Mother in Minneapolis

by Jim Bard-Minneapolis, MN

On Oct. 26 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, the hope for true world peace came to Minneapolis. The Family Federation for World Peace was officially established here by its co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.

Cheryl Landon, daughter of Michael Landon (star of "Little House on the Prairie" and founder of the Landon Center for Practical Spirituality), introduced Dr. Moon to the crowd of more than 600 people. True Mother's speech, entitled "True Parents and True Family," was clear, profound and delivered with her characteristic radiant charm. "It is my great pleasure today to be able to share with you distinguished leaders a message about True Family. As you know, the family is the cradle of human life and the cornerstone for a peaceful world." In concluding her talk, Mother expressed her hope that the audience would be "able to have a clear understanding of the direction of providential history so that you can become true leaders in establishing a peaceful world." The audience was left with many deep insights to ponder and a sense of the substantial work God has been and is doing today to bring about His Kingdom on Earth.

Later in the program Mr. Peter Kim, personal assistant to Rev. and Dr. Moon, delivered a message on behalf of Rev. Moon entitled "In Search of the Origin of the Universe." Mr. Kim prefaced the talk by saying, "What you will hear may shock you," and indeed what the audience heard was not the usual things one would expect to hear from a minister. Rev. Moon's talk included a very frank discussion of the purpose, role and true value of the sexual organs, and that the true owner of one's sexual organ is one's spouse. On the topic of sexuality he was very straightforward in saying that "The sex we are given is an absolute and not a matter of choice." In conclusion, Rev. Moon asked that everyone spread his message about true love and true sexuality. "Let us become the vanguard which will carry out God's true love. This is the very mission of the Family Federation for World Peace.... I sincerely hope that each of you will participate in the next marriage blessing of three million six hundred thousand couples. By doing so you will form a true family that can register in the Kingdom of God on Earth."

Following Dr. Moon's talk, letters of welcome from various dignitaries were presented. They included: Arne Carlson, governor of Minnesota; Rod Grams, US Senator from Minnesota; Ed Trabing, president of Minnesota Korean War Veterans; Rev. John Tranberg, Vietnamese Minnesotans Association; Olaf Thomas, urban representative of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe; Nghi Hyunh, editor/publisher, Asian American Press; and Imam Taha Tawil, chairman, Islamic Council of Iowa.

True Mother took a special interest in the Korean War Veterans. Upon the inspiration of Rev. Hun Suk Lee, Jim Gavin went to visit Ed Trabing, president of the Korean War Veterans, and a genuine rapport quickly developed between them. Jim Gavin invited the veterans to set up a display table in the lobby of the hotel, along with other family- and civic-oriented groups, which they did. At the meeting, they were able to collect donations for the intended Korean War Memorial at the State Capitol. Upon hearing of their need, Dr. Moon made her own personal contribution; the veterans presented gifts of a cap and jacket for Dr. Moon and her husband, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Rev. Lee presented the gifts to True Parents this November in Uruguay.

In preparing for the FFWP inauguration in Minneapolis, there was a very coordinated and harmonious working together of many brothers and sisters under the leadership of Rev. Lee. Keith Anderson, Jim and Gudrun Gavin, and Gordon and Mary Jane Anderson all contributed their leadership, know-how and hard work. Bruce Smith was in charge of contacting the media, Bruno Borer coordinated security, and Nadiah Chong did the 1001 things needed done. Marika Hoegl, Steve Schute, Keiko Borer and all the other brothers and sisters in our region gave of themselves in one way or another to make for a very beautiful event.

On this day, not only did Dr. Moon personally inaugurate the Family Federation for World Peace in our midwest region, but the Women's Federation for World Peace, also founded by Dr. Moon, held a "Sisters of Peace" ceremony. This ceremony was attended by 100 women, and men, from Japan, and their counterparts from Minnesota and neighboring states, and was another testimony to God's very real and substantial work to bring about a peaceful world. Mary Jane Anderson, Keiko Borer, Gudrun Gavin and a host of other sisters from our region helped to make this event an unforgettable experience of love, reconciliation and new-found friendships for people of hope and vision from both sides of the globe.

Oct. 26, 1996 will go down in Minnesota history as the pivotal day that God's ideal of peace, centered on true families, was heralded by none other than the True Mother herself. Thanks be to God, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!