New Translation of Divine Principle Goes to Press

We are happy to announce that the new translation of Wolli Kangron, formerly translated as Divine Principle, is now at the printers.

The current text is a direct translation from the Korean Wolli Kangron (Exposition of the Divine Principle), which was published in 1966. The earlier Wolli Hesul (Explanation of the Principle), was published in 1957. Both of these were written with Rev. Moon's guidance by Rev. Eu and represented a systematized exposition of the manuscript Wolli Wonbon (Original Text of the Divine Principle), which was written and dictated by Rev. Moon in Pusan during the Korean war. For the past thirty years, Wolli Kangron has served as the official text of Rev. Moon's basic teaching.

The first English edition of Wolli Kangron translated by Dr. Won Pok Choi appeared in early 1973. A second edition was published later that year. The second edition became the standard English version and was reprinted numerous times with various page sizes and covers. (Some of these printings were mistakenly identified as new editions on their title pages.) The second edition also served as the source text for most translations into other Western languages.

The new translation is titled Exposition of the Divine Principle-a more accurate translation of Wolli Kangraon.. It will be published in number of different editions:

Deluxe bible-bound color version with ribbon and gilded edges $39.95

Hole punched lecturer color edition $29.95

A hard backed black and white edition $19.95

A paperback black and white edition $ 9.95

The new translation was authorized by Rev. Moon in association with a color-coding project, designed as a study guide for members and lecturers. In the color-coded version, the most essential material will be printed in red, important material will be printed in blue, and the next level material will be printed in green. Lecturers wishing to give a summary overview of the Principle can stick with only the text in red. When giving more thorough elaborations they can add blue and green text as needed.

The books will be available from HSA Publications in May. Please call to make advance orders. We are very happy to be bringing this project to a conclusion and pray and hope that through this new translation God's truth can be more rapidly given to the western world.

HSA Publications and the Divine Principle translating team

The following excerpt is from Chapter One, Section 4

4.3.1 Love and Beauty

When two entities, discrete manifestations of God's dual characteristics, form a common base and seek to unite as the third object partner to God and establish a four position foundation, they will engage in give and take action. In this give and take, the emotional force that the subject partner gives to the object partner is called love, and the emotional force that the object partner returns to the subject partner is called beauty. The force of love is active, and the stimulation of beauty is passive.

In the relationship between God and human beings, God gives love as the subject partner and human beings return beauty as object partners. In the relationship between a man and a woman, the man is the subject partner, giving love, while the woman is the object partner, returning beauty. In the universe, people are the subject partners who give love to the natural world, and the natural world returns beauty as an object partner. However, when the subject partner and object partner become completely one in harmony, love is found within beauty and beauty is found within love. This is because when a subject partner and object partner become one in a circular movement, the subject partner sometimes acts as an object partner, and the object partner sometimes acts as a subject partner.

In interpersonal relationships, the beauty that a subordinate returns in response to the love of a superior is called loyalty, and the beauty that children return in response to the love of their parents is called filial piety. The beauty that a wife returns in response to the love of her husband is called chastity. The purpose of love and beauty is to enable two wholesome beings, springing forth from God, to join in harmonious oneness by sharing love and beauty with each other. They thereby become the third object partner to God, establish a four position foundation, and realize the purpose of creation.

Next, let us investigate the nature of God's love. Had Adam and Eve attained perfection, each becoming a substantial object partner to God resembling one of His dual characteristics, they would have joined as husband and wife and raised children in a godly family. In so doing, they would have experienced three kinds of original love with their three object partners: parental love, conjugal love and children's love. (The love of the first object partner, the love of the second object partner, the love of the third object partner.) Only then would they complete the three object purpose and form the four position foundation. This would be the fulfillment of their purpose of creation.

God's love is the subject to the various kinds of love flowing through the four position foundation. Therefore, God's love is manifested through the various loves of the three object partners. God's love is the underlying force which breathes life into the four position foundation. Accordingly, the four position foundation is the vessel of perfect beauty through which we can receive and enjoy the fullness of God's love. It is also the home of perfect joy and the wellspring of goodness. Upon this ground, the purpose of creation is complete.