Testimony of Home Blessing

by George Howe-Boston MA

Another Pre-Blessing adds to our spiritual bank even more experience and inspiration for us to work with. This Pre-Blessing had an interesting way of bringing together both the family and friends emphasis of a home Blessing and the opening up of a possibility for another True Family Festival (TFF) to be held later (with its characteristic church and minister emphasis). As such, it was hosted by the head of a Blessed family, who represented and was in the place of the regional and/or state leader.

Rev. Esaho Kibuke visited Boston Church with his whole family-his wife Beatrice and four children. They arrived 20 minutes early. Dinner was scheduled for 7pm. Before that starting as we planned at 6pm, I spoke with them a bit, gave them a tour of the building, shared with them an 18-minute video of the last True Family Values (TFV) ministers' conference in Washington DC, and gave them an update of developments since that conference, especially speaking to them about the meaning of this time and True Parents. After this, it was natural to have both Rev. and Mrs. Kibuke sign the "Affirmation of Our Marriage Commitment" form, joining the tens of thousands who are doing this world-wide.

Because I had spoken before we sat down to dinner, I just offered the "True Love Toast (Holy Wine)" and the "Holy Water," followed by a Blessing Prayer, leading right into a "Chastening Exercise," and finally we all toasted together. As friends, there being trust and good spiritual support among us, it all proceeded very smoothly. Because he is a minister, rituals and ceremonies are not foreign to him. He understood about the heart behind the practices perhaps even more than a non-religious person might.

Rev. Kibuke attended this last TFVM conference of Dec. 10-12, 1996. He responded to an invitational mailing we sent out, by registering via fax that he would like to attend. I called him up and he came. We first met at the airport to go to DC and through the conference we became good friends.

With tonight's dinner, there were some special and unexpected highlights. Rev. Kibuke is on the video we watched (he was there). Another nice touch was that Vince Carty's 40-day mission country was Zaire, which is the home country of the Kibuke's, so they could have much in common to share.

Beforehand, I was a bit concerned that because we did not spend so much time together, there might be some problem finding something in common. At the same time though, I really felt God's support, guidance and expectation for the dinner to be successful. These extra, unexpected points above, combined with God's overall guidance, made for a wonderful evening. There is surely a very special authority and power that God is now dispensing to all mankind through the Blessing. He is really coming to live with us.

From this time now, Rev. Takeda suggested that another Tribal Messiah in the area act as host for the next event. Everyone should have experience so that anyone and everyone can become confident to offer the Home Blessing in their own homes from this time on, as God opens the ways (and relationships) for us to do so.

For follow-up, it would be good for Rev. and Mrs. Kibuke to hear the video "A Glimpse of a Life" (to understand the history of the Blessings); also, even though he received Home Pre-Blessing, he understands about TFFs and the possibility to have this with his whole congregation. The fact that he had to leave his country due to his speaking against his government at the risk of his life seems to suggest that he has a certain autonomy about him. Perhaps he is free to host a TFF there without any hierarchical interference.

Rev. Kibuke determined a long time ago to become a pastor; he studied and graduated from Boston University, and is going for his Masters in Counseling at Assumption College in the Worcester area. He is now the pastor of St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Worcester. He is very much involved in counseling. He says that he and Dr. Dubinga (a close ministerial associate of ours who attended the KICC) know each other very well. Also, Viner Dangirwa-who previously received the Blessing from his friend (a Tribal Messiah living west of Boston)-is a member of Rev. Kibuke's congregation.

Special thanks to all who are making these events. Let's continue to become even more fruitful, to multiply and to establish God's dominion. Important note: these Pre-Blessings are not just for us to give-just as ICC was not only for us to educate ministers. We are to receive and learn, as well!