What Can Protect Your Family?

Sun Myung Moon
March 6, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 14 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. Yang read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #43, titled "Sacrifice, Love and Grace," given on May 2, 1971.

"When was this file (Father's speech of 천지인참부모정착 실체말씀 선포 천주대회 / Cosmic Assembly for the Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God) made? This was started from 2004 when Korea tried to earnestly remove the Unification Church from its country. I could have thrown everything away and left Korea at that time. Moving around Las Vegas and the world, I made this speech while suffering a lot. All the important points in my life centering on 13 years after 2,000 must be concluded during my lifetime."

"When you face difficulties, you can't cross over them by yourself. What can protect your family? It is not a society, but a nation. Then what can protect a nation? It is not a secular world, but Heaven. That is the order. What I recently talked about is that when you synthesize all the history, you will understand that we should be the same in the temperature and the speed. What is the standard temperature? It is the temperature of our bodies. People have the same temperature."

"Why does 3 X 8 make 24? 3 X 7 makes 21. Where did these numbers come from? You don't know this. When have you been united with the number 24 or 21? 21 is an odd number and has no partner. Horizontally, do you go from the left to the right, or from the right to the left? What is the center?"

"Most important numbers are 3 and 4."

"When a teacher calls and students raise their hands, which hand do they need to raise? Nobody teaches this."

"When a baby grows one week old, they already don't like being touched on the bottom of their feet. Have you tried it?"

"Things must reach 완성, 완결, 완료 / 完成, 完結, 完了/ perfection, conclusion and completion. Which comes first? It should be 완성, 완결 완료." 

The God of Night and the God of Day Need to be United

Sun Myung Moon
March 5, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 13 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"The God of Night and the God of Day need to make efforts to be united now, and women need to embrace men and become fences for them. As of now, men have said they are the fences for women, but in reality they have utilized, stepped on and stolen from women. (Seeing sisters' side) Do well (여자들 잘해요). You have done well but should be so for real. You should protect your family and sons and daughters. Now thousands of your ancestors, without staying in the spirit world, will descend on earth to provide ladders and elevators for their descendants, and therefore, we are entering the period when we can make an incredible leap, which will be beyond your imagination. Who is the owner of it? It is the house, not humans (그것이 집, 사람이 아니라 집이야, 집). God hasn't had His house yet. That house is yours and also your parents', your elder sister's, your younger sister's, your husband's, your wife's, your sons' and daughters.' That house should become the pillar of East, West, North and South."

"When you go to the spirit world and if you can't meet them, that means there is no spirit world for you. 天一國 (천일국 / Cheon Il Guk) means the nation (國 / 국 / Guk; nation) where two persons (天 / 천 / Cheon consists of 二 which means 'two,' and 人 which means 'person') are one (一 / 일 / il: one). 'Choen Il Guk' are the words that the Unification Church invented and proclaimed. What does the Cheon Il Guk mean? It is not the father, mother, upper nor below, but the center of front and rear, upper and below and left and right. It floats and rotates."

"The more one is united with, the longer they last."

"Some die in the womb without being able to be born from there. Their forms are floating in the air since they are light."

"Anyone who snores is broad-minded. They don't stop sleeping and thinking about small things. If one lies on their side, they don't snore. Mother is used to it and she can't sleep if there is no snoring. (Father laughed). When listening to snores, all distracting thoughts run away. When you carefully listen to snores, you will find there are melodies. It is snoring that one sings at night." 

Heaven Comes When Two Entities Cooperate

Sun Myung Moon
March 4, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 12 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"The harmonious unification of Heaven and earth comes when two entities cooperate together (둘이 협력해서 하늘 땅이 화홥 통일야). There can't be the unification when they are separate. They should harmoniously interact (화통이야 / 和通이야)."

"Every entity, becoming the 'individual embodiment of truth (개성진리체 / 個性眞理體)' and forming the relationship of the subject and object partners, need to receive the tradition of the creation and be connected in the blood lineage. That is the so-called 'Blessing.'" What is the Blessing (축복 / 祝福)? 祝 consists of 示 which means 'to show,' and 兄 which means 'elder brother.' 福 consists of 示 which means 'to show,' 口 which means a big mouth, and 田 which means the cosmos. So the Blessing means to restore the fortune of the elder brother, and the father that stands at the center of the cosmos. That's why you shouldn't forget the 'Restoration of the fatherland (조국광복 / 祖國光復)". We have to restore it. Where did the original fatherland (조국원복) go? We make it clear and then harmoniously interact (그것을 풀어서 화통하는 거야)."

"East and West are pressed from the top and pushed up from the bottom."

"Anyone who is left-handed can't be married. Do you know that?"

(Katsumi: I remember Father once said the left hand is close to the heart and so if one is left-handed, their hearts are always under shock and would get damaged through the left hand.)

"The East and the West are opposite. In the East, it is from the top to the bottom, and in the West it is from left to right."

"What is 'Las Vegas?' 'Las' means something plural. 'Vegas' means beggars.

[Vegas actually means meadows in Spanish. Could Father mean that Vegas sounds like Vagrant in English?].

You don't know but the words must be correctly interpreted like this, and this is what the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind do."

(Katsumi: Father is right in a sense that 'Las' is the plural form of 'La,' which is 'the' in Spanish. But in the past Father has interpreted 'Las' as large.' I think this is one of the most important features in Father's linguistic life: he defines and creates the words according to given circumstances. I think this is related to Father's recent comments that 'substance / 실체' comes before '말씀 / words.')

"If anyone who has received the tradition and blood lineage of parents doesn't resemble their parents, they are false. They can't go to heaven. This is a clear conclusion."

"Men must be married before they are 23 years old."

"'The restoration of the fatherland (조국광복 / 祖國光復). Why does God's fatherland see the light again?

(Katsumi: '光' means 'light,' and '復' means 'restoration.')

There hasn't been such a phrase. You must be able to interpret this."

"The God of Night and the God of Day couldn't have the wedding ceremony yet. Jesus' spirit appeared to a boy called Yong Myung Moon when he was 17 years old. He knew my name. Jesus said to me, 'Let's go receive the Blessing.' We met each other for the first time, but those were his first words to me. (Raising his voice) '이 자식, 너 누구야! (You fool! Who are you?) Do you know the God of Night and the God of Day have been separate? How dare you come to me saying such a thing?' (Jesus said) 'I have been preparing this and there has been a person in my mind as your wife.' I was 17 years old, and didn't decide that time (나 결정 안했어). Any boy who became 17 years old and hadn't thought of marriage, can't become a man. When they become 14, or 15 years old, they realize there is man and there is woman."

"Those who are different in temperature (온도) and speed (속도) can't become united." 

Everything Will Come to Have Its Reciprocal Partner

Sun Myung Moon
March 3, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 11 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon March 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #43, "Let's Live for the Sake of Tomorrow, Not Today" given on May 1, 1971.

"Yesterday was the 10th day (by the heavenly calendar) and then come the 11th, 12th and 14th when everything will come to have its reciprocal partner, forming the relationship of the subject and object partners. Centering on oneself, the upper and below, left and right, and front and rear must be connected respectively, and then start to revolve like the logo of the Unification Church. If not for any aspect of it, the foundation of perfection is denied."

" When 무형의 하나님과 실체의 하나님 (Incorporeal God and God incarnate), and mind and body are united respectively as the center, what you do is not yours nor on a racial level, but rather it will be on a worldwide and cosmic level. Everything you do such as breathing and moving is not by yourself, and when you live to the principle in the realm of the unified settlement (일체정착권) connecting the cause and the effect, you can come to God and parents, and it will be a precious day."

"안착 (安着: Safe arrival or safe settlement) means the arrival (or settlement) on one side and one direction of either east, west, north or south, but 정착 (定着: Firm Settlement) means to be settled at the same angles in all directions to be able to reach spherical form. East and west are bigger than north and south. (동서가 남북보다 길어요.) The principle of the cosmos is that by being pressed from the top and the bottom, things revolve horizontally, and go up and expand horizontally as well. When they come down again it must rotate upside down. Where is the center of it? It is in the middle of the air. The cosmos floats and doesn't settle."

"All entities move centering on one center heading for one direction, not two."

"In the relationship of the subject and object partners, they must resemble each other. They should." 

One Must Become a Spouse Before Becoming a Parent

Sun Myung Moon
March 2, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2. 10 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon March 1, 2012

Sun Myung Moon March 1, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #43, "인연과 우리의 사명 (Tie and Our Mission)."

"One must become a husband or wife before becoming a parent. Before becoming a husband or wife, one must become brother or sister. You should know there should be a true sphere of victory of parents in order to assist and attend to God and establish God's kingship as the Creator. This is not the responsibility of somebody else. This is the responsibility of each of us, husband or wife."

"Like I said yesterday, three things are fundamental in life: temperature (온도 / 溫度), speed (속도 / 速度), and order (질서 / 秩序). The difference of east, west, south and north comes from the difference of the temperatures. The Five Oceans and the Six Continents also vary in temperature. They are different in speed too. They are different in order as well. In the Garden of Eden, the heartistic temperatures (심정적 온도 / 心情的 溫度) of Adam and Eve in front of God must be the same, and Lucifer should have had the same temperature. They must be the same in speed too. If God goes four kilometers in a minute, they must do the same. If God goes four kilometers in an hour, they must do the same. Also the order must be the same."

"Say 이목구비 (耳目口鼻: ears, eyes, mouth and nose). What comes first? ('Ears.') Why? When you trim the four corners of the Chinese character of ears (which is 耳), it becomes the Chinese character of eyes (which is 目). The ears are connected to the eyes. These are on the same line. You should know that the order of these words 이목구비 (耳目口鼻: ears, eyes, mouth and nose) had existed before the fall. The fact that our ancestors knew this order means that they knew there are east, west, north and south."

"East and west, north and south, which is bigger? The top presses from above, and the bottom pushes up from below, and therefore, east and west are bigger than north and south. Do you know this? The distance between two ears are longer than the length of one's face. That's why the globe horizontally turns around, which makes four seasons. Then the vertical and the horizontal, which comes first? 종횡 (縱橫: the vertical and the horizontal) is the word that had existed before the fall."

"My previous calligraphy was 천지부모 천주안식권 (The Cosmic Realm of the Safe Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth), and it is now 천지인 참부모정착 (Firm Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind)."

"Which comes first, the line or angle? Which comes first, the circle or the center? (Nobody answers) I always speak about things simply but I do so in accordance with the formula of the heavenly law."

"In the old days, people thought the earth was flat. A flat surface can't have harmony (조화 / 調和)." 

The Day of the Declaration of the Completion of God

Sun Myung Moon
February 29, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Peace Palace (2.8 HC)

True Parents in a field near the newly opened Cheongshim Peace World Center

True Parents in a field near the newly opened Cheongshim Peace World Center

It is the last day of February. As we reach this last day, we need to remember yesterday, the day of the declaration of the completion, perfection and settlement of the beginning and ending points of God, the starting and ending points of the motive and the particulars of the Fall, and the beginning and the ending of the completion of the ideal envisaged at the time of the Creation as recorded in the textbooks and teaching materials left by True Parents.

But the textbooks and teaching materials are more than that. The representatives who attended the Citizen's Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind' also need to receive these textbooks. From that day on, the textbooks and teaching materials need to be passed on to everyone as a unified family centered on God, based on the completion, perfection and conclusion of the world of the ideal of Creation, which goes beyond the standard of tribal messiahs and nations. And those representatives need to be in a state of mind -- body unity. You should know that your families need to inherit and uphold as a tradition the victorious supremacy achieved by True Parents, because only then can the path of wisdom to the world of eternal life be connected. This is an important day.

Please look. You have the first and second volumes of this book. We have the same textbooks and teaching materials. On every page of the first and second volumes, I have personally written words that serve as a reference in perfecting and completing my work.

You can find tens, even hundreds of additions on just one page. The third volume, however, is clean and untouched, because there is nothing to be added. There is nothing in here that you need to change, not even a word.

Right after the creation of heaven and earth, the Creator was not perfect. We speak of the God of Night and the God of Day, but there is no night or day for God. Have you ever heard that He works only during the day and rests at night?

Mother and I have an age difference of twenty-three years, but had to be born at the same hour of the same day. We were born on the same day, lived in the same manner and married on the same day. It may be that we leave the world on the same day as well. We are completely united as one body. There should not be anyone whose body and mind are divided and in conflict.

There were never to be 286 surnames in Korea; there was only meant to be the relationship of father and children centered on God. The substantial True Parents have liberated and freed the God of Night and the God of Day.... The actual Creator was divided into Night and Day, and everything in the middle has been split up. Thus, there is no unified world of harmonious communication....

It is not about the first heaven or the second heaven. The Apostle Paul went across the mountains and the seas and offered devotions for fourteen years. Why did he do that? He spoke of the third heaven, which is the place of the perfection and completion of liberation, but he himself could not go to that place. Even now, he cannot go there because he is tied to the history of restoration through indemnity on earth. Together with True Parents, the God of Night and the God of Day, our Creator, was lost.

There have been no traditions. We knew neither the ideal of creation nor the Principle of Creation. There has been no tradition of the Principle. We need to be united on the basis of traditions. True Father's sperm and True Mother's ovum come together; their meeting point is the eternal kingdom of heaven, which is a high and level land we can reach only after we have reached a summit. There, Lucifer does not exist. There is neither the Fall, nor the history of the salvation of humankind in exile. Of the many religions, Buddhism speaks of achieving deliverance through one's own efforts, but it is unknown to us. No one has ever achieved it.

Why did Jesus come? To bring rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. If God had remained the eternal subject-partner of creation, the world would not have become what it is today. Satan's fallen bloodline was planted between the mind and the body. Nothing came under the Principle's law of indemnity, and [solving] it was a task that neither the Creator nor Lucifer knew about. Such things as repentance or salvation could not be found. How were we to overcome that crisis? Not even God could do that. Neither the God of Night nor the God of Day could. We were exiled. Who took responsibility for this? It was Mr. Moon....

The sons and daughters that divided into the 286 surnames all became self-centered and said, "I am the best. Our family should be at the center." They did not wake up from their world of dreams. Yong Myung Moon is the one who finally enlightened others about this....

I stepped forward with the power of the common good on my side and fought against groups formed in the name of war and conflict. All those who came after me behaved as enemies. They all said, Catch and do away with Yong Myung Moon, but not one of them succeeded in chasing me away.

Do you know that I sat and rode on the back of China, Japan, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and France and declared the movement to breaking through at the grassroots level (tong-ban gyeokpa)? Who can break through at the grassroots level? The Federation for Victory over Communism defeated communism. Rather than branding the enemy as the enemy and burying it, the world of the enemy -- the Devil, Satan -- was brought to complete submission and liberated on March 21, 1999.

Lucifer had become the ancestor of humankind. The middle syllable of the name Lucifer is not shi but sshi (meaning seed). We received Satan's blood. We became Lucifer's fruit. The three archangels were Lucifer, Gabriel and Michael. Lucifer was the central archangel. He created the devil's tradition and planted the devil's seeds. Those seeds didn't die. They occupied the world and all of heaven and earth, and the God of Night and the God of Day, the Creator, was lost. How can we reveal the terrible original basis of the Fall? It is not in the Principle of Creation. What caused this? What is the Fall?...

Do we say "vertical and horizontal" or "horizontal and vertical"? What comes first? When we say mind and body, what comes first? The vertical element does. The body is horizontal. Who determined this? It wasn't me. When it comes to the God of Night and the God of Day, the ancestors who can be the origin of history and the basis that can be the origin of the family of humanity are vertical and horizontal. When we talk about history, what world do we say we live in? Buddhism speaks of deliverance, doesn't it? You cannot say, "I don't need the vertical or the horizontal aspects of life." If you didn't know that vertical and horizontal aspects exist, could you achieve deliverance without God? It would remain a dream even after a million years. It is all a big lie. How can what is horizontal lead to deliverance from worldly ties without the vertical elements? When you level the ground for a house, you follow the standard of the perpendicular. You center on the vertical standard; that is your focus....

A mother and the father are like two hands. The Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are centered on people. They are the Parents of Heaven and Earth in that they are the parents of the people in heaven and on earth. They have expanded to the Cosmic Realm of the Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. When was the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self? It was 5.27. It was July 8…

God is the subject partner, and so He is "plus." But if there is no corresponding being, He would disappear. When you consider this fact, you can see that when perfected parents appear on earth, they become the perfected Parents of Heaven and Earth, but if the parents on earth cannot be established, heaven and earth are lost....

The seven great religions need to serve the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. If our original ancestors had not eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, they would not have died. Once you eat that fruit, that world will be wiped away by your action. Therefore, textbooks and teaching materials need to be made so that people can learn to remain the chosen ones who will not eat that fruit. That is my ideology, and the crux of my life, which has gone in one direction. You should not forget that....

The traditional textbooks and teaching materials I am leaving behind should cover not only the era of indemnification but also the conclusion of the era of the completion of restoration. If you don't remain focused on this path, you can go astray at any moment. I don't want to say such things before I go, but I am saying them because a problem could arise in the present. I am walking toward that world, so I don't have much time to spend with you. Therefore, you need to register yourselves in the family register as quickly as possible....

No holy son was from the West. They are from the East. The first holy son who came was Jesus, and which nation did he come to? He came to find Yong Myung Moon in Korea, our liberated homeland. He built and crossed the bridge to find me, Sun Myung Moon. I came to know Jesus at the age of seventeen.

In the middle of the night, out of the blue, the words came to me, "Do you know that the God of Night and the God of Day are divided?"

"Yes, I do."...

God does not have a borderline between night and day. I disregard the border between night and day in living my life. I never sleep because it is dawn or day or night. Other people in the world distinguish between night and day and go to bed at the appropriate time, but I am responsible for watching over the actions of the God of Night and God of Day, be it night or day....

The twelve tribes need to become one brotherhood. Rebirth, resurrection and eternal life are an amazing discovery. I am the very person who explained flawlessly the principle, known to Christianity, that our ancestors are fallen ancestors. Though billions of people are in the spirit world, of all the people in heaven and on earth just one man and one woman chased away the owner, the Creator. They failed to become the True Parents, who were meant to go to the Creator's place, liberate the God of Night and the God of Day and become the owners centered on that sovereignty. They were unable to become True Parents and instead became the false parents, and that is what has brought all this about.

This is why the day when True Parents appear, all humanity will live in the Garden of Eden and serve the absolute God, that is, the God of Night and the God of Day united as one being, the victor in substance. God said that they would surely die if they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, but they went ahead anyway. They destroyed even the position of the Creator of all heaven and earth, because Adam's wife opened the door and let Lucifer in. Moreover, she seduced Adam to fall and thus ruined him as well. The one who opened the door to first love at the outset was Lucifer. Lucifer was the one who played that game.

No one knew how to right this wrong. The God of Night and the God of Day dug a bottomless pit in the middle of it all, and that pit is the realm of death. We were wrongly born in that pit from the wrong bloodline. This pit exists in our body and mind, and it is the pit of conflict that causes us to fight. How can an older brother kill his younger brother?

In the principle by which God created, not even a shadow or a trace of such a path can be found. No matter how much people studied, they failed to discover definitively what the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is and that you would die when you ate that fruit. The fruit exists as an internal and an external fruit; the internal fruit is the fruit of the sperm that is deeply embedded in the father's bone marrow, and the external fruit is the fruit of the ovum that is embedded in the mother's bones. In the midst of all this, a pit was dug and both died. In other words, both fell.

In relation to the Principle of Creation, neither God nor Adam and Eve had thought about this. Then how did this man, Yong Myung Moon, come to discover, in this historic time, what the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is? I am respectful of principles and rules....

The establishment of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind refers to establishment in substance. It is the settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. The True Parents are the substantial beings who have settled. The proclamation of the word, carried out by the substantial True Parents who have settled, is not just done on earth. There is the spirit world, the heavenly realms. It is the proclamation of the word through God's substance. 

You Come Here By the Order of Your Ancestors

Sun Myung Moon
February 29, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2.8 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Don't come here thoughtlessly. You come here by the order of your ancestors. This is not a place made for you to take a nap. (Then Father read his calligraphy on the wall which is '천지인참부모 실체말씀선포') The Cheon Jeong Gung is the place that has this sign '천지인참부모 정착.'"

"(During the Japanese occupation) I burned all my diary books which I had written not to forget but record every day of my life as the standard. Each notebook had 70 pages, and one time I used three notebooks in a day writing 'This and that will happen, and for me to be prepared, I have to do this and that in the future.' But I burned them all, even the things I wrote about my future when I was going to be in my 50s and 70s. How wonderful would it be if my diaries still existed. Nobody knows the contents."

"It was me that decided to choose Japan as the Eve nation. Some Japanese secretly came to me asking, 'Are these your words?'' I said 'You will know it.' There were many people who visited me like that. I don't have time to be proud of such a thing. My sermons contain heavenly secrets. There will be 2700 books of my speeches if they are all printed, and as of now we have published only some 500 books. Before I go (to the spirit world), I think I must make clear what to print through my printing company. Hyo Yul (Dr. Peter Kim)! ('Yes.') Nobody is worried about it. Nobody. Nobody."

"When you study my speeches deeply tying up your head and praying, (Heaven) will teach you hidden hills (숨겨진 고개). If not, (even after I go to the spirit world) I will come to you from the spirit world and teach you. I am a person who thinks about even these kinds of things. Anyone in the church who has a personal desire and just thinks of their promotion, leave through the back door. I keep the door open. Don't come here with meaningless thoughts and put the environment into trouble."

"I have to leave somewhere. Maybe my hometown. North Korea. Nobody knows what I love (내가 사랑하는 것) in North Korea. Leaving my last words, I will have to leave by myself at dawn without anybody's notice. Yesterday, I told to share my textbooks and teaching materials. To 1,500 people? ('Yes.') Give this book to anyone who participates at 천지인참부모 정착 국민 대회, 국가 대회 (National Rally for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). ('Yes.') From the very day they receive it, (they must start) Hoon Dok Hae. (Katsumi: I don't know through the video clip what book Father meant.) 

I Am Close to the Day I Leave

Sun Myung Moon
February 28, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Jeong Gung on 2.7 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han February 17, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han February 17, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #43, titled "Attitude of the Believers" given on April 25, 1971.

"I am close to the day I leave. (선생님이 이제 가야할 끝날이 멀지 않았습니다.) After I go, you shouldn't live in a separate place as an individual. In the environment which relates to the teaching of parents, you should be able to discuss, exchange things and share your heart with two other people at least. Such a life is necessary. To be alone will often block you in your path."

"(To Mother) 어머니 ('Yes.') Today I have to go to Yeosu, where we have built a 17-floor hotel. (Katsumi: The dedication ceremony of 'The Ocean Hotel' was on that day.) But the base of the spot was originally for a 72-floor building. So we made the hotel which is less than one-third of its possible height and we will be able to rebuild it if necessary in the future after demolishing the current one. In order for it to remain in the providence, we have to develop and make it bigger so that the leadership of the province can use it."

"We need the buildings of 72 floors in Seoul, in the south coast, and the east coast. 8 X 9 makes 72. When 8 and 9 become tied together and assimilated by being settled on the soil, (the spot) will become the origin and the fountain of the force in the cosmos. Jesus also had 72 followers. We must make buildings in time for the providential progress."

"Say 이목구비 (耳目口鼻: ears, eyes, mouth and nose). Ears, eyes, mouth and then nose. This is the right order. It is eyes that understand quickly what you hear. (For example) When you hear something, your eyes try to see it. Then with your 구 (mouth), you will say, 'Who are you?' Then you try to smell them. That is the way it is."

"안착 (安着 settlement) can happen by individual or some people, but 정착 (定着safe arrival) can be possible only by a couple and a family which continues eternally."

(Katsumi: Father has used both 안착 and 정착 in his mottoes, and according to him '정착 / settlement' is more important than '안착 / safe arrival.')

"What is 선 (善, Seon: good)? It is 선 (線, Seon: line) that connects two entities.

(Katsumi: Here Father interpreted '선 / good' together with '선 / line.' They have the same pronunciation but different Chinese characters.)"

"If the center can be tangible, anybody can remove it, and therefore the center must transcend such a level. In this huge cosmos, what is the invisible center of it? Any entity separate from the center cannot be a significant existence, ending up as an obstacle to be broken soon. Did Rev. Moon see God? I came to know Him rather than see him. How is it possible? Anybody can see external forms, but they all depends on the invisible internal character. If you stick to that (principle), (you will realize) everything in the world has something like shadow wherever they go."

""The Prayer of Rev. Moon is '원형이정은 천도지상이요, 인의예지는 인성지강이다."

(Katsumi: 元亨利貞 天道之常(원형이정 천도지상) 仁義禮智 人性之綱(인의예지 인성지강). This basically means that spring, summer, autumn and winter, which respectively represent foundation, growth, harvest and conclusion of life, are an unchanging heavenly law, and that is also the way that humans are who pursue love, righteousness, courtesy and knowledge in order to go along with such a Heaven.) 

Lucifer Removed His Elder Brother

Sun Myung Moon
February 27,2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Guri Central Training Center, Guri City on 2.6 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"England in the position of mother and woman, together with the US and France in the position of sons, made UN after the WWII."

"What Japan insisted (during the WWII) was 八紘一宇 (Hakkou Ichiu: all eight corners of the world under one roof / universal brotherhood). (Raising his voice) Who wrote Japan in Chinese characters as 日本 (Nihon or Nippon. The Chinese character 日本 means 'Origin of the Sun.')? It was Lucifer, who removed his Elder Brother, stole His words, and tried to eliminate the altar of the Moon tribe."

"Who is Lee Myung Park [President of South Korea]? The name has Myung of Sun Myung Moon and Park of Bo Hi Pak and No Hi Pak. He must yield to Rev. Moon and the Pak."

"AIDS won't disappear. Within 50 to 70 years from now, many will die with it."

"Adam couldn't accomplish his responsibility and then his wife made her 시동생 (husband's younger brother) and 시아버지의 동생 (father-in-law's younger brother) fall. Originally there wouldn't be salvation for such a fall."

"Time will come when one can't exchange amethysts from Korea with diamonds 10 times bigger. The Cheon Jeong Gung is surrounded by the amethysts. The time will come when those amethysts are more valuable than diamonds by 10 times. They will be for the sake of the miserable Unification members."

"Being finished with the era after the coming of heaven and the era before the coming of heaven, we are now in the era of perfection, conclusion and completion."

"Mayan civilization is in the north and the Inca civilization is in the south."

"Without realizing the unification of North and South Korea, there won't be the unification of South and North Americas, nor that of heaven and earth. It won't be possible without Rev. Moon." 

Yeon Ah Choi, Hyo Jin Nim's Wife Testifies

Sun Myung Moon and Yeon Ah Choi Moon
February 23, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 2.2 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon January 24, 2012

Sun Myung Moon January 24, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #43, titled "Hardship and Victory."

"큰 연아! ([Big Yeon Ah] Elder Yeon Ah Choi, Hyo Jin Nim's wife, who is older than 작은 연아, [Little Yeon Ah] Younger Yeon Ah Lee who is Hyung Jin Nim's wife), Where can you solve what you have grappled with until you participated here? It would be impossible to reach your goal unless you make a leap forward holding yourself, who is heading for the future. Talk about the people in Las Vegas and its environment bearing in mind an assignment of 'Where do I go to be settled?', and frankly share what you feel and understand."

Elder Yeon Ah spoke as follows:

"I visited here to greet (True) Parents and I am happy that they are healthy. When Father goes back to Korea, Father will talk to all the Korean people, and Mother will go to Japan, and so I have been anxious about how they have been here.

Talking about Las Vegas, I think it was Young Jin Nim that initially related to this place as a member of True Family. I think it was in 1999 when he was in Reno and he couldn't help but be sacrificed for the providential reason. True Parents couldn't reveal but just carried everything at that time, and after 2008 when Hyo Jin Nim passed away, they officially began to lead the providence here.

I didn't come here often where True Parents visited many times to educate and lead you. Every time I see True Parents, I am sorry that I am not enough and don't know deeply what they intend to do. I, like all of you, have been worried about their health especially when I see them sacrifice themselves working day and night. Also Father sits for so many hours to talk and offers Jeong Seong in a manner we don't understand. I wished many times that they took more rest so that they can live long with us.

When I see Father closing his eyes and sitting and ask him to go to his room to take a rest, he always says 'No.' In the beginning, I felt so worried and also wondered a lot why he, as 하나님의 실체[God incarnate], had to live that way. What I gradually learned and felt through my brief experiences is that Father offers Jeong Seong at a level we don't know so that he won't leave even one crack in the providence. I think we tend to see and judge them, thinking 'Why didn't they do it this way or that way?' from our viewpoint who are not enough and don't know the reality of the spirit world. In that sense, All I can say is that as a child of True Parents I am so sorry that we couldn't go along with them in heart and always bring results.

Every time Father needed to proclaim important messages, he came to Las Vegas, and I think we are in the process of understanding little by little our True Parents, who must put in order the spirit and physical worlds. Though we have a long way to go, I am truly grateful with my life in which I can have True Parents as 하나님의 실체 [God incarnate] who are united with God and have shown us the way to go. I have gradually understood that True Parents are the model and the standard for us to follow.

Personally, I am sorry that I am undutiful (불효하다) to True Parents and I can't raise my head in front of them, especially because Hyo Jin Nim suddenly went to the spirit world in 2008 and I still should have been with him. In fact, it is difficult for me to come in front of True Parents, and every time they see me, they are worried about how I am. This time I felt again that we must live for God's will with a bright spirit and full of hope. Every time when I need something, Father gives me his words that encourages and gives hope to me.

I think Hyo Jin Nim has a character that is necessary to liberate hell as quickly as possible. I am thankful that True Parents gave him their blessing so that he can work in advance in the spirit world, which in fact was a consolation for me who couldn't fulfill the responsibility. I truly thank True Parents again that they led, raised and blessed Hyo Jin Nim to the position where he, as a son, can contribute to True Parents in the spirit world.

We have one year to go before D-Day. I felt again this time that we truly need to offer our utmost Jeong Seong to understand more of True Parents' mind and heart and also need to work hard. Thinking of Father's age, he shouldn't live like this. But since we aren't enough yet, Father always educates us and covers our failures, and the problem is that we don't know that fact and just think, 'That's' his job.' Every time I think of it, I feel so sorry.

Because of the big sins that the ancestors of the 최 [Choi] tribe committed, I am personally in a position of not being able to come to True Parents. Nevertheless, True Parents embraced it with love and called me to the True Family. Despite the fact that I am so lacking, Father continues to encourage and trust me instead of scolding me, and I believe in the future I will be able to feel more the heart and love of True Parents. This year, I must make more efforts so that I can return joy to True Parents who have been through hardship because of us. Thank you True Parents." 

Every Time Father Caught a Fish, They Said "Father, Mother, I love you"

Sun Myung Moon
February 20, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 29 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Kook Jin Moon, and Hyung Jin Moon January 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Kook Jin Moon, and Hyung Jin Moon January 23, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #42, titled "Looking for the Path of Restoration." After the reading, True Father left for the Temple Bar Marina on Lake Mead to go fishing.

In the video clip, Rev. Yang Hur (World Mission Headquarters) said that the biggest fish they had caught recently was a 29-cm long carp. Rev. Man Oong Jo (Family department of Cheon Bok Gung) said the spot they were fishing on that day had been newly pioneered, where they had given bait for two days and started to catch carp for the third day.

On the boat Father constantly gave instructions on how to give bait and when to roll up the fish, and as usual the first fish Father caught was released back into the water. Father took breakfast on the boat and drank Kona coffee with all on the boat such as Rev. Ki Hun Kim, Mrs. Cotter, Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon, Rev. Jeong Sun Jo, Rev. Hur and Rev. Jo.

Every time Father caught a fish, they took a photo holding it saying "아버지, 어머니, 사랑합니다," [Father, Mother, I love you] and when they didn't say that, Father initiated it.

In the video clip, Mr. Sang Soo Lee (Father's assistant from the Cheon Jeong Gung) said the night before, Father had stayed up all night without a sleep. He also said Father, concluding Hoon Dok Hae at 5:30 a.m. that day, had said they had to arrive there before dawn. The Temple Bar Marina (Lake Mead) is at one-hour and half drive from the Cheon Hwa Gung, and according to Mr. Lee, when Father needs to pray for the issues in the world, he comes to that place.

Later, when they said 아버지, 어머니, 사랑합니다." [Father, Mother, I love you] for the photo, Father changed "사랑합니다" [I love you] to "참사랑합니다," [Is true love] and they said it accordingly.

In the video clip, Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon, the National Messiah of Paraguay said that the Hoover Dam now represents the Oceanic Providence, one of the purposes of which is for resolving the food problem. 

Hyung Jin Nim's Martial Arts Report

Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon
February 19, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 28 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon,Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon January 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon,Hak Ja Han and Hyung Jin Moon January 23, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Hyung Jin Nim was told by Father to make a report on his recent demonstration of martial arts. He and his team did it in front of 3,000 people prior to the performance of the Little Angels at Caesars Palace Hotel. Prior to Hyung Jin Nim's report, Father said as follows:

"When our children practice martial arts, people respect, rather than fear, the kids of the Unification church. I am not talking about business here. 10 years from now on, those who don't know how to protect themselves won't be treated as humans. When anyone over 40 is trained on some of the skills for six months, they will be able to protect themselves. We can make textbooks and DVDs. Especially in the military, they must know martial arts. I will assign you from now on to train people. Give a big hand to Hyung Jin and Francisco (a Brazilian brother who did the performance that day)."

The following is Hyung Jin Nim's report.

"When anyone performs Jujitsu, they will get hurt 100%. During the fight, because of the hormones in their body they don't feel it, but a couple of hours later they suffer great pain. That's why in performing Jujitsu, the most important thing is how not to get hurt. I started doing Jujitsu when I was 15 years old. Francisco (a Brazilian brother who performs with Hyung Jin Nim) moved from his hometown to Sao Paulo to learn Taekwondo and he believed Taekwondo is the best. Then he heard in 1994 that one of True Children (which is Hyung Jin Nim) came to Brazil to learn Jujitsu, he wasn't interested. In 1996 he participated at the tournament and fought against a Jujitsu player. But he was put down on the floor and lost the game within a minute, and he realized he must study Jujitsu. So he started it in 1997 when I stopped practicing it.

Jujitsu is not the martial art for show, and is not like Taekwondo which seems fancy. We practice Jujitsu, Muay Thai, and MMA (Mixed martial arts), and so we have all kinds of forms of attack. In fact, martial art is cruel, which you don't really see in movies. So it is not the martial art but a fight by fighters.

In a real fight, moves are quick and short, but for the performance on the stage they need to jump and act in unnecessary moves, and so in fact, it is very dangerous for them to do it. Elbows and knees will be broken easily by the pressure of 12 lb but since they need to perform with more motions and moves on the stage, it is very dangerous for them to do it. In fact, if one make mistakes for a second there, they will become handicapped for the rest of their life.

So martial arts is not for the show but to protect oneself and fight. It is not beautiful but cruel and is full of dangerous skills. So as a martial art performer (무도인 / 武道人), I am so sorry to see their performance on the stage. Again this is for the fighting not for the show, and that's why I have been practicing it behind the scenes and had never shown in public.

Another thing one must be aware of is that Satan easily enters you when you do martial arts. If you do it so that you can seem powerful and splendid, it is false martial arts, which is meaningless like garbage. That is not true martial arts (무도). True martial arts are necessary to dominate oneself before dominating the cosmos.

I always wear this Buddhist rosary on my arm. During my training period, when I lost my mind, by touching this I could come to the original state of my mind. This is a tool and weapon for me. In martial arts, we use swords, nun chucks, and other weapons, but this rosary is a weapon too. This is the weapon to protect my mind.

After I perform martial arts, I feel strong since I know I can easily kill people, and break their arms and legs. Such a feeling could be the center and domination of oneself, and then their martial arts become self-centered, and constantly try to become stronger. Such a person can't perform for long period, and without fail, later they will be killed or damaged badly by others. So in doing martial art, if one forgets a internal sense, they become self-centered thinking 'I am strong. I can win against people. I will kill them if they disturb me.'

As I said, I secretly practiced since I know how dangerous martial arts are. People say I am soft but originally I wasn't so. Look at the men of the Moon family. They are all wild and fierce. Look at Hyo Jin Hyung. All my brothers grew up in such a way. When I started to learn martial arts, I was also such a person and my motive was to become stronger. So I was just learning how to frighten and damage people. But sorry to say, that is basically what Muay Thai and MMA are. My softened character patience didn't come from the martial art. It came from lots of training of my mind such as practicing meditation and learning psychology.

In the oriental world, there is still a sense of morality and self-training in doing martial arts. But now in fight shows, they don't need such a thing and all they have to do is to be just stronger and fight well. That's why I always didn't show my practice. If one learns it in a wrong manner, they easily become satanic. We must know our own limit and through martial art, we must become better people. Martial art would be garbage otherwise, which would leave nothing in history.

Therefore, martial art is not for show. One must train their mind as well as their bodies. Actually, we must give our mind a good workout more than our bodies. We have to deepen our heart through martial art. Even when I get angry, I never practice my martial art skill on people, but talk with patience in a respectful way. That required me a lot of effort. Getting mad and slapping people is an easy thing to do.

So this kind of show is a pain for me. Also, Satan enters us. I want to silently serve True Parents without expecting any honor, beat my physical body, beat my face, and beat my heart. I want to train myself (수행하고 싶어요.) protecting True Parents from bad people.

I am thankful to True Parents for the fact that he has been fighting against all the satanic powers and worlds and even doing what we have to do. I don't think there would be any greater blessing for us than this. There will be no honor that is greater than attending to True Parents. Without True Parents thousands of performances on stage are meaningless.

We, as (True) children of True Father, have 한 (han / grudge / resentment) in our life where we had to distance ourselves from him. (Raising his voice) we could not see him through our whole lives. True Children couldn't be with Father throughout their lives. We have lots of 한. We wanted to be with him. We have lots of 한.

I want to train myself, but not for the show. If so, I must die as a 무도인(martial artist). I have to commit suicide. To show on the stage what one had learned is a shame and they must do harakiri (seppuku). I do never want to practice martial arts that way. We are so sinful and insufficient, and that's why we must beat our mind and body through it.

I am so sorry for Father who has forgiven, loved and accepted us who have thought 'we are cool.' With deep repentance, I would like to offer applause to Father."

He concluded his report by bowing to Father. 

Who Will Become a Leading Flag Bearer?

Sun Myung Moon
February 18, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 27 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han January 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han January 23, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

After Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech, Rev. Pyeong Rae Moon, National Messiah of Paraguay, spoke. The following is the excerpts.

"True Parents established UPF, which is the base of Abel UN. With that foundation, True Parents have been working for restoring God's nation while holding the 'Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and proclamation of the Substantial Word of God.' through the assembly, Father showed us a clear direction to take.

As we know, Father proclaimed through the speech that Korea is God's fatherland as the centering nation of the providence and that all people in the world must register in Korea and realize Cheon Il Guk. On a practical level, Father said through the speech that centering on the Boon Bong Wang and top leaders of each country, all tribes must be restored and registered through the activities of the Tribal Messiahs in 387 nations of Abel and Cain in the world.

On the foundation of such a grace and victory of True Parents, we were told to educate all Koreans to be Blessed and to have a three-day ceremony and indemnity stick ceremony by the end of 2010. The activities of the Tribal Messiahs in Korea are to be connected to the leadership of Korea in order to restore sovereignty.

In 2011. we held the "National Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind." As Kook Jin Nim says, Korea, Japan and US must become one forming a strong military alliance."

The following are some of Father's words after the report.

"We have one focused direction, and the issue is who will become a leading flag bearer? Those who are in the leading role while being rich and proud of themselves in a secular sense must be gone from earth. When you can show God didn't die but is alive even in disappointing circumstances in this world which has no hope, is thick dark like night and has no path to take, the world will get around at once. Like the sun which rises from the east but shines at the center like a lighthouse, when we start with God, conclude with God, and make God's children, God's family, God's nation and God's world as one, the world automatically will 회기 (回期: return) and accomplish the world of one purpose and perfect one unified realm. Until that time we mustn't die, grow up and be able to say, 'This world is ours. God's fatherland doesn't exist far but we live right there where all races come and live harmoniously.'

The Viewpoint that Korea becomes God's fatherland and homeland and that by connecting myself with the whole world I must go farther than Jesus and bring results on the formation and growth stages has been established and nobody can deny that. Now we need to be focused on the education of children during 6 years of elementary school, 6 years of junior and high school, and 4 years of university, and then after the completion of 16 years of study, they take a PhD course, and they can conclude their course to go out to society. Our way from an individual level, through family, tribe, race, nation, and the world, and the liberation of God is clearly organized, and there are no ideological defects there.

There will be many people who come to Korea to register, and when they realize Korea, not theirs, is God's fatherland, and God's family is the very base of ideal of creation where God can be settled, the environments where people can oppose us will be gone. All of you have cellular phones, don't you? It is our fatherland where people in Cheonlla and Hamgyeong provinces can be one family province calling each other asking 'Today's words we read at Hoon Dok Hae are such and such, and what do you think of them?' 천지인참부모 정착 이것이 끝입니다. (The Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. That is the conclusion.) If mother and father educate this with my speech, even kindergarten kids understand it, and therefore, it can be a national movement." 

The World Before the Creation Wants To Go With Me

Sun Myung Moon
February 17, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 26 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Kook Jin Moon, and Hyung Jin Moon January 23, 2012

Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, Kook Jin Moon, and Hyung Jin Moon January 23, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermons of the Rev. Moon #42, titled "The Turning Point of Rise and Fall."

"Why did we need the words "The Turning Point of Rise and Fall" at this meeting today? Last night, I liquidated it. The world before the creation wants to go with me, and therefore the only task I have is to love that world, and having excuses will become the conditions that deny my existence."

"Where do I go from now on? It will be known after a couple of days here. I have to leave everything here, and if I take such a path even only by myself if necessary God will provide me everything for me and will not be able to cut me off. I would say I have a belt on my back, and the US has such a belt of the Christian tradition. When I live more for the sake of others being more advanced making more efforts, God will follow me and bless the place where I am as the pillar. Going further ahead than anybody in creating a new world, where am I, like a wild goose in a vacant space, focused on? I will go down a one-way street and centering on the settled pillar, I cannot help but be the main figure of liberation and successor of the King, Aju, and I conclude everything with gratitude."

"It is 정주 (定州 / Jeongju, where Father's hometown is) that 정착 (定着/Jeongchak, which means 'settlement') of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind occurs. What does 정 mean? It is 'to be settled.'"

(Katsumi: In this context, Father relates 정 of 정주 and that of 정착.)

"There is a miserable history of 해녀 (haenyeo, female diver, who gathers shellfish for living) in Jeju Isalnd. Even if they take off their clothes, they will never sell out their bodies they received from their parents and their chastity.")

Mother came in with Shin Pyeon Nim (Kook Jin Nim's son), and Father said, "This boy is my 표제 (Pyoje/title). 작은 표제 (Little).

".천지인참부모정착 (Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind). 그러면 다 되는거야."

They sang with Father 흑산도 아가씨 (Babe Heuksan )and 고향무정(Heartless home).

"When the Unification Church started training, there were all bad things in 개연 밭 (Gae Yeon field). When I was catching fish, I moved my body, and I was stung by the 개연 가시 (Gae Yeon thorns) and swollen and formed pus over the night. When I saw my body in the mirror, I found my body was full of pus. When I scratched, the blood flew from my chest down to legs, and then when I looked over the mountain, the hot smoke appeared from the summit there. Then it surrounded me, and it went up to the sky riding on the clouds, which I thought symbolized the Feast of the Lamb of 144,000 in the air."

"Dokdo is an island where the sun rises, and is made of granite stone that looks like a white rock."

"The Grand Canyon is the unexplored place where grandfather escapes."

"Do Ulleungdo and Dokdo belong to Korea or Japan? When I went to Japan, I said 'Don't deceive your mouth,' and later I came to Las Vegas centering on Hawaii because the bridge was cut off. Las Vegas and Geomundo."

(Katsumi: In OSDP lecture, Rev. Yu says Father started the providence centering on Hawaii since Japan couldn't be the path for True Father to connect the US, where True Parents dedicated themselves for more than 30 years, and Korea.)

"How come Yong Myung Moon became Sun Myung Moon? Anybody in the villages in 36-km range from my house knew me as '오산집 조그만 눈 (Small-eyed boy of the Osan house)'

They sang with Father "Higher Ground." 

Where Do We Go From Now On?

Sun Myung Moon
February 14, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 23 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han February 13, 2012

Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han February 13, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #42, titled "Witnessing and Jeong Seong" given on March, 1971.

After True Parents came to Las Vegas, Father repeatedly said "Where do we go from now on?" and Father asked Mother that question during the meeting. Father also continues to emphasize "registration," and asked the participant s that day what the "registration" means. Father said, "I say 'Don't insist your right of possession when it comes to the registration!'

Father also said, "When you go across a border line, you should always have knowledge of who is going ahead and who is going behind. When wild geese fly over the rivers and mountains holding one purpose, they support each other flying ahead and behind. Likewise, it is the way Heaven goes to make efforts and encourage each other without the disparity between strong and weak, to take the initiative in supporting and pulling the people who fell behind, and to become the foothold for anyone who can't go up higher."

"Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind signifies that everything has been done." 

What Connects the Religious and the Martial Arts Worlds?

Sun Myung Moon
February 13, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 22 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #42, titled "Test and Overcoming Reality (시련과 현실극복)."

"What is the ideological cooperate body (사상적 결합체) that connects the religious world and the martial art? It is not the arms nor guns. It is not a woman nor man. It is not animals. I have a dream for which I have invested all of myself forgetting eating and drinking. I think something that stimulates me has always been with me and therefore, I have been able to do it."

"From now on where will we go? There is the cultural sphere of Christianity and that of Unification Church, that is, Old and New Testaments and the Completed Testament. (There will be) no Old and New Testaments, nor the Completed Testament. Where do they settle down and continue? I have realized it is Korea and Korean people."

"I have visited European countries and the world but there is no country like Korea. But I have been kicked out because of Christianity. I failed because of Christianity."

"When I came back home, my elder sister asked me 'Where did you go?' and gave me something she hadn't eaten in front of parents and spared for me. It was more tasteful and interesting to eat such food than foods on the big table at the feast. Anyone who lives in laughter and dance, or even is in the position of the King, wouldn't be able to know the taste and joy of the poetic deep heart that I felt that time, I don't think Korea will fail because I can't afford to fail."

"I am doing the servant job in order for you to become the owners of Heaven."

"From now on, there is no history according to the solar calendar. Heavenly calendar must be used."

Father talked many heartfelt episodes from his childhood in which he explained how he always shared things with people. 

God Doesn't Have the Authority as the Creator Yet

Sun Myung Moon
February 11, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 20 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from Sermons of the Rev. Moon #42, titled "Let's Welcome Tomorrow."

"God doesn't have the authority as the Creator yet. The God of Night and the God of Day have been separate in the fight between mind and body, and in the middle of them there is the false race of Satan's blood. Anyone who is under this dominion can't follow layers beyond that, and God, Who is above that level, can't come down and follow them either. There is no ladder between the two.

Do you think the Unification Principle will still remain 100 years from now? When I go to the spirit world, everything will come to end that day. Everybody, try to live if you can. There will be no plants and trees on earth. Without them, everything will die. Without sunlight, everything will die too. If you lack even one thing, you can't live. Your wives and children say, 'We will live," but they will die too. I am the person who knows that. I never dream of following you and taking a rest"

"If we don't quickly promote the movement of educating people to create hundreds of thousands of Tribal Messiahs in the world centering on 286 Korean family names, young people will not be involved in any religion. Since we have said we would eliminate religions, we will have problems if they have (commitment) free sex (by misunderstanding the statement).

We are the only ones who can newly start national and worldwide territories under the name of God. Young people in their 20's and 30's will be sick when they come to like the taste of the fist joining the Yakuza and Mafia. Then we need to have a real fight, and if we really do so with our martial arts, many people will die through it. In order to prevent that, we need to strengthen the organization of Tribal Messiahs, for example, 286 Tribal Messiahs in Korea. My instruction to them is to each complete the education of 13,000 people, and we have to begin it in earnest. We must educate them before they go to high school.

We need to make a climate in which anyone we have educated doesn't have to have a background check when they find employment. We must be able to find the job for them such way. If young people are not treated as humans, they will become mafia members. If not educating them within three years, they become nothing but mafia members, exchanging blows for money. Our Tribal Messiahs need to educate them to create their families where God can be safely settled. Yang Chang Shik! ('Yes.') The education for 13,000 people (by each Tribal Messiah).

There are some tribal leaders in the world who have the authority over hundreds of thousands of people. We must train tribal leaders so that they, according to the numbers and standard of the tribes in each country, can educate and mobilize young people.

What is the name of the organization made by Kook Jin? ('Strong Korea.') I had prompted him to do so and he quickly did it. On a family level, we need to establish the Hoon Dok Hae tradition open for east, west, north and south, and trained and educated people of martial arts must supervise it otherwise the organization will be taken over." 

When You Voluntarily Take The Path That Other People Can't

Sun Myung Moon
February 8, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 17 by the H.C.

Sun Myung Moon January 22, 2012

Sun Myung Moon January 22, 2012

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech titled "복귀의 한 (Resentment of restoration)" from his speech book #42.

"Only when you voluntarily take the path that other people can't, though you don't like it yourself, God's Will will be realized after you and the angelic world will protect you. Without going through that process, there will never be liberation and victory for you. If you clearly understand it, you should carry through embracing such an idea until the end of your life.

This place could be the worst or the best place. When you come to like the worst place, it will become the best place for you. If a mediocre bad place becomes better, it only becomes a mediocre good place, but if you make the worst place becomes the best place, it means you pioneered the path that no other can't and that you came in the position of ownership. That is the only way where God would want you to lead the way with Him rather than just be amazed with and give applause to you. Even if you don't have food and can't do anything else, once you realize it, you should try it. Then until the results come, you could console Him as a friend, comrade, or in-law.

At the end of having gone through the east, west, north and south, all others will have been down but you will have gone up, and then you will be fine. When you meet them, they will say, 'Wow, we thought you were worse than us but now we realized you are beyond comparison with us.' That's the only way for us to take.

엄마 (Mother), why don't you sing '고향의 노래' (Hometown song)? When I miss my hometown, I will put myself in the song she sings. There was a story that a guy took over the wife of his friend, escaped with her, and lived far from their hometown, but he deadly missed his hometown. What should he do then? Kill her? He must return to their hometown with her and should be able to explain and show the results to his friend saying 'You will blame what two of us did but please see what we have now. What we did was not the way you thought but it was the way to become what we are now. I came back to show you this.' And show the results to his friend. Then people couldn't do anything.

So when you read the Bible, you should read it soulfully. You might think it would be better to read it quickly but you should be moved by even reading it slowly. Then you would realize like 'I haven't been able to do such thing. This figure has a better mindset than that of our pastor and elders of the church. When I pray to God, I feel what this person did was not wrong.' If you deal the issue such way, a better way will be widely open."

Then Mother sang '가고파' and '목련꽃 그늘 아래서', and Father sang '노고지리', followed by the songs of the participants of the meeting 

Without Going Through the National Process, We Can't Reach a Worldwide Level

Sun Myung Moon
February 7, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1.16 by the H.C.

Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech titled "The Path We Go" from his speech book #41.

"This time what did we do in Korea? ('Korean National Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind') The rally is on a national level. Without going through the national process, we can't reach a worldwide level. Without the process on a worldwide level, there can't be true love. Without true love, there can't be True Parents."

"I don't think I'm the origin of the Unification Church. The bottom line is everybody, no matter how they are famous, smart, rich, needs the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. I have been in my path against persecution."

"The conclusion is nothing but 'Heaven, Earth, and Humankind.' You should know this."

"What is religion? For whom does it exist? For the sake of humankind? After having examined everything, my ultimate conclusion was 'the settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.' Then everything is OK. Which comes first, God or the environment for Him? After God appears, then comes the environment. The environment can't make God."

(Indicating his calligraphy hung on the wall, which was the 2011 motto) "People didn't know there is the 'Parents of Heavenly Heart.' Then 'Children in Harmony on Earth.' On earth heavenly parents appear (but) there is no children in harmony on earth (yet). Then the 'Settlement with the Best Ending.' This means the settlement is upside down. This is true. There must be parents. (Then he read the calligraphy. Please see the attachment)

"(Settlement of the True Parents) means they stand on the unified point of east, west, north and south. '천정 / Heavenly heart,' which transcends the past, present and the future, creates the cosmos of freedom where God is intoxicated with such a heart and doesn't feel shameful with no clothes on. That is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth."

"The bottom line is the settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, and this means everything has been done. There is nothing else more than that." (Then Father read his calligraphy again.)


Please read the following Father's words from the speech given in 1985, which explain the essence of Christianity and also show Father's consistency in teaching.

"The reason why the Bible is amazing among numerous religious teachings is because firstly it says God is Father of all humankind, which is the fountain of Christian thought. Secondly, in the New Testament, it says Jesus is the only-begotten Sun of God. What the only-begotten Sun means the son who can receive Heavenly Father's love for the first time in history. Then thirdly Christianity has the idea of bride and groom. Jesus is the only-begotten Son but he came as a groom and so he needs a bride. As the only-begotten Son, he needs the only-begotten Daughter. The day of the feast for the bride and the groom means the day God's love appears. But this feast of the wedding was lost at the Garden of Eden, which God has been looking for throughout the history. Therefore during the Last Days of the world, this wedding ceremony must be restored." (Friday, Oct. 4, 1985, Belvedere Training Center)

Without Going Through the National Process, We Can't Reach a Worldwide Level

This Rally is a Good Opportunity for the Unification Church to Make a New Start

Sun Myung Moon
February 6, 2012
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 15 by the H.C.


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech titled "True Path of Life" from his speech book # 41.

Rev. Yang made a report on the performance of the Little Angels:

"They will arrive in LA today (Feb. 6), and take a bus for 8 hours to get to Cedar city, Utah where they will hold the performance on Feb. 8. The best day for the next performance is the 11th, which is Saturday. It was amazing that although all the other major hotels in Las Vegas had been sold out, Caesars Palace was available for only that day. So we will have the performance at that hotel on the 11th.

Yesterday, I conveyed Father's direction to Dr. Pak, and he changed the space from 1,200 seats to 3,000 at the hotel accordingly. Rationally speaking, it is very difficult to change the size of an audience a couple of days prior to the performance day, but I strongly believe that nothing is impossible. True Parents are with us and this is the rally that heaven and earth are focused on, so I am determined to bring a great victory through this opportunity.

At the rally, we are planning to give 'peace medals' for 15 veterans who have been carefully selected through Dr. Pak and the committee. We will also present a gift for True Parents

We will provide a DVD which contains the video clips of the life of True Father and True Mother (one hour each in Korean, Japanese, and English, which was shown at the celebration of True Parents' Birth) to give to all the participants after the event."

Father said,

"This rally will be a good opportunity for the Unification church to make a new start inside and outside," and asked all the participants to make the utmost efforts for the rally in Las Vegas.

Hyung Jin Nim performed martial arts in front of True Parents.

During his performance, Hyung Jin Nim said,

"Martial arts is the most rapidly growing sport in the world."

"Father said that world peace must be promoted through soccer and martial arts."

"Martial arts is a method that makes men peaceful by releasing their energy."

"I have been in public mission for the past three years and have never showed my performance on purpose, because I thought the young people might misunderstand it just thinking 'It's cool!.' Rather, I have been focused on educating how to find True Parents as 'my Messiahs and parents,' and the unification of mind and body.

But this time when I was with True Father at Geomundo, Father told me to do it and he liked it. Then he told me to continue to do it. (Laughter) So I do it with this explanation. The martial art itself is not the best way to fight.

True Father is the best performer who has subjugated Satan, and that's why I think we must be more focused on internal training. How to win without physical fight is more important. Physical strength will be deteriorating without fail and so we need to be more focused on obtaining the internal wisdom, mind-training and loving True Parents. But I personally love it and it is a big part of my life. So actually (by telling me to do the performance) Father liberated me in a sense. I tried to hide my feeling but Father said, "시범하라, 이 자식아!" (A leader, this bastard!) (Laughter). So, though I am still a little bit worried about the young people who see my performance, I am happy that Father liberated me on this."