Sun Myung Moon's Health Update

August 19, 2012
Joon Ho Seuk

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 10, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 10, 2012

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide,

Thank you again for offering Jeong Seong through your vigil night prayers and fasting for True Father's recovery and health.

This morning True Father's blood pressure and pulse were both found to be stable and his lung functions have improved somewhat. I believe this is due to the determination of our True Father who probably is trying to regain his health again for the sake of the providence, and due to the Jeong Seong offered by the entire Unification Family, beginning with True Mother and the True Children. However, even now True Father remains in a deep sleep in the intensive care unit. We believe that the next week will be critical.

Once again I ask for your prayers and Jeong Seong so that True Father can be restored to health as soon as possible.

Furthermore, during today's Sunday service at Cheon Bok Gung, the International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon has explained in detail about True Father's present condition. A video of this service will be available at the Korean Headquarters homepage (

Thank you.

7.2 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 19, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Hyung Jin Moon's Account of Sun Myung Moon's Medical Situation

Tim Elder
August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Moon – August 19, 2012

Hyung Jin Nim gave a detailed account of True Father's medical situation during his sermon at Cheon Bok Gung this morning. It was enough information to put an end to any discussion of Father having communicated verbally with anyone, or of his taking any nourishment through his mouth, during the past several days.

What follows here is just a summary. Please refer to the full text of Hyung Jin Nim...'s sermon when it is published.

Hyung Jin Nim's description of events began on July 16, when True Father returned from Las Vegas and gathered Korean members at the Cheongshim World Center. Father developed a slight cough that became progressive worse, until True Mother insisted that he go to a hospital.

He was admitted once to Seoul St. Mary's Hospital (Korean name Gangnam Holy Mother Hospital), but was discharged after ten days based on his strong desire to leave the hospital.

On returning to Cheon Jeong Gung, he performed many ceremonies and gave many revelations. Then, his situation deteriorated once again, and he had to be taken back to the hospital.

On arrival at the hospital, his breathing was so weak that nurses had to administer artificial respiration, using their hands to apply pressure to his lungs.

His lungs were so weak that even the application of an oxygen mask was not enough to bring his blood oxygen level up. So he was put on a mechanical respirator. This involved placing a tube down his throat. To withstand the pain, he was put into a deep sleep.

Even this was not enough. the mechanical respirator operating at full capacity still could not get enough oxygen into his blood. So the hospital used a procedure to bring blood out of his body, force oxygen into, and place back into his body.

Fortunately, this worked. As of this morning, he is able to get enough oxygen with the mechanical respirator working at just 30 percent capacity. This means the tube is still in his throat, and he is still in a deep sleep. He cannot yet breathe on his own.

He is being fed rice water through his nose.

The doctor says Father will need to remain in the Intensive Care Unit for at least another week. Because of his age, sudden and dramatic deterioration is possible at any time.

The Cheon Bok Gung congregation today offered 120 gyeongbae (half bows) for True Father's recovery. Let's continue our strong prayers and Jeong Seong throughout the world. 

True Mother’s Instructions about Sun Myung Moon's Current Health Situation

Hak Ja Han
August 18, 2012

"For us there is no stopping!"

Today on 7.1 by the heavenly calendar (August 18, 2012), the regional presidents representing the members of the world and a number of the heads of providential organizations gathered together and, albeit briefly, had a chance to meet True Mother, Hyung-jin nim and Kook-jin nim, who are attending to True Father 24 hours a day. At this time, they had the opportunity to receive important guidance from True Mother. This is the first official guidance given by True Mother since True Father was admitted to hospital. We would therefore like to share her words with all the members and leaders of the world.

Furthermore, the regional presidents and other leaders personally witnessed how all the members of the True Family, beginning with True Mother, are investing themselves completely with tremendous prayer and Jeong Seong for the sake of True Father’s quick recovery. All members of the world should continue to offer prayer and Jeong Seong for True Father and, as True Mother reminds us, march forward without hesitation or interruption toward the victory of Foundation Day. She also mentioned that having this mindset will be the greatest Jeong Seong that can be offered by our blessed families and the brothers and sisters of the Unification Family toward True Parents at this point in time.

True Mother’s guidance given on 7.1 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 18, 2012)

We will never stop. Please engrave these words in your heart.

We must certainly accomplish the teachings that Father has been giving us until now.

Currently, Father is fighting intensely against his illness. However, brothers and sisters [Mother uses shik-ku, meaning family member], please do not grieve. Please do not be disturbed, but continue on unwaveringly. You should have the firm resolution and determination to achieve all the things that True Father has been striving to accomplish.

I believe you have all worked hard until now and done your best. However, you need to feel now that the standard of having done your best is no longer enough. And so let’s work harder, ten times or even a hundred times more. The harder you work, the more Heaven will remember you. Please go forward with this knowledge that you will become blessed families remembered by Heaven.

What is important to us at this time is of course Father’s current health situation. However, more important than anything else is offering Jeong Seong for True Father. Please gather Jeong Seong while praying for True Father’s swift and complete recovery.

I do not want to cause you to worry.

Once again I ask of you, please take to heart that, for us, there is no stopping on the way. Please do your best. You should absolutely not neglect the various things you are preparing for Foundation Day. You should do your best in these preparations. Thank you for coming here as you have. Let us work diligently together.”

All the participants of the meeting gathered their firm resolution and determination together with their Jeong Seong and pledged in their hearts to continue with all the tasks that True Father had personally directed and assigned to them, especially the preparations for Foundation Day.

(World Mission Headquarters)

Letter on Father's Health

Joon Ho Seuk
August 18, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, In Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – July 10, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, In Jin Moon and Hyung Jin Moon – July 10, 2012

To all members of the Unification Family worldwide,

Thank you again for offering Jeong Seong through your vigil night prayers and fasting for True Father's recovery and health.

This morning I was informed that True Father's condition remains steady since yesterday's improvement. However, he is still in deep sleep for treatment at the intensive care unit. True Mother and the True Children remain at True Father's side and are offering Jeong Seong for True Father's recovery.

Once again I ask for your ongoing Jeong Seong so that the entire Unification Family can become one centering on the True Family and True Father can recover completely as soon as possible.

Thank you.

7.1 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 18, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk

International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Condition Stabilizing, Say Unification Church Officials

Ariana Moon
August 17, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 30, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 30, 2012

News of Unification Church Founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon's illness, which shook Unificationists around the world earlier this week, has moved thousands to rededicate their faith and set conditions that involve prayer vigils, fasting, bowing and scripture-reading. Rev. Moon, known as "True Father" by church members, was reported to have contracted pneumonia and checked into the intensive care unit of St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul on August 14, 2012.

Yesterday, August 16, 2012, Vice President of the Unification Church in Korea Dr. Joon Ho Seuk delivered in what is his second letter to the worldwide movement the welcome news that Rev. Moon's breathing had stabilized.

Rev. Joshua Cotter, vice president of the Unification Church in the U.S. said: "Rev. Sun Myung Moon's family and his worldwide family of faith are encouraged and giving thanks upon hearing the news that his breathing has stabilized. Nonetheless, our brothers and sisters continue to pray and fast for his quick recovery at St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul."

"We thank the larger family of concerned clergy of all Christian faiths who also have given notice that Father Moon is in their prayers as well."

"This morning, I was informed by the hospital that True Father's respiration is more stable than it was yesterday, and that his lung function is in the midst of gradual recovery," wrote Dr. Seuk. "True Father is still in a deep sleep for treatment, but I believe True Father is aware of the fervent Jeong Seong [a term created by Rev. Moon meaning "true and sincere devotion"] and prayers of the entire worldwide Unification Family, beginning with those of True Mother [Rev. Moon's wife] and the True Children [Rev. Moon's children]. I firmly believe True Father will recover."

In his letter, Dr. Seuk thanked members worldwide for offering Jeong Seong for the sake of Rev. Moon's return to full health in the form of prayer vigils and fasting conditions. "We have always been receiving from True Parents; now we pray that our small Jeong Seong can reach Heaven and be used to bring about True Father's swift recovery," he said.

Rev. Moon's wife and children have gathered at the hospital to pray by his side. Patients admitted to the intensive care unit must be kept absolutely at rest, and it is therefore not possible to touch or embrace the patient, according to Dr. Seuk. However, Mrs. Moon and her children have gained doctors' permission to massage Rev. Moon's legs, arms and other parts of his body, which Dr. Seuk says has "accumulated the toils of ninety-two years of the providence," to the extent that it assists his treatment.

Rev. Moon, himself a firm believer in oriental massage therapy, recently opened the first school of oriental medicine in Nevada, the Wongu Peace and Happiness University (WPHU), which was approved by the States of Nevada Board of Oriental Medicine on April 18, 2012 and is welcoming prospective students for the upcoming Fall semester, starting October 1, 2012. 

Rumors of Sun Myung Moon's Recovery

Bill Miho
August 17, 2012

We texted In Jin Nim with the Joo family report being shared amongst Korean BC's, and here on facebook, that Father had regained consciousness and had some rice soup.

Her response was stunned disbelief. She went to Father's room and texted us back; "ABSOLUTELY NOT."

Rev. Cotter called me to confirm that I should post this, and reference her directly.

When people say it is impossible for Father to speak, one needs understand that the details of a medical condition are considered an embarrassment in Korea, for example there are no official pictures of Hyo Jin Nim or Heung Jin Nim in a hospital ICU with tubes down their throat. But it is nonetheless not possible for Father to have spoken, much less to have had some soup. (Father has been intubated -- i.e. he has a tube down his throat that makes it impossible to speak.)

The claim Father is well enough to drink soup would indicate the remotest of possibilities Father may have spoken to Hyun Jin Nim, as Hyun Jin Nim is proclaiming. No doubt claiming he was named heir on his Father's deathbed. But is absolutely untrue, and a medical and physical impossibility.

I will leave figuring out the possible motivations of Mr. Joo in creating such a report, to those of a much higher pay grade than myself. 

Unification Church Founder Still Critical

August 17, 2012

Unification Church Founder Still Critical

SEOUL (AFP) - The founder of the controversial Unification Church remains critically ill three days after he was admitted to a South Korean hospital with complications from pneumonia, his spokesman said Friday.

Sun Myung Moon, 92, was still unconscious in the intensive care unit of Seoul's St Mary's Hospital after being admitted Tuesday.

"The doctor said swellings have reduced so that's a good sign, but there hasn't been a dramatic difference yet," spokesman Ahn Ho-Yeol told AFP, adding he did not know the cause of the swelling.

Close family members, including Moon's youngest son and successor as church leader Hyung Jin Moon, are all keeping a vigil outside the unit, said Ahn.

A few devout followers of the church visited the hospital to pray for the founder. They were told to pray at their churches to avoid inconvenience at the facility, Ahn said.

The church's website has posted a message urging the faithful to hold special prayers from Thursday until September 24 for the recovery of "the true father", including a three-day fast beginning Friday.

"With their prayers and devotion, we believe the founder's health will improve," said Ahn.

The Unification Church, set up by Moon in Seoul in 1954, is one of the world's most controversial religious organisations. Its devotees are often dubbed "Moonies" after the founder.

It is widely known for conducting mass weddings among followers involving thousands of couples. It says it evangelises in some 200 countries and according to another spokesman has some three million followers worldwide.

The church's vast business empire includes The Washington Times newspaper and the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan.

The church also has business interests in North Korea, where Moon was born. He visited the country in 1991 to meet then-president Kim Il-Sung.

True Mother Keeping Vigil in the Hospital with True Father

Tim Elder
August 17, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – July 5, 2012

True Mother has been keeping a vigil in the same hospital as True Father during this time of difficulty. She has not left the building even once. International President Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim (Juksajang Nim) have been with her the entire time. Foundation Chairman Kook Jin Nim has been spending the large majority of his time at the hospital, and getting very little sleep, while carrying on...with previously scheduled providential events. Jieh Nim, Kook Jin Nim's wife, has remained at Mother's side. Choi Yeon Ah Nim and Hoon Sook Nim have also remained with True Mother.

True Mother has been receiving regular updates on Father's condition, and has visited him as often as is allowed. If it were possible, I am sure she would want to be by Father's side 24 hours a day. Because of Father's critical condition, however, the doctor does not allow this.

When this critical period began, all members of the True Family, including Hyun Jin Nim, received a request to come to the hospital to support True Father. They have arrived in Seoul and are now based in a nearby hotel.

It has been two days now since the doctor said, "The next 48 hours are critical". We have no news yet, though. Perhaps something will be known a little later in the morning, after the doctor briefs the True Family. For now, the absence of news is the best news. 

Updates about True Father

Updates about True Father

6.30 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 17, 2012)

Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering jeongseong with all your heart for the sake of True Father’s return to full health. The entire Unification Family has come together at this time to offer vigil prayer and a three-day fasting condition. We have always been receiving from True Parents; now we pray that our small jeongseong can reach Heaven and be used to bring about True Father’s swift recovery.

This morning I was informed by the hospital that True Father’s respiration is more stable than it was yesterday, and that his lung function is in the midst of gradual recovery. True Father is still in a deep sleep for treatment, but I believe True Father is aware of the fervent jeongseong and prayers of the entire worldwide Unification Family, beginning with those of True Mother and the True Children. I firmly believe True Father will recover.

Currently, True Mother and the True Children (Hyung-jin nim’s family, Kook-jin nim’s family, Hyo-jin nim’s family, Heung-jin nim’s family, In-jin nim’s family, Kwon-jin nim’s family, Sun-jin nim’s family, Yejin nim, Eun-jin nim, Yeon-jin nim, Jeong-jin nim, Dong-sook nim and Shin-mi nim’s family) are by True Father’s side offering prayer and jeongseong. Patients admitted to the intensive care unit must be kept absolutely at rest and it is therefore not possible to touch or embrace the patient. However, after discussing it with the doctor, every hour True Mother and the True Children are giving massage to True Father’s legs, arms and other parts of his body, which have accumulated the toils of ninety-two years of the providence, only to the extent that it assists his treatment. They are fervently praying for True Father to quickly be able to leave his hospital bed, even one day sooner.

Once again I ask that you continue to offer jeongseong so that True Father can quickly recover. Thank you.

6.30 by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi (August 17, 2012)

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church

Letter on Father's Health Condition

Joon Ho Seuk
August 16, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 5, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han – June 5, 2012

Beloved brothers and sisters,

I offer my heartfelt appreciation to all members who are offering Jeong Seong for True Father's speedy recovery.

I know that your greatest concern at this time is True Father's health. Therefore, I would like to share some recent developments regarding True Father.

The doctor's opinion yesterday had indicated that the next forty-eight hours would be critical and that Father's chances were 50:50. We understand that True Father's condition has not greatly changed since yesterday but the doctor mentioned this morning that a lot of the swelling had subsided and that he saw some improvement compared to the previous day. I firmly believe that True Father will pull through.

Early in the morning on 6.28 by the heavenly calendar (August 15), Hyung-jin nim had personally or through his assistants contacted all the True Children.

Beginning with True Mother, Hyung-jin nim's family and Kook-jin nim's family, In-jin nim's family, Yeon-jin nim and Jeong-jin nim who arrived in Korea, are watching over the hospital room 24 hours while offering prayer and Jeong Seong. Today we expect Ye-jin nim, Kwon-jin nim and his wife, Eun-jin nim and Sun-jin nim's family to arrive.

I am sure that many of our brothers and sisters were concerned about Hyun-jin nim, but fortunately he was contacted. He came to the hospital and visited True Father who was in a deep sleep.

Yesterday at 6 pm, the Korean Headquarters invited the elder members, relatives of True Parents, heads of providential organizations and key leaders and briefed them in detail of True Father's circumstances. They resolved to offer prayer and Jeong Seong together with the entire Unification Family for True Father's recovery. We have also heard that many members of the Unification Family throughout the world, after hearing the news about True Father, voluntarily began fasting, offering vigil night prayers and other Jeong Seong.

Like the old saying that sincerity moves Heaven, I believe that our sincerity and Jeong Seong shall reach Heaven and that we will surely see True Father in good health again.

Thank you.

Dr. Joon Ho Seuk
International Vice-President
Unification Church
President of the Korean Church 

Unification Church Founder Sun Myung Moon in Intensive Care - Doctor Gives Moon 50 Percent Chance of Survival

K.J. Kwon
August 16 2012

Unification Church Founder


The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the church colloquially known as the Moonies, is unconscious and undergoing treatment for pneumonia at a hospital in South Korea, a spokesman said Thursday.

His doctor has given him only a 50% chance of survival, spokesman Ahn Ho-yeol said.

Doctors put the 92-year-old founder of the Unification Church in intensive care Tuesday, where he is breathing through a respirator, the church spokesman said.

Moon felt ill suddenly and was hospitalized in Seoul in "grave condition."

The Unification Church gained fame worldwide for its mass weddings decades ago, including at New York City's Madison Square Garden.

Many met their spouses-to-be for the first time during the ceremony. In addition to weddings in South Korea, couples from various countries took part in the ceremony through satellite hookups.

The controversial Moon, whose church critics compare to a cult, served a federal prison term in the United States for tax evasion.

He was also a strong supporter of Republican politicians including Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, said Eileen Barker, a professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

He was "virulently anti-Communist," having been imprisoned in North Korea during the Korean War before being freed by the allies, she said.

Moon is the founder of The Washington Times newspaper, which vocally backed Reagan, she said.

In 2010, the newspaper was sold to a group operating on his behalf, according to a statement on the paper's website.

In his later years, his position toward North Korea softened, and he met the late North Korean dictator Kim Il-sung and invested some money in the North.

His followers regard Moon as the messiah who is completing the salvation that Jesus Christ failed to accomplish.

His church says Jesus was divine but he is not God, a position that puts the Unification Church outside the bounds of traditional Christianity.

Different measures are under way in case of the worst-case scenario, according to the church spokesman. He did not elaborate on the measures.

Followers of the church worldwide are praying for his health, he said.

Unification Church Founder in Critical Condition

August 16, 2012

Unification Church Founder in Critical Condition

SEOUL (AFP) - The founder of the controversial Unification Church is in a South Korean hospital in critical condition due to complications from pneumonia, his spokesman said on Thursday.

Sun Myung Moon, 92, was admitted to Seoul's St Mary's Hospital on Tuesday and has been unconscious since then, Ahn Ho-Yeol told AFP, describing his condition as very critical.

"He is on life support and cannot communicate... doctors say the next three days will be the critical period," Ahn said. Close family members, including Moon's son and successor as church leader Hyung Jin Moon, were at his bedside.

The church's website posted a message urging the faithful to hold special prayers from Thursday until September 24 for the recovery of "the true father", including a three-day fast beginning Friday.

The Unification Church -- founded in Seoul in 1954 and officially called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification -- is one of the world's most controversial religious organisations.

Its devotees are often dubbed "Moonies" after the founder and it is widely known for conducting mass weddings among followers involving thousands of couples.

It says it evangelises in some 200 countries and according to another spokesman has some three million followers worldwide.

The church's vast business empire includes The Washington Times newspaper and the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan.

Hyung Jin Moon, the youngest of Moon's seven sons, succeeded his father as the church's most senior leader in 2008 at the age of 28.

Sun Myung Moon, who was born in North Korea, visited the North in 1991 to meet its then-president Kim Il-Sung.

Seongnam Ilhwa Owner Moon Sun-Myung in a Critical Condition

August 15, 2012

The head of the unification church and the practical owner of Seongnam Ilhwa, Moon Sun-Myung is reportedly in a critical condition. Seoul Sung-Mo Hospital today confirmed that Moon Sun-Myung has been staying in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital since the 13th this month.

Seongnam Ilhwa Owner Moon Sun-Myung in a Critical Condition

Moon Sun-Myung, well known for his love for football, has been called Moonsour after Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the owner of the Manchester City, because of his huge cash spending for Seongnam. Since it is known that his sons and potential heirs do not like football, this could mean a lot for Seongnam Ilhwa.

Unification Church Founder in 'Critical' Condition: Hospital Official

Yonhap News
Agency August 15, 2012

SEOUL, Aug. 15 (Yonhap) -- Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, is gravely ill with respiratory problems and put under intensive care, a hospital official said Wednesday.

Moon, 92, was admitted to the respiratory intensive care unit at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital on Monday, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Unification Church Founder Rev. Moon in Critical Condition

Song Sang-ho
August 15, 2012

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the controversial Unification Church, is in critical condition with breathing problems, doctors said Wednesday.

He was taken into intensive care at the Catholic University’s St. Mary’s Hospital in Seoul on Monday.

“I understand that he is in critical condition after being admitted to the pulmonology division at the hospital,” said the official, declining to be named.

Moon founded the Unification Church in Korea in 1952 and has built it into a worldwide religious organization claiming up to 7 million believers.

Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon

It is famed for mass weddings, which it has trumpeted as “dedicated to the creation of a peaceful world beyond borders and races.”

Moon had picked spouses and presided over the ceremonies. The church extols Moon as the “True Parent of Mankind” and “the King of all Kings.”

Born in Jeongju, North Pyeongan Province in North Korea in 1920, Moon has carried out activities for the reunification of Korea and democracy and freedom across the world.

Moon is also a conservative media mogul. His church runs the U.S.-based Washington Times and the Segye Times in Korea.

International President’s Letter to the Unification Family Worldwide about Father Undergoing Treatment att an Intensive Care Unit

To : Regional Presidents, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From : Unification Church World Mission Headquarters
Date : 6.28 by the Heavenly Calendar (August 15, 2012)
Re. : International President’s Letter to the Unification Family Worldwide

To all brothers and sisters of the Unification family worldwide:

Brothers and sisters and leaders who are working hard on the frontline!

True Father is currently undergoing treatment at an intensive care unit due to complications that arose from an untimely cold and pneumonia. Though he is 93 years old and advanced in age, True Father was pushing his limits in carrying out his schedule at this time. He is being treated at one of the top medical institutions in Korea and is under the care of its medical team who are doing their best for True Father’s speedy recovery. Furthermore, True Mother, the True Children and other members of the True Family are at True Father’s side 24 hours a day at the hospital room and are offering prayer and jeongseong for True Father’s recovery. Brothers and sisters of the world! I ask that you join us in offering jeongseong and prayer for True Father’s speedy recovery and victory of Foundation Day together with the True Family and do your best wherever you are located. I pray that the grace and blessing of God and True Parents be with you and your family and once again ask for you to offer special jeongseong at this important time.

Thank you.

True Father's Final Prayer

Sun Myung Moon
August 13, 2012

Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 6.46.29 PM.png

I have completed everything. Today, as I have returned the conclusion of the final perfection to You, Father, I know that up to this moment, I have offered my whole life to You. I am spending this time now to bring my life to its conclusion, to bring it to a close with utmost devotion, in accordance with Your Will.

In order that we may return to the original Garden of Eden, the garden with no trace of the Fall, and surmount everything that came to be connected to Adam's portion of responsibility following the error committed by his betrothed, I, who have the authority to grant liberation and complete freedom to everything, declare that anyone who follows True Parents, be it someone in the fourth dimension, or be it someone who would otherwise go even to the fourteenth dimension of hell, will be adopted into the kingdom of heaven and registered in the fourth dimension.

I declare that if, centering on the fourteen sons and daughters, the tribal messiahs are able to fulfill the calling of national representatives and restore the 387 nations [of the Abel UN and Cain UN], everything will be brought to a conclusion. I have accomplished everything for this. I have completed everything. Aju!

Sun Myung Moon's Final Prayer

August 13, 2012

Screen Shot 2018-12-26 at 6.42.22 PM.png

True Father was admitted to St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul on August 3, 2012, due to cold symptoms that worsened into pneumonia. On August 12, after 10 days of tests and treatment, he insisted on returning to the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace. After arriving, True Father went from room to room in a wheelchair, visiting the East, West, North and South of the facility. He touched the table at which he and True Mother sat during Hoon Dok Hae and many other items, now and then saying, "Please be well."

Those things he could not touch with his hands he observed with his eyes, holding True Mother's hand tightly and repeating now and then, "Mother, thank you." The following day, True Father's condition continued to worsen. Nevertheless, he insisted on visiting Cheongshim Middle and High School, Chung Pyung World Peace Center and the Chung Pyung Training Center.

He then came to the sitting room in the Cheon Jeong Gung and asked for a digital recorder. He thought deeply for about ten minutes and then offered his final prayer:

"Today, as I have returned the completion of the final perfection of the Father, I am aware that I have offered my whole life up to this moment to the Father.

According to His Will, I am spending this time to bring my life to a conclusion, using this time to bring it to a close with Jeong Seong. …

Tribal messiahs have established a name that can represent the nation.

I have accomplished all these tasks. I have accomplished everything."

Afterward True Mother took True Father to Cheongshim Medical Center, where his strength appeared to fail, and he was rushed back to St. Mary's Hospital in Seoul. He remained in the Intensive Care Unit there until August 31, when True Mother directed that he be returned to Cheongshim Medical Center. True Father ascended on September 3 (H.C. 7.17).

The Last Prayer of Sun Myung Moon

August 13, 2012
Cheongshim Hospital (H.C. 6.26)


Today, as I have returned the completion of the final perfection of the Father, I am aware that I have offered my whole life up to this moment to the Father.

According to His Will, I am spending this time to bring my life to a conclusion, using this time to bring it to a close with Jeong Seong...

Tribal messiahs have established a name that can represent the nation.

I have accomplished all these tasks. I have accomplished everything.


Sun Myung Moon Is Admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital

Taekon Lee
August 3, 2012

Sun Myung Moon Is Admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital

Following the Inaugural Rally for the Abel Women UN on July 16, 2012, True Father caught a cold. It worsened and developed into pneumonia. Complications set in, and on August 3, he was admitted to Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, known in Korea as Seong Mo (Holy Mother), one of the nation’s finest hospitals.

There, over the ensuing ten days True Father received every possible medical test, including several Xrays and PET CT blood tests. He spent that period in a private room at the hospital, not in the intensive care unit. On August 12, True Father insisted on returning to the Cheon Jeong Gung. There his condition worsened, and after a day True Mother rushed him again to St. Mary’s. True Father remained in St. Mary’s Intensive Care Unit until August 31, when he was taken to Cheongshim International Medical Center.

Sun Myung Moon Is Admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital 1