An Opportunity for Hometown

by Deborah Lucas-Boise, ID

I want to share what I feel is an inspiring opportunity to assist outreach, help educating families and make a potentially very reasonable income, all in one go. I have been selling Dorling Kindersley books and CD Roms for just over a year in Boise, Idaho; and through them I have met many wonderful people. The books are the very best quality and price available-no other books can compare; so selling D.K. books always makes everyone happy. I have tried selling many other things, but always before, I felt as though I were often creating disharmony as I was asking so much for something. With Dorling Kindersley, people can spend very little and still get something wonderful-or they can spend a lot (and often do) and have the opportunity to build a complete family library.

D.K. publishes the eyewitness books which many people are familiar with; librarians love them and anyone who has a knowledge of books can immediately see their quality. So D.K. books are extremely easy to sell-the reputation is already established. In fact, I don't sell: I share-and the books sell themselves.

I do book parties and from "book-look" I usually meet someone else who wants to earn free books, so they do a party and it spreads outward like branches into the community. Always happy, positive branches- because I have yet to meet someone whose life is not enhanced by the beauty of D.K. products. Such books as "A Child's Book of Prayer in Art," filled with perfectly reproduced classic paintings, and "Forest- A Living World," in which every scale of a lizard jumps out of the page at you-the photography is so spectacular. As one friend of mine said, "You can understand more of God through a D.K. book."

But the real blessing is that Dorling Kindersley has only recently begun to market their books through distributors, so it is a very new business and the financial potential is unbelievable. At the least you can build a library for your family in your own home with absolutely no financial risk; and at best you can build an independent business within a remarkably short time. Even as a mother of six children who home-schools three of them and has two pre-schoolers, I have built a library of 150 books and ten CD Roms, and am making money too! Please think and pray about this opportunity, and if you want more information please write to: Deborah Lucas, 7869 W. Snohomish St., Boise, ID 83709, or call me at 208-362-5612.

Ahmed's First Christmas

by Catherine Ladolcetta-Irvington, AL

This is the third in a three-part serialization.

"It is the night of the dear Savior's birth..." sang the choir of angels as the house lights dimmed and the Christmas play began. The two-story brick building the Terry Blount family had restored was beautifully decorated with yards and yards of colorful paper chains and garlands of red, white and pink paper poinsettias-all made by the children at Top Garden School. The aroma of homemade cookies filled the air. The children had been baking cookies on Saturday for several weeks in preparation for this night.

As the stage lights grew brighter, the simple stable became visible with its warm colors and painted animals. In the center was the manger with the tiny baby Jesus lying in it. At his head stood Joseph in a turquoise robe and a yellow and white striped head cloth.

Joseph's black eyes and hair were accented by a touch of black beard carefully wiped onto his chin and cheeks. On his feet were authentic Arabian sandals, sent by his aunt just for the play. He was restless and looked out into the crowded room. He suddenly realized he was searching for his mother and he had to swallow hard to keep back his tears.

"She would love this," he thought. She had always come to his school for programs. He closed his eyes and saw her smiling face. Perhaps she was here somehow. Mihee had told him that people in spirit world weren't really so far away. Maybe she would be able to see the play after all. He smiled a little and watched the Wise Men walking slowly on stage as the choir began to sing "We Three Kings." The King who was leading pointed at the star above the stable and gestured to his two friends to hurry. The shepherds came behind them and knelt down.

As Ahmed watched, Nivena, wearing a long white dress of Waheba's, with cardboard wings covered in gold cloth tied to her shoulders and a gold tinsel halo resting in her black, wavy hair, climbed up three steps onto a box buried in white fluffy stuff to look like a cloud.

Nivena began the ancient proclamation in her loud, childish voice, "Behold..."; then a funny look came over her face; she squinched her round black eyes up tight and pursed her mouth.

"Oh, no," thought Ahmed, "she has forgotten what she is to say!"

As suddenly as she had stopped, Nivena began again, "Behold, a good thing has happened to us all! Jesus is born! He is the son of Allah!" Nivena opened her eyes and smiled happily at the audience. Everyone was smiling back at her and a soft chuckling sound filled the room.

Ahmed sighed. The room became quiet again, and the Three Wise Men brought their offerings to the manger. Shimmy, Unja and Mee Young bowed low and, to Ahmed's relief, nothing else went wrong. Ahmed remembered that this was the time when everyone was supposed to hold still so all the parents could take pictures. He looked down at the doll in the manger and saw that Waheba was crying. As he reached out to pat her shoulder, wondering what was wrong with her, she rose to her feet and turned towards the three kneeling Kings.

"You three Kings...I have something to ask you."

Ahmed caught his breath, "What are you doing, Waheba?" he whispered. "This is not part of the story!"

Mee Young stood up and bowed, "What is it, Mary?"

Suddenly, Ahmed realized that the girls had planned this and he whispered, "You'll ruin everything...."

The two girls ignored Ahmed. Waheba bowed low and addressed all three of the Wise Men, "You all know who Jesus is, don't you?" They nodded."

"Oh, no," thought Ahmed, "they're all in on it."

"Joseph and I want you to take Jesus with you."

Ahmed's mouth fell open in surprise.

"We are very poor and we won't be able to take care of him as well as you can. He needs to be educated. He needs lots of good food and he should have beautiful clothes. He is God's son! Will you help us? Will you take him?" Waheba's face was wet with tears. Mee Young was crying, too.

The parents in the audience were buzzing and Miss Claire stood at the side of the stage watching with tears in her eyes. She could only smile and shrug her shoulders at her husband as he looked at her in amazement from behind the video camera he was operating.

Mee Young wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her costume. "Oh, Mary," she sniffed, "I wish we could. But God didn't tell us to." Unja and Shimmy nodded sadly as Mee Young continued, "He only told us to follow the star and give Jesus our gifts. We need a sign from Heavenly Father."

Waheba stood up as straight and tall as she could. "I am your sign. Heavenly Father is speaking through me. He is asking you to take care of his son. Will you do it?"

Ahmed stepped forward, "Yes, we are your sign. We can give him nothing that will qualify him to lead Israel-you can give him everything. You must help Jesus."

Mee Young spoke slowly, turning to the other two Wise Men. "I think they are right; don't you, my friends?"

Shimmy and Unja nodded together and smiled at Waheba, who was still crying softly. "We will take him with us, and you must come, too. We can't be his parents; only you can be that to the son of God." It was Unja who had spoken.

"Come, we must leave right away. I had a dream that we mustn't tell Herod anything about the Christ child," Shimmy said.

Mary and Joseph picked up their baby and tried to wrap him in a small cloth to keep him warm. It was so small that the baby Jesus' feet stuck out. Shimmy took off her royal robe and wrapped it around the baby. Together, they walked off the stage as the lights dimmed and the choir began to sing, "Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem."

Suddenly, in the darkened room, a tremendous thundering of applause burst out and the children on stage turned around in surprise. Their parents and friends were standing up, clapping and whistling, calling out "More, more!" Completely involved in the story as they imagined it, the children had forgotten that they were in a play.

Miss Claire hurried out from the wings and called to the children all to line up. They began to sing "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" and the audience joined in.

As the house lights went up, the cast bowed and ran offstage. Everyone

was laughing and talking so loudly that it was a minute before they noticed the dark-skinned man in a deep blue robe and leather sandals who was hugging Waheba and swinging Nivena around in circles.

"Is that your Dad?" asked Mee Young.

"Yes, and look how happy he is!" said Ahmed, smiling. "I haven't seen him laughing like that in a very long time."

Ahmed walked up to his father and hugged him tightly. "Oh, Father, you look so happy! I'm so glad you could come." Ahmed remembered how much he had wished that his mother could be in the audience. Ahmed smiled. For the first time in many months, he felt that his family was complete again.

"Ahmed, your sister has been telling me about Jesus and that you changed the play. Is this true?"

Ahmed looked up into his father's face. He was so strong and so serious and now, suddenly, the smile was gone again and Ahmed felt a bit worried as he remembered that he had joined in with Waheba and Mee Young in changing the play. "Oh, why did I do that?" he silently asked himself. As he tried to prepare an answer to his father's question, he had a quick memory of the play. He had known that Waheba was right! Jesus should have gone with the Kings. That was the only way he could have grown up ready to do his job as the King of Israel.

"Father, why did you and Mother take a part in the Blessing?"

"Ah, Ahmed, you are evidently thinking hard again!" His father was laughing now, and his big, warm arms encircled Ahmed and hugged him tight.

"We received the Blessing, in part because like you and Waheba, we did not think the son of Allah should be born in a stable."

"Father, Mihee told us that by being Blessed, we took in Jesus and his bride. Do you believe that?" Ahmed looked deeply into his father's eyes.

"Yes, my son. When we learned about the plight of God's son from some travelers who stopped at our home, we both felt that we wanted to open our home to the True Parents. The Blessing gave us an opportunity to do that."

A Leap in True Parents' Work in Latin America - Inauguration of Tiempos del Mundo

by Willial Selig-Washington, DC

To promote greater integration in the Western hemisphere, True Parents recently unveiled Tiempos del Mundo, the first inter-American Spanish- language newspaper at the Buenos Aires Sheraton on November 23, 1996.

In his keynote address, former U.S. President George Bush said, "I want to salute Rev. Moon, who is the founder of The Washington Times and also of Tiempos del Mundo. ... A lot of my friends in South America don't know about The Washington Times, but it is an independent voice. The editors of The Washington Times tell me that never once has the man with the vision interfered with the running of the paper, a paper that in my view brings sanity to Washington, D.C. I am convinced that Tiempos del Mundo is going to do the same thing."

Addressing 300 leaders from 33 Latin American nations plus more than 600 local VIPs, the Founder said, "The guidelines of this newspaper will be to provide the most edifying reports in every aspect, as well as an attitude of service in offering constructive information, promoting harmony and reverting the tendency toward disbelief. I am especially interested in emphasizing family ethics and in guiding youth in the right direction."

Wonderful Victory!

Once again True Parents have accomplished the seemingly impossible. It was only a few short months ago that Mr. Dong Moon Joo was directed to initiate one of the most ambitious projects of the providential decade. With characteristic thoroughness and professionalism, a select team was tasked to research, develop and execute a highly- sophisticated newspaper using cutting-edge technology for the 21st century.

Tiempos del Mundo represents the beginning of something long-awaited, the first ever hemisphere-wide newspaper for the Americas. With publication beginning as a weekly in Buenos Aires, plans call for the newspaper to come out on Sundays at first, but go daily very quickly via satellite transmission to editorial centers in 10 countries.

Tiempos del Mundo intends to concentrate on hemispheric, political and economic news with a staff of 11 editors, based in Buenos Aires, and 44 correspondents in 22 bureaus in American cities from the Argentine capital north through South and Central America to the United States.

Forum on the "Americas in the 21st Century"

In addition to the gala evening inauguration, True Parents wanted to have an afternoon symposium on issues related to hemispheric unity. The co-hosts were News World Communications and AULA, the Association for the Unity of Latin America. This turned out to be a tremendous success because it created an academic atmosphere and afforded a prestigious occasion to invite current and former presidents, heads of state, members of national legislatures, academicians and public- policy opinion leaders, as well as media figures from throughout the Americas.

The first panel, "The Americas in the 21st Century" dealt with issues of free trade. In recent times, countries of this region have been moving toward the removal of economic barriers, presaged by NAFTA and MERCOSUR, to eventually create the largest free market on this planet. The 21st century will indeed not only be the century of the Asia- Pacific, but the century of the Americas, with a vast market potentially stretching from Alaska to Argentina.

The moderator was the Hon. Jorge A. Telerman, Director of the Department of Public Information at the Organization of American States, and special envoy of Secretary-General Cesar Gaviria in Washington.

The speakers included the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada (1984-93), and H.E. Rodrigo Escobar Navia, former Minister of Government of Colombia.

The second panel, "Toward Economic Development and Cooperation," called for a new approach to Latin America's traditional enemy of poverty that would circumvent the common problems experienced by developing nations today, such as megacities accompanied by environmental deterioration with consequent abandoned countrysides.

The moderator was the Hon. Pio Oswaldo Cueva, Vice President of the Latin American Parliament; and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Ecuadorian Parliament.

The speakers included H.E. Ramiro de Leon Carpio, President of Guatemala (1993-96), and the Hon. Elliot Abrams, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Inter American Affairs (1985-89).

How did it all happen?

In December 1979, True Parents commissioned Dr. Bo Hi Pak (accompanied by Antonio Betancourt and Celia Roomet) to travel to Latin America and initiate relations with the top leaders throughout the continent. Upon that early foundation have come Noticias del Mundo in New York, CAUSA International, AULA, and the present programs that have unfolded so successfully.

Noticias del Mundo was actually founded with the mission to foster greater unity between the North and South; and the work of integration and the reawakening of the ideals of Simon BolIvar and the other founding fathers is the mission of AULA. In fact, it is accurate to say that the vision and effort behind NAFTA and MERCOSUR was spearheaded by AULA and CAUSA members, alumni and contacts. Credit for these significant hemispheric integrative movements should be given to our True Parents.

A Pan American Newspaper is Born

As summer was coming to an end, our brother, Larry Moffitt was given his marching orders to relocate to Buenos Aires, along with Rick Perea and Luis Patino from Noticias del Mundo in New York. Shortly thereafter, Pepe Cardinali, editor-in-chief of Noticias del Mundo also moved from New York to assume his new duties as editor-in-chief of the then un-named publication. Moffitt, Perea and Patino, working long- distance with a staff in Washington under the able chairmanship of Mr. Dong Moon Joo and several lawyers, were responsible to create the newspaper's legal structure, and later on, with a team of editors, to form a newspaper out of thin air.

Facing incredible obstacles, they had to interview and hire editors, reporters, photographers, telecommunication technicians, secretaries, circulation and distribution experts, writers, all kinds of professionals, as well as to set up a satellite computer system that would hook up all the nations of the Western hemisphere. It was an arduous accomplishment in such a short time that necessitated many long sleepless nights, and countless hours of hard, prayerful work and commitment.

Three weeks before the event, under the stewardship of Mr. Joo, Antonio Betancourt and Tomiko Duggan traveled to Buenos Aires to find an appropriate hotel and make the needed logistical arrangements. Tomiko remained until the time of the event in order to follow through on the preparations. Meanwhile, Antonio returned to Washington to oversee the invitation process. William Selig brought together a team, including June Maxim, Diane Fernsler, Yoshihiro Ichijo, Sandy Holcomb, and Karrin Brady to deal with the nuts and bolts operation. Michael Marshall provided editorial advice. As we got closer to the date, we were further assisted by Dina Pichler, and Pietro and Concha Marchitelli. Travel arrangements were taken care of by Seil Travel. Lisa Zanin helped secure some of the speakers. With the indispensable assistance of the national messiahs and church directors, the most Able leadership from 33 nations were brought to Argentina.


The efforts of everyone and the hard work of the people committed to this project gave us the confidence that the evening would be a total success. Mr. Bush's presence as keynote speaker gave the event invaluable prestige, but still the local press was trying to undermine the event and continued attacking us to the last minute.

The big question was whether Argentine President Menem would attend. Even though Mr. Bush was staying at the President's guest house, in the end, Menem gave in to local pressure and decided to stay away from the dinner. It was a big disappointment, especially since Mr. Menem had met Father last year.

But once again, heaven turned a disappointment into a victory. Up until that point, our activities were dominating the headlines, and the media continued attacking in a mean-spirited fashion. Yet the day after the speeches by President Bush and Monsignor Balboni, who traveled from Rome to deliver the invocation, the press did a 180- degree about turn once they realized that we did have the support of a U.S. president and even the Vatican through this high-level prelate. Monsignor Balboni is in charge of the Vatican's sacred antiquary collection.

It was so gratifying to hear President Bush's heartistic words. Father and Mother sat with several of the True Children just a few feet from the podium, while the former U.S. president testified to Father's good works and particularly The Washington Times. Everyone was delighted to hear his compliments. We knew he would give an appropriate and "nice" speech, but praise in Father's presence was more than we expected. Mr. Bush held up a copy of Tiempos del Mundo, and referred to several of the articles, including one about Barbara Bush and other former first ladies. It was a vindication. We could just hear a sigh of relief from Heaven.

The audience was also treated to a video message from the Hon. Cesar Gaviria, Secretary-General of the Organization of American States. Plus, there was an excellent video about Father's long-time involvement with the media leading up to the establishment of Tiempos del Mundo, produced by Atlantic Video, under the direction of Michael DeMark and Pier Angelo Beltrami.

The entertainment was first-rate and included the well-known show- stopper Gloria del Paraguay, and a chamber ensemble. The master of ceremony was our very dear elder brother, Amb. Phillip V. Sanchez, publisher of Noticias del Mundo and Tiempos del Mundo, who attended with his wife, Juanita.

Divine Principle Workshop in Uruguay

It's hard to believe but all of this occurred in just one day. On top of everything else, True Parents had given instructions to conduct a Divine Principle workshop immediately following the event. Invitations were sent out a week earlier and amazingly, 70 high-level guests accepted.

The next day, Sunday at 6 a.m., we loaded everyone on to a chartered flight and flew to Montevideo. Along the way there were many adventures, particularly dealing with visas, but somehow the spirit world cleared the way.

We arrived at the Victoria Plaza Hotel at 10:30 a.m. just in time for the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new convention center. This new building, which was in the planning and construction stage for the past 10 years, is a remarkable contribution to the Uruguayan economy and tourism industry, and a decisive testimony to True Parents' vision and expectation for the continent. It is a modern hotel and expo center equal in services and quality to any 5-star establishment in New York or Paris. Many local prominent guests, government leaders and friends attended the ceremony and reception, including several former presidents and cabinet members.

At 3 p.m., we took the guests to the Cilindro indoor arena where the first national Uruguayan-Japanese sisterhood ceremony took place. 4,200 Japanese sisters and about 1,000 Uruguayan ladies heard keynote speaker, the Hon. Walter Hickle, former U.S. governor of Alaska and other speakers including Dr. Bo Hi Pak, Mrs. Motoko Sugiyama, WFWP president of Japan, and several local WFWP representatives.

In the evening, Father addressed the workshop guests by skillfully launching into a profound explanation of the poverty that pervades Latin America, the responsibility of the leadership, and particularly the essential need to avoid the example of the United States which has in many cases squandered its blessings and today faces the consequences of years of immorality and indecisiveness. It was a real, concrete speech that had everyone spellbound.

The next two days, Dr. Thomas Ward and Steve Boyd, gave Divine Principle lectures. It was straight, out-of-the-book, no holds-barred Principle. On Tuesday evening, Father returned and once again love- bombed everyone. He spoke for two hours and passionately asked everyone to work with him to save their nations. He encouraged everyone to join together and come to the assistance of the needy brother and sister nations of the world. At the conclusion, one lady quietly asked him to sign her program. Once Father agreed, within seconds, he was engulfed by 70 guests asking him to sign their copies of the Principle, the program, anything. The security brothers were dumbfounded, they had never seen this behavior before. It was truly adulation and respect.

The next day, Wednesday, all the guests departed to their nations. It was a total victory-Tiempos del Mundo, the symposium, and the Principle workshop.

With complete love and honor, we offer this up to our True Parents.

800 Ministers Attend DC True Family Values

Ministry Conference for Clergy
by Eric Holt-Tarrytown, NY

The final True Family Values Ministry conference took place from December 10 through 12 at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C. It had been just over six months since the first True Family Values Ministry seminar took place in June.

As the opening drew near, it became clear than many hundreds of ministers were registering for this, the final event. In the end, the tally was over eight hundred ministers from all over the country. There turned out to be so many participants that the originally planned hotel (the Sheraton in Arlington) ended up being too small and the conference had to be relocated to the much larger Washington Hilton, and even then, participants had to stay in five other nearby hotels in order for all to be to accommodated.

As regional leader Rev. Yang pointed out, it was poignant that this final conference should take place in the same hotel, and in the same room where Father had spoken only a few months earlier. And so it was that the conference opened with an air of expectation as the overflow crowd packed into the auditorium to hear master of ceremonies, Levy Daugherty, offer the opening remarks.

Over the last six months, the True Family Values contents have been revised, refined and improved with every conference. Throughout the conference, the 800 ministers gave their focused attention, while UC members listened with pride as Dr. Hendricks displayed confident mastery of his subject: True Family Values.

At one point, Dr. Hendricks explained how the situation confronted by Christians in America today in very similar to that faced by St. Paul when he traveled to Rome. In particular, the first chapter of Romans relates Paul's lamentation over the debauchery in Rome, a problem reminiscent of present-day America. During a lecture on the following day, Dr. Hendricks asked the ministers which part a husband likes most in his wife: her hands, or is it, "Honey, I love you for your mind!??" The room erupted in a chorus of "amens" and loud acknowledgment as the ministers unanimously agreed on the value of their spouse's most holy place!

As most of us know, Kevin McCarthy has a unique ability to touch the heart, the mind and the funny-bone all at the same time. (Did you know that John the Baptist and Elijah shopped in the same mall?) This ability comes in handy: for example, isn't it hard to justify the highly unusual way that God worked through the unique women of Jesus' lineage? By drawing attention to the humorous irony of each situation, Rev. McCarthy communicated the providential working of God, while avoiding sensitive moral and ethical dilemmas.

An unforgettable moment in the conference was the surprise visit of Dr. Bo Hi Pak, who brought greetings and God's blessings from our True Parents. The ever-charismatic Dr. Pak stirred the hearts of the audience when he related a story about how, during the Korean war, he was in the U.S. for additional training with a group of other Korean army officers. They took a taxi from Georgia to ....New York City and Washington, D.C., in order to see the sights, and to behold beloved America, before returning to probable death on the battlefield in Korea.

The conference featured an impressive array of clergy, or perhaps one should say "clerics". Seated in front throughout the conference was a group of Moslems leaders, including a Sufi cleric from Pakistan with over one and a half million followers. In addition, three theological school presidents, several bishops, and clergy from every race and a multitude of denominations, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox, were in attendance. Father Athanasius Paul, a priest from the Orthodox Church traveled to the seminar from California. He had been instructed to come by his leader, Pope Shinoda III, a leader of over 800,000 Orthodox Christians.

One notable participant in the conference was a Sioux Indian Chief, a direct descendent of Chief Red Cloud and the head of more than 60,000 native Americans. At the conclusion of the conference he offered a moving testimony, after which women from the tribe presented Rev. Pak with a beautiful ceremonial quilt which they had labored long to sew. Mayor Barry's assistant also came and shared a proclamation from the Mayor.

The conference concluded with an address by Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, President of the True Family Values Ministry. Speaking passionately, and quoting from Revelation 22:12-17, Rev. Pak emphasized to the ministers that one cannot enter the Kingdom of God without a family. The Kingdom of God is a place of joy, and joy comes from practicing true love. Therefore, we need a partner. Rev. Pak told the multi- racial audience that it is those who belong to the love race who will enter the Kingdom of God. We should prepare ourselves as true families to meet the coming Lord.

After the conference, Rev. Pak shared that now the task of each UC family is to adopt, love and offer service from the bottom of our hearts to a minister and his congregation. We, the laborers who are called to reap the plentiful harvest, should recall that the Blessing is to be shared as freely, as widely, ...and as soon as possible.

Establishing Cultural Values

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

At the inauguration of the "Tiempos del Mundo" newspaper, Reverend Moon gave his speech "In Search of the Origin of the Universe" [published in the UNews in October 1996]. This was his preamble to that speech.

With the end of the Cold War, new hope for peace and justice has spread rapidly across the globe. Leaders unable to or unwilling to acknowledge the new international realities are being swept away by the tidal wave of change.

As we stand at the threshold of the new millennium, I believe it is time to review our traditional patterns of thinking and boldly seize these new opportunities. Already the world is moving toward a life of one community in political, economic, cultural and other respects, going beyond barriers of time and space.

At this time I am establishing new media organizations connecting North and South America will pioneer a new age as a model for world peace, through respect for and cooperation with each other as close neighbors.

I have already established many important media organizations in every area of the world, including The Washington Times in the United States. Through this I have spearheaded giving spiritual direction to the world both during and after the Cold War era.

Of course, I am a person who has had to overcome significant persecution in the United States, always with the aim to establish a new and peaceful world, one which God has desired. I have been continuously emphasizing the urgency of a crisis of the family and of educating young people. Only by paying attention to these issues will we be able to arrive at an ideal standard of the family, and will Christianity in North and South America be unified. That is why it will be unreasonable if there are false suspicions about this new project such as spying activities for the United States, a desire for political power, dealing in drugs and involvement with violent organizations.

The guidelines of this newspaper will be to provide the most edifying reports in every aspect, as well as an attitude of service in offering constructive information, promoting harmony and reversing the tendency toward disbelief. I am especially interested in emphasizing family ethics and in guiding youth in the right direction. Thus it is my great honor to share with you my lifelong advocacy for world peace and true family values.

December 1996

West Africa Hosts RYS & IRFF Programs on African Challenges: Food and Religious Harmony

by Adza Mould-Barrytown, NY

"Good luck, you have your work cut out for you," was Mrs. Akosua Perbi's reaction, Lecturer in History at the University of Ghana, Legon, when she saw the diverse religions represented by the 35 youth gathered for this Summer's Religious Youth Service (RYS) project in Accra, Ghana.

She was speaking on Attitudes Towards the Family, from a Christian perspective, sharing the panel with a Muslim scholar and an African Traditionalist. Many of the RYS participants were surprised to see three eminent religious figures discuss their faith with sincerity and vigor, yet without animosity to each other.

Other topics for discussion during the twelve days of the project included: A Look into Ghana, Past and Present, led by Dr. Austin Asamoah-Tutu, and The Role of Interfaith Activities in Building Peace, a talk given by Sheik Sibaweihi. Our education on the history and culture of Ghana continued with field trips to the National Museum, the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum (itself built on the site where Independence from Britain was proclaimed in 1957) and Independence Square.

Numerous other discussions were led by RYS staff and team leaders. Some insights were gained by participants through role-playing regarding the physical and emotional effects of pre-marital and extra- marital relationships.

The Accra project, which focused on the construction of a six-bedroom staff accommodation at the IRFF Agricultural School site at Kasoa, was unique (as all RYS projects are) in that two half days were set aside for an Inter Religious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP) Seminar and a Fish Powder Seminar.

This was a project as much about inter-organizational cooperation as about "inter-religious dialogue and action for world peace," the theme of Ghana's RYS.

The theme of the project emphasized dialogue and action. Taking action first, the building project at Kasoa provided the perfect vehicle for the expression of this goal. RYS veterans and "newbies" alike, both the philosophical and the practical, invested themselves in "ramming" the foundation, unloading cement, digging and carrying sand and mixing and pouring concrete. Always the participants worked together. At one stage there was a train of six workers carrying head-pans of sand. Such interaction provided an opportunity to forge friendships. The hour-or-so travel to and from the work-site provided another opportunity to bond together, with the Ghanaian youth leading jama-a responsorial and jocular singing-which energized everyone who felt fatigued.

Based on the friendships thus forged, dialogue took place naturally around meals and in groups. One Muslim participant from the University of Cape Coast testified that his preparation for the RYS consisted of research on points of contention between Islam and Christianity. Moreover, he brought with him the various books and materials that would help him defeat any Christian who brought up these issues. He was ready for battle!

Predictably, he was greatly disappointed to discover at the orientation meeting that there were Hindus, Buddhists and Unificationists, as well as Ahmadis and Christians of various hues.

This complicated the issues and ruled out a two-way argument. By the third day, he was happily sharing his faith with new-found friends, exploring Hinduism and worshipping with Ahmadis. Having developed such healthy respect for each others religions, we visited various important religious sites in and around Accra.

The Hindu Monastery of Africa is a quiet haven in Odokor, a bustling suburb of Accra. The day of our visit happened to be one of celebration at the monastery, and we were warmly received by a packed congregation. The leader of the Monastery, Swami Ghananand Saraswati, whose son was one of the participants, gave us a blessing in the form of food gifts from the offering.

We next visited the Ahmadiya Muslim Mission which was likewise uplifting. The modern exhibition center gave us a brief but thorough overview of worldwide activities of the movement, followed by a durbar reception by the ameer, Maulvi Wahab Adam. There followed visits to the main Christian centers of worship, Holy Trinity Cathedral, where incidentally, I was baptized many years ago, the Holy Spirit Cathedral and the Wesley Methodist Church.

The Fish Powder Seminar was designed to introduce Fish Powder Concentrate to Ghana as a way to supplement the people's protein needs, and especially to make it available in crises areas of the African sub-region. Mr. Serge Samouel, representing International Seafoods of Alaska, was on hand to share both the vision of Rev. Moon for fish powder as well as the technical aspects of the product.

The many parliamentarians and ministers present were enthused with the fish powder, asking many questions after the presentations. The Deputy Minister for Agriculture (Fisheries) expressed his interest in the technology and offered the support of his department to explore avenues of investment. Two tons of Fish Powder donated by ISA and IRFF was allocated to various government agencies under the umbrella of the Ministries of Social Welfare and Health. For their part, the RYS participants could see in action the religious ideal of living for others.

The following day was to be one of dialogue. The IRFWP/WFWP Conference brought together leaders from many faiths to share their vision and hope for world peace. These included keynote speakers from Roman Catholicism, Islam, Bahai, Independent Christian, Hare Krishna and African Traditional Religions. A message from Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak (World Mission Director of the Unification Church) was read on his behalf by IRFF representative and UTS student Mr. Clive Wright.

The evening began with a challenge by Adza Mould, the event's master of ceremonies and also a student at UTS, that the RYS youth gathered in Accra see themselves as the cutting edge of inter-religious dialogue. There were many dignitaries present from government and religion. Unfortunately, many were turned away due to the tremendous response. The advice given to the IRFWP/WFWP organizers by the Chairman of the function, Prof. Assimeng, was, "Peace is too important an issue to cater for only 250 guests! Moreover one day is too short. Next time it should be at least a week." With the positive response of religious leaders to reinforce their cause, the RYS youth returned to complete work on the foundation of the school. This years' RYS project in Ghana was, for the first time, a truly international gathering, with participants from Japan, USA, Nigeria, Britain, Ivory Coast, and Ghana. This added dimension inspired much interest in the media, with the religious programs on the radio giving extensive coverage.

Moreover the religious leaders who came to our programs were moved by the sincerity of the friendships formed. On a personal note, and because of my interest in the world's religions, the reverence that all the participants showed whenever we visited holy sites, and the genuine interest they had to inquire into the various beliefs and rituals they encountered was most heartening.

We hope that the Summer 1997's project can multiply a spirit of toleration and love among the many religions in Africa. to all the 1996 participants, we say Ayekoo!

UTS Seminar: Religion and Science: Advancing the Dialogue

by Garret Davies-Barrytown, NY

A seminar on religion and science was held Nov. 6, 1996 at the Unification Theological Seminary. The program featured the keynote address, "How the Genius of the Creator is Revealed in Modern Physics," followed by a question and answer session. After a Korean- style dinner, the audience was invited to participate in a panel discussion which dealt with issues related to the general topic of the seminar: "Religion and Science: Advancing the Dialogue."

Keynote Address

The keynote speaker, Prof. James Crichton, has taught physics and related subjects since 1965 at the Seattle Pacific University. Beyond his profession as a physicist, Prof. Crichton has shown interest in boundary issues between science and theology. Recently he studied relativity, cosmology and theology at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. He is the author of "Science, the Eternal Enjoyment," published in the Seattle Pacific University Review.

To gain an appreciation for natural theology, he began with a consideration of Scriptures. Then he launched into a review of the physics of the 20th century-how the findings of modern physics have helped in the quest for a robust natural theology. He reviewed these areas: the very small (atomic and subatomic scales), the very large (extraterrestrial to supragalactic scales) and the very early (the "creation" epoch). This review was to some extent personal and anecdotal.

Two problems appeared, which he seized as opportunities. The first was that human beings have not appeared in a natural way in the currently- understood map of space-time, matter and energy. We seem to be random occurrences in a cosmic game of chance, as many articulate scientific materialists point out. A second problem, relatively minor, much less threatening to human self-esteem, is that we appear to be at the end of physics; the great achievements of this century seem to have run their course.

To deal with both issues, Prof. Crichton looked at the entire sweep of cosmic history as we have been privileged to see it. He argued that the emergence of complexity, undergirded by the laws of physics and the particular values of the physical constants which occur in our cosmos, indicate that the universe is a marvelous contrivance; it betrays an exquisite design. This is, of course, the strong anthropic principle, an argument for both the existence of God and the worth of human beings. It is apparently God's purpose to have a universe inhabited by communities of intelligent beings.

But purposes point toward goals, toward definite ends. The ambiguity in the meaning of "the end of science" allows the interpretation that we can look for the end to which our science leads us. He discussed briefly the future of science and then speculated on the future of life and mind in the universe, making extrapolations suggested by the history of the cosmos thus far. Such speculative predictions he offered as the anthropological and eschatological content of a natural theology unique to our time. Within these speculations he included the establishment of space colonies, marking a future period of expansion of the human spirit.

A lively question and answer session followed which covered a wide variety of topics, including the Talmud and the elegance of mathematical equations.

Panel discussion

After a delicious Korean dinner, the panel discussion began. The panel consisted of Crichton, the keynote speaker; Dr. Dietrich Seidel, Assistant Professor of Theology at UTS and 1996 Templeton Award winner for a course in Science and Religion; Dr. David Burton, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Bridgeport, CT; Glenn Carroll Strait, Natural Sciences Editor, The World and I; and Dr. Richard Lewis, Editor of the Unification News and science writer.

Again there was plenty to discuss: did God intervene with evolution, how does Eastern medicine interface with modern physics, the possibilities of teleportation a la Star Trek, and the critique of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics in view of David Bohm's theories implying a holographic universe. In addition, a host of philosophical and theological questions were raised, relating to issues such as the actual common ground of science and religion, God's self-limitation as suggested by the problem of evil and the assertion that a comprehensive study of creation has to include the study of mind, consciousness and human history.

The seminary welcomed a good number of guests who came from surrounding institutions of higher learning, such as Bard College and Marist College. The visiting educators and students all vigorously participated in the ensuing discussion and pronounced the seminar a stimulating success.

Dr. Carlson, associate professor of world religions, who served as the MC, concluded the seminar with an appreciation of the Templeton Foundation, whose grant had made the seminar possible. Founded in 1987 by international investment manager John Mark Templeton, the John Templeton Foundation funds over 40 studies, publications, awards and educational programs around the world in order to bring financial support and exposure to the growing interdisciplinary field of religion and science.