Recent Visit to the C.I.S.

by Betsy Jones

This was my second visit to the C.I.S. In 1992 I had helped with a workshop near the Black Sea. The amazing thing was that one of my students in the counseling workshop we had on January 27 and 28 was also a participant in that `92 workshop. Her name is Tanya and she is now Blessed and ready to learn about how to take responsibility and try to help her brothers and sisters.

Although I worried on the way over if I'd have enough material and handouts etc. when I began to share (with the 40 participants, some missionaries and some Russian members) I felt much inspiration. It continued when I gave the Sunday Service to over 250 young members in Moscow. (See text below).

Tom and Fusako Phillips and their four children were my hosts. Dr. Joon Ho Seuk returned from visiting other countries to open our workshop and spend some time with us at the end.

Our missionaries are really working hard, living in small quarters and going without many comforts to continue to develop the faith of the Russian members.

We had a WFWP. meeting in Moscow organized by Monika Kunde, one of the first missionaries there. I gave an introduction to the work of Women's Federation in America and showed the "Sisterhood" video. Many women had tears in their eyes and are looking forward to the development of a sisterhood ceremony between Germany and the C.I.S. in April.

Tom, Fusako and Monika and I then took an overnight train to St. Petersburg. Bob and Karen Beebe are the leaders there and are working hard to guide the members. We saw the beautiful "Hermitage" museum where the Czar lived. Then we had a seminar in the afternoon for Blessed couples and some single members on counseling and Blessed Children's education. That evening over 40 guests came to hear a presentation on the work of WFWP. in America and Moscow and St. Petersburg with Monika and me. On the return to Moscow we gathered the Blessed Children in Moscow for a final good-bye and shared about

World CARP and the Blessed children's magazine. Jeff Tallakson's oldest daughter Ji Eun expressed much gratitude to hear news about other blessed children's activities. Many of the children were such international citizens and several could speak more than two languages. All of them had mastered Russian enough to be doing well in school there. I shared with them a video of our children's wedding reception in the U.S. and encouraged them to prepare for their Blessing Day.

On the way home I stopped in Miami and met with several Blessed couples at the home of Family Federation leaders Gunther and Lisa Freystatter for a talk and discussion of Blessed children's education.

If any first or second generation member wants to write to our missionaries and/or second generation over there please send the letters to : Blessed Family Department c/o Betsy Jones/Tom Phillips , 4 West 43rd Street, NYC, NY.