The Vise Tightens


Today we were in San Angelo, Texas. I made $115. Yesterday I made $78 in Austin.

Commander came to our team tonight. He said in the past we could hide behind great external goals like Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium and Washington Monument. But now it has come down to the individual -- me and my sin. If we failed individually in the past but gained victory as a whole, then we didn't need to feel like we failed. But now our goals are completely individual. If I don't make my goal now, I'm not facing my fallen nature or overcoming my sin.

Commander said that God gave Noah a goal to build the ark to certain specifications and then Noah didn't hear from God again. Likewise, Father has given us a goal of $120 net average. That means $120 average after all expenses for food, gas and lodging. So really our gross average goal is more like $150.

He went on to say that at this time God is not helping us but has given us this test to see who are the true children of God and who belong to Satan. At the point of responsibility, God does not interfere. Many are tempted to go the easy way of sin because that is the way Adam and Eve went. Already many people are receiving temptation and questioning seriously the Divine Principle and if Sun Myung Moon is indeed the messiah.

Two days ago a brother on our team almost fell. I think it was because of that that commander came. But also because our team average has dropped way down. Yesterday our average was $66. Today was better, $93. 

Chillin' at KFC


Slight improvement today over yesterday, $124. I really worked hard. I ran all day, just focused on my goal, no give-and-take with the usual distractions. Just my offering of faith.

Tonight began well. I did some Mexican apartments on the outskirts of town. On the horizon, across the desert to the west, the sky was very dark. A big storm was coming. I went to fundraise a drive-in and a torrential downpour began, with lightning all around. Hardly anyone gave.

I didn't care about being wet except I got pretty cold. I caught a ride back to my pickup spot, but it was really dead. I was getting really cold, so I spent 45 minutes in the bathroom of Kentucky Fried Chicken because it was the only warm place. When I came out the rain had stopped.

I kept fundraising, but Carolyn beat me by $6. 

Knock Down, Build Up


I am not likely to forget today. I can't remember ever having such a difficult time. My goal was $200. I made $53.

First I was dropped off at a Safeway, but after a short time Bruce showed up because he'd been KO'd from his lot. So I gave him the Safeway and went to another area Tony told me about. But when I got there John was there, so I went even farther down the strip, but the area was dead.

So I tried to catch a ride to Kmart, but my ride was short and I ended up in some industrial area. Carolyn had done most of it a couple days earlier. After a long wait I finally got a ride to Kmart, but by this time I was utterly exhausted, so I stopped for lunch. As I was eating, Carolyn appeared on the Kmart lot. So I headed off for yet another parking lot.

As I was walking down the street I suddenly stopped in front of a motel, which I finally recognized as the one we were staying at. Peeking around the corner I saw the van, so I went up to the room and Tony, who was doing the books, let me in. I told him how everywhere I'd been already had another fundraiser from our team working it, so he told me to take a nap.

After a short rest, Tony took me to a small food store in town and left me for the rest of the day. He told me I could do the drive-in I got rained out of last night. After a while I caught a ride out there and did an apartment complex. It was pretty poor, but many people gave something.

As I finished the apartments it was getting dark and the drive-in was beginning to fill up. I was very tired, so I drank a quart of orange juice, which made me feel better. But as I got to the drive-in, Mike was just leaving, having just completed the whole thing. My heart sank. All of my hopes of making any kind of result were gone.

Later I saw Tony and he picked me up. Both he and Michael began to praise me for persevering, so I couldn't feel negative. I got out to fundraise one last time, and then when we all met together Tony gave testimony to me in front of team, praising me for my effort and trustability in a difficult situation. 

How I Roll


Today was a very unique day. I used a wheelchair. It's because I've been so exhausted lately. I start out strong, and then after a couple hours my legs just quit. So I have to stop and rest for longer and longer periods of the time. It makes be feel bad, that I'm not working hard enough, but I just don't have the energy. The combination of the exhaustion and the guilt make me depressed, and that's probably the main reason my result keeps going down.

My legs have been giving me problems ever since I came to MFT. They ache all the time now. Sometimes the pain is so bad I can hardly sleep, even though I'm so tired. But up until now I've been able to keep going.

Tony says I need a rest. Today he rented a wheelchair from a medical supply place. At first I was horrified, because I'm not a cripple. But he said it would be for a higher purpose because it would allow me to keep fundraising without getting wiped out. He said the wheelchair isn't permanent. Just a few days, maybe a week or so, until my strength returns.

I decided to give it a try. I made $187. The team average was $123, the first time it's been that high in a while. 

Can't Argue with Results


This week has been very good for me. Fundraising from a wheelchair has been a stimulating change. Every day I have been in front of small stores like Safeway or TGandY or Furr's. Friday I made $276 and Saturday $306. I even blitzed in my chair a little.

I know many people are giving because they think I'm handicapped, and I'm not saying anything to make them think different. When someone asks me why I'm in a wheelchair, I tell them the truth. I tell them I have a problem with my legs that makes it hard for me to be on my feet. But most people don't ask, and I know the vast majority assume I can't walk.

I've discovered it's incredibly easy to do a wheelie. I can pop the little front wheels off the ground and hold it like that indefinitely. I have no fear of falling over backward. Little kids love it.

It's hard being in a wheelchair too. I get tired of sitting and being in the same spot all day. I want to get up and move around. I miss the change of scenery. But I can't get up. If anyone sees me stand up, even just to stretch, they'll know I don't really need a wheelchair.

That's the irony. I'm not crippled, but do need a wheelchair. I can't do my mission right now without it. I hate the deception, but I'm only doing it because I have to. If I could run around on my feet all day, I would.

No one on the team seems to care, especially Tony. Our team is getting good results for a change. That's what matters. 

Be Humble and Obey


For the last month I have been leading half of Tony's team. It certainly is not as easy as fundraising. I try to take care of my members as best I can, I even try to fundraise as much as I can, but I am under almost constant accusation because I am responsible for everyone, and they don't usually do so well.

Right at this time we are in Dallas, but our area is still West Texas. We thought we would let it cool off a little bit, since we just did it for competition. We are in another competition, back to back with the first one.

A new system has been devised. All the members are numbered according to their average. The top quarter is the A Team, the second quarter is the B Team, which is Tony's, and so on. The best with the best and the worst with the worst. The A Team is really crushing away in South Texas.

Nancy Breyfogle, Richard Panzer and Tim Folzenlogen are off to seminary. In Nancy's place as secretary is a sister from Oakland named Virginia Mabry. Recently she and I developed some disunity problem. Among other things, it seems she didn't like my driving, and I get the feeling she might have multiplied negative feelings among some of the sisters. Anyway, last night Commander yelled at me for driving too fast. I wanted to protest but he told me not to and just be humble.

Earlier in the day I had called Virginia for any messages and I sort of mentioned that one of her comments to Tony about our team result had really hurt Tony and she got all upset. I don't know what she said, but I got yelled at for that too and was told I had to apologize to her, which I did, but still I am feeling somewhat falsely accused, or maybe unreasonably accused. I must overcome and see this situation from God's point of view. It's hard to admit you're wrong when you really don't see that you're wrong.

I am sure it is just my fallen nature that is keeping me from seeing this. I must conclude this whole episode is a test from God so I can overcome my fallen nature, but it ain't easy.

I am somewhat worried about my parents. I haven't written to them in a while. Even so, when I do write I can only tell them that I am fine, etc. Last time I gave them my testimony. My father doesn't write. I don't know if he is upset or whether he just lets my mother communicate for him. I have a feeling they think I hate them and that is the reason I won't come home to see them. Also, I think they feel that if I have to be kidnapped in order for them to see me, then it's not worth it.

I am going through some deeper struggles than before, but I know that it is good because through it I will overcome my fallen nature and become perfected. 

Guess Who's Coming to Dallas - Again


I am on a jet back to Dallas right at this moment. I spent the weekend in Delaware with the folks for a rare but brief visit. It was good to see them, but also somewhat boring. Things haven't changed a bit. I had no desire to see any old friends like Greg or Leslie, and I probably wouldn't have been able to find them if I had wanted to. My past is behind me and I just want to keep moving forward, closer and closer to God. It will be good to get back to the team.

Miraculously, True Parents came to see us in Dallas on October 6 and stayed overnight and left the next morning. Father spoke for close to six hours. I managed to get a lot of it down on paper.

The whole day before, on the 5th, my team worked all day at the center preparing for them. It involved moving everyone's personal belongings out into our little warehouse, leaving the house almost completely empty. We also bought a bedroom set, but first we rented a carpet cleaner and steam-cleaned the carpet. Mike Joyce said he had done it before so we let him do it. It was amazing how dirty the carpet really was, and how much brighter it got. It was actually a pretty pale blue-lavender.

Because of my experience with painting, I took responsibility to paint the master bathroom. I took the top of the toilet tank, which was a shade of lavender similar to the carpet, and they matched the color exactly at the paint store. I spent all day and most of the evening painting. The final thing I had to do was repair some loose tiles on the step into the shower. When I was finally done it was nearly 3 am and everyone else had gone to bed. I was so tired I couldn't wait to lie down.

I had a dream of Father. He looked exhausted. He handed me an old-fashioned pistol, the kind pirates used. On the handle were the Greek letters for alpha and omega, the "A" laying inside the omega. I woke up more refreshed than I had felt in ages.

That day Father spoke to us briefly about himself as a young man. He said he experienced everything we do. The only difference is that we have a leader or someone we could turn to. Then he said that we might say that he had God, but he said God drove him mercilessly because throughout human history people only loved God when God was nice. But Father had to establish the tradition of loving God even if God were a merciless tyrant, because God wanted to establish one absolute standard of perfection, one absolute man of perfection, one absolute standard of love by which the world could be judged.

I often think of myself as fighting the dark forces alone, holding some type of sword or something but it is still bulky and awkward for me to use. But the thought inspires some flame of righteousness, some feeling of nobility. 

This Is Where It Gets Bad


Almost two months since my last entry I see. I wonder if I can put down everything that happened in these last two months. Usually works best when I start at the present and then move back, or rather look back, and then sometimes try to project ahead.

At the moment I am sitting in a motel room in Midland, Texas, No. 37 at the Motel 6, for what it's worth, and I am half-listening to Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon," which I bought yesterday along with the new Grateful Dead, called "Terrapin Station," which is really excellent.

But what am I doing buying tapes like that, one might ponder? As a matter of fact, I am pondering this myself. That is, what drove me to make this entry? Well, I guess first off I still have a deep connection to the music of these two groups, the Grateful Dead in general and "Dark Side of the Moon" in particular, something I haven't quite been able to put my finger on -- yet. But why this sudden search for roots when just a few days ago I was just another MFT captain leading a team, trying to unite them to God and True Parents and commander in some unspecified way? Well, let's see.

We began as a team of eight, with five sisters and three brothers, including myself, and the first week of competition went pretty good with a couple days up around $200 average. One day I drove 1,000 miles doing small towns south of San Angelo. I made the first drop off at 3:30 a.m.

I had a really good talk with one of the sisters, Beverly. I asked her what she thought the team needed. She said her experience as a pioneer in South Dakota was that people were competing with each other without loving each other -- in other words, there was some jealousy, which made us feel separate. She also said, and I'll never forget this as long as I live, I feel it was God who spoke: "There is a qualitative difference between saying 'I'll do this and you follow' and 'Let's do this thing together.'" I was awestruck by her wisdom.

A little while later we went to Killeen, Texas. Commander came to see us. We also had a very good day. Since then, however, the team has been declining, and it's been difficult to know just exactly what to do. So after one day when we had a $40 average, I felt compelled to say something at least. The day before I had been with commander and Peter Spoto in Dallas and they spoke a lot about the jealous nature of sisters and how to deal with it. So while we were traveling I spoke to the sisters about the blessing and jealousy, but except for Beverly, no one would receive my words and they became quite resentful. Also, one of my brothers just about quit fundraising altogether, then one of the sisters sort of ran away.

Miraculously, commander came to see us and promised to speak strongly to us. Then the sister who ran away reappeared, but she was very unhappy and still wanted to leave. So commander took her and the brother who had quit fundraising back to Dallas with him. Before he left, commander spoke to us about the evil history of Texas, especially the failures within our family. Commander said he finally realized the reason he had come to Texas was because he knew the history of Texas. At that point I was completely committed to supporting commander and I felt totally united with him.

Without going into details, my attitude was severely tested in a way I would have never expected. I was shocked, disgusted, confused, disappointed and I felt I had been killed.

So quite simply I am trying to recover because I want to keep going and get victory. God works through central figure no matter what. God will test us with another person's fallen nature. We can get victory by "going over" -- conquering -- the feelings of hate and resentment and being more concerned with that person's eternal life than our own.

We must completely forgive each other of our sins and really work to support each other to unite with God. If I can go over, this victory is mine.