A Mother's Heart with Her Son in Korea

by Gertrud Yasutake

How much will we need to cry for our children? I am the parent of one who has already cost me some tearful prayers, but who is maturing in ways unimaginable to us, and in ways I could never provide as a parent. Our son goes to school in Korea. He has found his own world, a world full of academic challenge, friends from many countries, and an austerity that one can only achieve in dorm life in Korea. Has your child ever been so grateful for a glass of milk or a slice of cheese or the lasagna you cook for him? Well, dorm life and life in Korea gave such a sense of gratitude to our son.

We decided to home school our children when they reached school age. It was always assumed by us that our first son Chris was not "artistic material", so to send him to the Little Angel School was not a viable option. We felt his strength was in science, or any other field, just not art. But the possibility to send him to Korean opened up and made us change our mind. There were several reasons why we changed our minds: 1) his best friend had gone there and now our children were without this precious comrade, 2) Chris and his younger brother Tim did everything together, they were in fact viewing life through each other. This, we felt, was becoming to be an obstacle to their development, and a change was needed. 3) Though home schooled, he had experienced one year in public school and stood up well to the influences a group situation brings. 4) Chris had learned some Korean and most importantly, he himself wanted to go.

We sent him off with the feeling that this was a good step for his growth and getting-equipped-for-life. I was ready to create a scrap book about his experience there, planned to collect his letters, documenting his adventures there, with our correspondence, with photos, and memorabilia.

In the first letter that he wrote home, he said that he was fine, he only missed seeing the stars at night and the green grass of Hawaii. I was moved by this show of sentimentality. When in tearful prayer I randomly opened my DP book, it was the quote from the Bible in Genesis where God shows Abraham all the stars in the heavens. From then on I determined to give our son to God as Abraham was ready to give Isaac.

After that experience, hardly any letters came. He was fully immersed in his new life. We talked on the phone several times, and we noticed that his voice started to change. I still missed the close-up observation of his development into puberty, but it was also precious beyond words to see our son again after he developed. The strides our children can achieve are astonishing. When he returned for summer vacation I saw clearly that I had to discover him again. He was not the sum of my concepts of him anymore, he was a new person, a child of Heaven who had come into his own right, his own path, his own world.

In the dorm "family" he holds the position of a hyung, an elder brother. The social structure is very clearly set up according to the Korean tradition. The dorm parents' care, the different responsibilities within the group, and being responsible for his own studying, cleanliness, etc. have shaped our son into an attentive young man.

Our concerns about the art issue dissolved in a very clever way. After the 1 1/2 years of preparation time, Chris and one other student were the first to attend a regular Korean public school. It is only about a ten minute walk from the dorm in Kuri City. Again we took it as a sign that heaven wanted him there. And so it is. He has a home, a safe haven to grow and develop, and we could become wandering pioneers again to do the National Messiah mission in Bosnia & Hercegovina without distracting him from his chosen path.

I believe our children will live in a world culturally more intermixed than ours, pursuing jobs and missions unimagined by us today, bridging and criss-crossing the world. We need to give them a linguistic und cultural advantage. Our children are definitely not ours alone. As Khalil Gibran said, we are only the bows from which powerful arrows shall fly.

May our children's lives be rich and full of spiritual treasures. Then they will master the physical and emotional treasures as well.

3.6 Million Couples PreBlessed

by Julian Gray-Seoul, Korea

This evening, Wednesday July 16, at 7:00 PM Korean time, Rev. Kwak held an informal ceremony and cake cutting to celebrate the official result of accomplishing the pre-blessing of 3.6 million couples worldwide. He prayed softly but full of emotion and thanks to Heaven. The accumulated results from around the world meant that the milepost was passed by July 15. Rev. Kwak said that Father was very happy with the news, and asked that Rev. Kwak hold a ceremony and include three manseis--which was done.

Heavenly Registration is Coming Soon

Rev. J. H. Pak

This is from an address given at the Regional Leaders Meeting, NYC, 6/24/97.

Registration is coming soon. Heavenly Registration. So we need to learn what God and True Parents have to say about Registration from the Word in the New and Completed Testament Eras. We know that we need to bring our tribe in order to register for the Kingdom of Heaven.

We within our Family Church are all very much aware of what we must fulfill. Leaders must stand in the forefront, setting the best example, sacrificing the most, in order that others will be inspired to follow their example. We will speak with our actions. Everyone is aware of their personal responsibility. Let us remember one important thing: responsibility comes with privileges. If we want to be granted privileges in our life of faith then we must accept the responsibility that makes it possible. Just act!

Citizen of Nation

Thirty-seven years ago, True Father began teaching and preparing us for this Era of Registration so it isn't as if we were hearing it for the first time. Father is now speaking often about registration because the time is now upon us. It will come very soon, not off in the far distance anymore.

Let us think for a moment in terms of nationality or citizenship in a nation. One either has citizenship in a nation, or one is a refugee, having no nation. When we have a nation, our nation guides and protects us. It gives us some authority. We may travel to other nations but if some trouble comes to us we have our nation's embassy representative to turn to for protection. If we are without a nation, having no citizenship, then we have no protection. We might also equate it to being orphans versus having parents.

Before Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary journeyed to Bethlehem. The Roman Empire required that all citizens be enrolled, so Joseph registered his family (Luke 2:2). This was registration for citizenship in the secular world. Two thousand years ago, Roman citizenship was very meaningful. St. Paul, for example, used his Roman citizenship effectively during his public ministry. When an enemy approached him, he would say "I am a Roman citizen." That brought him protection (Acts 22:22-29).

Citizen of Heaven

But St. Paul knew that we register for citizenship in Heaven as well, for he said in Philippians 3:20-21 "our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself."

What are the benefits of heavenly citizenship? "God is love" (1 John 4:8); "God is life" (Ps. 36:9). So if we become citizens of Heaven we then naturally receive life from God. And we become the loving children of God, living with Him in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, having give and take love forever.

Twelve Tribes

Jacob had 12 children; Moses had 12 tribes. On the foundation of these twelve tribes, the chosen people entered Canaan. On that foundation came the period of the United Kingdom. Jesus had 12 disciples. True Parents have to restore the number 12, both vertically and horizontally, equalling 144 or the symbolic number of 144,000 people in the First Resurrection (Rev. 14:1).

When Jesus' disciples returned one day from witnessing, the disciples were happy with the results of their witnessing but Jesus told them in Luke 10:20 "... do not rejoice in this... but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven." Already Jesus and True Parents have addressed this subject. Jesus said to the twelve in Matthew 19:28 "truly, truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Already the registration, the ownership, and power of authority, is given to the first generation people. In Revelation 21:12 we read of the names of the twelve tribes of Israel which will be written on the high wall with twelve gates and twelve angels. This is the registration of the first generation which must be fulfilled in True Parents' lifetime. Our names must be registered in 'the book of life'. This is the reason for rejoicing; we rejoice because we are fulfilling the purpose of creation.

The First Resurrection

In the Exposition of the Divine Principle (pp. 143-44), regarding the First Resurrection, registration is connected with resurrection. In my point of view, registration is the final climax of the fulfillment of the first resurrection, that is, when God officially stamps His seal of approval upon our tribes' names in the Book of Life.

The third Adam, in his lifetime, has to completely restore everything, IN ONE GENERATION. The first Adam lost everything in one generation! As first generation people we are very important. We have to fulfill in our generation.

How do we become a part of the First Resurrection?

* By accepting the True Parents;

* By believing and coming to resemble the ideal of True Parents;

* By serving God completely;

* By following God in obedience to practice True Love;

We must restore ourselves from the fallen state to the original state, separating from Satan, How?

* By actually reversing the process and going back to the original state, moving out fallen nature, by the grace of God;

* By following True Parents' example and growing to divine spirits at the perfection level, fulfilling God's purpose of creation;

* By passing Heaven's qualifications (being separated as wheat from chaff);

* By registering in the twelve true tribes and heavenly citizenship (such as the symbolic 144,000 as written in the book of life).

The Book of Life

In the New Testament, "the book of life" is mentioned seven times:

1. He who overcomes shall thus be clothed in white garments, and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels (Rev. 3:5);

2. And all who dwell on the Earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain (Rev. 13:8);

3. The beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the Earth will wonder. whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that he was and is not and will come (Rev. 17:8);

4. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne and books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds (Rev. 20:12);

5. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15);

6. ...nothing unclean and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life (Rev. 21:27);

7. Indeed, true comrade, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life (Phil. 4:3).

Registration Requirements

We can clearly understand from the verse in Philippians that while St. Paul was registered as a Roman citizen in the secular world, he understood well that his name must also be registered in the book of life. That was his goal as an apostle in the faith, to be registered into citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven. To understand 'registration' more clearly and the position of ourselves in relation to the Messiah, let us look at its meaning in more simple terms. When a man (the bridegroom) takes a wife (the bride), his wife then becomes his family, his tribe. She is registered as his wife, with his name. In the same way, the Brides (all of us) enter the family of the Bridegroom (Messiah, True Father). And there must be a ceremony and a banquet and then registration.

We must become "divine" sons and daughters before registering in the Kingdom. Actually, our goal is not only to be registered as citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven but also to become Sons and Daughters of God, Divine Sons and Daughters in the citizenship of the Kingdom of Heaven. That is our Family Pledge #2:

Our family pledges to represent and become central to Heaven and Earth by attending God and True Parents; we will perfect the dutiful way of filial piety in our family, patriotism in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in Heaven and Earth, by centering on True Love.

These are our four duties: to be filial sons and daughters in the family; to be patriots in the nation; to be saints in the world; and to be divine sons and daughters in the cosmos. We are registering in the book of life as divine sons and daughters. Someone once gave me the following viewpoint which I will share with you: 'holy sons and daughters' and 'divine sons and daughters' have two different meanings. 'Divine' is connected with God's blood lineage. 'Holy' is not connected with blood lineage. For instance, we say "Oh, he is a holy man." We refer to many people as being 'holy people' but they may not be connected to God's blood lineage. There are also many saints, but even a saint is not necessarily of God's blood lineage.

In the Gospel of Matthew, beginning from the first verse, we can read about the 42 generations of Jesus' family tree, his family tribe, his blood lineage (Matt. 1:1-17). His family was a special one. His family tree was very special. His top ancestor was Abraham, as mentioned in the first verse. Abraham was a chosen person, a person blessed by God.

People of the world have many concerns, physical health, survival, material possessions, but for us, our main concern is our Blessing and inheriting God's blood lineage. If we can say we are really connected with God's blood lineage, then we can say that we are divine sons and daughters. This is the primary qualification for registration in the heavenly kingdom.

Learn from History

Moses' twelve tribes did not obey and follow him so Satan attacked Moses and the people of Israel and they died in the wilderness. Jesus Christ's twelve disciples and the chosen people did not believe and trust Jesus but rejected him. Consequently, Satan attacked Jesus Christ and the chosen people. An internal point to make here is: Joseph's family and Zechariah's family should have surrounded Jesus with care and protection but did not. And now today, Tribal Messiahs have to restore their physical relatives and hometown people. In their mission areas Tribal Messiahs must work to gain 185 couples. This number represents the number of nations in the world. (160 was used previously because at the beginning of tribal messiah work, the number of nations in the UN was 160.)

Fruit of the Kingdom

God gives many warnings about those who will not enter His eternal world. In the Exposition of the Divine Principle (pp. 396-97), we can read clearly that when the Lord of the Second Advent returns, the people producing the fruit will receive the Kingdom; those who do not produce fruit will perish (from the Parable of the Vineyard, Matt. 21:33-43).

Again in Matthew 3:10 "And the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire." And Matthew 7:17-19, "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits."

In Luke 13:7-9 "And he said to the vineyard keeper, 'Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without finding any. Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground?' And he answered and said to him, 'Let it alone sir, for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer; and if it bears fruit next year, fine, but if not, cut it down.'"

Further warnings come from John 15:2-8 "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up, and they gather them, and cast them into the fire,and they are burned. By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples."

We can say that those who become true families and who are registered in the Twelve Tribes will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who are on the satanic side will not. We must take responsibility.

This is interesting to us. We lost the Garden of Eden so we wonder at times: what kind of place was it? We can only imagine. But in John's Revelation we get a better picture: Those who can live in that brightness, that fantastic world, that utopia, that blessed land, that land of dreams, that happy valley! will be those who enter the First Resurrection, those divine spirits and those who are written in the book of life and those who are a part of the Twelve Tribes.

True Fathers Words

We quote excerpts here on True Father's own words concerning registration from the The Tribal Messiah (pp.175-178),

1) Registration

When I say "You should return to your original hometown in order to register," do you know what I mean by register? When a bride marries a bridegroom, she has to enter her name in her husband's family roster. She must cross her name out of her original family roster and move it to some other place.

Everyone living on this Earth has a hometown. After one is born, one is immediately registered in one's nation. Regardless of which town, district or region within the nation in which one is born, one must register under that nation. This registration becomes the proof that one is a son of the parents in that house and a citizen of that nation. As long as that nation and those parents exist, the registered child cannot be taken off the roster.

...Therefore, we must have a nation that we have established or can register in. We have to seek such a nation and register in it. Why do we need religion on Earth today? It is because we could not register in our original homeland. From God's point of view, these people are not the citizens of God. They are not people who have a relationship with the original homeland and are registered there.

As God sees it, the homelands that men and women are born in today belong to the enemy. The homeland within that kind of nation is not a place where God can have dominion and be happy. This is the problem. For this reason, we have to return to a level higher than that of the religions today.

Today, we were all born in a period in history and registered in our homeland, but that registration has nothing to do with God. We have a nation that we have registered in, but that nation has nothing to do with God. We come to the conclusion that although there are many nations like this, they all have no relationship with God and the Earth itself has nothing to do with God.

2) The Advent of the Period for Registration

As the spring dawns upon the Earth and the fresh green leaves of tribal messiahs sprout everywhere, the spirit world of that nation will come to our side. The time of registration centering on Heaven will come. They say that twelve tribes and 144,000 will enter. Do you know what the number 144,000 signifies? The time of registration is approaching. Centering on the time of the unification of North and South Korea, we must head toward the Era of Registration. Your tribe must all stand in the same position in order to register as citizens of the heavenly kingdom.

I am not talking about individuals. Do you understand? The time of individual salvation will pass behind us. In the future, as long as the president of a nation joins the church and makes the pledge, the people will also become a part of the heavenly household, and as long as they perform the ceremonies that the church sets forth, they can all escape from the satanic world. (1991..8.25. Headquarters Church)

3) The Requirement for Registration

What position are the people in this world standing in? They are caught between good and evil. If they did not fall originally, they would have been good. They were supposed to be only good. They have to be born as good. However, although they received life and were born, they could not complete the principled process of growth because of the origin of their birth. You have to understand that they did not bring consummation to this matter. An imperfect work still has a long way left to go toward perfection.

Even though something is eighty percent completed, the remaining twenty percent might stand as the subject and thus negate the value of the eighty percent. As we look at it from the perspective that desires one hundred percent perfection, something that is only 95 percent perfect still cannot enter the position of perfection. Consequently, it will also fall under the desired standard.

A creation made by the absolute being, God, has to be absolutely perfect. If something has attained absolute perfection, no one can criticize or correct it. It must be absolute. For something to be treated by the absolute subject as its object, it must also possess absolute character. It makes sense theoretically only when it possesses such absolute content. This is the problem.

So, how are people born? Before registering, what must be done to be born as an absolute being? Without knowing this clearly, one cannot enter the position where one can represent absolute perfection, a position where, having won all victories, one can assert one's subjectivity before God. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)

...After persevering on to eliminate all the sorrowful results of the fall and become victorious children who can guide all nations with love, you should worship God and True Parents in your bedroom, then the registration process will automatically come to an end. From that moment on, the Kingdom of Heaven will continue on forever. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)

...Registration cannot be undertaken by the clan, but by the people. The reason that we are restoring tribes is that by forming the twelve tribes, we can create the sovereignty of a nation, a foundation of national sovereignty in the original homeland. Therefore, according to the amount of effort that you put in and the amount of contribution that you make in forming the tribes, you can contribute to establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

In conclusion, we need to take all this information which we have from the Bible, from Divine Principle, and from Father's Words, and learn them well. Teach it to all people so we don't stand accused later. Then we all go forward to fulfill our great missions that God and True Parents have given us.

True Family And True Universe Centering On True Love

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Founder's Address 15th Anniversary of The Washington Times June 16, 1997 Washington, DC

Respected guests from Washington D.C. and abroad, dear staff of The Washington Times, eminent world literary leaders, ladies and gentlemen. I deeply appreciate your taking time from your busy schedules to attend this meeting.

Today, as we celebrate The Washington Times' 15th anniversary, I cannot help but feel deep emotion. Fifteen years ago, when the world was adrift on the stormy waves of the Cold War, I established The Washington Times to fulfill God's desperate desire to save this world. Since that time, I have devoted myself to raising up The Washington Times, hoping that this blessed land of America would fulfill its world-wide mission to build a Heavenly nation. Meanwhile, I waged a lonely struggle, facing enormous obstacles and scorn as I dedicated my whole heart and energy to enable The Washington Times to grow as a righteous and responsible journalistic institution.

Today The Washington Times Corporation can be proud of its development into a world class global media enterprise. Since the end of the Cold War, the world began to realize that the direction taken by The Washington Times was correct. History will not forget our contribution. The efforts of The Times to revitalize the moral and spiritual values of the United States and the world are being recognized as absolutely urgent and necessary at this time.

I want to convey my warmest appreciation to all The Washington Times staff who have worked so hard together with me to develop The Times. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to the American and world leaders who have offered their unwavering support.

The most precious thing that I can offer from the bottom of my heart as a token of my appreciation on this special day is to introduce you to what I consider to be the two most significant lectures that I gave during my most recent world tour.

I refer to "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation" and "In Search of the Origin of the Universe." Today, we need a complete solution for the problems of sexual immorality, family breakdown and alienation among our young people. These two speeches provide fundamental solutions for these problems. When each one of you goes back to your home, I hope you will take some time for self-reflection. Whenever you want to bring more love into your family, read these speeches together with your family and think deeply. I believe this can help you and your family to achieve harmony and real happiness.

I suggest that you read these two speeches as many times as the number of your age. If your age is over 80, then read them more than 80 times. The more you read these speeches, the more heavenly blessing and fortune will be with you. The more you read them, the more peace will flow in your family naturally and automatically I invite you to read more!

The title of the first speech is "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation." To summarize: Because of the failure and Fall in the family of the First Adam, Jesus came as the Second Adam to restore the failure of the first family at the national level. The First Adam had become fallen Adam. Thus the Messiah, Jesus, came as the Second Adam. However, since Jesus was not able to realize a family based on being True Parents, the Messiah needs to come back as the Third Adam and restore the mission of True Parents on the world level. This is the mission of the Second Advent, who is coming as the Third Adam. This speech also introduces the fact that the fundamental issue of salvation is the restoration of the original lineage.

The title of the second speech is "In Search of the Origin of the Universe." Since the human Fall originated in the misuse of love, humankind lost True Love. Thus the problem arises: How can we recover True Love? The loss of True Love means falling through adultery. In other words, True Love became degraded by misusing the sexual organs, and in order to restore it, we need to use these organs in the right way. Just as the seed of fallen love was planted in the Garden of Eden during the first ancestors' youth, so in these final days, mankind will harvest the fruit of the Fall among our young people. That is the reason why today we find so much chaos and contusion, centering on the issue of sex. This problem can only be solved with what I call "Absolute Sex." Only the concept and practice of Absolute Sex can prevent the destruction of the family and reverse the corruption of our youth.

This evening, because time is limited, I would like to share a speech with a new title: "True Family and True Universe Centering on True Love."

Everyone here has parents and teachers, and you also have the leader of your nation. Correct? These are things everyone undeniably needs. However, when compared to the true standard, there are many different levels of parents. What do you think? To what extent have you, yourself, become True Parents? In the same way, if a person is a professor at an Ivy League university such as Harvard, Yale or Columbia in the United States, or Oxford and Cambridge in England, does this mean that he or she can be called a True Teacher? Similarly, there are different types of leadership in a nation compared to the true standard of leadership. Even if someone is the president of a superpower such as the United States, does this mean he or she is a True President?

In fact, today in the family, children do not trust parents. Between spouses, there is no complete trust. Brothers and sisters also don't trust each other fully. Furthermore, students do not trust the teachers in the schools, and the people do not trust the leaders of their nation.

So the problem is, how can we attain the true standard of even one of these three most important positions of parents, teacher and leader?

When I say you should become True Parents, True Teacher or True Leader, what do you think is the highest standard or central model for those three positions? That is God. God is the True Parent among parents, True Teacher among teachers, and True King among kings. God is the Eternal True Parent, Eternal True Teacher, Eternal True Leader and King. If we are children of God, we need to become True Parents first, just like God. We should also follow the way of the True Teacher, just like God. And we need to follow the way of the True Leader, just like God. This is the idea of the three primary positions. The ultimate model is God.

Who is the Messiah sent to the people of Israel, promised in the Old Testament? The Messiah is the one who comes as True Parents, True Teacher, and True King. However, because Jesus was prevented from establishing the True Family and uniting his people, he needs to come again. In other words, because he did not accomplish the national-level foundation, the Messiah of the Second Coming will come as the Third Adam and teach the way of the True Parents, True Teacher and True King at the world level. This is the messianic concept. Wherever the family, nation, world and Heaven exist, the idea of the three primary positions of parents, teacher and leader should always be established.

To exist in the spatial dimension, human beings need to stand in relation to what is above and below, right and left, front and back. In this way, one's position is determined. One's shape and situation depend upon where one stands relative to above and below, right and left, and front and back.

This same formula that applies in the relation of above and below, right and left, and front and back also applies to the family, the nation and the world. Just as there are above and below, right and left, and front and back centering on the individual, in the family there are parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters. Similarly, in the nation, centering on the leader, families should embrace all the civilizations of East and West and all the civilizations of North and South. Then they can embrace all people of the world as brothers and sisters. Ultimately every level will form a family pattern. All these models have the same pattern and the individual self is the central model. In the same manner, one's existence expands to the level of the family, nation, world, Heaven and Earth, and eventually reaches God. Each person has the desire to live as the center of the cosmos and the potential to make this a reality.

Thus, the core concept of the universe is the concept of the family. Heaven represents parents. Earth represents children. In the concept of East and West, East symbolizes man, West symbolizes woman. When a woman gets married, she usually follows wherever the husband goes, but they have equal value. When the West side reflects the sunlight, it has the same value as the East side. The relationship of brothers is the same. When the older brother works, the younger brothers naturally help him.

Therefore, people should exist in the relation of parents and children, husband and wife, and elder and younger siblings. And these three relations meet at one central point. There can be only one center. Above and below, right and left, and front and back should not have different centers. If the central point is different, then the balance of the relationships between above and below, right and left, and front and back will be broken. Eventually above, below, right, left, front, back and the central point all together comprise seven positions. Thus, the number seven represents all elements uniting to become one centering on God, with perfect True Love. Together, these seven elements form a complete sphere and eventually a family structure of harmony and unification. So, as you can see, seven is truly a lucky number.

When this sphere completes itself and revolves, it becomes a new entity based on the number eight. As long as True Love remains unchanging, the central point can revolve without change. But because of the human Fall, God was expelled from the central position. Since God's True Love was expelled, the True Family ideal collapsed.

There are many differences in lifestyle between East and West. In many ways, they are totally opposite. For example, when Koreans call someone to come to them, we motion with the palm down, like this. But if we do this in the West, people go the other way. We often misunderstand and wonder if people don't like us, because they go away from us when we are actually asking them to come closer. Also Western writing has a horizontal structure, proceeding from left to right. Oriental writing originally is vertically structured, starting from top to bottom and proceeding from right to left. So Western books open from left to right. But in the Orient we open a book from right to left. Thus Western civilization is more horizontally-based, while Oriental civilization is more vertical. As another example, shaking hands is a horizontal greeting, while bowing is vertical. In the Orient, there is a tradition that the ancestors are the core of the family system. But in the West there is no strong concept that considers the ancestors as the core. There is mostly a concept centered on the self.

Because everything is connected through the core, without the movement of the core, the whole entity does not move. Therefore, all the positions of one, two, three, four, five, six and seven, the central core, have equal value. Once they are divided, they comprise twelve segments. These twelve will fit wherever they are placed. Whatever the grandfather wants, the grandchild is not against. The children of the grandfather also want whatever their parents want. Ultimately all three generations become united in one desire. All of the elements -- grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, husband and wife, son and daughter -- resonate with the center. Let us look at the family, centering on love. Since the relationship between parents and children is one of unity, they are said to be one body. The relation between husband and wife is also said to be one body, as is the relation between brother and sister. In the family, all are one body. Centered on what are these relations called one body? They are one body centered on God's True Love, which is the center of all love. Centered on True Love, parents and children become one, husband and wife become one, and brothers and sisters become one. Through this process, the value of each element becomes equal.

Then what did God want for His children? To become billionaires? To have more power than anyone else? What God wanted for His children, Adam and Eve, was for them to grow to become children of filial piety, loyal citizens, saints, and a Holy Son and Daughter. Did you ever consider that, in accordance with God's desire, we should become children of filial piety in the family, loyal citizens of the nation, saints in the world, and Holy Sons and Daughters before Heaven and Earth? In history the saints and sages have taught that we should become children of filial piety, loyal citizens, saints, and Holy Sons and Daughters.

This evening do you think you have mastered the way of filial piety, loyalty, sainthood, and Holy Sonship which is needed to become an ideal human being and to complete the human personality? Without knowing this, you cannot perform the function of True Parents in the family. True Parents need to teach their children progressively to complete the way of the filial child, loyal citizen, saint, Holy Son or Daughter, and eventually even to reach God. If there is someone who truly teaches and exemplifies these things, then God will see that person as the ultimate True Parent, True Teacher and True Leader.

When you are qualified as True Parents and True Teacher, you also will be qualified as a True Leader; and furthermore you will be qualified to become a True King or Queen. Fallen man lacks this concept of filial piety, loyal citizenship, sainthood, and of becoming Holy Sons and Daughters. That is why this world is perishing. Who wants Holy Sons? God does. Who wants saints? The world does. Who wants loyal citizens? The nation does. Who wants children of filial piety? The family does. This is the way of truth.

The truth centering on love continues eternally in one direction. We did not know this, and that is why we could not be True Parents, True Citizens, True Saints, and Holy Sons and Daughters. When Jesus came to this world, there was no True Parents in the family, no True Leader in the nation and the world, and ultimately there was no True King in all of Heaven and Earth. People did not know how to follow the True Way. However, now you should know.

True Parents do not tell their children, "Once you become children of true filial piety, do not become loyal citizens." True Parents should teach children of filial piety to sacrifice their family by following the way of a loyal citizen in service to the nation, and to sacrifice the nation to fulfill the way of saints in service to the world. And then parents should teach their children to sacrifice the world in service to Heaven and Earth, and to sacrifice Heaven and Earth to come to God.

To achieve this, individuals should sacrifice for the sake of the family. By sacrificing for the family, a person becomes a child of filial piety. To become a patriot, a person will sacrifice even their entire family to save the nation. That is the way to become patriots. To be a saint, you will sacrifice even the nation in service to the world. The Holy Son should establish the Heavenly Kingdom on Earth and in Heaven, even sacrificing the world. Therefore, among all parents, those who live more for the sake of their children are True Parents. Teachers who do more for the sake of their students are True Teachers, and the president who sacrifices more for the nation will be the True President. We did not know this concept of investing and sacrifice. But without it, we will never have one eternally peaceful and unified world.

What is the basis of individualism? One cannot claim anything as "mine alone." When the child, through the love of its parents, grows from an egg in the mother's womb and is born, 99.999 percent of its existence is from the mother's bone, blood, and flesh, which was combined with the 0.001 percentage from the father's sperm. There is no concept of "myself alone" in nature. Nobody had a concept of "myself" when they were born.

Anyone who considers that they are the best cannot say they became so by themselves, including Reverend Moon. Bone, blood and flesh are all received in the mother's womb. We should recognize that the important parts of our body are the extension of our mother's body. All the essential elements of our body were included in the egg and sperm. There is no exception. Therefore, there is no basis for self-centered individualism.

When we say the word "above," that word automatically recognizes "below." Can individualism stand only with the concept of "above" by itself? There is no way that a being can be only individual. Talking about the "right" side presupposes the existence of "left." In the relation between front and back, "front" presupposes "back." The word "man" also cannot exist by itself. It presupposes "woman." This is not just the claim of any one person, but a cosmic fact.

Why was man created? Usually, men say that they can live by themselves alone, so they don't care why they were created. But man was born for the sake of woman. Without woman, there is absolutely no need for man. Actually, nothing was created for man by himself or for woman by herself alone.

Look at our five senses. Were my eyes created to look at my eyes? Nose, ears, mouth, hands -- all of them were created for the sake of the object. The force that mobilizes and focuses all five senses is True Love. Eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and hands were created for True Love as a tool for the use of True Love.

Nothing is created only for myself. On the contrary, a person who says that what belongs to others is "mine" is called a thief. When someone takes the things of others and uses them as his own, isn't he a thief? Therefore any man who uses his five senses and his body as he wants for himself alone is a thief, since these exist for the sake of woman.

What is the difference between man and woman? Their bodies, including the sexual organs. Then to whom is man's sexual organ absolutely necessary? Man's sexual organ exists for the sake of woman. The human sexual organs are shaped as concave and convex. Why are they shaped that way? Both of them could be pointed or both could be flat. Why are they shaped differently? Each is for the sake of the other. Woman absolutely wants what is man's. And man absolutely wants what is woman's. Until now, we did not know the fact that, absolutely, woman's sexual organ is man's and man's sexual organ is woman's. By owning each other's sexual organs man and woman come to know True Love.

Only through the experience of two becoming one can we know the highest level of love. No one can absolutely deny these facts. Everyone should recognize this. At the place where husband and wife become completely one, the ideal couple will be created. In that very place, absolute love exists. That place of love, which is absolutely unchanging, is the dwelling place of God.

Absolute Sex is centered on God, and free sex is centered on Satan. Historically, world literature and the media have often stimulated free sex. But from now on, you literary figures and journalists should lead the way to prevent free sex. Free sex should completely disappear.

Now that you have heard Reverend Moon's speech, you can change your current position 180 degrees and become a new person, new nation, and new world.

Definitely you are being changed. It is an absolute necessity to change this evil world. This world must be transformed.

People in the evil world, including Satan, don't like people on God's side. Therefore everyone in the world has opposed Reverend Moon; even at the level of the nation and the world they opposed me. But because Reverend Moon belongs to God, God has protected me. Satan doesn't like Reverend Moon; but God likes me. No matter how many times the world pushed Reverend Moon down or ignored me, I did not care. Reverend Moon never went down. Rather, he came up to the highest position. Therefore, now nobody can oppose me.

How could I establish this worldwide foundation even under all kinds of persecution? With what kind of power could Reverend Moon create these foundations to teach eminent world scholars and leaders? That was possible because God gave Reverend Moon a special kind of power. God has protected me and directed me, and even now God continuously protects and teaches me, so I am moving toward the way of success all the time.

Throughout history, there have been numerous religious leaders who could communicate with the spiritual world. You should know there is only one, Reverend Moon, who fully understood and unified the spiritual world and commenced work in this world. Since unifying the spiritual world, I received the Heavenly seal of recognition from God. Otherwise unification on the Earth cannot be done. You should know that in the same way that God has trained me and raised me in the spiritual world, He continuously leads me on the Earth.

For more than 20 years, since I came to the United States, I received enormous persecution. But I knew that God's plan for Christianity has endured through bloody sacrifice for 2,000 years, ultimately settling in the United States. Therefore I could not give up on this country. Please consider, if America had accepted Reverend Moon even 40 years ago, how would this country be today?

Then from where does True Love begin? This is True Love: After you sacrifice your own life and are resurrected, you try to invest again, more than three times. Since we have inherited fallen lineage, even at the cost of our own lives we have to persevere and overcome. Therefore, "whoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it." (Luke 17:33) Jesus followed this way when he came to this world. That is why he could lead the world, not by selfish individualism, but by altruism. Therefore, although I have created great wealth during my life, none of it, not even one penny, is mine. I invested everything for the world and then I forgot what I had done for others, and then I sacrificed and invested again. I repeated this process again and again.

Which do you prefer, "One Nation under God" or "One World under God?" Among Americans, some people do not like the concept of One World under God. Some white people do not like black people. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants occupy dominant positions in the United States. America, led by this group, should have the idea that this country exists for the sake of the world. If America lives only for its own sake, America will ultimately perish.

Now the times are changing. The coming time is the age of One World under God. God is working for this kind of world and will always help those people who also are working for that kind of providence. But there is a problem with many people wanting to lead the world but not wanting to participate in that providence.

In order to make one peaceful world, I have poured myself into various efforts. Let me give a few examples. We need to establish an ideal, world-wide academic institution like a U.N. University, transcending the barriers of race, religion and language, in order to complete the foundation for the future world. Also, to exchange knowledge globally, we need a university system for distance learning. We also need to develop a unified medical science. We need not only to cure the diseases of the body caused by the Fall, but also to end the conflict between Orient and Occident through harmonizing Eastern and Western culture. By uniting Eastern and Western medicine we can cure formerly incurable diseases, such as AIDS. In Korea, among the people of the countryside who never had formal medical education, there are many gifted healers who can cure serious diseases that are incurable through modern medicine. These healers have received teaching from the spiritual world about special treatments. Without recognizing certain realities of the spiritual world, problems will continue to grow.

Already these projects are being implemented at the University of Bridgeport and Sun Moon University. I have also created The Washington Times and other newspapers to cover the entire hemisphere, and I am expanding this media foundation into 185 countries to help all the people of the world learn from each other and cooperate as one. Since I came to America, I never had any debt to the American people. Rather, America should feel indebted to me. I shared the blessing I received from Heaven with America. I didn't receive any blessing from America, but my entire blessing was given to her.

Regardless of the degree of opposition, the person who loves the most will become the owner. Those who love more, invest more, who give more and forget what they have given, will become central figures. This is cosmic law.

In the future, please follow the way that in the family you offer filial piety to your parents, become a loyal citizen before the nation, become a saint before the world, and become a Holy Son or Daughter before God. Whoever can stand without shame before the family, nation, world, and Heaven and Earth, will be protected in the center of the cosmos and can then realize a family that receives God's highest love.

Such a person shall transform this world into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, being registered in the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world and entering into an era of kingship both spiritually and physically centered on God. Such a person shall receive the International Ceremony of Holy Blessing, which is to establish a world of victory, freedom, happiness and unity. I invite each of you to participate in this year's 3.6 million couple Blessing Ceremony, and so become a person welcomed by Heaven and Earth and find the way of eternal life.

Today literary leaders from all over the world are gathered together here. I hope the staff of The Washington Times and all the world literary leaders will become major figures to create a True Family and True World (cosmic) culture centered on God's True Love, ushering in a world of peace and unification in the forthcoming 21st Century.

May God bless you, your family and all your endeavors. Thank you.

Foundation Day 1997 (version 2)

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Let's welcome our beloved True Parents to the stage. We have a flower offering. [Applause. "Happy Foundation Day" was sung three times, followed by whistling and clapping.]

[Father begins by writing on the board and asking who knows Korean.]

The first part says, HSA-UWC. Repeat after me: Saegae hidokyo tongil silyoung hapec. That is HSA-UWC in Korean. Now, the second part is Saegae tonghwa tongil kajungjinot. Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Next I wrote Belvedere Home Church, repeat after me: Belvedere Kajungkhola. The message is really rich this morning already.

Following the Principle view, since I came to America, I have been doing my providence based on this American holy place, Belvedere Church. Two years ago, I moved to South America. Now the providence is centered on South America. After the South American providence I went back to Korea for a while, and I have been doing a lot for the providence in Korea. I started many new projects and have been taking care of all the work there

A new focus

Now is the time for all these old church or church-related signs to come down; a new form should emerge. The church era focuses on individual salvation; however, it is time to rise from the individual level of salvation to the family level, because the family is the cornerstone or basic unit for building a nation.

What happened in the family of Adam and Eve at the time of the human fall? Not only individuals but the entire family collapsed. Therefore, in the providence of restoration involves restoring mind/body unity, unity among family members, and then unity within the tribe, society, nation and so forth. Because of the fall, the human race started with a false blood lineage, and it expanded into families, tribes, societies, nations and a world; that's the world we are facing every day. Therefore, True Parents come to save humanity and change this blood lineage into the heavenly lineage; we have to expand this worldwide. This is the period of equalization, centering on True Parents. Do you understand? The worst parents appear and break down everything, causing separation in every direction. In this time, True Parents bring mind/body unification and perfection of man and woman, connecting with one another and creating a perfect family. This can expand horizontally into a unified world. Do you understand? This is the opposite of the fallen down way, where individuals separate and families separate. Satan has been occupying the whole world.

Rebirth is needed. True Parents appeared and connected the true individual base, accomplishing complete unification of mind and body. The authority of that kind of man and woman, centered on their perfected family, extends to the Kingdom of Heaven. The period of religion is passing away, because the purpose of the major religions was individual salvation. That is why the signs of all religious organizations, not just the Unification Church, should come down sooner or later. If Adam and Eve had been totally united with God to begin with, do you think religion was necessary? What about the history of restoration? No. Everything was supposed to be accomplished at that time.

Because of the human fall, all of humanity throughout history has been suffering from fall sickness. Therefore, True Parents come to bring the new serum of truth. When you get a shot or injection, you are engrafted into the heavenly lineage. It's like receiving a vaccination during an epidemic. That is why receiving the Blessing is the most important thing in your life.

Tribal messiahship

We are in the position of restored Adam and Eve, working towards the level of perfection. Centering on blessed couples, the entire world has to be restructured and reorganized to meet the criteria of the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why I gave orders to blessed couples to play the role of tribal messiahs. If you perform the tribal messiah role properly, you should be able to bring 160 families, including your relatives and your immediate family, to the Blessing. By doing so, you will set a condition to restore your entire tribe. Based on this tribal restoration, the nation can be built, restoring the failure at the time of Jesus Christ. The families of John the Baptist and Joseph will be restored; all the foundation will be laid, then the nation will be formed. Then we will continue building the world centering on God.

As you know, already in 185 nations, national messiahs are forming this center. Your responsibility is to do tribal messiahship where you are living and carrying out your mission. Once we accomplish the three levels of family messiah, tribal messiah, and national messiah, and do our responsibility properly, then Satan cannot interfere in our work and in our life. Once all these levels are completed and the national messiahs are totally united and the worldwide level is prepared, they will be called "world messiahs." All humanity will be in the position of the original Adam and Eve who have completed the eight different stages will be called "perfected."

While you were not aware of what I was doing, I laid all the necessary ground work to dispatch these national messiahs to the world. No matter what nation it may be, if four national messiahs can be totally united centering on God, then the entire world can be restored. After four nations, the next stage will be twelve nations. The four-position foundation will be elevated to restore twelve nations and then the world. People tend to keep their old habits from before they joined the church, but while you are still struggling with your old habits, the time line of God's providence has progressed so fast that it makes you dizzy. You don't know how fast it is traveling, but soon it will be beyond your reach; thus, you have to be fully alert.

Stages of restoration

There are eight different stages horizontally and eight different stages vertically. Through shrinking the satanic realm from the worldwide level to the individual level, in eight different stages, we can get rid of it. Right after World War II, if people had connected with God's blessing centering on the Lord of the Second Advent, this process would have been completed by now. Then it would have expanded vertically centered on God's direction, the heavenly line, not the satanic line. It is like establishing and rebuilding the Garden of Eden again. But that didn't happen.

The Lord of the Second Advent would have become the True Parent to an entire humanity, but because of the failure of the Allied countries and Christianity, the True Parent was kicked out of this world. I, who was supposed to build this vertical original world, was chased away to this satanic world level, into the wilderness. So I started from scratch, from the zero level again, to complete these eight different stages. At each stage, I had to get the Cain and Abel representatives to unite. Finally, True Parents won victory on the worldwide level here. That is why after I won the victory in Korea, I moved to America so that I can work with world level Christianity centering on Catholicism and Protestantism, which represent Cain and Abel and are in a mind/body relationship.

The United Nations represents only the body, the minus, because it is a political organization. It doesn't have the plus. The United Nations represent world politics; therefore, the United Nations need a woman figure. In other words, Eve and Cain and Abel figures are needed. I am preparing this very foundation for the sake of the United Nations. Just as our body always puts pressure on our mind and tortures our mind, the United Nations has been putting pressure on religion and putting down religion, which represents the mind. That is why body-centered politics, such as United Nations, doesn't have anything to do with God or God's original purpose. Mind and body have been separated in the history of restoration; they have to reverse the course to meet the original point. Once I reach the worldwide victory, I will bring the entire world to this original point. There have been two different battles, internal and external, because of the battle between the good spirits and the evil spirits in the spirit world. And also, in the physical world there has been a struggle between evil parents and True Parents. The satanic individual base has extended to the worldwide base, and battles have taken place from the individual level to the worldwide level.

Up until recently, the entire world, including the democratic world and the communistic world, mobilized to oppose and attack me. However, that era is over. I set the indemnity condition and restored 4000 years of human history in 40 years. The Old Testament era, which was the first Israel, the first Messiah era, and the New Testament era, which is the second Messiah era, failed, and I had to restore those 4,000 years of history of failure. The spirit world and the physical world are now joined with True Parents. So once I reach the worldwide victory level and embrace this entire world, the entire world will go through the engrafting process, the process of rebirth, and the Kingdom of God will be built on earth. These eight horizontal stages of completion will be established vertically too. During the last 40 years, the entire spirit world and the physical world joined together and attacked and persecuted me. That time is over. Satan is losing his dominion of the entire world. There is a new world, nation, tribe, family and individual. Because at this point, we meet with our own mind and body.

The future of America

Americans say that America represents the free world and is the supreme nation of the world, but suppose the entire world disappears and America alone exists. America is the kingdom of extreme individualism, the kingdom of free sex. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve became the ancestors of extreme individualism, selfishness, and free sex. You will reap what you have sown. That was the season of spring, and we are reaping same result as a harvest. The country that represents Satan's harvest is America. The original individual personality, family values, tribal base, national base and worldwide base were lost. This is reality, not a concept. Do you understand?

America doesn't have anywhere to go now. As American brothers and sisters, do you have enough resources and power to rule the world? You lost your grandparents, your parents, your siblings; there is no relationship. Relationships became complicated and were lost. Can anybody deny that? So, centering on America, there may be twelve major nations in the world that are leading world affairs. These countries are repeating the same mistakes that Adam and Eve had made in the Garden of Eden at the time of the fall.

How can we say that our tribe, our nation, and our world are centered on God? Even your view of life and way of life is based on this selfish and extreme individualism. That is why you lost everything from individual level to the worldwide level. This is a result of free sex. Incest is taking place in this world. Incest is not connected to God's side, but completed connected to Satan's side. This has been the reality.

You have to turn back 180 degrees; otherwise, there is no hope. The world, with its nations, tribes, families and individuals, have all been connected to Satan's side. Now Satan's work has collapsed. True Parents restore all that was lost throughout human history and establish it on a vertical level. All levels and viewpoints have to be re-established centered on God, through True Parents-from the universal views to the world views, national views, family views, and individual view. By establishing home church, you are in the position to inherit everything. Everything connects to that direction. Do you understand? Adam connects to the individual viewpoint and to the viewpoint of the tribe, nation, world and cosmos, centering on God's love. Is that right? [Yes.]

We take things away from Satan. The first thing we have to accomplish is the restoration of the elder son's birthright. Then once Cain and Abel have reached unity, they have to be united with the mother figure. Then, when they join the United Nations work and unite as plus and minus, Cain and Abel, the restoration of the kingship will take place. For that reason, I established the Women's Federation, Religious Federation, Youth Federation, and all these federations to work with the United Nations for world peace. The day that the United Nations declares True Parents' Day to the world, the entire world will celebrate. Also United Nations should invite True Parents to take the position of Secretary-General in eternity. When that kind of tradition is set, then restoration of the world will be completed. Then we can proclaim not just one nation under God but one world under God. [Clapping]

The future of the United Nations

America cannot control the United Nations. Recently, the Republican party, had an agenda to somehow pull America out of the United Nations. But I used the Washington Times to stop that evil attempt. I mobilized many ambassadors from around the world to exert their influence to stop it. UN ambassadors and American ambassadors met to discuss how to solve the United Nations' problems. The Washington Times pointed the direction for the future. You were not aware of that, were you? Because each nation sends ambassadors to the United Nations to America, I mobilized both ambassadors from each nation and worked with them. As individuals, we consist of mind and body. The same principle applies to the organization of the United Nations. Because we lost on the individual level the elder sonship, parentship and kingship, we have to restore the elder sonship, parentship and kingship on the worldwide level, centering on the restoration of Cain, Abel and Eve. I am told that the United Nations is in debt for about 3 billion dollars, but I am confident that we can take care of that debt if we truly mobilize the Women's Federation for World Peace, Federation for World Peace, Youth Federation for World Peace, HARP and CARP, and all organizations under my wing. The family of Adam included the father, Eve, Cain and Abel. What was lost in the family of Adam should be restored before we attempt to restore the world. That is why we have to make sure that the elder sonship, parentship and kingship are restored, centered on God.

Where is the base for advancing God's providence of restoration from the individual level to the world? The home church. The family church. Suppose everyone in a nation, from the president and the cabinet members to all its families, establish this family church; then national restoration comes automatically.

Suppose that by the end of August of this year, with only three months to go, we reach our goal of 3.6 million couples; then I will proclaim to the world that beginning from September 1, we will march forth the goal of reaching 36 million couples. Once that happens, the entire world will be stirred up.

The family is clearly the starting point, the direction, and the terminal point. It is the clear cause and clear result. Churches and religions did not have a clear starting point, a clear direction, or a clear destination. They have lost their direction. The Unification understanding offers a clear purpose and direction for the individual, family, nation, world and cosmos. It clarifies God's starting point, direction and purpose. At last we will be with God. All humankind and everything in the cosmos will be centering on God and become new creatures with a clear direction. Then they can embrace God and God's true love place. Every place will enjoy dancing and singing. People of all tribes and nations will be dancing and singing. The cosmic Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven will be an enjoyable world of dancing and singing . That is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Is that right? [Yes.] How great everything will be when race and color are no problem! Love power is most strong. Think of the power of blood lineage when it is directed towards unity. Do you understand?

Because such a time has come, I took down the sign for HSA-UWC. It is reborn as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Through the course of Old Testament era and New Testament era, we lost everything from the family to the worldwide level. Since we are in the time of world, I started from the worldwide level and went to the family level; so now we are establishing family church.

Although Jesus Christ was crucified 2000 years ago, his power and influence has been felt all over the world. But suppose Jesus Christ had not died but rather established his family: if his children had multiplied, how long do you think it would have taken place to restore the entire world? Not more than 600 years. Do you understand? Jesus' family would have been mainstream of the world's family. Do you understand? The mainstream is like the true olive tree. The fallen world's wild olive tree would have been cut down at the starting place, making that true olive tree and influencing the whole orchard. Then God would have been able to dominate the true olive orchard. Is this clear? The wild olive trees need to be engrafted with True Parents' Blessing. The trunk has to be cut down and then engrafted with a new branch. The new branch is the new blessing. This engrafting process takes place through receiving the blessing. In this way, the very family that was lost in the Garden of Eden will be restored on the worldwide level.

No matter how much America may try to harm the Unification Church, it will not be destroyed. Even if Germany or the entire European continent is mobilized, there is no way for them to achieve it. The entire Japan nation was mobilized to get rid of the Unification Church, but they found no way.

The conclusion at this point is that unless we take down this sign which deals with religion, Christianity, we cannot accomplish restoration of humanity because this very sign limits salvation to the individual level. Do you want salvation to remain on the individual level, or do you want to see national and worldwide level salvation?

Assistance from the spiritual world

Just as at the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, now at the Chung Pyung Lake workshops, the spirit world is coming down and working at our physical level. Good angels are coming down and chasing the evil angels and evil spirits away. Once we establish this foundation by chasing away these evil spirits on the family level, then couples in the spirit world will be liberated too. What is the basic unit of the Kingdom of God? The family. The Kingdom of God is within God-centered blessed couples who are connected through the family-level true love foundation. Do you understand? Without making that family system, one cannot get into the Kingdom of Heaven. That was God's original ideal of creation.

Until now, everyone was separate. The archangel had no spouse. On the individual base, everything is separate. Now True Parents made the ideal family base which is victorious on earth and in heaven too. The two worlds will be liberated completely, centering on this year's blessing. The true love family base will expand to the nation and world, connecting people everywhere with the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and in heaven. Everything will be liberated. Mansei, Mansei, Mansei.

This plan is not imagination, it is not a science fiction. It is reality, it is a very logical process. That is why I already declared that newspapers should be established in 185 nations. Centering on these newspapers, I am organizing investigative bureaus in each nation which will mobilize many former intelligence agents to become investigators of righteousness. I also formed the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace. These three legs will form the front line to deal with the reality of society and the satanic power of the media, investigative bureaus and Mafia, which have been blocking God's power everywhere.

I recently spoke to writers from the Orient. I am now planning to form a federation for world authors. Through such front organizations, I am going to lay the foundation to build the new heavenly culture for the 21 century so that we can educate young people and lead them to grow up for the sake of the entire humanity and God's providence. Writers should produce novels and books centered on Godism, not secularism. Do you follow me?

Therefore, please do not feel bad or sad about the disappearance of HSA-UWC sign. This has been transformed into the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. This is a much better and higher-level sign. Because of this, you have the blessing to conduct your family church.

What era are we living in? This is the Completed Testament era. The Old Testament era and New Testament era which had to deal with Christianity and all of religion have passed. This is the era of completion, the Completed Testament era. Now we can deal with families. This is the way families will be saved. It is a different and higher dimension. Do you understand? The family base all over the world will connect all humankind, automatically, into family churches, tribal family churches, national family churches, and a world family church. That will be the Kingdom of Heaven-the ideal family, ideal tribe, ideal nation, ideal world, ideal creation of God. Everything will be completed so that at last, God will be liberated. Wow!

I want to sing some kind of famous song, I will dance so that God will enjoy everything-singing groups, dancing groups, universal ballet, academic projects, etc. Everything will be liberated, in every corner of the world. Do you like that? Wow, what a wonderful time has come to earth! Wow, we are laughing with loud voices, we are dancing, we are stirring up all of space. A wonderful time has come for me, your family, your world-God's Kingdom of Heaven! Do you like that?

A new springtime

I have suffered too much persecution for the past 40 years. You don't know that. If I had not been here, what kind of result would there have been? The time of persecution and hesitation is over. Utilize every ounce of your energy and do your absolute best to fight and march forward. Will you do that? [Yes.] So, that is our main active purpose. Do you like that? [Yes.] And you like Father? [A small child yells, Yes!] Young people have more power. Youth has more power more you and I. So should we have that goal and hope? [Yes.]

This is May, and we will see everything prospering and blooming. New life emerges. New buds come. All the birds and animals start moving. In springtime, freedom is dawning for the sake of the entire Unification Church movement. You should have a burning desire and new determination to follow True Parents to restore the entire world so that we can build the Kingdom of God on earth. Amen. Amen.

One baby's voice is more stronger than all voices. That means the third generation more hopeful is coming to us.

The details of this transition from HSA-UWC to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification have already been explained through various speeches; so you will get the details. However, I want you to understand the crux of why this new era begins with this new name. Don't you feel obligated to go out and bring more couples to the coming Blessing? [Yes.] Bring the king of your nation. Bring your grandparents, your father and mother, your children, and your grandchildren, your families. Then your entire nation will be restored at once. It's not a lie. The lineage is now changing. When foreigners come to America and go through proper procedures to become American citizens, it takes some work. Which is more important and precious and valuable: becoming an American citizen or becoming a Unification Church blessed couple? God's blessed couple. With this blessing card, you can go everywhere, for it will be the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. There are no boundaries for blessed couples. Free, free, too much free! I can sleep and take a long, long rest-40 days or 40 years. How wonderful! What a wonderful a time for me, too!

`So do you feel excited? This the 43rd Anniversary of HSA-UWC. After 430 years, the Israelites restored the land of Canaan. Christianity is the expansion of these Israelites, and worldwide Christianity is being restored after 43 years of HSA-UWC. The failure of the Israelites has been restored centered on the unity of Christianity. This is why I gave the mottoes: Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents and Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents through Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing. That way, we can even fly. Is that a problem for you or not? [No.]

Thinking of the size of America, your responsibility is to bring 360,000 couples; that should be a piece of cake. So, is America going to accomplish this or this? Thumbs up or down? [Thumbs up.]

(Father asks something of Rev. Pak.)

I am planning to leave the country on May 5. Sunday is May 4. Do you want me to come here to speak on Sunday? [A response of yes and clapping.] Do you want me to come to headquarters today and speak at the celebration there, or do you want to wait until Sunday for me to give a new message?

Bring your relatives to the Blessing

Please study the detailed explanation of this transition and remember what I told you this morning. Use force to bring your immediate family members and your relatives to the next Blessing. If you do, you are not violating the law. You have authority as elders, parents and kings. That is the subject position. The subject can control object with no problem. Do you understand? You are the elder brother; you may use force on your younger brother to get him into the Kingdom of Heaven. At last they will be thankful for their elder brother. You did great, they will say; thank you very much. Satan's side is using force to get into hell. We go the opposite way. Do you understand?

Until now your family, your tribe, your nation was against us. You should reverse this and use your power as subject to connect people with God and True Parents. Satan's power cannot combat this original power. They will ultimately follow. They must go the way of the blessing, beginning with your family, your tribe and your nation.

Can you do it? Really? Can you do it? [Yes.] Your mind says that first. Mobilize all ten of your senses to do it, then swear to God. Show your determination through mobilizing not only your five senses but all ten senses. Become 70 times stronger than the opposition and persecution from the satanic world. Use 70 times more power than they did in the past to bring your relatives and immediate families to the next Blessing. You will not be violating heavenly law.

Satan will bow down at last. Even Satan will bow down to you and say, "I want to be saved, please." Do you understand? We have to root out the entire tree of Satan and throw it in the dungeon of hell. Your relatives and the people of your nation should be saved and separated from Satan. You understand clearly. Get them away from Satan. You will do it absolutely? Open your big eyes, open your mouth and ears, and you can clean everything up at once. God wants that kind of person. Do you understand? Our time has come. You won't lose. You will do it? You will do it? This is May 1. My message needs your determination. Right? Let's do it.

Please do not feel sad because my message is short this morning. In the near future, it may not even take five minutes. Please join me in prayer.

Our most beloved Heavenly Father. What a morning and what a message! The entire creation, the nature is showing us the sign of life, sign of new lineage. On this day, May 1, on top of that, we truly, truly are grateful that True Parents are here with us in America at Belvedere to give us new life, to share with us new truth, Father. Father, now we are emerging out of the HSA-UWC era and into the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Father. Father, we have to become new persons. Our mind and body must be united and centering on that we must build our original family on our family level, Father. That is the basic unit to build the Kingdom of God on earth, Father says, Father. Father, this is our goal. Our goal is based on our family. We have to bring 160 families into the next Blessing. For that, we received Your inspiration, we received Your blessing, we received energy and power through True Parents this morning. With this power, this energy, this inspiration, Father, we are ready and more than ready to go out and hit the road to do our mission, Father. Therefore, please whip us if we are still asleep, so that we can be fully aware of what You want from us from this point on. Father, please give Your strength and wisdom and heart and power upon our True Parents so that they can be up in heaven, spiritually and physically, and lead us without doing us actual physical work, Father. We will carry out the mission here on earth, Father. Father, thank You very much for this precious message You have given us this morning centered on True Parents; we are more than determined, more than pledged to do our absolute best to mobilize our every ounce of our energy, Father, to complete our mission, Father. We again thank You, thank You very much and pray all of these things in the name of our True Parents. Amen.

Please rise for Mansei - four times. Hannanim, Mansei; Chambumonim; 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, Mansei; Family Federation, Mansei.

Foundation Day 1997 (version 1)

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Let's welcome our beloved True Parents to the stage. We have a flower offering. [Clapping]

[Happy Foundation Day song was sung three times, followed by whistling and clapping.]

[Father begins by writing on the board and asking who knows Korean]

The first one is like this and two is like that. That first one says, HSA-UWC simply, but you have to repeat after me: Saegae, Hidokyo, tongil, silyounghapec. That is HSA-UWC in Korean. Now, number two: Saegae, tonghwa, tongil, kajungjinot, what do you think it is? Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. This one, Father wrote Belvedere Home Church, repeat after me: Belvedere, Kajungkhola. The message is really rich this morning already. Following the Principle view, as you know since Father came to America, Father has been doing his providence based on this Belvedere holy place, Belvedere Church, in America, then two years ago, Father moved to South America. Now his providence is centered on South American continent, however, after South American providence for awhile, Father has done, then he went back to Korea and he has done much work following his providence in Korea. He started many new projects and taking care of all the work there and this is the time, as Father says, this is the time that these old signs of church or church related signs should come down and a new form should emerge.

When it comes to church life, church era, it focuses on individual salvation, every individuals salvation level, however, it is the time that we have to be elevated from this individual level salvation to the family level because the family is the cornerstone, or the basic unit to form and to build a nation.

When we study the human fall, what happened in the family of Adam of Eve? It was from the individual level, the family level, the entire family collapsed there, therefore, when it comes to the history of providence of restoration, the restoration should go through the process of restoring mind and body unity, then unity among the family members, and then tribe, the society, nation and so forth. Because of the fall, as you know, the human race started with a false blood lineage and it expanded into families, tribes, societies, nations and a world; that's the world we are facing everyday now, therefore, when True Parents come to this world to save humanity, now we have to correct, we have to change this blood lineage into the heavenly lineage and we have to expand this worldwide. That is why Father said that this is the period of equalization, centering on True Parents concept. Do you understand? Worst parents appear in this world and breakout everything, there is separation in every direction. In this time, True Parents appear that connect their mind and body unification, do you understand, that perfects man and woman, connecting with one and creates a perfect family. The horizontal extension of the world, making a unified world. Do you understand? Opposite of this fallen down way. The individuals separate, the families separate, all over the world, falling down, connecting and occupying Satan's side. Exactly rebirth. True Parents appeared truly connecting the individual base, complete unification of mind and body. That kind of man and woman that are connected completely, the woman, centered on their family, perfection family. The heavenly extension all the way to the horizontal extends to the world, that pass, dominion of, authority, the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you understand? The opposite way.

Therefore, originally, the religious period, the life of religion, is passing away. Because, up until now, the purpose of the major religions was individual salvation. That is why, not just Unification Church's sign, but all other religious organizations' signs and churches' signs should come down sooner or later. Think about it, at the time of Adam and Eve, if Adam and Eve had been totally united with God to begin with, then do you think religion was necessary at that time? What about the history of restoration? No. Everything was suppose to be done at that time. So therefore, that is why, because of the fall of man, the entire humanity now is suffering with what is called, fall sickness or sickness of fall, all throughout human history. Therefore, when True Parents come to this world, they will bring new serum, serum of truth, and when we get a shot or injection, then we will get engrafted into the heavenly lineage. Just like, when there is an epidemic disease, you get a shot or a vaccination, it's the same thing. That is why receiving the blessing is the most important thing in your life. So we, let's suppose, are in the position as restored Adam and Eve working towards the level of perfection.

 So, centering on the Blessed couples, now the entire world has to be restructured and reorganized to meet the criteria of the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why Father already gave orders to the Blessed couples to play the role of Tribal Messiahs. If we perform our tribal messiah roles properly, we should be able to bring 160 families, your relatives, your immediate families into blessing and by doing so, you will set a condition to restore your entire tribe. And based on this tribal restoration, the nation can be built.

Then, it will restore the failure of the time of Jesus Christ, like the restoration of John the Baptist's family, Joseph's family; all the foundation will be done, then the nation will be formed. Then we will continue building the world centering on God. As you know, already in 185 nations, the national messiahs are this center. So you rule, your responsibility is doing tribal messiahship centering around where you stay and your mission. Once we reach the three different levels as a messiah, the family messiah, tribal messiah, and national messiah, and do our responsibility properly, then Satan cannot interfere in our work and in our life. Once all these levels are completed and the national messiahs are totally united, and the world foundation is done, then they will be called even "world messiahs" and by doing so, the entire humanity will be in the position of the original Adam and Eve who will go through the eight different stages and complete these stages and will be called "perfected." While we were not aware of what Father was doing, Father has done all the necessary ground work to dispatch these national messiahs to the world. And while in the field, if national messiahs, no matter what nation it may be, if four nations can be totally united centering on God, then restoration of the entire world is vindicated. From four nations, the next stage will be twelve nations, then like a four-position foundation, then elevated to restoration of twelve nations, and then restoration of the world. We have a tendancy to keep our old habits. That means, the old habits that we used to have before we joined the church, but while we are still struggling with our old habits, the time line of God's Providence has progressed so fast that it makes us dizzy now. We don't know how fast it is traveling, but soon it will be beyond our reach, so you have to be fully alert. [Father writes on the board.] That represents the satanic world. That is eight different stages of the satanic, secular world. [Father continues drawing the diagram.] Even vertically, Father shows us this diagram that vertically there are eight different stages. There are eight different stages horizontally and eight different stages vertically. Just like a shrinking, from worldwide level to individual level, in eight different stages, because this satanic world exists and we have to get rid of it, so it is shrinking to the point of individual here. Originally, right after WWII, centering on the Lord of the Second Advent, if the blessing from God had taken, this process would have been completed by now. And then it would have been expanded vertically centered on God's direction, the heavenly line, not the satanic line. It is like establishing and rebuilding the Garden of Eden again. It didn't happen. Of course, that Lord of the Second Advent would have become the True Parents to an entire humanity, but because of the failure of the allied countries and Christianity, True Parents was kicked out of this world. Then, True Parents who was suppose to build this vertical original world was chased away to this satanic world level again, into the wilderness. So True Parents started from scratch, from zero level again, to complete these eight different stages. At each stage, Father had to make Cain and Abel representatives united, like Cain and Abel figures here on each stage. Finally, True Parents won victory on the world level here. That is why after he won the victory in Korea, he moved to America so that he can work with world level Christianity centering on Catholicism and Protestantism, which represent Cain and Abel, like mind and body relationship. When it comes to the organization of the United Nations, it represents only body, the minus, because that is the organization of politics. It doesn't have the plus. United Nations represent world politics, therefore, the United Nations need woman figure. In other words, Eve and Cain and Abel, the elder son and second son figures are needed. Father is preparing this very foundation for the sake of the United Nations. Just like our body always puts pressure on our mind and tortures our mind, this United Nations, centered on politics, has been always putting pressure on religion and has put down religion, which represents the mind. That is why body-centered politics, such as United Nations, doesn't have anything to do with God or God's original purpose. Mind and body separated in such a way, therefore, now in the history of restoration, they have to reverse the course to meet the original point. Once Father reaches this worldwide level victory, then Father will bring the entire world to this original point. There has been two different kinds of battle, internal battle and external battle, if we may say, because in the spirit world, there has been a battle between the good spirits and the evil spirits there. And also, in the physical world, Father, representing God, True Parents race and bad parents race against us - evil parents and True Parents battle has been going on. Satanic individual base that extends to the world base. From the individual level to the world level, this battle has been continuing.

Up until recent, the entire world, even including the democratic world and the communistic world, they all got mobilized and opposed Father and attacked Father. However, that era is over. That represents 4,000 years. Father set the indemnity condition and restored these 4,000 years of human history in 40 years. Like the failure of the Old Testament era, which was the first Israel, the first Messiah, and the New Testament era, which is the second Messiah era, they were all failed. That is why Father had to restore these 4,000 years of history of failure. So now, combined in the spirit world and the physical world, together, with Father, they are with True Parents. So once Father reaches the worldwide victory level here, then Father embraces this entire world and reverses the course to the original point here. Then again, the entire world will have the engrafting process here, the process of rebirth, and come out to the world level and build the Kingdom of God on earth here. Also these eight different horizontal stages of completion will be established vertically too. So these last 40 years, for which the entire spirit world and the physical world joined together and attacked and persecuted Father is over. From the satanic, secular world's view, at this point, Satan loses dominion of the entire world. There is a new world, nation, tribe, family and individual. Because at this point, we meet with our own mind and body.

Americans say that America represents the free world and is the super nation of the world, but when it comes to reality, suppose America exists along, but the entire world disappears. Because America is the kingdom of extreme individualism; the kingdom of free sex. When it comes to the reality of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, what was it? Adam and Eve became the ancestors of extreme individualism, selfishness, and the ancestors of free sex. Therefore, you will reap what was sown. You will reap what you have sown. So, though it was spring season at that time, now we are in harvest season so we will reap the same result. Satan side harvest representative country is America where there is free sex, individual nation, doesn't have individual prospective, individual personality, family values and tribe base, nation base and world, everthing was lost. This is reality, not a concept. Do you understand? America doesn't have anywhere to go now. As an American, brothers and sisters, do you have enough resources and power to rule the world? You lost your grandparents, your parents, your siblings; there is no relationship. They are all complicated and lost now. Can anybody deny that? So, centering on America, there may be twelve major nations in the world that are leading the world affairs. These are the countries that are repeating the very same mistakes that Adam and Eve had made in the Garden of Eden at the time of the fall. How can we say there is our tribe, our nation, and our world centered on God? Even your view of life and way of life, everything is based on this selfish and extreme individualism. That is why you lost everything from individual level to the world. Because of free sex. Then what else is happening? Incest is taking place in this world. Incest is not connecting to God's side, but completed connected to Satan's side. Is that right? Many kind of such people connecting like that. This is the phenomena, this is reality until point of providential history. Do you understand? You have taken this concept. You have to turn back 180 degrees otherwise, no hope. In there, no world, no nation, no tribe, no family, no individual. All collapsed down there connecting to Satan's side. Satan's working is collapsed. Humankind is becoming that passionate. This is Satan's main work and viewpoint. Do you understand? So at this original point, when we all come back to this point, True Parents restores all that was lost throughout human history and establishes it on a vertical level. All the different kinds of levels of views have to be re-established centered on God, through True Parents, from even universal views, world views, your national views, your family views, your individual view, in every aspect. By establishing home church in Unification Church, we are in the position to inherit everything. Everything is connecting that different direction. Do you understand? Adam connecting to the individual viewpoint, for the viewpoint of prospective family, prospective tribe, prospective nation, prospective world base and cosmic prospective, centering on God's love prospective completely. Is that right? [Yes.] We take the things from Satan away. So, the first thing we have to accomplish is the restoration of the elder son's right. Then once Cain and Abel have reached unity, then they have to be united with the mother figure. Then, when they join the United Nations work and then centered on this United Nations, which has now plus and minus, Cain and Abel, together, then through this organization, the restoration of the kingship will take place. For that reason, Father already established, as you know, Women's Federation for World Peace, Religious Federation, Youth Federation, and all these federations are suppose to work with the United Nations. That is the reason. And then the day that True Parents Day is recognized by the world, that day the entire world will celebrate. When that kind of tradition is set there, then restoration of the world is completed. One World Under God, not one nation under God. That's when we can all proclaim One World Under God. [Clapping]

America cannot take care of the United Nations. In other words, America cannot control them. When it comes to individuals, we consist of mind and body. The same principle applies to the organization of the United Nations. Because we lost on this individual level, the elder sonship, and parentship and kingship. That is why on the worldwide level, centering on the restoration of Cain and Abel, and Eve, the mother figure, and we have to restore the elder sonship and parentship, and kingship. Father is told that the United Nations is in debt for about 3 billion dollars, but if Women's Federation for World Peace, Federation for World Peace, Youth Federation for World Peace, HARP and CARP, truly fulfill their purposes, then this 3 billion dollar debt can be solved. In the family of Adam, the father figure, Eve, Cain and Abel, and Father; there were four members. What was lost in the family of Adam should be restored before we attempt to restore the world. That is why here we have to make sure that the elder sonship and the parentship and kingship are restore here, then we can, centered on God, .. where is the base or location, or place where we can do this God's providence of restoration from individual level to the world? Where is the very place. The family church, home church. The family church. Suppose there is a nation that from the top president down to the government cabinet members and all the families of that nation establish this family church, then restoration of that particular nation comes automatically. Suppose that by the end of August of this year, with only three months to go, our goal of reaching 3.6 million couples blessing is completed, in other words, we already secured more than 3.6 million couples, then Father will immediately make an announcement or proclamation to the world that now from September 1st, we will march forth the goal of reaching 36 million couples. Then suppose that happens, then the entire world will be stirred up, all over the world will be communicate and complicate everywhere. How can they making that everywhere in all directions, this is the problem. Centering on the family, resolving that they can do everything. Do you understand? The direction and purpose, that starting point, clearing starting point, clear direction, clear terminal point? Clear cause and clear result. Now every church, every religious world didn't have a clear starting point. Didn't have direction that turning point too so that end last time that they didn't know where they were going in the future. The loss of direction. One place that they hit strong world. Can not go there. Loss direction. This is complicated. Unification understanding is clear, individual direction and purpose, family direction and purpose, nation, world and cosmic direction and purpose is clear. And liberation of God's starting point, direction and making ideal creation and ideal purpose is clear. At last we will be with God and all humankind and everything will be centering on God; a new creature. One direction. Then embrace God and God's true love place. Every place will enjoy dancing, singing, and the tribe, nation, all over the world, we will be dancing, singing, and cosmic Kingdom of Heaven on the earth and in heaven, both dancing, singing enjoyable world. That is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Is that right? [Yes.] I don't know, you know way more than me. How great everything will be, every race that complicated color or man. No problem. Color no problem. Is that true? Love power is most strong. Blood lineage power that stronger world power. Blood lineage following in the direction of unity. Do you understand? Because such a time has come now, arrived here, Father took down this sign, the first sign of Unification Church and established the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Through the course of Old Testament era and New Testament era, we lost from the family to the world, the entire world was lost. That is why, since we are in the time of world, now Father started from the world level to the family level, so now we establish family church. Think about it, even though Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross 2,000 years ago, his power and influence is felt all over the world now, for 2,000 years. But suppose Jesus Christ had not died, and he had established his family, therefore, his children had started multiplying from the time of Jesus Christ, how long do you think it would have taken place to restore the entire world? Not more than 600 years. Do you understand? Jesus' family would have been mainstream all over the world family? Do you understand? Mainstream like the true olive tree. The fallen world wild olive tree would have been cut down at the starting place, making that true olive tree, and getting new influence in there, going up, true olive tree and orchard. Become that true olive orchard that God completely combined domination, no problem. Clear? Clear? Centering on True Parents' blessing, that expansion, that engrafting of that wild tree. Cut down the wild olive tree and start engrafting a new branch. A new branch is the new blessing. This engrafting process takes place through receiving the blessing. That is why the very family that we lost in the Garden of Eden will be restored on this worldwide level. No matter what America may try to harm Unification Church, the Unification Church will not be destroyed. Even if Germany or the entire European continent is mobilized, there is no way for them. Like the time when (something appeared in Japan) the entire Japan nation was mobilized to get rid of Unification Church, but no way. No way means yes way. Do you like yes way? Also yes way yes, in Korean pronounciation equals to Jesus Christ way. Do you follow Father? Again, the conclusion at this point is that unless we take down this sign which deals with religion, Christianity, we cannot accomplish restoration of humanity because this very sign limits the level of salvation to the individual level. So do you want to remain as individual level salvation or family, nation and world level providence and salvation. Just like at the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, now in Chung Pyung Lake where the workshop is taking place, now spirit world comes down to our physical world level and works together joinly. That is what is happening. And those good angels from the spirit world come down and chase these evil angels and evil spirits away. Once we establish this foundation in chasing away these evil spirits centering on good angels and good spirits, centering on true family level, the family level, then the spirit world, then the couples in the spirit world will be liberated too. What is the basic unit of the Kingdom of God? That is the family. The Kingdom of God place is within the Blessed couples centering on God and connecting there through true love foundation of the family get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you understand? Without making that family system, one cannot get into the Kingdom of Heaven. That was God's original creation ideal. Clear? Until now, everyone was separate, everywhere was separate, that archangel, no spouse partnership. Do you understand? So individual base, separate everything. In this time, True Parents made up the family ideal base which is victorious on the earth and in heaven too. Two worlds are liberated completely, centering on this years blessing. Through that centering on God connecting true love family base expansion, nation and world base completely original ideal family base connecting everywhere, ultimately following Kingdom of Heaven on earth, following Kingdom of Heaven. Everything liberated. Mansei, Mansei, Mansei.

This plan, Father's plan, is not imagination, it is not a science fiction. It is reality, it is a very logical process that Father is taking. Satan's power over media and literature that prevents God's side prospering must be challenged. Every power, the media world power and investigating bureau power, the worst mafia power, all which have preventing and blocking God's power everywhere. Father recently spoke to representatives of literature from the East Orient. Plans are being developped to form the federation for world literary or writers. By utilizing these kinds of organizations, the foundation is being laid to build the new heavenly culture for the 21 Century so that we can educate and lead those young people who are growing up now for the sake of the entire humanity and God's providence through writing novels and books centered on Godism, not secularism anymore. Do you follow Father?

Therefore, please do not feel bad or sad about the disappearance of the Unification Church sign. Now we are working on the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification level. This is much better or even a higher level sign, then because of this, now we have such a blessing that we can conduct our family church on our level. What era are we living in? Is it the New Testament era? This is the Completed Testament era, therefore, this Old Testament era and New Testament era which had to deal with Christianity and all names of religions, now has passed. That is why now in this era of completion, the Completed Testament era, now we can deal with families. It's the family saving way; salvation through families, passed Christianity, not individual salvation only. Different higher dimension. Do you understand? Is that true? Family base connecting all over the world, all humankind, automatically, tribe church, family church, nation family church, world family church, that's all - Kingdom of Heaven. The ideal family is in there, the ideal tribe is in there, the ideal nation is in there, the ideal world is in there - the ideal creation of God is all in there - and in heaven, making everything completion so that that at last, liberating God too. Wow! Everything. First time for God. I want to sing some kind of famous song, I will dance, I will everything. How wonderful! So that God will enjoy everything, singing group, dancing group, universal ballet, academic projects, etc., everything liberation, every corner of the world. Do you like that? Wow, what a wonderful time has come to earth! Wow, we are laughing with loud voices, making dancing sounds and everything, stirring all over the space world, how wonderful time came to me, your family, your world, God's Kingdom of Heaven! Do you like that? [Yes.] I don't like that; too much work, too much persecution for the past 40 years. You don't know that. You say, oh, I don't like that, etc. If Father is not here, what kind of result would there have been? That is a big problem. Is that true? Now, we are over everything. Now, that past as Father has described here, the persecution and hesitation is over. So now Father said, utilize every ounce of your energy and do your absolute best to fight and march forward. Will you do that? [Yes.] So, that is our main active purpose, is that clear? Do you like that? [Yes.] And you like Father? More that Father? [small child yells yes] Young has more powerful. Young has more power more than Father or do you have old power.

So should we have that goal and hope? [Yes.] Actually summer goes with May. So, this May, what we will see is nothing but prosper, everything is prospering and blooming. The new life emerges, a new bud comes, all the birds and animals start moving to gain everything. So this springtime is the time of freedom and liberty is dawning here for the sake of the entire Unification Church movement. So we should have that kind of burning desire and new determination to follow True Parents to restore the entire world so that we can build the Kingdom of God on earth. Amen. Amen.

One baby's voice is more stronger than all voices. That means the third generation more hopeful is coming to us.

The details of this transition from Unification Church to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification has been already explained by Father through various speeches so you will get the details. However, Father wants you to understand the crux of it, why this new era begins with this new name. Therefore, don't you feel obligated to go out and bring more couples to the coming blessing or not? [Yes.] Beginning from whom? The very king of your nation, you have to bring. And your grandparents, your father and mother, your children, and your grandchildren, your families. Then your entire nation will be restored at once. It's not a lie. Because the lineage is now changing. It is like the foreigners coming to America and going through certain proper procedures and become American citizens. It takes some work. Do you agree? Which is more important and precious and more valuable: becoming an American citizen for a foreigner, or becoming a Blessed couple? God's Blessed couple. With this blessing card, you can go everywhere, the Kingdom on earth, heaven, health place, occupying no problem. No boundary for the Blessed couple. Free, free, too much free, so that I want to sleep. Such a perfect place, Father, so I can sleep and take a rest a long, long time, more than forty days or forty years more. How wonderful! How wonderful a time for me too.

So do you feel excited? This the 43rd Anniversary of HSA-UWC Founding Day. The 44th year, even though it became full 43rd year, just like the Israelites, after 430 years, they restored the land of Canaan. This is the worldwide time, the entire Christianity is the expansion of these Israelites. Therefore, now the entire world Christianity is being restored after 43 years of HSA-UWC founding day. The failure of Israelites has been restored centered on the unity of Christianity and now this new era has been formed. That is why Father gave those mottos: Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents last year and this year's motto, what is it? Let Us Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents through Accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing. That way, we can even fly. Is that a problem for you or not? [No.]

Thinking of the size of America, your responsibility is 360,000 couples; that should be a piece of cake. So, is America going to become this or this? Thumb up or down? [Thumb up.] That is what you have in your mind? But in reality, it's this one? [No.] No means k.n.o.w.

(Father is asking something to Rev. Pak)

There is a question for you from Father. Father is planning to leave the country on May 5th. Therefore, now he realized that May 4th is this coming Sunday so do you invite True Father here to speak for everybody here on Sunday or not? [A response of yes and clapping.] Which way? You have a choice. This is the 43rd Anniversary of the Founding of HSA-UWC, do you want to see Father coming to the headquarters today and speak at the celebration there or do you want to wait until Sunday and see Father here and giving new message? [Sunday, today.] Sunday means it is not Moon's day. Is is Sunday or Moonday? Sunday and Monday combined is Reverend Moon's Day. If you combine Sunday and Moonday, it becomes day of Rev. Moon. That means that you want Father to be in both locations today and Sunday? Monday represents Mother's Day and Sunday represents Father's Day. Then which day should follow which day? Monday should follow Sunday or Sunday should follow Monday?

So again, Father says please study the detailed explanation of this particular transition here and remember what Father told you this morning because this is the time that you have to be even forceful to bring your immediate family members and your relatives to the next blessing,. You can do it. Understand you have the elder's authority, the Parents' authority, kingship authority, came back to God. To us too. That is subject position. Subject can control object with no problem. Do you understand? You are the elder brother, you may use force on your younger brother to get him into the Kingdom of Heaven. At last they will be thankful for their elder brother. You did great, they will say, thank you very much. Satan's side is forcefully using whatever to get into hell. We go opposite way. Do you understand?

Until now your family, your tribe, nation was against us, now you reverse the way. More powerful subject, subject power is connecting with God and True Parents. Satan's power cannot combat this original power place, ultimately following. They must go the blessed way, beginning with your family, your tribe and your nation blessing way; the saving way, the reverse way.

Can you do it? Really? Can you do it? [Yes.] Mind says first, ten senses combined to do it, then swear to God. So can you show your determination through mobilizing not only your five senses, but ten senses, showing your determination? So even if you become seventy times stronger than the opposition and persecution and attack from the satanic world all these years, you use seventy times more power than those powers in the past to bring your relatives and immediate families to the next blessing, you are not violating heavenly law. Satan will bow down at last. Even Satan will bow down to you and say, "I want to be saved, please." Do you understand? Because we have to root it out, the entire tree of satan should be rooted out and throw it in the dungeon of hell. Your relatives and national people should be saved and separated from Satan. You understand clearly. Get them away from Satan. You will do it absolutely? Open big eyes, open mouth, open your ears against some kind of sound, hearing and looking and open mouth and in one time, clean up. God wants that kind of person. Do you understand? That time came to us. You don't lose. You will do it? You will do it? This is May 1. Father's message needs your determination, is that right? Right? Let's do it.

Please do not feel sad because Father's message is short this morning, but in the near future, it may not even take five minutes. No time. Please join me in prayer.

Our most beloved Heavenly Father. What a morning and what a message! The entire creation, the nature is showing us the sign of life, sign of new lineage. On this particular day, May 1, on top of that, we truly, truly are grateful that True Parents are here with us in America at Belvedere to give us new life, to share with us new truth, Father. Father, now we are emerging out of the HSA-UWC era, into the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Father. Father, therefore, we have to become new persons, our mind and body must be united and centering on that, we must build our original family on our family level, Father. That is the basic unit to build the Kingdom of God on earth, Father says, Father. Father, this is our goal. Our goal is based on our family. We have to bring 160 families into the next blessing. For that, we received your inspiration, we received your blessing, we received energy and power from You through True Parents this morning. With this power, this energy, this inspiration, Father, we are ready and more than ready to go out and hit the road to do our mission, Father. Therefore, please awaken us if we are still asleep, if we are not fully awake, Father, so that we can be fully aware of what you want from us from this point on. Father, please give your strength and wisdom and heart and power upon our True Parents so that they can be up in Heaven, spiritually and physically, and lead us without doing us actual physical work, Father. We will carry out the mission here on earth, Father. Father, thank you very much for this precious message you have given us this morning centered on True Parents, we are more than determined, more than pledged to do our absolute best mobilizing our every ounce of our energy, Father, to complete our mission, Father. We again thank you, thank you very much and pray all of these things in the name of our True Parents. Amen.

Please rise for Mansei - four times. Hannanim, Mansei; Chambumonim; 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, Mansei; Family Federation, Mansei.

July 1997

There is a Stillness

Kevin Ribble

There is a stillness that brings peace to all life -
Like a winter's wind silenced by the cyan
Touch of spring, her sky even bluer
Than the summer when I was born -

It is this quiet that I know when my heart
Opens thus to the eager smile of your
Prismed-color joy, the likeness of which
I have never felt nor seen before -

What emotion! What sensation!
What a daring event that captures the history
Of our lives in a chronicle of righteousness
Upon the path of eternal heart!

And in my moment of reflection and discovery
I see your face set the spark of knowing
That this stillness I feel is God's love for you and I -
For the whole of all mankind.