The Importance of the Day of Victory of Love — SunHak Institute of History USA

The Importance of the Day of Victory of Love

Sun Myung Moon
January 30, 2012
Father's words upon arrival at the Cheon Hwa Gung, Las Vegas on 1. 8 by the H.C


Note: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. -- Rev. Katsumi Kambashi

"Through the ceremonies in Korea, I started to emphasize the importance of the Day of Victory of Love (애승일 / 愛勝日) which was held centering on 통일식 (Unification Ceremony). From now on, you, especially the 2nd generation, must observe that day. Parents as the Blessed families must make a new start with the 2nd gens centering on the Day of the Victory of Love. (I held) '천지인참부모 국민 지지대회 (Korean National Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind)' 국민 (people) doesn't mean only the Blessed families, and from now on we are entering the era of the 2nd generation. The final purpose lies in that God, father's family and son's family are united. God doesn't have 어머니 (Katsumi: I guess Father meant 'wife' by '어머니.') What I did 28 years ago (by which Father means 통일식 with Heung Jin Nim held at the hospital) was not just a ceremony for my family to send him to the spirit world, but for going beyond the summit for the whole. It should be done before the age of 17 years old. Originally, at conception, one should register to heavenly nation."

"천지인 참부모 국민 지지대회(Korean National Rally to Support the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind) should be held on the worldwide level. The Main theme of the assembly is that one makes their sons and daughters go ahead."

"천지인참부모 승리해방완성시대 (The Era of Victory, Liberation and Perfection of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind) and then 개문 (開文/ the opening of the gate) occurs."

"In Las Vegas, more than 170,000 copies (of Father's autobiography) have been delivered. Do you know how much money was invested for that? Do you think I am doing this because I like it? After Las Vegas, nobody knows where I go. You might think what we are doing is like a dream but I don't. Heaven, without your notice, is preparing for your step. You would have a problem lacking half a step. I am going ahead by half step for you, and so don't drop off in the middle of the course."

"When it is an important time, important people go to the spirit world. Without fail they go. I prayed this morning too but I can't pray asking 'Please take them to the spirit world.' It is not my responsibility but theirs, but when the environments are difficult, a new person inherits that position and they will move to other places."


February 2, 2012

Dear families,

There is a correction of the Chinese character of 개문 (the opening of the gate).


wrong - 開文

correct - 開門

"천지인참부모 승리해방완성시대 (The Era of Victory, Liberation and Perfection of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind) and then 개문 (開 門/ the opening of the gate) occurs."

Sorry for the confusion.

Katsumi Kambashi