Wanted: American Teen for Exchange Program

by Ho Kyong Han-Korea

As America is a nation of major importance in the providence, I believe that you are working hard for God's will to be accomplished. The Korean Church is attending a young national leader, and we are trying our best to jump to higher achievements.

Also, the second generation makes the future of the Korean Church look brighter. I believe that in the future, the second generation will become the leaders of the worldwide providence and to prepare for that time to come, we as parents feel not only by words but through real interchange we should share the heart of brothers and sisters and one family.

So I'm looking for a family which is willing to join such an interchange project.

My desire is, first of all, to find a family which has a second- generation child of similar age to my son Hyong Seuk (12 years old). Then he can come to Korea for about one year, live together with our family, and thus learn our language and culture.

Afterwards, my son could go to the United States and stay there for a year in the same way. If there is any family interest in such an exchange project, please get in touch with me:

Ho Kyong Han
Kon Ib Dong 1265-10
Cheju City Cheju Island

Tel. 064 570 052 Fax. 064 532 250 or Phone. 064 557 542

Family Details

My hometown is Cheju City and I've been living here ever since the hometown providence started.

Now I'm in charge of revival meetings at the regional church in Cheju Island. I joined the church in 1962 and my wife joined in 1968; her hometown is Inchon. We received the Blessing in 1970 as part of the 777 Couples Blessing. Since then we've been doing our church missions. We live together with my mother and we have two boys and one girl.

My Mother: Kim Su Chong, 79, single Blessing 1988
Myself: Ho Kyong Han: 50: regional church, Cheju
Wife: Lee Yong Hyeuk: 48: regional church, Cheju
Daughter: Ho Yon Hee: 24: pianist; 4th year at university
Son: Ho Chung Seuk: 19: high school 3rd year
Son: Hon Hyong Seuk: 12: elementary school 5th year