You Think My Words Are Good, But Actually They Are Scary

Sun Myung Moon
May 2, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 12 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 25, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 25, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon, and after the reading Father said the following:

"When you listen to my speech, you think my words are good, but actually they are scary. Can we, who are going the scary path, fight against each other? We should help each other. We Unificationists have only one place to go, not two. Omma! ('Yes.') Do you have anything to ask people here? ('Let's start to sing.') It must be the song of gratitude."

Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang "돌아와요 부산항에." (Come Back to Busan) When Rev. Seon Jo Hwang sang the last words of "허공" (The Air) which are '허공속에 묻힐 그 약속 (Promise which will be buried in the air)," Father asked the participants, "What is the promise?" Dr. Peter Kim and his wife Mrs. Phillys Kim sang "행복의 샘터," (Fountain of Happiness) and Father joined their singing. Then Mrs. Phillys Kim alone sang "노란 샤쓰의 사나이." (Man of the yellow dance)

True Parents together sang "산유" (Lactation) and "뒷동산의 할미꽃." (The Pulsatilla Dwitdongsan) When they sang the second verse of "뒷동산의 할미꽃," Mother proposed to change the lyrics from 할미꽃 (grandmother flower) to 할아버지꽃 (grandfather flower). After the song, Father said, "There is nobody who likes grandfather, isn't there.' Mother said, "When you go down from here where grandfathers take flocks of sheep, you can see the grandmother flower is now blossoming." 

Sun Myung Moon and God's Providence in Las Vegas

Yang Hur
May 2012

Father is offering conditions through extended fishing excursions that test the mettle of those accompany him.

Father is offering conditions through extended fishing excursions that test the mettle of those accompany him.

True Parents have emphasized that the providence for the land as well as the oceans needs to be brought to fruition in Las Vegas. Through this, the era before the coming of heaven and the era after the coming of heaven will be clearly distinguished. Our True Parents are mapping out a multifaceted strategy to restore this city. The following are some aspects of the approach they are taking:

Father visiting the large property on Bermuda Road, Las Vegas, which began undergoing renovations that day in preparation for its use as a major training facility

Father visiting the large property on Bermuda Road, Las Vegas, which began undergoing renovations that day in preparation for its use as a major training facility

Reconstruction at the New Peace Palace in Las Vegas

A year ago, True Parents acquired a very large property in the vicinity of the Las Vegas Airport. Originally built in 1966, the 135,400-square-foot' building at 6590 S. Bermuda Road is situated or six acres of land. Father calls it the Peace Palace.

On 3.28 [April 18, 2012] demolition began on part of the property in order to prepare the way for a new conference center to be completed by the end of the year. The new educational facility will seat two thousand people. The Board of County Commissioners unanimously gave final approval for "major training facility, convention facility and dormitory" on March 7, 2012.

Father visited the site to witness the demolition. He met the demolition foreman, posed for photographs with everyone and joyfully wished the whole group a nice day as he departed.

True Parents have blessed the city of Las Vegas as the place where not only members and ambassadors for peace but also leaders from every field of life can attend the Original Substance of the Divine Principle workshops. Moreover, the building is expected to play a role in the organization of the Abel UN.

The Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine has acquired this property, which includes a number of buildings.

The Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine has acquired this property, which includes a number of buildings.

Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine

True Parents have long had the vision of establishing a university specializing in Oriental medicine. On 3 8 [April 18], the State of Nevada Board of Oriental Medicine unanimously approved the establishment of the Wongu Peace and Happiness School of Oriental Medicine.

A building and the necessary personnel, including the university president, professors and the administrative staff have been secured. The school is scheduled to open its doors for the new school year this autumn. Students will graduate with a Master's degree in Oriental Medicine and will sit for a Nevada state examination if they wish to practice there.

The founding spirit of the university is the same as that of Sun Moon Educational Foundation in Korea: Love God, Love Humankind and Love Your Country.

Lake Mead a Training Ground For the Spirit

True Parents go fishing on Lake Mead in order to offer conditions. It is like an oasis in the desert, a place that Heaven has prepared in advance for the completion of the ocean providence, of which True Parents are the center. True Parents are establishing themselves there; they even know the different types of fish, animals and plants that can be found in the area. While offering devotions through fishing, True Father always teaches the small number of followers who are on the boat with him, pouring out his heart like a waterfall of boundless blessing and love; our parched souls are enriched through what he says.

True Parents own a number of fishing vessels. They are preparing to create facilities for ocean-related training combined with spiritual training.


A billboard advertising True Father's autobiography stands out against the arid Las Vegas landscape

True Father's Autobiography

Members are coming from Japan with the mission to distribute the autobiography on the street and door to door throughout the city. One billboard advertising Father's book is maintained on Highway 15 in Las Vegas, and another on Las Vegas Boulevard near the famous Las Vegas sign. They are visible each day to the occupants of tens of thousands of passing cars.

Dr. Chang Shik Yang speaks on video to explain the development to church members.

Dr. Chang Shik Yang speaks on video to explain the development to church members.

Establishment of a Korean Residents' Church

Two years ago, True Parents appointed then Gangwon Province (Korea) Unification Church leader Rev. Won-geun Park as church leader of the Korean residents' church in Las Vegas. He received a special assignment for the restoration of Las Vegas. Rev. Park is making headway in bringing together the Korean residents based on his decades of experience as a church leader. This church is affiliated with Lovin' Life Ministries and Rev. Park is working under In Jin nim's guidance.

Some people from the Las Vegas' Korean community have attended the Original Substance of Divine Principle workshops and a number are now attending Sunday service. Some among these used to belong to other churches.

After the Sunday Service, Rev. Park spends time with those who come to the church. He said that since the Little Angels' performance in Las Vegas a few months ago, the perception of True Parents and the Unification Church in the Korean community has changed; as a result, an increasing number of Korean residents are coming to meet Rev. Park.

Offering Jeong Seong through fishing allows Father to educate those who accompany him.

Offering Jeong Seong through fishing allows Father to educate those who accompany him.

The True Teacher

As well as the average of seven to eight hours of teaching every day in Hoon Dok Hae, True Father teaches in public and private meetings and even onboard boats, where he also offers all-night fishing conditions. To use every second that passes, he even teaches about the essence of the providence to the few followers that travel with him in his car. Regardless of whether his audience is ten thousand people, ten people or even two or three, he educates those around him at every opportunity.

Sometimes he gives vent to the irritation he feels at having to teach such bat-blind, ignorant people, but he repeatedly attempts to implant the gist of his teachings deep in our hearts. With a serious expression on his face, he tells us that he needs to arrange everything while his body is still moving, because only then can all problems be easily resolved and our future be bright. If we tried to resolve all the problems and lay the foundation without him, he says, we could not finish the work in a thousand years.

Recently, at King Garden in Kona, Hawaii, Father said,

"I have never forgotten the children I blessed. I have never thought differently about taking responsibility for them, even at this moment in time. Even when I go to the spirit world, I will visit them at least three times." He is giving us so much love and showing a deep interest in us, and we should not disappoint him.

As the six-day sojourn in Hawaii at the end of March drew to an end, Father said:

"You need to sleep six hours a day, but can bear up without sleeping for at least three days. You need to become focused in achieving your goal to such an extent that you even forget the taste of delicious food. I have a recon of speaking for seventeen hours and forty-two minutes, standing the entire time. With such a spirit, there is nothing you cannot do."

In the town of Sedona, Arizona, on 3.21 [April 11], at the conclusion of the Hoon Dok Hae reading entitled "Victorious Sacrifice," True Father said that what we had read was in complete accord with the present moment, in which we are making preparations for Foundation Day. He added, "Indemnification must pass through the process of sacrifice. You need to march forward for the completion of the providence with the attitude and the heart of making the final sacrifice. It's as if have restored Shimcheong, Choonhyang and General Lee Soon-shin to their original state before the Fall and given then each a key so that they can freely visit True Parents' residence. You need to model yourselves after their loyalty and filial piety."

A license Father needed for fishing on Lake Mead. Note that he has signed it personally.

A license Father needed for fishing on Lake Mead. Note that he has signed it personally.

The Ocean Providence on Lake Mead

For three days from 3.22 to 3.24 [April 12-14, 2012], True Father went out to Temple Bay on Lake Mead with a small number of church leaders as an all-night fishing condition. The nights on Lake Mead are cold and chilly. To make matters worse, when it is windy and raining, it feels eerie and one cannot help but cower down. We do our best to cover True Father up from head to toe with sleeping bags and tuck him up tightly so no wind can find its way inside, and to block the winds and the rain with umbrellas, but as the night grows long, it becomes colder and colder.

While we are waiting for a fish to be caught on one of the lines cast into the water, True Father speaks to us on the boat or listens to reports. He changes the atmosphere on the boat, and worldly thoughts about the cold and other mundane things vanish in an instant. Mostly, he catches carp, catfish or bass. When a big fish is caught, we take photographs with Father. Sometimes we pose for individual photographs with Father, who says that we should remember that moment for all eternity.

We were returned to Cheon Hwa Gung, where True Parents reside in Las Vegas at around four in the morning. Father never misses a Hoon Dok Hae session and continues to offer other devotions. When you consider his age, it is altogether unimaginable.

Father continues to visit dark, low and vulgar places and voluntarily follows the path of a pioneer and a living offering. Why does he do that? He has to continue with such struggles because he has to complete even the unfulfilled responsibilities of the chosen children for the liberation of God and the salvation of humanity. It seems as if the sounds you hear in the lonely and almost silent surroundings -- the wind blowing, the waves lapping the shore, and an occasional cry made by animals -- reflect True Parents' heart.

True Father with the writer, Rev. Yang Hur, and a large carp hooked on Lake Mead.

True Father with the writer, Rev. Yang Hur, and a large carp hooked on Lake Mead.


It is said that sincerity moves Heaven. I have no doubt that as they give everything they have at the risk of their lives, True Parents' devotions will be brought to fruition. We lead our lives under True Parents' guidance, and what we should value above all else is True Parents' oversight while they are with us, and we need to reestablish our identity in accordance with that. Foundation Day is less than a year away.

Father has said, "I embarked on this path in suffering, and I plan to end it in suffering. This is actually my motto. Even when I am ninety years old and in need of a walking stick to support me, I will follow this path."

With the belief that the person who tied the knot should be the one to untie it, True Parents are following the one and only path before them, devoting all their energies and risking their lives, enduring everything like a phoenix, and marching on and on. I remember Father saying, "Rather than beginning something, you should try to finish something well. I am the person who knows whether the last knot should be tied to the right side or the left."

True Parents are trying to fulfill all the promises they made to God flawlessly while they are still here on earth, so that they can complete their work and thus liberate God and dedicate humankind on the cosmic altar to open the way to the era of peace and prosperity and to eternal life.

The completion of the providence begins with the fulfillment of our own portion of responsibility. True Father said that the history of the providence was prolonged for six thousand years because people failed to bear their burdens. In every Hoon Dok Hae, True Father says that he has fulfilled everything. We should not forget that in saying this he is emphasizing our responsibility.

The gist of True Father's message to us during his recent travels was that we should value, take pride in, and develop our foundation. Rather than putting ourselves forward, we should look down at our feet and know our present situation and identity ourselves as blessed families and church members with a humble attitude based on our devotion.

Only when we work with such an attitude can the spirit world be moved and can we be given the master key that can create something from nothing and make the impossible possible. To continue with my summary of Father's words:

I too, offer devotions as I follow this path. Do you think you can prevail without offering devotions? While following the path of the providence, you can complain or rest when things are too difficult and you can even discuss your problems with older people around you, younger people or your colleagues. But I can never complain or discuss things with anyone because I have to struggle on all by myself to fulfill my one and only goal. When you engage in a fight, you should win. We cannot show Satan the dead bodies of those who have been defeated. Once you taken on your responsibility, you should stake your lives on fulfilling it. You cannot be victorious without fighting. It is only after a fight to the death that you can be declared the winner.

How meaningful and heartfelt this message is! 

It is Not Safe Landing, but Firm Settlement

Sun Myung Moon
April 30, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 10 HC)

Sun Myung Moon March 27, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 27, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 49, titled "The Path Heaven Goes."

"It is not 안착 (安着: Safe landing / safe arrival), but 정착 (定着: Firm settlement) of True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind."

According to Rev. Heung Tae Kim (National Messiah for Brazil), on 3.9 HC, Atlético Sorocaba, a Brazilian soccer club from Sorocaba (, tied the last game with the score of 2 -- 2. As the result, the team was promoted to the A1 league for the first time after their seven-year endeavor. 

The Education and Order Through Twelve Tribes

Sun Myung Moon
April 29, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 3.9 H.C.

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon April 6, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"If we can't be finished with the education and (establishing) the order (through 12 tribes) that we promised and proclaimed to do by D-Day, we will be in big trouble. Do you understand? 사생결단전력투구 (死生決斷 全力投球: Give one's all risking one's life). When we are completely finished with education, our homeland will be restored and will shine."

"Do you think you can enter the four dimensional Kingdom of Heaven (4차원 천국)?"

"Yesterday, I called the names of the 12 tribes, which have been already arranged. You don't have any authority to newly enter the 12 tribes."

"You don't know this. If you eat food spiritually, you will be able to eat it anywhere for thousands of years when you are at the same time and in the same environment. Then you wouldn't feel hungry. The guests invited to the ancestral rites, smell and lightly taste the food, and leave there. Those who fight for the food to satisfy their bodies are to go to hell. At the feast, people must yield to each other. Those who are centered on their desire will go to hell. You will see if I am saying the truth. I don't lie. I am not a person who doesn't know to be thankful."

"I can call anyone who received the Royal seal (옥새 / 玉璽) and has been put on the book by me, even they are in hell. When they ask me 'Why are you calling me?' I will say 'I want to give you the photo of (your) Blessing.' The photo will revive the authority of sons and daughters of the owner of all generations, and so they, who didn't know anything, will be able to be the descendants of the happiest family. I would say they won't know how to be thankful for that. I have such a thought. Will you kick out the happy garden which is like the one you see in your dream? (꿈같은 행복의동산을 차버릴래?) Anyway do as you like." 

You Must Be Centered On Your Family Clan

Sun Myung Moon
April 27, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 7 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 25, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 25, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mr. Sang Soo Lee (Father's assistant of the Cheon Jeong Gung) made a report.

"At 3;00 a.m. yesterday, Father asked me 'Where did your family originate?' I said, 'the Lee clan from Gyeongju.' Then Father continued to ask leaders there the same question and chose 12 people such as Mrs. McDevitt, Rev. Hwang, and Rev. Og, who are from different family names and tribes. Then Father added the Moon family and Han family, and said, 'the Choi family must be added.' So 15 family clans were selected. Then Father asked all the names of the previous presidents of the Korean church. There are Rev. Hyo Won Yu, Rev. Young Whi Kim, Rev. Jae Seok Lee, Rev. Hwan Choi Hwang, Rev. Seong Pyo Hong, Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, Rev. Sun Jo Hwang, Rev. Chang Shik Yang, and Rev. Jun Ho Seuk. Also Hyung Jin Nim was once the president of the Korean church, which makes for a total of 10 presidents. Father said 'That number is the same of the previous President of Korea.'

Then Father talked about the workshop. Father said he would hold the workshop and with that condition he wants to bring as many as people with him no matter how big of an indemnity condition he has to pay. Father said the workshop this time is really important. Father also asked us to raise our children well. Then Father said, 'I thought you guys are people I just can throw away on the street, but due to the merits of your ancestors, you are here today.'

Yesterday Father participated at Hoon Dok Hae without having slept. Even this morning, from 1:00 a.m. Father has been busy preparing for the Foundation Day.

I would say that I am following Father, rather than I am attending to Father. From Hawaii, Father continued to emphasize 입적 (入籍: registration.) In Hawaii, Father talked to the leaders for two nights regarding it, saying, 'You as the leaders must become the model for our members. After you register yourself, you can follow me and then the members will do the same.' Then Father seriously told them not to go to Las Vegas with him, but to go back their hometown to take responsibility for their tribes. Father also said with a single condition that we, at least, have been following Father until now, Father wants to bring us to where he goes. But Father said our standards are so low and so Father, by having the workshop and registering ourselves, wanted to have a chance in front of God to ask Him to let us go with him."

Then Father spoke with his eyes closed. The following are some of his words.

"You must be centered on your family clan which represents your relationship with ancestors, and so you shouldn't do things as you like. Heaven provided the people attending closely to (True) parents who are necessary and have merits of their ancestors. I added (to the list of the 12 tribes) those who currently have important missions and those who were necessary in the providence. (Then he opened his eyes.) Heaven connected the necessary people centering on myself who is responsible for the providence."

"At this last stage of the providence, I must choose 12 tribes. The representatives of all over the world come here and their results must be fairly and mercilessly evaluated. There are the tribes of the leaders that Heaven chose, and together with the consideration on the tribes of the senior Unification Church members in the spirit world, 12 tribes will be chosen."

"Centering on the 12 tribes, Unification Church members must decide the position as ancestors centering on True Parents by forming the realm of the Tribal Messiahship, not only in Korea, but also in all the 387 Abel (194) and Cain (193) nations in the world. 3,000 people have already been educated by 172 couples. Centering on the 3,000 people, 12 tribes on a national level must be formed. Tribal Messiahs and the ancestors under the name of True Parents must be chosen. By D-Day, all levels such as family, nation and the world must be connected centering on True Parents through this and everyone in the world must be educated. 3,600 will be educated here in the beginning. How many months left before D-Day? ('10 months') We have enough time to do that."

"Parents must be responsible for and educate the children under seven years old. You have all the textbooks and teaching materials. Babies in the womb must be educated too."

"Receiving the royal seal of True Parents, you will be registered and then True Parents can't kick you out."

"True Parents' birthday, their wedding day, and the registration of the whole will take place at the same time on the same day."

"Not only I, but also all Unification Church members in the world must practice 사생결단 전력투구 (死生決斷 全力投球: Give one's all risking one's life)" 

Educate All the People in Korea by D-Day

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 6 HC)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"I gave directions yesterday (to the leaders who have public missions) that they should educate by D-Day all the people in Korea. I'm not playing a joke here. Now you must tune yourself (to what I am doing). Heaven always prepared in advance for the works I did. Family names (성씨) are the system that can put into order humankind, which has been split for thousands of years, and they (Family names) have been prepared for the time of the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind."

"동서남북 (east, west, south, and north) represent the number 4, and five continents and six oceans represents the number 11. You have to go over three stages of the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Complete Testament centering on your family. You can see and know the three dimensional world, but you don't know the four dimensional world even you see it. In our life, it is the number 4 that satisfies all the necessary factors in east, west, south and north." 

Establish a Third Homeland

Sun Myung Moon
April 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Peace Palace (HC leap month 3.5)

Father speaks to thirty-day workshop participants, soon after his arrival in Korea on June 11.

Father speaks to thirty-day workshop participants, soon after his arrival in Korea on June 11.

Now we have to establish a third homeland. Thinking of it, we understand it's a desperate effort, at the cost of any sacrifice and with complete investment. This is a mission we are called to fulfill. Since we know our calling, we must replace the past time when we couldn't become owners of our calling. "Everything should be renewed through me." That should be our determination.


To welcome the liberation of the homeland, a person should have participated in the fulfillment of God's will in the past -- at least in one tenth, or one hundredth of that work. Everybody stands in unknown, unclear or indeterminate positions in relation to the accomplishment of the homeland's liberation. This is a huge problem, if you think of it. When I represent a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand people, or eight thousand people from one nation, I have to be a flag- bearer flying the flag; my determination has to be greater than theirs.

One point our Unification Church can be proud of is that I have already left you textbooks and teaching materials. Who do these textbook and teaching materials belong to? To True Parents, the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind; they are masters of settlement who compiled these works, and can say "The light of the homeland, pass by us." They have done all the work, so there is no persecution. No one can persecute us.


I said, "Homeland, shine brightly!" and then I took responsibility for this and walked forward hoisting the flag at every pinnacle of victory. Had I not done so, the age of the safe arrival of True Parents would never have come. Now, I'm talking not about the safe arrival of True Parents, but about firm settlement. We have reached the age of settlement.

The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have therefore overcome everything that was blocking the liberation of the homeland. How great this is!

Centering on the overall purpose of the creation of the universe, the bloodline unites with the tradition. Tradition and the bloodline cannot exist separately. They need to be united.

And it is not just the mother and the father who need to be one; the children they give birth to need to follow in their footsteps. They need to give birth to children who become devoted sons and daughters, and they must form blessed families. When they have their families, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind must be able to firmly establish themselves, beyond having appeared. In any place, in any of the four directions -- east, west, north or south -- they need to go beyond just safely appearing and firmly settle in, until they can say there is no need to go back and repeat things.

Then what is next for them as the True Parents? Firmly settling in concludes something, but within this what more is there to be done? It is the proclamation of the word by God's substantial self! Have True Parents achieved the proclamation of the word as God's substantial self?

Answer me! [They have.] They did not need to leave it for you to proclaim. Why? Because when the family of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is perfected everything is to be completed.

What came next? The Cosmic Assemblies. I did not ask you to do those. The Cosmic Assemblies have all been concluded. The settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind has been achieved, the proclamation of the word by God's substantial self has been achieved, and the realm of the perfection of heaven, earth and the universe has also been achieved. The pressure of the demands based on the textbooks and teaching materials written by True Parents and expressed through our church has passed.


I had sons and daughters, thus giving birth to twelve tribes. Myriads of tribes will live and follow me as if tied to me by a rope.

True Parents have surmounted all the pinnacles, but you don't act and align yourselves. The foundation is already there; trees have been planted and grown. Give them water so that they grow branches and you will be able to reap new fruit a thousand and ten thousand fold. So, should you forget that you're standing on the ground of such victory that gives you the opportunity of harvest? What's your answer? [We should not forget it.]

So, when True Parents come out and you are asked, "Did you live with True Parents?," suppose you say, "No, I didn't." And when you're asked "Did you work with them?," suppose you say, "No, I didn't." Can a person who never lived or worked with True Parents participate in their wedding banquet? No, that's preposterous. What is it about in the end? Since a millennium was lost, we created D-day to make it up. When 144,000 heavenly brides are complete, the heavenly banquet of the joint wedding of 144,000 will come down to earth. True Parents will become substantial masters of settlement, masters of proclamation of the word, masters of completion of the universal world, but you have no foundation to be able to come back to earth. If you don't prepare for the pinnacle of the Feast of the Lamb, no chance for you to follow me or live with me will arise. You will pass True Parents by.

Where is your nation? If your nation is complete, you should help complete True Parents' nation. But did you help restore even a fraction of a percent of Father's land? I don't have land even of the size of the palm of my hand. You cannot abandon those raggedy belongings of yours, yet you're still saying that you attend True Parents?...

You own property, don't you? True Parents lived all their lives without any property. The environment is so different, but you should be able to be similar fruit and have the same attitude: "The Unification Church is my church and its victory is my victory!" Remember that clearly.


We are teaching tribal messiahs in all parts of the world at this time, but the time for the family messiahs, tribal messiahs and messiahs for the people of different nations is almost over. The Original Substance of Divine Principle workshop for the tribal messiahs, through which they can inherit the position of the representative of the Returned Lord, is the final one. It is the final mobilization.

That is why this workshop should not end with just the mobilized participants. Before Foundation Day comes, you need to do your best to hold these workshops in your own nations, even if it means taking out a loan or borrowing money from others. If nothing else avails, you should ask those who have attended the workshop to come and serve as lecturers in the place of Jeong Ok Yu. In any event, you should carry them out before Foundation Day. Do you understand? [Yes.]

If you bring [groups of] fifty people, enough to form twelve tribes, six hundred people would come every month for the workshop. And if those six hundred people brought fifty other people each, per month, you would mobilize more than enough people for the workshop.

Why? They are your clan, and you are tribal messiahs! You may not be able to finish the task all at once, but you need to finish it by Foundation Day. Then, when everyone has attended an Original Substance of Divine Principle workshop, they cannot be sent to hell. This is until D-day. What that means is that they will not be sent to hell. Do you understand? [Yes.] This has already all been done in Korea. When you try hard enough you can achieve what you set out to achieve.

When you visit someone's house and ask, "Do you know Rev. Moon? Have you heard his teachings?" and they say that they haven't, you should ask, "Why not?" and tell them to attend the workshop before Foundation Day. When they have a set date by which they need to attend the workshop, they will attend it, and our training center will always be full. By Foundation Day, all 70 million Korean people should pay the workshop fee, attend it and be registered.


What will happen if you are not registered in the nation? Give me your answer. Should you attend this workshop and be registered, or not? [We should.] That is the matter in question, and it cannot be postponed to a later date. I have given you clear instructions and clear answers, so let us now conclude with a prayer. 

Special Workshop of the Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Sun Myung Moon
April 25, 2012
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 5 H.C.)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father’s words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"The workshop I want to have now is not like the existing workshops. This will be a special workshop. I need to provide the workshop again for 30 days to draw a conclusion at the time when the substance can be completed. I will educate tribal Messiahs from all over the world. The era, in which a person, a familial Messiah, tribal Messiah or National Messiah that belongs to each county, has passed. Education on the Original Substance of the Divine Principle, in which tribal Messiahs are to succeed to the Second Messiah as his substitutes, will be the last education. This will be the last mobilization. So this education won’t be limited to only those who participate this time.

You must participate at this workshop before D-Day by making the ultimate efforts, even by borrowing money and having someone in place of Jeong Ok Yu as the lecturer who has already participated at this workshop. It will be a 30-day workshop which has five cycles of a six-day period. You need to have the exam and get your score at the end of the workshop, but you might not have time for that because the next workshop will start immediately for 12 months which corresponds to 12 tribes. Then you, as the tribal Messiah, must educate your tribe step by step. Centering on the realm of the tribal Messiah in the world, (this education must be done) not only Korea, but also in all 389 countries in the world.

(The speech title that we read today is) Dawn Bright Our fatherland. Our fatherland has dawned bright. You couldn’t dawn bright. It is up to you and so 사생결단, 전력투구 (死生決斷 全力投球: Give one’s all risking one’s life).

7 X 8 makes 56. 7 X 7 makes 49. Since we haven’t been able to have a graveyard, we haven’t been able to bury. (공동묘지가 없기 때문에 묻지 못했습니다). Now you are supposed to be buried in the Garden of Eden, and you won’t go to hell. (이제 너희들이 묻힐 곳이 에덴동산에서 묻힐 것이되었으니 지옥에 안갑니다.) You shouldn’t forget that you couldn’t help but be kicked out, but I took responsibility, provided the maximum scope in which the principle can work, and gave you this direction. I beg you to act up to the principle, Aju. I beg and pray in the position of the sinner, Aju. I can’t leave you, who I had no relation with but I have to beg you to be responsible for your familial duty.

All participants must be finished with the registration (입적수속을 다 끝내야됩니다.) Be finished with it."

The workshop will be held from 3.27 HC to 4.26 HC at the Central Training Center. 

The Time Will Come When the Fatherland Dawns Bright

Sun Myung Moon
April 25, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung (3. 5 H.C.)


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

358 leaders in Korea with a public mission participated at the meeting on that day.

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 49, titled "조국이여 밝아오라! / Dawn Bright Our Fatherland!" which was given on October 9, 1971.

"What was the title of my speech? ('Dawn Bright Our Fatherland!') It means that even if I don't wake it up, the time will come when the fatherland dawns bright. It means that even if I don't prepare for that, the dawn of the fatherland will come. The person who is here has already lived for 93 years. The time has already passed when I can say 'Dawn bright our fatherland!' In order to conclude God's providence by indemnifying the failure of Adam's family and seeking for what Jesus missed, I had to be determined to restore those by myself and started my course pledging to have the dawn of it in my lifetime without fail. We have to establish the third fatherland. You have the providential mission of going all out for it even by sacrificing the whole, and you, as the owner, have to be determined that you indemnify the mistakes of the past."

"I came back here from Las Vegas and said '조국 광복 / 祖國 光復 / Restoration of (the independence of) the fatherland'. How miserable it is to have said such words. How many thousands of years have passed for '광복 / restoration (of the independence)'? Many years have passed. Many years. It is a huge problem that nobody knows clearly about the restoration of the fatherland."


"What you can be proud of as a Unification Church member is that I have provided eight text books and teaching materials."

"What I am talking about now is 참부모님 정착 (Firm Settlement of True Parents), not 참부모님 안착 (Safe Landing of True Parents)."

"There is the Cheon Jeong Gung in Chung Pyung, which by itself, brightens the fatherland. So the process of the dawn of the fatherland has already passed because we see, live and move in there. Therefore we can't say that we must try to have the dawn of the fatherland again. Cheon Jeong Gung itself has appeared like the lighthouse that symbolizes the victorious hegemony, which nobody in the world can deny. (This place won't disappear) even if someone explodes it. I will establish the ideal of the Cheon Jeong Gung in my hometown as well, which is the house of 80 million people (in the Korean peninsula.). This is my conclusion. Is that true or false? (To Mother) If you think that is true, raise your hand. (Mother raised her right hand) Applaud her. (Applause)"

"Am I a person whom you know well or you don't know well? ('Person whom we know well.') How do you know me well? Centering on tradition one should have the same blood lineage. They shouldn't be separate but must be one. Then children can't help but follow their parents becoming filial children and forming their families through the Blessing.

"After the firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (천지인참부모 정착), what will happen? It is the proclamation of the Substantial Word of God (실체말씀선포). It wouldn't be necessary to leave to you the Substantial Word of God. Because everything has been done in perfecting the family of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Then comes the 'Cosmic Assembly (천주대회).' This doesn't mean that I tell you to do it. The cosmic assembly has already been done. The firm settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind has been done, the proclamation of the Substantial Word of God has been accomplished, and we went beyond the cosmic perfection."

"The number of people who were born on earth and have gone on to the spirit world as of now is 7.2 billion couples.

(Katsumi: I think the number Father mentions here is the current population of the world.)

But in my eyes, there is nobody. Have they lived with (True) parents? They couldn't. Have they worked together with (True) parents? They couldn't.

(Katsumi: I think what Father wants to say here from the heartistic viewpoint is that for Father, even if they are on earth it is like they do not exist.)

Can they, who couldn't work and live with the parents, be qualified t o participate at their wedding celebration? There wouldn't be even one person." 

Become the Representative Who Can Make a New Start for a New Era

Sun Myung Moon
April 24, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung 3. 4 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"I gave a direction that all church leaders must come to today's Hoon Dok Hae. The words you will listen to through the meeting today is important, which will enable you to become the representative who can make a new start for a new era. You don't know the transitions of the times. Nobody knows how heaven and earth have been progressing on a daily basis. This place is the place of the Unification Church. Chinese Character 數 (수: Soo: to count) signifies a father centering on woman and three stages. Which comes first: the world, woman or father? This world of the three stages doesn't have a mother. People say 하나님 아버지 (Heavenly Father) but they don't know 하나님 어머니 (Heavenly Mother). People don't know the mathematical principle."

"萬物之衆 唯人最貴 (만물지중 유인최귀: Among all creation, human is the most valuable). Is this the teaching of Buddhism or Confucianism? ('Confucianism.') Then what do they say in Buddhism? They thought they could reach the state of nirvana (해탈하다 / 解脫하다) without having God. Those are scary words. How about Christianity? Christianity says father must find mother and have the feast, in other words, a man must find a woman. Then what does Islam (회회교 / 回回敎) say? They can move this way and that way (making circles with his fingers) and so they do as they like. (Katsumi: 回 of 回回敎 which is 'Islam' in Chinese character means to move around, and Father interprets the religion by the meaning of this Chinese character)"

(Indicating his speech title) "This title is not from me. 천지인 참부모 정착 (Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). How scary these words are. My previous calligraphy was '天地父母天宙安息圈 (천지부모천주안식권: Cosmic Realm of Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth).'

"As of now, no Buddhist has reached the state of nirvana. What is the meaning of 儒 (유 / Yu) of 儒敎 (유교: Confucianism)? It means people (人) in the rain (雨) who aren't sure if they do or not (而). These are not the interpretations of Rev. Moon. Today, when I draw the final conclusion, I will be liberated (오늘 총론적 결론을 내가 지어주어야, 내가 해방을 받아요)."

"When you were born, did you breathe in or breathe out? You don't know this."

(Reading his calligraphy on the wall) "'천지인참부모정착 실체말씀선포 2010년 천력 5월 27일 (Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God, 5.27 H.C., 2012)' What season does this indicate? It is spring. Today is the fourth day of the third month by the heavenly calendar (3.4 H.C.). 3 X 4 makes 12. Parents (True Father and True Mother) have the same birthday. How about the wedding day? It is different. Why? Rev. Moon had it twice before? I had been kicked out twice. Twice."

"We have been seeking for the establishment of Abel UN." 

Today is the Day When We Leap for the Eternal New Era

Sun Myung Moon
April 23, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 3. 3 H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. Yang shared Father's words given at 1:16 a.m. that morning. She said, "Father asked how many volumes of the Sermons of the Rev. Moon have been published so far. The answer was 615 volumes. Father has been finished with reading until volume 48 in Las Vegas. We are now moving from the volume 48 to 49, and Father said 'The era of new transition will start,' and also said '훈독교체기점 (訓讀交體基点: Point to change in doing Hoon Dok)' Father said 'Today is 3.3 H.C. and 3 X 3 makes 9. So today is the day when we leap for the eternal new era.' From today, we will read the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 49. Father also said, 'Only when all the words of Father are put in order and organized in books according to when and where they were given, we won't have any denominations later. I have to do it by myself in my life time.' Father also said, 'If any of my words isn't included in my speech book, there will be great confusion.'"

While she was explaining, Father started to speak. The following are some of Father's words given that day.

"Why does 8 X 8 make 81? It shouldn't be so. It made a step backwards by 21."

(Unfolding and showing his handkerchief) "I don't do things thoughtlessly even when folding my handkerchief." (Then he explained the numerical principle, especially the number 3, in the cosmos while indicating points on his spread handkerchief)

"Tradition and blood lineage must be one. Tradition can be inherited through the blood lineage of father and mother."

"동서남북 (east, west, south, and north) are the words used before the fall that took place when Adam and Eve were 17 years old." (Katsumi: I think what Father is concerned about here by saying 동서남북 (east, west, south, and north) is the order.)

"When I came to Seoul and lived in the district of Heuk Soek dong, I didn't have a boat to cross over the Seo Bing Go and I had no friend. I cried every day. One day when I was crying under the willow tree on the sandy beach, one lady, who heard me crying for three days, gave me a basket of rice cake. I can't forget what I owed to her in Seoul that time. I am still clear where that the place is and can find it even I visit there at night.

Then Mrs. Yang continued to read the rest of Father's words given at 1;16 a.m. that day. She said, "Father said, 'Don't use my words centering on oneself.' Father also said, 'I have to read all the 615 volumes.' I reported to Father that before D-Day all the rest will be published by Korean HQ."

Then she read Father's speech in volume 49. 

The Representatives of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

Sun Myung Moon
April 22, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 3. 2 HC

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon April 20, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon April 20, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon. After the reading, she sang for Shin Pyeon Nim "곰 세마리" (Three Bears) and then Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon sang "돌아와요부산항에." (Come Back to Busan) The following are some of Father's words.

"It is the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. Then comes the proclamation of the Substantial word of God. There are only two people, Father and Mother as the representatives of heaven, earth and humankind and they are settled with vertical noon-time alignment that casts no shadow (정오정착)."

"Who is the king of the birds that runs fast with two legs? ('타조 / Tajo: Ostrich.') 타조는 타고 여행될 수 있는 조상이야. (Ostrich means the ancestor that can travel riding on its legs.)"

"You know the word 혼 (Hon: soul), do you? What is the difference between 혼 (魂: soul) and 영인체 (靈人體: spirit self)?

(Katsumi: Then Father said the following, which I do not understand)

하나님의 혼을 모르는 것은 영인체의 그림자입니다. (It means something like: Don't you understand God's spirit body is the shadow of spirits.)

(To Dr. Peter Kim) Why are you smiling? You are thinking of quoting somewhere what I just said? Would you use my explanation while forgetting me who said it?

(Katsumi: I think what Father said to Dr. Kim relates to Father's recent repeated comment that the substance comes before the truth) "

"Yeosu is the old capital of Goguryeo, which was called '한성' (Hanseong).

(Katsumi: Hanseong had been geographically one of the three important cities of Goguryeo, which Shilla dynasty took over after the fall of Goguryeo. Nowadays, though it is not sure where the city had been, it is generally believed to have been in the Hwang Hae province in North Korea.)

The following is a part of the reflection of Dr. David Carlson on Father's speech given at the Cheong Shim Peace World Center on 3.1 HC. I couldn't agree more with him, and I would like to post it here again. I have been feeling the same thing in listening to Father's speeches but couldn't organize it in words like Dr. Carlson did below. It is worth keeping it in mind when listening to Father. -- Katsumi Kambashi -

"True Father does not speak in a linear, logical (i.e. Western) fashion. He speaks about one point (which has a whole constellation of points around it) and then perhaps from one of those peripheral points goes to another point. There is no "logical" connection but there is an intuitive, heartistic connection. If our heart is resonant with his heart, we can follow easily, perhaps, but if not, if we look for the "logic" then we can become frustrated. True Father's thinking and speech is centered only on heart. That is, perhaps, unique with the Messiah." 

I Was Born of a Different Seed From Yours

Sun Myung Moon
April 21, 2012
Special Assembly by True Parents
Cheong Shim Peace World Center on 3. 1 HC


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

(After having talked about his unique childhood)

"I was born of a different seed from yours. Therefore, I have lived a different life and have come thus far."

"My nickname in my childhood was 오산집의 조그만 눈 (Small-eyed boy of Osan family). I see far like a stopped-down camera does."

"I started to study at Osan School (which Father's granduncle had virtually established) from grade 3 one month before summer vacation, and then skipping grade 4 I went to grade 5. I knew I had to fight the Japanese but my granduncle told me not to study Japanese, ever. But I said 'I must study it for my preparation and open the way for the country, but you can't do it. Don't tell me what I should do as a grandchild.'"

"Heaven took to the spirit world all the people who had loved or hated me."

"Who is Rev. Moon? It is simple to conclude it. It is me that was born from a different seed and blood lineage. You should understand this at least."

"I am the person that Japan hates most. They kidnapped 12,000 Unification Church members for brainwashing but they couldn't be successful."

"There is no famous sea, mountain, or scenic spot in Korea that I didn't visit."

"My granduncle (Yun Guk Moon) said to me 'You are better at calligraphy than anyone who studies for 과거 (The imperial examination in China and Korea, an examination system designed to select the best administrative officials for the state's bureaucracy) even you hold the ink brush with your toes. So study letters.'"

(Regarding his speech) "Don't edit it. If someone changes the words in my letter, I can't sleep that night. Even my grandfather couldn't do that. If you live according to these words in the speech, you will receive fortune in your life."

"Should there be a couple made of a father and mother or many of those? Why are there many kings in the world? There should be only one King of Kings, who is the True Father as the representative and the root of humankind in heaven and on earth. They should be settled and they will be false otherwise. That's why the title of my speech starts with "천지인참부모 정착 (The Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). Do you know True Parents? Have you heard of it? The Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind is everything."

"God took all those who had hated or loved me to the spirit world. My 14 brothers and sisters (Katsumi: Father included his cousins?) were all gone except my youngest sister 호순 (Ho Soon) in North Korea, who had her twin elder brother. Do you know that without having a twin of brother and sister in the family the Second Messiah can't appear? Her twin brother died of chickenpox when he was 7, 8 years old after he had suffered from it for one year and eight months. When he was dying, he said to me, "Brother Yong Myung, I am going first (to the spirit world.) This is for the sake of you but also for our youngest sister to survive to the end in my family.' For the sake of my younger sister, my two elder brothers died too, and nobody knows where their graves are. After I accomplish the restoration of God's Fatherland, I need to make my family graveyard."

"When I was in prison, I said to people 'You came to prison because you stole this and that,' 'You don't have your father and mother,' or ''During the past 20 years of your stay in the prison, nobody has visited you.' They were surprised, saying 'How did you know that?' I know those things because the spirit world informs me. I said to them, 'If you follow me without dying, you will be saved.'"

"In Las Vegas, which has a population of 1,700,000, 170,000 copies of my autobiography have been distributed."

"How many days are left before D-Day? ('307 days') Too long."

"Is the President Park (assassinated President of Korea) just a human or a patriot? There must be family members of Jeong Hee Park here tonight, listen to me. There was an educational institute of Mr. Chang Ho An which was 320 km away from Pyongyang. There was a place close to the border with Soviet Union where people from the seven defeated countries got together to be trained as spies. It was Yong Myung Moon, not Chang Ho An nor Seung Man Lee that was the representative of Korea there.

"When I was 7 or 8 years old, I came to know what the world is like. You should remember that I, who could find the secrets of the people, am the person who had been trained to find out the secret of Heaven."

"A Blessed couple who went to the spirit world came to know those who had opposed the Unification Church on earth were doing the servant work."

(Indicating his latest speech) "This is the record of my life from the year one to my age of 73. I numbered 74 on the sheet by myself which has the conclusion. It says 'page 156 of the Sermons of the Rev. Moon volume 35, 11.7 by the heavenly calendar, Change the blood lineage. Aju. Og Mansei.' The title of this page is '섭리적 최종목적 되다 (Final purpose of the providence is accomplished).' It says '1. Perfection.' Adam's family must have been perfected. Adam ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and became a false parent instead of becoming a True Parent. Then it says '2. Conclusion,' and '3. Completion.'"

(Showing his handkerchief) "What is this? Sun Jo Hwang, come to the front. I must teach him this well. (Father called Hyung Jin Nim too) Hyung Jin! I now realize that this man (Hyung Jin Nim) went beyond the level of martial arts without my notice. When we went to Geomundo, I asked him, 'Have you learned from me or not how to fish?' He replied, 'I don't know how to fish and I know you are the best. So I just follow the best person.'

(Katsumi: I remember Hyung Jin Nim once said at Hoon Dok Hae he didn't like fishing) His wife, Yeon Ah, always gets sick on the boat and then he is always with her, not with me, taking care of her. He has a dog and he loves it more than his sons. Wow, an unexpected change happened in the Unification Church and he is more strange than I am. (Laughter) He said, 'If I am the number one in martial arts and love it to the end, good people will like that and bad ones will recognize me. I believe that is the practice of true love.' I said, 'How did you learn that? You are right.' What's the name of the martial art? ('Brazilian jiu-jitsu')

(Hyung Jin Nim and Rev. Sun Jo Hwang continued to stand on the stage beside Father.)

"A man can't become a woman, and a woman can't become a man."

"Can one become the Second Messiah as they like? Can Adam become perfect as he likes? I am the person that revealed the God of Night and the God of Day. I am the person that clearly taught the difference between 혼 (soul) and 영인체 / 靈人體 (spirit self). All those secrets are included in this speech, which contains 74 pages. This has the contents of all about the formula and public course in God's providence. Anyone who doesn't know this will fail."

"Who is the father of 박혁거세 (Park Heok Keo Sei, BC 69 -- AD 4: the founder of the Shilla dynasty)?"

"Do you know when they play drums and blow the horns at the feast, they can call their ancestors? (Then he whistled.) From 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. the whistle with a secret code can call the spirits, and then good and bad spirits in the village will come. Then they discuss about who is better or older, their blood lineage, good words or bad words they said, etc., and then good and evil spirits are distinguished."

(Father talked about the handkerchief again and at that time Rev. Hwang was already back in his seat) "I don't fold my handkerchief as I like. Sun Jo Hwang! Why aren't you here? (Laughter) (He came back to the podium) I will teach you secrets." (After he spread his handkerchief on the podium he explained the number 4, 13, 9, 36,16, east, west, south and north, Korean saying 초부득삼, heaven and earth, and man and woman, while indicating points on the handkerchief)

"Mt. Halla in Jeju island is in the position of the wife of Mt. Baekdu in North Korea. There is Bek Rok Dam (a crater lake) on Mt. Halla. 40 years ago I bought Jiguido (a small island close to Jejudo) and wanted to educate people there but I couldn't."

Father sang "뒷동산의 할미꽃 (Grandmother Flower Song)." "This is the song that my great-grandmother taught me when I was four years old."

"It is me that holds the international wedding ceremony. It is me that distinguishes 영인체 (靈人體; spirit self) from 혼 (魂; soul). It is me that says the kingdom of heaven on earth must resemble the kingdom of heaven in heaven. it is me that revealed the secrets in Heaven."

"84% of the world population have the Mongolian birthmark. When they are united, the unification of the world automatically comes."

"Today is 4.1 HC. (Rev. Hwang, who is still standing beside Father, said, 'It is 3.1 HC as an intercalary month.') Don't be bothered with the intercalary month. (Laughter) Today is 4. 1 HC, and this is my birthday."

"Do you know 광개토대왕 (Great King AD 374 -- AD 412, the 19th king of Goguryeo who greatly expanded its territory)?"

"Who is the archangel? God's brother was the archangel, who was a younger cousin of Adam. He fell with Eve and there is no such principle."

Father called Mother to the podium for reading the speech. "Welcome her with a big applause!' (Applause) Father continued to speak and Mother said to him, "2 hours and half passed. Please be seated." Father said with smile 'If I speak 3 hours or more, do you kill or kick me out." Mother said, "If you continue to speak, I can't start." (Laughter) She started to read, stopping Father from speaking. Father urged the audience again to give her big applause. After her reading, Father came back to the podium to read the conclusion of the speech.

"This is important. (Then he read a subhead in the speech) 'Seunghwa Ceremony of the New World and the Establishment of the World Federation of New Tribal Messiah.'"

"Only (True) parents' wedding ceremony on D-Day has remained undone. How many days to go until that day? ('307 days')"

(Father read a subhead in the speech)"'新実體映像時代到来 (신실체 영상시대 도래: The Arrival of the Era of the New Substantial Image). We show now, not only words, but also visualized substantial contents as the fact (영화화된 실체내용을 사실으로 보여주고), which nobody can deny. (Katsumi: I think this "実體映像 / 실체영상: Substantial Image" corresponds to "実體말씀 / 실체말씀: Substantial Word" of his speech title.)

(After having read the activities of WFWPU in the speech) "Here I am secretly saying that the next secretary general of the UN could be a female. Men, don't be proud of yourselves."

"Page 74 has the conclusion of the speech. '섭리적 최종목적되다 (The final purpose of the providence is accomplished.)' Firstly, '完成, 完結, 完了 (완성, 완결, 완료: Perfection, Conclusion, and Completion).' The Creator told Adam and Eve that when they eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die. Who fell? Not Adam, but Eve! Eve, in reverse, rode on a male (해와가 거꾸로 남자를 타버렸어). She rode on Adam's younger cousin, that is, God's younger brother. There is never such a principle. This incident means annihilation and self-destruction, but I am the only person that came to know that, found out how to restore it, and is responsible for that. One can't help but follow such a person."

"The grandmother, mother, one's wife, and wife of one's son are all like young widows and they are waiting for the groom. But the groom has no nation with which he can take possession of the world! Who is the groom? It is Rev. Moon. I had made compromises with Heaven, pledged, and decided the method to be able to handle the providence even without having a nation, and so you can't help but follow my will at all costs. One must resemble by uniting with God's blood lineage and tradition. Children must be born resembling their parents through the same tradition and blood lineage. Anyone who doesn't resemble their parents is false."

"By being Blessed and receiving the blood lineage of Goguryeo, which is crystal clear, one should follow Heaven. There is no son or daughter of the direct lineage of God, which is like a flawless crystal. After receiving such a Blessing, a book will be bequeathed that has the seals of the names of three nations such as Korea and Japan which received the Royal seal (옥새 / 玉璽), and China and Russia as the Archangel nations. Japan will disappear. Goguryeo, China and Russia will do so too. There is only one Royal seal (옥새 / 玉璽). There shouldn't be three. Since everything, which has been split on an individual, familial and tribal era, will become one in True Parents' life time, anyone who isn't united with True Parents' direction will disappear. A scary time is coming. Please work yourself up to completing the registration contract (입적계약 / 入籍契約) as soon as possible. Aju." 

The University of Oriental Medicine that Father is Planning to Establish

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (3. 29 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 14, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 14, 2012

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon # 48, titled "Position Where Happiness Starts." After the reading she sang for Shin Pyeon Nim "악어떼" (This Old Man) and "곰 세마리. (Three Bears)" Then she sang "천년바위" (Rock of Ages) and Father listened to it earnestly with his eyes closed.

Rev. Jeong Soon Jo made a report regarding the University of Oriental Medicine that Father is planning to establish in Las Vegas. In his report, he said that yesterday the Board of the Oriental Medical Doctors officially had approved the establishment of the university, which name is the Wongu Peace University. According to Rev. Jo, all four board members consented unanimously and they even asked him when he could open the university. Father, again listened to the report with his eyes closed.

Participants sang "진짜 사나이" (Real Man) and "광야의 사나이". (Man of the Wilderness) Father listened with his eyes closed while tapping the coffee table with his hands.

The following are the excerpts of the interview with Rev. Yang, which is included in the video clip that day.

"This is the place named 평화왕궁 (Peace Palace) by Father, which is 5 minutes away from the Las Vegas International Airport. This has 155,000 square feet and this is the biggest building in the suburbs of Las Vegas. Father bought this property one year ago, and today 3.28 HC, we will tear down one third of the building. We will establish an educational center that can hold 2,000 people, and Father is planning to use this place as the headquarters of the Abel UN. Father visited and blessed here today, and we expect to complete the construction by the end of this year. Please pray for this project. Thank you."

Please see the following photo of the property that was taken last year.


You Need to Cooperate With Me

Sun Myung Moon
April 18, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas (3. 28 HC)

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon # 48, titled "Main Cause and Plan for Unification (통일의 요인과 방안)." The following are some of Father's words after the reading.

"I have to go soon (to Korea)."

"You need to cooperate with me in order for you to be useful in my path. But if you can't contribute and yet still appear in public, you will only give damage. Don't wait for me in advance when I didn't call for you. Such a person only wants to use of me."

"When I have something good, I won't talk with, for example, George Bush about it. In the presence of our members, I would talk to my grandchildren, 'I will embrace and love you more than you do.' Only those who are in the same blood lineage can participate and have the right of inheritance. You should know that."

"People whom I loved in my youth were all gone. My father, my mother, my brothers and sisters… There is only one left, my youngest sister in North Korea. She had a twin elder brother, Yong Gwan (용관). Both caught chickenpox at the same time, and she survived but he passed away. He truly loved my youngest sister. He was 7, 8 years old then and said to me '형님, (brother) I think I will have to die soon for my younger sister." I said, 'Don't say such a thing carelessly.' My family went through such a course."

Rev. Yang read Rev. No Hee Park's report on the successful performance of the Universal Ballet which took place in Taiwan in March. 

Which Comes First, The Substance or the Word of God?

Sun Myung Moon
April 15, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas 3. 25 HC

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han April 6, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"It is the 'Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.' Then the 'Proclamation of the Word of God.' Which comes first, the substance or the word of God? The substance comes first. No one can deny it."

"The number 11 is the problem. Five oceans and six continents. Prior to the fall, which took place in February when Adam was 17 years old, they knew (the order of) 동서남북 (east, west, north and south)."

"Why are there the Old Testament and the New Testament? It is because the tradition has been separate, and they didn't know the God of Night and the God of Day."

"When did the God of Night and the God of Day become separate? It was in February when Adam and Eve were 17 years old."

"The amazing thing about the Unification Church is that we have one blood lineage and that makes tradition."

"The 'Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind' is the conclusive essence (결론적 핵심) of my speeches."

"What tradition are we talking about? It is the tradition of the Creator Who created the cosmos with the principle of subject and object partners on the base of true love."

(Holding Shin Pyeon Nim in his arms) "I get crazy with the word 하나님 (God). I don't know anything but that, and I've come this far. Shin Pyeon will do the same."

On April 16, 2012 True Father explored the lower reaches of the Colorado River. 

Cheon Hwa Gung Special Declaration Ceremony

Proclaimed on 3.24 (April 14) at Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas

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At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven’s victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam’s families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soonshin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious. I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God’s will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father. [Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents’ traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation. [True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You, Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical “noontime” alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon Il Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you. [All present bow to True Parents.]

True Father’s Prayer: Mother, Thank You For Your Hard Work!

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung Special Declaration Ceremony
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas, NV

True Father’s Prayer: Mother, thank you for your hard work!

At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven’s victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam’s families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soon- shin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious.

I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God’s will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure.

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father.

[Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents’ traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation.

[True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You, Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical “noontime” alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you.

[All present bow to True Parents.]

Mother, Thank You For Your Hard Work!

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
Cheon Hwa Gung Declaration
Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas 3.24 (HC)


At the point where the evidently divided internal God and external God are perfectly reunited, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Moon, who were able to become True Parents in the Garden of Eden with no shadow of the Fall, return to the position at which God said, If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die.

True Parents teach about purity to not one but tens of thousands of couples, sons and daughters who had been enemies, making them one and then establishing the realm of oneness based on unified families. Welcoming with pleasure heaven's victorious sovereignty and the kingdom of Heaven, all these things that are completed, with Mother as the starting point, centering on True Parents, all descendants of two Adam's families are united. I thank Heavenly Father for all his achievements, for the history of Korean tradition, found in Shim Cheong, Chun Hyang, and Admiral Soon- shin Lee, which is able to serve the Original Creator who is divided into the God of Night and the God of Day, and that we can remember and celebrate that such fidelity, loyalty and leadership has been fulfilled, perfected and victorious.

I am also grateful for what Mother and Father have done in following God's will. Please accept this moment when all the processes have been clearly set in order in front of Heaven. Please receive this moment, when we can offer a bow to Heaven, with pleasure.

Mother, thank you for your hard work! Please offer a greeting to Father. [Mother bows from the waist to Father.]

I have received a bow by which Mother pledges to fulfill the time-honored principles of True Parents' traditions, which are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. From now on we two, as one being, the mother body of the one blood lineage, become the base that can establish the upper and lower, front and back, left and right heavenly pillars. In light of this, please accept, at the heavenly throne, our bow by the two of us who, with our hearts hand in hand, pledge to attend the Absolute Parent, the Original Creator, with gratitude for His grace for the God of Night and the God of Day raising her to the position of perfection, which is the blessing of the perfection of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation. [True Parents bow from the waist to God.]

Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You,

Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self. Please receive this! Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden. Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father! Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we can be with you in the place of vertical "noontime" alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit. Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents! Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju. Thank you. [All present bow to True Parents.] 

True Parents perform a Special Declaration Ceremony

Sun Myung Moon
April 14, 2012
3.14 HC

Sun Myung Moon -- May 18, 2012

Sun Myung Moon -- May 18, 2012

On 3.14 by the Heavenly Calendar (April 14), True Parents performed a special declaration ceremony after Hoon Dok Hae.

"Centering on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience that stems from our God, who restored the authority of the Creator, I offer in front of You, Heavenly Father, my finally having perfected and concluded the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self. Please receive this!

Now True Parents pledge and declare that the blessing of God as the Absolute Lord can be always with us. It can eternally and safely lead the owners of the ideal of the eternally unchanging family that upholds one tradition, one lineage and one resemblance [of God] centering on the original homeland and going beyond the Garden of Eden.

Please go along with us while perfecting the kingdom of heaven, the heavenly ideal of unity and the fulfillment of love, which is the eternal victorious supremacy. Please receive this, Father.

Knowing what You have permitted, we will receive that; and I pray we will be with you in the place of vertical "noontime" alignment [that casts no shadow] at the absolute summit.

Parents of Heaven and Earth! Mansei for God! Mansei for True Parents!

Victorious supremacy will be eternally perfected in Cheon II Guk, the unified world! Aju, Aju, Aju."