Sun Myung Moon
July 1, 2012
Compilation of Father's words
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 23, 2012
God, Lucifer, Adam and Eve
"What kind of enemy is Satan? It is the enemy of love. It is adulterer. It violated Eve, who would have been God's body and God's wife. If Christians of nowadays listen to my words, they will tumble down, popping their eyes. What I know is beyond comparison with what they believe." (Dec. 15, 1985)
Below are "what Father knows" regarding the relationship of God, Lucifer, Adam and Eve, which were given at public meetings this year and the year before.
1. God and Lucifer
a. Lucifer as God's younger brother
"Lucifer is in the position of a brother to God. The God of Night created Lucifer, and then who created Adam and Eve? (The) God (of Night) created them through and together with Lucifer." (HC 8. 5 / Sept. 2, 2011)
"Lucifer is God's younger brother. When God created the cosmos and Adam and Eve, it was Lucifer who helped Him. Do you know that? He is God's younger brother. (Father made a surprised face.)" (HC 8. 10 / Sept. 4, 2011)
"Who is Lucifer? It is God's younger brother. Therefore God created Adam and Eve together with His brother (동생과 더불어 아담해와를 창조했어). Lucifer existed before Adam was created, did he? You didn't know this." (HC 3. 21 / May 11, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"Did you know that God and Lucifer cooperated with each other in creating Adam and Eve? It was Yong Myung Moon who revealed it." (HC 4. 28 HC / June. 17, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"It is God and His younger brother that created Adam and Eve. Nobody knew it. In the equal position with God (하나님과 대등한 자리에 있어가지고), (Lucifer) created Adam and Eve." (HC 5. 6 / June. 25, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"I recently revealed this: did God have a brother or not? What do you think? God created Adam, Eve and the angelic world not only by Himself. Nobody knows this. I found out as the responsible person for this world that God didn't create Adam only by Himself. Then who created His brother? God, in order to become the Elder Brother, created His younger brother, the archangel, which is 종 / servant. God couldn't do the creation by Himself, but did it together with His brother. God and His brother, as the subject and object partners, discussed and supported each other for the purpose. Without a partner, there is no happiness and so in the process of creation there was '형 / Elder Brother' and '동생 / younger brother.' God, together with His younger brother, started to create Adam and Eve." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"Lucifer -- can't go up to Father's position. There is only one God and Lucifer can't go to that position from the position of brother." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
b. Promise between God and Lucifer
"Why did God create His brother half-perfected and started to create Adam and Eve? Adam and Eve would have been the son and daughter of '형 / Elder Brother (God)' and there was an amazing promise that after Adam and Eve started their family, the Elder Brother (God) would give an even better son and daughter for His '동생 / younger brother.' That's why Lucifer as the younger brother, was happy in the process of creation. From this perspective, the beginning of the cosmos is Adam's family created with joy by the Elder and younger brothers. Adam and Eve were created as the son and daughter of the Elder Br other (God). Those days they were naked and even the Elder Brother (God) and the younger brother were naked too. Adam and Eve were a brother and a sister and would become a couple that would create offspring, and Lucifer later thought 'What will happen to me then?' There was a solid promise between the Elder Brother and the younger brother: after 13 generations from Adam and Eve passed, the Elder Brother would give a son and daughter who would become the spouse that the younger brother wanted amongst the offspring of Adam and Eve, and if there is nobody that the younger brother wants the Elder Brother would create again for the younger brother." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"If Lucifer, after having respected and raised the Elder Brother (God)'s son and daughter and He formed His family, also formed his own family, there wouldn't have been the fall." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
Sun Myung Moon Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon – May 23, 2012
2. Adam and Lucifer
a. Lucifer as Adam's younger brother
"It is Lucifer that is God's brother as well as Adam's brother." (HC 12. 25 / Jan. 18, 2012)
"God's younger brother, which is Adam's younger brother," (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"God had Lucifer take care of Adam's future wife, which is the future wife of the Elder Brother (God)." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"Lucifer is younger brother of Adam and Eve (아담해와의 동생)" (HC 3. 21 / May 11, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"Adam couldn't accomplish his responsibility and then his wife made her 시동생 (husband's younger brother) and 시아버지의 동생 (father-in-law's younger brother) fall." (HC 2.6 / Feb. 27, 2012, Central Training Center, Korea)
b. Lucifer as Adam's younger cousin
"The amazing thing is that Satan is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생), and Adam's younger cousin (아담의 사촌동생), who lived together with them." (HC 2.16 / Mar. 8, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"Who is the archangel? God's brother was the archangel, who was a younger cousin of Adam." (HC 3. 1 / Apr. 21, 2012, Special Assembly by True Parents at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center)
"Lucifer, a younger cousin of Adam and Eve," (3.15 HC / May 5, 2012, Chung Pyung)
"What is the fall? In the oriental world, we say 상하 / 上下 / upper and below, 좌우 / 左右/left and right, and 전후 / 前後/ front and rear. 상하 means parent-child relationship, 좌우 means conjugal relationship and 전후 means the older and the younger. Then why is it 좌우 (left and right), not 우좌(right and left)? (Raising his voice) Why and who made 좌우 (left and right)? It is God's brother,누시엘, who is in the position of the younger cousin of Adam. This is first time for you to hear this, isn't this?" (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
c. Lucifer as Adam's uncle
"Lucifer was the younger brother of God, and so the uncle to Adam and Eve." (HC 11.8 / Dec. 2, 2011, Cheon Jeong Gung)
3. The fall
"Adam and Eve were naked and they were close with each other. Adam was created in the end as the owner that was to dominate all creation. In order to be able to be responsible as the owner he must know all of them and so he was always outside with the nature. Meanwhile, Eve, who had an internal mission, was preparing meals and a comfortable atmosphere for living." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"God had Lucifer take care of Adam's future wife, which is the future wife of the Elder Brother (God), until their maturity. Hence, Lucifer had a more intimate time with Eve than Adam did. So for Eve, Lucifer, the younger brother was closer than Adam, the future husband. When she looked around herself, she noticed the entire creature reproduce their offspring. In the world of emotion, woman is more advanced than man by one year when they were around that age for three years." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"Be fore seeing a man (Adam) at the age of 17 years, a woman (Eve) of 16 years old rode on Lucifer who is God's younger brother (하나님의 동생인 누시엘)." (HC 3. 21 / May 11, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"What she was mistaken in was that she rode on a male who is in the position of her younger brother-in-law. Why? The nature is like a museum and it had been educational to Adam and Eve." (HC 2. 29 / Mar. 21, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"A woman rode on God's brother's belly and made him fall. In the process, she went below putting God's brother on her and she received the seed, but their children are those of the crazy. They can't go to Heaven." (HC 12. 17 / Jan. 11, 2012)
"In the Garden of Eden, a woman rode on Lucifer. You have to know they had relationship for more than eight weeks, not just a couple of days, and therefore she came to receive the seed." (HC 5. 6 / June. 25, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – May 23, 2012
4. "No salvation for such a fall."
"Eve rode on God's younger brother, and Adam's younger cousin turned things upside down. There is no such principle. Such a thing can't be found in the program of the creation." (Jan. 11, 2012)
"Lucifer occupied Eve and Adam. There is no such principle." (HC 3.15 / May 5, 2012, Chung Pyung)
"Lucifer fell with Eve and there is no such principle." (HC 3. 1 / Apr. 21, 2012, Special Assembly by True Parents at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center)
"Eve, who was to be God's wife, made a mistake. -- - -- After Eve fell, Adam had a relationship with Eve as she wished. She received the seed of 시동생(husband's younger brother). There is no such principle of creation." (HC 12. 25 / Jan. 18, 2012)
"Originally there wouldn't be salvation for such a fall." (HC 2. 6 / Feb. 27, 2012, Central Training Center, Korea)
5. Lucifer after the fall
"What is the name of the one who is in the position of God's brother? It is 누시엘 (Nooshiel: Lucifer). Lucifer is the Archangel. 누 (Noo) represents 인류(Il Ryu: humankind), 시 represents 씨 (Shi: seed), and 엘 represents 열매 (Yeol Mae: fruits)." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People? 칢 Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"누 (Nu) of 누시엘 (Nushiel: Lucifer) symbolizes 류 (Lu) of 인류 (Illu: humankind). 시 (shi) is 씨 ('shi: seed), and 엘 (el) symbolizes 열매 (Yeol mae: fruit). Lucifer is the Archangel, which is the 'seeds of humankind.'" (HC 3. 23 / May. 13, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
6. God, Original Adam, and Eve
"To Lucifer, who are Adam and Eve? They are the substantial beings of his Elder Brother. The Second Messiah is the body of God." (HC 8.10 / Sept. 7, 2011)
"I am fundamentally different from all of you. -- Only the God of Night teaches me. Even five saints can't meet the God of Night." (HC 5. 20 / June 21, 2011)
"Which comes first, a man or woman? Is God man or woman? God is 남성격 주체 (Subject partner having the qualities of masculinity)." (HC 12. 23 / Jan. 16, 2012)
"Adam didn't accomplish his responsibility. Why did he leave Eve alone so that she can go wherever she wants? Adam lost the position of True Parents. God, Which is the Internal Adam, had nothing with (external) Adam's committing sin and planting an evil seed. Adam and Eve didn't ask and discuss with the Internal Adam. If they had asked, Internal Adam would have spoken to their external bodies. It was when they were 17 years old." (Katsumi: Father often equates the fall of Adam and Eve with the separation of mind and body and the separation of the God of Night and the God of Day, and I think his words above are more meaningful in that context.) (HC 5. 6 / June. 25, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"There are the God of Night and the God of Day, and the God of Night has made no mistake. The God of Day as the God of the Body fell. If the God of Night is a man, the God of Day is a woman, and she fell. -- (In that context) The God of Day is a woman." (HC 12. 17 / Jan. 11, 2012)
"Man comes first, not woman, and they become parents and then the King of Kings. The thing is Eve made mistakes and the God of Night and the God of Day must be settled in order f or her to follow Adam and to establish the order. In Adam's family, it was Eve that made mistakes. Adam committed no sin." (HC 2. 29 / Mar. 21, 2012, Cheon Jeong Gung)
"As of now God doesn't know woman. We have said 'Heavenly Father,' but have you heard 'Heavenly Mother?' (Raising his voice) Have you heard it or not? There should be Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother that become the first ancestors of humankind, and then all humans resemble their parents since there is the tradition and they were born from the same blood lineage. They must resemble their parents. You must know that by having the same blood lineage you resemble your parents. By having the same tradition and blood lineage, one resembles their parents." (Jan. 8, 2012 at Korean People's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)
"실체하나님 (The Substantial God / God incarnate) attends to the God of Night. I put Mother in that position and she must attend to me as I did to the God of Night. She is like my physical body. Even if Mother go es up to that position (of the God of Day) she must know that there is the God of Night upon her. She, putting me on the top of the God of Day, must be able to attend to me as the God of Night. When it is done, everything is fully finished. If Mother does not know this, I will not go to that position." (HC 3. 10 / April 12, 2011)