Into the Abyss


Yesterday was even worse than the day before. I woke up completely depressed. Never have I been so unhappy since my life in the church. Unable to pray, I feel I was forced or driven to the truth, to the Divine Principle. I read a little bit of chapter two, then fell asleep.

But when I woke up I felt much better. I began reading again. Then I realized that it is the truth that sets us free. I felt I had received liberation from the hell I had experienced these last three days. The Divine Principle is my Abel.

I haven't completely recovered from the shock of the experience yet, as I am still relying somewhat heavily on the Grateful Dead to soften the pain. But still I know my salvation is in knowing and uniting with the truth. If God will give me a little more time to steady myself, I think I'll make it. 

Lost in the Wilderness Without a Compass


At long last I feel victory is within my grasp. I am not out of the tunnel yet, but I can see daylight ahead. I don't think I will ever be the same.

The difference between a cult and a religion is that the former is centered on a personality or personalities, while the latter is centered on truth. I realize I need the truth in the worst way, and I must educate my members to anchor themselves to the truth. If we are not, then there is no guarantee that we will not fall away. If we are simply united with a personality, then as long as that person is centered on truth then everything is fine.

But what if that person begins to behave in an unprincipled or untruthful way? If we don't know the truth in our hearts ourselves, then we may easily be dragged down to hell, even though it would not be our desire or intention. Without truth, passion is more powerful than reason. We must know the Divine Principle and center all of our actions on accomplishing God's will.

We always have three choices when faced with some difficulty: flight, fright or fight. We can leave and change our external situation, although nothing is really resolved; or we can fall into fear and pull down others with us; or we can arm ourselves with the truth and fight until we get victory.

I feel the worst is almost over, but I must be careful not to let Satan invade in the end. 



After almost two years in this region, I have finally landed a team in Houston. I am not sure at this moment of just exactly how things stand. I have been fighting hard to beat an enemy I can't see.

One of my biggest breakthroughs came yesterday when I stopped looking at the external situation, which is to say hate and resentment instead of love and forgiveness. I guess you could say I could see my sin as well. It's still too close to be very objective, but I feel that I must unite the past, present and future. In other words, I must clearly understand where I am coming from, correctly analyze where I am in the present, in order to go forward toward the goal of the future.

Anyway, before I get too lost in that I will just say I am sub-captain to Larry Krishnek in Houston and surrounding area with Roger Balabano, Howie Comis, Wade Jones, and eight sisters, including Beverly from my last team, and Michiyo Fujita, who is the Japanese team mother.

She first came to my team in Lubbock, when she first came to this region from Mr. Tsujimura's region in Florida, and it was to her that I laid bare my heart. By her inspiration we did a three-day fast before God's Day, to try to lay some foundation for victory. She called Mr. Suwamaki and he said I must write him and tell him the details of my ordeal, but it was so difficult. Finally I managed to get it done. I just hope I didn't saying anything damning anyone. I just want victory. 

Wishing I Was Dead


Two entries in one month. Must be a record. Not like Howie, though. He writes in his journal every night almost. His is loaded with all kinds of stuff. It's more like a scrapbook, with lots of pictures and articles and a daily record of his goal and result and highlights of the day and his general attitude and points of victory or defeat and calculations and graphs. He is really an amazing person.

Before the family he was a heroin addict, but then went into a monastery for a while to mellow out. He is by far the craziest fundraiser one could ever hope to meet. He shows no fear, except at the prospect of not making his goal. He has totally blown away my concepts of fundraising.

One night down on Westheimer in Houston, an area full of rich, snooty people, Howie went into a fancy nightclub -- always a kick out. But he just set his flowers on the bar and started cashing in some change. The manager or somebody came over to kick him out. Howie turned to him and screamed, "Get your fucking hands off me!" The guy fell into a state of shock and then Howie just went around and made a lot of money. Not the conventional style. Almost every day he performs some miracle.

Also on my team now are Carolyn Chehardy and Roger Balabanno. Together, the three of them, the top three in the region, represent intellect, heart and will, respectively. I feel God has put them together at his time so that they can each gain some substantial victory for this new year, so they might give testimony to the rest of the region. Overall our result has been very good, well over $200 average. On weekends, usually $300 and $400 average.

I am not doing very much fundraising. Just sporadic. Trying to save as much area as possible.

But enough of this external stuff. Internally I am a wreck. If I weren't in the family, I'm sure I would commit suicide. And if I had anyplace to go, I would probably leave. In other words, in case you can't tell, I am utterly miserable.

Satan's accusation comes in waves. I am up and down almost daily. I can't seem to connect to God or True Parents in a substantial way. My relationship with commander is nil, which is the source of my misery, because I loved and trusted him so much. My future to me looks very uncertain.

I think God gave me this present situation of leading Howie, Carolyn and Roger because they don't need so much care. They are strong and determined. I get a lot of strength from them. I feel I have almost nothing to give them. After this competition is over, I am almost afraid to think of what will happen.

I have a base now with some chapter two spirit. It's so hideous to wake up with no control over my body. Sometimes I wish I was dead. But there must be a way out. Though I didn't actually fall, still the accusation is always there. I feel so humiliated and unworthy. If I had any other place to go, I would leave. But I know there is nothing for me anywhere but here. This is my only hope.

I wish I could be confident and strong to comfort God and True Parents, but this internal war has got me stymied. Half of the time I don't know if I'm coming or going. It's really difficult to focus for any length of time.

I did manage to destroy the Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd tapes. I realized I was turning into a literal "rockaholic" and they weren't helping me any. But still there is a lot of garbage clogging the pipes. If any sister should tempt me now, I am finished. I am so desperate for love now that my thoughts easily become cloudy and confused. Without a substantial relationship of love and trust with my central figure, it's almost impossible to keep going. But so far I've managed. How much more or longer I have no idea.

I don't want to fall. I only want to know God and love God and serve God. But the flesh is weak.

Captain Krishnek, Michiyo-san and myself are fasting every day from 12 to 12 and taking cold showers. I wish I could say that I am getting better, but I don't have the confidence to say it. Michiyo said she is worried about me. She is afraid I will leave. She may be right. She keeps warning me indirectly about falling. She said the day I meet someone (a sister) with whom I can share my heart will be a very dangerous time unless the sister is connected to God.

Good luck. I have just got to get it together soon. My situation at the moment --driving Howie, Roger and Carolyn -- is the only thing that keeps me going. If I were to have weaker members, I don't think I could survive. I hate to ask God for help because I want to be a true son and comfort my True Parents, but I am in a jam.

I can't deny that I got myself here, though I can't understand exactly how, but I am at a complete loss as to how to get out. Some temptation will come, some test, I am sure. At the present I am not prepared to go over, though I wish to God I was. At least I don't have any more concepts about the power of strength of a fallen man. Whatever I have that is good, whatever it is, whether it be heart, intellect or will, comes from God. And what is evil comes from Satan.

Perhaps God has put me here so that by uniting with Carolyn and Howie and Roger I might possibly gain the heart, intellect and will I need. All I can do now is try to have faith and endure and give whatever I have for God's purpose.

There must be some powerful restoration going on. I just hope I can make it to the end without falling. God help me. 

MFT: Kansas City


I guess it was inevitable, with irreconcilable differences, but I don't live in Texas no more under W. Mr. Sawamukai moved me to Kansas City to work with Carl Swearson. It was hard leaving Larry and Michiyo, but it really couldn't be avoided, and I think I knew it all along.

Kansas City is not bad. I have been driving mostly because my legs are wiped out. I can only go for a few hours and then I am utterly fatigued and sleepy and hungry and my spirit gets somewhat negative. It's actually a very depressing situation, but I am trying to maintain myself. That, combined with the internal chaos of the last few months, has really pushed me to my limits.

I was almost dead when I went to Houston. I caught the flu and laid in that tiny bare bedroom in Houston for days. The MFT center was really nothing more than a shack up on short stilts. The ground underneath was damp and it was very cold. We had no heat except for an electric space heater. The place just felt sick; it bred sickness. All I could do was curl up in my sleeping bag and try to sleep and hope the darkness and dankness would pass. Larry and Michiyo were so kind to me, but they were powerless to improve the situation.

Now in Kansas City I am slowly getting stronger, little by little, day by day. It's the dead of winter and very cold, but at least we live in a real house in Gladstone. It feels like a solid dwelling. I may be miserable and depressed, but at least I'm reasonably comfortable.

Soon I will have to go to the doctor to see about my legs. It's been almost a year since they really started to give me trouble. 

Ed Hoderek


Today my legs went out the worst they have been for a long time. They still hurt even now.

I went to the doctor last month and he diagnosed hypoglycemia and severe whiplash in my neck, probably from my horseback riding accident years ago. Hopefully in a couple weeks I can get some adjustments. My neck doesn't bother me so much itself, but I have a feeling it is the cause of my other physical problems.

Michiyo called me the other day and told me a brother named Ed Hoderek has joined the family in Houston. He came to the church center in Houston, which is a different place than the MFT center, and he couldn't remember my name. He said he thought I might be an angel. When Michiyo showed him a photograph of our small MFT team in Houston -- me, Howie, Roger and Carolyn -- he pointed me out.

What happened was last winter when we were fundraising down along the coast -- the most fertile fundraising area with the highest results -- I had dropped off Roger, Carolyn and Howie to fundraise around Galveston. We had a Chevy Malibu station wagon that I really liked. It had a big engine with a lot of power, but the shocks were shot. It rocked and swayed over every bump and curve. So I spent a couple hundred bucks to get new shocks and was driving along a back road in the bayou on my way back to where Howie, Roger and Carolyn were.

And on the shoulder in the middle of nowhere were a guy and a girl hitchhiking. As a rule I would just keep going. We often had thousands of dollars in cash and it would be stupid to pick up a stranger. But they looked like a couple kids who just needed a ride, and unless I gave them one, they probably wouldn't see another car for a long time. So I pulled over.

I think the guy said they were from Canada and staying with friends and trying to get back to somebody's house. Anyway, where they were going was on the way.

I was in a rare mood where I was so depressed about everything that I just didn't care what happened. So, having nothing better to do, I started witnessing to this guy in the front seat, who turned out to be Ed. I explained everything -- the Principle of Creation, the Fall of Man, the Providence of Restoration, the Mission of Jesus and the tragedy of the crucifixion, and finally the Second Coming. By this time we were at the place where Ed and his girlfriend were staying and she got out and went inside. But Ed wanted to hear the rest.

Normally I wouldn't say any more. People hear Father's name and they automatically get negative. It's better if someone can listen to the entire Principle over the course of several days, and then they can have the proper context to accept Father as the messiah. But Ed had to go and I had to go, so I figured what the hell and I let it all out. I told him the second coming had already happened, that the messiah was on the Earth now, and his name was Sun Myung Moon. I gave Ed a pamphlet that had the church address on it and we said goodbye. I assumed that would be the last I'd ever see or hear from him. The odds of him actually acting on anything I had told him were extremely remote at best. It just never happened.

I guess Ed showing up in Houston and joining the family was God's way of telling me He loved me even though I was deep in my own personal hell. I have been so low and negative, and still God blessed me with a spiritual son. 

First the Body Goes...


Without being too optimistic, I guess I am ready to start over again -- at the bottom. I finally got fed up with driving and not receiving any real stimulation, so I volunteered to fundraise this month. I really wanted to challenge and I really went for it.

But after four days I was completely wasted. I mean, it took me two days to recover. Thursday I really pushed and I went way over my limit. Every cell of my body was screaming for oxygen. Still I kept going. No one gave. By the time pick up rolled around I was almost delirious. I could hardly speak. I broke down emotionally.

The next day I wasn't much better and I slept all day. Nor was I up to par on the next.

Today my mind was intact enough to get out to fundraise, but I didn't push, nor will I until I find out what is wrong with me and what I should do. It seems that as my body fatigues, it's not able to recover and something toxic builds up in my blood, robbing it of oxygen. That's what it seems like, but I haven't the faintest idea what to do. 

...Then the Mind


I went out to fundraise May 8 in the morning, but the pressure was the most intense I had ever experienced. I was at my all-time low. I had struggled for five months to reunite with fundraising, only to find that I could not accomplish it physically. So now where was I supposed to go?

I was really depressed. Actually, I think I was having a nervous breakdown. I thought I had had one several days before when I had really pushed myself too hard. Now all of my hope had been exhausted.

While I was waiting for Captain Swearson, one of the brothers, Bill McCarthy, came up and sort of off-handedly said that the month of May was the time when more people go crazy and commit suicide. Something about the phase of the moon.

Back in the van I almost choked trying to tell Captain Swearson I was having a nervous breakdown. He said that comes from not having any hope. I said that that was my case. The team had done very poorly the day before. I felt completely responsible. When Captain Swearson judged us, I thought I would die. This created the tremendous pressure I felt the next day. Satan was really closing in for the kill.

I was very despondent the next day, May 9. We went to Topeka. The thought of fundraising created great anxiety in me. Captain Swearson dropped me off, but not to fundraise, just to lie in the grass and fresh air and sunshine to rest. He said I would feel better.

I realized God was giving me the opportunity to leave the church since now I had no hope. Still, I did not want to abandon God and True Parents, but I just couldn't connect to fundraising. I felt that if Captain tried to drop me off I would refuse.

I heard a voice in my head saying, "Give it one more try." But I would reject it every time. The words to the Pink Floyd song "Brain Damage" kept going through my mind.

The lunatic is on the grass The lunatic is on the grass Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs Got to keep the loonies on the path.

The lunatic is in the hall The lunatics are in my hall The paper holds their folded faces to the floor And every day the paper boy brings more.

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon And if there is no room upon the hill And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

The lunatic is in my head The lunatic is in my head You raise the blade, you make the change You re-arrange me till I'm sane You lock the door And throw away the key There's someone in my head but it's not me.

And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

Every single word of it rang true. I was way past the point of no return. I was slowly going insane and absolutely powerless to stop it. I was free falling off a cliff and simply waiting for impact. I wanted to die.

I really didn't think Captain would try to drop me off again, so when he did I was unprepared. Before I could think to protest, I instinctively grabbed some product -- we were selling beautiful, brightly colored butterflies from South America mounted inside plastic cubes -- and the next thing I knew I was standing on the street with Bill McCarthy.

For once I didn't pray. I just said, "God, if you want to use me to make money, go ahead. I really don't care. And when I get tired, I will stop."

The first person I spoke to bought a butterfly, but I didn't care. Obviously, it wasn't me who did that.

After an hour I was getting somewhat tired. At the last house on the street I said to myself that if these people didn't buy something, I would quit. But they bought two butterflies, so I felt I had to keep going. I ended up with $75 in about three-and-a-half hours. I knew it couldn't have been me. Only God could have sold them.

When I got dropped off again, I had the same mental attitude. I didn't care. This time nothing happened. I changed area, but still no result. There was a park with a baseball field, so I went over to sit on the bleachers. It was warm and pleasant. The sun was getting lower in the sky.

I thought about myself for a while, but it was the just the same old junk about W and what he'd done to me and how nobody believed me. I was so bored with playing all that over and over in my head. I really wanted to pray but didn't know what to pray about. A voice in my head said to pray for America.

Then the voice in my head said, "Do you want to go home?"


"Do you want to go back to school?"


"Do you want to live with Leslie?"


"Do you want a different mission?"


"Would you like to go fishing?"

"Yes, but I'm not ready."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want to get victory on MFT."

"I will answer any question you have."

For the next 30 minutes I had the most amazing revelation. I don't know if I can write it here accurately. When I asked why I was going through such difficulty, about my ordeal with W, God said, "I had to do it to you. There was no other way I could reach you. I was just waiting for you to give up. I didn't know if you would leave or not."

God seemed very happy, even though I was somewhat confused. I wasn't even sure what I had done. God explained to me how many people in the past had made offerings externally, but not in their hearts. Even though I had been getting victory in the moment, in the long run I would have failed. Like Larry Glasner. Then He said, "Just remember. It's not you. It's not the area. It's Me." He repeated it.

I asked him what was wrong with me physically. He said, "Not too much. Don't worry about it."

I said, "It must be hard for You to talk to someone like me when you have True Father."

"True Father is my loving son, and we have a very special relationship, but it is not unlike this."

God also told me he wasn't done with me yet, that I still needed some work. He said, "In the past, you thought the only way to support your central figure was to bring the highest result, but in reality if you bring the lowest result, in order to support the central figure the most, you have to overcome yourself. This is what will win the love and respect of your brothers and sisters." He said if I can overcome myself in the next few months, then I will have a solid foundation for God to work on.

Then He said, "I love you." He drew my attention to a large cloud, which was catching the rays from the sunset.

"Do you like that cloud?"


"I made it for you."

I decided it was time to try again, so I got up to leave. God said: "One more thing. Don't let Me down. I have made a lot of mistakes raising up central figures in the past, but I've pretty much got it down." I promised that I would not fail.

When Captain Swearson picked me up he was the only person in the van. I told him what had happened. He listened very intently to every word I spoke. Then he gave me a special mission. For the next three days he wanted me to prepare a presentation for the team.

A couple days later I had to take the bus to run some errands in Kansas City. I was sitting toward the back, not really thinking about much of anything. There were only a few other people on the bus. One was a pretty girl about my age, sitting up at the front. I could tell she was looking at me, but I didn't think too much about it. Finally she came over to me, apologized for intruding, and said: "You're glowing. You're radiating a brilliant light. Who are you?"

I was shocked. I certainly wasn't feeling radiant or glowing. I invited her to sit down next to me. I explained to her what had happened the other day in Topeka. I gave her a brief overview of my upcoming presentation to the team. My stop came and I got up to leave. She said she wanted to come with me, but she had a babysitting job to go to and couldn't let them down. I said I understood. I said goodbye and got off.