Section 1. Fundamental Theory Of Unification
1. The One World Had There Been No Fall
What is the motivation that can make unfallen people unite into one? It is to make unity perfectly centering on one nation, one world and one universe. This can be the only motto for all those who live in the unified nation: How to live a happy life, making unity centering on God. There can never be division. If there were division, it would be in direct opposition to God and damage the nation, the world and God, as well as causing self-destruction. This fact must be known clearly. Above all, the place where the individual stands must be based upon God, the world, the nation, society, tribe, and family. The whole foundation from God to the world can belong to one individual.
Therefore, not to become one means to destroy God, destroy the world, destroy the nation, destroy one's own tribe, and cause the destruction of the family. It is very obvious. Because of such a situation, there cannot be any separation. Because the degree of our unity becomes the standard representing the value of the whole, we must go through daily life and through our entire life upholding this as the standard. This is the essence of human life and the viewpoint for the family, for the society, and for the nation as well. Then one nation and one world of eternal and unchangeable sovereignty can be set up centering upon God.
There can be no opposition to that nation and its sovereignty. Because it is constituted with the same structure as the human body, just as no organs of the body would rebel against the brain, likewise that nation would be one systematic, ideal world centering on God. Therefore when God feels joy, automatically we also feel joy, and when we feel joy, then God cannot help but feel joy, too.
In a dark world, everything would be united centering on the sun. Likewise, this world would be united centering on God. If such a world were built, we could see the individual, the family, tribe, nation, and world that live centering on God. Furthermore, we would see that we live together with the spirits of the spiritual world. The spiritual world is not a separate world, but all part of one world. If such a world were built, there could be no war anywhere in the whole world. Furthermore, language would not be complicated as it is today. (72-286)
2. A Fallen Human Being Has Two Opposing Purposes
We human beings are each individuals with two opposing purposes. No one can deny this. The mind wants to go toward a good place; but the body wants to go in the opposite direction. I am a man in whom mind and body are combined, yet these two entities are fighting with one another.
When such individuals come together as man and woman, then this forms a family. However, each of us has an inner self and an external self, so when husband and wife meet, four human types are manifested and engage in different actions. Suppose there are eight members in a family -- then they become a family with 16 different, conflicting directions!
When we look at the family, then among families, they are likewise standing in opposition to one another. Moreover, the clan, the tribe, the society, the nation, and the world are all divided. However, what we can be truly thankful for is that this whole world, rather than being divided into hundreds or thousands of fragments, is, on a broad scale, divided into two great blocs. That is a strange phenomenon.
When we look at the original natures of good and evil, we can find fundamental differences between them. Goodness pursues the benefit of the whole, but evil lives for the sake of the individual, ignoring the whole. To the evil man, there is no family, no neighbor, no nation, and no world. On the contrary, the good man puts the family ahead of himself, and the village first before the family, then the nation ahead of the village, and the world foremost, ahead of the nation.
Up until now, history has been filled with struggles between the selfish aspect and the public aspect. For God it is absolutely required to destroy the root of evil centered upon the body. 0n the other hand, the requirement of evil, centering on Satan, is to mercilessly destroy the conscience.
In this way, history has consisted of struggles between God's side centering on the conscience, and the evil side centering on the body, denying God and living based on material. Seeing this situation, we can conclude that the whole of humanity must be divided between two sides corresponding to such concepts as materialism and idealism. Yet if there were no God, the world as we see it could not even have come to exist. After all, evil brings about self-destruction by emphasizing jealousy, division, and struggle.
Therefore, where must the ideal and unification be realized? Essentially, it must be realized in myself before it can be realized in the world. Fundamentally, in each one of us -- in the individual! (53-11)
Looking at ourselves, we can easily recognize that we are each living with two purposes. There is the purpose pursued by the mind, and there is the purpose pursued by the body. Mind and body do not keep in step with one another, but always struggle with one another. They are clashing in a disorderly manner: in front and in back, to the left and the right.
Mind and body are fighting throughout our entire life. Of course, it was the same with all our ancestors, and just as it is with us, so it will be for our descendants in the future. That is, our mind and body are constantly fighting. The mind asks the body to do goodness. If there is a poor man, our mind pushes us to help him. In spite of whatever difficulties, your mind calls you to sacrifice yourself for the sake of others and to help others. However, as we know, the body takes a direction opposite to the mind.
Facing that situation, our absolute mandate is to conquer our body completely; to make a victorious foundation to overcome the body, centering on the mind, in the midst of this continuing struggle of mind and body. We cannot live our daily life centering upon goodness, year in and year out for ten years or for our entire life, without realizing this. We must become unchangeable men and women who can live committed to goodness. Our first, highest priority is to become such a person. (41, 59)
Mind and body are in a state of confusion. The body wants to go this way, and the mind wants to go that way. Can they make unity under such a circumstance? Have your mind and body been fighting every day, or do they live amiably together like friends? [Fight!] They fight and fight! Then on which side do you stand? You stand on both sides. Within you there are two parties: that is, one which is heading in the direction the body likes, and the other which is going toward the direction the mind likes.
Looking at God, does He also have mind and body? What do you think? Does God have mind and body? God must have both too, because He resembles us, and He must have even more than what we have. Because God must possess the more complete model, He must have mind and body.
If God has mind and body, would His mind and body be fighting? Do they fight day and night? Do they fight, or make unity and get along with and like, each other? What do you think? If God has mind and body, they ought to fight. Why? Because God resembles us. If I come to such a conclusion, that God's mind and body must fight because God resembles you and me, how do you feel? Why are you laughing? Are you laughing because you feel good or do you feel bad? Maybe you laugh because it is strange. You are laughing because it sounds strange!
Of course God resembles us. But what is the difference between God and human beings? God has mind and body, but they never fight each other; they make perfect unity. They are one. If it were not so, God would have created one world which appeals to His mind, and also one world which His body likes. It would mean that God created a world of two purposes. Therefore, such a God could not be absolute.
Accordingly, within God, His mind and body never fight with each other. If we understand God as the One in whom mind and body are united, the One with a unified view of purpose consisting of dual characteristics harmonizing the purpose of the body and the purpose of the mind, then the Creation which God would desire and would approve, must resemble Him. (70-47)
If God created man as a being with two contradictory purposes, such a God would not be logical. just as there is no being throughout all the created world existing without a purpose, likewise nothing can exist with two purposes. Something that has two purposes cannot exist, and will be destroyed. (18-319)
It is clear that we are existing beings. As long as you speak of existence, you cannot avoid speaking of relationships. There must be a vertical subject and a horizontal object in the relationship of subject and object. Then the ideal can be realized. You must understand this clearly.
In today's world, we can expect happiness and the ideal only after we realize a better resultant being. What is that resultant being? The individual is a resultant being, also the family, the society, and the nation are all resultant beings. The world pursued by these resultant beings cannot be two worlds; that world must be one.
If there is a subject who pursues two worlds, he ought to have two heads. Such a subject can never be an absolute being. If the causal being expects two results, he cannot be the Absolute One. "Absolute" means "only one." The perfect origin cannot be two: only one. Therefore the world of result originating from one origin must be one. That is an inevitable conclusion which no one can deny. (59-79)
Are you one or two? Two individuals or one individual? [One!] That is a lie, a lie! Your mind asks you to go this way, but your body says, "Oh! I don't want to; let's go another way!" It looks like one shape, but has two contents.
Then who made it like this? If the absolute God did it in play, this must be a crazy God! Don't you agree? If God did that, such a God doesn't exist. That is the unsolved question up until the present, leading to all kinds of complicated thought, including the so-called dualism. Am I right?
If there is a man who goes to the east with a God-centered intention, then he should do so in order to accomplish one absolute purpose, and if there is a man who goes west, it must be for the accomplishment of one absolute purpose.
Reflecting upon ourselves, we have a physical self and a spiritual self opposed to each other like east and west. (47-22)
Due to the fall of the human ancestors, human beings are in a midway position. Because of that, each of us can become a good person, and we can also become an evil person. If we take one step to the right side, we can become a good person, but by taking one step to the left, we can become an evil person. Accordingly, we should know that each one of us is dominated by two masters with two opposing purposes.
When I reflect upon myself, I realize that I have not become a person who can take free action in accordance with the desire of the mind. At the beginning of the year, we each pledge by our own will that we will accomplish a certain goal, yet we do not accomplish what we pledged, but rather something which we did not intend. We often see such results in our daily life. So, when we look back upon our life after one year passes, for the most part we feet that there were many regretful moments during the course of the year.
Why is this? Why are we not going the way we want, but instead the way we do not want? Because there is a stronger power leading us in the direction we don't want, than the power leading us in the direction of our true desires. You must know that, in fact, you are situated in a midway position. We are in a position between good and evil. That is why we are dominated by goodness and at the same time by evil. So we have to know that these two boundary lines are connected centering upon myself.
One thing which you must always keep in mind is that, because absolute God created man, a human being should pursue one purpose perfectly. The purpose of absolute God cannot be two. If absolute God created all things, He should create all things to harmonize centering on the purpose of the universe. Therefore, the purpose of existence cannot be two, but only one. (41-58)
4. The Fundamental Cause Of Struggle
Look at today's world. What kind of a world is it? Is it a world of love? No; it is not a world of love. This is not a harmonious and peaceful world of love, but one of hostility, jealousy, and struggle.
Within the individual human being, mind and body are struggling. The original mind which pursues goodness and the body which pursues evil according to physical desires are fighting. Because we are human beings with conflict within ourselves as individuals, the families built by such individual are in conflict; and because tribes are composed of such families, they are also struggling; and because nations are built by such tribes, they are also struggling; furthermore, nations are struggling with one another. Therefore wars have occurred ceaselessly everywhere on earth.
However, human beings do not want to fight, and from the bottom of their hearts do not desire war. If this is true, then why must we continually deal with fights which we do not want? It is because of the Fall. (1981.5.10)
The situation of today's world, in which two sides, left and right, are divided and confronting one another did not come about merely by chance. This present reality must be the world which the Creator Himself must have foreseen could come about if the humans were to fall. If the human ancestors had not fallen, then we would not see such a tiresome world on the face of this earth. But, because of the Fall, such a world came into existence. (10-311)
What is the Fall? It means to lose unity. Mind and body became divided, and natural law, heavenly law, and the whole Logos became divided, and all people divided. In order to bring these divisions into unity, God has for generation after generation conducted His providence of bringing about unification centered upon a certain tribe or nation.
History has been the history of war. Why is that? Because history began with selfishness, in the pursuit of individual gain. The original circumstance of the Fall was like that. Because our human ancestry is rooted in such a wrong motivation, everyone born throughout history has taken that form and brought forth the same fruits. (166-220)
Because fallen history started with conflict, it will also conclude with conflict. Of course, the process along the way has also the same. No matter how wonderful our parents may be, and no matter what nationality we may embrace, because we belong to humankind which has lost the place where we might seek peace of mind, we cannot escape from conflict.
When we answer the question of why war takes place, of course, there must be such reasons as problems of material; however, most of the causes relate to the problem of love. War occurs because the people of one country do not love, but hate, those of another country. Everything is like that. The person who hates a certain nation hates its king and his dynasty too. Isn't that so? Suppose there were a person who wished his enemy nation to perish. Then would he first wish the people of that nation to perish, or that the king of that nation perished first? What do you think? To hate a country is to hate its president.
After all, when we hate the president of a nation or the prince or queen of a kingdom, then war can break out. But if we like them, there can be no war. So war takes place on account of love problems. Therefore war occurs according to the degree of lack of love, and the infringement of love, in relationships between sons and daughters, and likewise in relationships on an expanded scale. (72-219)
Without exception and regardless of sex, all three billion people living in the entire world today were born with a fallen destiny. What is that destiny? It is the destiny of division. This is not the destiny of unity and prosperity, but the destiny of separation and destruction. As we know through the Principle, we fallen human lost God's Will, desire, and purpose. (21-99)
What happened to man after the Fall? Originally human beings should have established the four-position foundation in unity with God; however, due to the Fall, Adam, Eve, and their children divided. They separated from each other and created four divisions. Originally they should have all been one, but instead they divided, the reverse. We must unify that. (19-205)
The most miserable war among all wars is the war within one family, when parents and brothers and sisters point guns and swords at one another. The bloody war within one and the same family started with Cain in Adam's family, and expanded to war on the tribal level, on up until today. Unless we make the foundation that can bring about reconciliation between tribes in order to indemnify such a history, then the nation of God's ideal will be unattainable. Unless we build the foundation for the harmony of Cain and Abel, God's Will can never be realized. (1982.3.25.)
5. A War More Dreadful Than Nuclear War
The war between the mind and body is more hazardous than World War II and more dreadful than nuclear war. There are truces in those wars, but here there is no truce and no end. Since human life began, there has been no truce, but only fighting in the very core of our mind, and this will continue until it comes to an end. Such people built families and tribes, and so they fight more. Furthermore, they have formed peoples, which are fighting even more, and these combine as nations, which are fighting ever more and more.
Up to the present time, human history has been filled with wars. There was not a single day without war. Where is the basis for war? That is the mind and body. Because mind and body are the base for war, the individual, family, tribe, and nation all became like that. (19-287)
Neither the First nor the Second World Wars were the biggest wars in world history. There has never been a bigger war than the war of conquering myself. This war has continued unabated for six thousand years. Has it ended or not? More bundles of sin have been continuously piled on. Accordingly, six thousand years of sinful history is concentrated upon you. Then, who will overturn this sinful history? Because you are incapable of doing that, you need a Messiah with stronger power than you. To be sure, we need the Son of God. (21-189)
How difficult it is to save one person, yourself, from evil! What is the main problem for the Unificationist? It is how to completely liberate "me" centering upon mind and body. How difficult is this task, and how intensive is this battle? We cannot even compare it, with such a war as the competition between the USA and the Soviet Union. This fight between the democratic world and the Communist world is not the real problem. It is much more difficult than that war. This is the fight originating in myself.
Just as two parties are fighting within one individual, there are also two parties in the family, in the society, in the nation, and in the world. According to heritage or legacy, on one side is the evil individual, evil family, evil society, evil nation, and evil world, and on the other side is the good individual, good family, good society, good nation, and good world. This world is divided like that. One side is under the sphere of religion, centered upon God, and the other side is under the sphere of material, denying God. That is the state of the human being and all humankind. (41-63)
There is greater damage resulting from the war between mind and body than any kind of suffering in the world or all the trouble and destruction caused by war. You must know that tremendous sorrow remains after the defeat of the mind.
Even though many times per day the mind is defeated in the battle with the body, people don't even realize it. However, people never forget the moment they tripped over a stone and fell down in the street. People remember very well, and remark "Oh! Here I tripped and fell decades ago!" Yet we can be sure there are countless people who forget and think nothing of the defeat of their mind in the battle between mind and body.
If we were to think about it, however loudly you would like to excuse yourself, you are the person bearing the label of a straggler -- a defeated soldier. But, originally, the mind was supposed to win the victory in the battle between mind and body, and to always gain control over the body. Yet, because this was not the case, the mind and body came to pursue different directions separately. (19-285)
6. The Basis Of The Solution To World Peace Is The Human Mind And Body
Where South Korea and North Korea are divided is not at the 38th parallel, but rather in the human mind. We planted such a seed within the mind, and accordingly we have harvested such a fruit as this. Am I right? [Yes!] We harvest what we have sown. We live in such an environment of conflict and struggle between people of the mind and people of the body. We have gradually expanded what we planted in the beginning. Consequently, in this age of the world, what is our result? First of all, there is the democratic world based upon the idealistic view of history. The democratic, idealistic world is the fruit of the mind on the worldwide level, is it not? [Yes!] The idealistic view of history is that of history based upon the mind. On the other hand, the other association of people on the worldwide level is centered upon the body, namely the Communist world, upholding the materialist view of history.
If so, where will we find the solution? Today, even though the USA conducts a good foreign policy and military policy, yet it is unable to solve this problem. It is already a failure. A failure! Even if the Soviet Union were to take over the democratic world, as long as they cannot establish unity between the mind and body, they will be divided again. This is certain.
Look how the Soviet Union has advanced under the banner of international Communism! Nevertheless, in spite of this cosmopolitan ideal, such a rift took place between China and the Soviet Union beginning in the 1960s, and now no politics and no policies can correct that and reestablish unity. For them to think of unification seems to be a fantastic proposition. What this means is that they think it natural to be divided.
So where is the basis for a peaceful solution to that problem? Neither the USA nor the Soviet Union has the answer. You must know that. Where is there a basis for a peaceful resolution? Nowhere! Neither the USA nor the Soviet Union can help. Where is the problem? In my own heart. It is very important to find the harmonious view of the universe and a happy and peaceful worldview in a human heart where mind and body are fighting. (85-302)
Let me ask you a question. Do your mind and body fight, or not? [Fight] Is that peace or struggle? [Struggle] When will it be resolved? When will this struggle come to an end? Have you thought about that? When will the present world war end? You don't need to think about that, but rather, when will the war inside of myself be finished? When that is finished, then the world war will end. Peace within myself connects to peace in the world. Looking at the Bible, we can find many paradoxes. It says, "The heavenly kingdom is within you." Is the great Heavenly Kingdom in my mind? What does that mean? If mind and body are not in conflict, and represent the universe perfectly, then the Heavenly Kingdom will indeed come there. (82-134)
Section 2. The Pattern For Unification
1. A Pattern For Unification Is Necessary
If there is a providential subject, it is necessary that this subject can say of itself that it is the model pattern for the human being. Among human beings there are men and women. If this is a man, the other side is a woman. Together they become a human being. Therefore it is necessary that such a pattern be created. Namely, they will establish a family through becoming one.
A pattern for the family is also necessary. The family is the building block for the world once we establish the realm of perfection. Such a pattern must be necessary. Do you have such a pattern? Is there anyone here who can say, "My family is the representative of the universal law of heaven and earth? You are far from it. It is the same with the tribe and nation. Is there any pattern for the heavenly nation?
Today the Communist countries are saying that they are the model nations, and democratic countries are saying the same thing. Is it possible for two separate patterns to exist? There is fighting all the time that the two patterns exist. It is very important to solve this problem. South Korea and North Korea make frequent declarations. However, without solving the fundamental problem, we cannot resolve the issue of the unification of North and South Korea. The philosophical struggle continues because Communism began based on its own philosophy. Without knowing the cause, it is not easy to solve the problem. To solve this problem fundamentally, we have to locate the cause and the result, and then bring the direction of unification into correspondence with the normal process based on the original pattern.
Let us think about the whole world. Can we say that this world is according to the pattern desired by both humankind and the Causal Being, the Subject of the providence? No. Even though we cannot see it, human beings are looking for it. We are seeking a higher level, a more unified being. It began from one originally. It follows naturally that something that began from one should eventually come back into oneness.
2. Jesus Came As The Pattern Of Unification
There must be a unified individual before a unified family can exist, a unified family before a unified tribe can come into being, a unified tribe before a unified nation appears, and a unified nation before the unified world can come about. This is a problem. The question is, from where must we begin to establish this unity? This world is the world of result. Therefore we have to find out the solution from the cause, namely the individual.
The way of unification, the principle of unification, begins from the individual and proceeds to the family, then on to the tribe, the nation, and finally the world. This pattern begins with the coming of the Lord. Today, in order to establish one world, the ideal world, God needs to have His blueprint on the levels of individual, family, tribe, nation, and world.
It is the messianic thought that God promised to the chosen people of Israel to send His representative to accomplish complete unity on the individual level between mind and body, on the familial level, on the tribal level, on the national level; and on the global level. God's plan was to save the world through the expected unity between the Israelite people and the ideal patterns of the individual, the family, the tribe, the nation, and the world.
Jesus, who accomplished perfect unity between his mind and body, achieving the model of man, could have established a unified family together with a woman who was likewise unified. if so, the unified nation and world could appear.
Jesus came on earth as a unified individual. Then he was supposed to establish the pattern of a unified family, a unified tribe, a unified nation, and a unified world. However, he ascended to the spiritual world without realizing these.
The nation of Israel was like a vineyard of wild olive trees whose owner could do anything as he pleased. Jesus came to this vineyard of wild olive trees as a true olive tree in order to cut down the wild olive trees. Then God intended to graft God's pattern on the individual, family, and nation according to His plan. If this had been accomplished, what do you think would have become of the Israelite nation and the Jews. Would they have become true olive trees or wild olive trees? True olive trees. Then if they had started witnessing to the whole world centered upon their national authority and Judaism united, the whole history of Christianity would have been unnecessary.
God sent Jesus as the standard of unity to the human world of disunited mind and body. However he was nailed on the cross. The foundation established by God over several thousand years was returned to Satan's side. Therefore, mankind had to suffer for 2000 years.
Finally the nation of Israel achieved independence in 1948. From this we have to recognize that today is indeed the time of a new beginning on the worldwide level. So we must realize that the time of the Lord at the Second Advent is at hand.
If the Lord comes and establishes a family on this earth, he will establish the family that has no relation to the Fall. In other words, God will establish a model family that can bring about unity on the worldwide level. Only the Lord at the Second Coming can establish the foundation for unification of the entirety. Otherwise it is impossible. That is why the Messiah must return.
The Lord comes to establish the family that God desires. That is why the Lord will not come on the clouds. However, to establish only a family is not enough. A tribe is necessary to secure the family, and a people is necessary for the tribe to exist, and a nation is necessary for the people. Today, Christianity should realize that without making the pattern of centering on one nation, we cannot find the nation of the Third Israel.
The position of the Lord at the Second Coming is as parents to all humankind and as sovereign to the nation. He has to establish the nation of the type of the extended family. Then, in what direction is it supposed to go? It is supposed to head toward one world, the ideal world which God planned from the beginning.
3. Unification Will Be Established By True Parents
What is the purpose of creation? Adam and Eve were not created just to look at. Man and woman were not created just to get old and die as a man and woman. They were created to establish the true Kingdom of Heaven on Earth centered on God through the reciprocal heart toward the opposite sex after reaching maturity, and to establish a love nest. Here Adam (man) is the representative of heaven and Eve (woman) is the representative of the earth. They are two individuals. But if they become one horizontally it means the unity of heaven and earth. When two persons make unity centered on God's love, the entire cosmos will be automatically unified.
The first ancestors should become one, as a model of unity. Then the root centered on God's love becomes the root to form the foundation of mind and body. God created human beings to enter God's ideal world directly through the one way of following God's love. This direction is the way centered on God's love. The individuals were realized with mind and body unified in God's love, but the way that such a man and woman should go was changed because of the Fall. The Messiah, the Lord, is the person who was sent by God to resolve all these problems. The Savior saves people through recovering the lost love. Human beings were born through false parents because of the Fall. Therefore he must come as the true parent, fulfill the love which human beings could not attain centered on God, and then teach people to enter the realm of God's love. All humankind has to find their True Parents again, the absolute origin of God's love. All the problems of the fallen world -- all the sadness, sorrow, suffering, wars, disease, and so on -- can be solved by setting up the core of love.
The principle of the heart centered on the family is passed on from parents to children. But this was not set up correctly in the beginning. The purpose of the history of restoration is to set it up again. Here the representative of man is the Messiah and the representative of woman is the Holy Spirit. Because the engaged bride and bridegroom violated the heavenly principle in the beginning of the world, the new Bride and Bridegroom must be installed and set up as on the original stage. For this purpose God has conducted the providence for salvation.
Because of the human Fall God expelled them. Subsequently, He called groups of devout believers, through special dispensations, to form new families, tribes, and a new nation. The Israelite people were the representative people bearing the responsibility among the numerous peoples. So the people of Israel became the central people on the worldwide level. Human history was originally supposed to develop centered on the first ancestors, Adam and Eve. However, this was not realized. History should bring about the standard centered on the ideal, with the reappearance of the original ideology. It should be the standard of hope fulfilling the hope of Christianity. Namely, from the viewpoint of Christians, it is the thought of the Messiah and the thought of the Holy Spirit.
What is the thought of the Messiah? It is the thought for the sake of the world. The center which can unify the family and the world is True Parents. What is the fruit of Christianity? Christianity has been heading toward the standard of the bride and bridegroom, passing through numerous difficulties.
With what qualification does the Lord come? He comes with the qualification of parents. However, when Jesus came on this earth, he could not attain the position of parents; namely, he could not attend God and bring glory to Him, nor could he establish the substantial foundation for consoling God on behalf of all humankind. That is why the Messiah must come again and why he cannot come as a glorious Lord. Therefore the Messiah at the Second Coming has to succeed in the mission of Jesus on earth, carrying out his filial duty which can console God substantially. Furthermore, he is chosen by God to subjugate Satan. He has to establish the foundation which can return glory to God. Otherwise he cannot gain the qualification as True Parent.
Even though this world could not develop a resplendent culture, and instead became dark, confused and devastated, if it comes into relationship with True Parents, then it will become the kingdom of peace. A number of people have maintained the focus of thought, spirit and life centered upon this standard throughout history. God has guided history toward one world externally, in order to finally connect it internally, through religion, to its true owner.
4. We Can Achieve Unity When The Blood Lineage Is Changed
How did Satan invade the human body? What was the reason? What kind of disease did human beings acquire? We have to understand this. As you know through the Principle, Satan's blood lineage entered into your body after the Fall. You have had a connection with Satan's lineage. All causes and results became entangled with Satan's love. Therefore when we inject into your body something stronger than Satan's love, Satan runs away. What is the absolute center which can unite the mind and body according to the principle of God's creation? We can make unity centered on God's love alone. No other love.
What kind of a tree did human beings become due to the Fall? They became wild olive trees. Therefore the Messiah must come to the fallen world as a good olive tree. Then what should he do? He has to cut off the trunk of the wild olive trees and engraft a sprout or branch of the good olive tree. The eyes of both are the same. When we cut down all the wild olive trees for only one eye of the good olive tree, people who do not know this process may say that it is crazy work. Yet that is why Jesus said that anyone who does not eat his flesh and drink his blood has no relationship with him.
After the wild olive trees are engrafted to the good olive tree, Satan has no relationship with them. They have no connection to Satan. Therefore at the autumn harvest, the engrafted trees will automatically bear the fruits of the good olive tree, and they will enter the heavenly kingdom. The wild olive trees must cut themselves off and be engrafted to the good olive tree. Otherwise they have no way to revive. Most of the major religions--Confucianism, Buddhism and Islam have a concept of the Second Coming. They say the Savior must come and they are waiting for him. Without the worldwide work of the Unification movement, which the Messiah has unified with God's love in order to engraft all people, these words "unification" and "one unified world" have no meaning. We cannot be saved by religious doctrine.
The main point is how to remove Satan. We cannot enter the heavenly kingdom without removing Satan. When someone has a condition which Satan can accuse, he cannot enter the Heavenly Kingdom. The blood lineage must be changed. This is an absolute requirement.
The foundation of unification is myself. However, it is impossible to erect by myself. Because the root of our lineage is from Satan, we cannot ourselves separate from Satan. Do you follow? That is why the Bible mentions that we became wild olive trees. Originally, if we had become true olive trees, we could make complete unity of mind and body, becoming persons whom everybody likes, and enjoying happiness together with others. But instead we became persons who are liked by nobody, because we are wild olive trees. As a result of having Satan's root we became branches and leaves of the wild olive tree. That is why human beings are fighting each other. Analyzing fallen humans deeply, Hegel came to the conclusion that the essence of human beings is struggle, and so he developed the theory of the dialectic.
We must understand that we were born in Satan's lineage. For this reason, religion denies the pursuit of physical desires. They follow the way of suffering in order to deny the relationship with Satan's lineage. They fast to deny the physical desire for good food. They deny the love of husband and wife and also children in order to receive God's love. They must deny the family, society, nation and world that were conceived by Satan's love.
They cannot receive God's love unless they deny the entire world. Reverend Moon and the Unification Church today can give a clear explanation for it. Without the Unification Church your mind and body cannot establish roots of love. The Unification Church has to be a root of love, as well as the branches and leaves centered on God's true love to connect with peoples, nations and the world. Then they must all be engrafted. Before engrafting, we must cut off the whole world. That is why Jesus said: "He who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live."
5. The Holy Son Is The One Who Has United Mind And Body
The minds and bodies of human beings are fighting incessantly. When they fight, each time the body is the winner and the loser is the mind. We have to understand how to reverse this state of affairs. Who is able to make the mind the victor and unify mind and body, standing in the position of absolute goodness, and not dominated by others? It is miserable that throughout our entire life we are unable to reach such a position. Furthermore, this same type of people who are living today, will also be living in the future. Thinking about this, we must bury the past and become a person of absolute goodness who has committed no evil in our entire life. This is the ultimate hope of all human beings. Where is there such a person? It is impossible to find one. It is very difficult to find any person who succeeds in reversing all the evil consequences coming out of human existence. Knowing this, we can find no one who has no evil but only goodness.
To control oneself is difficult because the mind wants to go in one direction and the body in another. There is a traditional Oriental proverb: The human mind changes from morning to night, but mountains never change, whether in ancient times or in the modern age. The problem is how to achieve unity, with an ever-changing mind. We would need to know how the greatest saints of history were able to dominate their bodies. Let us look at Jesus, Confucius, and Buddha. Our mind and body are always changing, but holy sons and daughters keep them unchanging. For example: what would happen with the mind of Jesus when he saw a woman? His mind might shake because he is a man, but Jesus wouldn't take a step and his body would not fall down. However, ordinary people are different. Their hands and feet follow, they cannot control the desires of body and mind, and their body succumbs. No one can be better than Jesus. Jesus unified his mind and body; but we are different. When American men and women meet one another, they can kiss and enjoy each other at any time-, but we must make love in the proper place. This is an example of fallen worldly people. If we seek a new ideal, then, as righteous people, we should start with mind and body unity. We can conclude that it is impossible to realize the ideal without unity of mind and body.
We must unite our mind and body centered on God's true love in our lifetime. Throughout your entire life, eating, thinking and acting should be centered on God's true love. But instead, your mind and body are enemies. Your mind and body took their root not from God's love but from Satan's love. The mind and body struggle begins there.
In God's ideal of creation, Cain was Abel's elder brother; but after the fall Abel stood in the position of God's elder son. When we indemnify their failure, we can establish the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven. In the fallen world, the body dominates the mind. Therefore there is fighting at all times and in all places, and injustice and immorality continue, because the body does not submit to the mind in the fallen world.
Because mind and body confront each other within each individual, husband and wife, and consequently parents and children, and, moreover, different peoples and nations, fight each other. When mind and body will finally be united, then this fighting will come to an end. In order to do this, we need to meet and engraft to True Parents. Mankind has to attend True Parents and be renewed by God's love. Otherwise we cannot stop this fighting, because we cannot control ourselves.
Section 3. The Way To Unite Mind And Body
1. The Purpose Of Religion
Until now the balance in the fight between mind and body was about 1:8. The human body is invaded by the environment of the fallen world, but the mind follows only one way. People in this realistic world are concerned about results. Yet, in the process of trying to do evil, we feel anxiety. When we perform this evil, our gains all collapse. Our mind always tries to interfere with our body's actions, but finally is invaded by the body. Therefore the ratio is 1:8, since the mind is always being subdued by the body.
Why did God create religion? To give us grace. But to receive it is not free; we have to fulfill the condition of dedicating our lives more than even a king does. We receive God's grace as the result of establishing such a condition. If you have experienced a life of prayer, then you can understand this. Through prayer life you can receive the greatest energy. People with such a power can even see the spiritual world.
God desired for people to reach the realm of the substantial ideal and conduct the providence for that centered on the religious foundation. God stimulated our original mind to have a desire to attain this realm. God wanted to connect with people beyond the realistic realm. This is the main purpose of religion. Therefore the martyrs followed this way even if their legs were cut off. Even when their lives were finished they had this "super feeling" which goes beyond realistic feelings. In going this way, people must strengthen their power eight times more then anyone else. They attend God, gain strength, and then smite their bodies. The result of a fight depends on strength.
Religion denies one's worldly physical desires and one's desires as a social being. Thus pure religion denies all realistic things. Religion means to deny and repel eating, sleeping, sexual desires, and anything which you like. Originally, a human being should cat, sleep, and like things. However, those desires lead us to death, so we must reject them. Burst a nuclear bomb in your body! Break and completely subjugate your body. The body wants to be respected and to lead an easy, soft, smooth life. But we should despise all that the body likes. We should love what is difficult, hard and rough. The body likes a high position, caring about nobody else but oneself. We have to destroy such a nature, and bring the body down, to be humble, serve and sacrifice.
People have needed religion throughout history, as it fulfills this purpose. We have to dominate the body through religion, because society, humankind, and all history failed owing to the physical body. The physical body is the enemy and the original root of evil. Smiting the body was the goal of religion until now; therefore Jesus smote his body through the 40-day fast. The body likes to be high and attract people's attention; however, religion teaches the opposite way: to obey and offer your life. Why? Not in order to smite our mind but to smite our body, and in so doing to connect to the worldwide level.
2. One Heart Unity Is Absolutely Necessary In Our Life
One-heart unity means to make unity with one heart. Everyone wants to achieve this. Any government, nation, organization, and whoever wants to carry out a system or plan cannot do it without mind and body unity. One-heart unity is absolutely necessary in the process of striving toward goals in our life -- whether in daily life, in the course of one year, throughout our whole lives, or even in the entire course of history. An individual cannot fulfill a goal if he or she has a different mind from evening to morning, like two persons! Let's think about our society and our environment. Do they have one-heart unity? We know they do not.
You may feel your mind changing many times in the course of a day. Because your mind varies, your direction also varies, and because your direction varies, your purpose varies too. You cannot fulfill one purpose when your mind varies. It is not simple to fulfill a goal with one mind; how much more difficult it is to fulfill it with two! Thus one mind is necessary. We must have one mind in the morning, during the daytime and in the evening; and the same in youth, middle age and old age. If one starts something with one mind, opens up the process with one mind, and prepares the result over a long period with one mind, then the purpose of that person is greater. We should have one mind. When we pursue a certain purpose, we need one mind. Without one mind we cannot fulfill the goal. When we look at the world, we can realize that God created this world with one mind, not with two minds. In order to fulfill one goal, we have to begin with one mind and pass through the process in one direction. However, today, people are not able to have one mind.
3. Two Ways To Achieve Mind And Body Unity
Originally, human beings were born from God; but now they have two owners. What does it mean to have two owners? It means that our blood lineage was changed. The first task of religious life is to achieve mind-body unity. Centered on what? Centering on God's will and God's heart, we must subjugate the body based on one mind. Religion teaches how to dominate the body.
1) The First Way to Dominate the Body
What is the first way to achieve unity of mind and body? Knock down the body. Strike the body. Deny everything that the body desires. To what degree do we have to deny? Deny completely -- deny to the point of death. Therefore paradoxical logic can be applied, as in Jesus' words. If we cannot knock down our body and follow only the mind's desires, then we cannot fulfill ourselves. In other words, when we try to kill our physical desires, the mind comes alive. If we focus only on physical desires, we will die. Therefore Jesus said, "He who seeks his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it." He also said, "He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me." Why? Because Jesus came upon the earth as the representative of God's heart. It is impossible to connect to the human being with God's heart by following our physical desires. The relationships with parents, among brothers and sisters, and between husband and wife are physical. We cannot follow the way of God's heart by following physical desires. If you want to go this way you have to deny physical relationships. Someone who loves God more than parents, spouse, brothers or sisters can enter the Heavenly Kingdom. What is the standard to enter the Heavenly Kingdom? How can we get the official ticket to the Heavenly Kingdom? When you love God more than your father and mother, brother or sister, and children. Otherwise there is no chance of entering. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we have to remove our physical desires. Knock down your body even by force. Be humble and gentle. Does your body want to be humble and gentle? Your body wants to go higher and be arrogant. It wants to take more food, more rest, and more for itself.
Therefore the body is the basis and root of evil. The roots of good and evil were inverted. That is why we must eradicate the root of evil. Absolutely do not follow your physical desires. Do not go to any evil place. Otherwise you cannot go the way of heavenly principle and heart. It is easy for the human heart to initiate anything centered on Satan and evil. So we must deny our physical desires. The first way to deny evil is to subdue the body; therefore we pray and fast. When we are establishing conditions through fasting and prayer, our body loses power, even becoming difficult to move. Then the mind can easily dominate the body. Then serve and sacrifice for the sake of others.
The body does not like it. Therefore, religious life starts from denying all relationship with the body. If you read the scriptures, can you find any guidance about eating good food and leading an easy life? It is impossible to find such guidance. Religion teaches us to serve, sacrifice, be gentle and humble. Therefore religious people pray for the sake of others even at the risk of their lives. The body by itself cannot do this. In this way we can knock down our body. Mind and body fight when they have the same amount of strength. When your mind can dominate your body because you have been strengthening it for several months, then, even after the body becomes stronger, it will follow the mind out of habit. When you reach such a level, you will find that your plans are going well with heavenly support. Then it will be difficult to lead such a life as you did in the past. You will live centered on your conscience. This is the purpose of religious life.
2) The Second Way to Dominate the Body.
When mind and body have the same power they fight. Is it possible for kindergarten children to fight the world champion? No, it is impossible. There is a big gap between them. So, the second way to dominate the body is to make the mind stronger. There are only two ways to dominate the body. To make the mind stronger we need various conditions and dedication of heart. When we dedicate our whole energy, the door to the mind opens up. When this door is open we can gain immense power. Then you have no problem with your body. You probably do not realize that. If your mind's power is strengthened three times over, then you will have no problem to dominate the body. You must consolidate the mind's power and lead your body. That is how many conditions have been made in religious life. Probably you have heard the expression "to attain spiritual enlightenment." If you attain spiritual enlightenment, you can gain great power in your mind. Then, if you follow your body's desires, you will feel sick. Even thinking about it makes you feel bad. A person who has attained spiritual enlightenment has strong power of the mind, and so his body follows the mind's desires automatically. Only in these two ways can the body be dominated. We must understand this clearly.
This has been God's strategy to achieve domination of the body. This has been a fundamental religious teaching right up to the present day. The Unification Church follows the same principle. This is an advanced stage in the way of life of a human being. In other words, this is to enter the position of God's son or daughter by oneself, centered on God's true love. When we reach this position, we can receive the unique love of God. That is why Buddha said, "Only I myself exist in Heaven and on Earth."
This means that nobody can equal his authority. When somebody reaches this glorious position, he can admire his own value. In other words he or she can become the person directly receiving God's love.
Such a person can inherit anything and everything which connects to God's creation. Therefore such a person can say about oneself how precious he or she is. The way of attaining this position is the original way the human being would go, to live in the realm of God's love.
3) The Way to Unite Mind and Body
There are only two ways to achieve mind and body unity. The first is by striking the body; the second is by unity without doing so. How can we achieve unity? Up until today, our mind has been losing in unequal battle, because the power of mind was too weak. But how about if we inject two or three times greater power into the mind? Then it is no problem to lead the body. If we inflate a tube with air it expands. In the same way, if we infuse power into our mind, it will become bigger. Then, if mind and body fight, which side will win? There are two ways to unite mind and body: one is to strike the body; the other is to strengthen the mind. Religion pursues both of these ways -- by subduing the body, and then by leading the body with strengthened power through prayer. We can experience this through religious life. Even though we have no power ourselves, when the Holy Spirit and the spiritual world act together with us, then we gain strong power.
What is the standard of mind-body unity? You have to know what this standard is. Unity can be attained by love. The human being is composed of dual characteristics. One is upper, namely the mind; and the other is lower, namely the body. When they resonate together, love appears. When mind and body become one, God will be with you. This is a fundamental principle. Why would God be with you at that time? Love begins when mind and body become one. For love, subject and object are necessary. Therefore God is with the one who has established mind and body unity. Then we can say that the human body is God's temple. In which place is God's temple? In the working place? A holy place may be said to connect with the Sabbath. Then what is the center of rest? It is love. God's temple is the place to rest centered on God's love. If human beings have an ideal, they will pursue the highest standard of this ideal. Such a place of love is the world of heart. There is no end of love even though we pour love out like a fountain. Why is there no end? Because God is there. We cannot understand this by logic. Do you want to become such a person? [Yes!]
If someone who is weeping sees such a person, will he like this person, or will he cry more? [Like him.] As the one who is weeping goes closer to him, he will want to embrace the one weeping so that he does not want to cry. He will make someone with a fearsome face want to smile. He will make someone who is inactive want to do something. He does this naturally. Is this good? [Yes.] Therefore, without love, there is no way to unite mind and body. We must understand this. (91-77)
4) Only True Love Can Unite the Mind and Body
Logically speaking, wherever there is love, whether you go up, go down, or stay in the middle, you feel good. Do you hate your loving husband for being in a position higher than you? Do you hate your beloved wife because she is better than you? The two are one. One! Once you become one, you can freely go wherever you want-you can come up from below, come down from above, or stay in the middle. There are no obstacles. Is that so? [Yes!]
Many people say, "This world must become one unified world, the world of peace." So shall we make unity by force? Or by power of organization? Nowadays there is a form of unity termed an "organic collective," so shall we establish unity by that power? Shall we try to make unity by means of a certain philosophy? Maybe these could help somewhat to bring about a partial unity, but it cannot be absolute in the sense that both mind and body welcome it according to their original nature and feel that there is nothing else but this. Mind and body will never say of partial unity, "I like this! This is what I want! I can live in this realm and attend this as the eternal standard of the ideal." Neither money, nor knowledge, nor anything else can bring about this kind of unity.
Then what is the source of unity? Regardless of position, rank, Oriental or Western, yellow, white, or black race, what is it that can intoxicate everybody? That is love. You must know that this is the final conclusion: that there is nothing but true love that is capable of making unity. Is that true? [Yes!] How can mind and body get along with one another and become one, being genuinely fond of each other? Would mind and body like each other on account of money? They could not continue to get along with one another for all of eternity.
So, this is the conclusion: only through true love can all our five senses be concentrated and united into one, laughing and dancing together. Who can deny this? If someone denies this, then he cannot be a human being. Therefore, we again reach the conclusion that nothing but true love is able to unite the spirit self and physical self, the mind and body, and bring about mutual prosperity. (91- 141)
The question is, when will mind and body be united within myself? We can do that neither by money, nor by power, nor by knowledge, nor by thought. Absolutely not. Then with what can we achieve that? It is only possible through God's love. In conclusion, the Almighty God's Love must be capable of uniting mind and body. (94-267)
Originally the spiritual self and physical self were supposed to be united centering on true love, not centering on false love. Therefore, unless we find the origin of true love, they will by no means be united. That is very logical. You must go over that place, and keep going further, with the desire for God's blessing. (91-184)
Originally, God's love was always to enter the mind and body of the human being, bringing about a state without any conflict, contradiction, or struggle. However, the human being was separated from God and established a self-centered relationship of false love, thereby bringing about struggle and contradiction between mind and body. Thus, such a history came about in which love centered on the external body has betrayed God's love, the ideal, and the eternal origin of life centered upon the mind. Therefore we have to eradicate this external love, that is, the love of Satan, and instead, in its place, inherit the original internal love, God's love, and establish unity between mind and body. From that point, unification will begin. (97-179)
Probably you know that the power of love is not exploding because of the fact that there is no unity between mind and body. That is the result of the Fall. If human beings had not fallen, there is no way that mind and body would be unable to unite. Therefore, how to overcome this very substantial and extremely contradictory situation must be a question of utmost importance. That is the problem. By what means shall we overcome it? By the power of love! We can do that only by the power of love (1981.6.6.)
The providence for salvation began due to the Fall. What was our original desire? We yearned for love. That love is true love. True love! What is true love? If you connect to true love, all your five senses, your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin, can all laugh together and feel together in unison.
Well, if our body can laugh and feel with all five senses, then how about our mind? How would the mind be connected to true love? If you could see the mind, would this mind just be huddled in the corner, while the body was doing like this? [No!] What would it be doing? Have you any idea? How do you think? Everything comes together into oneness at that point. Thinking theoretically about from what point the unity of all our action begins, it is logical to suppose that it starts from true love. If it were not so, then there would be no foundation to realize God's ideal nor the unity for which all human beings long.
Section 4. The Ultimate Problem Of Unification Lies In Myself
The problem of unification today is not limited to the problem of the nation. If it is expanded, then it is the problem of the world, and if it is reduced then it is connected with the problem of an individual. It is logical that before the world can be unified, the unification of nation must be established; before the nation can be unified, the unification of family must first take place. Unless the spouses are united, that family cannot be happy, no matter how much they may want happiness. Likewise, unless the individual is happy, the family cannot be happy. Therefore, when we desire unification, we should recognize that the problem lies within human beings. Before a nation can be unified, a unified family must first come to exist, and before a family can be unified, a unified person must be exist.
In every human being there is mind and body. However, mind and body are fighting with each other, aren't they? Can you trust in yourself? When you cannot trust yourself, how can you trust America? When you cannot trust yourself, how can you trust your wife, your children, and your nation? Isn't this a fundamental problem? There were numerous saints and sages in history, but who among them declared that my mind and body is in complete unity and not in conflict? How can I lay the unified foundation in myself? This is a very important problem. If I want the unified world, then I must first establish unity in myself. It is a fallacy to welcome the unified world without having the unity in myself
Everything starts from one, and unless we lay the foundation of unity from that one, the unification of the whole is not possible. The standard of unity in the midst of confusion lies in myself. The unity achieved by the love between my mind and body can always connect with the unity of love in my family. The loving couple of a harmonious family can connect with any families in their clan. When the loving spouses become one, who can bite, rip or stomp them? The harmoniously unified family, unified people, unified government, unified world, unified heaven and earth, the world where unified people and God become one in love-wouldn't such a world be the utopia of love? There cannot be division.
The unification of nation before the unification of world, the unification of family before the unification of nation, the unification within individual before the unification of family; ultimately I, myself am the problem. When my mind and body are in conflict and suffering, could I feet peaceful even when my family and parents are happy? When my family is in agony, how can the nation connect with my family? Even if this nation is unified, what good is it? Would we feel peaceful? If our country is divided North and South, even if this world is unified, can our nation participate? Therefore, a true human being must first be found. A person who can live for the sake of the world transcending the nation, a person who can live for the sake of the cosmos transcending the world, a person whom God can trust as a true human being must first be found. Can you say this is a futile argument?
Why do you think God wants to save humankind? He does not intend to save humanity so that everyone divides and creates the world of conflict. God conceives of the world where everyone is united, loves each other, harmonizes under a common purpose, and needs each other. God has the purpose of salvation of humankind in order to make such a world. However, no matter how much God eagerly awaits peace, it is impossible for us to leave this body, which is always the trouble-maker, and bring about unification. Certainly we must first unite our mind and body in order to achieve this ideal, unified world for which all of us hope. Unification cannot be achieved as long as our mind and body are separated!
What is the problem in saving this world? Society is not the problem. The problem lies in me. The advent of material-based worldviews and spiritual-based worldviews was inevitable because our mind and body are in constant conflict. The harvest time on the worldwide level has come. Such a time is called the Last Days.
We have to determine to make a new peace and unification at this time. Therefore, the problem for the coming era is also myself. I am the problem. The issue we have to wrestle with is how can I plant the heartistic foundation of peace in my mind and body which can overcome any difficulty in society and connect that with the trend of history.
1. The Foundation Of Unification Is Laid Starting From One
There are so many people living in this world. We know one among all is I, myself. We have to think about the kind of relationships people have. There are many nations in this world. They, however, have not become united. There are many people in each of those nations, yet they have not become one. Families and tribes are the same.
When you look at yourself, your mind and body did not become one. We are living in such a reality. Wherever we may go, we experience the environment of distrust where unity is not possible in everything that we see and experience. However, we cannot deny the fact that our original mind seeks the peaceful and unified environment and rejects the society and environment in which we live. If this is an undeniable reality, where is our point of settlement and destination? Where is a place where we can find trust; where is the person we can lean on in this universe? We realize that in the present era we cannot find faith among the believers, we cannot find trust and comfort in the world, nation, society, or even in our families. However, the problem does not lie in the world, nation, society and family.
The important issue ultimately: can I establish the unified foundation in myself. I must build unity in myself if I desire the unified world. It is illogical to welcome the unified world without having unity in myself.
When we understand this world to be a world of distrust and disunity, where would this world find unity? Likewise, where would the nation and the family find unity? As we look for a central point of unity for this world, the nation, or the family, everything points toward "I," myself.
Everything starts from one, and unless we lay the foundation of unity from that one, the unification of the whole is not possible. The standard of unity in the midst of confusion lies in myself. It is because this world and the universe is the expansion of "I". The unified foundation is expanded from an individual to a family, tribe, people, nation, and world. When the foundation of the individual is laid, the foundation of the family is a horizontal expansion to all directions. If an individual forms an harmonious body of love and a common desire centering on the family, then that person becomes a new subject. If a person becomes one centering on the tribe, he becomes a new subject. Likewise, when we can unify the world in the realm of love and common will, the unified world can begin. For example, let's say there is a metric ruler. We cannot make any ruler on the whim and claim it is one meter when actually one meter is different. We cannot do as we wish. A metric ruler must be made according to the original measurement of meter. Centering on that, the measurement must be made. In other words, evaluation must take place in comparison with the center.
Likewise, even when we talk, even when we act, it must be centering on a certain standard. Then, we can lay the foundation of peace. The realm of unification came be realized.
What is the nucleus for the unified foundation? It is "I". What should "I" do? My mind must first be united with God's love. Being united means the establishment of a vertical relationship. Next, I must create the horizontal line by uniting my mind and body horizontally centering on the vertical relationship. Then I achieve complete unity. In the place where complete unity is achieved, vertical and horizontal come together and inside and outside become one. Thus the inside is not merely inside and the outside is not merely outside. When two are suitably united they form "I" , who can center on a new third object. In other words, the position of "I", myself is created when my mind and body unite and centers on an object.
That is why the most critical problem is nothing other than "I". Although it is necessary to pray for the world, the most important issue is do I stand as the central nucleus in complete unity of mind and body and have I formed such a foundation together with God with the proper attitude. When this is determined, the unified nucleus and the foundation of unification centering on myself will be established.
2. The Plan Of Unification Lies In Myself
The plan of unification must be clearly established in myself. You should understand this. Don't think I love myself. When I think of myself, it must be I who contain God's love and in whom God's Will and love is harmoniously concentrated. What is the plan of unification?
People try to make unity based on world democracy; however, does it work? No. The parts must first be properly made if we want to produce a perfect product. Therefore, we must make a perfect factory which can make you into a perfect person. What is that? It is a perfect religion. We have to search for the perfect religion.
The plan for unification is not found in South or North Korea. The fundamental issue is how can we subdue the unending struggle between mind and body and how our mind can take control and maintain the standard of peace in the realm of body. This is the critical problem. If such entities are connected, it becomes the world. The world is divided into the democratic world and the Communist world. The democratic world represents the world-view based on spirit and mind, whereas the Communist world represents the world-view based on matter and body. It must be understood in this way. These two worlds are producing great turmoil. Where does it start? It starts in you. You are the seed of that turmoil. That is the problem. Therefore, don't think that this world will be unified by a great politician. That cannot happen.
Where is the plan of unification? It is not out there but it is in you. We must make unification by first subduing the struggle between my mind and body and allowing the mind to take charge. Thus, I must fol. low the direction of my mind; my family, society, nation, and world must go that direction too. Then unification will naturally take place.
3. The Path To Unification Starts From One Unified Person
This world today hopes for peace. All people dream of one unified ideal world. That ideal world cannot be realized unless it goes through each and every individual. That world cannot be achieved unless the individuals establish such an ideal foundation and the process of expanding such an environment takes place.
When we understand this, from where shall we welcome the day of unification? Can we welcome such a day centering on the world? The conclusion is, no. Can we welcome such a day centering on a nation? It is also no. When we observe a society, it is in competition and conflict. We also know that people in a family also oppose each other. Moreover, when we understand that the mind and body of an individual is in struggle, there is no other way than to seek the path to unification and peace in the individual. We cannot witness the start of unification, unless one person establishes the substantial unification representing the heaven, earth, nation, people, and family.
When we understand the history of humankind, the problem is finding that one person. That person would possess a unified self and character representing heaven, earth, history, and the whole of humankind, and would stand in the central position. Without such a person, we cannot achieve the world of unification, ideals, and peace, no matter how much we long for it. Therefore, God is looking for that one center. How then can such a center be established? That center must first be established on the individual level before going to the world. We understand that God has been searching for this one central person as a representative of the world, through whom unification can start. The position of such a person is the position of Messiah. The historical desire and the purpose of the providence has been to find this one person. With the advent of this one person, the starting point on the individual level representing Heaven can be found and also provide the standard of unification.
This person can unify the mind and body, and as he establishes a unified person a family can come through that individual. The start of one family can take place when a perfect person shapes the standard and the environment forms a reciprocal position centering on that standard. When looking at that family, the parents which represent that family can be the model representing the universe.
The children born from those parents should be able to form unity with their parents. Numerous children may come to exist, but those children should be connected with the parents and set the standard for all children. In other words, the parents should walk the path that can establish the representative center and the children should walk the path that can set the representative center. Thus, the unifying fortune can expand on the family level by numerous families around the world following the standard of unity set between the representative parents and their children. We know that unless the progressive steps of unifying the tribe through the central family, the people through the central tribe, the nation through the central people, and the world through the central nation, can take place, we cannot accomplish the historical task of unifying the world.
Fallen people must first carry out the revolution of character before the revolution of politics or religion. If a person who did not undergo the revolution of character unified the world, then it would not be good news. It is because the purpose of that person's accomplishment would be to satisfy his own self-centered ambition or his own glory.
History teaches us that even if the world is unified by someone's military force, that world would soon be destroyed by another person's military force. Such unification creates even bigger problems. America may want the unification of the world centering on herself, but it is impossible. It is because many nations would not want the dominion of the United States. Likewise, even if Japan tries to unify the world based on her economic power, we would arrive at the same conclusion. No power can unify the world. If there is a way to unification it would have to be through character. A great revolution is necessary if we are to unify the world; it would be the revolution of human character. That revolution of character cannot be accomplished by knowledge, money, or power, but it is possible only through true love
True love refers to the most fundamental and original love which God has longed for since the creation of human beings. There is no solution to the world unless the revolution of human character centering on true love occurs. Korea being divided into the North and the South means the central position has disappeared. Where, then, should we find the center. The process of selecting the center must begin from one certain point. Especially when the land is tilted, an anchor is needed in order to find the central realm.
Where then is the central focal point? That is the issue. Is it South Korea or North Korea? Where is a place where the whole country can be included? That is one point. What is that? That central point must be set from one individual. Then, a family can appear from that one central person. Therefore, through one individual representative, through one family representative, through one tribal representative, the whole 30 million people of Korea can be connected. The 30 million start from one individual, then, reaches the family, tribe, and so on. That realm expands from the close center. Isn't that right? The nucleus is one, but centering on that center, the family, tribe, society, nation and world expand. It starts from an individual and gradually becomes greater and greater. Through the restoration of individual, family, tribe, people, and nation, the individual center, family center, tribe center, people center, nation center, and world center must be expanded.
We talk about unification these days. The people of Korea earnestly desire unification. However, where will we find the plan for the unification? We do not find it in the 38th parallel. We must first bring unity in the 38th parallel that is inside our mind. That unification is more urgent. If we can bring that unification, then the national unification will take place automatically. If the direction of goodness and the value system based on goodness are firmly established, then there is no difference between people from Chung Chung province and people from Kyung Sang province. Where should the unification take place? It must first happen in my mind.
Because two types of people are sown, one has borne fruit in the world-view based on spirit and religion, and the other resulted in the world-view based on material. The world today is the fruition of those seeds. That is why the Last Days are now.
Where did the world-view based on spirit and matter come from? They started from me, from a human being. Isn't that right? Where is the origin? It is in my mind and in my body. The origin of conflict between mind and body resides in the individual, that is why individuals fight; families fight because such individuals form families; tribes fight because such families form tribes; nations fight because such tribes form a nations; such individuals ultimately form the democratic world and the Communist world. In other words, the world-view based on the spirit and based on the body are formed.
So, from where will we end and resolve this conflict? The solution cannot come from Communism or from democracy. There is no other way for unification than to find the solution to the conflict between mind and body in an individual. We cannot resolve the problem of the 38th parallel in the family if it is not resolved in the individual. The 38th parallel in the society cannot be solved if it is not resolved in the family. The 38th parallel for the people cannot be solved if it is not resolved in the society.
Section 5. Unity Through True Love
1. Love As The Foundation For Unity And Happiness
Can you call someone a "human being" only because he has a body? A human being must have a mind also. Does a human being laugh at someone's sorrows? Does a human being grieve over someone's happiness! No, no. That kind of person is a human being in appearance only. A human being is capable of all sorts of emotional reactions-delight, anger, love, happiness.
Do not Easterners cry over something that makes Westerners weep? The things that make Westerners weep also make Easterners weep. The scenes that make Koreans weep also make their archenemy Japanese weep. The world is united in emotional responses. Are there any differences in parental love between Koreans and Japanese? Are there? No, there aren't. It's all the same.
What is the foundation of unity? Certainly not people. Nor is it just words. It must be based on feelings. It's like a couple in love . . . . What makes them united? They are united on emotional feelings. Isn't that so? Without emotion, it's just an empty shell. What's in a couple without emotion? Any different from a wound-up doll? just a talking doll, that's all. just a talking male doll and just a talking female doll. They wouldn't be dolls if they could feel emotion.
Friends feel friendship. Can there be friends without friendship? No, there can't be. People feel patriotism toward their country. When people feel patriotic toward their country, that love for their country can unite them into one people. Don't you think so? Love is the foundation of unity and also of happiness.
Without unity there is no happiness. Don't mothers and fathers become one to be happy? Parents and children must become one to be happy. What happiness can we find in a family in disarray? What happiness in a family that quarrels among themselves all the time? They don't know what happiness is. There is no unity without love, and no happiness without unity. How can we attain happiness? First, two people must become one. When one weeps, so does the other. When one laughs, so does the other. When one goes, so does the other. How can two people become one? Through feelings of emotion.
We need to achieve internal unity more than external unity. There is no happiness or peace if the human heart is absent. The highest authority is the heart. The human heart transcends history, following absolute standards.
2. Unity Through United Hearts
There are many people who, although being pushed, cannot attain this unity. Are you in unity? We must be in unity first. We cannot unite anything unless we are ourselves united. We must unite all disjointed hearts first. We must not fear death if that's what it takes to unite hearts.
This is the universal temple where unity is attained. But people tend to think they can attain unity only because they arrived here. To achieve unity, however, one must want the unity of heart from one's own deepest heart and must be prepared to overcome all sorts of hardship on the way. We must be prepared to die for the idea of unity. You don't get united with your teacher, but with your God. Jacob united the family; Moses united the tribe; Jesus united the world around God. Unity with God is larger than just unity within a nation. It must unite all the hearts between heaven and earth. You must overcome individual or family hardships in order to work for God's unity, and Heaven will recognize your merit when you fall in exhaustion from your effort.
Unity does not just happen; we must make it happen. We cannot just remain the flour; we must become the yeast. Unity cannot just happen easily; it must go through the valley before it reaches a plateau. Jesus triumphed over the valley of death. Unity must be achieved just like his triumph. If you wonder why you have endured so much hardship, it's because you lost your confidence. As long as people remain standing on their feet, your endurance is epitomized in your people.
But if endurance is not for God or your people, but for yourself, then your doubting mind will get no help. You can look around for help, but you won't find any source of extra strength.
Our life must be offered at the attar of God. Unity for God and your nation and your people, not for individuals, must be your goal.
3. Unity As The Goal Of Love
When would the unity around God come? What would be the ultimate center of this unity that is the ideal monument to God's Creation? God's creative powers? No. The existing church had God's power of establishing an eternal paradise on earth and dreamed of the Second Coming. But, sorry. If power could do it, the Fall wouldn't have happened. That's just illogical dreaming which only leads to ruination. Power is not it; God's omniscience or omnipotence are not it. You just misunderstand the whole thing. It's not your knowledge. It's not Heaven's unlimited treasure. It's love. It's love that's at the center of all things.
What is unity with love at its center? It's love that belongs to God. A wife may show off a big diamond ring, but whose love does it symbolize? It's her husband's. That's it, her husband's. Her ring is not hers, but the symbol of her husband's love. The ring will fade if it does not mean love. Isn't that so? Love is its substance. Is there any happiness in her gold or gems if her husband's love is lost?
So where should the foundation of unity for God be? It's the object of love that would please God's expectations, that would satisfy all of God's mind and body, that would move God to say, "That's it!" in great exultation. That's love. Adam and Eve alienated this. If they had truly loved each other, the love would have made Adam Eve's and Eve Adam's, and both God's, and therefore all creation would have belonged to all three. When love connected them, all things on earth would have been theirs as they were God's. Do you understand what that means?
That's why love unifies all things. Love unifies God's mind and body, and will unify even the once alienated Adam and Eve, and all creatures on earth. The Fall would not have occurred if love had been the connection between God and all His creations. If so, all would have belonged to God. Adam would be God's, Eve would be Adam's, Adam Eve's, the woman the man's, the man the woman's, parents their children's, children their parents'. Everyone would belong to everyone else as the firm foundation of things. You must understand this.
That's what makes love such a great thing. Love bridges social standings, obliterates time and space, establishes collective belonging of all to all, and places everyone within the sphere of collective power. It's a surprisingly great fact.
Do you think God created all things that would give Him grief? Or, all things to give Him joy? He created all things for a positive reason, as positivity creates joy. Then joy flows out as the object of love. Love for God is the foundation of unity. This love is the source of power that unites all nations, to lead all nations for all eternity.
Love begets greater love, just as parents love children. Love becomes one. No one can divide one's unity with God in love. Is there any love grander than this?
Perfect unity is possible only in perfect love for God.
Where would unity take place? Thinking about it alone doesn't do it. Only love can make it happen. It will happen when your love unites your whole mind and body. That's how it's done. Because of that, unity is possible only through love.
Oneness will occur only this way. Not only the perfect unity, the final unity, but the horizontal unity begins with love. If it is centered around God, the nature of goodness is in love. Unity is automatic through love. Even Satan will obey love that's higher than himself. God created heaven and earth to give us the greatest good and love.
1) Love as the Absolute Secret of Unity
The foundations of the mind are love. So, if we could connect this explosive power with God, it would multiply a hundred, thousand-fold. We can achieve our long-held wishes and possess eternal life and heaven on earth. The secret is love. Love is the elevator to unity and its absolute secret solution.
Mothers and fathers cannot achieve unity without children. Why do we prefer love? We can't help it. The mutual love of parents together is much stronger than their love individually. It's the rope of love that binds mothers and fathers into one. A chain made of iron eventually rusts, but the one made of love lasts forever. Neither banquets nor money can bind parents and children. Only love can bind them.
Only love binds brothers. Only love binds brothers, families, clans, tribes, peoples, and eventually the world. Love binds humanity with God as one.
The reason we prefer love is because it is the foundation that unifies all things. You don't understand completely why love is such a wonderful thing. That's why Teacher brings out the issue of love now.
Without love, oneness is not possible. Words cannot bind two people. What is needed to make two people one? If material substance could do it, what if the material substances left them? If a third agent could do it, what if the third agent disappeared? What is needed to bind two people forever? It's love, without which nothing is possible.
How does love work? How does it work? Does it make things farther apart or closer together? [Closer together.] Why is love good? You must understand this. Love brings far apart things closer. Can political power, military power, or cultural power unite Westerners and Easterners? [No.] Neither cultural power, economic power, nor any other kind of power would do it. So, what would accomplish this?"
Love can make two sworn enemies one entity and reconcile two extreme opposites. What are men and women? [Extreme opposites.] Do women prefer women? What if they meet and one says to the other, "I really like you, I really like you." [Laughter] Why are you laughing? Would the woman feel good about this affection?
If love is true, you can get into God's bosom, pull him by the nose or anything else, to anywhere in the world, even heaven and hell without boundaries. You can go anywhere, anywhere.
Isn't the world like that! Does it take a Ph.D. to be America's First Lady? Even a peanut farmer can leap into greatness if he is loved enough. Can there be a one-eyed first lady? What do you think? Realistically, can there be? Even with a gimpy leg, if the president loves her enough, couldn't she be? [Yes, she could be.] Really? [Yes.] I can't believe that. [Laughter.]
How is it possible? Love unites and transcends all things, there being nothing irreconcilable through love. No matter what kind of sin you might have committed, God's love can . . . . Don't you believe that? Is that true? This is always possible. If Rev. Moon didn't know this, he would have faded a long time ago.
2) Mutual Love as the Solution for Unity
We call ourselves the Unification Church. "Unification Church" is a beautiful phrase. What do we need in order to unify the Unification Church? Some would say, "You need unified principles." But unified principles would be useless without feelings of emotion. This is the issue. Religious people can try to unite with one another on united principles, but they need feelings of love. There must be the love that emotionally demands to see each other, that demands that one cannot live without the other. You cannot tear into each other in wrath, arguing who is better, and expect to become one with one another. Can you argue who is better and still unite? Can the mother and father argue who is better than the other and still unite? They can't.
What is then the solution for unity? It's mutual love. Love can come from pity, from preference. Few couples love each other from the start. Love grows with time. A woman meets a man who is absolutely stubborn, and thinks the man is totally unlovable. Then the woman takes pity on him for the many obstacles that he must confront because of the stubbornness. So, when pity turns to love, the man seeks solace in the woman. That's how it works. The woman might even find the man's stubbornness useful because she is not stubborn enough herself, and this way, turns his stubbornness to a mutual advantage. So, love can bloom in affection as well as in pity, and eventually lead to unity.
If one feels strongly enough for the other person in pity it can naturally find a way to unity. How about when a parent spanks a child in anger? Wouldn't the parent regret it immediately? The effect would exactly be opposite if the parent shed tears and showed love for the child. Don't you think? So, if the parent does not give into her anger, she can always triumph over and control her children. Spanking is not as effective. An older brother who hates his brother can be brought to his knees this way. Isn't that possible? [Yes, it is.] So, what do we say we need for unity? We must have feelings. There is no happiness where there is no unity. When we say, "unity comes, or unity is possible," we mean unity with love as its substance.
The Unification Church desires to unite Christianity. Could we ever unify all the denominations and sects of the Christian world if we just limit ourselves to the Unificationist brothers and sisters? We must love all the denominations and sects. Once in this frame of mind, we can forgive all their human faults. Do you think it possible for God, who has already forgiven us our sins, to forgive us if He still thought that we are sinners? He forgives us because He looks at us with this forgiving mind. You must understand that forgiveness leads to unity.
Do you understand that nothing is possible without this feeling of love? The world is merely a desert without friendship, without love for the country, without love between parents and children, without love among siblings. Is unity possible in this environment? Is there any happiness without love?"
How do we bring about our Unificationist ideals? Through love -- pupils shedding tears of love for teachers, teachers for pupils, children for parents, sisters for sisters, brothers for brothers, siblings for siblings, tribes for tribes.
You would never be able to forgive yourself if you had to die tomorrow without accomplishing this act of love. This is the demand of unity. This is the path Teacher has chosen, not just mine, but God's. You must underhand this.
Why do we seek unity through love's foundation? Because without love everything is temporary, and love makes it eternal. Does the wife's love end when her husband dies? No, her love for her husband bums even more strongly after her husband's death.
Where does unity materialize? You might think, "Well, unity will come wherever it may," but that's wrong. What is needed as its foundation before it comes? We must have love connections, yes, love connections. There will be no unity without love connections. The connections are mutually honored and obeyed. Don't you think so? In such connections, one recognizes the other, which is returned in mutual recognition.
What is the foundation of this mutual recognition? There must be a mutually-recognized goal. Their mutually-recognized goal makes their unity possible. Unity cannot allow two different goals. The goal must be one and will become one if love is mutually given.
3) All is United Upon Contact with True Love
What is true love? Upon contact with true love, our mind-cells and body-cells respond in unison. Unison! It is through unison that differences are ironed out to produce harmony in all parts and move together in the same direction. In true love, if the mind calls on the body, the body responds in unison. If all cells are united in true love, vision becomes one, thought becomes one, movement becomes one, smell spreads in one direction, words are spoken in praise of this unison. Men and women become united horizontally and stand on the vertical line as God intended. Through this center point, which unites the man-woman horizontal line and God's vertical line, all things operate -- outside of it nothing works properly. This is the eternal equation. This principle operates in all movements, in all beings, all cell structures, in united ideals and paths. Viewed with love, there is nothing that is not directly connected to each of us personally.
The anatomy of mankind includes the five senses; but why do we value the senses and what is their basic function? They exist to follow love, and only love. When following love, everything, the eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue become one with feeling. The whole becomes one. The eyes dart here and there in pursuit of love. The nose follows love also. All my soul and flesh, all my living organs follow this principle. All plants seem to react in their various ways when the morning sun shines, on them, but they all follow the principle because such is the essence of life.
We speak of God's love freely as if we understand it: do we really? Do you know how strong His love is? You've seen gristle on chicken legs that stretches when you pull on it. What is love, then? Love is like that gristle that is strong when pulled. When love pulls on it, when God's love pulls on it, the whole world follows. Do you understand what I am saying?
When possessed by love, the eyes become one, the nose becomes one, hands become one, the focus becomes sharpened, all unite into one. Perfectly one. So, we say, "perfectly done!" and all the cells echo "perfectly done!" This is possible, don't you know? All things hang onto love and move wherever love dictates, go with whatever loves does. . .
Once in love, the cells dance, the whole universe dances in celebration of love. When we rejoice, the whole universe rejoices with us. When we laugh in God's abundant love, the universe laughs in unison. It's like the echoes of the mountains. When we shout "yoo-hoo!" it echoes back "yoo-hoo!" Do you understand what I am saying? It opens your eyes as never before. It's like that. It's indescribable. We are qualified to receive that kind of love. When a man and a woman are in love, their breath can move the universe. Just like the ocean waves moved by the moon's pull, your love's "yoo-hoo" will be replied to by many "yoo-hoos" from all over. Don't you want to discover this?
Section 6. Other-Centered Philosophy And Unification
1. The Origin Of Human Happiness
1) Love, Ideals and Happiness Cannot be Realized By Oneself Alone
Since ancient times, humankind has been longing for eternal, truthful, and unchanging love, ideals, happiness and peace. But today we are living in a world of distrust and a time of confusion. In this world it is impossible to find the conditions in which the ideals mentioned above can be realized. We might say that people have been doing their best, but have come to an impasse.
If people are unable to realize these ideals, then we have to seek beyond our human limitations to find an eternal, unchanging and truthful Absolute Being and rely upon Him. If this Being is longing for true love, true ideals, true peace and true happiness, then it will be possible to realize these ideals through Him.
In this case, if there were such a Being, we would call Him "God." This God would be the King of love, the King of ideals, the King of peace and happiness. if, through God, we want to set up the ideal conditions pursued by human beings, we have to listen to God's suggestions. This is a logical conclusion.
The words "love, ideals, happiness and peace" cannot stand alone. They can be spoken only in the context of a reciprocal relationship. Not even the Absolute God can realize these things by Himself alone.
God needs an object as His reciprocal partner. If you ask, "What in God's creation is His reciprocal partner?" the obvious answer is, it is humankind. We have forgotten the fact that humankind is the object of God, and could fulfill God's love, ideals, happiness and peace.
What use is God's love to Himself alone? What use are His ideals? It's a natural conclusion that, without humankind as His reciprocal partner, God cannot realize His love and ideals.
2) The Origin of Love, Ideals, Happiness and Peace
The next question is, where did God, the King of wisdom and the Center of everything, place the origin of true love, ideals, happiness and peace? In the subject or the object?
There are two positions, subject and object. There are two kinds of relationship, subject for object, and object for subject. As the Creator, where would God place the elements of the ideal?
God had to think hard about where to place the origin of true love, ideals and peace. Should He place it in the position where the object serves the subject, or where the subject serves the object? If He placed only one side in a position to live for the other, then humans would do the same and the road to unity would be blocked. You must know this.
Then what was the way to unity and the origin of peace? God had to set up a principle whereby both God Himself and true human beings live for others. Therefore true love, true ideals, true peace and true happiness cannot be found except in the position of living for others, Human beings have not understood this basic principle of creation.
What kind of people are true parents? They were born for their children, they live for their children and they die for their children. In this way true ideal parents come about, and true parental love is actualized. Parents, to their children, become the center of peace and the standard of happiness.
On the other hand, where is the standard of true filial piety? It is exactly the other way around. Children become true children when they are born for their parents, live for their parents and die for their parents. In this way, to their parents, they become ideal children, children of true love, and objects of happiness and peace.
Here we can suggest one common formula: only through living for others can the conditions be set to bring about true love, ideals, happiness and peace.
3) The Principle of Creation and the Origin of Human Happiness
What is God's principle of creation? The creation is God's investment of Himself. Since He invested Himself completely, the complete result can be guaranteed. You must know this is the principle of creation. Therefore we have to invest ourselves completely and give sincerely. By giving sincerely you find your future object, build a foundation for your self and create the environment in which you prove yourself All this is impossible by merely receiving. This is the principle of creation.
Living for others is the principle of creation and the origin of human happiness. For example you might ask someone, "Why was I born?" There are many distinguished guests here today who might say, "I was born to be the best person I can be, for myself." But originally, a man is born not for himself, but for a woman. No one can deny that man was born for woman.
Man and woman are in a reciprocal position. Men have wide shoulders while women have wide hips. When you get on a bus in New York you can see that men and women sitting side by side fit very well since men are wide on top and women are wide on the bottom. This, in short, explains that men and women were born for a reciprocal relationship.
Man was born not for man but for woman. Woman was born not for woman but for man. If we don't understand this clearly, problems can occur. This is God's principle of creation, so unless you follow this principle you can never enjoy true happiness or peace.
Man was born for woman, not for man. Woman was born for man, not for woman. That is it. You were not born for yourself, you were born for others. You have to break your concept of self. If you break this, the unified world can come about.
The person who seeks value not in the self but through others, through reciprocal relationship, is not an unhappy person. Because he has a heartistic relationship with an object, he is never lonely and he is happy. True parents exist for their children, true children exist for their parents, true people exist for the nation, and a true nation exists for its people. This is where true happiness exists.
When you apply this principle, who was the best American patriot? You may answer Abraham Lincoln. He was born as a common person and came to represent democracy. He lived for America and died for America, so he is in line with this principle. That's why Americans consider him the very symbol of a true patriot.
When you ask who in human history was a real saint of saints, by applying this principle you will find immediately that it was Jesus Christ. He came for humankind, he lived for humankind, he died for humankind, and he even prayed for forgiveness for his enemies, who hung him on the cross. It is a natural conclusion that Jesus was higher than any other saint. He must have been the loving son of God.
Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven will be established according to this formula.
2. The Reason God Created The Principle Of Living For Others
Why did God make this principle of living for others? I'll explain through several illustrations. First of all, let me ask you a question. If someone truly loves you and sacrifices for you 100 percent, then how much would you want to return that love? 100 percent or 50 percent, keeping 50 percent in your pocket? Or would you want to give everything you have? Which one is in accordance with your original conscience? The answer is, you would want to return more than you receive.
Here is Mr. Pak translating for me. If I give him 100 percent with true love, and he knows this, then he will return more than 100 percent. So 100 percent is returned as 110 percent. After you receive 110 percent, you would give again 120 percent. In this way the concept of eternity comes about. This is the beginning of eternity. That's why God set up this principle. In this way development and prosperity are possible.
Second, if there are five people in your family and one of them lives for the family, eventually he will become the center of the family. In other words, a voluntary realm of dominion would be formed. People today don't understand how happy it would be to be dominated by a subject who lives absolutely for the object.
You may never have imagined how glorious it would be to be under the direct dominion of God in the spiritual world. This is the true subject-object relationship.
What is the third point? We know that love and ideals are even more precious than life itself. We tend to think these come from ourselves, but this is a big misunderstanding. Where do love and ideals come from? They come from your object. Because they come from your object, the principle of living for others is necessary. God, the King of Wisdom, knows all of this, so He made this principle. Now I think you understand.
The concept of eternity is impossible to grasp when you stand in the position of living for yourself. When you consider motion, the bigger the turning force, the faster the turning speed. Now we know that God, the King of Wisdom, made this principle of living for others for the sake of eternity. The concept of eternity and of eternal development and prosperity begin right here.
From the present position we develop and move forward. We feel happy only when we have a sense of impetus from our present position. That's why God established the principle of living for others. For example, if in a family of ten people it is the last brother who lives for and serves the family, even though he is the youngest, the parents and the whole family will gather around him. As time goes by, the one who lives for others automatically will become the central figure of the family.
God created the cosmos, and He Himself exists for others. The person who resembles God, no matter how small he is, even if he's the last brother, will become the center of the family if he lives for others. We haven't realized this until now.
When you live for others, you don't diminish yourself. The more you serve, the more you will be placed in the position of a central figure. God is exactly like that. God will place the person who resembles Him in the position to be a central figure. Only from this position can perfect, ideal unity be realized.
Today the majority of people would rather die than be dominated by others. Especially learned and distinguished people have this attitude. But I want to tell you how happy it is to be dominated by someone who lives for others. In the spiritual world God is the great Master of the Cosmos. There you will find great happiness in being dominated by Him, because He is the central figure of all those who live for others. Even if you are controlled and dominated by God for tens of thousands of years, you will be happy and grateful. The world of ideal unity could be established right there. So naturally God set up the principle of living for others.
Love does not originate from myself. Without an object, we can never find the love and ideals that are more precious than life. We haven't realized this point until now. Only through a reciprocal partner can you receive precious love and realize your ideal. That's why God had to set up the principle of living for others. We must remember this one thing.
3. The Origin Of Ideal Man
Where can unity begin? Unity doesn't occur in a self-serving position, but rather in a position where the self is serving the whole. This is the way of unity.
In a company, what kind of person will take over the owner's position in the future? The person who works harder than others. He comes ten minutes earlier than others, and works hard to support the company, and leaves even one minute later than others in order to work more. A person with that kind of spirit will become the central figure of the company. It's that simple. If you live by this standard you will become the center.
Centering on this principle, you must be a public servant on the stage of life. You have to be a public servant. You shouldn't be self-serving. You must be a person who stands in a public position. If the Unification Church goes like this, no one can stop its development. No one. Even if a nation opposed the Unification Church, that would not stop its development and growth.
Goodness advances whenever it collides with evil. Wherever it goes, it wins. It sounds difficult, but as long as this principle is not wrong, victory is certain. The person who lives according to this principle and sacrifices himself for it, will certainly win. The person who does not take his profit for himself but uses it for the bigger purpose of the nation will not perish, even if his nation perishes. If there were an organization that followed this principle, even if the nation and the world perished, it would not perish. Now you know that Unification Thought, which includes this concept, will not perish.
What is the way of unity? It is to serve others. What about the unification of South and North Korea? Shall we unite according to what Kim Il Sung wants? No. People will willingly receive anything that comes with love. So if you take the position from which you can give forever, then the unification of South and North will take place. That means, if you have a foundation upon which you can give forever, from a higher position than the people of North Korea, then their propaganda will not work. If South Korea stood in a higher position than North Korea in terms of its economy, living standards and knowledge, and could give to the North forever, perfect unity would come about even if you didn't want it to.
Unification cannot be initiated from a debtor's position. Do you follow? There will be no unification from the debtor's position. The Kingdom of Heaven will not come from the debtor's position. A debtor will never prosper. Until you are able to pay back the interest you owe several times over, there will be no prosperity. The Heavenly Kingdom is the richest of the rich countries. So the Heavenly Kingdom cannot be brought about from a debtor's position. You have to know this.
What are good and evil? Private things are on the side of evil, public things are on the side of goodness. It's that simple. You must know this clearly. What areas are the concern of religion? Religion is concerned with public things. Public life concerns itself with not only the physical world but the spiritual world as well, and is even related to the multi-dimensional world of the Absolute Subject, God.
If you use the nation for your own private purpose, or if you take national property for your personal use or for your family, then the nation will collapse. Don't you think so? Yes, the nation will perish. National civil servants are public servants. If they take public things for their own personal use, the nation will collapse. Even if the nation doesn't collapse immediately, sooner or later it will, or God will make it collapse.
Which is more public, the mind or the body? The mind. That's why you have to subjugate your body centered on your mind. Don't stand in the position of a debtor in your life. Instead, take the position of a giver. Don't be a one-dimensional giver, but give with God's love. If you become that kind of person you will never perish. If the debtor doesn't return anything to you, your descendants will be blessed by God.
4. Establishing Right Values
1) True Love is Giving Without Remembering
Love doesn't stand alone. Where does love come from? It doesn't come from me, but from my reciprocal partner. Because love is from my partner, I have to bow my head and humbly receive love from my partner. The heavenly principle of living for others is based on this point of view. In order to receive the most precious thing that is coming to me, I have to serve it. You will have love when you have lived the philosophy of existing for others.
Human society became rotten after the Fall. All philosophies are based on self-centered private desires. We have to sweep away all of these ideas. Can we get rid of them with weapons? Economic power? Knowledge? No, these are impossible. This can be done only by true love. That love is from God. If you have a relationship with God's love, then you will have the privilege of dominion, independence and inheritance. In the world of energy the output is always less than the input. But in the world of love the output is always more than the input. So the more love you give, the more power you have.
What is true love? True love is love of giving. True love is giving and forgetting, no matter how much you give. No matter how much you give you never get tired. Ninety-year-old parents still say every morning to their 70-year-old son, "Be careful on the street!" They repeat those words for decades without getting tired. Even in this fallen world, parents' hearts are like this. Then do you think Heavenly Father could grow tired of giving love?
When we establish the realm of God's true object in our lives, and when we know that the glory of love is eternal, then we can finally define the eternal ethics centering on human love. Where is the person who understands this?
Not long ago, when I was lying in prison in America, God came and visited me and said, "I can't trust anyone but you to solve the situation in Nicaragua." How on earth could it be that God could visit me and say this? In America, the representative of the developed nations, among 240 million people and countless religious leaders, God had no one to visit but me. You can imagine what a poor God He is! But at least He knows how to find love; that is fortunate. If I hadn't worked for the world, South America would already have fallen prey to Communism.
What is love? It is giving and forgetting and still wanting to give again. False love gives and asks for more in return. It's business-like love. It says, "You have to give more to me than I give to you." This is satanic love.
True love is giving and forgetting and still wanting to give. False love is giving, then demanding what was given plus interest. Jesus Christ came to earth and said, "Love your enemy." That means he forgot what he gave. He even forgot his enemies. He only remembered to give love. Forgetting his enemies and only wanting to love is the image of the ideal human, which the whole cosmos is longing for. Jesus Christ came with this heart, that's why he was the son of God.
What kind of person is God? He resembles His son. Who is His son?
If you say Jesus is His son, then God resembles Jesus. How is this? Just as Jesus forgot his enemies and loved them, so God forgets His enemies and loves and loves again. That is God. When people are about to die they call out, "God! Please save me!"
Do humans have a Master to whom they can call out, "Master, we need you! There's nobody else like you in this cosmos!" If a woman had a husband who loved and served her and forgot about it, who lived for his wife and forgot about it and still wanted to serve her more, she would be a happy wife. If a man had a wife who loved and served him and forgot about it, and still wanted to love and serve him more, he would be a happy husband. This is the principle of being a true wife or a true husband.
What does the Unification Church want to do? To fulfill the true human desire, initiate a movement to please God, and lead this movement to world unity, which is God's desire. The Unification Church is to do this.
2) The Structure of the Heavenly Kingdom and Religious Teachings
You may not know much about the spiritual world, but I have had many opportunities to experience it.
It's simple to answer the question, what is the nature of the original world where God lives, which is called in different religions "heaven, paradise," or "nirvana"?
That's the place where those people go who lived for God, were born for others, lived and died for others. This is the original ideal structure. God has raised people up to go there through many religions in history.
That's why religions teach us to be humble and meek, and to sacrifice. These are the principles of the spiritual world. God trained religious people during their earthly life to suit the spiritual world. So the more advanced religions emphasize a higher level of sacrifice and service, to raise people in line with the spiritual world through their daily lives.
From this fact we can recognize that God has been working His providence throughout human history.
No matter how thick the Bible is, its teaching can be stated in these few words: live for others. Jesus said, "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." We have come to know that Jesus said these paradoxical words to tell us that living for others is in accordance with the principle of the original world.
If you ask what a heavenly family is like, I can tell you it is the family where the wife and the husband each stand in the position to live 100 percent for each other and to die for each other.
A Korean maxim goes like this: "Family harmony makes everything possible." It is the same for a nation. If the leader of a nation knew that his value lay in serving the people, not just in wielding power, and the people knew that their value lay in serving the nation, not just living for themselves, this nation would be the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
When we expand this principle beyond the tribe and the nation to create a world where everyone lives for others, this would be the Utopia of Love, the world of ideals, peace and happiness. When you hold high the banner of living for others, there is no place you cannot go.
3) Establishing Right Values
People ask, "What is the meaning of life?" It's a problem to find a philosophy of life, a view of the nation, world and cosmos and, going one step further, a view of God. How can you find these? It is the most serious problem to put all these things in the proper sequence and order and to understand their relationships in a multi-dimensional way.
From the viewpoint of the principle of living for others, the most precious view of life is that I exist for all humankind, for the world, for the nation, for society, for my family, for my wife and children. If you found happiness in this position, you would know that this is the best view of life.
It's the same for a nation. What is the ideal nation? If a nation seeks only its own self-interest, it will be accused as a bad nation. We know this very well through history.
Today there is no single nation that carries out its policies for the sake of the world. As you know well, today's Communist world is divided. The reason for the division of the Communists in 1957 was that the Soviet Union, centered on the Slavic people, dreamed of conquering the whole world.
This division occurred because Communism became nationalistic. The United States today is declining from its position as leader of the democratic world. Why? Although it should be the democratic country that leads the whole world, it is forsaking the world and pursuing its own interests. Now the United States cannot stop its own decline.
Today in Korea we are discussing our national philosophy. But if that philosophy centers only on Korea, it will pass away with history. That's what happened with Soviet Communism, and what is happening now with the United States. If Korea, even though it's a small country with a small population, establishes a national philosophy for the world, then eventually Korea will lead the world. From this point of view I can draw this official conclusion.
The true nation is the nation that serves the world. At the same time, the true world exists not only for itself. Because the world itself is a result, it needs a philosophy in alignment with its origin, the Absolute God.
I tell you that there is no way to lead this world and solve its problems with a self-serving ideology.
4) How Can We Realize the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth?
God thinks of all humankind as His children, so His purpose is to save all humankind. Taking that one step further, it is to save the whole cosmos. Therefore religions which wear the clothes of one national realm cannot stand before God's will for the whole.
Since God's purpose is to save the whole world, He is considering on which dimension it is possible to do that. The principle is simple: the family lives for the clan, the clan for the tribe, the tribe for the nation, the nation for the world, and the world for God. In this world, unless you exist for God, you will not be given a position as a child of God, the omniscient, omnipotent Creator of the whole cosmos.
Everything exists for the world and the world exists for God. From this position, God exists for the world, the world for the nation, the nation for the tribe, the tribe for the clan, and the clan for the family. Furthermore, what belongs to me belongs to my wife, what belongs to the couple belongs to the family, what belongs to the family belongs to the clan, what belongs to the clan belongs to the tribe, what belongs to the tribe belongs to the nation, what belongs to the nation belongs to the world. The world of this concept belongs to God.
Then who does God belong to? He belongs to me. When you reach this position you will have reached the highest glory. Isn't that so? Everyone has the desire to be the best in the world.
By becoming a person of such value I stand in the glorious position where the belongings of God, the Center of the Cosmos, are my belongings. In conclusion, only by living for others does paradise become possible on the levels of the family, the nation and the world. In this way, we are connected to the world in which God and humankind can dance and sing together in an ideal garden.
This is the heavenly world that religions pursue. We can conclude that this world would be called the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
How can the ideal Kingdom of Heaven on Earth be realized? It is possible only when man lives for woman, parents live for children, the family lives for the clan, the clan for the nation, the nation for the world, and the world for God.
If this occurred, your belongings would be mine, mine would be the family's, the family's belongings would be the clan's, the clan's would be the tribe's, the tribe's would be the nation's, the nation's would be the world's and the world's would be God's. This kind of movement must occur. Someone must initiate this movement on earth. Unless someone with love and will, or some denomination, initiates this, the world will not find the way to return to heaven. So this must be done.