UTS Reaches Adulthood: Celebrates 21st Anniversary

by Gareth Davies-Barrytown, NY

"Twenty-one is three times seven, the number of perfection. This means that UTS has reached adulthood. Now we should act as real adults." So spoke President Shimmyo on September 20 on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the founding of UTS. He invoked the example of the Founder in interpreting the meaning of this milestone. "Our Father has always prayed, `Don't worry about me, I will handle all of the problems and difficulties - I will do the work on your behalf.' This is the attitude of our Founder so, at adulthood, this should be our attitude also." The President recalled how the Founder wanted UTS to be a place where young men and women "became one with True Parents' vision. It was established," he said, "in the middle of Father's 40- year wilderness course. We have not been able to fulfill Father's expectation so far but now, at adulthood, why don't we take responsibility? The main purpose in coming here should be so that we can become very responsible people as true, genuine adults. Let's tell Heavenly Father and True Parents that we are ready to shoulder all problems."

Dr. Shimmyo related his own learning experience in relating to Reverend Moon. "Last year, I strongly requested more financial support from Father but later, I felt so bad that I said, `Father, just forget about it!' I went to Japan to try to raise money myself and then, when I came back and reported to Father, he was ready to help! So, now that UTS has reached adulthood, let's tell True Parents that we will be fine and that we can handle all things by ourselves."

Dr. Mickler looks back

At the celebration luncheon, Dr. Michael Mickler looked back to the days when he and Drs. Shimmyo and Seidel were members of the pioneering first class. The 50 people who formed that class shared the facilities with the 120-day workshop and at times there were as many as 800 participants in the various Barrytown workshops. Dr. Mickler recalled the Spring of 1977 as a particularly exciting time. "We had just had a breakthrough in connecting to the Christian tradition in February 1977 with the theologians conferences and Father was excited about this bridge to Christianity. Also that Spring, three students took a tennis net down to the lagoon to catch carp. Father got very excited and bought every fishing net for miles around. He set them out on the grass, sat down and began sewing them together. He continued throughout that day and through the night until he finished at 6.30 a.m. the next day. To my deep regret, I went to bed - we just didn't know. This net was a symbol - we had started the conferences and theologians were connecting as never before."

"The following Sunday, Father came back and we all lined up on the railroad track next to the lagoon. There were 60 of us and we set off across the lagoon with the net. It was like death! The water was icy cold and it came up to our chests. Gerhardt, a big German brother, was pulling people out of the water into a boat when they started to really suffer. Finally, the net was set, held up by poles imbedded in the mud. We climbed out and staggered to some bonfires that had been lit along the bank. At low tide, we found that there were no carp! There was one section of the net which was suspended above the mud and all the fish had gone through!" Later, the students got it right and hundreds of carp were transferred to the Seminary pond.

The day of celebration continued with the now-traditional inter-team contest in soccer and tug-o-war. Students, staff and faculty were all mixed together in four very competitive teams whose members were all equally and totally exhausted by the end of a memorable day.

True Mother in Chicago

by Bruce Sutchar-Elk Grove Village, IL

When we first heard the news that True Mother would be coming to Chicago, our committee, made up of the business leaders throughout the Chicago area and headed by Rev. Ki Hun Kim immediately sprang into action. We were able to meet at the beautiful new headquarters of Rainbow Fish House which had just recently been dedicated in an official civic ceremony by the Elk Grove Village Commissioner of Commerce. Our first meeting was very serious as Rev. Kim warned us strongly that we would have to be 100% serious and exact if we wanted this event to succeed. He shared very deeply about how important our internal unity would be for this event. His final advice to us was to "check every detail and check again and again."

We set 5 major prayer points for our prayer condition. These included 1) the success of True Mother's Tour worldwide; 2) the success of True Mother's tour in America and in Chicago; 3) that our event could unburden True Mother's heart by bringing joy to True Parents through victory in Chicago; 4) to unite Christianity with our True Parents and 5) that America could be called to repentance centering on True Mother's tour.

We then set out to find the right hotel. However, because of our work with key ministers in the City of Chicago, Rev. Kim and Rev. Jenkins were inspired to hold the event in a Christian Church. At this time, the Rev. T. L. Barrett, Jr. offered to host the event in his church. Rev. Barrett is one of the leading African-American pastors in the City of Chicago. His church, the Life Center Church of God in Christ is a magnificent building holding upwards of 2,000 people. We were excited about the idea of having True Mother speak in a Christian Church, but we also realized the challenges connected with this experience.

To initiate our event Rev. Joong Hyung Pak came to Chicago, 2 weeks before the event to give the Sunday Sermon in Rev. Barrett's church. The Church was filled to capacity and Rev. Pak gave a powerful and evangelical sermon centering on Divine Principle, but offered as a true evangelical homily. The congregation was deeply moved.

One critical aspect was that we have been working very closely with Rev. Barrett over the past several years. Our member Maria Helena Tonneyck had met Rev. Barrett while visiting another church in Chicago. From this event, Rev. Purnell Spicer had brought Rev. Barrett to hear True Father speak in Chicago last September, 1995. Since that time, both Rev. Spicer and Rev. Jenkins had preached at Rev. Barrett's church and several of Rev. Barrett's members had attended the WFWP conferences in Chicago. With this heart, Rev. Barrett's entire church welcomed Rev. Pak and together we prepared to receive True Mother.

One important point about the event came out as we took out a half page ad in the Chicago Daily Defender, the leading African American newspaper in Chicago. We called to ask Rev. Barrett for permission to put the ad in the paper. He agreed under one condition, we had to make it totally clear that he was an official co-sponsor of the event, so that everyone in Chicago would know that he was totally welcoming Mrs. Moon. This attitude was prevalent throughout the entire event as True Mother would be welcomed and embraced by his entire congregation.

The official estimates were that 2500 people came out to hear True Mother's address and the church was filled to capacity. The audience sat attentive and focused--until True Mother had finished. At this point the festivities truly began. True Mother was presented plaques from the Governor of Illinois, the Mayor of the City of Chicago and the Catholic head of the Archdiocese of Chicago as well as framed letters of greetings from both Illinois U.S. Senators, several Congressman and a Resolution honoring her by name from the Chicago City Council. After this, True Mother received 2 beautifully framed pictures, one of an elder from Ghana and the other a beautiful drawing of the angels making the first rainbow from Rev. Barrett, the members of his congregation and the youth of his congregation. To close the program, all the members of Life Center Church stood and gave True Mother their traditional greeting--which is a chorus of the old standard, "I'll be loving you (Always),." True Mother was deeply moved as she held hands on the stage with the WFWP guest who had just presented her with one of the plaques.

The spirit in the room was so high that not one soul left as Peter Kim proceeded to read True Father's speech in a powerful and resonant tone. The program concluded with music from the world renowned Chicago Gospel Trio, Delois Barrett Campbell and the Barrett Sisters. But before we could say good night, we gave away a special door prize, a trip for 2 to the Holy Land. This prize amazingly was won by a Chinese student from the University of Illinois who had been brought by CARP.

Back at Mother's hotel we celebrated until nearly midnight--with Mother and Father singing back and forth between Chicago and Uruguay. One of Mother's most beautiful songs that really moved all of us was "Santa Lucia."

The next morning we were blessed with being able to share pledge service with True Mother. During this time she shared with us the internal purpose for her international tour--that of liberating the hearts of God, Jesus and Mother Mary. She talked about the importance of repentance (especially to someone else serving as a witness). She reminded us of Father's words from many years ago- -that one day a human avalanche will occur and people will come rushing to us-- that day she said is now--and she continued to give many examples worldwide-- from Korea to Bolivia--where this is currently happening. She said that the real miracle of our modern age is that so many incredible events are occurring while Father and Mother are alive on the earth. I know that all of us in Chicago experienced this many times over through our experience in witnessing people's incredible response to True Mother's speech. Finally, Mother encouraged us strongly, focusing on the Blessing of 1997. She closed with the remarks, "Mobilize everything and Create a Masterpiece."

Next Day

One the very next day after True Mother spoke, the city of Chicago honored Rev. Barrett by renaming the 5 blocks of the boulevard in front of his church after him. Rev. Barrett invited Rev. Kim and the members of our church to join him for this historic occasion. So at 3 pm the next day many of our members joined Rev. Kim at Life Center Church for this celebration. The Church of God in Christ is the largest African-American denomination in America. It is strongly controlled by its regional bishops.

On this occasion, Rev. Barrett's bishop, Bishop Little was in attendance for the ceremony. In a totally beautiful manner, Rev. Barrett treated our Korean Leader, Bishop Ki Hun Kim with the same respect and reverence as he does Bishop Little. Rev. Kim joined Bishop Little on the dais, the two bishops strolled out of the church arm in arm to the street and finally Rev. Barrett asked each of the bishops to offer a prayer as Garfield Boulevard was re-named Rev. T.L. Barrett Drive. And each of the bishops prayed that this new street would contain the power of God to drive all evil forces of drugs, gangs, and fallen activities out of the area.

The event was quite a celebration and it was covered in all of its pageantry on the NBC news that evening.

True Family Values Ministry Video Created

by Toshi Tagawa-NYC

I wanted to help this "True Family Values Ministry" providence by visiting some churches in my home church area but all I had was an invitation on a piece of paper. I felt it is not quite strong enough to convince the ministers to believe that it is really happening. It was difficult especially because I didn't have chance to attend to the seminar and didn't experience (or see) it myself.

So I started looking for some video to introduce this seminar. So I can explain better what I'm trying to invite. But I couldn't find it.

So I decided to make one.

I called DC and Mr. Bruce Smith and Dr. Hendricks helped me to find the original tape shot by Atlantic Video at the conference in DC. Actually the tape was kept at CARP studios in New Yorker where I live. So I could start editing right away. And finish it in one week just using after hours of my work.

The content of this video is very simple. Short clips of Dr. Hendricks, Rev. Levy Daugherty, Rev. Kevin McCarthy and Rev. Purnell Spicer giving talk or lectures. Plus the testimonies from the ministers who attended this seminar. I included some extra shots like the ministers studying, crying, lunch time etc. It doesn't have any narration. So you may need to give an introduction before you show this video to the ministers. (But that is what we are doing anyway without the video.) The purpose of this video is simply to show that what you are talking to the ministers is real. And show them that the ministers who attended to the seminar were inspired and had some good experiences.

I bought a camcorder with a small 4 inch monitor screen. I started visiting some ministers with this camcorder and showing them this video. It is much more powerful than just showing a piece of paper. They can see that it is really happening. Also this new camcorder gets their attention. Some ministers are more interested in the camcorder than the video. 15 years ago we had the video vans. But now we can show the video anywhere by (from) the video machine fits in your hand! I can really believe the development of the technology is for the messiah. And we should use it. If you are thinking about buying a camcorder get the one with a monitor so you can use it for God.

I hope this 8 and half minute video can help this providence.

I want to thank Dr. Hendricks and Future Production for the duplication, Atlantic Video and CARP studios for the original video, Manhattan Center Studios for giving me a chance to use the machine to edit, Alister Farrant for recording the music over night, Rev. Clarke and Rev. Chen Fong and all the brothers and sisters who helped me to make this video editing possible,

If you are interested in obtaining this video, please call: 212-997- 0050x501.

True Family Values Ministry

by Gregg Jones-Timonium, MD

I'd like to offer a short testimony of outreach efforts to ministers. Shortly after the True Family Values Ministry programs began, I started meeting and inviting ministers to workshops in Washington, D.C. Through June, July and part of August, I visited over 50 churches, finding several with whom I've been able to build a sincere relationship. After going to Alaska in response to Father's call to seminarians, I came back with a renewed understanding of my covenant with God and True Parents, and America-especially Christianity. I made effort to be in the front row to hear Father's words. At one point, True Father looked down over me with tears in his eyes, imploring me with the question "How much do you love this country?" I realized that I needed to question myself and renew my love for God and my nation.

When I came back and began doing the ministerial outreach work again, I had a deeper feeling of closeness with Father, and a deeper understanding of his motivation and purpose for these seminars. Also, I gained a clearer understanding of my shortcomings and a greater determination to overcome them in order to do this outreach work. One minister responded and signed shortly after I returned. I asked my wonderful wife Kyoho to make calls and set up appointments for me.

The first appointment I went to was in the heart of Baltimore. I drove down the street looking for the church among the boarded-up row- houses. The neighborhood looked like a war zone. I ran quickly to the church and rang the bell to get in out of the rain and away from would-be muggers! I came in and sat in the lobby waiting to meet the minister. The walls were covered with photos, spanning over 40 years' time. Marriage ceremonies, families, gatherings of all sorts, soldiers in uniforms, etc., were displayed from ceiling to floor. Obviously, these were pictures of a congregation of love, of a pastor who loved his people. Soon I was invited into the pastor's office. He was an older black man with tape on one eye to hold it open. I acknowledged that I could see his church was in the middle of the battlefield, fighting for goodness. I told him I respected his work for God. I shared with him about the True Family Values Ministry seminars. I told him that these seminars were supported and inspired by Rev. Sun Myung Moon. He knew of another minister who had attended an ICC seminar. He received what I shared with humility and openness. He sadly agreed that families are not doing well. Also he nodded as he shared that we must be more united as Christians to address the needs of our communities. I shared with him that through this seminar we gain important understandings about how to build good marriages and families as foundations for our communities. I mentioned that the Bible does not mention much about family life. He then got up and called his secretary to come in. He told her to bring in the assistant pastor, the deacon, anyone who was around. He said, "I want you all to hear what Rev. Jones has to share." When they came, he said: "You know, I feel that we need more than the Bible. People today need something that they can relate to in order to help them in their own situations. What do you think?" I brought up the famous quote of Jesus that the time will come "when I will speak to you plainly of the Father." I shared more about Rev. Moon's calling at the age of 15 and his absolute dedication to end God's suffering and Jesus' grief. I shared with them about his suffering course to bring his message to the world, especially to Christianity. Finally, this humble laborer for God decided he would attend. The assistant pastor, her daughter and the deacon all registered to come.

This past week we had a wonderful gathering of our community Unificationists and a Baptist pastor with five of his congregants. This pastor responded to the call for ministers to come to the seminars through a mailing. I went to the workshop when I heard that this Baltimore minister was attending. During meal times we developed a friendship. He told me he had gone to a Catholic seminary, though he is Baptist, to get the best theological education. He was deeply moved by the seminar. He said to me, "You know, in these four days I've gained a more profound understand than in 30 years of study." At the seminar, he revealed to me, "I was observing how you all relate to one another. I was deeply impressed by how you get along. Black and white, oriental and Western, you all related so naturally." He purchased Young Oon Kim's Unification Theology after the seminar.

Since the seminar, I've visited his church several times. He said to me, "The Unification Church is on to something, but I have not figured it out yet." The first time I joined their prayer service, his deacon suggested they all come to my church some time. I took her up on the offer and we had a wonderful meeting at my house Oct. 16. We sang songs, all shared something about ourselves, and then I introduced them to the Family Federation for World Peace. He asked a sincere question towards the end of our meeting. He said, "Rev. Gregg, I love the idea of unification, but how do we remain autonomous yet unified? How do we keep our identity?" We came to the conclusion that we find our identity as God's sons and daughters more fully as we work together, shedding those barriers which have kept us apart. It's a great blessing we have to take this responsibility. We need to have Father's heart, Father's mind, Father's motivation. I have never felt closer to Fathers than in reaching out to ministers. Father's prayers, his heart, his spirit is with me when I go. I have five church leaders coming for the next seminar. I know if we all could give ourselves more fully to God, His power could be unleashed. Rev. Moon has said in the past, "I am not the one bringing about unification. God is going to do it Himself! God created this world as one unity and harmony. All we have to do is restore it.... All you have to do is let God come into your hearts and use you as His instrument. The question is not whether unity is possible, it is whether we have God in our hearts or not." AMEN! Let's liberate God to live inside us so we can liberate our Heavenly Father, True Parents, our elder brother Jesus and all humanity.

True Children's Day 1996

by Dr. Tyler O. Hendricks-NYC

Our True Parents celebrated True Children's Day of 1996, the 37th anniversary of the Holy Day, at the Hotel Victoria Plaza in Montevideo, Uruguay. The official celebration began at 7 a.m. on the 11th of November, on the second floor of the "new" side of the hotel. This is a 24 story addition to the existing 17 story hotel, an addition built from the ground up on a piece of property adjacent to the existing hotel. The two buildings are connected by a spacious, glass-enclosed atrium. Resplendent with marble and chandeliers, the new addition is five-star quality, enhancing what was already Uruguay's premiere hotel.

Montevideo was enjoying the first days of its springtime, and fresh cool breezes were continually blowing through the streets of the city and its central square. The square is a bright green park for children, older folks and pigeons, guarded by a squadron of young soldiers honoring the sepulcher of the nation's liberator, Artigas.

High in the hotel we can view the entire harbor and surrounding landscape: flat as far as the eye can see, which on this clearest of days is far indeed. Across the mouth of the harbor is a hill, about 50 meters in height. It is the highest peak in the country, challenged only by heights rising to 30 meters. From there, the city was once defended, and the national museum crowns the height today. It was the landmark first sighted by Portuguese explorers, so the story goes, and they cried out "montevideo" which means, "I see a mountain." Hence the name of the city; and as the city is crowned with the mountain, so the country is crowned with irony. In a flat land, a 50 meter rise is a mountain and is honored as such; such is the beauty of relativity. This is why everyone can be an absolute hero and queen of beauty, to their children. The world's only 50 meter mountain, after which the capitol city was named.

Some one thousand representatives of the Unification community around the world gathered on the second floor and made offerings to God and True Parents. Many of the foreign delegates had arrived the day before. After checking into the hotel, we gravitated toward the Reverend and Mrs. Moon's suite. By 5:00 p.m. there were over fifty people crowded in, and we heard reports on the Ilhwa Chunma ("Heavenly Horses") soccer team, owned by Reverend Moon, and the Little Angels Folk Ballet, and the WFWP of Japan, and more. Chocolates and coffee were distributed, and it was truly a wonderful time.

The following morning we gathered for the Children's Day Pledge Service. Guided by Family Federation International President, Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak, representatives of the continents, nations and groupings bowed humbly in front of God and True Parents, and shared together the "Family Pledge" of purity and devotion to the ideal of creation given by God, not just as individuals but as families. This was followed by the tearful prayer of Reverend Moon.

A large celebration cake was cut, and Dr. Bo Hi Pak, Senior Director of the church activities in Japan, led us in four rousing cheers for God, True Parents and godly righteousness forever for all humankind. Food from the Offering Table was distributed by the officiators to all present.

President Jeong Og Yu, leader of the Unification activities in Uruguay, read a report of True Parents activities over the past several months in South America. His spirit was one of sincere repentance for his own and our shortcomings in taking responsibility for the shape of this suffering world. "It has been sixteen years since the work in Uruguay started. If the persons who carried out the mission had fulfilled their responsibilities, True Parents would have had a much easier and shorter time to do their work. Yet we see them again on the front line with the responsibility on their shoulders." (See speech excerpts)

The way Satan uses to separate human beings from the truth hides from us that the problem is our ignorance. He rather compels us to feel that the truth is ridiculous. Then we laugh at it as ineffectual. Meanwhile, a few try to make money from the truth, and others mock them for it. At the same time, we are making tremendous plans, programs and technological processes, while our families, our streets and our nations are collapsing in crime, suicide and perversions. Thus is the arrogance of the human race taking us to death.

Thus the key point, the most important point, is humility. This is the position of children, and this we celebrate on True Children's Day. Children are fascinated with their parents plans and dreams, and true children want to participate with their parents absolutely. The parents' love is the absolute starting point; it is the point from which and by which everything emerges. It is not to be evaluated from any "objective" position, for there is no such "objective" position; everyone is standing in the position given by their parents. The satanic world's position for evaluation is satanic parents. So we must change parents. This means to be reborn.

Father spoke to Korean members at the Pledge service.

Evening entertainment was a home-grown affair, ably guided by American missionary to Uruguay, Steve Boyd. The first two performers were local musical groups: a choir led by a professor of music, and an Uruguayan version of country music, a five-piece band with an energetic female vocalist-guitarist. The latter group had a great rhythm and spirit, and truly raised the atmosphere, connecting us to the South American countryside.

Performers from Asia followed, a Mr. Yap Jhau Hwang on the ancient Chinese stringed instrument, the pipa, and Rev. Byung Wooh Kim, who represented a number of performers from southeast Asia who were unable to gain visas at short notice. Rev. Kim's famous rendition of The Lord's Prayer, as usual, brought down the house.

There followed Ms. Alina Sanchez, an operatic soprano living in Spain, originally from Cuba. He crystal-clear voice was very impressive. Mr. Alexander Yetchov, President of CARP in the C.I.S., and Moscow State University student in Oriental studies, follow Ms. Sanchez. He delivered an impassioned message from the Russian membership to True Parents, in an emotion-packed Korean. His three songs were equally moving, in particular the finale, a deeply moving rendition of a Korean popular love song.

Several performers from the United States closed the show. Sandra Lowen, National Messiah to Argentina, sang two American songs, moving the house with an American spirituality and rhythm. Sandra was followed by a blessed child from Alabama, Margaret Hill. Margaret's family has performed together in musical productions in Alabama, and they sang for True Parents when True Mother spoke in Miami last month. True Parents were impressed with Margaret's voice, to the extent that they provided her a grant to pursue voice studies at the University of Bridgeport. Margaret gave a vibrant, youthful performance of three selections from the musical, Oliver! -Consider Yourself, I'd Do Anything, and Where is Love? Dressed as the boy Oliver, Margaret really conveyed the heart of that musical.

Joshua Cotter followed with an original composition, Love is Born Anew, and a traditional South American number, which rang everyone's bell, Des Colores. Tokiko Richardson shared two operatic numbers, a gospel ballad and a Korean song. The show closed with Jeff Benson, who inspired all the Korean members of the audience with a rousing Korean pop song, and everyone in general with his rendition of Sinatra's My Way. It was the only song which inspired applause while he was still singing it.

At True Parents' request, Jun Sook Nim, the wife of their third son, Hyun Jin Nim, and recipient of a Master's Degree from Juilliard, gave two improvisations on the piano. The first had a lively, baroque style, the second a more nineteenth-century, brooding sense. It was quite lovely, more her style, more heartfelt, it seemed to me, than the first offering. It transcended the moment.

The grandest finale of all was True Parents themselves responding to Mr. Boyd's invitation to the stage. They receive lei's and offered two traditional Korean folk songs, sharing their deep camaraderie of love with each other and everyone. The photographers-heavenly paparazzi- crowded the apron of the stage, and everyone had a most exhilarating conclusion to the 37th True Children's Day celebration with True Parents-the first ever to take place with True Parents in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The Providential Focus on Uruguay

by Daniel Stringer-Montevideo, Uruguay

Our True Parents have been exceptionally active in Uruguay recently, as this small but significantly located nation takes on an ever- increasing role in the providence. Three recent conferences at Father's newly-expanded Victoria Plaza Hotel, in downtown Montevideo, highlight his hopes not only for this country but for the entire continent of South America. The expansion of the Victoria Plaza, including the convention center, casino and soon-to-open swimming pool and health club is the single largest private investment in the history of Uruguay and the jewel of Father's several businesses here.

From Sept. 11 to 15, 800 participants from 29 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean gathered here for the inaugural meeting of the Federation to Save the New Nation for World Peace. The purpose of the federation is to provide a foundation upon which to launch the Family Federation for World Peace and ultimately to develop the True Family Movement.

The participants were of the highest level, composed predominantly of congressmen, members of parliament and senators, university deans and professors, current and former government ministers, and clergy. Included were the former prime ministers from the island nations of St. Kitts, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the rector of the Catholic University of Ecuador.

True Father addressed the distinguished assembly on three occasions, beginning with the Founder's Address, "The View of the Providential History of Salvation," continuing later with the speech entitled "In Search of the Origin of the Universe," and finally, in a surprising departure from the program, an extemporaneous talk at the closing banquet.

The main body of the conference consisted of two days sharing Divine Principle lectures, presented by Dr. Thomas Ward and Mr. Steven Boyd. Mr. Jorge Galdenzoph presented talks on the life and works of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and the vision of the Federation to Save the New Nation for Latin America and the Caribbean. Dr. Ward spoke at one point about the upcoming Blessing; it was encouraging to see many participants filling out application forms for the great event to be held Nov. 29, 1997.

Before leaving, the conference participants were delighted to have the chance for a photo session with Rev. Moon, who posed with each of the 29 delegations separately, a lasting memento of their contribution to world peace through principled values as expressed from the familial to the global levels.

Following closely on the heels of this sizable event was a more compact gathering of South American representatives, who stayed on at the Victoria Plaza, now a five-star, world-class hotel, to launch the South American chapter of the Federation of Continental Nations for World Peace (FCNWP). As humankind races toward the finish line of the millennium, Father sees all too clearly the need for more efficient mechanisms for global conflict resolution. With the speed of technological, communication and transportation change accelerating, the fragility of the old international bodies has become increasingly transparent.

As a sister movement to the Federations of Island and Peninsular Nations, FCNWP will similarly mobilize an increased global conscience to translate scientific advances into social and economic development and social justice for all, as stated in the draft version of its declaration of purpose.

Rev. Hideo Oyamada of Brazil presented the Founder's Address on behalf of Rev. Moon in the presence of some 45 delegates, including the former Ecuadorian President Guillermo R. Lara and a multitude of ambassadors, politicians and university administrators. The context in which Father places the new federation is a serious one, as he stated: "After the First and Second World Wars, the League of Nations and then the United Nations were established to prevent further conflict. However, the global work of these organizations has not brought about a peaceful world."

The master of ceremonies, the Hon. Antonio Betancourt of the Summit Council for World Peace in Washington, D.C., orchestrated a variety of presentations by such speakers as Dr. Rafael Addiego Bruno, former Provisional President of Uruguay and three-term president of its Supreme Court of Justice; Prof. Antonio Guerra, vice minister of education and culture for Uruguay; Norman Kurland, president of Washington, D.C.'s Center for Economic and Social Justice; and political analyst Prof. Jorge Boaventura of Brazil.

Themes considered by the participants included: "Toward a Common Market with Justice for the Americas," "Ecology and Technological Development: Harmony in Benefit for the World," and "Rural and Urban Development in Latin America." This potent cadre of the continent's elite will be attempting to find solutions in seven basic problem areas for Latin America, including philosophical pluralism, technology vs. ecology, the culture of true family values, Latin American unity, educating the poor, and balanced development. Surely all conscientious people wish them good luck and God speed.

The Victoria Plaza Hotel was the glittering backdrop for an important declaration by True Mother, on her current world tour, to 2100 guests from across the country, including the establishment of Montevideo society on Sept. 26. In fact, Mother also spoke the previous evening, without notes or prepared text, to 250 members of the Women's Federation for World Peace in Montevideo, who assembled on just 24 hours' notice! At the larger event, True Mother inaugurated the Family Federation for World Peace in a well-received 45-minute address, receiving a standing ovation. This was followed with Rev. Kwak's reading of True Father's Founder's Address from the Washington, D.C. launch of the Family Federation.

True Parents were both present at the victory celebration with members and close friends in the Royal Suite of the hotel to celebrate the successful conclusion of Mother's talk, full of hope for many more victories in Uruguay and throughout all South America.

Daniel Stringer is national messiah of Uruguay.

The Prayer

by Victoria Wilding-Richmond, B.C., Canada

The century-old wooden planks of the social hall verandah creaked under my resolute gait. I walked out of the snug staff-room and into the cool, fresh air of Aetna Springs, California. The camp staff had just finished an intense three-hour meeting concerning the children's lack of respect, focus and motivation. So far, the standards here were not comparable to those I had experienced at a camp in New York last summer. The challenging spiritual and physical training, strict rules and sacrificial leadership there had been the elements of success. They had provided fertile soil in which all participants could grow and produce fruits of profound joy. Now, one year later, I wanted to recreate this priceless experience. The children here needed to rid themselves of their infectious laziness and complaints. As a group and exercise leader, I not only had the opportunity but the crucial responsibility to provide them with the desperately required discipline, training and direction.

Walking toward my room, I passed by the large white sign hanging in front of the dining area. "ONE HEART CAMP" it read in bold red letters. Below it in smaller blue letters there was printed in Korean han ma-um, which being interpreted signifies: one heart. One Heart Camp is a Unification Church camp based in Korea. My church camps are not for mere fun. They are meant for experiencing spiritual growth and the resultant divine joy. This fundamental goal had finally dawned on me during staff meeting. Until then, the grip I had on my group was feeble. Our most recent group meeting had been tumultuous and disorderly. Walking to staff meeting earlier that night, I had felt I was drowning in a sea of infirmity and helplessness. But now, I felt my heart had seen the lighthouse and was swimming diligently toward it. I arrived at my room. Inside, the room's walls and closed windows had trapped all body heat emitted by the rows of sleepers. Surrounded in warmth, my body felt at ease, yet my mind was still restless and unstable. A fervent desire to pray drew me back into the chill night, out on the porch. Repelling the lurking fear of obscurity, I began my prayer.

I began by repenting for the all-too-many times I had failed to understand, recognize and unite with God's Heart. Indispensable tears started slipping down the sides of my face, turning themselves in at last. I repented for my impotence as a group leader and as a role- model to the entire camp. My eyes had become a trickling fountain, my heart its source. Now shaking with emotion, repentance evolved into thanks. My heart swelled with gratitude for being in a leadership position. I prayed I could inspire and motivate others with a parental heart. On this high note, I closed my prayer. It was three o'clock in the morning, but before resting, I made sure everyone was well covered. For those few who weren't, I silently spread one of my blankets on top of them. The love and care I felt for the children in those moments is indescribable. Their well-being and futures were the sole thought on my mind as I went to sleep.

I awoke promptly, early the following morning. I made my way through the parched yellow grass to the Holy Ground to begin my day with God. After praying, I hustled over to the social hall steps, where everyone was soon to gather for morning service.

Children and group leaders gradually emerged from their various nighttime retreats at a generally sleepy pace, and began to form lines. Seven-thirty, the official exercise time, came. My responsibility started. I stood at the top step. After straightening the lines, we began warm-ups. I made sure everyone was counting loud and in unison. Laziness is like poison to one's spirit. It was not to be reflected in morning exercises, let alone the whole camp. We continued with running. Unlike previous runs, this time we were going to run in two straight lines, shouting "Hana, dul, set, net! Shim-jong tong-il!" (One, two, three, four! Unity of heart!) The emphasis was on unity, because as a group, unity is a vital key to accomplishment not only now, but especially in the future.

The third and most challenging component of morning exercises came next. It was time for "unity jumping jacks." Three, four and seven were our numbers that morning. This meant those three numbers would be skipped while counting from one to twenty-one. We started, counting "ONE!"..."TWO!"... Amidst the silent pounding of feet, rising dust, swift raising of arms and innocent pants, came a lone "three!" With a short sigh of disappointment, everyone stopped jumping. Some glanced at the culprit. Most were anxious to re-start. I led everyone in an energetic "UNITY! FOCUS! LIVING FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS!" and proceeded.

I gave us three chances to successfully complete the exercise. Each try failed and led to punishment (indemnification). The first was "unity squats," the second was pushups, the third another run. Amazingly, following each one, I was met with rows of exhausted yet determined children endeavoring to reach their goal. We stopped there, only because we had already reached our internal goal. We had persevered through the difficult struggle without complaint or resignation, but in unity. Victory and absolute joy lay in each of our hearts. My prayer resounded from the depths of my heart. It was through prayer that God was able to work.

The First True Family Values Conference for Muslims

by Abdel Kader Mesbah, NYC

October 4 to 6 we held the first True Family Values Conference, "Empowering the Muslim Family" at the Hyatt Hotel in Virginia Far from being a formal conference, it turned out simply to be a joyful and memorable family gathering.

Dr. Joong Hyun Pak, special assistant of Father Moon and the North American Director of the True Family Values Ministry, initiated and promoted the idea of this conference and supervised its organizational committee, humbly, from behind the scenes, as he always does.

The Washington Times Foundation generously sponsored this historical conference, while Rev. Daryl Clarke, Director of the Holy Spirit Association in the Harlem District and myself coordinated the event.

One hundred fifty participants from many parts of the United States and Africa attended the conference. Among them, Sheik Abdul Karim Ahmad, Chairman of the Imams Association in Delaware Valley; Sheik Hassan A. Cisse, Chairman of the African-American Islamic Institute; Dr. Abdulwahab M. Makki, specialist in genetics in the state of Maryland; Sister Habeebah Ali, a Muslim community leader in Philadelphia; Imam Luqman Ahmad from Masjid Ibrahim in Sacramento, California; Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Bailey, community activists in Atlanta, Georgia, and many other distinguished participants.

In his introduction, Mr. Taj Hamad welcomed the participants and as he wished them a good experience with the True Family Values teachings he also described Muslims as family-oriented people.

Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President of True Family Values Ministry in the United States, taught the main lectures concerning true family values and highlighted the fact that regardless of beliefs, religion and creeds, all humankind face the same challenges in daily life of how to protect their families from the bad influences of our morally declining society. He explained that without a clear vision and idea about God and His original ideal for humanity, one cannot successfully protect and guarantee happiness and joy for himself or his family. He said that Father Moon's teachings provide such guidance for everyone of us who seek to achieve a happy family life. As support for his declaration he testifies that within the Unification community the divorce rate has never reached even five percent among all the married couples, while the national average divorce rate in the United States goes beyond fifty percent.

Dr. Hendricks concluded by inviting the Muslim community in the United States to work together with the Unification community as well as with all other religious communities in order to create a safe, pure and healthy environment for our children and our families. He further said: "...Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists or whatever, we are in a battle together to save the family, and we will be able to save the family together because none of us can do it isolated..."

In his introductory address, Sheik Abdul Karim Ahmad encouraged his Muslim followers to leave behind them all negative things and false rumors they may have heard about the True Family Values Conferences being anti-Islamic teachings and to find out the truth for themselves by opening their hearts and comparing it with the Islamic Family Values. He said that Muslims should work together with all other righteous people from other religions to eliminate evil from our society and build strong and healthy families. He also asked them simply to take with them what they agreed with and leave behind what they did not agree with.

Rev. Purnell Spicer, who lectured the second segment of the True Family Values program, pointed out that the idea of the family did not originate with Islam, Christianity nor Judaism, but the idea of the family originated from Allah who transcends time and space. Therefore, the family is a universal desire of all people.

During the questions and answers session, Imam Luqman stated that Muslims agree with the necessity of having a strong family and have the obligation to cooperate with other people who are working towards this end.

In his final remarks, Sheik A. Cisse recognized the similarities between the Islamic Family Values and the True Family Values, saying that the Islamic religion clearly states for Muslims what to do and what not to do in order to build a strong and healthy family.

After that, Dr. Abdulwahab M. Makki explained to the participants how Islam cares about the family even before the couple gets married. He said that the Quran and Hadith talk about genetic counseling and how to choose spiritually and physically the right person to marry.

The program concluded with a guided visit to the Washington Times facilities where the participants could have a close look at the daily activities of the most popular newspaper in the nation's Capital.

In respect to the Islamic Law, we were provided "Hallal" meat at each meal. In Arabic language, the word "Hallal" means permitted by the divine law. The animal (cow, lamb, chicken, goat, etc.), excluding the pig, must be slain by a believer who sanctifies it in the name of Allah. " Hallal" is similar to "Kosher" for the Israelites. Muslims are not permitted to drink even a drop of alcoholic beverage.

In the closing session, the participating leaders expressed their joy and gratitude for this opportunity they were given to learn a new and universal way of empowering the Muslim family in America through the True Family Values. They were truly excited to find out at the end of the conference that the genuine purpose for inviting them was not to indoctrinate them with new ideas which might contradict their Islamic beliefs, or to convert them to Christianity. They realized that the reason they were there was simply to have shared with them Father Moon's teachings to help them improve their family life quality spiritually and physically and by doing so to build an ideal society because the family is the cornerstone of the society. They also requested the availability of a follow-up comity between Muslim leaders and Unification leaders after the conference. This request was immediately approved by Dr. Pak and the two parties agreed to join their efforts and resources to achieve their common goals to solve the problems of juvenile delinquency, unwed parents, teenage pregnancy, divorce and breakdown in the families and other problems endangering our families, society and our world.

As a matter of fact, Islam strongly discourages divorce and sees it as only the last resort after having tried everything poossible to reconcile the couple. Islam also encourages the absolute abstinence before marriage (Quran Surat 24, verse 23: "Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste...") and prohibits any sexual promiscuity (Surat 17, verse 32: "...nor come nigh to adultery for it is an indecent deed and an evil way").

Finally, the participants were invited to follow the example of more than 400,000 couples throughout the world, from all backgrounds, who are happily living according to True Family Values teachings.

As a Muslim-Unificationist, descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, and inspired by verse 64, Surat 3 from the Quran, "O people of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you...", I was one of the first to pioneer in the religious ecumenical endeavor initiated by Father Moon for the building of a strong and pure family worldwide. So at this conference I was delighted to see, by Allah's grace and blessing, the uniting of God's righteous people for the purpose of the common good.

In my closing remarks to the participants, I expressed my sincere congratulations to them, because by attending this conference, in reality they obeyed the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, when he gave this wise and invaluable order to his people, man and woman alike: "Seek knowledge even in China." So Muslims are strongly encouraged to seek all kinds of knowledge in all kinds of languages in all places of the world as long as this knowledge brings them closer to Allah. As one participant joyfully stated at the end of the conference, "It was a very successful trip, and all praises are due to Allah, and because without other people we couldn't succeed."

In conclusion, I would like to thank and acknowledge with deep appreciation the following persons:

Dr. Joong Hyun Pak; Mr. Dong Moon Joo; Mr. Chang Shick Yang; Dr. Tyler Hendricks; Rev. Purnell Spicer; Rev. Jeong Phyo Hong; Rev. Daryl Clarke; Rev. Ralph Oppenheimer; Mr. Ronald E. Pine; Mr. Taj Hamad; Mrs. Vicky Tate; Mrs. Betty Lancaster; Mr. Frank Makita ; Mr. Shahram Sedehi; and the personnel of the Hyatt Hotel and all others.

Encouraged by the success of this first conference, we are currently planning another one as soon as we have enough candidates.

Visit or write us at: The Association for the Research of Middle Eastern Cultures (A.R.M.E.C.) 4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.

Call us at 212-391-7380 for any of the following: application forms for a Muslim scholar, sheik, imam or community leader; information about True Family Values, Empowering the Muslim Family; obtaining a ten-minute video report about our first historical conference (cost $ 15 including shipping and handling); or if you want to support in any way this brand new providential work with the Muslim community in the United States.

Abdel Mesbah is the co-founder & president of ARMEC, and the coordinator of True Family Values Conferences, Empowering the Muslim Family.