Kenya Responds to True Parents Blessing

by Adruma Victoria-NYC

God's Blessing is taking root in Africa. Malawi and Nigeria have already Blessed over 100,000 families each. Since the inauguration of FFWPU-Kenya last November, Kenya has received her four National Messiahs: Rev. Im, Rev. Tsuboi, Rev. Victoria and Rev. Capone (from Korea, Japan, America and Italy, respectively). Heaven has much hope for expansion in Kenya and has found a beautiful response in the heart and deeds of Mrs. Caroline Ojow. Mrs. Ojow was blessed just three months ago. She informed me that before the Blessing, her husband used to go to the disco. But now after the Blessing he's home at night, and her marriage has never been better.

Caroline says, "I feel True Parents in my heart and I must go give people the Blessing." Caroline has done just that: she gave Blessing to over 1,000 families. She works tirelessly traveling to many churches and groups to spread this heavenly fortune. Our East African region includes Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda.

For nearly a year, Rev. Dow Soon Im, the Adam-nation National Messiah, made many conditions spiritual and physical to deepen the foundation for Heaven's Blessing to settle in Kenya and the region. He traveled extensively to give Blessing, finance fishing projects and inspire the region, sharing his wealth of experience from living so closely with True Parents and conveying deep insights and heart. The Blessing will save Kenya and the world from the destruction of the family. AIDS and all forms of human decay are the results of premature sex and immature parents. The Blessing strengthens the family unit. God is desperate to Bless all of His children.

After Caroline raptured and invited me to Bless her contacts, I got the Blessing spirit. While daydreaming about Batman, and his "Utility Belt" ever-ready to fight crime, I thought of what I could design to make a mobile Blessing unit. God peeped my thoughts as I was leaving our office to go Bless with Caroline: she said, "Rev. Victoria, this sister needs the Blessing!" We were running late to our appointment, so I said, "Get in the elevator; I'll Bless you right here!" With my children's lunchbox in hand and my elbow in a sister's face, the Blessing was given, right in that elevator car on the way down and up. Entering passengers said, "Are you getting off?" I said, "Don't mind us; just come right on in!" The next day Sarah was so grateful to have received God's Blessing. So I could give Blessing to 200 families, a phone call from Nairobi informed me that Rev. Capone just Blessed 1,000 families yesterday, all this love and more, because of our Beloved and awesome True Parents. Caroline, representing over 21 women's groups and church organizations throughout Kenya, requested support to empower their villages and communities to become independent. There is so much need: farming equipment, sewing machines, carpentry machines, knitting machines, poultry keeping, water tanks, fishnets, tractors, and health care and finances.

If you would like to help, please make your contributions to: International One World Crusade, Inc., c/o Adruma Victoria, P.O. Box 1755, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. e-mail: