The Search for the First Ancestors

Religion and science are offspring of the same impulse to understand what it's all about, but, like ill-matched siblings with incompatible characters, they can be at peace with each other when in separate rooms but easily brawl when sharing the same place.

Religion, at least when it's in a good mood, can be warm and supportive-giving meaning and purpose to life in the grandest of terms, giving support and encouragement, friendly and emotional. One of its character flaws, however, is that in its intermittent disputes with science, it has the most difficult time owning up when it is wrong. Just look at the retreat of religion into the petulant "He made it in six days to look as if it took ten billion years!" Perhaps this obduracy arises because it's old and venerable and science is young and brash; perhaps it's a belief that love means never having to say you're sorry.

Science, for all its cold rationality, its rejection of purpose and meaning, it nitpicking passion for collecting facts, does not have this character flaw; it has no problem-at least when all the facts are assembled-in saying to religion, "Sorry, I was wrong."


One of the areas where they cannot avoid each other is origins: where did the universe come from? where did people come from? They have brawled over these two topics since science was kick-started back to life a few hundred years ago.

For a long time the bickering went something like this:

"The universe started suddenly with light!"-"Nonsense, it always existed!"

"The human race started suddenly with the first two people in one place!"-"Humbug, we came about as groups of humanoids all over the world gradually evolved into modern humans!"

Science has already gracefully conceded the first point: "Sorry, I was wrong, you were right! It did start suddenly, and light was the main event-I calculate the ratio as ten billion bits of light to each bit of matter."

Science is also coming around on the second point. It's not quite sure about it yet, but a great step in this direction appeared on page 31 of the January 1, 1987 issue of Nature, one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world, under the heading "Mitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution." While the work was highly technical, its conclusions were starkly shocking:

"Mitochondrial DNAs from 147 people, drawn from five geographic regions, have been analyzed by restriction mapping. All of these mitochondrial DNAs stem from one woman who is postulated to have lived about 200,000 years ago...."

The authors, Rebecca L. Cann, Mark Stoneking and Allan C. Wilson, working at the University of California, Berkeley, had overcome a long and arduous course-not the least of their obstacles being the fulfillment of Nature's very strict standards-to stake their claim to a spot in the history books.

What it took to get to that point, and the reaction and rejection they received from the "old bones" paleontologists, has been documented in Michael H. Brown's The Search for Eve: Have Scientists Found the Mother of Us All? (Harper & Row, NY, 1990).

While this is not the place to get into details, we can at least lay down the general outline of what they accomplished.


While most have a vague idea of what DNA is (or at least have heard about it), mitochondria probably need a little introduction.

Each of the trillions of cells that make up the body are divided up into compartments that allow incompatible processes to be kept apart. The practical wisdom of industry suggests why: a manufacturing complex-which is pretty much what a cell is-would have an overwhelming problem with quality control if duplicating computer programs onto floppy disks happened in the same quarters as burning coal to power an electric generator. Keeping such incompatible processes in separate areas makes a lot of sense

One of the great advances in the evolution of living systems occurred when a cell lineage stumbled on the great advantages of compartments and went on to become the common ancestor to all higher forms of life. The other lineages remained as simple bacteria who to this day do not have inner compartments and who, metaphorically, still duplicate their computer disks right next to the furnace.

The largest of these cell compartments is the nucleus, which is packed full of DNA. Industrially, the DNA is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of computer disks (genes) loaded with the instructions needed to program the industrial robots (proteins) that run all the myriads of processes in the industrial complex. The nucleus keeps the master disks safely stored away (chromosomes) and makes duplicates of them (messenger RNA) to send out to where they are needed in the running of the cell.

The mitochondria are usually the second largest compartment in the cell (some cells have one big one, most have lots of smaller ones). The mitochondria are the industrial equivalents of central power plants that burn fuel (glucose and fat) to generate power (ATP) for distribution to the other centers, including powering the computer-department labors of the nucleus.

All higher cells (eucaryotes) have these two compartments: the nucleus for information storage, duplication and dispersal, and the mitochondria for central power generation.

An idea that was shockingly revolutionary just a decade ago-but is now almost universally accepted-is that mitochondria are descendants of bacteria (procaryotes)-that the discovery of the advantages of keeping computer disks and coal is separate compartments involved a large simple cell (which was perhaps energetically inefficient) getting invaded by a smaller bacteria (which was energetically more efficient). While this infection was probably disruptive at first (even fatal), eventually the two learned to live together in mutual harmony-the big cell doing all the work of finding the fuel, the symbiotic bacteria, the proto-mitochondria, doing all the work of burning it up.

This insight caught on quickly because mitochondria are just like bacteria; they have their own little piece of DNA (only tens of disks-worth of information compared to the hundreds of thousands in the nucleus) and they multiply just as bacteria do: they get bigger and bigger, then split into two, with each "daughter" mitochondrion receiving its copy of the mitochondrial DNA. It is this which makes mitochondrial DNA so useful in the exploration of human lineage: its lineage is quite independent of that of the nuclear DNA.

Matrilineal Descent

The second point that makes mitochondrial DNA such a useful tool involves the way human beings are made-recall from Biology 101 that this involves the fusion of an egg cell from the mother with a sperm cell from the father.

The egg cell is huge; it has thousands of mitochondria and bulging fuel stocks all primed and ready to power the development of the new embryo. In cell terms, the egg is a big fat blimp floating lazily along, waiting for destiny to arrive.

If that destiny is not to be the flush of the menses, it will start with a single sperm piercing the egg and sparking the fabulously intricate process that ends up with a human being.

For the sperm cell, this moment of destiny does not come by waiting; the sperm has to take the gold-there is no prize for second place-in an Olympic marathon. As the run is equivalent to that from Moscow to Beijing via Mount Everest in competition with a hundred million others, the sperm can be no fat blimp; it is instead a stripped-down, sleek torpedo-just a head with its precious consignment of nuclear DNA from the father, and a powerful tail powered by massive mitochondria to push it ahead of the pack.

The single sperm that triumphs sends its head and tail to quite different destinies.

The head merges with the egg and injects the father's nuclear DNA. Inside, this combines with the mother's and is packed away into the nucleus of the cell, now a zygote, ready to provide all the information needed in the construction of a human being.

The tail of the sperm, on the other hand, exhausted from its magnificent effort, drops away, its job done, and disintegrates. The result of this sacrificial effort is that none of the father's mitochondria gets into the egg-all the mitochondria in the zygote, and the human being it eventually turns into, come from the mother.

This also makes mitochondrial DNA very useful in studying lineage: all the DNA in the mitochondria in your cells-be you male or female-came from your mother. Furthermore, your mother's mitochondrial DNA all came from her mother-your grandmother-and hers from your great-grandmother, and hers from your great-great-grandmother, etc. All the way back into deepest time.

No Sex, Thank You

Yet another inducement for scientists to shift the study of human ancestry from fossilized bones to the DNA lab is that mitochondria don't indulge in sex.

Sex is the great mixer; it takes 50% of your dad's nuclear DNA and combines it with 50% of your mother's DNA to create a whole new 100% that is you. Then, in making your sex cells, it scrambles together (recombines) the contents of the dad's chromosomes with the same chromosome from the mom. That's why kids are different from their parents and their grandparents; sex keeps mixing things up in each generation.

This is the greatest thing about sex (from the lineage's point of view, at least): you get a totally different combination each generation. This blending of characters, however, is the worst thing about sex from the study-of-lineage point of view-tracing things back in time through the lineage is impossibly complicated after only a few generations.

Mitochondria don't do sex, so the copy of mitochondrial DNA which is passed on down the generations is an exact copy every time. Well, almost exact. Very, very occasionally (once in thousands of years, perhaps) a mistake is made in duplication and the DNA is changed. Most of the time, these mistakes foul things up and are quickly eliminated from the lineage. If the error is not disruptive (a neutral mutation) and happened in the formation of an egg cell, this little change can be passed on down the lineage from mother to daughter, in the matrilinear lineage.

It is these neutral changes that enable scientists to probe deep time.

Assuming that the rate of change, estimated to be 2 to 4 percent every million years, is constant-a tendentious assumption, but one that only alters the time scale-it is possible to calibrate a "molecular clock." For example, if two lineages differ by 0.3 percent, then their last common ancestor procreated roughly 100,000 years ago.

Search for Eve ...

The Berkeley group devised a technique to isolate large quantities of mitochondrial DNA from placentas (or afterbirths, the few big chunks of human flesh that are regularly chucked away) collected from a wide variety of women representing all the races. The changes in the mitochondrial DNA were identified by snipping them into little pieces with special bacterial enzymes that are very sensitive to DNA patterns-the "restriction mapping" technique.

The assumptions they made in interpreting their results were that a particular change only happened once in history (a very reasonable assumption based on what is known) and "that the giant tree that connects all human mitochondrial DNA mutations by the fewest number of events is most likely the correct one for sorting humans into groups related through a common female ancestry," as Dr. Cann put it in her excellent overview, "The Mitochondrial Eve," in the Natural Science section of The World & I, September 1987, p. 257.

From their data they constructed a lineage that could explain the global distribution of neutral mutations. Combining this with the molecular-clock estimates and with what is known about the timing of human migrations, they concluded that the best explanation of their data was that every human being can trace their lineage back to one woman who lived in Africa about 300,000-150,000 years ago, a woman quickly dubbed "the mitochondrial Eve."

As Dr. Cann is careful to point out, their data does not prove "that all humans stem from a single female ancestor," since the mitochondrial Eve is not necessarily the very first human ancestress. There is the "Smith" phenomenon to take into account, the one that plagues telephone-directory creators-one lineage can thrive at the expense of others (though, of course, this is a patrilineal phenomenon). There could have been a group of ancestral women, all of whose matrilineal lines died out except for one, the mitochondrial Eve whose DNA got passed down to every living human being living today-it only takes one all-sons generation to stop a matrilineage dead in its tracks just as an all-daughters one will end a family name.

But the research is certainly getting close to the original ancestress. Close enough, perhaps, for science to apologize to religion for deriding the Adam and Eve concept so scathingly in the past.

... and Adam

What about the men?

While there is no such thing as a mitochondrial Adam, there is another route. Sex determination-whether the zygote will develop into a boy or a girl-depends on what sex chromosome came from the father in his 50%: an X-chromosome will make a girl, a Y-chromosome a boy. Mothers always contribute an X chromosome: so girls are XX and boys are XY.

Boys get their Y from their dad, and he got his from his dad, and he got his from his dad, etc., etc., in a patrilineal lineage back in time.

Strangely enough, this sex chromosome doesn't get involved in sex. The X and Y that end up in a boy are so different that they don't scramble together the way the two X's do in girls. So, just like the matrilineal mitochondrial DNA in women, the Y-chromosome DNA in men is patrilineally passed on unchanged from generation to generation. Almost unchanged, that is, as it too can slowly collect neutral mutations which can be passed on. These are being studied and you can confidently expect this headline to appear one day: "Scientists find Y-chromosome Adam."

Surrogate Parents

It should be noticed that science's apology is conditional: while both now agree that there was an Adam and Eve, there is still a lot of debate and disagreement as to exactly how they got there-religion still has a very difficult time with the relationship to the great apes.

Religion is going to have to unbend, sooner or later, as the mitochondrial patterns found in chimps are closely related to the patterns of mutations found in humans, which implies that the zygote that developed into Eve got its mitochondria from a chimp-like ... what?

I hesitate to use the word "mother" here as it has the implication of like to like, equal to equal. As Eve is, by definition, the first human woman, this source of mitochondria cannot be human or a "mother" in the sense of equals. But, as this female-source-of-mitochondria stood in the position of a mother to Eve, the term "hominid mother-surrogate" is appropriate.

While this does not give the definitive answer in the theological debate on, "Did Adam have a navel?" it suggests, at least, that Eve had one.

The mitochondrial linkage suggests that Eve's hominid mother-surrogate and modern-day chimps had their last common ancestor a few million years ago. Research into this is currently a hot topic of investigation.

If Eve must have had a chimp-like mother-surrogate to get her mitochondria from, you can bet that Adam must have had a father-surrogate to get his Y chromosome from.

While I have yet to see any evidence collected on this subject, bets are that the father-surrogate to Adam was also a proto-human hominid like the mother-surrogate (though, in all likelihood, they came from different lineages, since same plus same generally produces same and Adam and Eve as the first humans were, by definition, different from their parent-surrogates).

While this is speculation beyond the bounds of where experiment has reached so far, it does give hope that one day science and religion will stop their bickering about how people originated and agree that they were both partially right and both partially wrong.

The Origins of the Modern Dysfunctional Family

by Alfred O'Connor-Birmingham, UK

One way or another, we are all members of a family-on the nuclear, extended and/or world level. So, what are some of the key issues of immediate concern to all members of the human family everywhere? I would contend that it must have to do with the problems of family dysfunction and/or family breakdown.

The key question is "Why do families keep breaking down?" In other words, what is the essential cause of the persistent decline in family values which is evident on an ever-increasing scale? Indeed, it might well be argued that moral and ethical relativism have become the norm in our present-day societies.

Much has been and will continue to be written and spoken about individual and societal problems. And many have been the proposed solutions for such difficulties. But our immediate attention will be upon the situation of the human family-which occupies a position between those of the individual and the society as a whole.

Since there has arisen such a diversity of recent "definitions", I shall clarify exactly what I mean by the term "the family." In essence, I would assert that the ideal minimum family unit, as the building block of society, consists of a God-centered husband and wife couple, and their child(ren). Of course, in reality, this minimal "unit" is inseparable from the relevant grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other members of one's extended family.

The family, as opposed to the (smaller) individual or the (larger) society, impinges upon the full spectrum of social forms. It is thus the most fundamental school of human life and love. (See Young Oon Kim, "Significance of the Family," in her Unification Theology (New York: HSA-UWC, 1980), pp. 75-80.)

Yet the human family unit generally agreed to be very much in a state of crisis. And if we are to elevate ourselves out of this tragic situation, of what might be termed multiple dysfunctional families, we are in urgent need of a revolutionary solution to the fundamental malaise of the family.

In order to crystallize a realistic, and effective, cure to this malady, we must first seek to expose the root cause of the virulent, yet quite elusive, disease which is adversely affecting the condition of the human family unit, in epidemic proportions.

Furthermore, we must seek the root cause of the loss of family values and family breakdown, whereby we shall endeavor to discover the appropriate cure. Having found a remedy, the next challenging step will then be for us to correctly apply it, and thus help to solve the persistent problems for all our families.

For, needless to say, in a dysfunctional world, to merely be seeking the welfare of one's own personal family, tribe, race or nation would amount to being one of the most selfish and self-destructive things one could possibly do.

Then what precisely is the root cause of family breakdown? And why is there so much egocentrism, abuse, unfaithfulness, disharmony, divorce and a multiplicity of other manifestations of dysfunction in the family?

In essence, the current problems which beset the human family unit are the result of certain crucial flaws which were existent in the very first human family. As is the case in the Judeo-Christian tradition, we shall proceed with the assumption of a literal-historical fall of the first human ancestors, known as Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:1-24. See also St. Paul's epistle to the Romans 5:12-21.)

Speaking from a theological perspective, we can advance that the problem of the family is rooted in the problem of "original sin." Original sin, without claiming to be at all comprehensive, may be described as the evil inclination or tendency which is inherited, by all human beings, from the sin of the first human ancestors.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Genesis 3 narrative alludes to the temptation of the first human parents (Eve and Adam) to fall by the-evidently spiritual-being who is known as "the serpent."

The being described as the serpent is understood, by many interpreters, including those from either traditional Roman Catholic or Unificationist background, to have been the fallen archangel, Lucifer, who became the devil or Satan through the fall. (The course and motivation of the fall of the first human ancestors, including an account of the involvement of the fallen archangel Lucifer is outlined in the second chapter of Divine Principle [NY: HSA-UWC, 1973], pp. 65-97.)

When we look more closely at the various members of this first human family, we will then be able clearly to observe the seeds of the countless present-day troubles which continually afflict the modern human family.

First, the archangel Lucifer's self-centered jealousy of Adam became a key element in his malevolent decision to tempt Eve to fall away from faith in God's Word. Lucifer's inordinate pride and arrogance grew out of all control, as he became focused on the selfish desire for more and more love. The archangel wrongly-and knowingly-sought to fulfill this illicit desire, through his deceptive seduction of a young innocent teenager, known as Eve. He misused his relatively greater experience, wisdom and knowledge of God's Will to confuse and trap a relatively naive young woman.

How often have we seen this very same scenario repeatedly played out in today's world? Where the older man, who is more worldly-wise, more educated and able to impress a youngster, takes full advantage of his status to sexually seduce a young and impressionable girl?

Similarly, having "eaten the forbidden fruit" and fallen, Eve inherited fallen Lucifer's sense of shame, guilt and fear, while her eyes became open to the tragedy of her terrible mistake. Seeking to solve her shame, guilt and fear, she then proceeded to seduce the relatively pure and naive young Adam. Thus, the tragedy of the human fall was complete!

The modern situation of a mature, sexually dominant, woman who uses her charms to manipulate and selfishly use a naive young man, is poignantly reminiscent of the process of the fall of the first human ancestors Adam and Eve.

The Odyssey of New Religions Today

Rev. Dean M. Kelley

In this book John Biermans has made three important contributions. He has gathered together the pertinent findings of social science researchers and courts of law on the subject of new religious movements and the persecution they suffer. He has added the insights of his own personal experience as a member of the Unification Church who has been the victim of an unsuccessful attempt at "deprogramming". And he has included information from his files gathered as one of the staff attorneys of the Unification Church, recording the experience of other members at the hands of would-be faithbreakers.

These contributions are very much needed to counter the prevailing misinformation and hysteria about "cults" which have been so successfully spread by articulate anti-cultists and sensation-seeking media. The average person has little opportunity to survey the scholarly literature on the issue and so is unaware that most of it does not support the anti-cult hysteria, which is largely based on atrocity tales disseminated by apostates and equally unreliable allegations circulated by a handful of mental health practitioners who appear to know very little about religion.

At the scholarly conferences of the Religious Research Association, the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and the Association for the Sociology of Religion, numerous research papers are presented on the various new religious movements by highly regarded observers like Gordon Melton, David Bromley, Anson Shupe, Tom Robbins, Dick Anthony, Eileen Barker, James Richardson, Herbert Richardson, the late William Shepherd, and many others (I mention these names because I happen to know these individuals and have respected their work over the years). They represent the prevailing consensus in the community of students of religious behavior, and that consensus views the anticultists' shrill denunciations as simply contrary to the general body of empirical evidence gathered by people who are not trying to foment a vendetta against "the cults."

It is, of course, quite possible that some individuals have had a bad experience with a particular new religious group at some particular time and place, just as there are individuals who have had a bad experience with one or another of the older and more conventional religions. But a few bad experiences do not necessarily discredit an entire category of organizations in other walks of life.

A similar common-sense perspective needs to be brought to the study of new religious movements, and John Biermans' sampling of the scholarly literature helps to restore perspective on that subject.

It is helpful, within that perspective, and contributing to it, to have the views of some "insiders", since outsiders alone, however objective or sympathetic, cannot fully interpret the experience of any religion. Insiders' accounts, taken alone, can of course be as misleading and self-serving on the one side as critics' and apostates' testimony on the other. But they provided a needed depth to the perspective which can be gained from no other source. In studying any social organization, particularly religion, one needs to ask, "How do they see themselves?" One should not be content with that data alone, but one should certainly not omit it, lest the result be the kind of outsider's caricature which is typical of muckraking journalism and anti-cult polemic. In this book John Biermans combines an insider's insight with extensive quotations and references from scholarly research and court decisions, which together give a three-dimensional perspective of verisimilitude.

In a way, it is a pity such a book as this should be needed. It should not be necessary in a land which prides itself on esteem for religious liberty (at least in the abstract) to insist that members of new religious movements really are human beings entitled to as much respect for their religious choices as anyone else. But when there are organized alarmists and detractors with articulate spokespersons who have made lucrative careers out of denouncing and combating "cults", then at least some countermeasures are needed. And those of us who cannot make careers out of countermeasures owe a debt of gratitude to the few, like John Biermans, who have taken time from more constructive endeavors to try to set the record straight.

It is even more remarkable that an entire chapter and more should be necessary to try to counter the bizarre but prevalent notion that there is some secret technique of "mind control" or "brainwashing" or "coercive persuasion" which enables some sinister cult leaders to gain total mastery over the wills of other persons without their consent. It should not require lengthy and scholarly argumentation to establish the absurdity of this notion, but apparently it does, and even then many will not be convinced, any more than the average inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 17th century could be disabused of the notions of demon possession and witchcraft.

Even a moment's commonsense reflection should enable one to realize that if someone had perfected the art of enslaving others without the continuous application of physical coercion, he would have discovered a power which tyrants and sorcerers have been seeking for centuries, and he would not need to confine his ambitions to the relatively rickety instrument of a religious movement but could take over the world. That the leaders of so-called "cults" have no such magical powers is apparent from the facts that their recruiting efforts are relatively ineffective and that the rate of slippage from attrition (defections without outside intervention) is incredibly high. In fact, there is nothing in the phenomenon that cannot be explained by the age-old practices shared by older religions, the media, commercial advertising and political propaganda, and all protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Some may think that this book comes along after the worst is over and the dust has begun to settle. It is true that forcible deprogrammings are not as frequent as they were a few years ago, but they still occur. The three federal circuit courts of appeals which have ruled on the issue have found deprogrammers liable to their victims under the federal civil rights law, and none have found the contrary. Spokespersons for the anti-cult movements assure us that deprogramming is crude and passé, but it still goes on, and is still the greatest offense against religious liberty on this continent in the latter half of the 20th century.

The anti-cult movement has now professed to narrow its target to "destructive cults"-a term not known to social-science research in religion-and to characterize its work as simple "cult awareness education." Nevertheless, anticultists show no greater insight into, or respect for, the choices young adults make in religion than before. They insist that they are not violating anyone's religious liberty; they are merely trying to prevent actual harm to unsuspecting and victimized converts. It is certainly not a violation of religious liberty to warn people about the supposed dangers of some or all new religious movements, or to try to persuade those who are their members to depart (so long as force or threat of force is not used), even if the information relied on is faulty or biased (which it often is). That, too, is protected by the First Amendment (with a few narrow exceptions such as slander, libel and defamation). And there may indeed be some "cults" which are "destructive", though it is hard to see how that term applies to the groups about which the anticultists are so exercised, generally rather well-meaning, idealistic bands of people trying to do what they think God requires.

It seems that what really distresses the anticultists is conversion, especially to religious movements which make high demands of their members for commitment of the whole self to a spiritual cause. Apparently a gradual and partial commitment to a mild and conventional faith is permissible, but a sudden conversion to a rigorous and alien lifestyle with requirements of total allegiance to the faith is not. But religious liberty includes the right "to change (one's) religion or belief" (Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), and to do so suddenly and totally, whether others like it or not. Cautions of prudence and circumspection are always in order. Everyone should "look before they leap" in religion as in others of life's ventures. But arbitrarily maligning new religions and impugning their motives is not in order-even if protected by the First Amendment-if one makes any claim to respect other people's religious liberty.

And applying to new religions a double standard, so that it is thought to be iniquitous for them to do what is permissible for other religions or for other human enterprises, is dishonest and pharisaic. For instance, the Scientologists were criticized for being "deceptive" and "underhanded" in buying property in Clearwater, Florida, under an assumed name when that is a standard practice in the real estate business, followed in the same period in nearby Orlando by the Walt Disney organization in buying up property for the development of Disney World. Giving wholehearted and unswerving loyalty to one's employer or labor union or lodge or (traditional) religion is thought to be a laudable thing, but giving such loyalty to a new religious movement is seen to be somehow pernicious.

As John Biermans and the many authors he quotes suggest, much of the hysteria generated by the anti-cult alarmists is needless. Most of the new religious movements are not deleterious to their members and may indeed improve their life situations. When they cease to meet their members' needs and interests, the members move on to other things without the need for personality-damaging outside intervention. If people could learn to respect the religious choices of their (adult) offspring and to retain some perspective and (uncommon) common sense about such matters, religious liberty would be in much better condition than it is today in the United States. This book should help contribute to that end.

The Happy Ending for Religion

Frank Kaufmann
June, 1997

Prior to the decline in relevance of vital, mainstream forces in American Religion, namely Judaism and Christianity (which began approximately 1965), a fresh impulse captured the imagination of believers in both traditions. I refer to respective renditions of the insight that religion and society are integrally linked; socially aware, or socially conscious religion.

Two phrases were popularly repeated and cited in this time the first I believe attributable to Walter Rauschenbush in which he urged Christians to have the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. The other appears in an anecdote from the son of an immigrant who said that anytime he mentioned any current event to his European born father, the latter was sure to say, "Is it good for the Jews?"

I think of these often living life as a Unificationist; a world-changer. If ever there was a politically and socially engaged spirituality I think none could possibly be more so than Unificationism... there's the "newspaper" in that hand. And as I encounter each and every current event, trend, or development, my mind always asks "Is it good for the providence?"

This mental reflex which demands of all phenomena great and small, "Is it good for the providence?" also invites reflection on an enduring bifurcation of two types of religious personalities. I'll call them the Doomsdayists, and the Leavenists. For the Doomsdayists nothing is so good for religion than when all hell is breaking loose; 60% divorce, aids rampant, teens having sex during math class, and all manner of catchy shockers for lectures, sermons, and brochures. The Leavenists (I suspect to be a minority), on the other hand, see God's providential hand in incremental positive developments in culture and society: more family-based TV programming, Baptist virginity movements, the faithful execution of anti-adultery laws in the military and so forth.

The Doomsdayists probably fear that if things start moving in the right direction, people will be lulled and will fail to realize how desperately they need our solutions. Leavenists probably presume that all movement in the right direction has somehow or another been caused by us, even if we cannot identify in a precise or persuasive manner how.

I flew back and forth from somewhere lately and saw a couple of movies on board. Jerry McGuire on the way out, Volcano on the way back. I was struck by an identical dimension of these two very dissimilar films. That is both climaxed with a virtuous hero marrying a single mother with kids. I wondered, was this Hollywood's best effort to back into the pro-family spirit which has overtaken American popular opinion? You have to forgive Hollywood. A monogamous, heterosexual family is a VERY difficult concept for it to grasp. You have to allow at least a touch of aberration while it gets used to the notion.

I am of the opinion (for some reason I've never bothered to trace) that culture is a manifestation of the spiritual world. This is why the recurrence of this theme so strongly manifest caught my attention. What is going on here? Is it good for the providence? My response to this niggling habit of mind was this: Yes it IS a good sign, and manifests the expanding realm of grace characteristic of the current state of the Blessing providence. For approximately 40 years America has been investing in a culture of divorce. The negative psychological and social ramifications of this are immeasurable. If we were to rely upon conventional cures (social, psychiatric, political, cultural and legislative) for the groundlessness and social and psychological chaos wrought by a divorce based culture, the task would be overwhelming. What a Blessing it would be if there arose some other, hitherto unknown means of alleviating the devastation brought on by these forty morally lawless years,

On True Parents' Birthday, Father gave a long speech at Pledge service. At one point he said, "This 3.6 Million couples Blessing means the liberation of couples and families. Among the 3.6 million couples may be some murderers, robbers, and swindlers. If we have to deal with the individual circumstances and crimes of the 3.6 million couples, it would take tens of millions of years to cleanse them, but because of this time of Blessing grace, because of this Blessing time, and through this one prayer of mine, everybody will be cleansed."

This proclamation of Father seemed to match the facile happy endings written into these two Hollywood Blockbusters. As if by magic a happy, healthy, whole family arises out of the ashes of separation. A wife gains a loving husband. Children gain a loving Father. In Hollywood of all places, the monogamous, heterosexual, loving family is restored. Too good to be true?

The Foot-Washing: Meeting With God

Martin Herbst
June, 1997

This is the first of two excerpts from the Sunday sermon given at Unification Theological Seminary, April 20, 1997. Martin is currently at UTS and was the church leader in Slovenia for the last three years.

The well-known passage in the Gospel of John 13:1-17 describes Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Here we find Jesus and his disciples for a short while gathered together in one of the most significant moments in his life and theirs. Jesus knows his time is up but even at this late hour he decides to teach them about the nature of true love.

All of us want to experience love. Especially as religious people we are more or less supposed to experience the love of God. But the fact is that often we do not. The truth is that often, perhaps more often than not, we find ourselves incapable of experiencing the love of God, and since we do not feel it, we cannot/do not give it. The question we need to ask is Why? Why is it so difficult? One of the reasons so few people experience the vibrant love of God is that they are looking for it in the wrong places! This is why I have chosen this beautiful story. Here in this scene Jesus shows some fundamental lessons about the nature of true love which are common to all mankind at all times.

Lowest Possible Place

We usually reason, "The love of God must be found in God." And since we assume that God resides in a high place up in heaven, we strive to go up. Endless are the ways through which we try to promote ourselves, prove ourselves and even vindicate ourselves. But after having reached that high position of respect and prestige we sadly realize, "Oh, God is not here. I am now a leader and supposed to feel the love of God, but I don't. What is the reason?" The reason is that God is hiding where no one would look! Yes, true love begins at the lowest possible place. This is the first lesson we should learn from this story. In order to connect to the vibrant love of God, we all must make that internal step down, down to the lowest place, the most unexpected place.

Jesus exemplifies this principle by bowing down and washing the disciples' feet. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him. (John 13:5) In those days it was customary for people to have their feet washed as they entered a house for the roads of Palestine were both dirty and dusty. But such a thing was done by a servant assigned for the task, not a master like Jesus. By willingly washing the disciples' feet, Jesus did the unexpected. They must have been astonished to see their master and teacher act like that, yet this was the very principle Jesus always lived by. For the love of God does not begin in a high place up in heaven; it starts actually at the lowest, most unexpected place. Indeed, he was born among animals in a country which did not rank high among its neighbors. All of us want to encounter the love of God, but we need to know this secret or else we will dry up, and our efforts will not bear fruit. We have to go to that place where we normally would not go and there miraculously we will meet God. By willingly and unselfishly embracing the lowest we will attain the highest.

This principle is also reflected in God's creation of the human body. After thinking a long time, God decided to place the love organ-the sexual organ-where? As close to the toilet organ-wastes disposal organs-as possible! So close that it is hard to distinguish between the two if you are not an expert! And even then it would be difficult! For centuries people have expected that the Kingdom of Heaven would begin in heaven or in a totally spiritual realm, but the amazing truth is that it starts here on earth through the sexual organs! Thus it was with almost brutal honesty and conviction that Rev. Moon, in his speech "In Search of the Origin of the Universe" (August 1, 1996), mentions the sexual organs no less than 27 times! Some of the dignitaries gathered for this historic inauguration of the Family Federation for World Peace where the speech was delivered were astonished if not downright shocked. They had found themselves participating in an event of the most unexpected kind.

To understand the deeper significance of this, we need to see it in light of the unfolding of God's revelation to the world.

What was God's central revelation for the Old Testament Age of Judaism? Of course, it is possible to come up with many suggestion, but we can put it this way: God's central revelation to mankind through Judaism can be summarized in the following words: "God is God-and-man is man." With this, a great problem had been solved, for God was now seen as One Being, not many, and He is personal and good. But with this great revelation we also find a limitation. For, although God is God, man was still just man, far removed from the presence of God. In Exodus 3:14 God answers Moses: "I am who I am." Here God definitely reveals Himself, but the deep intimate personal relationship is missing. There seems to be a huge gulf between God and man, between heaven and earth.

With this in mind, let us move to the New Testament Age. What is the essence of God's revelation for the New Testament Age centered on Christianity? If we were to reach a consensus among all the Christians in the present world, the saints in the spirit world, and God Himself, what would we conclude? The essence of God's revelation through Christianity is that "God became man"; don't you agree? In Jesus Christ, we find the love of God, the life of God and the lineage of God. Jesus expressed the very heart, love and personality of the living God. With Jesus' coming, the gulf between heaven and earth was bridged. God could now communicate with man in the most intimate way-not like a master from a distance, but like a father right here. But it is precisely here at the very heart of the Christian revelation that we also find its limitation. For even thought God crossed the bridge and became like man, we did not become like God! St. Paul laments, "So I find it to be a law that when I want to do what is good, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God in my inmost self, but I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind, making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am!" (Rom. 7:21-24) The truth is that all Christians struggle like Paul. Often we are no better than people and sometimes, perhaps many times, we are even worse. Today all over this country, millions of Christians rejoiced over the fact that God became man and they are right in doing so. And yet we see violence and sexual perversion growing in our midst. Yes, this is our great blessing and problem-that God could become like man, but man could not become like God.

What then will be the essence of God's revelation for the Completed Testament Age at the Second Coming of Christ? Again God will become man, but this time it will happen so that man can become like God. At the Second Coming of Christ, God's central revelation will guide man to become like-God, God-like in our love and character. John knew this intuitively and explains: "Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is" (1 John 3:2). The expectation that man will be elevated to a divine state is fundamental among Christians who are preparing themselves for the Second Coming, but we also find it among the hundreds and thousands of new religious sects, meditation groups and mystical movements which have seen the light of day during the last hundred years. They all claim that the time has come for man to realize his fullest potential, but their explanations are vague and repetitious. They have heard the whispering in the wind, but they know not whence it comes nor whither it goes. At the Second Coming of Christ, God will open up the way for man to become like God. But how? Through a supernatural rapture away from this earth God Himself created? No. By ignoring the body and just focusing on the spirit? No. How then? Through the proper use of our sexual organs! How provocative! How offensive! How barbaric! How completely unorthodox! And yet, how genuinely consistent with the human condition in space and time! For it is precisely through the union of the sexual organs that we become something we could never become on our own. We become one being, creators of life, parents of love, like-who? Yes-like God! This is the magic. It is through the unity with the only beloved one here below that the way opens up to become one with the only one up above.

It is thus inevitable that, at the Second Coming of Christ, God will initiate a world-wide movement to purify that part of the human body which was meant to be the basis of all goodness, happiness and life, whereas the dark, Luciferian forces of the cosmos will descend to keep that area surrounded by confusion, misuse and vandalism.

It is for that purpose that we see Father appear on the stage of history in the 1940s. Precisely at the time of the Second World War, when the Japanese leadership with Emperor Hirohito in the East claimed that god had become man (the tradition of Japanese emperor-worship was derived from the worship of the sun goddess, Amaterasu-Omi-Kami), and the Western totalitarian dictatorship under Hitler acted as if man had become god (see Paul Johnson, A History of Christianity, pp. 484-487, to understand the blasphemous nature of Nazism); when world-wide Christianity had reached its zenith and was poised for what became its descending, and the collective anti-Christ movement of God-denial and free sex was about to begin what turned out to be its ascending-precisely at that crossing point time, Rev. Moon appeared with the revelation which has the potential to guide all mankind to complete salvation and a God-like love. But due to established Christianity's failure to perceive Rev. Moon's authority and foundation, the established Christian churches found it impossible to take him seriously. And so he was forced to lock up this secret in his heart until the stage was set which was proper, suitable and fit for a new sharing of the message revealed to him during years and years of prayers. With a deep sense of gratitude to God and enormous conviction, Rev. Moon shared-indeed-shouted out his message in front of dignitaries representing the entire world at the official inauguration of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in 185 Nations on Jan. 8, 1996.

To find love, let us remember that God's true love begins at the lowest, most unexpected place. That is where we will meet God.

Testimony from Norman Presley

I work in Kentucky as a real estate agent and I run a small picture business, My wife, Noriko, takes care of our four children at home. We were matched and blessed in 1982.

I went out with the state leader to see how to door knock and Pre-Bless people. It seemed so natural and easy. I then went to the local religious store and purchased a "Blessing Kit." This is used by ministers to give communion. It consists of a tube that holds 20 cups for Holy Wine, a plastic bottle to hold the Holy Wine, and a tin cup with a lid which works perfectly to hold Holy Water. I then typed a copy of the Blessing Vows that I could fit in the top of the carrying case which also comes with it. My total cost for this was only $44.00. It's perfect! Noriko and I take it with us any time we go somewhere.

May 5, 1997. The first night Noriko and I went out we were going to go door knocking to Pre-Bless people. That night I had to have some papers signed by one of my customers who was buying a home for investment. He is a C.P.A. I told Noriko we should try to Bless them. They are strong Christians. We asked them about doing the blessing ceremony and they had some questions about our belief in Jesus and the Bible. As I explained some very basics of our belief I felt the spirit world move them. They then took the Holy Wine, a sprinkle of Holy Water, the Blessing Vows, a Prayer and they filled out the application. Not to mention signing the papers to sell them a house. We then door knocked for about an hour at some humble apartments. Most people were not married, but we became comfortable in our door knocking apartments. No one was negative! No one!

May 6, 1997. I called a long time friend of mine from high school and told him simply, "Noriko and I are coming over to Bless you". He said, "We can use all the blessing we can get ... Come on over!" His father was there, who is now a single and witnessed the ceremony. We then explained about the matching and boldly told him we could have him married by Nov. 29th. His wife sincerely thanked us for blessing them and we then went door knocking at some nicer apartments. We door knocked for less than an hour and blessed another Mexican couple.

May 7, 1997. Tonight I had to have some real estate papers signed by a very nice couple so I called them and told them my wife would be coming and we would like to bless them. They said, "Come on over!". I thought this is great so before leaving I called another old friend who I used to be in a rock band with, and is happily married, and only lived two blocks from my real estate customer. I told him we would like to come over and bless them. He said, "Come on over!". We then loaded up all four of our children and

blessed my customer and signed the real estate papers. We then went to my friends home, blessed them and spent about an hour socializing and the children playing with each other. At 9:30, after taking the wife and children home, my friend and I went fishing until 1:00 a. m. We were catching one fish after another. I thought of Father's lifestyle and his tireless energy.

Each night after blessing people we can't sleep! You can feel God laughing with you! You really can! Noriko and I sometimes talk for hours before falling sleep in the wee hours of the morning. Then wake up on time to get the kids to school with plenty of energy.

May 8, 1997. Tonight I had to go to have some real estate papers signed by a nice couple who have their home listed with me. I loaded up the wife and kids again and of course not forgetting our handy Blessing Kit.. They are an older couple, the husband had a heart transplant last year. We asked them to get blessed and they were overjoyed. After the ceremony hugs were exchanged and I noticed a slight tear in the eye of the wife. We then signed the real estate papers. Another night of talking and feeling God's happiness.

May 10, 1997. Without calling we went to my old neighborhood and knocked on the door of the older couple who were good friends. After spending a little time reminiscing we asked them if we could bless them. They said we'd love to. We blessed them as it became late without knowing our little time had become a couple hours. Again ever night we feel close to Father's heart.

May 13, 1997. My friend, who we blessed on the 6th, came over for dinner. They wanted more information about the matching because the wife thought it would be good idea for her brother to get matched (so did her mother). We promised to get the information to them.

May 15, 1997. It's been so busy for a few days with school events and our whole family going different directions but, tonight we found time. We tried calling a friend but, the phone line was continuously busy. We loaded up the children and went there. To our misfortune the husband was still at work but, we set up a time next week when the husband would be off. On the way home we were driving past another Realtor's home who's husband is an

assistant minister. We pulled in their driveway and we all went to knock on the door (all four children were with us of course). When she came to the door I said, "Hey, we're doing some church work!" She said, "Come on in!" Our children were ushered to play with their grandchild who was there. Her husband had just gotten back from a Promise Keepers seminar which is very similar to our blessing vows but, it's not done with the wives. We explained we were with Rev. Moon and I gave him the True Family Festival Application Form (I have no flyers or brochures. The application is the only written thing I have with me. The Marriage commitments on the application form is really what it all boils down to.) He read the Marriage Commitments as we talked with the wife. I watched his expressionless face and thought maybe we would receive our first no. The grandchild hurt himself or something and the husband went to take care of him. I started to pray and Noriko seemed to just love up the wife without even noticing the husband. I decided to focus my attention on the wife as well and we both just loved her as much as we could.

After about 5 minutes, (which seemed like an hour to me) the husband came back and started to fill out the application and said, "I'd love to do this and we really want to go to Washington for the main festival." It was as if a warm spirit had filled the room. He then said his brother is a pastor and he thought he would love to this as well. They thanked us for the opportunity and were very happy.

Noriko and I decided to give dinner for two certificates to some of our spiritual children. I purchased several certificates at a local restaurant and mailed them to some along with a thank you note. It's great for follow up and to really give Father's love to them.

May 16, 1997. There is a professional stand-up comedian who lives three blocks from me. He and his wife own a home here in Kentucky and one in Hollywood, CA. I worked with the wife's sister a few years ago and that's how I know them. I called him last night and explained about the blessing. We made an appointment for 10:30 this morning. He called and said some other people were stopping by but, please come on over. We arrived and talked a few minutes about the blessing and the festival. They said let's do it. We blessed them and the wife began crying. They were married by a Justice of the Peace and never had a religious wedding. They were so happy. They wanted to save the cup which the Holy Wine was in as a keepsake.

... the husband and I went to a local Dairy Queen and had a little late dinner. He told me that during the day he had been on the phone telling one of his friends that they had to be blessed and how wonderful it felt. He wants to arrange a Blessing/Barbecue at his home and invite some married couples. Again, I don't place all my hopes on such events. It really takes getting out and door knocking.

Testimony - Taking the Blessing into the Home

by Sun Willett-Louisville, KY

America's ancestors were Puritans who deeply loved God, and their dream was to build God's nation. Today's Americans are their descendants. America has much hope because every married couple is expecting us to visit them and pre-Bless them. I am happy because new Blessed couples are coming every day in my hometown and throughout Kentucky.

When we Tribal Messiah couples visit the couples and families, we should be filled with a crazy drive to save their marriages and families. I am sure this is the heart of God. Do not be afraid you will meet persecution. We in Kentucky have the attitude that we can never stop extending the Blessing. Some married couples may be too busy, but do not be discouraged, because they may be ready the second or third time. When these couples can perceive the measure of our sincerity, they can easily receive the Blessing.

When I learned that once we bring 160 couples to the Blessing, we can enter True Parents' tribe, I was moved very deeply. This is the greatest glory! Every day I am filled with desperation to save the marriages and families, and I have no time to worry about what to eat or what clothes to wear. Through my experience and by my result, I feel great hope for America. We can rebuild God's nation if we are active. I believe that, especially since True Parents made extending the Blessing so easy for us (the door to door method), if we do not even try, it is a sin. True Parents have always warned us we are in a war to save the marriages and families. Therefore, how can we eat and sleep in a comfortable way?

Since my husband and I have been pre-Blessing couples, we have had some spiritual experiences. I feel everyone I meet is a future Blessed couple just waiting to be Blessed. Often when I knock on a door, it is exactly at the same time the wife is arriving home from shopping.

I would like to share what I say to people when I knock on doors. First, I explain that I am a volunteer for the FFWPU (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification) and that Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon are the founders. Then, I explain that I have a goal to find 160 couples who would do a five-minute marriage rededication to promote family values. I offer a brief explanation of the Holy Wine and Holy Water Ceremonies, and then I lead them through the ceremonies. We then embrace their hands, and my husband Joe prays. Then we lead them through the vows, and we make certain the couple completely fills out the headquarters application. I explain that they are not expected to join anything; it is a rededication of their marriage. After all of the ceremonies, I briefly discuss with the couple the American divorce problem and the issue of family breakdown. I explain the dire seriousness of these problems. I tell the couple that through divorced parents, the children experience a high rate of confusion, depression and loneliness, and their chance of getting involved in crime is higher; statistics reveal their odds of suicide are higher. The children suffer-that is the result of divorce!

I ask all the couples to invite all their married friends to receive the Blessing to protect their marriage, and for the purpose of building a better world.

According to Divine Principle, God is going to liberate hell. Our participation in God's effort to liberate hell is all we need to obtain citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Summer at Camp Sunrise, NY

by Bruce Grodner

My staff and I have recently returned from the 40 day training program at Chung Pyung Lake. We had many good experiences and learned a great deal about life of faith.

We saw so many brothers and sisters coming from around the world to experience liberation. We could begin to understand the dedication and commitment required from the staff for this type of spiritual rebirth. From the beginning of Camp Sunrise, Rev. Pak said, "This property reminds me of Chung Pyung Lake." He has always encouraged us to strive for a higher standard. Personally, after having been there, I could now understand his desire for the camp.

In the previous years with your dedicated prayer and support Camp Sunrise has hosted many events. In 1994 a number of churches and community-based organizations came to the camp. Included were 250 members and families from the Egyptian Coptic Church. In 1995 the Second Generation held its 70 day training program. In 1996 we held the Day of All True Things, where over 1200 members shared in a most special day together with their families. As the camp director, I want to thank each of you personally for helping make these and so many other memorable events happen.

This being our ninth year and the final level of the perfection stage, we are eagerly making plans to fulfill more of Rev. Pak's vision for the camp. Some of these plans for this summer include: educating ministers in True Family Values, teaching Divine Principle, pre-Blessing ceremonies, and Second Generation workshops. This year's summer camp for ages 9-11 will begin registration July 19-25. Ages 12-16 will run from July 26-Aug. 10, 1997.

It has been a continuous hope of mine that Camp Sunrise could be a bridge for many people to come to respect our Community and its goals, and to be able to come closer to Father.

Through the many opportunities to work with non-Unificationists, we have had the experience that through love and service we could break down many barriers.

I know you are very busy working in your providential missions. I am sure it is not easy. We don't want to be a burden, but the Camp needs your help. To better care for people, we need to create an environment which is welcoming and esthetically pleasing.

There are many areas which need attention. We are hoping you choose to support a project. If you select a project to be fully or partially responsible for, it will be very helpful. Working together with you in a different environment can be a very enjoyable experience.

We are very grateful that one of our companies just took upon itself to restore True Parents' cabin completely. They will be replacing a bedroom floor, remodeling the bathroom, replacing bathroom fixtures and painting the entire cabin.

We are now trying to get the camp in shape a.s.a.p. for the many programs planned this summer. I have enclosed a list of some of the projects we would like to do. If you are interested in helping with any of these projects, or can contribute your special skills or ideas, we will be very happy to hear from you.

If you are interested in having a conference or meeting, please consider our facility. We have a great chef and reasonable rates! There are deluxe accommodations for your overnight stay (private cabin w/bathroom, linens, and wonderful views). There is a roomy Conference Cabin, complete with fireplace for those cool spring and autumn evenings. Brand-new boats have been acquired recently for your fishing expeditions! And best of all, no telephone calls or interruptions, so you and your group can concentrate and get the most out of your meeting time!

Here are some of the projects:

1. The herb garden needs to be deepened and expanded. Needed: wood, soil and herb plants. $120

2. Cabins need new screens and frames. $120 for screens, $80 for wood (per cabin)

3. Cabin #3 (VIP Cabin) needs painting and a new vanity for the bathroom. $120

4. Volleyball court needs rope outerbounds-line. Sand needs to be replaced (from erosion). $300

5. Backboards and hoops for basketball court. $160. In progress-thank you, "Christ Yes Inc."

6. Resurface basketball court. $1500

7. Resurface tennis court. $800

8. Cabin #5 (VIP Cabin) needs inner wall. $200

9. Cabin #9 (VIP Cabin) needs new shower, and a new linoleum floor in bathroom. $275

10. Cabin #5 needs floors sanded and polyurethane. $125

11. Infirmary needs to be painted. $100

12. VIP Conference Cabin #22 needs trench deepened

13. VIP Conference Cabin #22 needs new linoleum tile floor $400

14. Welcome Lodge Cabin #4 offices need painting. Floor in one office needs to be sanded and polyurethane. $120

15. Welcome Lodge Cabin #4 fireplace stones need to be cleaned. Chimney needs to be cleaned. $20

16. Welcome Lodge Cabin #4 garden needs to be framed in wood, deepened, and shrubs planted. Needed: wood, soil and shrubs. $200

17. Chung Pyung Hall gardens along walkway need to be framed in wood, deepened, and flowers & shrubs planted. Needed: wood, soil, flowers & shrubs. $200

Thank you for your help!

Please make check payable to HSA-UWC/Camp Sunrise and indicate whether you will be able to help on the projects.

Questions concerning summer camp programs, please call Dr. Kathy Winings at (212)222-5189 (home) and Robert Kittel at (212)382-2402, ext. 211 (office). Until then, have a great summer and see you at Camp Sunrise!