Development and Potential of New Hope Farms

by Dr. Tyler O. Hendricks-NYC

This is based on notes taken Dr. Hendricks during President Kim's report.

New Hope Farm is managed by its president, Mr. Yoon Sam Kim. President Kim and his wife both live at the farm. They were participants in the 1963 Blessing of 72 Couples, the second Blessing ceremony in history. Over the years President Kim has managed and developed several church properties, including Chung Pyung Lake in Korea, a property on Cheju Island, and, most recently, the New Hope Farm project in Texas. After two years in Texas, he came to Brazil at the end of last March.

At present the NHF project comprises 275 hectares (approximately 700 acres), a parcel of land bounded on two sides by rivers. In a report to the Korean and Japanese leadership, President Kim explained that the major drawback of this land is that it is too wet. Also the sun is very strong. Therefore, most vegetables grow so fast that they become hardened and unpalatable. However, they are experimenting with different crops. Thus far they have found that Korean sweet potatoes do well here, as does barley. Indeed we had sweet potatoes for a couple of meals and they were delicious. Another experiment which is succeeding is making juice and jam from the fruit of the ciguela tree, of which there are several within fifty yards of the house The fruit is plentiful and falls to the ground. It grows year-round. The juice is squeezed from the fruit and mixed about half and half with water. It has an appealing tang, and the members here love it.

Then there are the two parrots, the friendliest birds I've ever seen, who talk and walk on your shoulders and do everything parrots are supposed to do. They live in the two orange trees at the front of the house. The other species of birds, while not as charming are far more numerous: chickens, turkeys and ducks. The dining area sported a baby duck policing the insects. The male chickens devoted themselves with utmost seriousness to the maintenance of the pecking order. I, unfamiliar with farm life, had never before appreciated that term, "pecking order," nor how petty it appears, nor how important it is.

President Kim reported that the temperature can range from 40 degrees (C) to 5 degrees (C) in a very short space of time, so sometimes they are hard-pressed to adjust. As I write it is a pleasant 72 F (26 C) at about 7:30 a.m. under a slightly overcast sky. But the two days previous were deathly hot, with intermittent rain in the afternoons.

Ten yards from the house is a large bell hanging on a twelve foot high scaffold. Each day begins with the bell tolling at 4:30, awakening everyone to a 5 a.m. prayer and planning meeting. After the meeting breakfast is prepared, and the day's work begins with another meeting at about 7:00 a.m. Today three brothers rode off on horses to tend the cattle. The rest are taking down the fifteen tents which had been set up for the guests. The day ends with a prayer and reflection meeting from 10 to 11 p.m. Both meetings are led by President Kim. There is also ample time for DP study and Korean study.

The members at New Hope Farm have done outreach to the small farming communities of Mata Grasso do Sul. There are 24 communities within 40 km of the farm, none of which have a hospital. Reverend Moon is intending to provide a modern ambulance for each town. He and the members are also making plans for educational help in these towns. Most of the people are poor, while a few houses sport satellite dishes. I was told that a family living across the river from the farm relies on the daily catch of fish their children are able to provide.

Another outreach is the sharing of recipes for corn from around the world. These programs (one per nationality) have drawn many people and a long article in a local paper. On another occasion, Reverend Moon invited local leaders to hear "The True Family and I." The speech was well-received, and the leaders accepted Reverend Moon's invitation for them to enroll their leading young people in educational programs at the farm. These leaders consider Korea an advanced nation and wonder why an international Korean leader would work and live in their primitive environment. When they understood Reverend Moon's vision and principle of restoration from the lowest point, they became very inspired. Reverend Moon encouraged them to diversify their economic base, which at present is only cattle. He encouraged tree farming, pointing out that trees which take fifty years to mature in Korea do so in Mata Grasso do Sul in twenty years.

Celebrating True Parent's Birthday in Brazil

by Dr. Tyler O. Hendricks-NYC

Flying in from New York across the equator, we made a smooth arrival at the Sao Paulo airport into temperatures of 20 degrees Celsus. The countryside was green and verdant, and the traffic not so crowded for a great metropolis. The Brazilian family was there with transportation into the city. Soon we arrived at the beautiful Brazil headquarters building. It is a large six story white building, a nice looking structure with a driveway approaching a glass enclosed lobby. We passed through glass doors onto a polished wood floor and registered and received our name tags in the lobby. The lobby was entirely polished wood. To one side was a pond with a small waterfall and numerous colorful carp. In the middle of the lobby the wood hid the doors of two elevators, one of which took us up to our rooms on the fifth floor.

After settling into my room, shared with Nigerian leader Jim Rigney, Thailand leader Dr. Lek Thaveetermsakul, and Taiwan leader Rev. Chaun- Fong Chang, I went to greet our True Parents. They were in the midst of a casual gathering with several of their children and church leaders from Korea, America and South America. Some gifts had been brought from overseas and the conversation was light as we shared the excitement of opening the gifts. Soon a delegation of leaders from Japan arrived and greeted True Parents. Lunch was shared, the itinerary for the next few days set, and we all settled down to watch the video tape of the recent victory of the Il Hwa Soccer Team over the Brazilian Santos team. Reverend Moon watched avidly, as we cheered every goal and groaned at every near-miss with equal enthusiasm.

The conclusion of the video showed Reverend and Mrs. Moon's visit to the office of the owner of the Santos team. It was an friendly affair, featuring the exchange of team caps (at which point Rev. Moon embraced an kissed the Santos owner on the cheek!). At the close of the meeting, Rev. Moon again embraced the owner and did his trademark lifting him up. Not missing a beat, the owner in turn lifted up R Moon, to everyone's delight, no one surpassing Reverend Moon's delight.

The next go-round of meetings included a video of a factory our members own in Vietnam, which produces cars, vans and trucks. The afternoon and evening were spent enjoying fellowship with old acquaintances and making new ones. When the sun went down the day became quite pleasant and I took a walk with one of our church leaders in Bolivia, a Chilean brother who had joined through the guidance of Regis and Nancy Hanna. He told me that thirteen professors from Bolivia were attending the conference in Montevideo. We saw the biggest McDonalds I've ever seen, a two-building complex.

The following morning we gathered in the ornate fifth floor chapel to celebrate the Main Ceremony of True Parents' 76th Birthday. True Father gave a deep speech to the three hundred leaders who were gathered there. [See excerpts.] At the close of this speech he quickly changed clothes and, seemingly without breakfast, went to speak to the two thousand members gathered in the large auditorium in our building adjacent to the Headquarters Building. Special guests included several university officials who had just completed a special convention at the Victoria Plaza Hotel in Montevideo. [See excerpts.]

As is the case everywhere, the afternoon was filled with meeting old friends and making new ones, as three generations of members enjoyed the beautiful day and each others' company.

Evening entertainment began with the audience cheering the entry of the True Parents and True Family into the hall. The hall, which had been the location of the morning speech, now featured lights, cameras and lots of action. The show began with Ms. Rafaela Martinez and two back-ups singing a song called "The Moon Family," which is much more musical in Portuguese as "La Familia Moon," and it was a pretty song in South American style-a bit melancholy, minor key, and romantic in spirit. This trio was followed by operatic bass, Pastor Edgar Martins, accompanied by a woman who both played piano and sang. Their "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" was very nice, as well as his solo rendition of "How Great Thou Art." This was followed by a young tenor, whose "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" truly did justice to that lovely song, as he stretched out every line to its limit, and the higher the pitch, the greater the stretch.

Mr. Ki Byung Yoon, Mr. Koo Bae Park and Mr. Won Ju McDevitt performed as a trio, singing two beautiful Korean songs in glorious harmony. It is amazing how our humble brothers and sisters turn into celebrities when standing in front of a spotlight. They could have been Peter, Paul and Mary, for all their unity and outreaching spirit to the audience. Through their emotion-tinged voices penetrated such a deep love and longing for True Parents.

We then were treated to a samba, led by Dr. (!) Elizabeth Oliveira Braga. The mardi gras had just come to an end a couple of days before in the city, but some of it was preserved and transported to our Birthday entertainment. Several sisters in sparkling silver lame and huge headdresses opened the dance--these headdresses were four to five feet across, brilliantly colored feathers like so many peacocks. These dancers were literally dwarfed, however, by the featured performer. This woman, I assume Dr. Braga, maneuvered herself onto stage--well, I should hardly say "woman;" what we saw was a face in the middle of a fifteen foot square display. To her immediate right and left were statues of birds, about three feet high each, at her head level. Flanking them were fifteen foot high statues of men. These men were dressed in the style east Indian servants, exalting the figure of the woman in the middle.

The entire structure was back-dropped by voluminous feathery rays of gold and purple and sparkling silver, the center of which was Dr. Braga's face. She was veritably the sun, with ten foot rays of light emitting from her. Her body, draped in more silver lame, blended into the entire set so as to almost disappear. One could barely detect the presence of her legs as she walked about, moving with her this entire gorgeous assemblage. Needless to say, it was not a fast dance she was doing; her main accomplishment, for which she must have been well- trained, was to get herself and her impressive retinue on and off the stage in one piece. It was a feast for the eyes, however, with the sun queen floating about and the peacock ladies dancing circles around her, their five foot in diameter headdresses now dwarfed in comparison, small planets circling the sun. In the midst of all this was a slender young man out of Cabaret, providing, I suppose, some sort of appropriately overwhelmed masculine partnership.

Returning from this foray into the sensual world of carnival (rooted, by the way, in the word "carnal," the tradition of letting it all loose before entering into the season of Lent--if you are going to repent, might as well have something worthy of repenting of, seems the philosophy here) we moved into the world of innocence, with the Sao Paulo second generation choir, the Alunos do Colegio Sung Hwa"Filhos Abencoados. Cute, well-training, and some wonderful singers among them.

Our next act was called "Heaven's Engineers," featuring Kurt Muss Jr, who was indeed the engineer of the entire program, as well as of the morning's Main Ceremony and the speech. He was the lead singer of this five piece rock band, you see, and they sang a song which celebrated the variety of Brazil. During the number there appeared on the stage aboriginal peoples, covered with body paint and sporting bows and arrows, soccer players keeping soccer balls bouncing about on their feet, knees, chests and heads, and, yes, our mardi gras dancers again. The music was western rock'n'roll, the beat infectious and the chord progression sensuously repetitive.

Then came what I enjoyed the most in this very enjoyable entertainment. A choir of Japanese women missionaries did two numbers. The first was a traditional country-side skit accompanied by a song. It was about true love, a man and woman and their happy-sad relationship. The title was Otemoyan. The second was ol' blue eye's number, My Way. I have always had an uneasy feeling about this song, never letting its beauty enter my mind because of its individualistic theme. These sisters shattered that. I could never have imagined My Way being sung as an anthem of loyalty and devotion to God and True Parents, but there it was. The Completed Testament Age is the era of voluntarism to do God's will.

The final presentation was the Hallelujah Chorus, as stirring in Sao Paulo as in Germany, London and New York. It was sung by a strong ensemble of voices, the Coral da Igreja da Unificacao.

The performance brought the birthday celebration to a rousing conclusion. Reverend and Mrs. Moon left the building very soon, heading back to New Hope Farm. I myself packed up quickly and jumped on the bus for the same destination. It was a marvelous bus, air- conditioned and with a big reclining seat. Soon I was fast asleep, along with about one hundred Korean and Japanese elders, hurtling down Brazilian highways, heading west.

Camp Sunrise: A Treasure in NY

by Bruce Grodner-Yonkers, NY

This will be our eighth year at Camp Sunrise. The number 8 means new beginning and we are looking forward to an exciting summer. As we plan for the upcoming season, I'm reminded of the time we first saw the camp's condition after lying vacant for six years. Though neglected, the camp's potential was evident even then. Former Governor Cuomo himself wanted to rehabilitate it as a facility for underprivileged children from the inner city. Unable to obtain the funds for renovation, the facility was offered to us. Step by step the process has been moving forward as we breathe love and life into the camp.

As we all know, the camp has become a treasured asset. So close to New York City and yet it seems hundreds of miles away. This year the emphasis is on families and we are making the camp available to you, your family, friends and neighbors. We are planning sports, fishing competitions, prizes, organized hikes, historic and educational outings, nature studies, and much more.

Membership has its privilege

1) Get a membership. As many camps are faced with finding their own sources of income to continue, we too are in need of your help.

Last year we were able to continue with the moneys collected from generous donations and the membership drive. For those who supported with donations and memberships, we thank you.

Plan "A" for a donation of $125

1) You and your family will have access to the camp and your $7 Parking Fee will be waived for the season.

2) You and your family will have 2 days & 2 nights of lodging (meals not included).

3) You will be given a 20% discount on food and lodging any time you stay or eat at the camp.

*Swimming will be limited to weekends and special occasions.

Plan "B" for a donation of $250

1) You, your family and guests will have access to the camp and your $7 Parking Fee will be waived for the season (up to 3 vehicles at a time).

2) You and your family will have 2 days & 2 nights free lodging (meals will be included).

3) You will be given a 25% discount on any future accommodations this season for food & lodging for your family and friends (for up to 10 people).

*Swimming will be limited to weekends and special occasions.

If you respond before May 1, 1996, Plan "A" will be $100, Plan "B" will be $200.

2) Volunteer Your Time and Skills. Through the efforts of the State, brothers & sisters, friends and families, we have been able to resurrect the camp. With your help we will continue to make progress.

3) Invite local Churches and Organizations. Last year we were able to host a number of diverse groups including martial arts schools, church and youth fellowship groups, and company conferences. They were quite successful and we would like to develop this more.

4) Your Suggestions. We would appreciate your ideas to help create programs for family activities.

In The Works

1) Outdoor bathrooms will be converted to a flush toilet system.

2) Sleeping cabins will be upgraded.

3) Fun and affordable Family getaway packages.

Special Thanks

First we want to thank Rev. Joong Hyun Pak for his vision and constant inspiration. Next a special thanks to Go Ezaki for his expert financial management. We want to thank Kimiaki and Yayoi Kageyama for their tireless effort and the incredible meals they provided. Their talents were revealed when they prepared the banquets for the two conferences we hosted. The participants are still talking about it.

Thanks to the Assistant Camp Director Tom Corley and Camp Bookkeeper Misako Corley. Tom was instrumental in organizing and overseeing all renovations and work projects. His dedication and technical abilities really got the job done.

Thanks to Marvin Cintron for his handy skills and the development of the Monster Bass Research Association. His organization will be judging and overseeing the fishing competitions.

Special thanks to our son Brian Meade, who will also be returning this season with his many talents. All who met him last year were impressed by his pure heart and enthusiasm. (Ask about our payment plan.)

Yes!!! I want to help Camp Sunrise.

Plan A $125

Plan B $250 Donation Other

Please make check payable to HSA-UWC, and write "Camp Sunrise" on the memo line.

Mail To: Camp Sunrise, 4 West 43rd St., N.Y., NY 10036 or Call (914)966-1676

A Death in the Family - 21 Days of Life and Love

by T. Parkins-Wembley, UK

Baby John Parkins passed to the spirit world on True Gods Day 1996. The following is our account and experience through this time. we hope it will in some way offer hope to those couples that find themselves in this or similar circumstances.

It had been a tremendous if often frenzied year. We seemed to be making progress in many areas of our life. The birth of John on 11th December at 6:24 was going to be a wonderful end to the year.

Within 24 hours that was all to change. What started as "some sort of problem" lead to a dash by ambulance to Harefield Special Heart hospital and we were suddenly before a grim faced doctor. A sense of unreality descended as he tried to explain as gently as he could about John's severe heart defect. Things looked very grim. We left his room shocked and tearful but holding on to the hope of a donor.

We began our 21 days-to the hour-of intense external and emotional activity that we would never forget. Life revolved around the hospital with V. spending most of her time there.

The input from the doctors and nurses was fantastic but even so V. wanted to spend as much time with John as a mother and to surround him with as much joy as possible-a real test in itself.

Family, church members and friends rallied round in a way that was unprecedented and moving.

From Beatriz Steeghs we found that the probably cause was two murders committed in V.' lineage 6 generations before John. "The sins of the fathers..." She also started several healing programs. This gave us hope.

The message about John spread and spread in an amazing way. Friends that I had been witnessing to for 18 years organized a prayer chain in their church, Mass were said, Hindu's prayed for us and of course so many members prayed. We estimated over a 1000 people from all faiths were involved in prayer.

John was doing well-very well. So well that the doctors postponed doing a very risky operation in favor of waiting longer for a donor. God's will be done.

On Jan 1st at 3:30am the hospital phoned to say that John's condition has worsened. V. went immediately followed by myself. By 6:00 it was obvious that it was only a matter of time. Both John's heart and breathing had stopped and been revived by a team of doctors and nurses.

In an experience that can only be described as awful we watched life ebb away from John until he lay silent. A momentary sense of peace descended when we prayed with him. But nothing could hold back the waves of anguish and despair that swept over us on that God's Day morning.

By next day we both felt a sense of peace and acceptance. Also an understanding began to grow that this was God's will. Exactly 21 days. When these sort of events happen to blessed children in 21 or 40 days it is always for a higher purpose. Often this is required at the end or beginning of the year as it was with Heung Jin Nim.

More frenzied activity in the next few days to arrange the Seung Hwa Ceremony. Family arrived from Lancashire and Norway.

What transpired on the day of the Seung Hwa Ceremony amazed us-and our families.

The opening ceremony was moving and tearful as we said our final farewells to John and closed the casket. Gradually the atmosphere became brighter.

At the graveside ceremony however both V. and myself began to feel that John's spirit was really free and happy. We in turn began to feel joyful. It was a very profound and real spiritual experience.


Once again we felt we were walking in the shadow of True Parents victory over death. By their totally Principled and awesome attitude at the time of Heung Jin Nims ascension and creation of the Seung Hwa Ceremony they have substantially opened up the way for us to have a totally different experience on these occasions.

Afterwards Mary Franklin told us what she had seen at the Seung Hwa Ceremony. As we began to sing Holy Songs a young girl appeared with very fine golden hair and a light flowing gown. She picked up John and danced round the room together. Both looked radiantly happy. It was confirmation of what we both felt.

My family are still talking about this unforgettable experience. They definitely felt something very profound and of course it was in stark contrast to a regular funeral. Very naturally it opened up the way for us to talk about the spirit world and they could see that we have something more than belief and faith-a quiet knowing.

John is released from what would probably be a life time of drugs, discomfort and operations-or even worse if something went wrong. We both feel we could make an offering of heart. For what, we do not now. We can also share and understand the heart of Heavenly Father who lost His son, True Parents who lost 2 children and other brothers and sisters who have been through this experience.

Although life has returned to "normal" John will always be with us. We are fully at peace with the situation and feel grateful to God and True Parents for our lives and 2 wonderful children here in the physical world-as well as one in the spiritual world.

March 1996

The Dormant Power of Some Very Special Trucks

by Sebastian Huemer-Albany, NY

Rev. Moon, at great sacrifice to the Japanese membership of his church, bought some 250 plus trucks in 1984 for the purpose of helping to establish that vital link between America's surpluses and the needy. Transportation and distribution of goods is still today one of the major challenges which faces those working to alleviate the plight of the poor.

The USA membership in each state and in large cities received between three and five of these Chevy trucks equipped with 24 foot boxes and liftgates, some of them with refrigerator capacity.

Since insurance and maintenance costs are ever increasing, it has become difficult for many of the state and local Unification Church chapters to keep these not-for-profit vehicles on the road. Whenever I went to check on the truck which we had to put into storage in Albany, my heart sank. A vehicle deteriorates much faster when not in use.

One day my prayers were answered, when one of our members passed me the phone number of the manager of the Regional Foodbank of Northeastern New York, who expressed interest in using one of our trucks. Over the course of the last two years, he ended up leasing all three of our upstate NY vehicles. With the support of our sister Nina and our brother Kevin Smith, some of our much appreciated volunteers at HSA HQ, even the last of our "babies" which needed a complete brake overhaul made it back on the road.

The food bank makes a reasonable donation to HSA-UWC to compensate for depreciation, which amounts to substantial savings for them which would otherwise have to be used for expensive commercial rental fees.

Our agreement with the food bank has put the vehicles on the road, fulfilling Rev. Moon's intention and keeping them in good repair, registered, inspected and properly insured. The heavy load on our hearts at the lack of us of Rev. Moon's gift to America has turned to gratitude and relief.

For more information on how to get your trucks going again, call Joe at (212)997-0050 ext. 236. If you would like more details on our story, call me, Sebastian, at (518)465-8860.

Rebuttal of Philippine Accusation

by Dr. Tyler O. Hendricks-NYC

This is the text of an open letter from the president of HSA-UWC in America to the president of the Philippines countering the allegation that Philippino women are being Blessed so that they can be slaves to Korean men.

As President of the Unification Church of America, I greet Your Excellency as the leader of a country for which I have a great deal of affection. I spent a week in the Philippines in 1986 as a Director of the Religious Youth Service. The RYS brought young people representing many religions for a summer of interreligious education and social work. In the course of the orientation week we had two special audiences, one with President Aquino and the second with Cardinal Sin. Then the young people spent the summer doing service projects.

They built a bridge between Catholic and Muslim communities in Cavite, Dasmari, as. A second team dug sixteen wells in Aphalite, Pompanga, together with the Aphalite Christian Community. The third team built a university medical center on Iloilo, and planted 10,000 mahogany trees for financial support of the school on the nearby island of Guimenes (I hope the spelling is correct). Since then the RYS has carried on a follow-up project in Pompanga and three other projects, including one to foster religious harmony in Mindanao.

The RYS is an organization co-sponsored by the International Religious Foundation and the International Relief Friendship Foundation, both of which are United Nations NGO's, and both of which were established by Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

Before continuing I also express my solidarity with the legitimate concerns of the Philippine government over the treatment some Filipino women have received overseas. This horror arises in a global environment of abuse of women, of course, which is a problem my church is seriously committed to solve.

Now to the matter at hand. I am writing to express to you grave concern on the part of the Unification community in America for the safety and welfare of our Unification community in the Philippines. Because of the seriousness of this concern, I am addressing this to you as an open letter.

Certain representatives of the Filipino government have generated tremendous controversy over a Blessing ceremony hosted by the Unification community in Manila on January 24, 1996. Without consultation or warning, these officials made public statements about our Church which we believe have no foundation in fact. The Bureau of Immigration and Deportation and National Bureau of Investigation have taken official actions against our church pursuant to those statements which we believe to be unethical and perhaps illegal. These together have triggered a media attack upon the Unification Church in the Philippines and in America.

It is important to recall that the Blessing is a bona fide religious ceremony. Its organizers conducted themselves with dignity and integrity. The two sponsoring organizations were comprised of members of the Unification community and other distinguished members of Philippine society. Similar Blessings have taken place in scores of countries over the course of thirty-six years. There have never been allegations of impropriety as are occurring in the Philippines.

The recent Blessing in Manila was open to the public and to the media. The organizers were aware of the public interest that this event would attract as a statement for faithful marriage and family values. They were in fact eager to herald this event publicly, for it represents the increasingly acclaimed contribution of the Reverend and Mrs. Moon to the advancement of world peace.

Thus the statements and actions of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation, Mr. Leandro Verceles, have defamed an event which is both religious and humanitarian. They insult the ceremony participants, all those who have participated in prior Blessing ceremonies, and those distinguished members of the Philippine government and society who extended their active support to the ideals which the Blessing represents.

The controversy originates from Mr. Verceles's public statement that some Filipino women who had gone to South Korea last year to work in the Unification Church ended up as maids and prostitutes. Without communicating this matter to the Unification Church in the Philippines or South Korea, Mr. Verceles summarily publicized this emotion-laden allegation, which to date has been neither substantiated nor corroborated. According to my information, in fact, the accusation boils down to the testimony of only one, unnamed Filipino woman about her own experience.

Continuing this agenda, and again without any communication with the Unification Church, Mr. Verceles assigned several government spies to infiltrate the Blessing ceremony as participants. As a result of this unethical violation of our church, neither these agents nor Mr. Verceles have produced any substantive proof to support the initial allegations. And yet statement such as the following flood the media:

Rodolfo Dumprias, minister counselor of the Philippine Embassy in Seoul, was reported in the press as having stated, "the Koreans who married the Filipino women only wanted `housemaids' and `sex partners' for whom they really paid $2,000." Your Executive Secretary, Mr. Ruben Torres, reportedly stated, "Considerable concern has been raised on the real motives of the organizers of (Tuesday's) mass wedding at the Philippine International Convention Center." The incoming director of the National Bureau of Investigation publicly stated, "the Unification Church will be subjected to surveillance of three teams of agents."

Your Excellency, this has incited an emotional media blitzkrieg against the Unification Church. This cannot but induce suspicion and hatred of the Unification community in the Philippines and beyond. When religious bigotry rears its ugly head, acts of violence and destruction of property often result. I cannot imagine that your respected government can be comfortable with this, nor that it intends to ignore internationally accepted standards of due process and human rights.

To summarize the central issues over which we in the United States are concerned:

1. The unsubstantiated allegation of a single, unnamed person in South Korea has been exploited to justify the desecration of a religious ceremony and the defamation of a religious community. The Unification Church has not been given any opportunity to respond to this allegation or otherwise to cooperate with Filipino authorities to ascertain its credibility despite a formal letter of request to the Philippine Ambassador in Seoul from the Korean Church President, Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak.

2. The Filipino government has unduly restricted its own citizens, namely the participants in the Blessing ceremony, from exercising their right to travel freely without due process of law.

3. The Filipino government has precluded the entry into the Philippines of foreign nationals in violation of due process on the basis of their participation in a religious ceremony.

4. The BID intentionally desecrated a religious ceremony and deceived its organizers by placing agents as participants for the purposes of conducting hidden surveillance. These agents conducted their activities to the extent of participating in a religious rite of marriage, only to abandon their betrothed spouses when the ceremony was over.

5. Agents of the BID arrived at the Church office in Manila and attempted to conduct a search under a fake search warrant. When the Unification Church representative attempted to photocopy their warrant, she was set upon by several agents and prevented from doing so. This apparently illegal search would have proceeded were it not for the intervention of a former police brigadier who happened on the scene.

Your Excellency, I encourage your sincere attention to the appeals of Unification Church leaders and other eminences in the Philippines and South Korea. At the very least, we would expect an impartial investigation of the origins, history and principals of this attack upon our church. Further, we would expect that illegal actions or other acts of malfeasance exposed will be publicized and sanctioned, and that proper recompense be made. As events such as this in the Philippines have global implications for minority religions, the Unificationist community and its friends in North America are monitoring the situation closely.

Unification Church members have served the people of the Philippines with an open heart and hand, and we will continue to do so. But please remember that persecution of one faith often leads to persecution of others. We await your decisive action to protect both a precious religious community and your own country's principles of religious freedom and civil rights.

Real Science

Our world has been transformed by Science. Almost every good thing western society has come up with in the past several decades was done by scientists. We hold these people in awe; theoretical geniuses like Einstein and Hawking who make the exotic breakthroughs, and savvy techies like Bill Gates who parlay them into vast fortunes.

While today's science is highly compartmentalized, and each field has its own special jargon, all of it rests upon the same clear principles and methods. Today, few nonscientists understand these. Worse, many who say they understand are really spouting gibberish-especially when they're trying to sell you something.

Let's take a brief look at real science. It would require whole volumes to do this right, but let's do what we can here.

Science is based in logic, conducted through strict observation, and verified through rigorous experiment. `Logic' means that there must be a rational, coherent theory, which must be mathematically correct. (That is, you have to explain it clearly.) `Strict observation' means that the phenomenon must be observable by anyone who checks it, and measurable by instruments. ("It did it before-honest," won't cut it.) `Experimental verification' means that the same result must be obtainable by scientists everywhere, using the same setup and methods, at any time. They'll do hundreds of carefully charted experiments, under precisely measured conditions. ("It works for me, so trust me," isn't science.)

Observations and results must be consistent with known scientific laws. If they appear to contradict them, a clear and public case must be made, with scientists worldwide being given the opportunity to study the alleged new phenomenon.

In the past, and among the uneducated today, `scientific' claims are offered quite differently. Logic and math play little or no role. Impressive words and titles are offered instead. Personal suppositions and anecdotes are referenced, and any experimental `results' are remarkably vague. Sometimes they're clouded in obfuscation, or worse, in alleged hostile conspiracies.

The Wright brothers exploited well-known scientific principles. Einstein offered his world-shattering Relativity Theory to account for known flaws in existing theories. Scientists devised numerous ways to test -and so to prove- those new theories and methods. Disbelievers either changed their minds-or died of old age.

Today there are many new Wright brothers and Einsteins. Some prove out, while others fall by the wayside. Claims about "cold fusion" caused an uproar, but hundreds of scientists tried -and failed- to duplicate the results. No proper theory was ever offered for it. Still, it may yet be discovered!

Shysters and crackpots take advantage of the real scientist's dense jargon, and (thanks to our dismal public schools) the public's lack of scientific knowledge. Public mistrust of science, and the appalling ignorance of the news media, often provide these crooks with a `free ride.' (Though any smart grade school kid could prove them false.)

A listing of these false claimants would fill this publication. Watch for advertising `keywords' like: magnetic, vibration, melts-fat, tachyon, aura, and miracle. If you see them-keep a tight grip on your wallet.

Real science is progressing rapidly, but (usually) by slow, steady advances, building upon past knowledge and techniques. Scientists normally communicate this progress by means of `papers'; articles published in their specialized Journals.

The mass media struggles to understand these, and to make sensational news of them. When a headline says: "A study released today reveals that-" beware! These papers are usually tentative `working papers.' Other scientists will question, and often disprove, a study's original conclusions. The media will then trumpet the contradiction, its refutation, and so on, ad nauseam.

Fortunately, some media outlets do consult legitimate, well-spoken doctors and scientists. (Dr. Dean Edell, astronomers Carl Sagan and Andrew Fraknoi, and engineer Bill Wattenberg, to name four.) Politics aside, they strike daily blows for logic and common sense.

The media has lately enshrined the practice of "public surveys as news." As in: "A majority of Americans prefer purple beebots, and seventy-five percent approve of their grumfludge policies. Margin of error four percent." Surveys on issues like "our Bosnia policy" are solemnly presented-even though three-quarters of the people polled couldn't find Bosnia on a map, much less describe the warring parties.

While objective polls are useful, many are deliberately (and easily) manipulated. For example, if a pollster asks people: "Do you prefer red or blue?" most will answer, "blue." But if asked: "-blue or red?" most will respond, "red." And so on. Even accurate polls are like "taking the public's temperature"-it varies by the day. Many foolish politicians now rule according to such polls!

Real science is a `progress report' on what we currently know about the universe. Our Earth went from "known to be" flat and roofed over, to being the center of a spherical universe, to being a small part of one solar system, within a galaxy of hundred billion stars.

In January 1996, thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope, the number of known galaxies rose fivefold, to at least fifty billion, each composed of (up to) hundreds of billions of stars. God and humanity have plenty of room out there!

Real science is done carefully, honestly, and rationally. There are scientists who do "pure research," and hope to uncover unexpected, even startling results. Ignorant politicians will mock expensive atom- smashers; until the day cheap, clean fusion power is running their cities. They'll laugh at scholars who spend tax money studying tiny mud-dwelling slime molds-until deadly human diseases are cured by substances found in such creature's odd little bodies.

Cutting-edge scientists reveal their results, and others then attempt to duplicate them. (Even patented processes allow `reverse engineering' to be tried.) If they cannot, that's okay too, for in real science, even negative results are quite useful.

Your author hereby offers for sale: `Genuine,' hatchable, pet Dinosaur Eggs, only $100 apiece. (Please read the fine print.) They only resemble plain rocks to the uninitiated. Any takers? A good knowledge of science will reveal hundreds of these `amazing offers' to your wondering eyes.

While the public will not -usually- blow their hard-earned cash on ridiculous `real Dino Egg' offers, they will blow their lives and fortunes on dubious `miracle health claim' offers. The terrible illnesses common in our physical/fallen world drive these ongoing scams. Media sensationalism, and the perceived arrogance of regular doctors, only add fuel to the fire.

Please rest assured that doctors do have plenty of business, and that neither they nor the scientists are hiding any miraculous cures.

Medical quacks rely on `testimonials.' As in: "Mrs. Jones from a trailer park in Hoboken is feeling much better!" Swallow an exotic powder, and your nasty cold goes away. A miracle? No. Viral colds always go away. A `natural healer' rubs on a special herbal oil, and your arthritis feels better. Never mind that he'd run out, and was secretly using Crisco; you do feel better. This is called the `placebo effect.'

Real doctors do `controlled, double-blind studies.' They'll work with 100 healthy people (the `control group'), and 100 similar people with a certain illness (the `test group.') They'll give 50 of the ill people the `real' test medicine, and 50 a similar but false one. Even the nurses won't know which is which, to avoid dropping hints.

The doctors check on how all 200 people are doing; during and after the study, and sometimes for years afterwards. Such studies, with variations, are the ONLY way to discover whether any medicine or treatment really works. Few quacks submit to such studies-but they will continue to peddle a disproven treatment.

Some `activists' misuse science for their own ends. Issues such as `enlarging ozone holes' and `discovering gay genes' are highly charged, and sometimes the scientists themselves have not-so-hidden agendas. Millions of research dollars may be at stake-and these are often granted by gullible politicians. Scientists must police themselves in such matters, and they usually do this well.

In the past, our pagan ancestors cowered before the thunderstorm. Science has changed our attitude as well as our level of knowledge. Tales like Robinson Crusoe (and his science fiction counterparts) display a confidence and cleverness that adversity could not quell.

In history, the Classical Greeks sought understanding; the Romans and ancient Chinese, technology. The monotheistic faiths know of the One God. An omnipresent, eternal and rational God, who therefore created a cosmos with universal, unchanging and quantifiable laws. The early Moslems and Europe's Christians sought -and found- those laws. Science hasn't looked back since.

Now would be a great time for scientists to acknowledge their debt to Christianity. New theories abound, looking at the very instant of Creation, and the basic forces of which it is composed. The Hubble Space Telescope is busy photographing distant, awe-inspiring scenes.

Science has barely scratched the realm of the spiritual. By their very definition, miracles are outside the realm of science. Later, when the laws and energies of the spiritual world are better understood, such spiritual phenomena will likely be regarded as `ordinary.' God will be undeniable, and will be known through everyone's Reason, as well as to their Hearts.

Copyright 1996 by Paul Carlson