Blessings In Washington, DC

by Claude Aubert-Washington DC

Washington DC and Region 3 have surpassed 12,000 couples who have rededicated their marriages, including a city official, important ministers, and a national level leader. The region now averages 800 new couples every day; the goal is to bring this number up to 1,000. The providence is developing rapidly, and our mind-set needs to keep up with it. Father wants to finish and proclaim 3.6. million couples by July 20, and move to the next level of blessing. To inherit and support TP's restoration of 185 nations, Father has asked all tribal messiahs to bless 185 couples.

New couples from tribal groups of 185 completed by August 6 will be considered as part of the 3.6 million level blessing. Tribes completed afterward will be part of the next blessing level.

Mrs. Joong Hyun Pak at DC Church:

Sunday June 13 Mrs. Pak, wife of continental leader Rev. Joong Hun Pak, spoke to the Washington, DC, congregation about her experience with blessing couples. Mrs. Pak joined the church in 1955. She has raised 5 children into public life; one of their sons is married into True Family.

Until June 13 Mrs. Pak has blessed 561 couples. She started on June 17, working hard from early morning until late at night (16 -hour days). The first day she found 10 couples, the next another 10, then 21. Then she challenged 30 a day, and up to now her highest daily result was 44 couples-on that day she didn't even have time to eat lunch!

Mrs. Pak's guidance to the audience consisted of two main points: 1) Volunteer 3 hours every day to God and go out with the goal of blessing just one couple. If you volunteer with the right heart, you will be able to bless at least one couple per day. 2) Let's work together. Everybody should get involved in the campaign, not only some people, while others look on.

Mrs. Pak also said that our responsibility is just to bless. We don't need to worry about educating the couples. That will come later. Rev. Schanker mentioned in his introduction that Father is talking about educating by TV, etc.