High Fashion for 2nd Gen. Designer

by UNews Staff

During this autumn, Eunjin Moon, a relative of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and daughter-in-law of Rev. Joong Hyun Pak, entered a national fashion talent search contest sponsored by Bacardi Limon and Cynthia Rawley, a renowned fashion designer working in New York City.

This national fashion talent search had a dual purpose. First, it was to raise money for AIDS research, for which the Bacardi Limon company has already donated over $1 million. Second, it was to find the next up-and-coming fashion designer in the United States.

There were going to be two stages to this contest. First, one finalist was to be selected from five cities in the United States: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and Dallas. Second, the final competition among the five finalists was to be held in New York City.

Even though over 400 fashion designers and fashion students entered this contest in New York by submitting their fashion sketches, Eunjin Moon was selected to become the finalist representing New York. She received $1500 prize money and had to design three pieces of clothing for the finals.

The other four finalists were already working professional designers, and Eunjin Moon was the only student picked for the finals.

The final competition was held Nov. 20 at "Chaos", a dance club in Soho, New York. Over 400 guests were in the audience. Kaity Tong, Ch. 11's anchorwoman, and Lisa Lociero, who acts in the soap opera "The City," modeled Eunjin Moon's clothes.

The judges were Donald Trump, Today Show TV host Matt Lower, and Sue Goldstein, clothes buyer at Saks Fifth Avenue. Eunjin Moon placed second in the finals.

Eunjin Grace Moon is currently a fourth-year fashion design student at Pratt Institute and is also working as an intern for Bloomingdale's department store and for the New York fashion designer Susan Martin.