia Security Initiative: Peace through Strength and Cooperation," in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, attended by about seventy United States, Korean and Japanese congressmen. The Tongil Foundation chairman gave his "Strong Korea?" presentation.

However, that victory does not simply mean that America is great; the development of human civilization did not stop there. Victory came because God had chosen and raised the United States of America as the Second Israel, in accordance with His providential plan, and had raised and trained the American people through Christianity. God worked through America to bring His providence to its present stage of fruition.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The present time marks an important milestone in the development of civilization. Civilization has completed a circuit of the entire globe and has now arrived on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. History's course has come to the point under God's providence where it must be completed and concluded in the Pacific Rim region.

No force can stop God's providence now. Though there were both victories and defeats during the course of indemnity under the evil sovereignty in the era before heaven, now nothing can prevent the rise of the Pacific Rim Era. Herein lies the special reason that Heaven declared 2007 to be the beginning of the jubilee period.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The arrival of the Pacific Rim Era signifies many things. What do you think the world would have been like if Jesus had fulfilled the complete messianic mission during his lifetime on earth? Jesus came as the Savior and Messiah, to save all humankind. He did not come just to save the people of Israel, a small nation located on a corner of the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, Rome, based at the center of the Mediterranean, was the center of human civilization. Rome was ready to rule the seas. Heaven earnestly wished for Jesus to first teach and transform Rome and then rule over her empire. Heaven was eager for a civilization that could bring salvation to all humanity by employing Rome's strength. Yet, Jesus was cruelly put to death on the cross, as we know all too well through the biblical record.

After thousands of years of preparation, God finally was able to send Jesus to earth as His only son. There is no way to fathom God's heart as He anxiously watched Jesus' each and every action. Jesus' death was a tragedy that broke God's heart. It brought Him anguish even more extreme than the time when Adam and Eve, whom He created as the first ancestors of humankind, were lost from the Garden of Eden due to the Fall.

During the two thousand years since the crucifixion, God, in the background of history, has walked a suffering path that is beyond human imagination. Through this course, He prepared the United States of America to serve as the nation of the Second Israel. As a Christian nation that includes Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as the Orthodox world, the United States' mission is to bring harmony and unity to Christianity as soon as possible -- and moreover, in the twenty-first century, to fulfill the responsibility that had been the Roman Empire's, but which was not realized in Jesus' time. On America's shoulders rests the responsibility, within God's providence, to bring harmony and oneness among the world's seven billion people and to expedite the creation of a peaceful, ideal world. These are not simply the words of Rev. Moon. This is Heaven's decree to America.

Then how can we unify Christianity? God has already revealed the solution through me, Rev. Moon, the True Parent of humankind. Through me, God has given Christians the supreme command to practice lives of true love, to understand completely the reality of the spirit world to which we go after we die, and to establish model, ideal families -- true families.

What kind of love is true love? And what kind of family is a true family? The essence of God's absolute true love is not to have others serve you. Rather, it is to be the first to give, to serve and to care for others and to seek the greater good. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her child in her arms and nurses her child at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, such as that of a devoted son who finds his greatest satisfaction through dedicating himself with all of his body and soul to helping his parents.

When we are bound together in true love, we will only ever be happy to be in each other's company. The attraction of true love brings not only the universe, but even God Himself, to follow us when we call on them. The value of true love is that it has the power to permanently dissolve the barriers that people, descended from the Fall, have created -- including national, racial and even religious barriers.

A meeting for the regional presidents of our worldwide church was held in Seoul on 3.3 (March 24). Representing True Parents, Hyung Jin nim prayed over and bequeathed Holy Candles to Establish the Heavenly Kingdom to each regional president. He and …

A meeting for the regional presidents of our worldwide church was held in Seoul on 3.3 (March 24). Representing True Parents, Hyung Jin nim prayed over and bequeathed Holy Candles to Establish the Heavenly Kingdom to each regional president. He and Kook Jin nim then spoke on the Strong Abel initiative, mentioning that this will become part of the worldwide providence [See page 2 for more on this]. Four international IWs were each given a letter of appointment to their new missions to assist the regional presidents and head up education in the Asian, European, African and South American regions. A discussion followed based on questions the presidents had about how to make progress in their respective regions. The meeting ended with Korean Family and Education Department vice- director Mrs. Mi Sook Chang inviting the regional presidents to send those involved in training Sunday school teachers to Korea for an educators workshop in April.

The main attributes of God's true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Therefore, whoever practices true love will share God's pleasures and pains, enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work, and enjoy the same right of inheritance. Therefore, a life of service, in other words a life of true love, is an absolute requirement for entering the kingdom of heaven. A life of true love is the way to create all things; it is the mode of life of new families that live peacefully centering on God and form peaceful ideal model families.

The path is now wide open for anyone to establish a true family. The family is the model by which people are to live in service to one another. The warm environment of oneness based on love and respect between parents and children, mutual fidelity and love between husband and wife, and trust and mutual reliance among siblings is the manifestation of the model ideal family. This means that you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bears the fruit of true love.

The responsibility of tribal messiahs, the mission of ambassadors for peace, and God's desire is to seek and set up families of Cheon II Guk, comprised of three generations -- grandparents, parents, and children -- that together serve the ever-present God as a united family.

You should form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has been away. You should raise families to which He can come freely as a parent visiting His children. This is what it means to live in service to God. In such a family, God is the vertical subject partner of everyone's conscience. Following God as its vertical subject partner, the mind of each family member stands in the position of that person's very own vertical subject partner. Each person must bring the mind and body into unity by following the mind.

It is in such a family that the four major types of love -- parental love, conjugal love, children's love and siblings' love -- which also form the four great realms of heart, are perfected. It is only in such a family that the relationships based on upper and lower, right and left, and front and rear can be linked together and the resultant spherical motion continue. This is how God's everlasting model ideal families, ideal nations and peaceful ideal kingdom can be formed. If the entire world were filled only with such families of true character, it would be a world of natural order in which the heavenly way and heavenly law would reign supreme. There would be no need for lawyers, prosecutors or judges.

Dear Peace-loving Leaders: Among the seven billion people on the earth today, almost five billion are our neighbors and relatives. They are our brothers and sisters of the Pacific Rim region. In other words, they are our relatives within the heritage of the Mongolian birthmark. Is there anything we cannot accomplish if we join together as one blood through receiving the blessing of marriage centering on God's peace ideal? The future of humanity is now in the hands of the nations of the Pacific Rim.

Ladies and Gentlemen: God's providence has now spread from the North American continent and blossomed in the island civilization of Japan, which is in the same position that Britain once held. It is now about to fulfill its destiny by reaching fruition on the Korean peninsula, the homeland of the True Parents, who have appeared as the Savior of humanity and the returning Messiah.

The Korean peninsula stands in the same position as Rome did in Jesus' time, in that it is considered a conflict zone transcending the spheres of religion and politics that must resolve all the world's problems. From a geopolitical point of view, the Korean peninsula persists as an arena of the most intense confrontation, despite the ongoing efforts on the part of all to secure peace.

The principles of restoration through indemnity make it inevitable that civilization will bear fruit in the Pacific Rim region, centered on the Korean peninsula. Fortunately, during the Korean War, the UN Forces, led by the United States, were, thankfully, mobilized to the peninsula. Yet, they did not recover the homeland and hometown of God's desire as they should have, according to God's will, and they left the job half done. As a result, global conflict and strife emerged, soon to be called the cold war. As a result of this, the Korean people lost their property and were displaced, leading them to search for God.

In order to restore this through indemnity, I established the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) seven years ago. I then organized the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom Police Force, comprising heavenly women who have received the marriage blessing, who love peace, and who are willing to serve and sacrifice for the work of the Universal Peace Federation. I have taken the lead in educating those involved with these organizations. These peace organizations stand in the forefront for actualizing a world of peace centering on God. They will create the peaceful, ideal world that God desires.

You may not be aware of this, but I have been assisting behind the scenes of the Six Party Talks that were being held for the sake of resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, and working to reconcile democratic nations with communist nations. I am presenting a solution based on the principles of peace and harmony rooted in the new ideology of the Heavenly Father.

At such pressing times, what exactly should the role of America and the United Nations be? Hawaii in the Pacific, located at the center of the Pacific Rim, bridge East and West, and link North and South. With the support and protection of the American continent, the Korean peninsula should become the homeland that protects and defends the Pacific Rim region by bringing together all the island nations of the Pacific. I say this because the future of humankind lies in the preservation of the Pacific Rim region centering on Korea, Japan and the United States.

As I was well aware of Heaven's plans for this region, I invested thirty-three of the prime years of my life in the United States, beginning in the early 1970s, for the sake of world peace. On that victorious foundation, I returned to Korea, where I am working to complete the providence of establishing God's homeland and hometown.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I ask that you analyze the current state of affairs in the world closely. Although the days of communism are gone, even now powerful nations are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to pursue their own interests aggressively at the expense of the powerless and small island nations. No small island nation by itself can deal with these powerful nations and their economic, political or even military ambitions. They are so powerful that if they wanted to, they could dominate any smaller nation in a single day, without shedding blood.

Only when peace and security are settled in the Pacific Rim can peace for all humankind be guaranteed. As I have mentioned, the small island nations by themselves cannot contend with the great tsunami of powerful nations moving into the region. The time has come, therefore, for all these small island nations in the Pacific Rim sphere to unite and build the homeland of the new, godly civilization.

The small island nations dispersed in both the northern and southern regions of the Pacific, on either side of the equator, as well as Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, should become like one country, forming a union to sustain peace to the Pacific Rim civilization. This will secure peace and stability for all people.

What I am saying to you is that you have the responsibility to protect and save the oceanic realm, which is a lifeline upon which humanity's future depends, from the environmental destruction and conflicts that are worsening by the day, and to shield its natural resources for the sake of peace in the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen: For the purpose of resolving these problems afflicting humankind, on September 12, 2005, I proclaimed throughout all of heaven and earth the establishment of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), which will enable God's providence to flourish. Now, it is possible for UPF to serve as an Abel-type counterpart to the UN in the era after the coming of heaven. It will renew the Cain-type United Nations and lead the way for millions of ambassadors for peace throughout the world who have taken up the ideology of the Heavenly Father, that is, my teachings -- which consist of the principles of true love and the ideal of a true family -- to without fail, fulfill the heavenly will of creating one family under God.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Through the cross-cultural marriage blessings that transcend religious denomination and nationality, the Universal Peace Federation will be the vanguard that carries out the great revolution of restoring the original lineage of humanity, hearkening back to Adam before the Fall. Some may laugh and say that this is impossible. Yet, where there is a will there is a way, especially if it is the God's will. The international and cross-cultural marriage blessings are conducted according to the teachings of Rev. Moon, who does God's work on His behalf. Please think about this: What do you think will happen if people from the United States and countries such as Russia marry across the boundaries of their nationalities through these marriage blessing ceremonies? The two nations will belong to one family under God, the eternal, absolute Lord of all creation. How could anyone aim weapons at, much less launch nuclear weapons at, a nation that many millions of grandchildren from their own lineage make their home?

The holy task of building the ideal kingdom of heaven -- the sacred reign of peace on earth -- by recovering our ideal homeland and hometown, is being carried out enthusiastically in all corners of the world. This is God's hope for engrafting the seven billion people of the world to the lineage of the true tribe.

Beloved Leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen: Please do not miss your chance to ride on the surging currents of heavenly fortune during this important and sacred jubilee. Take the lead in protecting and developing the realm of the oceans, which cover seventy-five percent of the earth. Where else will you find undiscovered treasure-stores of natural resources that hold the promise of reviving the earth, which is endangered by all kinds of pollution and resource depletion?

You have truly come to a significant event today. You should now join together under the Strong Korea banner. The scope of this campaign shall soon go beyond the Republic of Korea to rest of Asia, and become the beacon that shines beyond Asia to the world. The Universal Peace Federation's ideology shall be a cry for a strong Korea because at the root of Strong Korea is God's philosophy of peace based on true love. Is there an ideology or philosophy that can surpass this philosophy of peace and the ideal of God's true love? Heaven shall surely be triumphant!

On this meaningful occasion, please engrave this message on your hearts. The families of your good ancestors in heaven are already blessed. Numbering in the billions, they have come to earth today, and they are listening to this message with you. This is because it is only through you, their descendants, that they can perfect themselves and advance to the positions of true parents, true teachers and true lords and owners. You should not forget the fact that the spiritual and physical worlds live and breathe together in this way and walk hand-in-hand.

Your families should now find their place in history by fulfilling their missions as members of the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom Police Force of the Abel UN, which is advancing God's providence in the revolutionary era after the coming of heaven. History will forever remember you for leading a noble life of devotion for the well-being of humanity and world peace. I am now developing globally the Peace Kingdom Corps and the Peace Kingdom Police Force, which I founded. I hope to see the heroic sight of you holding the UPF flag [Universal Peace Federation -- the Abel UN] standing in the vanguard of the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom Police Force and shouting for a strong Korea.

I pray that you will engrave today's message in your hearts and use this message as material for educating your children, the youth in your country and the people of your nation. May God's blessings and grace be upon you, your families, the Pacific Rim and the Peace UN, and upon the launch of "Strong Korea."

Thank you. 

A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will II

Sun Myung Moon
March 7, 2012
Launch of the Strong Korea Citizens’ Movement
Hanhwa 63 City, Seoul, Korea

A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will II

Respected guests, ladies and gentlemen:

I am delighted to meet you today. I would like to welcome you, on behalf of my family. The rally today is a ceremony to launch the Strong Korea campaign activities throughout Korea. Therefore, on this occasion I will explain something of the profound providential plan God has had for the Korean Peninsula throughout history, as well as some aspects of God’s providence in relation to the Pacific Rim era.

Era after the Coming of Heaven and the Pacific Rim Era

Distinguished guests, at the beginning of the seventh year of Cheon Il Guk, I declared the beginning of a jubilee period in God’s providence. God has greatly blessed us since that year. It is a time of jubilee the likes of which God and human beings have never experienced in thousands of years of history.

God’s heart has been in pain throughout history because humanity has been confined under Satan’s dominion. Humanity endured oppression under the sovereignty of evil throughout the Era before the Coming of Heaven. That time has finally come to an end! The year 2007 was the zenith, at which time it became possible for the gates to the revolutionary Era after the Coming of Heaven to open wide. This opening will usher in the time of a new sovereignty of goodness, in which humanity can serve and attend God as the central Being.

Without your awareness, Heaven’s providence has been expanding in extraordinary ways. Ambassadors for peace in one hundred eighty-five nations, numbering in the tens of thousands, have received my teachings and are working day and night in response to a special decree from God.

Today I would like to convey to you Heaven’s message, “A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will: The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World.” It is a declaration of God’s dispensation and the direction humankind needs to take.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you carefully examine the progress of history, you will undoubtedly discover ('rod’s plan and sense His presence as He worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Consider the history of civilization, which began centered on four of the world’s great river basins. We are familiar with the Egyptian civilization that flourished along the Nile River, the Mesopotamian civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the Harappan civilization surrounding the Indus River, and the early Chinese civilization around the Yellow River. Over time, the center of civilization shifted to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where the Mediterranean peninsular civilizations flourished in Greece and Rome. History continued to progress, and the European continental civilization emerged. This continental civilization in turn gave birth to the island civilization of the United Kingdom, which flourished in the Atlantic sphere. The British Empire, which dominated the seven seas and wielded its might as “the empire on which the sun never sets,” passed its splendid culture on to North America. We know these facts from history.

Civilization on the North American continent raised the banner of democracy, which was rooted in Christianity. This civilization bequeathed to the world the principles of freedom of religion and respect for equal human rights as it led the struggle against fascism and communism, which had established atheistic, evil sovereignties. Through victories in the First and Second World Wars and the third global conflict, the Cold War, it won victory over totalitarianism and communism.

However, that victory does not simply mean that America is great and the development of human civilization stopped there. Victory came because God had chosen and raised the United States of America as the Second Israel, in accordance with His providential plan, and raised and trained the American people through Christianity. God worked through America to bring His providence to its present stage of fruition.

America will be the driving force in creating a peaceful world

Ladies and gentlemen, the present era marks an important milestone in the development of civilization. Civilization has completed a circuit of the entire globe and has now arrived on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. History’s course has come to the point under God’s providence where it has to be concluded in the Pacific Rim region. No force can stop God’s providence now. Though there were both victories and defeats during the course of indemnity under the evil sovereignty in the Era before the Coming of Heaven, now nothing can prevent the rise of the Pacific Rim era. Herein lies the special reason that Heaven declared 2007 a jubilee year.

The arrival of the Pacific Rim era signifies many things. What do you think the world would have been like if Jesus had fulfilled the complete messianic mission during his life on earth? Jesus came as the savior and Messiah to save all humankind. He did not come to save just the people of Israel, a small nation located on one end of the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, Rome, based at the center of the Mediterranean, was the center of human civilization. Rome was ready to rule the seas. Heaven earnestly wished for Jesus to teach and transform Rome first and then rule her empire. Heaven was eager to bring salvation to all humanity by working through Rome’s strong civilization. Yet Jesus was cruelly put to death on the cross, as we know all too well through the biblical record.

After thousands of years of preparation, God finally had sent Jesus to earth as His only Son. There is no way to fathom God’s heart as He anxiously watched Jesus’ each and every action. Jesus’ death was a tragedy that broke God’s heart. It brought Him anguish even more extreme than He felt at the moment Adam and Eve, whom He created as the first ancestors of humankind, were exiled from the Garden of Eden due to the Fall.

During the two thousand years after Jesus’ death on the cross, God, in the background of history, has walked a path of suffering beyond human imagination. Through this course, He prepared the United States of America to serve as the nation of the Second Israel. As a Christian nation that includes Catholicism and Protestantism as well as the Orthodox communions, the mission of the United States is to bring harmony and unity to Christianity as soon as possible and, in the twenty-first century, to fulfill the responsibility that had been the Roman Empire’s, but which was not realized in Jesus’ time. On America’s shoulders rests the responsibility within God’s providence to bring harmony and oneness among the world’s seven billion people and to expedite the creation of a peaceful, ideal world. These are not simply the words of Rev. Moon. This is Heaven’s decree to America.

Then how can we unite Christianity? God has already revealed the solution through me, Rev. Moon, the True Parent of humankind. God has given me the supreme command to practice a life of true love, to understand completely the reality of the spirit world to which we go after we die, and to establish a model, ideal family, a true family.

True families are the foundation of the peaceful ideal kingdom

Then what kind of love is true love? And what kind of family is a true family? The essence of God’s absolute true love is not to have others serve you. Rather, it is to be the first to give, to serve and care for others, and to seek the greater good. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her child in her arms and nurses her child at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, such as that of a devoted son who finds his greatest satisfaction through dedicating himself with all of his body and soul to helping his parents.

When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually increasing in the joy of each other’s company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. The value of true love is that it has the power to permanently dissolve the barriers that fallen people have created, including national, racial and even religious barriers.

The main attributes of God’s true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Therefore, those who practice true love will share God’s pleasures and pains, enjoy the right to participate as an equal in God’s work, and enjoy equal rights of inheritance. A life of service, which is a life of true love, is the absolute path to enter the kingdom of heaven. A life of true love is the way to create all things; it is the way of life for new families that live centered on God and form the ideal model of peace.

The path is now wide open for everyone to establish a true family. The family is the model by which people are to live in service to one another. The warm environment of oneness based on love and respect between parents and children, mutual fidelity and love between husband and wife, and trust and mutual reliance among siblings is the manifestation of the model, ideal family.

This means that you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bears the fruit of true love. The responsibility of tribal messiahs, the mission of ambassadors for peace, and God’s desire is to seek and set up such families of Cheon Il Guk, comprised of three generations: grandparents, parents and children, a united family that together serves the ever-present God. You have to form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has been away. You are to raise families to which God can come freely as a Parent visiting his or her children. This is what it means to live in service to God. In such a family, God is the vertical subject partner of each person’s conscience. Following God as its vertical subject partner, the mind of each family member stands in the position of that person’s own vertical subject partner. Each person needs to bring his or her mind and body into unity by following the mind.

It is in such a family that the four major types of love -- parental love, conjugal love, children’s love and siblings’ love -- are perfected. Those four types of love form the four great realms of heart. It is only in such a family that the relationships based on upper and lower, right and left, and front and back can link together and the resultant spherical motions continue. This is how God’s everlasting model, ideal families, ideal nations and peaceful ideal kingdom can be formed. If the entire world were filled with such families of true character, it would be a world of natural order in which the heavenly way and heavenly law would reign supreme. There would be no need for lawyers, prosecutors or judges.

The future of humanity depends on the Pacific Rim nations

Dear peace-loving leaders! Among the seven billion people on earth today, almost five billion are our neighbors, relatives, and brothers and sisters belonging to the Pacific Rim region. At the same time, a large segment of our fellow human beings share the root of the sphere of the Mongolian peoples. If we receive the marriage Blessing and pull together centering on God’s ideal for peace, there is nothing we cannot do. The future of humanity is now in the hands of the nations of the Pacific Rim.

Ladies and gentlemen, God’s providence has now spread from the North American continent and blossomed in the island civilization of Japan, which is in a position similar to that once held by the United Kingdom on the other side of the world. The providence is now about to fulfill its destiny by reaching fruition on the Korean Peninsula, the homeland of the True Parents, who have emerged on earth as the savior of humanity and returning Messiah.

The Korean Peninsula stands in a position similar to that of Rome in Jesus’ time. Religion and politics have the mission of resolving the world’s problems; however, the current conflict on the Korean Peninsula transcends religion and politics. From a geopolitical point of view, the Korean Peninsula persists as an arena of the most intense confrontation, despite ongoing efforts to secure peace.

The principle of restoration through indemnity makes it inevitable that civilization will bear fruit in the Pacific Rim region, centered on the Korean Peninsula. Fortunately, during the Korean War the United Nations mobilized international forces, led by the United States, to the peninsula. According to God’s Will, however, the UN forces were to have recovered the homeland and hometown of God’s desire. They did not do so, leaving the job half done. As a result, global conflict and strife emerged, which became known as the Cold War. During this period, the Korean people were deprived of their possessions and displaced, leading them to search for God.

In order to indemnify this, I established the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). I then organized the peace kingdom corps and peace kingdom police force, consisting of women on Heaven’s side who have received the marriage Blessing, who love peace, and who are willing to serve and sacrifice for the work of UPF. I have taken the lead in educating those involved with these organizations. These peace organizations stand in the forefront to bring about a world of peace, with God at the center. They will create the peaceful, ideal world that God desires. I have been assisting the six-party talks currently being held to resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and to reconcile the democratic and communist nations. I am presenting a solution based on the principles of peace and harmony rooted in the teaching of the Heavenly Parent.

At this intense time, what exactly is the role of America and the United Nations? Hawaii, located at the center of the Pacific Rim, bridges East and West, and links North and South. With the support and protection of the American continent, the Korean Peninsula would become the homeland that protects and defends the Pacific Rim region by bringing together all the island nations of the Pacific. I say this because the future of humankind lies in the preservation of the Pacific Rim region centered on Korea, Japan and the United States.

As I was well aware of Heaven’s plans for this region, I invested thirty-three of the prime years of my life in the United States, beginning in the early 1970s, for the sake of world peace. On that victorious foundation I returned to Korea, where I am working to complete the providence of establishing God’s homeland and hometown.

The responsibility of the Universal Peace Federation and the Abel UN

Ladies and gentlemen, I ask that you closely analyze the current state of affairs in the world. Although the days of communism are gone, even now, powerful nations are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to pursue their own interests aggressively at the expense of the powerless and small island nations. No small island nation by itself can deal with these nations and their economic, political or even military ambitions. They are so powerful that if they wanted to, they could dominate any smaller nation in a single day, without shedding blood.

Only when peace and security are settled in the Pacific Rim can peace for all humankind be guaranteed. As I have mentioned, the small island nations by themselves cannot contend with the great tsunami of powerful nations moving into the region. The time has come, therefore, for the small island nations in the Pacific Rim sphere to unite and build the homeland of the new godly civilization.

The small island nations dispersed in the northern and southern regions of the Pacific, on either side of the equator, as well as Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, need to work as one country, forming a union to sustain peace in the Pacific Rim civilization. This will secure peace and stability for all people. You have the responsibility to protect and save the oceanic realm, which is a lifeline upon which humanity’s future depends, from the environmental destruction and conflicts that are worsening by the day, and to shield its natural resources for the sake of peace in the future.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the purpose of resolving these problems that afflict humankind, on September 12, 2005, I proclaimed throughout all of heaven and earth the establishment of the Universal Peace Federation, which will enable God’s providence to flourish. Now it is possible for UPF to serve as an Abel-type counterpart to the United Nations in the Era after the Coming of Heaven. It will renew the Cain-type United Nations and lead the way for millions of ambassadors for peace throughout the world who have taken up the teaching of the Heavenly Parent. That is to say, my teachings on the principles of true love and the ideal of a true family absolutely will fulfill the heavenly will of creating one family under God.

The change of lineage through the cross-cultural marriage

Blessing Ladies and gentlemen, through the cross-cultural marriage Blessings that transcend religious denomination and nationality, the Universal Peace Federation will be the vanguard that carries out the great revolution of restoring the original lineage of humanity, hearkening back to Adam before the Fall. Some may laugh and say that this is impossible. Yet, where there is a will there is a way, especially if it is God’s Will. The international and cross-cultural marriage Blessings, conducted according to my teachings, are God’s work done on God’s behalf. Please think about this: What do you think will happen if people from countries such as the United States and Russia marry across the boundaries of their nations through these marriage Blessing ceremonies? The two nations will belong to one family under God, who is the eternal, absolute Lord of Creation. How could anyone aim any weapons, much less nuclear weapons, at a nation that millions of their grandchildren, descendants of their own lineage, call their home? The holy task of building the ideal kingdom of heaven, the sacred reign of peace on earth, by recovering our ideal homeland and hometown, is being carried out enthusiastically in all corners of the world. This is God’s hope for engrafting the seven billion people of the world into one lineage as a Godcentered tribe.

Beloved leaders, ladies and gentlemen, please do not miss your chance to ride on the surging currents of heavenly fortune during this important and sacred jubilee. Take the lead in protecting and developing the realm of the oceans, which cover more than seventy percent of Earth’s surface. Where else will we access the treasure stores of natural resources by which we can resuscitate the earth, fulfilling our promise to end pollution and resource depletion?

You have come to a truly significant event today. You need to join together under the Strong Korea banner. The scope of this campaign shall soon go beyond the Republic of Korea to the rest of Asia, and become a beacon that shines beyond Asia to the world. The Universal Peace Federation’s thought will engender a strong Korea because, at the root of Strong Korea, we find God’s philosophy of peace based on true love. Is there an ideology or philosophy that can surpass this philosophy of peace and the ideal of God’s true love? Heaven shall surely be triumphant!

On this meaningful occasion, please engrave this message in your hearts. The families of your good ancestors in heaven are already blessed. Numbering in the billions, they have come to earth today to listen to this message with you. This is because it is only through you, their descendants, that they can perfect themselves and advance to the positions of true parents, true teachers and true lords and owners. You must not forget the fact that the spiritual and physical worlds live and breathe together in this way and walk hand-in-hand.

Let us stand as the vanguard and pillar of the Abel UN

Your families now need to find their place in history by fulfilling their mission as members of the peace kingdom corps and the peace kingdom police force of the Abel UN, which is advancing God’s providence in the revolutionary Era after the Coming of Heaven. History will forever remember you for leading a noble life of devotion for the wellbeing of humanity and world peace, as we globally develop the peace kingdom corps and the peace kingdom police force.

I pray that you will engrave today’s message in your hearts and share it as material for educating your children, your young people, and your entire nation. May God’s blessings and grace be upon you, your families, the Pacific Rim and the Peace UN, and upon the launch of a Strong Korea.

Thank you.

A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will: The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World

Sun Myung Moon
March 7, 2012
The Strong Korea National Movement keynote address
Convention Center on Yeouido Island
Seoul, Korea


Respected Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am delighted to meet you all today. I would like to welcome you, on behalf of my family.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I am well aware that this rally today is a launch ceremony paving the way for the Strong Korea movement to actively carry out its campaign throughout Korea. Therefore, on this occasion I will explain something of the profound providential plan God has had for the Korean peninsula throughout history. I will also speak about some aspects of God's providence dealing with the Pacific Rim Era that I have announced.

Distinguished guests, at the beginning of the seventh year of Cheon Il Guk, I declared the beginning of a jubilee period in God's providence. God has greatly blessed us from that year. It is a time of jubilee the likes of which God and humankind have never experienced in thousands of years of history.

God's heart has been in pain throughout history because humanity has been confined under Satan's dominion. Humanity had endured oppression under the sovereignty of evil throughout the "era before the coming of heaven." That time has finally come to an end! 2007 was the zenith at which time it became possible for the gates to open wide to the revolutionary era after the coming of heaven, ushering in the time of a new sovereignty of goodness in which humanity could serve and attend God as the central being.

Without your being aware of it, Heaven's providence has been expanding in extraordinary ways. Now ambassadors for peace in 185 nations, numbering in the tens of thousands, have received my teachings and are working day and night in response to a special decree from God. Hence, today I would like to convey to you Heaven's message, which is entitled, "A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God's Will: The United States and the Future Direction of the United Nations and the World." It is a declaration of God's plan for His dispensation and the direction humankind should take.

Movement of Civilizations

Ladies and Gentlemen: If you carefully examine the progress of history, you will undoubtedly discover God's plan and sense His presence as He tirelessly worked behind the scenes. Consider the history of civilization, which began centering on four of the world's great rivers. We are familiar with the Egyptian civilization that flourished along the Nile River, the Mesopotamian civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the Harappan civilization on the Indus River, and early Chinese civilization around the Yellow River. The center of civilization shifted over time to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea where the Mediterranean peninsular civilizations flourished in Greece and Rome. History continued to progress and the European continental civilization emerged. This continental civilization in turn gave birth to an island civilization, Great Britain, which flourished in the Atlantic sphere. The British Empire, which dominated the seven seas and wielded its might as "the empire on which the sun never sets," passed its splendid culture on to North America. We know these facts from history.

Civilization on the North American continent raised the banner of democracy, which was rooted in Christianity. It bequeathed to the world the principles of freedom of religion and respect for equal human rights as it led the struggle against fascism and communism, which had established atheistic, evil sovereignties. Through the victories of the First and Second World Wars, and the third -- the Cold War -- it won victory over totalitarianism and communism.

However, that victory does not simply mean that America is great; the development of human civilization did not stop there. Victory came because God had chosen and raised the United States of America as the Second Israel, in accordance with His providential plan, and had raised and trained the American people through Christianity. God worked through America to bring His providence to its present stage of fruition.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The present time marks an important milestone in the development of civilization. Civilization has completed a circuit of the entire globe and has now arrived on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. History's course has come to the point under God's providence where it must be completed and concluded in the Pacific Rim region.

No force can stop God's providence now. Though there were both victories and defeats during the course of indemnity under the evil sovereignty in the era before heaven, now nothing can prevent the rise of the Pacific Rim Era. Herein lies the special reason that Heaven declared 2007 to be the beginning of the jubilee period.


New Start for the Providence

Ladies and Gentlemen: The arrival of the Pacific Rim Era signifies many things. What do you think the world would have been like if Jesus had fulfilled the complete messianic mission during his lifetime on earth? Jesus came as the Savior and Messiah, to save all humankind. He did not come just to save the people of Israel, a small nation located on a corner of the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, Rome, based at the center of the Mediterranean, was the center of human civilization. Rome was ready to rule the seas. Heaven earnestly wished for Jesus to first teach and transform Rome and then rule over her empire. Heaven was eager for a civilization that could bring salvation to all humanity by employing Rome's strength. Yet, Jesus was cruelly put to death on the cross, as we know all too well through the biblical record.

After thousands of years of preparation, God finally was able to send Jesus to earth as His only son. There is no way to fathom God's heart as He anxiously watched Jesus' each and every action. Jesus' death was a tragedy that broke God's heart. It brought Him anguish even more extreme than the time when Adam and Eve, whom He created as the first ancestors of humankind, were lost from the Garden of Eden due to the Fall.

During the two thousand years since the crucifixion, God, in the background of history, has walked a suffering path that is beyond human imagination. Through this course, He prepared the United States of America to serve as the nation of the Second Israel. As a Christian nation that includes Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as the Orthodox world, the United States' mission is to bring harmony and unity to Christianity as soon as possible -- and moreover, in the twenty-first century, to fulfill the responsibility that had been the Roman Empire's, but which was not realized in Jesus' time. On America's shoulders rests the responsibility, within God's providence, to bring harmony and oneness among the world's seven billion people and to expedite the creation of a peaceful, ideal world. These are not simply the words of Rev. Moon. This is Heaven's decree to America.

Then how can we unify Christianity? God has already revealed the solution through me, Rev. Moon, the True Parent of humankind. Through me, God has given Christians the supreme command to practice lives of true love, to understand completely the reality of the spirit world to which we go after we die, and to establish model, ideal families -- true families.

What kind of love is true love? And what kind of family is a true family? The essence of God's absolute true love is not to have others serve you. Rather, it is to be the first to give, to serve and to care for others and to seek the greater good. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her child in her arms and nurses her child at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, such as that of a devoted son who finds his greatest satisfaction through dedicating himself with all of his body and soul to helping his parents.

When we are bound together in true love, we will only ever be happy to be in each other's company. The attraction of true love brings not only the universe, but even God Himself, to follow us when we call on them. The value of true love is that it has the power to permanently dissolve the barriers that people, descended from the Fall, have created -- including national, racial and even religious barriers.

A Coming Era of Model Families

The main attributes of God's true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Therefore, whoever practices true love will share God's pleasures and pains, enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work, and enjoy the same right of inheritance. Therefore, a life of service, in other words a life of true love, is an absolute requirement for entering the kingdom of heaven. A life of true love is the way to create all things; it is the mode of life of new families that live peacefully centering on God and form peaceful ideal model families.

The path is now wide open for anyone to establish a true family. The family is the model by which people are to live in service to one another. The warm environment of oneness based on love and respect between parents and children, mutual fidelity and love between husband and wife, and trust and mutual reliance among siblings is the manifestation of the model ideal family. This means that you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bears the fruit of true love.

The responsibility of tribal messiahs, the mission of ambassadors for peace, and God's desire is to seek and set up families of Cheon Il Guk, comprised of three generations -- grandparents, parents, and children -- that together serve the ever-present God as a united family.

You should form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has been away. You should raise families to which He can come freely as a parent visiting His children. This is what it means to live in service to God. In such a family, God is the vertical subject partner of everyone's conscience. Following God as its vertical subject partner, the mind of each family member stands in the position of that person's very own vertical subject partner. Each person must bring the mind and body into unity by following the mind.

It is in such a family that the four major types of love -- parental love, conjugal love, children's love and siblings' love -- which also form the four great realms of heart, are perfected. It is only in such a family that the relationships based on upper and lower, right and left, and front and rear can be linked together and the resultant spherical motion continue. This is how God's everlasting model ideal families, ideal nations and peaceful ideal kingdom can be formed. If the entire world were filled only with such families of true character, it would be a world of natural order in which the heavenly way and heavenly law would reign supreme. There would be no need for lawyers, prosecutors or judges.

Dear Peace-loving Leaders:

Among the seven billion people on the earth today, almost five billion are our neighbors and relatives. They are our brothers and sisters of the Pacific Rim region. In other words, they are our relatives within the heritage of the Mongolian birthmark. Is there anything we cannot accomplish if we join together as one blood through receiving the blessing of marriage centering on God's peace ideal? The future of humanity is now in the hands of the nations of the Pacific Rim.

Ladies and Gentlemen: God's providence has now spread from the North American continent and blossomed in the island civilization of Japan, which is in the same position that Britain once held. It is now about to fulfill its destiny by reaching fruition on the Korean peninsula, the homeland of the True Parents, who have appeared as the Savior of humanity and the returning Messiah.


The Position of Korea in the Modern World

The Korean peninsula stands in the same position as Rome did in Jesus' time, in that it is considered a conflict zone transcending the spheres of religion and politics that must resolve all the world's problems. From a geopolitical point of view, the Korean peninsula persists as an arena of the most intense confrontation, despite the ongoing efforts on the part of all to secure peace.

The principles of restoration through indemnity make it inevitable that civilization will bear fruit in the Pacific Rim region, centered on the Korean peninsula. Fortunately, during the Korean War, the UN Forces, led by the United States, were, thankfully, mobilized to the peninsula. Yet, they did not recover the homeland and hometown of God's desire as they should have, according to God's will, and they left the job half done. As a result, global conflict and strife emerged, soon to be called the Cold War. As a result of this, the Korean people lost their property and were displaced, leading them to search for God.

In order to restore this through indemnity, I established the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) seven years ago. I then organized the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom Police Force, comprising heavenly women who have received the marriage blessing, who love peace, and who are willing to serve and sacrifice for the work of the Universal Peace Federation. I have taken the lead in educating those involved with these organizations. These peace organizations stand in the forefront for actualizing a world of peace centering on God. They will create the peaceful, ideal world that God desires.

You may not be aware of this, but I have been assisting behind the scenes of the Six Party Talks that were being held for the sake of resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, and working to reconcile democratic nations with communist nations. I am presenting a solution based on the principles of peace and harmony rooted in the new ideology of the Heavenly Father.

At such pressing times, what exactly should the role of America and the United Nations be? Hawaii in the Pacific, located at the center of the Pacific Rim, bridge East and West, and link North and South. With the support and protection of the American continent, the Korean peninsula should become the homeland that protects and defends the Pacific Rim region by bringing together all the island nations of the Pacific. I say this because the future of humankind lies in the preservation of the Pacific Rim region centering on Korea, Japan and the United States.

As I was well aware of Heaven's plans for this region, I invested thirty-three of the prime years of my life in the United States, beginning in the early 1970s, for the sake of world peace. On that victorious foundation, I returned to Korea, where I am working to complete the providence of establishing God's homeland and hometown.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I ask that you analyze the current state of affairs in the world closely. Although the days of communism are gone, even now powerful nations are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to pursue their own interests aggressively at the expense of the powerless and small island nations. No small island nation by itself can deal with these powerful nations and their economic, political or even military ambitions. They are so powerful that if they wanted to, they could dominate any smaller nation in a single day, without shedding blood.

Only when peace and security are settled in the Pacific Rim can peace for all humankind be guaranteed. As I have mentioned, the small island nations by themselves cannot contend with the great tsunami of powerful nations moving into the region. The time has come, therefore, for all these small island nations in the Pacific Rim sphere to unite and build the homeland of the new, godly civilization.

The small island nations dispersed in both the northern and southern regions of the Pacific, on either side of the equator, as well as Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Solomon Islands, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, should become like one country, forming a union to sustain peace to the Pacific Rim civilization. This will secure peace and stability for all people.

What I am saying to you is that you have the responsibility to protect and save the oceanic realm, which is a lifeline upon which humanity's future depends, from the environmental destruction and conflicts that are worsening by the day, and to shield its natural resources for the sake of peace in the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen: For the purpose of resolving these problems afflicting humankind, on September 12, 2005, I proclaimed throughout all of heaven and earth the establishment of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), which will enable God's providence to flourish. Now, it is possible for UPF to serve as an Abel-type counterpart to the UN in the era after the coming of heaven. It will renew the Cain-type United Nations and lead the way for millions of ambassadors for peace throughout the world who have taken up the ideology of the Heavenly Father, that is, my teachings -- which consist of the principles of true love and the ideal of a true family -- to without fail, fulfill the heavenly will of creating one family under God.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Through the cross-cultural marriage blessings that transcend religious denomination and nationality, the Universal Peace Federation will be the vanguard that carries out the great revolution of restoring the original lineage of humanity, hearkening back to Adam before the Fall. Some may laugh and say that this is impossible. Yet, where there is a will there is a way, especially if it is God's will. The international and cross-cultural marriage blessings are conducted according to the teachings of Rev. Moon, who does God's work on His behalf. Please think about this: What do you think will happen if people from the United States and countries such as Russia marry across the boundaries of their nationalities through these marriage blessing ceremonies? The two nations will belong to one family under God, the eternal, absolute Lord of all creation. How could anyone aim weapons at, much less launch nuclear weapons at, a nation that many millions of grandchildren from their own lineage make their home?

The holy task of building the ideal kingdom of heaven -- the sacred reign of peace on earth -- by recovering our ideal homeland and hometown, is being carried out enthusiastically in all corners of the world. This is God's hope for engrafting the seven billion people of the world to the lineage of the true tribe.

Beloved Leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen: Please do not miss your chance to ride on the surging currents of heavenly fortune during this important and sacred jubilee. Take the lead in protecting and developing the realm of the oceans, which cover seventy-five percent of the earth. Where else will you find undiscovered treasure-stores of natural resources that hold the promise of reviving the earth, which is endangered by all kinds of pollution and resource depletion?

You have truly come to a significant event today. You should now join together under the Strong Korea banner. The scope of this campaign shall soon go beyond the Republic of Korea to the rest of Asia, and become the beacon that shines beyond Asia to the world. The Universal Peace Federation's ideology shall be a cry for a strong Korea because at the root of Strong Korea is God's philosophy of peace based on true love. Is there an ideology or philosophy that can surpass this philosophy of peace and the ideal of God's true love? Heaven shall surely be triumphant!

On this meaningful occasion, please engrave this message on your hearts. The families of your good ancestors in heaven are already blessed. Numbering in the billions, they have come to earth today, and they are listening to this message with you. This is because it is only through you, their descendants, that they can perfect themselves and advance to the positions of true parents, true teachers and true lords and owners. You should not forget the fact that the spiritual and physical worlds live and breathe together in this way and walk hand-in-hand.

Your families should now find their place in history by fulfilling their missions as members of the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom Police Force of the Abel UN, which is advancing God's providence in the revolutionary era after the coming of heaven. History will forever remember you for leading a noble life of devotion for the well-being of humanity and world peace. I am now developing globally the Peace Kingdom Corps and the Peace Kingdom Police Force, which I founded. I hope to see the heroic sight of you holding the UPF flag [Universal Peace Federation -- the Abel UN] standing in the vanguard of the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom Police Force and shouting for a strong Korea.

I pray that you will engrave today's message in your hearts and use this message as material for educating your children, the youth in your country and the people of your nation. May God's blessings and grace be upon you, your families, the Pacific Rim and the Peace UN, and upon the launch of a "Strong Korea."

Thank you.