Moon Talks — SunHak Institute of History USA

You Can Understand How Difficult True Parents' Course Has Been

Sun Myung Moon
July 16. 2012
The Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly
Chung Pyung (HC 5.27)

Sun Myung Moon - July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon - July 16. 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"There are two speeches, speech A and speech B. A: Cosmic Assembly for the Proclamation of the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Word of the True Substance. Through speech A, you can understand how difficult True Parents' course has been.

Speech B is the keynote speech of the Abel Women UN Inauguration Assembly. There have been many religions which believed in Heavenly Father but don't have a concept of Heavenly Mother. That has been a shameful fact. The speech B is to eradicate such history."

"From the first day when I started to fly like a mosquito, like an ant, and like a bee, my path has never been an easy one. Since I was surrounded by enemies to whom I could not go to greet, it was difficult to reveal the power behind them, I started to learn about in a way the center can expand. In learning it, I realized that I wasn't alone: when I faced some difficulties, I heard the absolute voice (절대음성) in the air that said "Don't move." So I became a person who could live with the absolute voice, which nobody knew. When I was 17 years old while living such life, a person called Jesus came to call me 'Elder brother Yong Myung (용명형님).'

I didn't use my Korean name those days because of the Japanese but he knew it.

(Katsumi: During the Japanese occupation, Koreans were forced to change their names to Japanese names)

I said to him, 'Who are you?' He said, "I came here today to go with you to join the marriage. I know it will be difficult for you but what do you think if you join me in being married?'"

"It was before I became 4 years old. I could understand everything people said in Korean. My grandparents and their daughters-in-law got together once regarding me, whose nick name was 'small-eyed boy of Osan house,' but they couldn't treat me as they liked. I heard the absolute voice, that said 'Yong Myung! You will go with your grandpa and what do you think of it? I know that you have heavenly wisdom which enables you to judge and evaluate fortune tellers and spiritualists, but your grandparents don't know it and so I am sorry they asked you, a child, to do so. I am sorry that you will be asked to do things, and all through your life, I will exchange questions and answers with you. You need to know clearly what kind of life you will lead, but you can guess now you must start your life for something fundamental.' I had heard such absolute voice many times."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han- July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ha Han- July 16. 2012

"Today you are here in this honorable place. Those who like and praise me, raise your hand? (All did) If you were truly so, all Korean people could have been digested by you. When have you praised me in public? Why have you lived shutting up your mouth? You say you have praised and loved me? You are all liars. There hasn't been a president or minister in a country who loves and praises me thinking they must protect me, who can make the country's future bright. How can you repent on such a shameful fact? Without repenting, you say, 'I have been attending Rev. Moon.' When have you attended me?"

"Abel Women UN. We haven't had 'mother.' People have said 'Heavenly Father,' but who can fix the problems among religions and restore the authority of the country? We don't have a woman yet who can represent the Abel Women UN. Since Adam couldn't fulfill his responsibility, he lost Eve. Eve kicked out Father, heaven and earth, and I have found and educated Mother preparing her to attend. With the strong determination that I will put Mother in the position of the wife of Adam who represents the Creator, I have been recreating Mother throughout my life so that I can present her in front of the whole world with such a status, even if they strongly oppose it."

"When I was 17 years old, Jesus suddenly appeared to me in February, he called me 'Elder brother Yong Myung.' He said to me 'Let's go to the Blessing ceremony.' Did he know that the God of Night and the God of Day were separated and fighting each other? I, in order to find his identity, asked 'Who are you?' Then he, smiling, said, 'Why did you ask when you already know it? When the time has come again, I will come back to you, and if you don't listen to me, I will just take you or I will be taken out. We have to choose one of them.'"

"'Distinguished guests from 193 and 194 nations.'

(Katsumi: in the printed speech, it says only '193')

Why did they take 193 out here? This is important: it should be '193 and 194 nations.'

(Reading his speech) "I'm not sure when I can speak to you again in such detail like today."

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - July 16. 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon - July 16. 2012

The following are some quotations from the speech Father read:

All of this is being undertaken in accordance with the message Rev. Moon revealed in his speech at the establishment of Women's Federation: "We must define what it is to be True Mother and True Wife through attending True Mother who is the victorious representative of all women around the world. We must realize the ideal families through True Love movement. Then, we must wage the movement to realize the True Love of 'living for the sake of others' in every part of the society so that we may realize world peace."

'Women's Federation' must advance even further now. It must go beyond the next step, to walk the path of the creation of a peaceful world through joining the forces together with other NGOs and women leaders of the world. The establishment of the 'Abel Women UN', which will go beyond the level of women NGO and bring the governments around the world together, is absolutely necessary, and it is also the command of God which must be obeyed.

I would like to emphasize once again that the priority of 'Abel Women UN' should be the true family movement of living for the sake of others, based on true love, carried out in conjunction with proper values education. War and conflict arises from selfish motives of desiring to take others' land, possessions or the like by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for the sake of others, that is, giving based on true love.

Women are not there to help or to be protected by men; rather, they are independent individuals who, as representatives of the feminine aspect of God's nature, are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centering on True Love, women are the precious partners of love to men. In terms of value, men and women are absolutely equal beings. Men and women who unite through the True Love of original ideal share the same position. Also, they attain the right to be with each other wherever they may be. Furthermore, they attain the ideal right of inheritance, where each other's properties will belong to each other equally. Thus, men and women, who are brought into oneness through original love under God's ideal of true love, have been created to become completely equal beings, centered on true love, by sharing not only the same rank and the right of participation but also their possessions with one another.

I sincerely ask you to walk the path of True Mother, the path of True Wife, the path of True Daughter, and the path of True Women Leaders who will build the unified world where freedom, peace, and happiness in its truest sense overflow. 

Keynote Speech at the Inauguration of the Abel Women’s UN

Sun Myung Moon
July 16, 2012
Inauguration of the Abel Women’s UN
Cheongshim Peace World Center, Korea

Photo: Belvedere, 1974 or 1975

Photo: Belvedere, 1974 or 1975

I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the woman leaders, peace leaders and members of the Women’s Federation of World Peace (WFWP) from one hundred ninety-four nations, who have come to the Cheongshim Peace World Center in Korea to take part in the historic Abel Women’s UN Inauguration Assembly.

From our early days, my wife and I have upheld Heaven’s will and proclaimed the vision of the peaceful world originally envisioned at the time of the Creation. We have come here today, having returned from America after completing our busy providential schedule there, in order to establish the Abel Women’s UN. It has the mission of realizing the providential goal of creating, on earth, a world of lasting peace, without conflict or war.

As my wife and I have already proclaimed, Korea is God’s homeland. Therefore, this inaugural assembly for the Abel Women’s UN, which will play the providential role of leading the establishment of a new world of peace, had to take place here in Korea in accordance with God’s will.

Beloved woman leaders from around the world, as you are well aware, representatives of all the world’s peoples, who had been suffering from the aftermath of the Second World War, founded the United Nations according to God’s will and with a yearning for peace. In June 1945, representatives from fifty nations met in San Francisco in the United States of America to sign the United Nations Charter. Today, with one hundred ninety three member nations, the United Nations has developed into a unique organization in the world with the purpose of maintaining global peace.

Respected peace-seeking leaders from around the world, what is today’s reality? During the sixty years of the United Nations’ existence, it has been unable to prevent wars from breaking out, including the Korean War. Even though the Cold War has ended, the world is not free from wars, both large and small, that originate from conflicts between rich and poor, between races, and between people of different faiths. Hasn’t the UN experienced repeated breakdowns of its efforts to fulfill its original purpose and mission to maintain global peace?

At the time of its inauguration, the UN was shaped by a compromise between the United States and the former Soviet Union produced under the confrontational structure of the Cold War. From the outset, its ability to transcend individual nations’ interests and to bring about lasting world peace was limited. For this reason I have proclaimed that in terms of God’s will, the UN has been unable to emerge from the position of Cain. Therefore we emphasize that the renewal of the UN is absolutely critical to building a world of lasting peace as originally envisioned at the time of the Creation.

To realize this renewal in a concrete form, I maintain that an Abel-type interreligious and international peace council needs to be organized within the United Nations. I propose a reorganization of the UN into a bicameral system within the present UN General Assembly. The arena of individual nations with their competing interests can serve as the lower house, and the interreligious and international peace council consisting of global religious leaders can serve as the upper house. I already have presented this proposal of renewal to the UN, and the Philippines, as a co-sponsoring nation, has done so as well.

Respected peace leaders, the UN has run into a brick wall. It is unable to move beyond balancing the various interests of individual nations. Isn’t that the case? In history up to now, we have depended on governmental organizations mostly managed by men to bring about global peace. Now, however, to surmount the limitations they have demonstrated, I believe that a women’s peace movement based on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) needs to take root as a new system to resolve problems that arise in the field. One individual or one NGO alone cannot carry out this women’s peace movement; rather, it is only possible through a global organization exercising global solidarity. For this reason today’s inauguration of the Abel Women’s UN is absolutely necessary.

Today’s historic, inaugural assembly of the Abel Women’s UN was made possible by the foundation of the declaration of the coming of the global era of women. Twenty years ago, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon and I declared this era, when we founded the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) in April 1992 as a central organization of the women’s peace movement, in accordance with Heaven’s decree. The event took place at the Seoul Olympic Stadium in Jamshil, and woman representatives from more than seventy nations and one hundred fifty thousand Korean woman leaders attended. Since then, WFWP, which this year celebrates its twentieth anniversary, has established local chapters and has been active in more than one hundred sixty nations. It has continuously participated in the global peace movement by creating networks that carry out peace efforts.

Furthermore, the Women’s Federation for World Peace does not intend to be an ordinary women’s organization. It does not aim to be an external, political and aggressive women’s rights movement mainly targeting men, which advocates the expansion of women’s rights, gender equality and reform of the workplace. Rather, it is a global peace movement on a whole new level with the providential significance of realizing the ideal world as God envisioned it at the Creation.

In the context of such providential significance, during the past twenty years, WFWP has carried out service projects and education programs based on true motherly love. It has been active in all parts of the globe, establishing families that embody true love and elevate the status of mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. It has achieved amazing growth and development throughout the world.

From the moment of its inauguration, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon and I have worked together as co-founders to prepare the ground for WFWP’s global organization and the foundation for WFWP activities. WFWP members,including the sixteen hundred Japanese members who went to one hundred sixty nations as volunteer workers in its early days, have carried forth a peace movement around the world.

At WFWP’s inaugural assembly, my wife said in her inaugural message that, under True Mother as the victorious representative of the world’s women, women can now establish the model of a true mother and true wife and form ideal families through a true love movement. Furthermore, women can carry out a campaign to exemplify the practice of true love by living for the sake of others in all walks of life, including politics, economics, culture and social work.

Accordingly, we have carried out a variety of volunteer projects and educational programs, as well as campaigns to bring about the resolution and reconciliation of international conflicts, transcending the barriers of race, religion, language and nationality.

In addition, after the special address my wife gave at the UN headquarters in New York in September 1993, and based on three years of hard work, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) approved the Women’s Federation for World Peace as an NGO in general consultative status, which is the highest status given to an NGO. Since then, every four years after our approval, our status has been re-approved. This ECOSOC re-evaluation entails a strict assessment of activities and achievements. It is safe to say that ECOSOC recognizes our true value, because among the more than three thousand nine hundred NGOs affiliated with the United Nations, only one hundred forty have this highest status.

Our WFWP Women’s Conference for Peace in the Middle East, which has been held every year since 1997, has attracted widespread interest and participation from woman leaders of the Middle East nations. Over the years, it has expanded and recently given birth to more concrete activities in the field, about which I am glad to be able to report. At the end of June this year 2012, WFWP sponsored the sixteenth annual Middle East conference, held as a session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations Office at Geneva. The subject was Children Affected by Conflict and Disaster: Prevention, Protection, Healing and Empowerment. Women leaders from eighteen nations in the Middle East, diplomatic officials, including ambassadors to the United Nations in Geneva from around the world, and representatives from UN agencies and global NGOs attended the conference. About one hundred eighty participants came together, discussed this serious, contemporaneous problem, and resolved to apply the results of their discussions in the field.

Furthermore, each WFWP chapter is also providing relief aid to address problems caused by natural calamities and poverty in various parts of the global village. In particular, under the slogan, “Let us share a little of what we have,” they are carrying out the 1% Love Share Project to help children and women in North Korea. I am very happy to tell you that they have achieved wonderful results.

As can be seen, from WFWP’s founding to its reaching the highest consultative status as an NGO at the United Nations, our members have never lost their founding spirit and have quietly pioneered the path of a woman’s peace movement with an unwavering heart. Therefore, I would like to offer a big round of applause to express my utmost gratitude to them, and also to the woman leaders who have never held back in their encouragement and participation.

However, the work for world peace WFWP carried out until now need not remain at its current stage. It has the potential to expand and develop to the next stage, so that it can work together in solidarity and cooperation with woman leaders and NGOs from all parts of the world, and strive to follow the path of the ultimate establishment of the world of peace.

In order to do that, WFWP has to go beyond the level of a women’s NGO, bring together the governments, organizations and individuals across the world and march forward. The establishment of a great organization under the name Abel Women’s UN is absolutely necessary to bring this about. It is, in fact, the absolute decree of God’s providence.

As we usher in such a cosmically historic and revolutionary era of changes, my wife and I solemnly declare the inauguration of the Abel Women’s UN. We urge all women in the world, who make up half of its population, to recognize their historic mission as stated above and to expand their work to all parts of the globe.

Beloved woman leaders who seek peace, what path does humankind need to take today? In the end, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of one family under God, which is the system of thought based on true love that my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. These ideals alone represent the path that will lead humanity to a world of everlasting peace and happiness.

We are living in a historic time of a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or delay it. Heaven has already proclaimed that the thirteenth day of the first month in 2013 by the lunar calendar will be its Foundation Day.

Therefore, it is a time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. I hope you will bear in mind that a fateful time is approaching, and that we need to devote ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for the remaining time under the guidance of True Parents, who are carrying out the providence on earth as the substantial selves of God, the King of peace.

Beloved woman leaders, the course for humanity is set. Now that we have Foundation Day, the “D-Day” that Heaven has given us through True Parents, what reason is there to hesitate? We now have less than a year. Heaven will bless your endeavors to establish a world of peace based on the Abel Women’s UN.

However, I would like to emphasize again that the priority of the Abel Women’s UN needs to be creating a true family movement that emphasizes living for the sake of others based on true love and carried out in conjunction with education in proper values. War and conflict arise from selfish motives, desiring to take others’ land, others’ possessions and the like by force. On the other hand, peace arises from investing oneself for the sake of others, that is, giving based on true love.

Those leaders who turn their faces away from the new realities of the world, or who refuse to see them, will be cast aside by the changes coming upon us like a tsunami. I believe the time has now come for us to step forward boldly and seize new opportunities and values.

Beloved woman leaders, you are not here merely to help or to be protected by men; rather, women are interdependent individuals who, as representatives of the feminine aspect of God’s nature, are meant to make men more complete and manly. Centering on true love, women are men’s precious love partners. Men and women are absolutely equal in terms of value.

Men and women who unite through the true love inherent in the original ideal share the same position. Also, they attain the right to accompany each other wherever they may be. Furthermore, they attain the ideal right of inheritance, where all their property belongs to each equally. Thus, when the original love unites men and women in God’s ideal of true love, they become completely equal beings, focused on true love, by sharing the same rank and the right of participation and their possessions with one another.

Therefore, men and women do not need to confront or contend with each other, because they do not need to imitate the characteristics, dispositions or roles of the other or to covet those things and take them by force. Instead, by giving what they have to the other with true love, and completing the other, they can unite in a greater whole and share in a relationship of joint ownership.

In the twenty-first century, women need to play a major role in world history by serving, together with men, as the wheels of the vehicle advancing the construction of a peaceful world. Transitioning beyond a century of power and technology, women will be the central axis in building a new century characterized by its loving, peaceful culture, and their role will be more important than ever before.

I sincerely ask you to choose the path of a true mother, the path of a true wife, of a true daughter and of a true woman leader who will build a united world where freedom, peace and happiness overflow in its truest form.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for having listened closely right to the end of my speech. I pray that God’s blessing will be with you, your families and your work.

Thank you.

My Grandparents Couldn't Treat Me As They Liked

Sun Myung Moon
July 13, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.24)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Mrs.McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "New Messiah and the Official Providential History." She read,

"Due to the evil subject partner, the fall happened. If not for it, which is called "Satan," the restoration of humankind could have been realized in a shorter period. Those who lead a life of prayer know that Satan and evil spirits exist. It has been a serious issue why absolute God can't punish such existences at an instant moment."

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"(To establish the Abel Women UN) is a new and special program which renews the position of woman."

"My grandfathers and grandmothers couldn't treat me as they liked. Seven women that are my mother and my sisters couldn't dominate me. All of my elder sisters liked me the most, and if they hadn't listened to me, they would have been stuck in a dilemma."

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and Hyung Jin Moon – June 1, 2012

It Isn't Necessary to Experience Receiving Revelations

Sun Myung Moon
July 10, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.21)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "One God and One World Religion." She read,


"It isn't necessary in living our daily lives to experience the extrasensory world by becoming spiritual or receiving revelations. I would like to say it is more difficult than anything else to systematize the facts behind such experiences and connect them to our daily lives. A spiritual phenomenon is ephemeral, but the truth is eternal."

After the reading, all sang "올챙이와 개구리," (Tadpoles and Frogs) and "곰세마리" (The same roof Daddy) for Shin Pyeon Nim.


In Jin Nim, Hyung Jin Nim, and Rev. Yang presented True Parents large photos of the celebration of the 30th Blessing anniversary of 2075 Blessed Couples held in front of the Madison Square Garden, news coverage of the event, and their gift for True Parents (a statue of a couple of whale which are tossing their young). Father gave his autographs on the photos.

The sister who takes care of Shin Pyeon Nim sang "진도아리랑," (Jindo Arirang) In Jin Nim sang "Amazing Grace," and all sang "희망의 나라로." (Into the Kingdom of Hope) 

I Will Establish the Women's UN

Sun Myung Moon
July 9, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.20)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt continued to read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "New Messiah and the Official Providential History."

"I always come to Las Vegas tuning in to the providential time, but you have been always indifferent to it. At least I myself greet Heaven with the candle light on, which becomes a condition. The restoration of history is the battle of making conditions. Do you understand?"

"When I go to Korea this time, I will establish the Women's UN."

"The Secretary-General of the UN is 문기반 (Moon Ki Ban: Rev. Moon's base)."

(Katsumi: Current UN Secretary-General is Mr. Ban Ki Moon, and Father interprets his name in a reversed way as "Moon Ki Ban." "Ki Ban" means "base.")

"Even in difficult days, if you light the candle for prayer from 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., Satan can't appear after that, and it will be Heaven's time."

"God comes to and wants to live with us even if we ask Him not to come. I attend Him every day at the Cheon Jeong Gung."

"My lifespan is originally 117 years, and if I live that long, you will go to the spirit world before I do. I was born from a different sperm."

(Father heard the report that they were preparing a 3D video clip to show on the Foundation Day. Putting 3D glasses, he said) "Video viewers couldn't be as excited as the video shooters because they couldn't see things in three dimensions. They would be able to feel reality when they see the 3D video clip. I gave the direction to Kajikuri (Rev. Kajikuri, the president of the Unification Church in Japan) to develop a camera which can take pictures of the spirit world. In the future, we will watch reality in the spirit world through pictures rather than watching 3D movies. Jesus comes to me to greet me, and when you see such a reality, you will stop daydreaming. Then we won't need any lecturers to educate. We need, not 통신 (通信: communications), but 통화 (通畵: visual communications). Furthermore, we need, not 통화 (通畵: visual communications), but something substantial which nobody can deny.

(Katsumi: In Father 's speech of 천지인참부모정착 실체말씀선포 천주대회, he says 新實體 映象時代 到來 / 신실체 영상시대 도래: Advent of the Era of Picture of the New Substance) 

Is There Anybody Who Has Committed No Sin

Sun Myung Moon
July 6, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.17)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "New Messiah and the Official Providential Course."

"Is there anybody who has committed no sin, has a pure blood lineage and resembles (True) parents?"

"Since Eve made a mistake and turned things upside down, there has been no Eve, mother or daughter who can represent perfected Eve."

All participants sang "올챙이와 개구리" (Tadpoles and Frogs) for Shin Pyeon Nim, and "마음의 자유천지." (Freedom of the mind of heaven and earth)

Below are photos taken at the closing ceremony of "5-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for New Tribal Messiahs in Preparation for the Foundation Day and the Restoration of God's Homeland (기원절과 조국광복을 위한 신종족적 메시아 원리 본체론 5일 특별교육)," which took place on HC 5. 16 (July 5, 2012).


The banner, which was made for the 30-Day workshop (HC 5.12 to 6.12), has been used for subsequent workshops.


What is Good and What is Evil?

Sun Myung Moon
July 5, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.16)


Note: These notes are from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive translation and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "The Ideal World for God and Humankind." She read,

"What is 'good' and what is 'evil'? Any human being doesn't want to fail, and we know that if one belongs to the good side, they will prosper, and if they are on the evil side, they will fail. 'Good side' means to stand in the position that takes the same direction with Heaven on individual, familial, tribal, national and worldwide levels. On the other hand, 'evil side' means to take the opposite direction. What is the origin of 'evil'? It is to betray God's will. We know 'evil' came out through the fall and we must go the opposite direction of the fall in order to eliminate evil."

Prior to Mr. Seung Ryong Moon's Sunghwa (성화: "ascension" in Unificationism), Father had stayed all night offering Jeong Seong before holding Hoon Dok Hae for a couple of days as if he had known it in advance. Father did the same before Mr. Duk Moon Eom's Sunghwa (HC 5.12 / July 1, 2012).

(Katsumi: Father mentioned Mr. Eom in his autobiography. He met Father when they studied at Waseda University in Japan.)

When Father heard the news, he ordered flowers to be sent to Mr. Eom's Sunghwa ceremony, and said "When he comes to the spirit world, True Parents will put things in order (영계에 오면 참부모님께서 정리를 해주시겠다)."

(Katsumi: Father uses the term "True Parents" either to mean "God as Internal or Incorporeal True Parents" or "Rev. and Dr. Moon as External or Corporeal True Parents." I think Father means God by "True Parents" in this case.)

Father told Rev. Seuk to hold the ceremony, and gave Mr. Eom his calligraphy writing "天心親舊"(천심친구: Friend of Heavenly Heart).

Mr. Eom once said to Father, "You are not my friend, but a teacher, great sage and philosopher."


Here is as a photo taken during the Sunghwa ceremony of Mr. Eom. 

I Am A Truly Scary Person

Sun Myung Moon
July 3, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.14)

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 30, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 30, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "New Messiah and the Official Providential History of God." In the speech Father said:

"God is the Internal God, and Adam and Eve are to be the external God. God created human beings as His substantial object partner of love. God, dwelling in Adam and Eve, will become our Parent. If so, the first son will be born of God's lineage of love. So is the second son. Due to the fall, the first son became that of Satan. If not for the fall, centering on God's love, God could have had His son through Adam and Eve. Satan came to occupy God's position, and therefore, human beings came to be in a position where they have two owners, God and Satan. Since Satan knows that too, it can't take human beings without conditions. The first love in the fall came through the relationship with Satan, but the second one, though it was still the fall, came through the relationship with Adam. Adam was to be Eve's husband that God gives and is to be the owner of love."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 30, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 30, 2012

After the reading, Rev. Yang read the report from Mrs. Nan Yeong Moon, the president of WFWP regarding her visit with Yeon Ah Choi Nim (Hyo Jin Nim's wife) to the Middle East.

"A truly scary person, who is more scary than the God of Night and the God of Day, is me. Do you know that?"

"I told you to bury Do Soon Im (임도순) close to the grave of ex-president (of the Unification Church) Eu."

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 30, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – June 30, 2012

"'Harvard' means 해봐도 (Heboado: even you try) 안된다 (you can't make it)."

"You are all Divine Principle lecturers. Who taught you the principle and others? I did, but I didn't fully teach you the meaning of 팔정식 (八定式: the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages) yet."

"Learn how to fish. You must do it, and I won't give you responsibility otherwise." 

Heaven Has Been Looking For Something Clean

Sun Myung Moon
July 2, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.13)

Sun Myung Moon – July 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – July 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

During Mrs. McDevitt's reading of Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "Ideal World for God and Humankind," Father began to speak.

"Heaven has been looking for 'something clean (깨끗한 것)' for thousands of years. It is wrong that those who cannot be clean think that it can be done within several months. You must be registered. You have to be registered to the nation that Satan hates most, by throwing away your nation and all you have. You haven't known what the tradition is. The tradition that has been talked in the Unification Church is that of cleanness. Rev. Moon has been responsible for the whole in order to establish the 'tradition of cleanness (께끗한 전통)."

"The nation you will be registered to is different from those in the secular world. Do you know what the registration means? In order to be registered, one must deny all, including their parents, that have been related to them from their birth in this fallen world."

(Counting the number with his right hand fingers, starting from the number 4) "God's creation starts like this. 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. (Hitting the coffee table) The number 13 must be passed."

"I am the person who knows where I came from. The sperm is different."

"I promised to make and give 국새 (國璽: the seal of state)."

(Katsumi: Father also says "옥새 / 玉璽: Royal seal" instead of "국새 / 國璽: the seal of state.)

Mrs. McDevitt ("악어떼" (This Old Man) and "곰세마리" (The same roof Daddy)) and Rev. Hyung Jin Moon ("Top of the World") sang for Shin Pyeon Nim. Then he and Yeon Ah Nim sang "If I can dream" in Korean. Father said, "The songs we sing here will be included in our holy songs in the future, and they will be the preparation songs for attending and living with the Second Messiah."

"(When I was) 13, 14 years old, I was so interested as to what kind of bride I need to look for." 

I Came To Give Blessings

Sun Myung Moon
July 1, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5.12)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Prior to the meeting, True Parents cut the cake to commemorate the 30th Blessing anniversary of 2075 couples, and received flowers from a representative couple.

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "One God and One World Religion." After the reading, Rev. Yang talked about the Blessing ceremony that took place at the Madison Square Garden 30 years ago. In his address, he positioned the 2075 couples as good ancestors, like Pilgrim Fathers of the new world. He also reported that In Jin Nim invited to New York all of them as well as their children to have a commemorative gathering that day. He said he had received lots of letters from them who all expressed limitless gratitude towards True Parents.


Then Rev. Yang read a report on Kook Jin Nim's arrival the day before in London. According to the report, Kook Jin Nim said at Hoon Dok Hae next day that the ideal world of Cheon Il Guk, which is the conclusive essence of "Divine Principle Original Copy" written by Father in 1952, is the "freedom society," and Kook Jin Nim explained clearly the necessity of practicing the absolute value (절대가치) in all fields of the society that True Parents have advocated. Rev. Yang said Kook Jin Nim would have a meeting with the Korean ambassador for England, and then have a banquet inviting Ministers of Defense and generals of the armies from European countries at the Houses of Parliament in London, where he would also give his address "Strong Korea" to the leaders from all fields.

Mrs. McDevitt sang "올챙이와 개구리" (Tadpoles and Frogs) and "곰세마리." (The same roof Daddy) Rev. Hur sang "울산 아리랑." (Ulsan Arirang) Rev. Hyung Jin Moon sang "Top of the World."

As leaving Father said, "I came to give blessings, not misfortune. ("Thank you Father.") The blessing of blessings is to establish kingdoms of heaven and earth." Then Father told the sister who takes care of Shin Pyeon Nim to sing, and she sang "진도 아라랑." (Progress Arirang) Then Rev. Yang and all sang "고향무정," (Heartless home) which concluded the meeting that day. 

The Fall, God, Lucifer, Adam and Eve

Sun Myung Moon
July 1, 2012
Compilation of Father's words

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 23, 2012

God, Lucifer, Adam and Eve

"What kind of enemy is Satan? It is the enemy of love. It is adulterer. It violated Eve, who would have been God's body and God's wife. If Christians of nowadays listen to my words, they will tumble down, popping their eyes. What I know is beyond comparison with what they believe." (Dec. 15, 1985)

Below are "what Father knows" regarding the relationship of God, Lucifer, Adam and Eve, which were given at public meetings this year and the year before.

1. God and Lucifer

a. Lucifer as God's younger brother

"Lucifer is in the position of a brother to God. The God of Night created Lucifer, and then who created Adam and Eve? (The) God (of Night) created them through and together with Lucifer." (HC 8. 5 / Sept. 2, 2011)

"Lucifer is God's younger brother. When God created the cosmos and Adam and Eve, it was Lucifer who helped Him. Do you know that? He is God's younger brother. (Father made a surprised face.)" (HC 8. 10 / Sept. 4, 2011)

"Who is Lucifer? It is God's younger brother. Therefore God created Adam and Eve together with His brother (동생과 더불어 아담해와를 창조했어). Lucifer existed before Adam was created, did he? You didn't know this." (HC 3. 21 / May 11, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"Did you know that God and Lucifer cooperated with each other in creating Adam and Eve? It was Yong Myung Moon who revealed it." (HC 4. 28 HC / June. 17, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"It is God and His younger brother that created Adam and Eve. Nobody knew it. In the equal position with God (하나님과 대등한 자리에 있어가지고), (Lucifer) created Adam and Eve." (HC 5. 6 / June. 25, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"I recently revealed this: did God have a brother or not? What do you think? God created Adam, Eve and the angelic world not only by Himself. Nobody knows this. I found out as the responsible person for this world that God didn't create Adam only by Himself. Then who created His brother? God, in order to become the Elder Brother, created His younger brother, the archangel, which is 종 / servant. God couldn't do the creation by Himself, but did it together with His brother. God and His brother, as the subject and object partners, discussed and supported each other for the purpose. Without a partner, there is no happiness and so in the process of creation there was '형 / Elder Brother' and '동생 / younger brother.' God, together with His younger brother, started to create Adam and Eve." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"Lucifer -- can't go up to Father's position. There is only one God and Lucifer can't go to that position from the position of brother." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

b. Promise between God and Lucifer

"Why did God create His brother half-perfected and started to create Adam and Eve? Adam and Eve would have been the son and daughter of '형 / Elder Brother (God)' and there was an amazing promise that after Adam and Eve started their family, the Elder Brother (God) would give an even better son and daughter for His '동생 / younger brother.' That's why Lucifer as the younger brother, was happy in the process of creation. From this perspective, the beginning of the cosmos is Adam's family created with joy by the Elder and younger brothers. Adam and Eve were created as the son and daughter of the Elder Br other (God). Those days they were naked and even the Elder Brother (God) and the younger brother were naked too. Adam and Eve were a brother and a sister and would become a couple that would create offspring, and Lucifer later thought 'What will happen to me then?' There was a solid promise between the Elder Brother and the younger brother: after 13 generations from Adam and Eve passed, the Elder Brother would give a son and daughter who would become the spouse that the younger brother wanted amongst the offspring of Adam and Eve, and if there is nobody that the younger brother wants the Elder Brother would create again for the younger brother." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"If Lucifer, after having respected and raised the Elder Brother (God)'s son and daughter and He formed His family, also formed his own family, there wouldn't have been the fall." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

Sun Myung Moon Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – May 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – May 23, 2012

2. Adam and Lucifer

a. Lucifer as Adam's younger brother

"It is Lucifer that is God's brother as well as Adam's brother." (HC 12. 25 / Jan. 18, 2012)

"God's younger brother, which is Adam's younger brother," (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"God had Lucifer take care of Adam's future wife, which is the future wife of the Elder Brother (God)." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"Lucifer is younger brother of Adam and Eve (아담해와의 동생)" (HC 3. 21 / May 11, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"Adam couldn't accomplish his responsibility and then his wife made her 시동생 (husband's younger brother) and 시아버지의 동생 (father-in-law's younger brother) fall." (HC 2.6 / Feb. 27, 2012, Central Training Center, Korea)

b. Lucifer as Adam's younger cousin

"The amazing thing is that Satan is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생), and Adam's younger cousin (아담의 사촌동생), who lived together with them." (HC 2.16 / Mar. 8, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"Who is the archangel? God's brother was the archangel, who was a younger cousin of Adam." (HC 3. 1 / Apr. 21, 2012, Special Assembly by True Parents at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center)

"Lucifer, a younger cousin of Adam and Eve," (3.15 HC / May 5, 2012, Chung Pyung)

"What is the fall? In the oriental world, we say 상하 / 上下 / upper and below, 좌우 / 左右/left and right, and 전후 / 前後/ front and rear. 상하 means parent-child relationship, 좌우 means conjugal relationship and 전후 means the older and the younger. Then why is it 좌우 (left and right), not 우좌(right and left)? (Raising his voice) Why and who made 좌우 (left and right)? It is God's brother,누시엘, who is in the position of the younger cousin of Adam. This is first time for you to hear this, isn't this?" (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

c. Lucifer as Adam's uncle

"Lucifer was the younger brother of God, and so the uncle to Adam and Eve." (HC 11.8 / Dec. 2, 2011, Cheon Jeong Gung)

3. The fall

"Adam and Eve were naked and they were close with each other. Adam was created in the end as the owner that was to dominate all creation. In order to be able to be responsible as the owner he must know all of them and so he was always outside with the nature. Meanwhile, Eve, who had an internal mission, was preparing meals and a comfortable atmosphere for living." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"God had Lucifer take care of Adam's future wife, which is the future wife of the Elder Brother (God), until their maturity. Hence, Lucifer had a more intimate time with Eve than Adam did. So for Eve, Lucifer, the younger brother was closer than Adam, the future husband. When she looked around herself, she noticed the entire creature reproduce their offspring. In the world of emotion, woman is more advanced than man by one year when they were around that age for three years." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"Be fore seeing a man (Adam) at the age of 17 years, a woman (Eve) of 16 years old rode on Lucifer who is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생인 누시엘)." (HC 3. 21 / May 11, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"What she was mistaken in was that she rode on a male who is in the position of her younger brother-in-law. Why? The nature is like a museum and it had been educational to Adam and Eve." (HC 2. 29 / Mar. 21, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"A woman rode on God's brother's belly and made him fall. In the process, she went below putting God's brother on her and she received the seed, but their children are those of the crazy. They can't go to Heaven." (HC 12. 17 / Jan. 11, 2012)

"In the Garden of Eden, a woman rode on Lucifer. You have to know they had relationship for more than eight weeks, not just a couple of days, and therefore she came to receive the seed." (HC 5. 6 / June. 25, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 23, 2012

4. "No salvation for such a fall."

"Eve rode on God's younger brother, and Adam's younger cousin turned things upside down. There is no such principle. Such a thing can't be found in the program of the creation." (Jan. 11, 2012)

"Lucifer occupied Eve and Adam. There is no such principle." (HC 3.15 / May 5, 2012, Chung Pyung)

"Lucifer fell with Eve and there is no such principle." (HC 3. 1 / Apr. 21, 2012, Special Assembly by True Parents at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center)

"Eve, who was to be God's wife, made a mistake. -- - -- After Eve fell, Adam had a relationship with Eve as she wished. She received the seed of 시동생(husband's younger brother). There is no such principle of creation." (HC 12. 25 / Jan. 18, 2012)

"Originally there wouldn't be salvation for such a fall." (HC 2. 6 / Feb. 27, 2012, Central Training Center, Korea)

5. Lucifer after the fall

"What is the name of the one who is in the position of God's brother? It is 누시엘 (Nooshiel: Lucifer). Lucifer is the Archangel. 누 (Noo) represents 인류(Il Ryu: humankind), 시 represents 씨 (Shi: seed), and 엘 represents 열매 (Yeol Mae: fruits)." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People? 칢 Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"누 (Nu) of 누시엘 (Nushiel: Lucifer) symbolizes 류 (Lu) of 인류 (Illu: humankind). 시 (shi) is 씨 ('shi: seed), and 엘 (el) symbolizes 열매 (Yeol mae: fruit). Lucifer is the Archangel, which is the 'seeds of humankind.'" (HC 3. 23 / May. 13, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

6. God, Original Adam, and Eve

"To Lucifer, who are Adam and Eve? They are the substantial beings of his Elder Brother. The Second Messiah is the body of God." (HC 8.10 / Sept. 7, 2011)

"I am fundamentally different from all of you. -- Only the God of Night teaches me. Even five saints can't meet the God of Night." (HC 5. 20 / June 21, 2011)

"Which comes first, a man or woman? Is God man or woman? God is 남성격 주체 (Subject partner having the qualities of masculinity)." (HC 12. 23 / Jan. 16, 2012)

"Adam didn't accomplish his responsibility. Why did he leave Eve alone so that she can go wherever she wants? Adam lost the position of True Parents. God, Which is the Internal Adam, had nothing with (external) Adam's committing sin and planting an evil seed. Adam and Eve didn't ask and discuss with the Internal Adam. If they had asked, Internal Adam would have spoken to their external bodies. It was when they were 17 years old." (Katsumi: Father often equates the fall of Adam and Eve with the separation of mind and body and the separation of the God of Night and the God of Day, and I think his words above are more meaningful in that context.) (HC 5. 6 / June. 25, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"There are the God of Night and the God of Day, and the God of Night has made no mistake. The God of Day as the God of the Body fell. If the God of Night is a man, the God of Day is a woman, and she fell. -- (In that context) The God of Day is a woman." (HC 12. 17 / Jan. 11, 2012)

"Man comes first, not woman, and they become parents and then the King of Kings. The thing is Eve made mistakes and the God of Night and the God of Day must be settled in order f or her to follow Adam and to establish the order. In Adam's family, it was Eve that made mistakes. Adam committed no sin." (HC 2. 29 / Mar. 21, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)

"As of now God doesn't know woman. We have said 'Heavenly Father,' but have you heard 'Heavenly Mother?' (Raising his voice) Have you heard it or not? There should be Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother that become the first ancestors of humankind, and then all humans resemble their parents since there is the tradition and they were born from the same blood lineage. They must resemble their parents. You must know that by having the same blood lineage you resemble your parents. By having the same tradition and blood lineage, one resembles their parents." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)

"실체하나님 (The Substantial God / God incarnate) attends to the God of Night. I put Mother in that position and she must attend to me as I did to the God of Night. She is like my physical body. Even if Mother go es up to that position (of the God of Day) she must know that there is the God of Night upon her. She, putting me on the top of the God of Day, must be able to attend to me as the God of Night. When it is done, everything is fully finished. If Mother does not know this, I will not go to that position." (HC 3. 10 / April 12, 2011) 

I Want To Live With You, Become A Youth Again

Sun Myung Moon
July 2012
True Father's Last Speech to 2nd Gen. before Hospitalization

I Want To Live With You, Become A Youth Again

You are young teenagers. How many people like you are there in this world? Who will raise these children? Who will teach them? In this world of Satan…

When I look at you, I want to live with you, become a youth again. I was on fire and crazy for the providence. I want to show you even if just for a short time the Han [sorrow] for the age that was lost. Please don’t forget about that. Boys and girls who have come from Japan! Because you are living in this precious age, you need try even harder than me not to lose this age.

The other adults and I lost it. Now I don’t have it. There is nothing. When you look at it from my point of view...

From now on, you growing teenagers should uphold yourselves and complete your mission, representing God. I’m sad that the responsibilities of this mission need to pass on to you. I want you to understand my position of having to say goodbye to this place with this heart.


I’ll become the light that will never go out and will remain in the next world.

Singing in Las Vegas

Sun Myung Moon
June. 30, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (HC 5.11)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 52, titled "New Messiah and the Victory as Formula."


Mrs. McDevitt sang for Shin Pyeon Nim "악어떼," (This Old Man) 올챙이와 개구리," (Tadpoles and Frogs) and then Rev. Yang (서울의 창가 -- The window of Seoul), Rev. Park (소양강 처녀 Soyang virgin), Rev. Hyung Jin Moon (Top of the World) sang while shin Pyeon Nim danced to the songs.


Then by Mother's request, Shin Soo Nim (Kook Jin Nim's daughter) sang a song. Yeon Ah Nim sang "터." (Printer) Mother sang with all "할미꽃." (Pasque flower) Rev. Jo sang "처녀 뱃사공." (Virgin voyeur) True Parents and all sang "농부가." (The farmer) After the song, Mother said, "Let's go to the new nation!" 

Why Don't You Register Yourself?

Sun Myung Moon
June 29, 2012
Welcome gathering
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (HC 5.10)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Why don't you register yourself? There are three stages of the registration: one needs to be registered at their birth and marriage, and to their nation when they are settled. Now Sedona here and Korea are one nation, not two, centering on 오산집의 조금한 눈 (Father's nickname in his childhood, 'a small-eyed boy of the house who established the Osan school')"

"After reaching the number 13, Adam's Marriage Blessing ceremony will be finished. Do you know that?" 

In Love, There Are Reciprocal Relationships

Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 2012
Ahn Shi Il and Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 5.9)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"In love, there are reciprocal relationships of front and rear, right and left, higher and lower. But due to the fall, they were lost, and in order for heaven and earth to be completed as one, though heaven was always higher, there must be a time when it is dragged around by earth. But heaven mustn't be dragged down below the horizon. What is the fall? It is the fall that father, for example, can't be in the position of father, and that the son becomes a betrayer. Such a thing can happen, not only at the time of Adam and Eve, but even now. People are fighting but they don't know if they are on God's side or Satan's."

"Who is Rev. Moon? It is Rev. Moon that says, 'Let's unify all. Let's unify Cain and Abel.' How can it be done? First of all, one should know what is necessary in the Cain world and the Abel world."

"Have you seriously thought 'I stand on the right side'? Everything has a balance. When you eat something which your right eye likes, your right eye goes up. When you eat something which your left eye likes, your left eye goes up."

"The difference in temperature (온도). Then the difference in speed (속도). Then comes what? The difference of the level (or dimension) (차원의 차이), which is related to weight (무게). So (we judge by thinking) which is warmer, faster and heavier."

(Katsumi: Father said before "temperature / 온도, speed / 속도, and order / 질서.")

"What is the membership of the Unification Church now? If there are 1,000 Unificationists and 1 million non-Unificationists in the world, we lose. Even if we are advanced in knowledge, we lose."

"Rev. Moon is now 94 years old, a grandfather. In the twinkle of an eye, I will be 100 years old. How many people are over 100? Who is the best among them? A person who has no disease and no fault, and is always needed anywhere, will be the central figure and the representative. Then regarding the temperature, everyone must follow his temperature which is the standard."

(Katsumi: For example, between a human and a cat, body temperatures, moving speeds, and order (or weight) are different. I think this concept is related to Father's recent teaching of "tradition, blood lineage and resemblance.")

"If I have a 10-hour Hoon Dok Hae, would you be able to tune yourself to me for at least an hour? I guess you felt good when you came here this morning but (some) are dosing now.


True Parents left for the US that day. The photo is taken at Incheon Airport.

The closing ceremony of the "5-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for New Tribal Messiahs" was held at the Central Training Center in Guri city on HC 5. 7 (June 26, 2012).

The closing ceremony of the "5-Day Special Education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle for New Tribal Messiahs" was held at the Central Training Center in Guri city on HC 5. 7 (June 26, 2012).

What Will You Be Able To Say

Sun Myung Moon
June 26, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 5.7)

Myung Moon – June 9, 2012

Myung Moon – June 9, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"What will you be able to say besides the contents of the 'Explanation of the Divine Principle,' 'Exposition of the Divine Principle,' and 'Original Substance of the Divine Principle,' and my autobiography?"

"Are you scared of practicing 사생결단 전력투구? (Residents not changing a decision) (Raising his voice) That's nothing! Live as you have lived and don't come here."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 9, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 9, 2012

"I had a younger brother 용관 (Yong Gwan). I really loved him, and he was so smart and scary. He once came to me saying 'How was that problem, that guy?' I didn't tell him, but he knew it. Shin Pyeon is like that now."

(Reading from his notebook) "'3: 25 a.m. on HC 5.15.' 25 means a quarter of 100 and 3 represents 初不得三 (초부득삼: Success comes without fail if one is persistent in making efforts). Everything has been done before that time."

Then Mrs. Yang read Father's speech given Nov. 29, 1970. 

In All Religions They Don't Know Heavenly Mother

Sun Myung Moon
June 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 5.6)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"In all religions, they say Heavenly Father, and don't know Heavenly Mother. What I have done so far is to liberate women because in the Garden of Eden, a woman turned things upside down. Women must save the UN (which is centered on) men. The current UN is dead. In the Garden of Eden, a woman rode on Lucifer. You have to know they had relationship for more than eight weeks, not just a couple of days, and therefore she came to receive the seed."

"It is God and His younger brother that created Adam and Eve. Nobody knew it. In the equal position with God (하나님과 대등한 자리에 있어가지고), (Lucifer) created Adam and Eve."

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 1, 2012

"Adam didn't accomplish his responsibility. Why did he leave Eve alone so that she can go wherever she wants? Adam lost the position of True Parents. God, who is the Internal Adam, had nothing with (external) Adam's committing sin and planting evil seed. Adam and Eve didn't ask and discuss with the Internal Adam. If they had asked, Internal Adam would have spoken to their external bodies. It was when they were 17 years old."

(Katsumi: Father often equates the fall of Adam and Eve with the separation of mind and body and the separation of the God of Night and the God of Day, and I think his words above are more meaningful in that context.) 

The Last Opportunity in our Lives

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
June 24, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Peace Palace (HC 5.5)


Hak Ja Han:

This could be the last opportunity in our lives, and from the viewpoint of the providence this is the final point in time when we must establishing true faith. I think all of you are blessed members; hat is the blessed families' responsibility on the earth? What is it? What is it that you have to achieve while you are on earth? What is God's desire?

Just yesterday I heard that the 72 couples celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Many blessed families have followed God's will over for fifty years or more, beginning from the 36 couples)

What can you say you have accomplished? These days Father often says "everything is completed. Now we are on the last stretch." What do you all think? The truth is that when we look around us, the world is full of imperfect accomplishments.

It is time to put things in order and tie them to one center; however, each of you thinks and acts too individually. It seems to me that you are primarily concerned with what you want to be and what you have to do before you consider whether what you are doing is aligned with the center. If that is the case, we will not be able to realize one world. You have been unable to unite centered on Heaven, and though you should live, think, act and practice a lifestyle that helps connect everything in your lives to the center with every breath you take and with each new day, this is regrettably not yet coming to pass.

So what I am asking of you, since Foundation Day is not far away now, is to achieve results as blessed families who live in this era and attend True Parents. How many times True Father has emphasized that you need to carry out your responsibilities as tribal messiahs and that "You must fulfill your mission"!

Father has also permitted us the grace of ancestral liberation, through which the spiritual world and the physical world can be united. He has thus has opened the path in front of us. When we consider whether you have met his expectations and achieved satisfactory results, however, we are sorry to find that you are still far from reaching the standard set by Heaven. Henceforth, you should stop thinking only about yourselves and endeavor to become one with the providence centered on True Parents. You should create an environment extending to your surroundings that reveals what your center is. After all, isn't it our ultimate responsibility to build the kingdom of heaven on earth in which we attend God?

It is true that this is a rather difficult time for the Unification Church. Nevertheless, I am sure that you have clearly learned what the will of God and True Parents is in the Original Substance of Divine Principle workshop you attended recently. You need to do your very best in the positions you have been given. This is the final stage. If you are standing on the edge of a cliff and your next move will determine whether you live or die, how will you act?

From this standpoint, we also need to think about this Hoon Dok Hae session. Hoon Dok Hae should be about how we, our surroundings, our church and our nation can grow. There are many occasions when Father continues speaking for ten hours or more, be it night or day, because sometimes you are not in the right level of relationship with him.

He does this more often when he comes to Korea. He is surely doing so because he anguishes over you. With Foundation Day only a few months away, I hope and pray that you will do your best and become blessed families, leaders and members that can achieve great results in front of Heaven.

Sun Myung Moon:

I hope, when you leave, that you will leave everything behind and go completely cleansed, with a resolution to fulfill your responsibility as the owners of your nations with the authority of the beloved and hopeful son of God. Mother! The difficult world will soon end. It must come to an end sometime. You should all remember that it must inevitably come to an end, and that although you may hear reports and see things that touch your heart, you should fulfill your responsibilities first and wait. Do you understand? [Yes]

Now, then, let us bring this morning session to a close. Have a safe trip back home. 

We Are in the Last Moment

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
June 24, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 5.5)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 53, titled "New Messiah and the Providence as Formula." After the reading, Mother spoke. She spoke very slowly holding back her tears pausing between each sentence. Father listened to her with his eyes closed. Mother said:

"From the viewpoint of the providence, we are in the last moments when we need to make a conclusion. All of you are Blessed families, and what responsibility do you have? What is that? What do you need to accomplish on earth? What is God's wish? You have been following God's will, and for example, I heard yesterday 72 Blessed couples celebrated their golden anniversary, and so they followed God's will for half a century.

Then what can you say you have accomplished? Father often says 'Everything has been done. We are in the last moment.' How about you? Actually, when we look around, there is always a lot of incomplete work. We must put all in order and tie them to one center, however, each thinks and does their activities very individually. Before thinking if your behaviors accord with the center, it seems to me that you firstly think what you want to be and what you want to do. If so, we can't realize the heavenly world. All you do in your life such as breathing and starting a day must be connected to the center, and you must always become a plus to it. You must think, behave and practice that but it is a pity in that sense.

So what I want to ask you is that having Foundation Day ahead, you as the Blessing families, who attend to True Parents, must show results to them. How many times has Father emphasized that you should fulfill your responsibility as the Tribal Messiah? Father opened the way wide for you to go by allowing you liberate your ancestors so that we can unite the spirit and physical worlds, but to what degree have you responded to it? It is sad to see what Heaven expects is far from the standard you have now. Please don't think by yourself, but centering on Father, make efforts so that you accord with God's will, and make a larger environment where you can testify the center (Father). That is the kingdom of heaven on earth where we attend to God, and is our responsibility.

As Unification Church members, it is certain that we face a difficult time. But I believe you have clearly understood through 본체론교육 (education of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle) what Heaven wants to accomplish. Each one of you must do your best in your mission, but this is the last time. If you are put at the cliff and face a matter of life and death, what will you do?

In that sense, Hoon Dok Hae must become the time when 'myself,' 'my environments,' 'my church,' and 'my country' can grow bigger. Sometimes, Father, whom I guess couldn't have a common base with you, has it for more than 10 hours. I think he does so especially when he is here in Korea. What a shame Father has to do such a long meeting.

With the Foundation Day little time ahead, I would like to ask you to be the leaders and the Blessed families who make the best efforts and harvest big results for Heaven."

After Mother spoke, Father closed the meeting with the following words.

"I hope you, becoming God's sons and daughters, will be determined to fulfill the responsibility as owner in the Kingdom of Heaven. (Toward Mother) Difficult environments will be over. They will be over sometime. I hope you will not forget that you should complete at least your mission and responsibility before the time is over. Let's conclude the meeting this morning, and 안녕히들 돌아가세요." (Good night, go back) 

In the Spirit World, People are Separated

Sun Myung Moon
June 23, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (HC 5.4)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 3, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Say 누시엘 (Nooshiel: Lucifer). 누 (Noo) represents 인류 (Inryoo: humankind). 시 (Shi) represents 씨 ('Shi: seed)."

"In the spirit world, people are separated according to their tribes."

'It should be 상하 우좌 (上下右左: upper, lower, right and left), but (people say) 상하 좌우 (上下左右: upper, lower, left and right). Who reversed this ('right and left)'? It is a woman."

Sun Myung Moon – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon – June 3, 2012

(Reading from his notebook) "Directions given on the 48th True Children's Day, Nov. 11, 2007: Nov. 11 is 11 plus 11. (Then he pointed eleven times on his both hands respectively)."

"Before I was 8 years old, I pored over all six chapters of *소학 (小學 / Sohak). When I was nine years old, I caught the secrets of God, Adam and Eve, and Lucifer, and I have puzzled it out throughout my life. (Then he opened his speech binder.) When you see page 9, you can find the sub-header 'The Three Stages of Life." (Then he read that part of the speech). ''Ladies and gentlemen, God created us as His children. As the original, absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created human beings by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul. If not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves, including our spiritual self, as God is perfect, fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and attain eternal life.'"

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – June 3, 2012

Father sang a Japanese song "幸せって何だろう" (What Do You Think That Happiness Is?) together with the participants. During the song, he said, "This is the song that the Second Messiah made."


*소학 (小學 / Sohak): Ancient philosophy, which believed to be taught for children in Chinese dynasties from around 2000 BC to 200 BC. A scholar Joohee / 주희 /朱憙 (1130 -- 1200) later collected and organized it for children's education.