N. Korean Leader Sends Condolences Over Moon

N. Korean Leader Sends Condolences Over Moon

SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un sent condolences on Wednesday over the death of Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon, fuelling speculation he might send a delegation to the funeral in South Korea next week.

Moon, a self-styled messiah who gathered a global following behind his church and spawned a multibillion business empire, died on Monday at the age of 92.

His funeral will be held September 15 at the church's headquarters in Gapyeong, about 60 miles east of Seoul.

Although a staunch anti-communist, Moon began building a relationship with North Korea in the 1990s. In 1991 he visited Pyongyang and met with then leader Kim Il-Sung for talks that touched on reunification of the divided peninsula.

A church-affiliated firm, Pyeonghwa (Peace) Motors, established a joint carmaking business in North Korea in 1999.

Kim Jong-Un's message was carried in a short report on the state's official Korean Central News Agency.

"I express my deep condolences to widow Han Hak Ja and the bereaved family upon receiving the sad news that Moon Sun Myung... died of illness," the message read.

"Though he passed away, his efforts and feats made for the reconciliation and unity of the nation, the reunification of the country and the world peace will last forever."

Since Moon's death, there has been increasing speculation that North Korea would seek to send an official delegation to pay its respects at his funeral.

Moon sent Unification Church delegations -- including some of his family members -- to the funerals of both Kim Il-Sung in 1994 and Kim Jong-Un's father Kim Jong-Il last year.

As of Tuesday evening, South Korea's Unification Ministry said it had received no formal request from Pyongyang to attend Moon's funeral.

A Tribute to My Father


My heart grieves as a son for the passing of my father, but I am comforted in knowing that his indomitable spirit and enduring legacy will live on in the memories of the countless people he has touched through his visionary ministry. He lived a remarkable life, and it is important for us to honor that life in the proper way.

My father was first and foremost a filial son to God, committing his entire life to the substantial realization of His will on earth. And by doing so, he sought to comfort God's agonizing heart. His deep, personal relationship with God fueled his passionate desire to bring God's blessing to all of His children, regardless of the pretensions -- be they racial, ethnic, national, or even religious -- that so often divide and alienate the human family.

He committed himself and his entire foundation to the providential mission of building a world of peace and reconciliation, centered upon the vision of One Family under God. His aspiration was for a global God-centered family rooted in universal principles and the value system of True Love, a selfless love manifested as "living for the sake of others."


My father believed that this vision has been the yearning of mankind throughout our tumultuous history and, most of all, has been the dream of God ever since human creation. It is God's dream, but my father took ownership of it and lived to fulfill it through his ministry and works.

I know that his greatest desire was to set the precedent of devotion and service to that will and, thereby, inspire others to work with the same passionate commitment and sense of ownership to make God's dream into a substantial reality.

Therefore, the most fitting tribute to my father is to create a living monument to the dream which inspired his life. His visionary and pioneering life is like a foundation stone upon which others must now build, continuing the efforts he began with the same passion, commitment and zeal. That is the best way, I believe, to honor his life and consecrate a fitting legacy to a life which has given so much.

As a son, who has taken to heart the meaning of my father's life and teaching, I dedicate myself to continue this work together with all those who have been inspired by the vision of "One Family under God" and the ideals my father lived for. 

Letter of Condolence for Mama Moon

Joe and Gina de Venecia
September 4, 2012


Ms. Hak Ja Han South Korea

Dear Mama Moon:

We are saddened by the news of the passing of our beloved Reverend Moon, who for many years, was a big part of our lives as a father, friend and adviser.

He will forever be remembered by us, and the more than three million members of the Unification Church worldwide, as the True Father, who selflessly dedicated six decades of his life to tireless efforts to bring about global peace.

Though he may no longer be with us, he has successfully planted the seeds of his mission, to end human suffering, in the hearts and minds of his congregation, so that his teachings may live on. This is the mark of a true leader.

We are indeed blessed to have been a part of True Father's life. His confidence in his vision was truly inspiring. Most people go where the path may lead, "he went where there was none, and left a trail for everyone to follow."

Reverend Moon has earned his place in history, but more importantly, he has earned a permanent place in the hearts of millions of people whose lives he has touched and changed.

With tears in our eyes, and with longing in our hearts, we bid our Papa Moon goodbye.

With all our love,

Joe and Gina de Venecia 

30,000 Japanese Invited to Unification Church’s Sun Myung Moon’s Funeral

Radhika Seth
September 4, 2012

30,000 Japanese Invited to Unification Church’s Sun Myung Moon’s Funeral

According to Sun Myung Moon’s close aide Bo Hi Pak, around 30,000 people from Japan have been invited to attend the funeral of their beloved ‘messiah’ and Unification Church leader. Merely hours after his death was announced, the Unification Church went into full gear with preparations for a massive funeral. Sun Myung Moon’s funeral will be held on 15th September at the mountain-ringed headquarters in Gapyeong, South Korea, east of Seoul.

Workers have been moved into action for paving a one-kilometer, two-lane road leading to the complex. With expectations of a huge turnout, the organizers wish to ensure complete competence. They are preparing a special altar inside a large gymnasium at the centre of the complex and general public will be allowed to offer their prayers and respects from Thursday onwards.

The Unification Church has around three million followers from across the globe however recent numbers put them at 70,000 at the most. Mourners at the movement’s main church in Seoul have quite a number of followers praying and reading a special edition of the church-affiliated newspaper regarding their leader’s death. Stories like the following have emerged after the leader’s death: Japanese follower Yamanaka Katsuyo married a South Korean man at a mass wedding in Seoul in 1988, after Moon chose her groom for her. She claims that the marriage has been bliss and outlasted many love marriages.

Did the Moonies Really Brainwash Millions? Time To Dispel a Myth

Eileen Barker
September 4, 2012

In Britain the Moonies had fewer than 150 members in 1976. Hardly the mindbending cult the media was so keen to portray

Moonies pictured in 1982. Photograph: Sipa Press / Rex Features

Moonies pictured in 1982. Photograph: Sipa Press / Rex Features

The death of Sun Myung Moon has brought back to mind the panic that swept through the west in the 1970s and 80s. Moon was just about the last surviving charismatic leader of the "cults" that, it was widely declared, threatened to undermine our civilisation by brainwashing our youth and turning them into zombies prepared to do anything – including mass suicide and murder.

Apart from Moon and his Unification Church, there was David Berg and his Children of God, who became renowned for their practice of "flirty fishing"; Prabhupada and his International Society for Krishna Consciousness devotees, who could be seen dancing and chanting on the streets; Bhagwan Rajneesh, later called Osho, and his sannyasins; and L Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology – and literally hundreds of other men and women selling their spiritual wares in San Francisco, New York, Montreal, Paris, Tokyo and London.

Exactly what it was that was on offer varied enormously. But the general public was largely unaware of the differences, informed as it was by sensationalist media themselves fanned by a burgeoning number of so-called "anti-cult groups", which had started as gatherings of concerned relatives but developed into powerful lobbying groups that accumulated all the worrying stories about any one movement (and there were undoubtedly several to gather), and then generalised these into a conventional wisdom about "what all cults do" – forgetting that all these activities could just as easily be found in the traditional religions. Not, of course, that this would make deceptive practices, sexual exploitation or child abuse any less culpable.

But why were intelligent, well-educated young people joining the movements in droves? One answer was heard more than any other. Our youth had not chosen to convert to a new religion; they had been brainwashed into leaving their universities, abandoning promising careers, and severing ties with their families in order to live in secluded communities, working long hours for their "puppet masters" and, in the case of those who came to be called "Moonies", getting married by a Korean messiah in a mass wedding along with thousands of other couples to someone they had never met before and might not even speak English. Clearly, it was claimed, these were the victims of well nigh irresistible and irreversible mind-control techniques.

With hindsight, some of our views of these cults need correcting. Although the colourful devotees and sannyasins and the persistent Unificationists were highly visible in public places, people were not joining in anything like the numbers that were being alleged. While estimates of the number of Unificationists in Britain topped a million, there were in fact fewer than 150 in 1976.

It is true that thousands attended one or other of the residential weekends where the "brainwashing" was said to occur, but 90% did not join as a result. Of those who did, the majority left within a couple of years. Much as the movements tried to persuade people to join their ranks, and much as they would have like to have had greater persuasive powers, they demonstrably did not have access to the irresistible or irreversible techniques they were reputedly wielding.

But things have changed. It is not that there are not still thousands of new religious movements to be found around the world – there are. Inform, the government-funded organisation that provides information on minority religions, has on its files over a thousand new religions that are currently active in the UK. But most people would be hard pushed to name more than a handful of these. Why?

First, since 9/11, the public is now more concerned about Islamic terrorism than about cults. Second, although young (and older) people are still wanting answers to all sorts of questions about God, spirituality, the state of the world and their relations with others, they are less likely to turn to a new religion for their answers.

Next, the movements themselves have changed quite radically. Those that caught the public's attention during the latter half of the past century (and are now well into a second- or even third-generation membership that is no longer so concerned with recruitment but, more frequently, with getting on in the outside world).

Then the new ones that have since emerged tend to be more spiritual and far less institutionalised than the earlier movements. The Children of God no longer "flirty fish"; the vast majority of Krishna devotees are people of Asian origin who have found a place to carry out their traditional worship. Most Unificationists now live with their families and work independently of the movement. Those second-generation members that have stayed in the movement (although the majority have left) are likely to be married to someone their parents suggested, often with quite a bit of input from their children.

Scientology is, perhaps, one of the few "bogey cults" that remains in the public eye, due partly to the number of high-level members who have recently left, and, no doubt, to the high-profile antics of Tom Cruise. Perhaps The Master, Paul Thomas Anderson's acclaimed new film on the origins of Scientology, will provide us with some further understanding of "the cult experience".

Everyone Come To Korea

Joshua Cotter
September 4, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I bring greetings from our Senior Pastor, In Jin Nim. She would like to show America's strong support for our True Father by having everyone come to Korea to celebrate his victorious life at his Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. This is an honor and privilege. Please come!

Everyday, there is so much happening here in Korea where we are busy preparing for True Father's Seonghwa. President Song, the Continental Director of Europe, provided some intimate insight into True Family’s attendance of True Father. "The True Family members are offering three meals to True Father from amongst his favorite food. They gathered around his Holy Body and each greeted him. True Mother is sharing precious education with all the True Family, explaining that we must all make a new start and ‘never stop’ -- rather, we should speed up development and determine to achieve greater miracles, more than ever before. Together they sang ‘Danny Boy’ and Korean folk songs for True Father, with individual True Children and Grandchildren also offering songs. True Mother led this beautiful attendance to create a very high and joyful atmosphere."

This reminded me of last Sunday where In Jin Nim picked the songs for the Lovin' Life service that True Father loved. In New York, there was not a dry eye in the congregation, as I am sure was the case in every satellite. We are so blessed to have the leadership of True Children who can help us connect to True Parents in heart.

True Mother wants very much to provide Brothers and Sisters with the opportunity to offer their respect directly to True Father’s Holy Body at the Cheon Jeong Gung, so that all can have an unforgettable memory through directly connecting with True Father’s heart and spirit. True Mother has granted that September 12th and 13th will be the days for American members to pay their respect to Father.

We are now inviting VIP's from around the nation to offer letters of support and attend True Father's Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. Rev Song reported, "This is a very important time for the government and people of Korea to recognize the incredible international influence and impact of our True Father’s life and work and his status as the Savior and greatest patriot in Korean history."

True Mother's desire is that by bringing VIP's as well as our Brothers and Sisters from around the world, True Father will be lifted up in front of the nation of Korea as the true patriot that he is. Already, several current and many former heads of state and government officials from around the world are confirming their desire to attend the Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. Tonight, it was announced that North Korea will send a high government official to honor our True Father's legacy.

Throughout his life, True Father never took a single step without the guidance of our Heavenly Parent. Hours before entering the hospital for treatment in Seoul, True Father took time to say goodbye. Rev Song shared that, "True Father held True Mother’s hands and offered a beautiful prayer in which he already revealed his awareness that all is completed and it is time to depart." This prayer was filmed and is now available for brothers and sisters to view at vimeo.com/48796028.

Please view this very moving video as a part of your jeongseong devotions during this Special 13 day Seonghwa Period (an English and Japanese version will be available soon)

Last Sunday, In Jin Nim shared profound insights into our True Mother's character and leadership. Through her sermon, we realized how God has really prepared and anointed True Mother for this time. In Jin Nim is grateful to Mother for her loving care of True Father. She shared, "Thanks to our True Mother, Father was able to return home to Cheongshim Hospital and be surrounded by his family in his final hours on earth. In the Korean tradition, the best possible situation is for one to be at home surrounded by one's family at such a time. Transitioning to the spirit world is one the five blessings of life."

We thank God for our True Mother. Let's make every effort to be in Korea


Rev Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

Day 2 of the Special Seonghwa Period

Yong Cheon Song
September 4, 2012

Unification Church Europe
18.07.03 (4th September 2012)
Sent to all Nations and Communities/Cities


Dear National and Community Leaders,

President Song is continuously keeping us closely informed regarding True Mother's guidance and an internal understanding as events unfold during this Special Seonghwa Period. There follows an account of the latest news.

Mr. Peter Kim spoke to the Continental Directors today and gave an intimate insight into True Family's attendance of True Father. The True Family are offering three meals to True Father from amongst his favorite food. They gathered around his Holy Body and each greeted him. True Mother is sharing precious education with all the True Family, explaining that we must all make a new start and 'never stop', rather speed up development and determine to achieve greater miracles, more than ever before. Together they sang 'Danny Boy' and Korean folk songs for True Father, individual True Children and Grandchildren also offering songs. True Mother led this beautiful attendance to create a very high and joyful atmosphere.

True Mother has agreed that all who wish to offer their respect directly to True Father's Holy Body at the Cheon Jeong Gung may do so (during the period from 6th to 13th September between 10am and 6pm each day), with the heart that all can have an unforgettable memory directly connecting with True Father's heart and spirit.

In Korea there is huge media coverage with some 460 individual items appearing yesterday. There is great public curiosity about possible high level representation from North Korea. This is a very important time for the Government and people of Korea to recognize the incredible international influence and impact of our True Father's life and work and his status as the Savior and greatest patriot in Korean history.

The level of international VIPs attending from Europe will directly contribute to and affect the level of formal participation from the Korean Government at the Universal Seonghwa Ceremony. Confirmation of Heads of State and Government and V VIPs from Europe will be very influential. True Mother has instructed that international VIPs should be treated with the greatest warmth and hospitality, beautiful hotel accommodation is already reserved. Every day we should connect our hearts to True Mother who wishes to honour True Father in the most glorious way possible and to dramatically lift up the way in which True Father is recognized in God's Homeland, Korea.

True Father spent just one day in Cheon Jeong Gung between his two periods of hospitalization. During that brief time he held True Mother's hands and offered a beautiful prayer in which he already revealed his awareness that 'All is completed and it is time to depart'. This prayer was filmed and is now available for Brothers and Sisters to view vimeo.com/48796028 Please view this very moving video as a part of your Jeong Seong devotions during this Special 13 day Seonghwa Period. (An English and Japanese version will be available soon)

Already several current and many former Heads of State and Government from around the world are confirming their desire to attend the Universal Seonghwa Ceremony on 15th September – please work and pray to secure the highest level participation from Europe.

True Mother regards those who hold public missions in the providence and our Blessed Central Families as so precious – she is calling you to offer your respects in person to your very own True Father at this most special moment of attendance. Please let us make this Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Reverend Sun Myung Moon the most glorious tribute to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

From President Yong Cheon Song,

Yours sincerely,

Tim Miller and Peter Staudinger
European Office 

He Passed On To Us These Words of Wisdom From His Heart Expressing His Last Wish

Ho-yeul An
September 4, 2012
Tongil Foundation Public Relations Department

He Passed On To Us These Words of Wisdom From His Heart Expressing His Last Wish

Throughout his entire life, Reverend Sun Myung Moon lived as the Messiah and True Parents consistently… Proclaiming Cheon Il Guk

Rev. Moon has lived his whole life with the motto of “World Peace and Salvation of humankind.” He founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity in 1954 and made it a world level religion by dispatching missionaries to 194 nations. He also professed his vision of World Peace and the Salvation of humankind. He lived with vigor and vitality in many ways unfathomable to the average person.

He was imprisoned six times in Japan, North Korea, South Korea and the USA. Although he was rejected in large part by the vested right, the world paid attention to him. Rev. Moon maintained international relevance through professing his vision and life course to humanity, who battled with confusion that came with the absence of values and religious conflicts that occurred throughout the history of civilization.

Rev. Moon has led God’s Providence both in the spiritual world and physical world. On September 3, 2012, at 1:54 am, he peacefully ascended to Heaven. Rev. Moon said that he left The Eight Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials as his last wish several times as he emphasized that he had already left a will for humanity; and that it was his last wish to be prepared after his victory over the seven hardships he faced between life and death.

The Eight Great Textbooks and Teaching Materials include, among 615 volumes, ‘The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon,’ ‘Divine Principle,’ ‘Cheon Seong Gyeong,’ ‘Family Pledge,’ ‘Pyeonghwa Shingyeong (The Peace Messages),’ ‘True Families: The Gateway to Heaven,’ ‘Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage,’ ‘World Scriptures’ included the thought of the vision of Rev. Moon.

Rev. Moon was admitted to Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital on August 3rd and after ten days he left the hospital and remained at his residence in Cheon Jeong Gung in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-Do. There he proclaimed, ‘it is finished.’ Because his will for his disciples and all humankind is explained in the Eight Great Teaching Materials and Textbooks, he did not express his final will at that time.

He Passed On To Us These Words of Wisdom From His Heart Expressing His Last Wish 1

Rev. Moon was regarded as a cult leader when he began his public life in 1950s. Christianity criticized Rev. Moon as a self-proclaimed Messiah and the Second Advent of Christ. But as the Bible says, “God created man in his own image (Genesis 1:27)” and “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your (1 Corinthians 3:16),” human beings were created in God’s image and should be God’s Temple. From this perspective, Rev. Moon taught that the Second Advent and Messiah is the perfect Man who becomes one with God heartistically and through whom God can dwell. That is the final goal of human perfection and what most religions strive for. Therefore, it is indisputable. Rev. Moon emphasized that all human beings should be True Parents and Tribal Messiahs.

The concept of Messiah, as professed by Rev. Moon, comprises the ideal True Parents practicing love for humanity. He taught that human beings should be the substantial objects of God as well as individual Messiahs. He demonstrated the perfect example of this concept throughout his daily life. On his 90th birthday celebration, he proclaimed that he should become the substantial body of God in the greatest state.

Rev. Moon repeatedly emphasized God’s Shimjung (Heart). He continually felt God’s sorrowful heart and overcame all hardships and sufferings. Since he was called by God at the age of 16, Rev. Moon has paid his due in blood, sweat and tears in order to accomplish God’s Will. As he reflected on his entire life, he said, “My life was the life of patience and endurance for God and salvation of humanity who struggled in realm of death.” In addition, he spoke, “Now, if someone looks into my deep heart and says a word of consolation, my tears will fall in cataracts.”

Rev. Moon has lived a life centered on God’s will day and night, fully investing and sacrificing himself to accomplish it. He responded to God’s calling and pioneered the way of Messiah and True Parents. We should remember that.

Jesus is the Messiah and Savior. Why is Jesus the Messiah? It is because Jesus’ life and vision were united together with God’s. When Jesus began his public life, he proclaimed, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” (Matthew 3:2) During his time, no one said ‘the Kingdom of Heaven.’ However, as he said this, he realized himself to be God’s only begotten son.

At the present time, the Messiah is the individual who becomes one with God like Jesus, practices love for humanity and puts the best efforts in building the kingdom of God. Beyond the barriers of Unification Church which he founded, Rev. Moon made a commitment toward establishing interreligious world peace throughout his whole life, in a way that differed from other religious leaders.

He Passed On To Us These Words of Wisdom From His Heart Expressing His Last Wish 2

Rev. Moon said the core of the peaceful world is the world of one great human family, one family under God. He has strived to build up the ideal world in which all human beings become one with God’s heart, establish the true family, and live a peaceful life by practicing true love and liquidating separation, struggles and conflicts. On January 13th, 2001, at the beginning of the 21st century, Rev. Moon proclaimed ‘Cheon Il Guk’ the Kingdom of God on the worldwide foundation, including the spiritual world and the physical world.

Mrs Cecilie Fortune, whose husband is the pastor for the South London Unification community said, “I feel filled with gratitude that I can be alive at this time and attend True Parents. This time of his passing is very special to me: the reality of connecting the physical and spirit worlds is coming to fruition. I don’t feel sad, I feel this is a very special moment of grace and deep connectedness to True Parents, and its a time of moving on to a new stage.”

Reamonn Bateman, a musician and entrepreneur in North London said, “I feel lucky and incredibly grateful to have been able to attend the marriage blessing officiated by Father Moon last March, and also for having been alive at the same time as him. I’m not overcome with difficult emotions now – in the circumstances I feel that he was meant to pass away so that he can be more productive in a spiritual state rather than being in a body that was holding him back.”

Moon and Wife ‘True Parents’ But Children Suffered Estrangement, Tragedy and Reality TV

The Associated Press
September 4, 2012

Moon and Wife ‘True Parents’ But Children Suffered Estrangement, Tragedy and Reality TV

The late Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the Unification Church founder who died this week at 92, had 13 children with his second wife, Hak Ja Han Moon. He and his wife are revered by followers as the “True Parents,” but their children have suffered estrangements, deaths, suicide, lawsuits, public bickering, the airing of intimate secrets — and one reality TV show appearance. Here’s a look at some of the more prominent Moon children:


The Moons’ eldest son, born in 1962. Hyo-jin reportedly died of a heart attack in 2008. He was a musician and producer and recorded more than a dozen albums, according to a church-affiliated website. His former wife, Nonsook Hong, claimed he was an alcoholic and drug addict who beat her, including while she was seven months pregnant with their fifth child. He was given huge amounts of cash by his mother that he used to buy cocaine and throw parties, Hong told the U.S. television news program “60 Minutes” in 1998. She said she was chosen by the Rev. Moon to marry Hyo-jin when she was 15.


Preston, born in 1969, went to Columbia and Harvard Business School and twice competed in the Olympics for the South Korean equestrian team, according to the church-affiliated website. He played a leading role in church business and media interests, including the Washington Times newspaper, but he has also been involved in rifts with his siblings and parents. His company sued his mother’s missionary group in 2011, demanding the return of more than $22 million the company claimed was sent without its consent to her group. A court ruled that the money was a loan but ordered it returned, the church said. Preston is still in charge of a church organization in the United States, Unification Church International, but church officials said they have asked him to leave the job.


Harvard-educated Sean, born in New York in 1979, is the Moons’ youngest son and the church head. He practiced Buddhism when younger, shaving his head and wearing monastic robes, and said he turned to the religion after a brother died in what U.S. officials called a suicide. He said he worried about his father’s reaction to the religious decision but the Rev. Moon told followers not to criticize him. He titled a book of his essays, “A Bald Head and a Strawberry.” He was chosen to lead the church in 2008. He is more fluent in English than Korean, and many of his English sermons are designed to appeal to young followers.


Justin, 42, was the last of the children born in South Korea and also went to Harvard, the church website said. He runs the Tongil Group, the church’s business arm, and owns U.S.-based gun manufacturer Kahr Arms.


Born in the United States, she is a graduate of New York University in journalism and economics, according to the church-affiliated website. She also briefly appeared on a TV reality show in the U.S., “Survival of the Richest,” in 2006. Press reviews of the first episode reported her family fortune as $989 million and said she claimed to suffer from “chronic boredom” — and that she was voted off the show by the other rich kids at the end of the first episode.


The 21-year-old committed suicide in 1999 by jumping from the 17th floor of a hotel in downtown Reno, Nevada, local officials said. He had been visiting the University of Nevada campus and considering whether to study hotel management there or at home in Las Vegas, according to church officials interviewed at the time. Young-jin was said to not be heavily involved in the church. A church newsletter said his November 1997 wedding “set the stage for the blessing of 3.6 million couples worldwide.”


The 17-year-old died in 1984 when the car he was driving collided with a tractor-trailer in New York. He had been engaged to the prima ballerina daughter of Bo Hi Pak, the head of the church’s Korean Cultural Foundation, and their wedding went ahead as planned despite his death. He was wed posthumously in a “spiritual” marriage to Julia Moon, a prominent figure in South Korea’s arts scene.


Un-jin, another daughter, told “60 Minutes” in 1998 that she was estranged from her parents. When she told her parents that her husband beat her, they responded that she deserved it, she said. She also told the TV program that she knew Moon had at least one illegitimate son.


Sung-jin was born in 1946 to Rev. Moon and his first wife, Choi Sun-kil. He lives in Japan, according to church officials and a church defector, Lee Young-sun.

Experience Of Telling Shin Jun Nim about Father's Assention

Yang Jeong Kyum
September 4, 2012


Ms. Yang Jeong Kyum who has been taking care of Shin Jun Nim for some years now. Shin Jun Nim was one of the True Grandchildren most adored by True Parents, and he was also with True Parents at the helicopter incident. Ms. Yang shared her experience with Shin Jun Nim regarding the recent tragedy on her Facebook page for which she has given permission to share. Please excuse my bad translation.

I told Shin Jun Nim the news yesterday late in the afternoon. He didn't cry. He held back his tears, trying hard. I told him it's OK to cry if you want to. Drops of tears immediately started to fall down his cheeks.

Today, while we were walking, he suddenly told me, 'I was so sad yesterday.' I asked him, 'How about today?' Then he simply said, 'I'm still sad but I think it's better than yesterday.'

After offering a Keung Bae at night, he tells me, 'Jeong Kyeom Unni, could you offer a prayer today?' So I started praying. I opened my eyes just slightly during the prayer to see how he is doing. He was crying silently. When the prayer was over, he said 'Please put out the candle,' as if nothing happened.

When I told him just now, 'I'm so moved by the way you accept it like an adult. But if you want to, you can cry as much as you want.' Then he tells me, 'I know that King Daddy is here with us, so I won't cry.'

Just nine years old.

Is it Father's love that brewed such heart of giant inside this child?

Now, I'm even slightly ashamed to pray for the wisdom to comfort his heart. 

Moon Recalled as Healthy Fisherman

Billy Shannon
September 4, 2012
Hudson-Catskill Newspapers

BARRYTOWN — When Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, died in South Korea early Monday, the religion’s main international seminary in Red Hook lost a leader.

The Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown was founded in 1975 by Moon, who died from complications from pneumonia in Gapyeong at age 92. The seminary’s campus, which has an extension in midtown Manhattan, rests on 250 rural acres not far from Bard College.

Keisuke Noda, a philosophy professor at the Barrytown seminary who spent much time with Moon, said that despite the leader’s age, news of his death came as a shock.

“His health was really good and he had incredible stamina,” Noda, a Germantown resident, said over the phone Monday. “I thought he would make 100 years old, 120 even, that was my feeling.”

Noda said he joined the Unification Church movement when he was a freshman in college in Japan in 1970. Five years later, Noda married his wife Chiyo in an arranged mass wedding of about 1,800 couples in Seoul, South Korea. Noda said Moon personally arranged the wedding of the couple — still married 32 years later. “It worked out very well,” Noda said. Moon, he added, had very good judgment.

Over the years, Noda spent many days fishing with the leader of his religion, which has beliefs based on the Bible and is known for its mass weddings and business deals.

Noda said he and Moon often fished New York Harbor and the Hudson River for striped bass when the leader was in the U.S.

“He doesn’t speak at all on the boat,” Noda said. “It’s more like meditation time ... It’s not a party kind of feeling. He meditates on the boat for hours and hours.” The world-famous religious leader, who made friends with U.S. presidents, was also set apart as a fisherman, Noda said, because he would fish regardless of terrible weather conditions.

The seminary professor called Moon a father figure regarded nearly as a disciple by his followers. He was quiet, but “built the church on his charisma.”

As surprising as the death was, Noda said, Moon’s followers see his passing not as a tragedy.

“It’s not a sad thing, it’s kind of a rebirth from our point of view,” he said. “We see a kind of perfection or maturity of human life, a natural process — going to the spirit world is another birth.”

Funerals in the Unification Church, Noda said, are celebratory, focused on “delightful holy songs” rather than wearing black and mourning.

Perhaps one of the things Noda will remember most about the leader who blessed his wedding and became a fishing buddy is the way Moon spoke to regular people exactly the same way as he spoke to dignitaries.

“That’s an amazing thing,” Noda said. “He never changes his attitudes and his stance. The man remains the same.”

Preparing For Our True Father's Seonghwa

Joshua Cotter
September 4, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from Korea. We are now preparing for our True Father's Seonghwa, under the personal direction of our True Mother in order to honor our True Father on the world stage. In all of history, and for all time, there is no greater title than True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This is the crowning glory of True Father's victorious life.

Many of us have followed our True Parents for years, or even decades, and are honored to attend him at the time of his ascension. It is only now that we are beginning to realize the value of his life. We want to show the world through his Universal Seonghwa Ceremony his absolute greatness, so that they too may awaken to who he is and what he has given to the world.

Our True Mother invites each and every brother or sister to please come to Korea. She wants everyone who loves our True Father to be able to offer devotion to him in person. This is an incredible blessing and priceless opportunity. Each family is asked to make a $1,200 offering to express their gratitude.

We hope that at least one person from each family can attend True Father's Universal Seonghwa Ceremony on September 15th. You may arrive between September 12th to 14th to pray and offer devotion. We ask that all brothers and sisters stay for our True Mother's historic address to our worldwide membership on September 17th. It's crucial that we come together at this time and express our unity and commitment centering on True Mother's leadership, representing True Parents.

We are responsible for our own airfare. National Headquarters is currently researching flight options to facilitate such a large pilgrimage. Accommodations will be provided for all participants.

Let us join together in supporting our eternal True Parents. As In Jin Nim reminded us in her speech to the Chicago congregation, "None of us would be here without True Parents. We would not have our spouse or our eternal and unique, precious children." Let's show our love and gratitude to True Parents.


Rev. Joshua Cotter
Executive Vice President
Unification Church USA

True Father’s Seonghwa

To : Regional Presidents, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From : Unification Church World Mission Headquarters
Date : 7.17 by the Heavenly Calendar (September 3, 2012)
Re. : True Father’s Seonghwa

I pray that the grace and love of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will overflow upon all blessed families in each region, mission nation, and providential organization, and throughout the world.

Our beloved True Father who came to this earth as the Savior of humankind, the Messiah, the True Parent and the King of Kings and lived a holy life of true love throughout his 93 years, shedding blood, sweat and tears for God’s liberation, the salvation of humankind and world peace, having concluded, completed and perfected his providential mission, ascended into the spirit world at 1:54 AM, 7.17 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (September 3, 2012) at the Cheongshim International Medical Center. He was surrounded by True Mother and the True Children.

I offer my most sincere thanks to all our members worldwide who have offered jeongseong for the sake of our True Father’s recovery. Details and the full schedule of True Father’s Seonghwa Ceremony will be announced later.

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Our Dear True Father Ascended

Ki Hoon Kim
September 3, 2012


Dear Canadian family members,

Good morning.

This morning 1:54 am Korea time our dear True Father ascended to the spirit world at the cheongshim hospital.

True Father's holy boday return to the Cheon Cheong Place at 3:30 am.

We will have 13 days Sunghwa ceremonial service at cheonshim world peace center and on 13th day officiate the Cosmic Sunghwa ceremony for True Father.

HQ will request all world family members come to Korea and participate in the ceremony. More in detail will come very soon to you.

Let us offer continued our utmost effort for the sake of our beloved True Father.

OEG MANSEI True Father,

Oeg Mansei True Father

Oeg Masei True Father.


Ki Hoon Kim 

Moon Sun-Myung - A Moon in Full

The Economist
September 3, 2012

Moon Sun-Myung - A Moon in Full

Whether the average Korean liked it or not, Moon Sun-myung was one of the country’s most famous sons to venture overseas. The creator of the controversial Unification Church—known to its detractors as the cult of the “Moonies”—had hundreds of thousands of followers at his peak. His “mass blessing” ceremonies in stadiums captured the attention of the world in the 1970s and 1980s.

Having died from pneumonia-related complications at the age of 92, he leaves behind a religious empire diminished in its number of adherents, but still with impressive financial clout. And range: Moon-family businesses include one of the main suppliers of raw fish to America, a newspaper, a private university and a gun manufacturer. He passed his final days in a church-owned hospital in the South Korean county of Gapyeong, an area where the UnificationChurch is known for its extensive land holdings.

Born in 1920 in a village in Pyeongan province, in what is today North Korea, the young Reverend Moon had a turbulent early life. Claiming to have spoken with Jesus at the age of 15, he proceeded to build up a following among Christians in Pyongyang, a city once known as “the Jerusalem of the East” for the zeal of its believers. In 1946 he was arrested and tortured by North Korean police, and eventually sentenced to six years’ hard labour.

He established his church in Seoul formally in 1954, overseeing it through years of expansion amid a general boom in Christian conversions in South Korea. He married his second wife, Han Hak-ja, in 1960. As wife of the prophet, she became known as “the true mother”, and with their fourteen children as part of the “true family”.

As his power grew, Moon pushed into Japan and the United States. His willingness to dole out political donations, and his espousal of anti-communism—nevermind that it was not strong enough to stop him doing business with North Korea—endeared him to America’s Republicans. But not everyone was impressed: American authorities pursued Moon for filing false tax returns, which resulted in an 18-month prison sentence in the early 1980s.

Moon’s later years saw a convergence between the Unification Church and its business interests. His children ascended to high-ranking positions in each. In this respect, their family was little different from the leadership in North Korea, or the families behind the chaebol conglomerates that dominate the South Korean economy.

Father-to-son succession is a common story among the rich mega-churches of South Korea, too. Moon’s worldwide reputation is largely one of a bizarre cult leader and religious entrepreneur; but for Korea, his organisation—and indeed, his tumultuous life story—is perhaps not quite so exceptional as one might think. This might help explain why his death was only the third- or fourth-ranked story in the national press today.

Unification Church Leaders Vow To Complete Rev. Moon’s Mission

Marc Fisher
September 3, 2012
The Washington Post

(Matt McClain/For The Washington Post) - Mimiko Liba adds to a card following a gathering Monday in honor of Rev. Sun Myung Moon at the Unification Church of Washington, D.C.

(Matt McClain/For The Washington Post) - Mimiko Liba adds to a card following a gathering Monday in honor of Rev. Sun Myung Moon at the Unification Church of Washington, D.C.

Bright new banners stretched across the front gate and doorway of the Unification Church’s Washington headquarters Monday, hailing the Rev. Sun Myung Moon as a “True Peace-Loving Global Citizen.”

Inside, 45 followers sat in silence as a pastor described Moon, who died Sunday at age 92, as a messiah whose passing in no way changes his status as the spiritual leader whom Jesus asked to complete his mission on Earth.

Officials say the religious leader who founded the Unification Church and built it into a multibilliondollar business empire has died in South Korea at age 92. .

“He’ll always be the messiah to us, and messiahs do not die,” said the Rev. Zagery Oliver, 56, who was recruited into Moon’s movement when “a beautiful young Japanese woman engaged me on the campus” of Queens College in New York City 35 years ago.

The faithful insisted Monday that the religion Moon founded 58 years ago and brought to America in the 1970s would continue without him. But former members and researchers who monitor the Unification movement’s worldwide business ventures say key aspects of Moon’s empire remain very much in flux.

From the Washington Times, Moon’s conservative daily newspaper, which has been the subject of an intra-family power struggle in recent years, to United Press International, the news wire service controlled by Moon’s son Preston, the future of some of the Unification movement’s prime properties is uncertain.

Last year, a church-linked company, National Hospitality Corp., sold the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel on South Orme Street in Arlington, which had rooms permanently reserved for Moon and his wife, to Connecticut-based HEI Hotels and Resorts. Moon’s estate in McLean, known as Jefferson House, was also sold, as was the Atlantic Video Center, a downtown D.C. video-production facility, according to church documents on a Moon-affiliated Web site.

The Washington Times, which reached its zenith in influence and circulation in the 1980s, shuttered its sports and local news sections and laid off more than half its news staff two years ago after a fraternal face-off over succession within the Moon clan led to a cutoff of church subsidies to the paper.

Three former Times executives, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they fear reprisal from church leaders, said the paper has lost more than $2 billion since its founding in 1981 and never made a profit in a quarter or month.

Three other executives who remained loyal to Moon bought the Times back from Preston Moon, the Seattle-based son who has been at odds with his siblings, for $1 in 2010 and have sought to revive it as a conservative voice focused on political coverage. But editors at the Times said the paper has not been able to regain circulation lost in the years since the Washington Examiner entered the market as a daily with a conservative editorial stance and since Politico launched as a news service aimed at political junkies.

Still, Moon’s children are expected to try to keep the Times alive because “they recognize the value and prestige the paper brings them, especially in Korea and Japan,” said Larry Zilliox, an Arlington-based researcher who has tracked the Unification movement for more than 25 years.

Moon-affiliated companies in the United States and around the world, however, continue to be among the largest players in the fishing industry, supplying much of the sushi served in U.S. restaurants, and are profitably engaged in producing cars in North Korea, helicopters in South Korea and religious icons in Japan, along with Moon’s resorts and real estate operations throughout Asia and South America.

“Overall, they’re in a much better position, especially in their Asian businesses, than they were five years ago,” Zilliox said.

Officials say the religious leader who founded the Unification Church and built it into a multibilliondollar business empire has died in South Korea at age 92. .

Relations between Preston Moon and his siblings remain fractious. “Put it this way: They’re going to move on separate paths,” said Michael Marshall, spokesman for Preston’s Global Peace Festival Foundation. Nonetheless, a concerted effort to discard unprofitable operations over the past few years has improved the overall financial picture, according to several analysts who watch the Moon empire closely.

Prospects for the Unification religion, however, are less clear. (Many Catholic and Protestant denominations have long rejected Unificationism’s claim to be a Christian faith because it has added text to the Bible and rejects the idea of a second coming of Christ.)

“We’re confident we’re going to grow and expand,” said Randall Francis, the Unification Church’s district pastor for the Mid-Atlantic states. He said the church has about 1,500 members in the District, Virginia and Maryland and is expanding beyond its marble cathedral at 16th Street and Columbia Road NW, which it bought from the Mormon Church in 1977, to hold services at Bladensburg High School in Prince George’s County and at rented halls in Northern Virginia.

Francis, who was introduced to the Unification Church at a rally Moon held at the Washington Monument in 1976 and has been married for 30 years to a Japanese woman to whom he was assigned by Moon, said that despite the battle among Moon’s children (“a very painful situation for our whole church family”) and “the natural downsizing of some of the business entities,” the religion “has become a little more accepted in society as we became families and seemed less radical.”

But outside observers say that the church’s appeal has been drastically diminished in recent years and that an increasing number of children of Moon followers are breaking with the faith.

“They are not street-recruiting anymore, though they have increased their Internet presence,” said Steve Hassan, a former Moon follower who considers Unification to be a cult and has worked for three decades to help members leave the fold. He estimates the church’s U.S. membership to be 10,000 or fewer.

Church spokeswoman Heather Thalheimer said that although some second-generation members have left, most remain in the faith, “and as first-generation parents, that’s what really excites us about the future of the movement.” Church officials have put membership numbers at about 100,000 in the United States and 3 million worldwide, but former members say those figures are inflated at least tenfold.

“This is an organization that has vast wealth and political involvement,” Hassan said. “The key to their future is going to be how greedy Moon’s children are and whether they will realize that they can’t keep the religion growing if they are fighting among themselves.”

Moon, who had his largest operations in Korea and Japan, spent a lot of time in Washington, especially in the 1980s and ’90s.

Officials say the religious leader who founded the Unification Church and built it into a multibilliondollar business empire has died in South Korea at age 92.

“I consider Washington to be the city with the blessing,” he told followers in McLean in 1999. “If it had not been for President Carter persecuting the Unification Church in the late 1970s, I would have established the Unification Church HQ in Washington, D.C.”

Church leaders said Moon’s spiritual role will be taken on by his wife, Hak Ja Han, known in the church as True Mother, and in the United States by his daughter In Jin Moon.

“For us, ‘messiah’ means True Parents, who take responsibility for what Adam and Eve could not accomplish in their lifetimes and what Jesus could not do because he did not marry,” Thalheimer said.

She said that under Unification theology, Moon and his wife “continue in the role of True Parents in the future, and there is no return of the messiah.”

In recent years, as Moon fell ill and became less involved in daily operations, the church shifted some traditional rites.

In place of the marriages Moon arranged for members, often pairing Americans with Korean or Japanese spouses who were strangers until Moon chose them for a mass wedding ceremony, the church has moved toward “an approach not dissimilar to eHar­mony, where we match people together according to their interests,” Francis said. He said matches are still made mainly “across cultures; we encourage that because it breaks down barriers.”

Although church members said they are not worried about their future, Hassan said he has heard from longtime members whose view of Moon’s family as the perfect model has been shattered by infighting among his children.

“I’m very worried about hard-core devotees who have been in the church for 35 years and they’re unemployable outside Moon’s world,” he said. “I was there when Moon said, ‘Follow me and we’ll take care of you for the rest of your life.’ Now some of those people are waking up and realizing there’s no one to take care of them.”

Feuds A Concern As Children Inherit Sun Myung Moon's Empire

Hyung-Jin Kim
September 3, 2012
Associated Press

In this July 22 photo, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, second from left, poses with his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, second from right; his sons Hyung-jin Moon, left, and Kook Jin Moon; during the closing ceremony of the 2012 Peace Cup Suwon in Suwon, South Korea. /…

In this July 22 photo, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, second from left, poses with his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, second from right; his sons Hyung-jin Moon, left, and Kook Jin Moon; during the closing ceremony of the 2012 Peace Cup Suwon in Suwon, South Korea. / By Ahn Young-joon, AP

GAPYEONG, South Korea (AP) — Unification Church patriarch Sun Myung Moon leaves behind children who have been groomed to lead a religious movement famous for its mass weddings and business interests — if family feuds don't bring down the empire.

Moon, the charismatic and controversial founder of the church, died Monday at age 92 at a church-owned hospital near his home in Gapyeong County, northeast of Seoul, two weeks after being hospitalized with pneumonia, church officials said.

Flags flew at half-staff at a Unification Church in Seoul as followers trickled in, some wiping away tears as they wondered what would happen to a movement defined for decades by the man who founded it in 1954.

The Rev. Moon and wife Hak Ja Han have 10 surviving children and in recent years, the aging Moon had been handing power on the church's religious, charitable and business entities to them.

But there have been reports of family rifts. One son sued his mother's missionary group in 2011, demanding the return of more than $22 million he claimed was sent without his consent from a company he runs to her charity. His mother's group eventually returned the money after court mediation.

Church officials said the son, known as Preston, is no longer in charge of any church operations.

Moon's death could expose further rifts within the church, said Kim Heung-soo, who teaches the history of Christianity at Mokwon University in the central city of Daejeon.

"There is a high possibility that internal discord will deepen," Kim said.

The church has amassed dozens of businesses in the United States, South Korea and even North Korea, including hotels, a ski resort, sports teams, schools, universities and hospitals.

One expert said the church's business prospects appear brighter than its religious future. Tark Ji-il, a professor of religion at Busan Presbyterian University, described the church not as a religious organization but as a corporation made up of people with similar religious beliefs.

The church won't give details about how much its businesses are worth, other than to describe them as part of a "multibillion-dollar" empire.

Many new religious movements collapse after their founders die, but Tark said the Unification Church would likely survive. But its success as a religious entity will depend on how it smoothly it resolves any family feuds and how well Moon's offspring rise to fill their father's charismatic role, he said.

Moon himself served 13 months at a U.S. federal prison in the mid-1980s after a New York City jury convicted him of filing false tax returns.

And there has been tragedy in the family. One son committed suicide in 1999, jumping from the 17th floor of a Reno, Nevada, hotel, officials said. Two other sons reportedly also died early, one in a train wreck and another in a car accident.

Key to the church's religious future is the Rev. Hyung-jin Moon, the U.S.-born 33-year-old who was tapped to succeed his father several years ago to serve as head of the church.

Known as "Sean" back at Harvard, where he studied, he is more fluent in English than Korean and has signs of his father's charisma but with an American sensibility. His sermons, delivered in English, are designed to appeal to the next generation of "Unificationists," the name followers prefer over the moniker "Moonies."

He told the Associated Press in 2009 that he questioned Christianity when he was younger. But his father stood by him throughout the phase, and asked followers not to criticize him when he turned to Buddhism briefly after his brother's death in Nevada.

An older brother, Kook-jin Moon, a 42-year-old also known as Justin, runs the Tongil Group, the church's business arm.

The church has amassed dozens of business ventures over the years, including the New Yorker Hotel, a midtown Manhattan art deco landmark and the Yongpyong ski resort in South Korea. It gave the University of Bridgeport $110 million over more than a decade to keep the Connecticut school operating. Moon also founded the Washington Times newspaper in 1982.

The church also owns a professional soccer team, schools and hospitals. It also operates the Potonggang Hotel in Pyongyang and jointly operates the Pyeonghwa Motors automaker in North Korea.

"Unification of South Korea and North Korea was a long-cherished ambition of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon," church official Kim Kab-yong said in Seoul. "He invested a lot in this.

We are so heartbroken that he could not accomplish this." Sun Myung Moon, who was born in a rural part of what is now North Korea, founded the movement after migrating south during the Korean War. He wrote in his autobiography that he received a personal calling from Jesus Christ to carry out his work on Earth.

The church's doctrine is a mixture of Christian, Confucian and traditional Korean values, emphasizing the importance of the family unit but also encouraging multicultural unions.

Moon conducted his first mass wedding in Seoul in the early 1960s, and the "blessing ceremonies" grew in scale over the years. He encouraged his followers to call him and his wife their "True Parents," and often paired up the newlyweds himself before the mass ceremonies.

Richard Panzer, president of the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, New York, called Moon "a historical figure in the history of religion." He said Moon made an "enormous contribution to understanding of the suffering heart of God and a lot of contributions toward world peace."

The seminary, established by Moon in 1975, is an interfaith institution with Buddhist, Christian and Muslim professors, Panzer said.

The Unification Church claims 3 million followers, though ex-members and critics put the number at no more than 100,000.

Joo Seung-ja, 64, said news of Moon's death was hard to accept.

"I don't know how to express this feeling," she said. "Since he taught us true love, we will live our lives by preaching true love throughout the whole world till the end," she said at

Church officials said Moon's funeral will take place Sept. 15 after a 13-day mourning period, with a massive new sports and cultural center built recently on the church's sprawling campus accepting mourners starting Thursday.

Associated Press writers Kim Hyun-ah in Gapyeong and Hyung-jin Kim and Foster Klug in Seoul contributed to this report.

Unification Church Succession Plan Announced

Cheryl Wetzstein
September 3, 2012
The Washington Times

The succession plan for the Unification movement has been spelled out for several years, with leadership moving to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s 69-year-old widow and his youngest son, church leaders said Monday.

In January 2009, Rev. Moon and wife Hak Ja Han Moon indicated that their youngest son, Hyung Jin, would be “the international leader of our church and all our related organizations,” the Rev. Michael Jenkins, chairman of the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), said in an open letter posted Monday.

“Father Moon will guide us in spirit, Mother Moon will lead us on earth, and centering on Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, we will organize to bring about God’s kingdom,” wrote Mr. Jenkins, a longtime Unification Church official in America.

Unification Church Succession Plan Announced

Unification Church leaders have yet to announce what changes might be made concerning church activities and its hundreds of church-related nonprofits and businesses.

Rev. Moon died of complications due to pneumonia on Sept. 2.

In recent speeches in the United States during her father’s illness, Rev. In Jin Moon, head of the Unification Church in North America and founder of the Lovin’ Life Ministries, told members that having her mother, Hak Ja Han Moon, at the helm of a religious movement will be a big change in style.

During the early years of the Unification Church, “We had the dynamic, masculine leadership of our True Father,” she said, according to a transcript of her Aug. 29 Chicago speech. “Very masculine, very charismatic, very powerful. He was the generalissimo of our movement,” she said.

But now it’s time for “the era of settlement,” where the work is “of building ideal family, of building ideal relationships, of building a wonderful community and a society, nation and world.” That will require a slightly different kind of leadership, one that is “more nourishing” and “more feminine,” said Mrs. Moon, adding that her mother is well-prepared for the task, given the dynamics of her large family and 50 years of accompanying Rev. Moon in his mission.

Supporters of an elder son, Hyun Jin Moon, have disputed these arrangements.

In Korean social culture, the eldest son inherits, and with the death of his two older brothers, Hyun Jin Moon, who has an MBA from Harvard Business School and was once appointed to high positions in the church by his parents, became the eldest. His supporters believe he is being disenfranchised, and have gone to court in several countries over the future of several properties. One dispute involved The Washington Times; a settlement was reached in 2010, in which church entities bought the newspaper back from Hyun Jin Moon’s business interests.

Hyung Jin Moon, who is 10 years younger than brother Hyun Jin, has degrees from Harvard College and Harvard Divinity School, and has studied Asian religions as well. He and his wife, Yeon-Ah Moon, have been leading the Korean-based church for several years.

Mrs. Moon “will now stand strong to lead us on with her youngest son, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon,” Archbishop George Augustus Stallings Jr., founder of the African American Catholic Congregation and co-president of the ACLC, said Monday. “We are confident that the Unification Movement will flourish,” he added.

Succession in religious leadership has long attracted interest.

The legendary ministry of Billy Graham, for instance, was passed to his son, William Franklin Graham III, in 2000.

For years, it was not clear that the hard-living son would want to take the helm of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The younger Graham spent considerable amounts of his life smoking, drinking and carousing. But he turned his life around, and told his story in his 1995 autobiography, “Rebel With a Cause.” He now stands “for nothing but this,” he told USA Today in 2006, holding his Bible. “That’s just how I’m wired.”

Mr. Graham, 93, recovered in August from bronchitis.

Schedule for “Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind” and Setting Up Memorial Altars in Each Nation

May God and True Parents’ blessings and love be with all regions, mission nations and providential organizations.

This is to announce the schedule for ‘Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind’ and instructions for setting up memorial altars in each mission country. Please do your utmost in offering jeongseong during this time so that people can pay tribute to True Father’s sacred life and great achievements for the sake of the salvation of humankind and world peace. Details of a special jeongseong period will be announced later.

1. Conducting the “Universal Seonghwa Ceremony for Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind”

1) Personal jeongseong period (three-day period): 7.17~19 by the heavenly calendar (September 3~5, 2012)
2) Special period for paying respects (Eight-day period): 7.20~27 by the heavenly calendar (September 6~13, 2012) at the Cheongshim Peace World Center
3) Casket ceremony: 7.28 by the heavenly calendar (September 14, 2012) at Cheon Jeong Gung
4) Heaven and Earth Seonghwa Ceremony: 7.29 by the heavenly calendar (September 15, 2012), 10 AM at Cheongshim Peace World Center
5) Dress code: Men should wear a black or dark-colored suit with a white necktie; women should wear a white or cream-colored suit or dress ※ The dress should be of a length that covers the knees
6) A Special Launch Ceremony for the Members of the World (tentative title) will be held at the Cheongshim Peace World Center on 8.2 by the heavenly calendar (September 17). Details to be announced later.

2. Setting up memorial altars in each mission nation

1) A memorial altar should be set during the period of 7.20~27 (September 4~13, 2012) at the Sanctuary or Chapel of the Headquarters Church or equivalent at each region or mission nation
2) What to prepare:
(1) Official photo of True Father: Please download the file from the webhard (www.webhard.net / ID: SEONGHWA2012 / PW: SEONGHWA2012), decorate it with flowers and place it on the altar.
(2) Banner: Please refer to the webhard for the sample design of the banner. The size may be adjusted according to the circumstances of the venue in each mission nation.
(3) Seonghwa wreathes, flower baskets, flowers to be used for floral tributes, guest book, special mat to be used when offering full bows, holy candles, etc.
3) Flower decoration of altar: Please decorate the altar with roses, lilies, chrysanthemums and other flowers according to the size of the altar and sanctuary or chapel of the headquarters church in each nation.

Unification Church
World Mission Headquarters

Statement of Tribute and Condolence - Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

For Immediate Release
Contact Info: Minister Ginger Cornwell

Statement of Tribute and Condolence by Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr., Patriarch and Founder of the African-American Catholic Congregation and its Imani Temple on the Occasion of the passing of the Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, Co-Founder of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) aka Unification Church.

The Family of Humanity and the World Community will no longer have the opportunity to be in the physical presence one of the greatest Spiritual Leaders and champions of world peace in modern times. The Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon is affectionately known by thousands of clergy, heads of state as well as his followers, and devotees as “Father Moon”. He has cast a wide spiritual net across a swath of humanity during a ministry of almost 76 years in a tireless effort to return the world back to God's original ideal: namely, where all men and women could recognize God as the Father of us all and each of us as brothers and sisters, one to another.

He earnestly believed that this goal could be ultimately achieved through the Ceremony of the Blessing of Marriage where the descendants of enemy nations, marrying one another in a cross cultural blessing, could tear down the walls that separated and divided nations, peoples and races. I too have been a beneficiary of the Marriage Blessing Ceremony as my wife and I were matched and blessed by Father and Mother Moon.

He lived to see not only his vision blossom and bear fruit in the lives of his church members associated with the Unification Church, but also in the lives of countless faith and civic leaders and their communities, individuals and families who were touched and influenced by his uncompromising love of God and his undying passion in the pursuit of world peace.

He and his beloved wife, Mother Moon, stand as the "True Parents,” and now, as he stands in spirit with Mother Moon the presence of the love of God will only expand through them as our "True Parents" - parents in the image of God that see all humanity as God's family - regardless of race or religion.

As people of faith, we know that from the moment he met Jesus on a mountainside in Korea until today he has been faithful and therefore he transitions now from a temporal life to an eternal life. He lives and will continue to guide, inspire and lead us to the promise land in spirit and through his beloved wife, Mother Moon.

His mantra of "living for the sake of others," "loving one's enemy," and "liberating and comforting the suffering heart of God," caused by man and woman's rejection of God through disobedience, set him apart from other world spiritual leaders and caused faith leaders from Christianity and other faith traditions as well as his followers to see and embrace him as a messianic figure called by God and anointed by Jesus to restore humanity back to God's kingship. Not a "self proclaimed" "Messiah,” but rather as a man "anointed" by Jesus, confirmed and widely acclaimed as the "messiah" or "anointed one" by some of this nation's and the world's most prominent religious leaders.

In some instances he was maligned, misunderstood, misjudged and criticized, even having his divinely appointed mission misinterpreted, Father Moon never allowed the naysayers to deter him from advancing God's Providence through Spiritual Principles based upon the Word of God as revealed to him and recorded in his magnum opus, "The Original Substance of the Divine Principle." He lived for God and God's People and not for himself.

Our love and condolences, heartfelt prayers and deepest sympathy go out to his beloved and devoted wife of 52 years, Dr. Ha Ja Han Moon, Co-Founder of HSA-UWC and Co-Founder of the Women's Federation for World Peace, their many children and over 45 grandchildren, church leaders and devoted followers. She will now stand strong to lead us on with her youngest son Rev. Hyung Jin Moon - who Father Moon appointed in 2009 as the one chosen to represent him.

We are confident that the Unification Movement will flourish in the wake of the passing of its fearless and gifted spiritual leader. In the eyes of his detractors, his powerful and prophetic voice, radical ideas and brilliant ways of thinking will no longer be a threat to their myopic worldview or intimidate their narrow minded reasoning. For, history tells us that even though the visionary passes on, the vision still lives and presses on towards fulfillment. As the great American poet laureate, Carl Sandburg, articulated so succinctly: " A tree is best measured when it is down -- and so it is with people."

The world has yet to discover, realize and appreciate the genius, selflessness, humility and true love of a man of God and the driving force behind everything that he sought to achieve and accomplish in his earthy life: namely, to realize in concrete and visible ways "the hope of all ages – is a unified world of peace.” That vision and hope live on in those who believe in and embrace him as the True Parent, True Father, True Teacher, servant and lover of all humankind.

May he rest in peace.

Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr.
Founder and Patriarch
African American Catholic Congregation
Co President
American Clergy Leadership Conference